My Brother's Best Friend - Morning Has Broken

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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#6 of Brothers Best Friend

Jeff's morning is a bore until a surprise turn gets the best of him.

Hehhey, and welcome onboard! Now that Hockey Hunk is on a brief mid-season break, I'll be doing the odd update to this story, which is strongly brewing in my mind and looking up to be quite interesting with proper handling. Hopefully you will have a fun time reading, I sure have fun when writing it!

If you have any comments, don't be shy! All feedback is appreciated.

Also remember that votes, faves and watches will help others to find these stories to enjoy as well.

Have a fun read!


Jeff's eyes fluttered open at a leisurely late hour, or at least it felt like that, when he saw sunlight enter his room through the flimsy curtains. He was lying on his side, in his warm bed, glad in nice, soft pajamas he liked because they were very comfortable, and even better, the bottoms were loose enough to cover up any kinds of minor chubbiness, too, which might come useful in a pinch. The oversized garment gave an extra layer of warmth over his own soft, smooth furs, and made it feel like he was warm all over, except maybe for his muzzle that rested against a pillow, and he found out that he had drooled again, just a bit.

Jeff snorted at the cool, wet sensation against his cheek and rolled over to his back, letting his eyes fall closed again. He yawned and snorted and simply relaxed again, not intending to get up until it would be absolutely necessary. It was Saturday, after all, and there was precious little to do except hang around at home, maybe watch some television or play some shooters on the computer, anything except homework, of course, or chores. Jeff dreaded the possibility of mom getting the idea of doing a full floor-to-ceiling cleaning "now that we're all at home!!!" , but that had only happened a month ago, so it was not such a great probability that she'd have the same horrible urge today.

Nah, it was probably just a great opportunity to relax and do nothing important, stay in bed as long as possible, have some breakfast and then maybe a shower and a quick jerking off session while at it as well, if he was in the mood, and Jeff usually was in the mood. He wasn't hard now, though, only the leathery tip of his cock rested quite innocently at the mouth of his sheath and nothing more, and his balls felt normal, not pent up or blue. Jeff chuffed at the thought of wondering at the lack of an erection, and gave his belly a slow, unhurried scratch, slipping his hand under the hem of his pajamas to get to his treasure trail. It really did feel great, and he nickered, softly, and let his ears flick against the pillow, simply relaxing for now with no worry in his small teenaged world. Nothing short of a need to go to take a piss would stop him from resting down for at least another half an hour, and he did not feel such an urgent need.


Moms were an unpredictable element in the plan, though. Nobody else knocked like that.

"Jeff! Jeff!"


Jeff chuffed and didn't move a muscle.

"Yeah, mom?"

This couldn't be good.

"We're leaving to your aunt Norah's place, me and your father, do you want to come along?"

Jeff snuffled. Aunt Norah wasn't the worst kind of a female relative he could imagine, she was his dad's sister and about fifteen years younger than dad, so she was really much less gray and boring than aunt Elizabeth or aunt Margaret, mum's sisters, but still, Jeff knew that even here there things too horrible to behold were involved.

"What do you want me there for?" Jeff called out, not about to spend his valuable free time at his aunt's place, which he knew to be filled with an awfully many pink items, now that the new baby was almost there.

"You haven't been to aunt Norah's in months, Jeff, she's wondering how you're doing!" the mother pony's voice still called out braying through the door, and Jeff wondered why she wouldn't just step into the man-cave that was his room.

Maybe that was why.

"Mom, I've got homework to do!" Jeff knew that it was a desperate bluff, but you never knew with mothers.

"But Jeff, your cousins would love to see you as well!"

Jeff snorted to himself. He also didn't want to end up babysitting aunt Norah's kids, who were...what, ten, seven years old? He couldn't remember, and he didn't care, because there was no way he'd let ANYONE play "pin the tail on the donkey" on his own rump, like the two monsters had suggested the last time Jeff had been bribed to visit.

"Mom, they're kids!"

"You're their older cousin, they look up to you!"

Jeff didn't really didn't feel like being the role model tonight. He knew how misleading role models could be...citing a certain bodybuilding pony called Brand as a prime example.

"Mom, I might go to see Marcus or something!" he tried to fall back to naming some furs from his class, in case that might sway his mother's opinion, remembering that of course friends were so very important to a growing teenager boy like Jeff, all too keen on forming these nice little friendships.

"You planning to go to see Marcus? But I don't like you leaving home when we're not here, in case you need a ride or something!"

Jeff snorted and shook his head and got an ear mashed against the pillow and folded off the wrong way, briefly, before it bounced back up.

"Adam's here!" Jeff knew that this might not go anywhere, this weird shouting match through the door.

"Your brother said that he's going out with Brand today!"

Jeff's belly made an odd upside down turn at the mention of the older pony, his brother's best friend and the only fur in the world who knew Jeff's secret, that he was an ass-enthusiastic pony and not just a sexually repressed 16-year-old heterosexual kid who couldn't get laid.

"I don't need a babysitter, mom!" Jeff was sure that he didn't need to have someone to watch over him, let alone have someone hold a 24/7 vigil at home in case poor baby Jeff would need to be rescued from some meanies by his parents.

"But Jeff, you're just sixteen!"

"I'm ALREADY sixteen!" Jeff replied, loudly, thinking that there was great difference between just and already, quite clearly so, although the distinction was not something recognized by moms, it seemed.

"But Jeff...!"

"I won't go anywhere dangerous, okay? If I even go anywhere, I'll just go over to Marcus' place, it's not far! I won't go anywhere else!"

Except the hypermarket, or the game store, or McDonald's, or Starbucks, or...

Mother pony seemed to consider the promise for a while before she gave her verdict.

"Well...alright, but you have to promise that you will call your brother if you need any help, okay?"

"Sure, mom!" Jeff yelped out.

"I'll tell dad to leave you ten bucks under the Reader's Digest in case you want to go out to have a Happy Meal with Marcus or something!" mother pony continued.

"Thanks mom!"

"Have a wonderful day, Jeff!"

"Thanks mom!"

The sound of hoof steps was becoming more distant again, and Jeff could finally sigh out his relief. He'd just about managed to dodge a very boring and potentially nervewrecking visit to aunt Norah, and as it seemed, he was going to be home alone all day, which wasn't something he was opposed against, and he had even made ten bucks by the simple virtue of being a lazy ass pony who couldn't be bothered to do anything.

Remarkably, after some time in the bed, even laziness started to become boring, and Jeff found himself tossing over from one side to another, while he listened to the front door slamming and the car starting as a sign that his parents had left to meet aunt Norah. He tried rolling over to his belly and humping the bed, because that was usually something that could cheer up a teen pony with nothing else to do. The rubbing of his cocktip and sheath and balls against the mattress did feel great, and he might've carried it on as well, but for some reason it also made him feel like he had to take a piss, so he stopped his little humpty dumpty game, chuffed, and rolled over to his back again.

"Shit," Jeff declared, simply because he could curse randomly without anyone scolding him for it.

The pony scratched his belly, yawned, and smacked his lips try to get that weird morning taste off his muzzle. Laziness was starting to feel like not such a good idea, and after a few more scratches, his belly gave a loud grumble, too, to tell Jeff that he could really use something to eat, too. Jeff yawned and grudgingly forced himself out of the bed, and gave himself a good morning stretch before a quick detour to empty his bladder in the bathroom before he made his way down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"Hi kiddo," Adam was sitting on his usual stool by the kitchen island, drinking coffee and eating what Jeff smelled to be some toast with butter on it.

"Hi, Adam," Jeff nickered in greeting.

The pony grabbed an apple from the bowl on the kitchen island and had it held between his big teeth as he went over to the fridge to get out some juice and whatever nice he could find in there. He remembered to bite down just enough that a little bit of apple juices trickled over his tongue, to get that weird morning taste off him.

"Couldn't get you come then?" Adam noted.

Jeff pulled out a carton of orange juice from the fridge and closed it down before he clip-clopped over to the kitchen cabinet to get a glass.

"Hmmhmh!" Jeff mumbled around the apple acting as a gag in his maw.

"Figured as much," Adam sipped his coffee and harrumphed out of the pleasure of being able to make such low, deep sounds in general.

Jeff bit down on his apple and smashed it completely and messily over his tongue. He slurped down on the new fruit mush in his maw and made it into a fruit cocktail by taking a long ship from his glass as he walked over to the kitchen island and put his rump down on the stool. Adam gave him a look and a snort.

"Look at yourself, you're one messy kid!"

Jeff snorted in reply and rubbed his sleeve over his chin and saw a few wet splotches form over the soft cloth of his pajamas, but he simply shrugged and put his glass down, next to the TV remote. Teletubbies were running on the small screen but the sound was not on, much to Jeff's relief. He swallowed the fruity mess in his muzzle and decided to have a banana next, from the bowl of fruit. Adam was just munching on the last piece of his toast.

"Wassup, kiddo?" the big brother spoke, causing his brother's ears and tail to flick.

Jeff looked at his brother curiously. He wasn't usually like this...he didn't usually ask him what he was doing...or what he was thinking...or...anything really. They only talked stuff, like who was better in some game, or something like that. They didn't talk much about what was up, unless it was something cool that Adam was doing with Brand that Jeff wasn't allowed to join. Was Adam thinking he was up to something? Could Adam KNOW that he'd been up to something? The thought was a scary one and filled Jeff's belly with nasty butterflies as he sat there, stared by his brother.

"Nothing," he said, truthful at least in that he had absolutely no intention of doing anything stupid in the near future, and Adam definitely couldn't know anything about his yesterday's adventures.

Unless Brand...

But he wouldn't, Jeff was sure that the pony would never tell his brother, because Jeff too knew something about Brand that he'd never want Adam to know, and he had the evidence to proof this. This couldn't be anything like that, this was just him being paranoid and doubting anything and everything, and it was his own fault.

Jeff tried to smile to his brother.

Adam snuffled.

"Right," he said.

"What's up with you then?" Jeff decided that a little bit of returned brotherly curiosity could certainly not do harm.

"Worked my tail off last night that's what," Adam said.

He did seem a bit tired, Jeff thought now, his eyes weren't quite as bright as usual, nor was his tail swiping from side to side quite as much as it usually did. Must've been the stress from his surprise shift at McDonald's, he thought, which sucked. Jeff was glad he didn't need to have a job of the few good things about being still considered a kid and getting a good allowance.

Thus reminded, he quickly slipped his hand over to the copy of Reader's Digest on the table and pocketed the ten-dollar bill his mum had put there, and Adam didn't really seem to notice, his eyes fixed on the television where La-La had just stolen Tinky-Winky's handbag or something similarly educational.

"Awww," Jeff hoped that it sounded sympathetic enough." Glad you don't have to work today, right?"

Adam chuffed and rubbed his chin.

"I have to work tomorrow," he grunted. "And Monday, and Wednesday."

Jeff began to peel his banana as he listened to his brother's moping.

"But it's all for the car, isn't it?" he suggested, already envisioning all the cool rides he could have to school in his big brother's car, not to mention, he had a driver's license, surely he could give it a go, too!

"Of course it's all for the care you brat," Adam harrumphed. "And gas, and insurances, and any spare parts I might need or..."

Jeff nodded and took a good bite out of his banana.

"That's cool, man," he mumbled.

Adam took a loud sip out of his coffee and then put his presumably empty mug down to the floor before he got up from his seat. Much to Jeff's surprise, he headed over to the coat rack and picked his leather jacket and slipped it on.

"Where're you going?" Jeff asked, innocently.

"Have to go to Archie's to get something," the big brother pony snuffled and he patted over his chest pockets and then his pant pockets to make sure that he had everything with him. "Won't be more than twenty minutes."

Jeff's ears flicked happily and he gave his brother a goofy smile.

"Could you bring me a Hershey bar?" he asked in his best and friendliest voice, hoping that it'd melt his brother's heart with cuteness and make him definitely want to bring him some chocolate from the convenience store.

The big brother pony flicked his ears.

"Is your ass really not big enough yet?"

Jeff pouted.

"I'll give you some money if you want," he knew that the ten-dollar bill in his pajamas pocket might be just what he needed to sway his brother's opinion in his favor.

"Whatever," Adam snuffled as he took out a pair of sunglasses from his breast pocket and put them on. "I'm off now."

"Whatever," Jeff snorted as he watched his brother disappear out into the not all too bright Saturday.

Jeff's eyes flicked over to the TV screen where the Teletubbies were doing everything they had just done all over again. The young pony shook his head and nickered in quiet despair. The day seemed to be dead, except for the possibility of a game or two on his computer, and of course there was all that home-alone time which might give him all the right ideas, with enough time and the right mood. Even if he wasn't particularly horny now, it was still bound to happen sooner or later, so why not to be a good boy and schedule things? Breakfast, shower, porn and finger games, computer games, snack, television, jerking off if in the mood, maybe a game, hopefully some dinner by then...yeah, it was looking like a good day, especially with no nagging family members around to tell him to act his age. What was wrong in acting the way he did anyway? First they were telling that he was just a kid, then he was expected to act all grown up? Where the hell did they teach parenting at?

Then again, all teachers except coach Wilkes were kinda idiots, anyway, and the coach's only redeeming quality was that he had really tight shorts, but that was probably not something Jeff was supposed to think about.

The teen pony grabbed an orange from the big communal fruit bowl on the center of the kitchen island and knead it a couple of times between his palms so that it'd be easier to peel.

"Fuck!" Jeff shouted as something sharp hit his eye and it started to burn, and his nose filled with the strong scent.

"Fuck shit!"

Jeff snorted and blinked hard, and his eye clenched tightly closed and filled with tears as he tried to get the awful sensation away.

"Fuck fuck!"

Jeff dropped the orange and scurried to his hooves to get over to the sink, one-eyed. He fumbled with the sink and then ducked his head under the cold stream to try and was the sudden acid attack off his possibly fatally injured eye. It was worse enough that his nose got filled with the stuff, it really, really hurt when he got the peel juice into his eye, it had happened enough times for him to know how bad it felt.

He snorted and gasped as the cold rush hit him, wetting his muzzle as much as his face, and so did his hand when he pushed it in place to tear his eyelids open with his fingers so that the water would get over his eye properly. It smarted, but at least the cold was numbing it, fast. Jeff blinked rapidly under the stream of water, for a few more seconds, before he turned off the water and pulled his dripping head up. Water rushes off his mane and his muzzle and made his pajamas stick over to his chest and back, and some of his hair flopped over his eyes, too. Jeff snuffled and half-blinded reached for the kitchen roll on the table.

"Shit, fuck, shit, fuck, fuck..." at least some cursing took his mind off from the fact that he was a total mess, and probably cold, soon. Jeff pulled off a big wad of the paper and began to dry himself up, snorting and huffing to himself.

He could hear the sound of the door opening behind him, and his tail and his ears flicked at the idea of Adam seeing him in such a miserable state simply because Jeff happened to be clumsy kid.

Jeff was already halfway expecting the first taunt, and he decided that by being the first to shoot, he might actually come off as the winner in this little Mexican pony standoff.

Jeff veered around, his muzzle practically covered in the sheet of white paper, when he nickered...

"Back so fast?"

Brand was standing in the doorway, watching him across the room.


Ta-dah! Seems that the gruffhangers simply won't stop happening! What's going on? Guess we'll have to wait until the next chapter to find out!

If you have any comments, don't hesitate! All feedback is more than appreciated. Also remember that votes, faves and watches will help these stories find new readers as well!

Cheers for reading!