Commission: Draconic Sportsmanship

Story by Ophinia on SoFurry

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Cuz he turns into a dargon and he learns a lesson about being a nice guy. :3

Commissioned by anonymous! (enjoyed writing it so much he/she can have it for free if he/she wants ^_^)

If you want a pciture of the finished result, it's based on this:

To Jonas, it was a great day. The weather was warm, the sky clear, as it hasn't rained in a few days. Not just that, but he just got a brand new game and convinced her girlfriend to take up jogging with him. That meant he could get some nice views on her, not to forget she'd only look nicer afterwards. He grinned slightly, resting back on his couch as he looked at the TV screen, before picking up the game again.

"Yes, this is perfect." The human male said, smiling. "Sexy girlfriend, new game, nice weather, all I could ask is that I can get her in bed for some late night fun and this day is perfect!" He stretched and flexed, before getting on his feet. "She should be here soon, almost eleven." With that, he heard the doorbell ring and smirked. "Perfect, she's right on time." He headed to the door and flung it open, seeing the girl behind it. "Mm... why so early?" He asked the female human, who held a package under her arm, together with a sportbag.

"Why so picky. I thought you liked me being on time." She said, kissing him on the cheek and pressing the package in his arms.

"What's this for?" He asked.

"Well, you wanted me to go jogging. And the least you could do is wear matching outfits so other boys and girls know not to hit on me." She says, poking his nose.

"Let me guess, it looks stupid on guys, just because you think I'm a pervert." Jonas replied. "Alice, is a little finesse and telling me up straight that you don't want to much quicker?" He closed the door and led her inside.

"Nope. Because I kind of agree with some of your latest ideas. But, you might want to try it on already. To get a feel for it, alright?" She asked, sitting down on the pastel couch. "And while you change, I will too." She poked his belly from the couch, letting him off.

"Fine. But if I come back and you have some anti-ogling contract set up, I'm not making dinner tonight!" He said, opening the package and looking inside.

"It's nothing silly; it comes with an iPod strap and a calorimeter." He pulls out an orange short sleeved shirt and some blue shorts, together with a dark blue body suit with short sleeves on all ends. He then pulled out a dark blue strap and wristband, with matching running shoes and a pair of socks. "See, perfectly normal." She said with a small smile.

"I guess." He shrugged, taking it to the bedroom to get dressed.

Jonas looked at the clothes for a moment, standing nude. He never really wore anything this elaborate, he mostly went jogging in some shorts and a shirt, but this was some high-quality stuff. It smelled faintly of perfume, likely used to ward off the underlying scent of burned rubber. What surprised him most was that it was all made by the same company and exactly his size too. The shorts and shirt were light and seemed almost like air, with the bodysuit tight and somewhat absorbent.

"Kinda cool, actually..." He said, the inside feeling oddly smooth, like a polished metal surface or skin covered in oil. "Has something futuristic in it." He smiled and slid into the bodysuit, shivering as the cool inside quickly warmed up to him. He turned slightly in the mirror and grinned. "Fuck, if I look this good in it, Alice will look like a damn supermodel." A small grin appeared on his face, before sliding into the shirt and shorts. A few spins with his arms stretches with his legs and he noticed how very easily it allowed him to move. "It's like I'm wearing fur or scales for that matter." He attached the strap and wristband, chuckling as he popped in his music player.

"Come on, dear, I'm not waiting all day." Alice said, knocking on the door.

"Geeze, just let me get my shoes on." He huffed back, blushing as his breath felt a little hotter. It was a subtle change, but he definitely noticed he was getting hotter. On the inside at least, the world around his felt the same. With some confusion, he slipped on the socks, noticing his skin was getting a lot smoother and thicker. "This is... kinda funky. But it feels good." He said, grinning again as he pushes out another hot huff. His nasal exhale didn't brush his lips, but seemed to push outward. His body felt more energised, stronger than before. "This gear really helps and I'm not even moving."

"What's going on, Jonas?" He heard, his ears perking up and his hair starting to grow out.

"Nothing, dear... just getting the feel for this new outfit." He said, brushing over his shiny, bluish skin. Reminded him of petting orcas and dolphins, only smoother and shinier. "Damn... if this keeps up I'll be the sexiest guy in town before midday." He said, checking out his hands, seeing dark blue nails grow over most of his fingertips, like claws. "What... this is... well, makes me look a lot more dangerous, at least." He continued, trying to see it all from a good light, his feet gaining the same claws. His hands slid over his smooth face, feeling a small muzzle growing out, his dentals getting a lot sharper. With a glance in the mirror, he made a few poses, before checking his ears. "Mmrrr... come in Alice, I can hear you're excited." He licked his new fangs and corrected his wild blue hair, his light blue skin smooth. He noticed a long, slithering tail with a dark blue tip, and a solid set of black horns. "Hehe, keeps getting better, just need some matching wings."

"Oh... Jonas... you look, draconic..." Alice noted, poking the wings that grew through the slits in the back of the bodysuit. "And rather sexy." She slid her hands over his stomach, feeling the defined muscles.

"Going to change my name... a studdly dragon like myself needs a raw, handsome name. Draco, or something, lets people know I'm the man." He grins, giving his new body another check.

"Not for long, at least." Alice said, her hands feeling up his chest and groin.

"What do you mean?" Jonas asked, before grinning. "Mrr... I guess you're feeling a bit frisky?" He asks, giving a small roar. He winked at the mirror and turned around. "I guess I'm just too hard to resist, being a sexy dragon dude? Well, I can't blame you." He says, before he noticed an odd lump at the bottom of his sight.

"I guess you are, but not for long. Going to make you hotter than myself, so I can jog without getting ogled, okay?" The dragon tilted his head, spreading his wings as he noticed a slowly growing pair of breasts. Feeling his sides, he noticed that the clothes did make him stronger, more muscled, and more draconic, but they also drained every bit of male physique he had on him.

"W-what the hell is this?" He asked, feeling her hands slide over his hips.

"Well, seeing you just want to ogle my bouncy boobs and show me off, I thought I'd make you ever hotter and sexier, so you know what it's like..." Alice says with a smile. "Hmm... what about Lyxia? That's a nice name for a female dragon, don't you agree?" She asks, the ex-male's breasts already being a good C-cup, supported by the bodysuit's build in sports bra.

"What the fuck Alice!? You can't do this!" She shrugged, feeling up his bulge, which slowly vanished. The suit grew tighter over the groin, until only a smooth area with a feminine slit remained.

"Well, I never cared much for genders, love. And I doubt you'd mind having to use strapons." She says with a sly grin. Jonas or Lyxia now, looked at the mirror as the fiendish human continued to feel her up. "Mmrrr... I bet you're real sexy when you're sweaty." She said evilly.

"Fuck... feels... kinda good. Does this go in reverse?"

"Maybe. But... I'll help you 'adjust' my Lyxia-girlfriend. For now, just enjoy." The human female pressed a water bottle in the dragon's chest, having her remove it. "I'll be waiting outside, sexy." She said with a quick wink.

"Buh...but..." She looked as the human girl trotted off in the same outfit. Lyxia looked at the water bottle, very confused and unsure. But at least she learned her girlfriend's lesbian too.

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