My Brother's Best Friend - Going in Circles

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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#8 of Brothers Best Friend

Jeff still hasnt' gotten over his argument with Brand, or their secrets.

Hello, y'all, welcome onboard to the new chapter!

The plot thickens here, and I think that the story is slowly growing into its own identity, and becoming better at doing what it's meant to do. I'm quite happy how it's progressing, and I hope that you guys will also find it an interesting read!

If you have any comments, don't hesitate! All feedback is always greatly appreciated and taken into consideration. Also remember that all votes, faves and watches help others to find these stories to enjoy as well!

Have a good read y'all!


"Wassup man?"

Jeff's eyes jumped up from the unappealing-looking portion of vegetable pasta on his school dinner tray, and he found himself in direct line of sight to Marcus, the fox from his class, sitting on the other side of the long, worn table.

Marcus was a neat young male for sure, who always dressed in a nice, collared shirt and looked like he owned a comb and a toothbrush, since he had a pearly white smile and head furs girls liked to tousle and call the young fox a cutie. Jeff was sure that he would've been envious of that response if he'd ever been into girls, and might have tried to mimic the success formula himself, if it wasn't so pointless when it came to him and his rump-curious ways. That, of course, was not something he advertised around school.

Straight until proven guilty.

"Huh?" Jeff's ears flicked as he stared across the table at the tall-eared fox who had white MP3 player plugs hanging around his neck, casually, as it was just another fashion accessory.

"Thought you fell asleep or something there, Jeff."

Jeff shrugged.

"Whatever," the pony picked up his fork and stabbed a piece of carrot and brought it to his muzzle.

Marcus briefly picked on his own plateful of minced meat something, but seemed to be more interested in the pony sitting opposite to him, and kept watching him with curious eyes.

"You still down about Marco and Sean being idiots?" the fox asked.

Jeff chuffed and took a sip from his bottled water to wash down the bits of carrot sticking onto his teeth. His ears made broad flicks as he looked back to the fox.

"So they're an idiot football jock and a former football jock who just happened to come past my locker this morning and call me a fat pansy and then go on harassing others?" he shrugged.

Jeff was much too used to the casual name-calling and general idiocy exhibited by the foremost big stud duo of the school, composed of the oversized moose and his wolf buddy. He could no longer be bothered about it so much, since he saw himself as a yet another random target of their adolescent expressions of dominant masculinity.

"I'm just one stop along their trail of terror" Jeff mused idly. "Didn't they call you a flaming homo as well?"

Jeff always flinched on the inside when he had to say things like that, but it was all needed for the sake of his cover. No need to be dainty about saying something everyone else did on such casual basis with no problems. It was just a funny word, something dirty to call others with when you wanted to be mean. Nothing much.

Marcus flicked his ears rapidly and nodded.

"And suggested that I might get really nice tone to my head furs if they helped me wash it in the toilet after they took a crap in it," the fox snorted at the recollection.

Jeff made a brief face and suddenly didn't feel much like looking at the fox's plate, and fixed his gaze on Marcus' eyes instead. They were nice eyes, though...friendly. Quite friendly, even if they weren't the best of friends. They could hang around a bit, and talk a bit, and it was fine. Jeff didn't complain.

"At least they just threatened it and didn't just drag you into the toilet," Jeff noted.

Marcus' fluffy tail swished from side to side behind him in an attractively flicky manner that was also exotic for the pony who tail was of the equine type and much less substantial. It really wasn't suitable for making cute white-tipped motions like that, for example.

"Guess that's true," the fox smiled. "And I did get to say something back to them."

Jeff could see them even now, sitting over at the other side of the school cafeteria, at the cool kids' table. It was impossible to miss the antlers that seemed to hover above everyone else's heads, signaling the presence of Marco the jock, a tall, muscled boy who could rival any stallion in height and even in speed, too, judging by his performance on the football field. On his left side, like always, sat the sullen-looking wolf.

Sean used to be on the football team, too, playing as the wide receiver, until he made a back flip with his car at 90 miles per hour. He had survived, but even now, his right arm was held in a grey medical-looking sling over his chest, and Jeff had often seen Marco help out the wolf with things like opening doors for him or picking stuff from the floor, and trying to pretend that it didn't happen. Nobody really knew what was going on, let alone Jeff, but he also knew that Sean had become even meaner after the accident, and gone as far as to have referred to Adam and Brand as Starlight and Melody.

"What was it?" Jeff shook himself away from the jock thought and decided that another forkful of the suspicious veggie pasta might do the trick.

Marcus chuckled.

"I told him that if the fact that I'm using deodorant makes me a fag, then the whole school must be full of gays," the fox snickered.

Jeff made a half-hearted attempt at chuckling and chewed on his all too crunchy pasty.

"You sure you're okay?" Marcus quirked his brow, watching the pony with worry now.

Jeff snorted.

"Of course I am," the pony replied, immediately, between tight lips. "Just didn't sleep much. A bit woozy between the ears for that I guess."

Marcus chuckled and his ears flicked along to his grin.

"Don't need to tell me about not getting enough sleep."

It wasn't even a lie. He had hardly slept at all after the crash with Brand, and he had spent all nights since mostly tossing and turning in his bed, after staying up until 3 am on the computer, with the headphones on so that his parents wouldn't hear anything suspicious was going on. Usually it was games or random Internet surfing, sometimes he'd be jerking off to some porn he made sure of the be not about equines, just so that he'd remember not to think anything dirty about horses...let alone ponies.

"Yep," Jeff said.


Marcus dropped his fork down to the plastic tray with a loud chiming cling.

"I think I've had enough of this rubbish though," he snorted. "Think I'm going to start heading out for the class. Don't want Mrs. Anderson to get any excuses for giving any more extra homework. You coming?"

Jeff gave his unappealing tray a final glance before he nodded and got up.

"Sure, let's go."

The pony and the fox took their trays out to the return counter and then headed off from the school cafeteria. They passed through the initial throng of hungry furs coming in for the second seating, as they made their way along the long corridor lined with lockers. Jeff's eyes idly followed the confident sway of that white tail-tip, but he found himself not getting the usual nice feeling out of watching his friend's tail swing, not to mention the cute butt it was connected to. Guess that's just how it was now...everything sucked, even butts.

They rounded the corner and entered the corridor leading to Mrs. Anderson's class room, and then Jeff saw them.

Adam was walking down the corridor, wearing that goofy black leather jacket, and he had his sunglasses perched over his forehead, to make him look cool, Jeff was sure, but it mostly looked just stupid to him. Right off his side strutted Brand, of course, they were a double team, and whenever you saw Adam Jenner, you'd probably soon see Brand Rockford as well, and possibly catch a glimpse of the whining little kid brother Jeff, too, wanting to hang out with the cool kids. Jeff felt the all too familiar itch on the pit of his belly and the groin section of his pants when he watched the chocolate brown-furred handsome pony make his confident way down the corridor, catching looks from the girls. Surely they wanted to lay their eyes on the young male, with those tight jeans that made it absolutely clear that he had a big, great ass with just the right shape for some grinding action against it, a muscled torso and some very fit arms that bulged the sleeves of his black T-shirt.

Jeff looked away when the two pairs of furs passed in the corridor, not wanting to risk seeing Brand's direct gaze on him, because that would have made all the shame and fear come back all too strongly. Instead, he got a whiff of Brand's scent, emitted naturally from the bulging male full of hormones and musk and cum and generally being hunkable. Jeff's ponyhood twitched inside his sheath when the teen hunk musk reached his nose and made his body react in the most natural way. Jeff wasn't sure whether Brand had noticed him, but what did it matter anymore?

Busted, lost, and beaten.

Jeff held back the sigh when they went in to the classroom and sat down near the edge of the room, where Mrs. Anderson didn't usually pay too much attention, since Jeff, Marcus and some other kids sitting there were not the worst troublemakers in the group. That meant that Jeff could sit peacefully in his very own loneliness and try his best not to think about Brand and the mess with him.

He barely noticed when the class started, and Jeff opened his books and took out his calculator and pens and notes and made a halfhearted attempt at actually following the cougar's talk about the volume of a sphere. All the while his mind wandered in all too familiar paths leading out to his brother's bed and his brother's best friend, on that bed, doing those things that had haunted him ever since.

It was bad enough when it was just a straight guy crush, that was nothing new, and Jeff could keep it in check easily, it just required a lot of attention-seeking behavior and lots of jerking off in the private confines of his room, fantasizing about Brand's great ass and maybe going down on his big cock. He had known it was all there was to it, and there could never be more to it, and it was fine, if unpleasant.

What went on now was much, much worse. Jeff was sure that Brand was gay, and even worse than that, probably had a thing for his brother, not Jeff. The pony kept pretending that he was fully straight, of course. During the couple of times Brand had actually visited Jeff's home during the past week or so, he had gone upstairs almost as soon as the pony had arrived with Adam, and kept hiding until Brand left. Still, he could hear the two of them watching the television and laughing and comparing the boobs on some girls on the television and making rude remarks and tail-slapping and surely smiling and laughing and having a great straight time. Jeff wondered whether it hurt Brand as much as it hurt himself, that pretence, even if he didn't have to really proof anything to anyone, he was just a regular kid and a bit of a geek, while Brand was always popular and everyone wanted to be friends with him, or his girlfriend, if they were girls. Surely he had to be really good at pretending to be who he was, and not to show that he actually liked dudes. That wasn't something you went out going on about in the school halls, when even something as stupid as wearing some deodorant had made someone like Marcus the subject of homophobic taunts. Agreed, it was from the two most stupid and meanest jocks in school, but what else did you need?

And there it was...Jeff knew that there was another gay kid in school now, and none other than his brother's cool and attractive friends, who now wanted to have nothing to do with Jeff. Sure, he had had delusional fantasies about what could happen between them, but now they weren't even talking, let alone doing anything, and that made Jeff's life suck even worse than before. He not only wasn't lonely, but it was loneliness he had himself caused, with his own behavior, and that would not do.

The class went past without Jeff catching much of its contents, and he was sure that there would be a huge heap of extra homework for him to do to catch up with the class properly. At least the next lesson offered distraction in itself and wouldn't let Jeff a chance to sit down and mope, because the last class of the day was PE, out on the school sports yard.

Lots of laughter and bad jokes filled the locker room as the guys got changed. Jeff tried his best, as always, not to do any peeking, as he huddled into the corner and put on his gear and followed everyone else out to the yard. Coach Wilkes was already outside, and like always, despite the slightly cool and damp weather, he was only wearing his knee-length extra tight gym shorts and a T-shirt that seemed to be a bit too small. He wore his whistle on a silver-colored chain over his huge chest, as if it was dog tags or something, and his ears flicked along to his own barking commands to the assembled teens.

"ATHLETICS!" the Dobie marched up down the line he had ordered to be formed, watching his feeble students that were a far cry from the football team the coached as his main job at the school. "Greek virtues of young men performing sports acts for the beautification of the body and soul!"

The ex-footballer's huge footpaws kicked on the turf as he made his case and dictated out the poetic words that sounded so forced that he must have learned them by heart from a book or something.

"MOVE IT! MOVE IT! MOVE IT!" the coach bellowed and blew into his whistle, loud enough to make Jeff's ears ring for a while.

It seemed like nobody had any idea what they would have to do, except that soon everyone were divided into small groups to try out strange things like shot put, discus throwing and both long and high jumping. Jeff found himself sweating all over and through his gym clothes as he went from one station to station, and from one embarrassing act of sportponyship to the other. He held up that fucking heavy ball of steel and tossed it about four feet away. HE crashed into the beam he was supposed to jump over with his legs that were really too short for leaping. The worst of all, his long jump was only long when counted by the length of the burrow he ploughed over the sand that acted as the landing pad for leisurely airborne furs. He got sand over his face and only barely avoided getting it in the eyes, and then the coach came over and handed him a long rake.

"Clear that mess up, Jenner, so that the others can practice their jumps, and I think that you'll be better off doing a few laps, alright, Jenner?" the huge Dobie grumbled, staring down to the pony who was almost two feet shorter than he was.

"Yeah, coach," Jeff chuffed as he took the rake and began to sweep over the sand, well aware of the leering looks he gained from the small queue of furs wanting to have their turn at another boring sport, and now using the pony for whatever amusement they could find.

Jeff smoothened out the sand to make it look less like a whale called Jeff had beached there, and then he abandoned the tool and did as he had been told to and headed out to the track. He started to jog, knowing that he'd get whistled at by the very same coach if it looked like he was slacking, and to avoid that was worth the breathlessness and the sore legs that would be result of his surprise strenuous athletics. At least it kept him busy and he didn't have to embarrass himself with other muzzledives on the long jump pit. He was a pony, he wasn't made for breaking the laws of normal physics! He was short and he was thick and he'd need a stallion's legs to make the sort of deeds he was expected at by the thick-headed coach. Why did he have to be so dumb and mean anyway? Had he worked out so much that muscles had replaced his brain tissue? Maybe it was sweat, like that sweat that gathered over the Dobie's rump and made his shorts stick to his ass crack.

Hubba hubba...

Jeff kept going around the track, muttering softly under his huffing, foaming breaths as his legs felt like they might fall off. Jeff clenched his hands into fists and he was sure that someone like Brand would have been ace in all the sports now on the field, even if he was a pony. Sure, he'd use those strong arms to throw that ball dozens of feet, and he'd use the sheer strength packed in his handsome butt to leap himself up over any obstacle and stretch of sand. He wouldn't have to do sports to make himself more beautiful Jeff snorted to himself, he was already picture perfect and cool and awesome and Brand. Jeff certainly didn't feel any more beautiful in either the body or the soul, making his lumbering, sweating and cursing way around the track while hoping that it would end.

The misery stopped only once Coach Wilkes blew into his whistle and called up his military lineup again, glaring at his sweaty congregation with his dark eyes.

"I think that we will need to see some improvement next week, guys, before we move on to the track events," the Dobie sauntered around, seemingly bursting with nervous energy in his bulky body as he walked around as the kind of the field. "Hit the showers now, guys, see you next week!"

The Dobie blew at his whistle one more time, and Jeff shook his sweaty head at the ridiculousness of it all, as he turned around to make his way towards the locker room again.



Jeff turned around and tried to keep and even face.

"Yeah, coach?"

"Why don't you give me a paw taking this stuff over to the storage room?" the Dobie waved his paw over the messy pile of sports equipment lying on his feet.

Jeff's ears flattened at the extra drudgery, but he knew that there was no saying no to the big and dark Dobie. He bit back his pride and his tiredness and headed out to gather the less heavy pieces of equipment into one a red plastic basket, while the coach himself picked the multi-pound steel shot put spheres into the other as if they were tennis balls.

"How was the track, Jenner?" the coach asked, suddenly.

"Guess it was okay," Jeff replied, his ears flicking absently as he worked on his knees, piling up the stuff into the basket.

"You should try to do some running in your own time too, I think there might be some good improvement there if you work on it a bit," the coach rumbled.

Jeff wasn't quite sure what to think about that.

"Don't think I'm track star material, coach," the pony huffed.

The coach rumbled throatily, concerted by the sound of metal balls clicking against another in the basket the coach had already filled up.

"It's cardio, and you kids need cardio," the coach replied. "Ever thought about trying some lifting, like your brother?"

A painful twinge coursed through Jeff's belly at the mention of his brother pumping iron, since that also brought in the images of the other pony he knew doing that very same thing, and looking absolutely great doing that.

"Not sure if that's my thing, coach," Jeff replied.

"Might do some good for you though, so give it a thought, Jenner," coach Wilkes flicked one of his tall ears as he spoke to his student pony.

"Yeah, maybe."

Coach Wilkes made a satisfying grunt as the muscles in his arms bulged when he picked up the heavy basket and held it up to his chest level.

"Let's go, Jenner."

Jeff picked up his own much less weighty basket, but it still took him some effort to carry it properly as he followed the broad Dobie towards the maintenance building. He could very well smell the coach, too, musky as always, and it made Jeff want to chuff and clear his nose of the all too pleasant manly scent.

This was probably what jockstraps smelled like.

Jeff could hear the showers running in the distance as they entered the overheated corridor leading to the storage room and the Coach's office.

"Damn heating, the janitor still hasn't looked at it," Coach Wilkes rumbled as they finally stopped in front of the storage room door.

Jeff just nodded, even though the heat was making his sweaty skin feel even nastier than before. The coach took out his keys from his pocket and opened the steel door.

"Just put it over next to the baseball bats and then you're free to go, Jenner," the coach kept the door open with one of his huge paws.

"Thanks, coach," Jeff replied.

He put the basket in to the dark storage room and then returned to the corridor, and got a long look from the Dobie who seemed to fill up most of the corridor with his sheer size.

"That'll be all, Jenner."

"Okay coach."

"Think about the running, though, I think I might put you to do some more next week, Jenner. Good day now."

"Yeah, good day," Jeff spoke.

The locker room was already almost deserted by the time Jeff entered, but by being late, he did catch the sight of a few furs with only towels around their waists, giving each other dirty jokes and nudges while they dried up after the shower. Marcus was sitting down in front of his locker, giving his arms a quick combing with a brush. Jeff felt dirty and ugly compared to the swift-pawed, handsome fox who had practically levitated over the sand during his long jumps.

"Hi, dude, what was the couch on about?" the fox smiled, looking up to the newly arrived pony.

"Just some crap about track," Jeff slammed his locker door open and pulled out his clothes.

"Wasn't fast enough for him?" Marcus chuckled.

"Dunno, he just thought I should do more of it," Jeff tossed his clothes down to the bench and then began to pull off his dirty shirt.

"Guess it was kinda cool of him that he let you run instead of the other stuff," Marcus mused, and Jeff caught his eyes again once he had pulled his smelly shirt over his head.

"Huh?" Jeff's brow quirked.

"Well it was starting to look a bit bad with Donny and Rick starting to make a few comments and stuff, you know, about you."

Jeff's ears flattened at the knowledge of having become the pony butt of jokes again, but that was hardly new when it came to him and PE.

"What was it this time?" Jeff spoke half-heartedly as he pulled on his usual shirt, not caring that it was going to get as sweaty and stinky as the earlier now that he was going to skip the shower, but that wasn't new either.

Marcus' long ears flopped down.

"Just that your long jump looked like an oil tanker running aground."

Jeff shook his head.

"As long as they didn't video it and put it on YouTube, it'll only be remembered for a week and then forgotten," Jeff made his statement on his opinions about the taunts with a bored tone to his voice.

He just really wanted to get back home and shower and jerk off and be just a normal guy for once, without complications.

"Guess that's true," Marcus put his brush away and then sprayed some deodorant under his arms from a small can, and got up to put his towel away and put some clothes on now that he had finished grooming.

Jeff couldn't help but take a peek at the newly bared reddish butt on display, as well as that nicely swaying tail, but it looked almost too good, and he had to really concentrate on his own clothes and putting them on as fast as possible to avoid any unpleasant reactions or displays.

"Yep," Jeff chuffed.

Marcus hid his nice tush into some blue boxers and was again mostly safe to look at, but Jeff didn't really pay much attention to it. He just wanted to get going as soon as possible. The young pony pulled on his jeans and put on his shirt and checked his pockets and then decided that he was okay.

"See you around tomorrow, Marcus?"

"Sure," the fox grinned as he peeked at the pony from beyond the edge of his locker door.



The smell of cooking food and spices filled Jeff's nose as soon as he entered the Jenner family home.

"Jeff!" mother beamed from her place by the stove where she was busy mixing something in the big black iron pot.

"Hi, mom," Jeff greeted the apron-wearing momma pony with an ear flick as well.

"Hi, kiddo!"

That was Adam, sprawled over the couch, head resting against an arm propped behind his neck, while the big brother pony watched Baywatch on the oversized television.

"Hi, Adam" Jeff replied, and clip-clopped over to lean against the back of the couch and harass his big brother. "what's up?"

Adam flicked an ear.

"Not much," he scratched his belly as he spoke, leisurely. "Day off, that's what!"

"Cool," Jeff snuffled, eyes flicking between Adam and the bouncing boobs in wet red Spandex on the busy television screen.

"Not doing anything much," Adam yawned. "Hungry."

"Food's ready in half an hour so don't go snacking, Adam, and that goes for you too, Jeff!" mother waved her ladle around in her hand as she issued the commands to her flock.

"Yeah, mom," Jeff couldn't be bothered, he wasn't really too hungry.

"Bah," Adam declared in a low chuff.

Jeff flicked his ears and his tail and tried to think of something else to speak to his brother now that there wasn't anything really interesting going on, except Pamela Anderson, perhaps, but that wasn't quite Jeff's thing.

"You doing anything fun tonight?" Jeff asked, almost idly.

"Not really," the big brother pony replied. "Brand had something going on so he couldn't come over."

That same scary feeling clutched onto Jeff's heart as he heard those words, which he responded to with a quick nod.

"I think I'm gonna have a shower before dinner," Jeff slung his backpack over one shoulder and turned about to make his way upstairs.


What do you think? More drama ahead of poor Jeff? Stay tuned to find out!

Cheers for reading, always a pleasure to share!