Absolutely Perfect

Story by Takahiro Hamato on SoFurry

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#2 of Anthro Stories


Everything was absolutely normal. I had only known him for about 3 years a...

Everything was absolutely normal. I had only known him for about 3 years and we were really close. We'd been best friends from the start, and we were always hanging out and having fun. He was extremely nice, and was always there for me. Last month had been very surprising, after knowing him for so long, at a random time when he decided to spend the night at my house, we were watching a movie, and he slowly leans over and kisses me. I had no idea what to think of it, and I was so shocked, but I honestly liked it, and I liked that he had done such a thing. It made me feel wanted, needed, and warm. We had only kissed, it was brief, but it made both of us blush and kiss again. After that he made small gestures of holding my hand for a second or two, or rubbing my side to comfort me, or turning a friendly hug into an intimate one. He didn't do anything major, just ran his hand over my butt or kissed my neck numerous times.

To be honest, I was really shy, and didn't know how to react to it all. My body just went on instinct. He shyly asked me out a bit later in the future, and I said yes after a whole hour of freaking out silently. He always told me I was cute when I was embarrassed or nervous, I didn't see it though. I thought of myself as a babbling blushing idiot when I was like that. What made it so odd was that we were of completely different species. I was a dragon, black scales covered every inch of my body except for my chest, stomach, and jaw. On those parts of my body were red scales. He was a wolf, his fur bright silver with a slight hint of ice blue. His hair took on more of the icy color than the silver, and his eyes looked to be the color of pure gold, so perfect and mesmerizing I couldn't help but stare at him every time he looked at me. I had been in such a deep thought I hadn't even heard the front door open and him walk in until he tapped my shoulder, making me jerk and stare at him with wide gold eyes.

"Huh....Oh...your home, I'm sorry I didn't hear you come in."

He smiled and leaned down slowly, his eyes sliding closed as his snout pressed to mine, his lips parting my own as he kissed me deeply. I felt his hands come to rest at my shoulders as he moaned softly before breaking the kiss softly, staring into my eyes.

"I'm glad you're here. I've been thinking of you all day..." *his lips ran over my cheek, down to my jaw and neck as he began to lick and suck on my pulse line slowly, making me moan softly but I resisted my urges and gently pushed him away.

"I'm glad to see you too, but um...I bet you're hungry? Do you want anything to eat?" I said as I quickly stood, walking to the kitchen and plundering through the fridge, purposely trying to avoid that kind of contact with him. Even though we were dating, I was shy. I wanted that kind of contact with him, but when the time came to have it, I always chicken out and make up some excuse. He never argued though, he probably knew I was just shy. I found the ham and shut the fridge door, walking over and picking up the bread and began making him a sandwich. I was focusing on the food, trying to ignore the change in the air as he moved behind me, slipping his arms around my waist and holding me gently.

"You alright, you're kind of tense today."

I shook my head and finished making the sandwich, quickly turning and handing it to him.

"There you go. I know your hungry so eat." I said while walking back over to the couch and sitting down, hugging my legs and burying my face behind them. I was so shy around him, every time he touched me my body would feel as if it were on fire. He stared at me for a moment before setting the sandwich down and walking over to sit beside me, laying a furry hand on my shoulder.

"What's wrong, why are you avoiding me? Do you not like it when I touch you or something? Have I done something wrong?" I shook my head and looked up at him, smiling and saying nothing was wrong but he didn't believe me and pulled me close, resting my head on his shoulder. I breathed deeply and cuddled close to him, he was a perverted wolf, and I loved that he always wanted to touch me, but I was just too shy. I always retreated when it went past kissing. I didn't want to retreat, but I couldn't help it. For some reason when he made advances I felt scared. He rubbed my head softly and looked at me a moment after, apparently getting an idea.

"Maybe you'd feel better if you made advances on me. I'm the one always kissing you, but you've never kissed me first. Would you like to try that?"

I looked up and him and snuggled closer to him, moving to curl on his lap and resting my head on his chest.

"I think that would be good...I'd like to try it if you wouldn't mind."

He chuckled and lifted my head to make me look at him.

"I'll love it. Just go on instinct, no rush."

I nodded and swallowed, slowly leaning up, moving to prop myself on my hands as I gently pressed my mouth to his. He let out a soft gasp, which let me get more access as I deepened the kiss, my tongue sliding into his mouth. He moaned loudly and gently wrapped his arms around me, pulling me close to press against him as he moved to lie down on the couch. I moaned softly and kissed harder, my cock becoming hard underneath my jeans and boxers as we continued to kiss passionately. His hands continued to move over my body, gently exploring my sides and back, all the way to my ass as he began to grab and rub softly. I moved my legs to sit on top of him, gently grinding my groin against his, earning a groan of pleasure from his muzzle. I smiled and broke the kiss softly, staring into his eyes as I slowly and hesitantly moved up just a bit and placed my hand between his legs, making him smile and nod.

"Go ahead baby. No need to be shy. Do what you want."

I swallowed heavily and let out an inhaled breath as I looked down, rubbing the exceptionally large bulge that was under his pants gently. He moaned softly and relaxed, rubbing my thighs as I continued to rub his hidden erection. I wanted more but that feeling of fear crept up inside me, making me slowly retract my hand as it went to unbutton and unzip his pants. He quickly reached down. Gently grabbing my hand and placing it back at his groin.

"Go on babe, don't be shy, you can do it."

I nodded and summoned my courage as I slowly unbuttoned and unzipped his pants, sliding them down and off his legs and laying them gently aside. When I looked back at my reward, my eyes widened at the site. Even though a pair of tight white light blue boxers covered him, the outline of his erect cock could be seen very well. I marveled at the site as I slowly resumed rubbing him, my palm going all the way up his length, slowly and gently rubbing his knot. He was an amazing creature, so nice and caring, I couldn't ask for anyone better. He stopped me and moved to sit up slightly as he took off his shirt, exposing his well muscled torso and arms to me. As I stared at him my eyes widened, my cock hardening quickly at the sight of his luscious body.


He grinned and ran a furry hand over his perfectly muscled chest and stomach, all the way to his erection as he rubbed it slowly and softly.

"You like what you see draggy, no need to be shy. You can feel if you want."

I swallowed and nodded while exhaling a shaky breath, my hand reaching out and touching one of his massive hard Pecs. He watched as my hand ran over his rock hard Pecs to his abs, then down to the very impressive bulge that was under his boxers. I rubbed slowly, glancing up at him every few seconds as he moaned softly in pleasure. My heart was pounding, and I really didn't know what I was doing, but from the sounds he was making I was doing a good job. I rubbed a little harder, feeling the hardness and thickness of his massive cock as he moaned softly and gently bucked into my hand.

"Oh baby...your doin' a good job...that feels so good..."

I swallowed and rubbed a little faster, making him buck more into my hand. I leaned forward slowly, staring at him as he panted and moaned softly. Gently I pressed my lips to his, silencing him for only a moment as I gave him a shy, nervous kiss. Apparently he sensed my tension and smiled at me, placing a furry hand on the side of my face and rubbing softly.

"Baby, don't worry, its ok. Just relax and take your time. I'm not rushing you or anything, hell we can stop if you want."

My eyes widened and I replied loudly, a little too quickly.

"N-no! I don't want to stop!"

He chuckled and rubbed my cheek again, whispering to me softly.

"Then take your time baby, I told you, no matter what, I'm sure I'll love it."

I nodded and resumed rubbing, hesitantly going lower to kiss and lick his neck, making him moan softly. I rubbed faster, thinking for a moment before I stopped kissing his neck and looked down at his waist. My hand traveled to the rim of his boxers, slowly pulling them down. I looked up at him and he grinned widely. I looked back down, and the size of my prize made me gasp. His cock was fully erect, his canine knot a little swollen, and the head of his cock was slightly leaking pre cum. Hesitantly I grabbed hold of the throbbing organ, pumping slowly as he moaned softly in pleasure.

"Oh god....that's it baby...."

I stared at him as I strokes watching his facial expression as he panted softly. I got an idea, and slowly leaned down, my face level with his cock as I continued to stroke them massive organ. God, he's so big....he might not even...fit....but damn it's so fuckin sexy.... I thought to myself as I hesitantly leaned forward, rubbing the bottom of his shaft with my snout before giving it a good long lick. His reaction was instant, a light scream of pleasure and the bucking of his hips was enough to tell me he loved it. I gave another lick, going all the way from the knot to the head, shyly looking up at him as I began slowly swirling my tongue around the head. He moaned and gasped softly every few seconds as I continued, his hips thrusting up automatically, making his cock press against my lips, I knew he was eager for me to hurry up. I wanted to do it, wanted to do everything without hesitation, but I was nervous, so I had to take my time. I swirled my tongue once more before opening my mouth and wrapping my lips around the head, slowly sliding his large cock into my mouth. He moaned loudly and tossed his head, his hand coming to rest at the back of my head.

I felt him push down gently, making my head go lower, more of his large, thick cock sliding into my mouth. I began to slowly move up and down, experimenting with sucking him as I took more in each time I went down. As I took in as much as I could he groaned in pleasure and pushed me down even more, making me gag and yank back, coughing. He instantly stopped and was worried, his face said it all.

"Are you ok baby!? I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you!"

I quickly nodded and coughed again, swallowing and continuing, signaling that I was ok. He was still worried, but as I began sucking him again his worry faded away into pure pleasure as he grabbed both sides of my head and began thrusting his long, hard cock into my mouth. The taste was amazing, new, but amazing. The salty taste of his pre cum soon filled my mouth as he began to thrusts harder and deeper into the warm confines of my mouth. I loved the way it all felt, though I was still extremely nervous, my confidence was slowly rising as he went even faster and harder, literally fucking my face. I moaned softly, swirling my tongue around his shaft, but I got an idea and moved down even more, making myself gag as I swirled my tongue over his swelling knot. He gasped loudly in pleasure and after that really began pounding into my mouth. He was in control, he had the power, and he could do whatever he wanted to me. For some reason know this fact turned me on even more, making my cock hard as I reached down and rubbed myself through my pants.

He gently pushed my head off and pulled me up to level with him and kissing me deeply. I accepted the kiss and moaned softly as I felt his hand slowly unzip my pants, slowly sliding them down and pulling them off my legs. He rubbed between my legs, grabbing my cock and stroking it through my boxers for a little bit before pulling those down and off as well. I felt my face heat up immensely as he looked down, I expected him to look up at me in disgust, to push me away and start putting me down about how I looked, but he didn't. He gently grabbed hold of it, stroking my cock softly as he looked at me and grinned.

"Wow baby...you're beautiful...."

I blushed deeply, making him grin and stroke me a little quicker. I moaned softly and leaned back, looking down and watching his hand as it moved over my erect cock. I wanted this, for so long I had dreamed of it, and now that it was actually happening, all I could so was blush and pant softly. He chuckled and ran his thumb over the head, making pre cum pour a little, running down his furry fingers. He only quickened his actions, his other hand going lower to rub and play with my balls as his hand ran up and down my hard shaft. My breathing was starting to increase as he stroked faster and faster, making my moans grow higher and higher in volume as my climax came closer and closer. He leaned forward, gently kissing my cheek before whispering to me.

"Do you like that baby, does it feel good? Do you need release, tell me whatever you need and I'll give you it."

I panted softly and gently took hold of his head, crushing my mouth to his as I moaned loudly while thrusting into his hand. I felt it getting closer, it was unbearable, I just wanted it all to end, but then it would be over too soon. Pulling away from him, I swallowed and layed on my back. He smiled and got on top of me, grinding our cocks together slowly, both of us moaning before he kissed me passionately. I wasn't afraid anymore, I wanted it, wanted all he would give me. My arms wrapped around his shoulders, bringing him closer as he grinded our cocks together harder. Slowly he grabbed hold of both of them, stroking them at the same time. I stared into his beautiful gold eyes and panted softly as he strokes faster, panting softly in time with me as we stared into each others eyes. Suddenly, he stopped and smiled gently, kissing me before going to between my legs.

"I have an idea baby, you'll love it, plus I'll be returning the favor."

I gasped in surprise as his tongue slid out of his mouth, gliding up the side of my cock and swirling at the head, making me moan softly. I clutched the side of the couch as he began taking me in his mouth. I was practically panting and moaning like a whore because it felt so good. His mouth was warm, wet and he was able to take every inch of my cock into his mouth. He moved up and down, his eyes closed as he moaned softly while taking my cock in his mouth. It felt so good. My hips were automatically thrusting upwards, driving my cock into his mouth more and more. He continued to suck me, his hot, wet mouth sliding up and down my cock, getting it slick and wet with saliva. He suddenly stopped and looked up at me, grinning as he placed a finger at my tailhole, rubbing gently at the tight ring of muscle causing me to gasp and whimper.

"Do you want me to do this baby? It's alright if you don't. We can do something else if you want."

I nodded slowly and moaned softly as he rubbed my tailhole once again.


He nodded and gave me a sweet smile, leaning down and gently licking the tight ring of muscle continuously, getting it wet before he slowly slid his tongue in, causing me to gasp and my breath to catch in my throat. His tongue was soft and warm as it moved in and out of me, wiggling around inside me continuously as he pulled in and out over and over. My body was on fire, and I was having spasms. My legs and arms were jerking. I kept tossing my head from side to side as I whimpered over and over at the wonderful feeling. He began going a bit faster, my body now shaking in utter pleasure as his tongue slid in and out of me. I panted heavily and moaned softly as I pushed him away gently. He looked at me with a confused expression but understood as I slowly spread my legs more, exposing my tailhole to him fully now. He understood and positioned his cock at my tailhole, stroking it a few times before looking at me in concern.

"You sure baby, want me to do this?"

I nodded slowly and closed my eyes, bracing for the worst. I felt pressure be placed, and then a slight pain in my ass and something hard and big slide in just a small bit, making me gasp in pain and grit my teeth. He petted my sides and thighs gently as he pushed in a little more, stopping halfway so I could get used to the feeling. Once I began to calm down he continued, sliding more of his long, thick cock into my tight tailhole. I moaned loudly and suppressed a scream as he shoved the rest of his length into me, his swelling knot pressing against my stretched hole hard. I panted heavily and stared at him with wide eyes as he slowly pulled back out and reentered me. I moaned softly, getting used to the feeling as he began a slow, gentle in and out motion. His hands rubbed and caressed my thighs and hips, his voice speaking to me softly that it was alright, to just relax and breathe deep. I obeyed his every command, followed every instruction to the letter, and soon, it felt really good and I couldn't stop my soft moans of pleasure. He began to go faster, still being gentle with me as the sounds of our soft moans and flesh slapping against flesh filled the room. I couldn't believe this was happening, in the living room of all places. I imagined us doing it in the bedroom, or on the floor, but this was just perfect.

My moans were getting louder, my cock dripped pre cum onto my stomach as he slid into me over and over, making me become even more out of control.


He stared at me for a moment before silently asking the question. I nodded and he began slapping his thick, huge cock into me harder, and with a little bit more speed. His grunts and moans mixed with my now loud moans of pure pleasure as our actions became more and more frantic.

"Oh god, more...please!? Harder!"

He growled at my outburst and began slamming into me, his knot pressing hard against my tight tailhole over and over as he leaned down and whispered harshly to me.

"You like that baby? You like being fucked by your master don't you, and say you fuckin love it! Say you want to be fucked hard and fast till your numb and can't walk for a week!"

His words drove me past my breaking point, causing my self restraint to snap and something inside me unleash, causing me to scream out in pleasure every single time he thrusted that long, thick, hot cock into me. I screamed over and over, yelled his name and what I craved, what I needed. I screamed for him to go faster, deeper, harder, to pound my ass till I bled. He loved it, loved the way I sounded and I loved the way he took control of me so easily, as if I were some doll just waiting to be controlled in his hands. His cock slammed into me once more, then again, and again as his cock hit something deep inside me, making me howl in pleasure. My left hand automatically went to my cock, gripping it tightly and stroking it hard in time with his brutal thrusts.

"Oh god, yes, fuck me! Harder! Ahhhh! More! Fuck yeah!"

He complied happily, driving his cock into me again and again, slamming into my prostate causing unimaginable waves of pleasure to surge through my body as I tensed up, my snout opening wide as I let out a loud roar of ecstasy, my climax reaching and my cum shooting out of my cock to cover my chest and stomach in it's warmth. He quickened his thrusts, moaning loudly before he slammed into me, his knot stretching me further as he tied with me, spilling his massive load deep inside my tight ass.

"Fuck Yeah, MMMM!!!!"

My mind was blown as he continued to cum inside me long after I had stopped. It felt so good, so warm and wet. I wanted his cum, needed it in me. As he finished, he panted heavily and stared into my eyes, holding himself up with shaky arms.

"Holy...shit...that...was amazing...."

I nodded between pants and swallowed hard, staring into his beautiful eyes and smiling. The next words he spoke made my eyes widen and my heart skip a beat.

"I love you..."

A soft gasp escaped my lips as he slowly leaned down, kissing me passionately and gently before breaking the kiss and staring into my eyes. I smiled back warmly and hugged him.

"I love you too Wuffy...so...so much."

He blushed deeply and smiled, kissing mew again before speaking.

"I love you too my Draggy, so, so very much."

I smiled and he hugged me again, then out of pure exhaustion, we fell asleep like that on the couch, not caring what happened or if somebody walked in, I was just happy he was in my arms, and was never, ever leaving.

Well most enjoyable, once again made for Wuffy. Forgive typos please. Not his username so therefore he shall remain UNKNOWN! It took me quite awhile to finish this due to being busy, but I finally did it! Please comment and vote/fav and all that! I love you all!!!!