A Night On The Town Pt 3

Story by Parattchi on SoFurry

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Enjoy! Very much a foot fetish chapter.

Shannon snickered into Kat as she heard the door open, her tongue wriggling deeper into the leopard's ass. You know what? Fuck subtlety. She didn't care if they were caught, she was having fun.

And so, despite someone obviously being in there with them, she kept going. Her hot, muscular tongue worked deeper into the snow leopard's ass, her fingers kept working Kat's g-spot, her thumb kept on rubbing her clit.

And so, Kat kept on moaning, breathless and utterly consumed by pleasure. She hadn't even noticed someone coming in. Even if she had, despite the intense shame she felt from this perverted rendezvous, she wouldn't have been able to stop if she tried. The gasping yowls just kept tearing their way from her throat, just as involuntary as the way she clawed at the grimy nightclub toilet that she was clinging to.

Of course, the new arrival heard them. Still, she endeavoured to ignore the obvious sounds of sex - mostly because she was desperate to go. The fox took a stall and began to relieve herself, her ears flushed red and tilted toward the sounds of sex, quivering a little with how hard she was listening. She knew she shouldn't look, she should just pee and get out of there but...oh god it was so tempting!

For her part, Shannon was so hard it hurt. She needed something, and she needed it now, especially when she heard the trickle of the new girl peeing! She pulled away and tugged her fingers and tongue free, giving a desperate little whine and grabbing Kat. She made Kat spin around to sit facing her, then grabbed the leopard's legs. She left a very large wet spot from the paw that had been pleasuring her as she tried to spread them, but Kat shook her head.

"Nononono..." she hissed out, still squirming weakly, pressing a paw to her soaked slit. "Not right now...I need a rest...please..." she whimpered out, her eyes closed tightly and her tail flicking.

Shannon let out a desperate whine. She needed to get off now, and Kat needed a breather? Fuck! This couldn't be happening. She looked down at her cock, fully exposed, bright red, the tip slightly purple from all the blood filling it. She was so aroused now that without even touching herself, she was squirting pre all over Kat's paws and legs.

Paws...that was it!

Whining desperately, she grabbed the leopard's ankles and pressed Kat's footpaws to her aching cock, whimpering louder at that first touch. Oh god, it was bliss! She'd never been that big a fan of paws - she liked them, but always preferred to fuck her partner. Right now though, she couldn't ask for anything more. Kat's feet felt exquisite against her shaft, the thick soft fur caressing her with the slight hint of the rougher pads hidden below. Shannon made a mental note - start asking Arctic species for footjobs! Those thickly-furred feet felt amazing - and Kat hadn't even started to work her over!

Kat let out a little mewl in response when Shannon pressed her feet to the hard cock that was squirting all over them. She felt the hot fluid hitting her of course, but she really didn't mind. After all she did owe Shannon for that lovely orgasm...she squirmed a little to get settled more comfortably, then mumbled to Shannon, still trying to catch her breath. "O-okay...I'll do that..." she told the dingo. Ever-so-slowly, she explored Shannon's cock with one foot, dragging a single toe from the base all the way to the tip with agonising slowness. By now, she too was aware of the woman in the bathroom with them, and her embarrassment showed in the scarlet colour the insides of her ears blushed. If her fur had been thinner, the rest of her fiery blush would have been visible as well. She wasn't quite as fine with doing this as Shannon was...but she'd do it.

Shannon let out a long, loud moan at the teasing, tilting her head back and shamelessly fondling her breasts. She was so horny, she was surprised that her pre wasn't hitting the roof with every squirt! It was obvious that Kat was just as well-acquainted with using her feet as Shannon had hoped, as the leopard circled around the tip of her cock with that single toe before lightly tapping the end. Yesterday, she would have scoffed at the suggestion that Kat would be good at using her paws...after tonight, she would have been surprised if Kat wasn't!

The fox a couple of stalls over had finally had enough. The curiosity was overwhelming. She had to know!

She was still letting out a thin trickle of urine as she leant down to look under the dividing walls, trying to see what was going on. She was dying to know what was going on just metres away, but she didn't quite expect that. She was met by the sight of a canine on his knees, his cock being caressed by a pair of spotted grey feet. The sight was such a shock that she let out a surprised little yip before clapping a paw over her mouth to silence herself.

Shannon heard it, and leant down herself to look under the dividing walls. She met the gaze of the fox woman, who looked absolutely horrified to be caught. Shannon just gave her a big grin and a lusty wink, before shifting her legs slightly. Now, it was plain to see her slit as well as her cock.

It was a herm! There was a herm getting a footjob just metres away!

That was so damn hot!

The fox finished her business and quickly cleaned herself up, flushing the toilet and fleeing. She was so conflicted! She knew she should probably tell the staff what was going on but...that dingo had looked so happy...

She decided to not tell anyone, rejoining her boyfriend. She resumed dancing, but somewhat uncomfortably - she couldn't stop thinking about that herm!

Back in the bathroom, Shannon giggled, looking up at Kat. She was still grinning hugely, her tongue lolling out of her muzzle in that happy canine way. "That fox got one hell of a surprise..." she told Kat, her voice trailing off into a hot moan. Kat had pressed one foot to Shannon's slit, with Shannon's cock between her first and second toes. She pressed the large main pad of that foot firmly to Shannon's slit, squeezing the base of her cock between her toes, and then began rubbing slowly up and down the length with the other foot.

Kat gave an embarrassed giggle, averting her own gaze. "You're so lucky that I want you in me..." she told Shannon. She closed her blue eyes and lowered her head, moaning softly. That confused Shannon a little - Kat wasn't fingering herself, so why was she moaning? It soon dawned on her however.

She grabbed Kat's ankle, lifting away the paw that was stroking her. "You have a thing for your paws getting rubbed, dontcha?" she asked nonchalantly, pressing her thumb-pad into Kat's foot before rubbing it slowly in circles. Her thumb glided easily over the leopard's pad, her pre creating a lot of lube.

Kat opened her eyes, and rather than replying with shy denial as she had previously, she fixed Shannon with a somewhat defiant glare. "So what if I...mrrrr...do? It's not any more weird than you liking pee! Yeah, I noticed that!" she said huffily, her tail thrashing.

Shannon released Kat's foot, raising her paws in a placating gesture. "Whoa there hun, calm down...I wasn't judging you! I was just teasing a bit is all..." she told Kat, her ears pinned a bit. Looking mildly embarrassed she added: "And uh...yeah, I like pee..."

Kat seemed to deflate a little, her thrashing tail settling down. "Oh." she replied simply. Her blush returned full force, and she looked away. "Um...sorry. It's just that Grigori always belittles me for liking it when he fucks me..." she mumbled.

Shannon chuckled, picking up Kat's foot again and inspecting it. Her big black pads were very much coated in pre of course, as was the creamy fur that grew thickly from between her pads. "I don't know why." she told Kat, giving her main pad a little kiss, followed by each of her toepads. "I think it's kinda cute, to be honest."

Kat tilted her head back and moaned softly at the kisses, grinding her other foot against Shannon's slit in response. "You do? Oh! Um...thanks, I guess...Shannon?"


"I'm sorry I brought up the pee thing..."

Shannon laughed, blushing only a little bit. "It's fine. I'm only embarrassed by it because a lot of people find it weird. You don't seem too judgemental, so...yeah."

Kat laughed with her, grabbing her huge tail and hugging it to her chest. "Yeah...I've been a little curious about it myself, if I'm going to tell the truth." she told Shannon. Although she still blushed terribly, she was finding it easier and easier to talk about these things. Maybe it was the fact that Shannon was sharing her little kinks too that made it not so bad.

Shannon grinned hugely. "I'm a little more than curious, hun." she replied, her tail wagging. "I love women peeing, have since I hit puberty. Men do nothing for me though." she confided. After a moment, one ear twitched, and she giggled a little. "At least, men do nothing for that kink. I still love me some cock. Or, a lot of cock." she told Kat with a wink.

Kat giggled. "Okay, okay, I have to say that I like a little variety too." she told Shannon, wiggling her foot out of the dingo's grip. "I mean, why would you want to stick to one species, when there's so many different shapes and sizes out there?" she asked conversationally. With practised ease she began rubbing up and down Shannon's shaft, her slick paw easily gliding over the hot flesh. She would go all the way up, make a few circles over the tip with her toes curled over it, then stroke back down to the base to start anew. She kept on talking, obviously well-practised enough with using her feet that she didn't need to focus on it.

Shannon began panting again, her paws going back to her breasts. She moaned quietly again before responding, watching Kat work her magic. "Oh hell yes, I definitely agree on that one...but canine boys will always be my favourite. I'll never stop loving the tie!"

Kat giggled, looking down at the hard dingo cock she was working over. She met Shannon's yellow eyes with her own blue ones and winked. "I love canines too." she said, her voice taking on a slight sultry purr.

Shannon winked back at her. "I think you and I are about to become very close indeed..." she responded with her own seductive tone. The effect was ruined however by the little puppy-like yip that she released when Kat pinned her tip between her toes, rapidly rolling her ankle in circles. Shannon's hips jerked a little, instinctively humping in to the stimulation, but Kat pressed her back down with her other foot, soon stopping the rolling motion and going back to her stroking.

Shannon was moaning hard now, her head tilted back and eyes tightly shut. She gasped out to Kat though clenched teeth: "Goddamn girl! You are way too good at that!" she accused.

Kat giggled, moaning herself at the feeling of the massage she was giving. "I have a lot of practice you know."

"I gathered that..." Shannon grunted out in reply, making Kat giggle more. "I like paws, but I always preferred an actual fuck...might want to reconsider now though, because...mmm..." she told Kat, her words trailing off into a little happy moan. She gulped, continuing with a slightly quavery voice. "This is the best stroking I've gotten in a long time. Maybe ever. It's a bit hard to think straight right now."

Kat grinned at the praise, though Shannon couldn't see it with her eyes tightly closed. "Like I said, I have a lot of practice. Grigori isn't the only man I see regularly." she told Shannon. The snow leopard inspected her massive tail, still hugged to her chest. That fur was rather messy...

She kept on stroking Shannon's cock with her feet and casually talking as she took a small comb from where it was tucked into the fur behind her ear. Like most female furs, she usually kept one on herself for quick grooming. A girl had to look her best, after all! She began combing out her tailfur, removing the tangles from the thick fur. "I tutor people for extra money. A couple of men sometimes pay me a little extra for some...extra help. One is a pony who can't get enough of my paws. I see him three or four days a week. First I help him with his chemistry work, and then I stroke him off."

After a moment, she chuckled softly to herself. "I can't believe I'm telling you all this."

Shannon was whimpering now from all the pleasure, absolutely overwhelmed by it. God, Kat was good! And Kat was more than just stroking her off, the clever bitch was edging her! She kept on feeling the pleasure building up, but before she could blow Kat knew, and eased off. She would slow down, or rub lighter, anything to stop Shannon from getting her climax. She opened one eye to glare playfully at Kat, dumbstruck to see how casual she was about the entire thing. "That explains how good you are, Kat. I'm on my knees in a nightclub bathroom getting the best damn footjob of my life, I really can't judge you. But now...you're just being mean..."

Kat stopped her grooming long enough to reach out and scratch behind Shannon's ear. "Yes, I'm being mean. Because I'm enjoying this as much as you are." she told Shannon in a voice that was half moan. It was true. She'd recovered, she could just spread her legs and let Shannon go, but the feel of rubbing a hard canine cock with her slick footpaws was just too divine.

Shannon tilted her head into the scratch, murring softly. "I've met plenty of guys that had a thing for paws...I've done this myself a few times...never met a girl who got off on having her paws rubbed though..."

Kat giggled softly, scratching behind the dingo's other ear as well. Her foot was getting a bit tired, so she switched, placing that one against Shannon's slit and using the other to rub at her cock. Unsurprisingly, she was just as adept with the other foot. She moaned softly at the feel of Shannon's pre squirting over and between her neglected toes, wriggling them happily and tickling her tip. "What can I say? I've always liked it, for as long as I can remember. I was so nervous when I lost my virginity, my boyfriend had to massage me when he pushed it in to calm me down!"

Shannon moaned at the tickling, her hips once again thrusting up towards the pleasure, only to be gently pushed back down by Kat's paw. "Mmm...maybe...maybe I can be your new masseuse in future..."

Kat's ear twitched. "Are you asking to date me?" she asked, her voice unreadable.

Shannon swallowed hard before responding, finding it hard to speak now. "What if I was?"

Kat began smiling, at first a tiny little thing that then blossomed into a huge, happy grin. "I think I'd have to say yes then." she replied.

Shannon gave a slightly desperate laugh. "Does that mean that you're going to let me cum now?" she asked, opening both eyes in order to give Kat her best puppy eyes.

Kat leant down and gave the dingo a little kiss on the nose. "Perhaps. I might even give you more than that..."

Shannon tilted her head slightly in confusion, then whimpered as Kat pulled her feet away and stood up. Kat shushed her, giving her another kiss, this time on the top of her head. "Easy...I'm giving you something." she told Shannon. She lifted the lid on the toilet and sat back down on it, once more rubbing Shannon's cock with one foot, the other pressed to her slit and squeezing her base. This time however, her legs were spread, giving Shannon a perfect view of her lovely pink pussy. She reached down and gently spread herself open, exposing the slick pink flesh. "You're indulging my fetish, I should indulge yours in return..." she told Shannon.

Then, half-closing her eyes and letting out a little huff of exhaled air, the leopard began to relieve herself, moaning softly in release. At the same time, she clamped her toes over Shannon's tip and began rubbing it in rapid circles by rolling her ankle.

Shannon let out a loud whimper as the stream started, strong and almost clear, with a slight yellowish tinge to it. She was so close! Oh god! The scent of it filled her nose, absolutely heavenly, and at the same time, Kat began rubbing her tip so exquisitely.

"Drink it puppy, lap it up..." Kat encouraged, looking down at Shannon with half-open eyes. "I know you want to..."

Shannon needed no more encouragement. She all but lunged forward, shoving her muzzle into the hot stream, letting it splash over her face before opening her mouth and letting it in. It was warm, and quite salty, and to Shannon, it tasted like the nectar of the gods. This was one of her oldest fantasies finally coming true! It was no surprise that the second her muzzle touched the stream her knot swelled and she began to cum hard.

The first squirts shot between Kat's toes and she moaned long and loud, enjoying the feeling immensely. No matter how many times she did it she always enjoyed that feeling, that delightful warmth and mess. She shifted the paw at the base of Shannon's cock, pulling it upwards. She expertly hooked her toes behind the dingo's engorged knot and tugged at it to simulate a tie. At the same time she pulled her foot slightly away from the tip of Shannon's cock, allowing the strings of hot cum to splatter all over the underside.

Shannon was over the moon. Her wildest dreams were coming true! She began lapping at Kat's pussy, licking at her flesh even as her fluids shot down her throat. She was coming hard, whimpering non-stop as she drank straight from the source, her hips jerking and her entire body quivering. Even overcome with pleasure as she was, she was thinking of Kat. Kat's expert attention was stimulating her tie well enough, but it meant that she wasn't messing up that paw at all. She had to repay Kat for this! So, she grabbed her knot with one hand, squeezing it as hard as she could, whimpering louder. With the other she grabbed Kat's ankle, shoving that relatively clean foot in front of her cock. With that done, she moved her hand to join the one already on her knot, squeezing it with both hands as hard as she could, pulling on it to stimulate herself even more.

Kat let out a mewl at that, as her other foot was coated with strings of hot dingo cum. She'd expected to only get the one covered! She let out a gasp, intensely horny and physically drawing pleasure from the feeling of her feet being sprayed. It wasn't enough for her to climax solely from her feet, but it was an amazing feeling nonetheless. She was beginning to run out of urine, the stream slowing and weakening. She groaned softly, clenching to force out more from her bladder in response, trying to reward Shannon for thinking of her needs.

Shannon's tail was a blur as she messily lapped at Kat, leopard urine dribbling over her chin, moaning constantly. Even though she had came so very hard earlier, and splattered her belly with cum, she was still painting Kat's feet thoroughly. She knew she'd be drained, and hoped that Kat wouldn't mind not having much cum shot into her. Although judging by her moaning, Kat definitely preferred the cum on her rather than in her.

Kat allowed her second foot to be squirted with cum, then pressed it down onto Shannon's tip, rubbing it as she let Shannon's cum shoot between her toes. She was disappointed that Shannon's orgasm was fading, but she knew that it couldn't last. She was running out too, grunting softly with the effort as she forced a few last spurts out onto Shannon's tongue.

Shannon was whining and whimpering into Kat's slit as her orgasm finally petered out. She pulled her head away, a few drops of Kat's urine falling from her muzzle to splash on her breasts. She was panting heavily, her eyes a little unfocused as she looked up at Kat. "T-thank you..." she gasped out, licking her lips.

Kat grinned down at her, wiggling her messy toes happily. "No, thank you...I've never had a herm's cum on my feet before." she told Shannon. She lifted her feet, inspecting how messy they were. Shannon had certainly done a good job! She moaned softly, sniffing the hot dingo cum. "You really covered them..."

Shannon nodded, rubbing Kat's thighs while she caught her breath. Once she was no longer panting too hard to speak she replied. "All that cum on your feet..." she glanced down at the cooled cum that covered her belly. "...and my belly. I don't think I'll shoot too much inside of you..."

Kat chuckled. "Shannon, don't worry about it. I'll be happy with what you give me." she told the dingo, leaning down to kiss her. Shannon murred into the kiss, her tail wagging a little faster. Kat could taste her own urine in Shannon's mouth, and truth be told, she really didn't mind it too much.

Shannon pulled away from the kiss. "Well, I need some time to recover before I can go again...I know what to do though..." she told Kat.

"Really? What have you got in mi-oh! Mmmm..." Kat's reply turned into a moan as Shannon took her footpaws, resting them in her lap. The dingo then began rubbing them, massaging them and working the cum into Kat's fur. Kat moaned and squirmed, as Shannon's thumbs rubbed over her messy pads. She rubbed over and between the leopard's pads, working her cum in between Kat's toes, her tail wagging.

"Oh, you really do know how to treat a girl right..."

The Perversions of the Powerful (Part Two)

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S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: A Fireside Conversation

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Let It Burn

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