Dead Space: Ferrah

Story by AnonymousG3 on SoFurry

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#2 of Dead Space

(Please comment if you read it, vote if you enjoyed it, favourite if you loved it and ask for more if you want it. Enjoy.)

The following takes place during the events of Dead Space: Encounter.

Ferrah shuddered, as she heard the unholy calling and screeching of the Necromorphs in the rooms around her.

"Ancestors watch over me." She mumbled as she pressed the holographic button to open the vent cover. The cover slid up as she rolled onto her back, grasped the metal pole and pulled herself free of the vent.

Ferrah was fairly big for a Sangheili girl, standing roughly 7' 7" and proudly so. Ferrah had a light blue grey skin tone, but the blue was more prominent, along with goldish yellow eyes. She was physically fit and it had helped her survive thus far, her speed and quick thinking had kept her alive through many close calls and she was thankful for that. She was blessed with smooth skin, breasts that could be classed as fairly large and a firm rump that swayed alluringly as she walked. It was clear to see that she had big breasts due to the bulge in her suit; most females' suits would leave no or little indication of breasts but, due to Ferrah's overall body size, her suit did. She was currently clad in an engineering suit with the helmet resembling the Ranger helmet from her people's special forces but with the 'Mask' and 'Grid' covering the visor like most normal helmets.

She placed one foot on the floor while keeping the other raised and her body still as she held onto the pole and listened for the monsters.

The mulling around and calling of the creatures could be heard through the walls and she didn't like it; the sounds scared her and made her paranoid, but she had to escape this facility.

Right now she was standing in a tiny store room and her only source of light was the flashlight on her trusty plasma cutter and the light from the slits in her mask. She glanced around the store room but found nothing of use. She crept over to the door, her walking slow and her foot shaking as she desperately tried not to alert any of them. The sounds seemed like they were from several rooms away so she risked opening the door and peeked out. She felt hot with fear and paranoia as she looked around and sweat formed on her brow again.

She was in a white corridor with lights in the ceiling, posters on the walls and a red stripe running about waist height for a normal sized person along the walls. She stepped out and aimed down the corridor before half turning to check the other way, her hand shaking as all the sounds of scraping, clawing and fumbling around pierced her helmet and her ear canals. She quickly chose to go left from the store room and hurried off down the corridor, choosing not to run in case it attracted the monsters.

Hurrying down the hallway she stopped when her RIG came to life and a garbled voice came through.

"Ferrahhhhh..." A quiet, wind like, hissing voice whispered before her RIG's comms dropped dead. Strangest of all, her RIG had projected the little audio display hologram as orange and not blue. She shuddered and really went in on herself and was practically holding her Plasma Cutter to her chest.

The Sangheili girl started to shake like a leaf and mumble in fear as she found herself glued to the spot as the sound of a Necromorph scuttling through the roof space above her. She started to feel hotter and hotter until she was sweating and felt like her suit was on oven.

"Ancestors watch over me, oh please ancestors watch over me, watch over- AHHHH!" She screamed when one of them burst through the ceiling. Her fight or flight reaction kicked in and adrenaline surged through her body and to her brain which made the actions for her.

Her arms straightened out, refused all ideas of hesitation or fear and she pulled the trigger three times. Three lines of hot plasma scythed through decaying creature, causing it to cry out in pain as it was destroyed by Ferrah.

The slasher had both its arms and a leg taken off before it hit the ground and Ferrah was alone again. Breathing heavily and just recovering from the burst of movement in her adrenalin rush, Ferrah calmed herself and reassured herself that she was totally fine and could escape unharmed if she put her mind and skills to it. She stepped cautiously around the slasher before moving on at a more confident pace with the cutter half raised and ready for action as soon as one of those ugly things showed its horrible face. She started to cool off again, now that her fear was subsiding a bit.

Ferrah had been working on fixing power malfunctions deep inside the vent system when the facility was attacked by the Necromorphs. She'd been inside the near endless vent systems checking on power junctions and such manually, since internal sensors and diagnostic devices were offline. Her objective had been to get the power back online so the auto defences could halt the Necromorphs, but inside the vents RIGs were jammed by all the conflicting signatures so she emerged long after the facility had been overwhelmed. She'd been attacked and hiding in the store room vent for hours and hoping things would calm down, but they didn't.

She turned a corner and found that it was also clear; things were going well so far, just another few rooms to the cargo bay where she'd be able to recover a shuttle or an escape pod to leave this place behind her.

"Mess hall, hopefully the corridor to the medical lab will be clear too." She said to herself as she stood outside the double doors of the mess hall. She opened the doors and braced herself for the sight.

Inside, corpses of Necromorph and survivor alike were strewn around like rubbish, tables had been thrown around and even a Necromorph she knew as a Brute had been killed in the room by her now dead friends.

She felt like there was a force beyond her comprehension keeping her back, but she knew that she had to go on or she'd die here. Slowly, just focusing on putting one foot in front of the other, she entered and quickly made it past half way before an almighty crash caused her to scream in fear, turn 180 degrees and trip over backwards.

The ceiling had caved in and, as the dust settled, five glowing red spots in a pentagon like shape could be seen.

"It's just another target Ferrah, you can do this." She encouraged herself as she stood up and aimed. Her aim wavered and her arm lowered when she saw the creature standing a good ten feet tall and easily dwarfing her. The bulky, black, form towered over her as it watched with its five glowing eyes and prepared to attack with its long, bladed, arms; the beast was truly a terror inspiring sight, and she felt herself heat up in fear again, but she had to stay cool. She started to shake again but, when the creature roared, she brought up the cutter and spam fired off the remaining nine blasts into the creature.

The blasts severed the creature's right leg and right arm causing it to fall to the deck with a low thud.

Invigorated with determination after such an easy decapitation, she watched as the monster tried to drag itself at her.

"Ohh, more?" She asked, kenesising a ripper or her. She placed her cutter on her hip and aimed the ripper, the motor causing the weapon to vibrate in her hands.

"This is for my friends you ugly bastard." She hissed, pulling the trigger and severing the creature's arm with the last remaining blade; she'd just launched it at full speed and not used the tether, so she discarded the useless Ripper and reloaded her cutter.

Happy with the kill, she turned and eagerly hurried off with a smile on her face.


Ferrah let out a yelp of fright as she looked back to see the corpse sprouting new limps and standing up again. She screamed in terror as she opened the door and fired everything she had at the beasts' limbs. The door slid closed and locked between them, allowing Ferrah to breath a sigh of relief.


A huge dint appeared in the door, causing her to jump and fall onto her back. A second later the door was broken and bent towards her, allowing the creature to push the door open by sliding the parts back into the wall.

She noticed the two appendages by its pelvis flex and almost snap at her, perhaps they were weak spots?

As the beast lunged for her, not giving her time to find out, she used her stasis on it, got up and ran for the cargo bay while ignoring any others that gave chase; the creature she'd dubbed the Ubermorph killed them when they got in the way anyway.

"Fereahhhhh..." The same voice called out again, once again creating the orange hologram before her RIG lost it again and shut down comms. She glanced back to see the Ubermorph gone; thank the gods! It was gone!

She entered the deserted cargo hold and made a beeline for the small shuttle in the hold. As she cleared the halfway point, the room shook and the Ubermorph burst down for the ceiling again and almost landed on top of her. Ferrah twisted and was knocked back onto her chest. She pushed herself up and was about to stand and run when she was forcefully flipped onto her back and The Ubermorph swung for her, uncomfortably ripping her helmet from her head at the end of the swipe. She screamed again but, when the swing was over, she felt no pain. She looked down to see a long gash all the way down her suit from her neck to her neck. The precision of the cut was amazing and immaculate, but her suit was ruined! When she saw the beast rear back, for what looked like the final blow, she rolled over and ran.

Her suit fell from her body, tripping her when it fell around her feet. She quickly kicked it off and resumed running. All her clothing had been lost, leaving her to the mercy of the elements and these things. She become hot and flustered again as she tried to outrun the creature and hopefully find some way to stop it.

Her breasts bounced and jumped when she ran, but she didn't really care about anything other than escaping the hellhole this facility had become she kept running. She kept her back to it, not wanting to see its ugly face chasing her until a hard object slammed into her back and sent her to the ground. Before she could stand, the Ubermorph had crouched behind her and she'd pushed up into its 'embrace'. She looked down when she felt its pelvic appendages more or less grab onto her in the little dip where her leg joined with her pelvis and pull her to its groin, much like restraints. Next it grabbed her arms in its three claws and stood with her.

She could barely stand on her tiptoes due to how high up it held her, still with her rump to its groin and her arms outstretched in front and diagonally of her. The pelvic appendages relaxed a bit and she felt herself slip away from its pelvis, but was still securely held by the appendages.

Ferrah was furiously struggling against the might of the creature to no success until she froze.

The beast's length was right between her open thighs.

The top of its length was covered in triangle ridges that sloped back towards the base and got bigger the closer to the base they were, its sides and underside were textured and grooved, looking like they were designed so the female would feel all of them with no exceptions. She had to admit, the best was well endowed; but that meant nothing, it was still her enemy.

It dropped her arms to force her thighs together around its length to which it thrust in and out of twice. She screamed as she felt its almost hot length touching her inner thighs and dangerously close to her nethers. Its arms went back to holding her in the same position before the Ubermorph violently pulled back and thrust into her tender folds with as much force as possible, even going as far as arching its back to increase the power.

Ferrah screamed out as the gargantuine length penetrated her most vulnerable area; pulling and squirming only served to move its length about inside her when she could already feel it against her G-spot, which was quickly bringing her to orgasm. As it held her there, the appendages on its pelvis relaxed and its length retreated a good bit from her, but the appendages kept her in check.

Suddenly the appendages pulled her in again and she cried out in forced, unwanted, pleasure as it hilted itself inside her again. She arched her back and cried out in pleasure as it started to fuck her this way, forcing her to near orgasm before actually thrusting with its hips and power now. It forced its length deep into her tender flesh each time, every texture, grove and ridge pressed tightly to her walls and thrashing around as it ground her to find her G-spot. She tried to move her legs but, as soon as her toes left the ground, her weight shifted and she sunk down onto its length, forcing her to remain standing.

"No!" She cried out, pulling franticly with her arms and twisting her body but only succeeding in pleasuring the Ubermorph more and hilting more of its length inside her. She gasped and cried out in pleasure as her back arched, her muscles tensed and her inners clamped around the Ubermorph when she pulled in just the wrong way when the creature was grinding her while hilted.

She threw her head back in orgasmic pleasure as she couldn't help but feel her insides grip and milk her captor's length to no avail. The Ubermorph just kept up his grinding and thrusting through her orgasm, prolonging it even after she had control of herself which was much to her dismay. As she felt herself preparing for a second orgasm, the Ubermorph roared, pulled her rump firmly onto its groin to hilt itself and unleashed its torrent of seed.

Ferrah screamed out in disgust and discomfort as she felt the hot, gooey, sticky substance pour uncontrollably into her until she felt slightly bloated, but not looking expended physically, before coming to a stop.

Her vision blurred as tears welled up in her eyes and started to fall to the sounds of her unhappiness. The creature took no noticed and slammed her into a wall while keeping hold of her. She was now off the floor and pressed to the wall by the Unbermorph's superior bulk. Her left leg was horizontal to her pelvis with her knee bent and her right leg was straight but a good foot off the floor.

It was now holding her by the arms and pushing its chest against her back. The creature relaxed its appendages and removed itself from her; much to her desire. She managed to calm herself a tiny bit and take a look at her new position. She was pinned, her breasts were squashed to the wall, she was off the ground and her nether were also pushed to the wall.

She cried out in pain and shock as she felt it push its thick shaft between her cheeks and to her ring of muscle. Screaming, she couldn't even struggle as it forced its way into her rear and began to breed her again, each ridge sending a wave of pleasure pain through her as it was thrust into her juicy rump.

"!" She called out, as it held her up with its arms and used its body to thrust up into her and its appendages to pull her down onto each thrust. The Ubermorph also seemed to be taking pleasure in pushing against her in different places when it ground its length inside her to make her breasts rub against the wall along with making her pussy leak and wipe juices on the wall for her to feel when it got pushed to the wall. She could do nothing but let the Ubermorph trust its gargantuan length into her, hot, tight ass and push either her upper or lower sexual area to the wall and grind against her. Through the harsh pleasure pain mix of having the Ubermorph inside her ass, it brought to the verge of another climax but the Ubermorph beat her.

"Ahhh! Ahhh! Ahhh!...Ooohhhhhhhhh!" She cried out just before his seed was actually shot up into her and as it started. As his hot seed filled her ass, she shuddered and her legs twitched and quivered as she was forced to let him fill her again.

Ferrah let out one last cry as she was pulled off the wall and the creature leaned back to impale her on its entire length so its groin was touching her rump, before throwing her to the ground. Ferrah hit the ground hard and landed on her stomach. She groaned, tired, scared and battered by her ordeal, but the Ubermorph was not done with her yet.

She tried to crawl away, but a foot being placed in front of her stopped her. She was picked up by her shoulders and her head was forced to the Ubermorph's groin with her breasts pressing into its thighs. She placed her left forearm and right hand on its abdomen and pushed against it, but whatever strength was left in her was quickly drained away by the Ubermorph's superior strength and the pelvic appendages fastened behind her head when she was close enough before pushing its length into her throat. She kept pushing and tried punching it a few times with her right hand, but when it shook her and shoved all its length into her throat she gagged too hard and could only watch as it used its arms to hold her shoulders and pelvic appendages to move her head; letting her struggling pull her off when it relaxed its appendages before pulling her back on. She could barely breathe and tears were streaming from her eyes again as she desperately tried to get enough air to stay conscious. She was on her right side, torso lifted by the creature and her lower body across the ground; she had no way to defend herself or defeat the creature, so she just prayed it would all end soon as she felt the Ubermorph tense up, pull her so her face was to its groin and fire its gloopy seed down into her stomach before darkness veiled her vision and she passed out.

Dishonoured, defeated and exhausted she prayed that it would kill her so she could at lease redeem some honour in death.

She was given nothing in return and came to roughly an hour after her horrid experience. She was laid on the floor on her right side with her legs bent and arms on either side of her head.

Initially, when she awoke, she coughed and spluttered before bringing up a little of the Ubermorph's vile seed. Her airway was soon clear and she could breathe comfortably again. Shifting her left leg a little she let out a little whine when she felt a sticky substance between her thighs. She lifted her left leg into the air a little and saw the gooey yellow seed had leaked out of her and been spread around her nethers and thighs over the time she'd been unconscious and when the Ubermorph rubbed her in it while against the wall. As she moved more she felt the stickiness between her cheeks and inside her rump, she did not enjoy it and almost broke down crying again as all the memories came back to her.

She lay there for an unknown amount of time before tears started to fall from her eyes as she forced herself up and stumbled over to a vent in the wall after seeing exactly why the shuttle had been left behind; its controls had been totally destroyed and the cockpit window fractured making it unsuitable for space flight.

Her legs were like jelly and the sticky sensation from her rear just made her want to end it all after what the evil creature had done to her. She kenisised her plasma cutter to her from where she'd lost it when her suit had been cut off and crawled into the vent.

Each movement made the seed inside her rump move and stick her walls or cheeks together in a different way before the weak bond was broken only to be replaced by however many others with each leg movement.

The vent was a dead end due to rubble blocking it, but she didn't care. Snuggling up right at the back of the vent, she curled up and closed her eyes to sleep with her plasma cutter alongside her and just wanting to forget about her torture.

(Don't forget to comment, vote, fave or ask for more if you want to! I hope you enjoyed this...unusual...Dead Space story. I promise the next sex scene in my Dead Space series will not involve a Necromorph.

Dead Space belongs to its respectful owners (And is an awesome game series.).

Ferrah belongs to Shadowofintent.

Please do not repost this anywhere without permission from both myself (AnonymousG3) and Shadowofintent.)

Dead Space: Encounter

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