A Father's Approval

Story by Triller on SoFurry

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A Father's Approval

By Triller

Keith shuddered as he settled into the hot tub simmering just outside the large, Victorian house under the starry sky. The sublime glow of the tub's light made the rabbit's usually white fur glow a faint emerald casting spiderwebs of light across his face as he shuffled across the concrete bench. As he let the water sink up to his neck, Keith let out a soft sigh and he shuffled his body between two bubbling jets caressing the outside of his bare thighs. He closed his eyes and enjoyed the cozy warmth of the hot tub as his ears wilted a little and touched the top of the mildly frothing water. His head didn't even swivel as he heard the sliding glass door behind him shuffle open.

"I'm still mad at you." the bunny managed to say, poking his muzzle up from the water just long enough.

Regardless of his grumpy tone, bare footsteps padded across the cobblestone patio toward the small, circular hot tub. Keith glanced to the side and saw two furry feet perched on the edge of the water.

"And I don't talk to people I'm mad at." he added, dunking his head under the bubbling water with a pout while his ears remained above the surface.

The rabbit held his breath for as long as he felt necessary, feeling his face and neck warm until his lungs twinged for air. He poked his head back up above the foam and glanced toward the steps and felt a smug grin curl over his face as he saw a distinct lack of feline feet.

"I can't think of any reason why you'd be mad at me, son." a gruff voice made Keith's head snap forward with surprise and cover his cheeks with an embarrassed blush.

Sitting about chest-deep in the hot tub was an older lion, much older than the one the rabbit had expected, with a grin that showed off rows of sharp, predatory teeth. The older feline had his elbows leaning on the side of the in-ground tub with his large paws dipped into the bubbling water obscuring the rest of his body from the belly down.

"Oh, M-Mister Heussner, I didn't realize... it was you." the rabbit took a more polite tone as he squirmed himself back upright against the opposite wall.

Even sitting up straight, the rabbit barely came up to the lion's shoulders and the older feline had at least a hundred pounds on him.

"You and my boy aren't having a little lover's quarrel, are you?" the older male looked the rabbit over, "And please, call me Greg."

Keith relaxed slightly in the water and crossed his arms over his slim chest, his legs crossing under the water as he tried to not meet the lion's stare.

"We're just having an argument, that's all..."

"Over what?"

Keith twitched at how imposing his boyfriend's father was.

"Nothing, nothing... just... you know, stupid... relationship stuff." the lapin settled down a few inches, "it'll blow over."

Greg ran a large, wet paw over his scruff chin, combing through his thick, ragged mane as he eyed the small bunny for a few moments. He slid along the hot tub's bench until he was sitting right next to the shy bunny, one massive arm casually sitting behind Keith's head as he cupped a shoulder in his large paw.

"I know you two haven't gotten much... privacy while you've been here. I know my boy gets a little ornery when he gets pent up." the lion smirked, squeezing the lapin's shoulder and making him cringe, "You know we don't mind you two being together... hell, I'd say Roy made a hell of a choice picking you."

Keith yelped a little with mounting embarrassment, squirming a few inches away from the older male.

"M-Mister Heussn-... Greg!" the rabbit's cheeks beamed with red as the lion rumbled with laughter.

"Oh, come on. That shirt you wear to bed isn't nearly as long as you think. You've got a good pair of legs on you and I'm sure you need em' if Roy takes after his old man at all." the lion smirked and shuffled himself a little closer, "Now you listen, there's nothing you and my boy need to be ashamed of. Everyone in this family likes the both of you just the way you are." he placed his paw around Keith's shoulder again, "And we understand there are some things you boys need to get out of your systems every once in a while."

Greg's voice dropped a little at that last sentence, his fingers gripping into the rabbit's shoulder tight as he felt the lapin start to squirm a little. Keith could feel the lion's heavy thigh press up next to his and the light pressure of the lion's slight gut against his side and it unnerved him.

"Well, I-I understand, um...Greg, but I'm... I'm just not that comfortable... when it comes to stuff... l-like this. Even talking about it..." Keith trailed off a bit as he nervously pressed his fingers into the tops of his thighs.

"Nonsense..." the lion growled in a tone that made Keith cringe with familiarity, "I've seen you open up to people once they get past your shy little shell..."

It took a moment for the rabbit to notice the lion's paw had begun moving down his side, one finger tucking under the younger male's speedo. Keith stiffened up for a second and glanced at the lion, trying to determine if he was serious as the lion extended a claw and snipped the flimsy material free.

"Has Roy ever told you about his... other relationships?" the older lion's words filtered their way through the wet fur on Keith's neck and made him squirm, "I'm sure he's at least told you a good deal about me. He and I... share similar tastes."

Keith started to panic as he felt his thin swimsuit float down his legs, aided by the lion's powerful paw stroking down his thighs one at a time. He held his breath as the jets began to decrease in flow, the timer outside of the hot tub ticking to a stop and steadily decreasing the opacity of the steamy waters.

"I think you just need a little help coming out of that shell, bunny... let me give you a hand."

Keith shivered as Greg's voice had the same deep, rumbling tremor Roy's had that he could feel in his chest, watching the bubbles on top of the hot tub melt away to reveal the lion's paw moving to grasp his wrist. His eyes followed his fingers as they were guided over to the older lion's lap and it was then that he noticed the utter lack of swimwear around the feline's hips.

"Ah!! Greg, what are you doing?" the rabbit bolted upright and tried to tug his arm away.

The lion replied with only a deep growl as one paw tugged the bunny back into place and the other pressed the rabbit's wrist toward his bare crotch. Keith squirmed as his fingers came into contact with the warm, limp flesh of his boyfriend's father's length, his eyes unable to tear themselves away from the water as he could easily make out its size through the green-tinged lighting. Even limp, the rabbit's slim fingers were dwarfed by the lion's thick meat. A good-sized bush of pubic fur surrounded the tawny hips of the older male and lightly outlined the full, heavy sack that the limp length sat on.

"Not bad, huh? All of Roy's little girlfriends always have that look in their eyes the first time the get a look at a real lion's dick." Greg swelled with pride.

Keith blushed as he did catch himself staring, his fingers wrapping around the base of the thick cock as he could barely touch his fingertips together around it. He felt Greg's muzzle against his ear, warmly growling and giving him a sloppy lick as he pinned the skinny lapin to his muscle-toned side.

"Stroke it."

Keith swallowed but found himself unable to disobey the masculine lion, stroking his fist up and down the meaty dick like he had done so many times before with Roy. Greg let out a pleasing hum and leaned back against the hot tub a little, spreading his legs just a bit and letting those large feline balls sink deeper between them. Keith felt the thick lion meat stiffen and stir with only a few pumps, spreading his fingertips apart even further as the long, heavy shaft started to rise up to a lazy forty-five degree angle from his hips.

"If you're worried about what my boy might think..." the lion piped up after a few minutes of heavy stroking, "He loves getting his daddy's sloppy seconds..."

The words made the rabbit beam embarrassment as he started working the lion's shaft a little higher, feeling the thicker portion of the fat feline cock stretch his fingers apart as he massaged the large, throbbing tip. Keith squirmed, looking over the thick, heavy prick in his paw and needing no mental measurements to know the thing was a good deal longer and thicker than Roy's... or anyone else's he'd seen for that matter. Every growl and groan from the lion's lips urged him to pump a bit faster, squeeze a bit tighter and work the lion's stiffening cock to it's full glory.

The water shifted and Greg suddenly raised himself from the hot tub, towering in front of the rabbit with water filtering down his fur and ten thick inches of lion meat staring him in the nose. Droplets of water splashed back into the tub from the older male's cock as Keith stared down its fat length with a nervous titter. Greg wrapped a paw around the base of his cock with plenty of thick shaft left over and gave himself a good, tight stroke. Keith felt himself tremble with arousal as he watched a fat glob of pre ooze from the end of the lion's dick and drizzle down and inch or two before the lion gave his meat another squeeze.

"I can see that timid, shy shell of yours is already starting to crack..." the lion hummed, sliding his fingers down his thick shaft until only his thumb and index finger made a ring around its base.

Keith instinctively leaned his head back as the lion rocked his hips forward but Greg's other paw caught the back of his head before he could go too far.

"Ah, ah, little bunny..." he crooned, tilting the rabbits face upward and smearing the thick, sticky load of precum along the rabbit's muzzle, "Roy, I'm sure, gave you plenty of practice sucking cock... and you'll need every bit of experience to deal with this prick."

Greg let out a deep, rumbling chuckle as he eased Keith's head back and popped his tip to the rabbit's lips. He watched the bunny's bright green eyes stare up at him, his lips perched on the end of his thick dick while the rest of his body arched and perched to hold the position. His tongue lapped over his lips before the rabbit's head was pushed forward and his own small muzzle parted just enough to let the lion's thick head pop in. Keith managed to get a slight, whimpering meep past the broad lion cock before it buried itself into his muzzle, stretching his jaw wide and tucking his lips over his teeth as the massive cock immediately filled his muzzle.

"Ooh, my boy's got such a nice, hot little muzzle to rest his cock in... how deep does he usually go, hm?" the older lion teased, forcing a few more inches past the bunny's soft lips, "About here? Hm? Maybe a little deeper?"

Keith's muzzle mumbled wordlessly into the fat shaft pinning his tongue to the bottom of his mouth, feeling his jaw ache as the thicker portion of the lion's shaft forced its way past his lips. His eyes teared up a little from being stretched so far and mixed with the water from the hot tub as he felt the broad tip press against the back of his throat.

"Hmm, he's been going deeper with his cute little girlfriends every time..." Greg commented with a grin as he watched the bunny's face wince every time he pressed in a little more, "Let's see if we can't get those soft little lips kissing the base of my fat dick, huh?"

Keith's eyes widened as the lion tilted his head back and directly fed him more of the thick cock he had been trying not to choke on. The faintest whimper gurgled up from his throat and was immediately drowned out by the deep, rumbling groan of pleasure from Greg's lips as he eased his cock down the rabbit's tight, slick throat. Keith closed his eyes and felt a few more choked tears dribble down his cheeks while the lion filled out his throat with the thick, bulging cock. He felt the slick shaft stretch his walls in places he'd never felt before and was certain the old lion was going to bury right down into his stomach with every new grunt and shove of his hips.

"Alllmost there, my little bunny boy faggot..." Greg hissed, moving his paw from the base of his cock and letting the rabbit's upturned head slide perfectly into place against his crotch.

The older lion's ears twitched and waited for the soft, gurgling gulp come from the bunny's lips as he bottomed out into his throat, exhaling and looking down a the tear-streaked bunny's face trying to hold all of his thick prick down his lips. His crotch fur tickled the rabbit's nose and made the little pink triangle dance a bit and Greg was sure the rabbit's neck had a nice, lovely bulge out in front that throbbed every so often.

"Mmm, yes, Roy picked the perfect little faggot to bring to his daddy..." the lion huffed, sliding Keith back down his shaft and letting the lapin gulp a few sweet breaths of air through his nose once his tip popped free from his throat, "His little girlfriend can really take a cock like a pro..." His fingertips lightly grazed between the dazed rabbit's ears, "Let's see if he can take cum like one, too..."

In a split second Keith was back down Greg's cock, his nose pressed firmly into the lion's thick fur. The older male's hips rocked forward with the motion, grinding the long, throbbing prick down the bunny's throat before easing him back to the tip with a wet suckle. The rabbit only mustered a slight gag from the quick thrust, his throat clinging tight to the thick meat repeatedly being forced into his lips and producing a nice slurp when Greg's hips pulled back. The rhythm of the older male's body started to pick up as the heavy paw on the back of Keith's head buried the rabbit's sensitive nose into his crotch.

"Ahhh, no matter how deep or how fast you take a cock..." the older lion slowly licked his lips, "You can never quite get used to a big daddy lion dick, can you, boy?"

Keith's face burned beet red as the older male thoroughly fucked his wet, soft muzzle. He could feel every vein and smooth surface on the throbbing prick as it sunk its way down his throat, threatening to poke into his stomach. Tears still streaked his puffed out cheeks but the bunny still managed to work his tongue up the warm, pulsing underside of the fat lion cock. Greg noticed this with a grin and started bringing the bunny's nose faster into his crotch with deep, short thrusts of his muscular hips.

"Getting me nice and bothered, little bunny... hah... you must really want a taste of your big daddy's seed..." the lion let out a deep, lusty growl as a second paw wrapped around the rabbit's head.

Greg let out a short huff as he looked down past his slight gut to the bunny's head bobbing against his hips. The rabbit's lips let out a lovely mix of wet, forced slurps and muted whimpers as the dripping cock kept disappearing down those soft, almost feminine lips. Greg sunk his fingers into the boy's hair and lightly poked his claws through the white, pristine fur as he leaned his head back in a deep, erupting roar. Kith felt the first throb of the large lion's seed pump directly down his throat, making the thick shaft buried inside his neck thicken that much. He felt his belly fill with the hot, sticky cream of his boyfriend's father and blushed as he found himself enjoying the full sensation.

"Oooohhh, fuck, you want a... a taste of this, little bunny bitch?" Greg managed to snarl through clenched teeth as he eased Keith's head back.

The rabbit squirmed as each new gush of lion cum came further an further up his throat from Greg's paws pushing him back. He stared down the long, veiny shaft that glistened with a bit of saliva until the broad tip of Greg's meat perched just inside his lips. The rabbit was treated to a massive burst of thick, white cum that filled his cheeks like a hot, salty syrup. Keith's eyes widened as the heavy, familiar taste was quickly, automatically gulped down to make way for another fire-hose burst of seed from the end of the lion's ten-inch length. Keith could hardly believe how much seed he was gulping down, a bit of the white stuff dripping from his nose as the next gush of salty cum overflowed his mouth. Part of him wished the old lion would finally finish and let him get a few gasps of breath, but another part wanted to stay suckling his boyfriend's father's dick for another half hour at least.

"Look at how eager you are for your daddy's cum... a little thicker than you're used to, eh boy?" the lion's voice came calm and deep in the bunny's ears.

Keith nodded back silently and gently nursed the last couple of throbs from the lion's dick. Greg tugged his lips off of the throbbing cock and made sure to squeeze his large fist around the base of the fat length as the rabbit's moist lips popped off of its head. He gave the massive prick a good tug and squeeze one pearly white glob of cum onto the rabbit's upturned nose before spreading it into the whiter fur of the boy's cheek.

"Clean me up, faggot... I'm not nearly done with you, yet..." Greg smirked, watching the little rabbit obey and quickly lap his slight, pink tongue over his twitching shaft.

The lion steadied himself in the ho tub as he watched the bunny work diligently on his prick. His small lips worked up one side of his cock and slurped down the other as that little pink tongue flashed out over the fleshy pole every now and then. The little rabbit's eyes glanced up to see the lion watching him and he felt a surge of arousal spread through his body, urging him to go for another pass around the lion's dick and bobbing the fat head off of his tongue. Greg gave the eager lapin a broad grin as the younger male worshiped his cock, gripping his short hair in his fist and pulling him off of the long, bobbing dick in one motion.

Keith grunted as he found himself chest-first against the edge of the hot tub, the lion's strong hand wrapping around his neck like a powerful collar and his thick dick propped up behind his tail. Greg ran his claws down the white fur of his son's boyfriend and watched as the bunny squirmed against his hips. The little cotton tail squirmed against the underside of his thick, throbbing member and the fingers around the back of Keith's neck squeezed a bit tighter.

"Ahhn..." Keith seized up with the first clear sound he had been able to make in minutes.

"How'd my boy like to fuck you, Keith?" the lion's tone was soft, but dripping with thick lust.

The rabbit didn't respond at first, struggling to keep his paws on the edge of the hot tub while Greg slowly teased his taut little ass.

"I said..." Greg yanked the younger male upright and snarled against one of his lopsided ears, "tell me how fast you want this fat, lion cock to rip you apart..."

Keith whimpered, his head tilted up by the lion's paw and his erection bobbing out in front of him despite his discomfort. The lion growled into his damp fur and parted his lips, moving his paw to let his sharp teeth bite the little bunny's exposed shoulder.

"Guh!! H-Hard!" Keith yelped, squirming against the muscular lion and feeling the turgid cock twitch between his rump cheeks at the word, "a-as hard as he... wants... I-I always got...used to his size after a few thrusts."

Greg grinned into the rabbit's shoulder and moved his lips slowly up to his neck with a series of soft slurps.

"It's gonna take you more than a few thrusts to get used to this daddy lion cock, won't it, bunny boy?" the lion shoved the bunny's chest flat against the edge of the tub, "I doubt you'll have any trouble taking my son's cock to the the hilt after I'm done with you. I'm gonna ruin this perfect little pert ass of yours..."

Keith felt the lion's large paw stroke over the curve of his right rump cheek, claws softly extending and testing the taut flesh as the older male shifted downward. The jets in the tub kicked on again right as the muscular lion propped his broad cock's tip against the bunny's tight orifice and Keith whimpered realizing one of the jets was aimed perfectly at his throbbing, guilty erection. His hips tugged back as the initial gush of water caressed down the underside of his cock, pinning his tailhole against the lion's tip and making the older male growl with pleasant surprise. The paw from Keith's neck moved to his other rump cheek and the rabbit felt a sudden surge of pain below his tail as the lion stuffed his oversized cock deep into his seemingly willing ass.

Keith felt two sets of claws dig into his cheeks as the lion spread his ass around his cock. The deep growl of pleasure sounded as though it was right next to his ears, joining his sharp yelp of shock at how thick the older male's cock felt in comparison to his son's. The bunny squirmed instinctively, only managing to help wriggle Greg's massive prick deeper into his stretched, aching tailhole. The lion took his time in enjoying every bit of Keith's tight little rump, knowing that his son had done this so many times before only brought a wider smile to his lips as he planted a nice, rough smack to one of the white cheeks. He reveled in the sight of his son's boyfriend writhing under him, making sure not even an inch of fat lion cock was visible by the time he buried himself balls deep into the young, pert ass.

"Yeahh... feel all that, little faggot?" the lion groaned, massaging the two little rump cheeks in his paws as Keith laid there whimpering, "That's a real lion's cock... give it a good squeeze... get a feel for it...because you'll be dreaming of it every time my boy gives you his."

With that, the lion tugged back and plowed his cock back into the bunny's upturned rump. He filled the tight ass again with a grunt as his heavy balls smacked against the bunny's thighs and his round muscle gut bumped the younger male's tail. Keith could barely hold onto the slippery ledge of the hot tub, feeling the lion's cock spread his ass like nothing he'd ever felt before. He thought back to his first time with Roy and how thick the younger lion had felt when he first plowed him, but Greg was another wave of sensations all together. It didn't help that the lion was pounding his hips into the water, shoving his cock against the warm, gushing jet.

Greg could feel the bunny squeezing down around the base of his dick every time he bottomed out into the young lapin, smirking to himself and starting to plow a bit faster into Keith's sore rear end. The harder the older lion's thrusts became, the more roughly he manhandled the squirming, yelping bunny. Claws raked through the fields of white fur along the rabbit's sides and rear end. Keith let out a noisy yelp as his ears were pulled in a vicious tug from Greg's hand. The sloshing of the water in the hot tub splashed out over the edge as the lion watched his cock disappear between the two pert cheeks again and again. At a certain point the rabbit let out a loud moan of pleasure and felt his tailhole squeeze down around the older lion's fat, throbbing dick, putting a nice, wide grin on the lion's face.

"That's it, b-boy... now you're loving this old lion's cock... let me hear how much you love it." Greg huffed between ragged thrusts of his hips plowing the bunny's stretched tailhole harder than any male before him.

Keith couldn't help himself. He writhed around the thick meat invading his tailhole as an internal barrier had been broken through. His ass squeezed the lion's dick tight and craved how every thick inch spread his ass to its near limits. The rabbit managed to prop himself up on his elbows and look back at the sexy daddy lion taking his tight ass for himself. The older lion glowed from the light in the hot tub and gave the little rabbit a sneering grin as he spread the rabbit's rump cheeks in both paws, plowing him down into the water again. The rabbit cringed with delight as the water jet thrummed against his erection and hung his head in sweet, guilty pleasure.

"Cum for me, little bunny bitch." the lion snarled, keeping his heavy, powerful rhythm and feeling the rabbit squeezing around his thick meat tighter with every tug, "Cum and tell me who's the best at plowing your tight little boy hole."

Keith trembled to try and hold himself back, but the lion began shortening his thrusts in retaliation, only tugging out a few inches at a time to really drill the deepest parts of his tailhole. He leaned his head back with a gasp, losing control of his body to the older, sexy lion's expertise and shutting his eyes shamefully.

"You! Gods, nobody can....f-fuck my ass like you, G-Greg!" he cried out a little louder than he anticipated, but it brought a nice, deep growl from the lion's lips.

The lion's cock tensed as it felt Keith clench down tight around him, the rabbit stiffening up on his toes as he let out a sharp, almost girlish moan of pleasure. Greg could feel his cock being massaged repeatedly as the little horny bunny pumped his sticky load into the tub and milked his throbbing cock eagerly for some protein itself. The lion growled deep back in his throat as he found it harder to thrust into the boy bunny's clenching ass, feeling his balls tighten up as he gave the little rabbit one last heavy shove into the side of the tub.

Keith's ears filled with the deafening roar of Greg's orgasm, the thick meat pressed fully into his ass expanding slightly to fill him with a hot, thick pulse of lion cream. It was nothing like when Roy would fill him at the end of the night. As much as the bunny loved the light, drizzling spurts the younger lion gave him, his father came like a hose deeper in his ass than he ever could. Keith whimpered as another gush of sticky lion cream filled him and forced out the lion's name from his lips in agonizing pleasure. He felt as if his insides were full coated in the hot spunk while the lion simply ground his hips into the pert little ass that greedily took his entire load.

A few moments later the lion relaxed and let out a deep groan of delight. Keith wearily kept himself upright on the edge of the hot tub with stars sparkling in his eyes. The lion leaned over and whispered into his ear as he eased his massive cock out of the tight, clenching bunny hole.

"Now here's what you're going to do... you're going to go inside and get in the shower..." he breathed the words huskily into Keith's attentive ear, "You're going to get nice and clean...and you're going to fuck my boy, you hear me?"

Keith trembled but nodded, unable to disagree with the large, sexy lion.

"You're going to suck and ride his dick like you never have before. Make him cum until the little bastard completely knocks out. And every second he's fucking this tight little ass... you're going to be thinking of me." Greg grunted as his tip popped free from the rabbit's tight, clenching tailhole, "Then you're going to come to my room... and I'm going to spend the rest of the night training you how to be a good... girlfriend..."

Keith shivered as he felt the lion heavily thwack his fat, hard cock against his rump cheek, nodding shakily and earning a chuckling growl from the older lion's lips.

"Now try not to leak all over the floor, Keith... the wife spent all day cleaning up the house, you know."

it, b-boy... now you're loving this old lion's cock... let me hear how much you love it." Greg huffed between ragged thrusts of his hips plowing the bunny's stretched tailhole harder than any male before him.to try and hold himself back, but the lion began shortening his thrusts in retaliation, only tugging out a few inches at a time to really drill the deepest parts of his tailhole. He leaned his head back with a gasp, losing control of his body to the older, sexy lion's expertise and shutting his eyes shamefully.

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