Too doggone yiffy!

Story by FluffyPony on SoFurry

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Rio flipped through channels on the T.V.

"200 hundred channels and nothing on" Rio groaned out.

"Did you try the programming on the playfur channel?" Came graceful whitefur's comment from behind.

"We don't have that one. It was too expensive." Rio protested.

"I wasn't talking about the T.V., silly little puppy!" Arden replied.

Rio turned away from the screen to face him. Rio froze, bewildered, taken aback. Arden had nothing on but an apron that said 'kiss the cook' on the front, with a bulge going outward from the dot on the 'i'. Rio gazed on for eternity, looking coyly away, thinking he'd want to do more than just 'kiss'.

"What's wrong puppy? are you shy?" Arden cooed gently.

Rio shrugged, unable to comprehend this. He had always dreamed of running his paws over that silky coat, playing with his streamlined muscular body, suck on-Rio dismissed that thought with shame. Arden would never take him serious as a lover. Arden was too busy chasing stallion cock-among other things. To compete with Arden's voracious sexual appetite was maddening. He desired Arden, relishing his form tenderly, longing ever so hungrily to be embraced in those strong, yet gentle arms and now...was he teasing, or was he serious?

"Oh, I see, lovely little wulfie hasn't been yiff broken" Arden declared, a delighted grin on his whiskered jowls, distorting slightly the paw shaped birthmark on his left cheek.

Rio stared on, deliriously horny as Arden shrugged, letting his one piece of clothing crumple to the white carpeted floor. His body was revealed, masculine brilliance for all to see. Obvious hunger played across Rio's face as his eyes fastened on Arden's most prominent feature; his magic snow-leopard stick. Of course, Rio was unaware that this was all a distraction, as Arden had a few more tricks up his-er-sleeve. Arden teased the wulfie, bringing his prick close enough for Rio to taste. Rio bowed his head low, about to savor the pursuit he had spent so much time fantasizing about, when-SNAP!. Around Rio's neck was now a collar! Rio immediately paused, feeling the plastic thing fastened securely to his throat.

"Come doggie! We'll yiffbreak you today!" Arden giggled out, playfully tugging on a leash, dragging Rio forward.

This was so strange, he had been so surprised, he hadn't thought to say anything, but when he tried to speak, nothing was uttered. Rio frowned, befuddled.

"Hush, boy. If your good today, I'll give you a treat!" Arden mused, holding his erect cock in one hand.

Rio opened his mouth and drooled at the thought. Arden smiled, entertained by his pet's obvious ravenous hunger.

"Hmmm...maybe we should breed you first. Nothing says yiffslave like six inches of dog cock right up your ass!" Arden pronounced, giving a laugh as he carefully disrobed Rio, and then promptly, momentarily left the room, returning with his golden retriever 'Sam', whom he led by another leash.

Rio looked on, nearly mortified. Arden must be joking! No way he could be some dog's bitch! Then he remembered what Arden said, if he did whatever Arden asked like a good doggie, he would get a 'treat'. That was the only ENTIRE reason he would let arden's pet fuck him! Sam idled up to Rio, rubbing his cold, wet nose against his ballsack, and taking one tentative lick of his sheath, before straightening up and placing his fluffy paws up on the 'puppy' yiffslave's back. Arden went forward, took Sam's dick, and placed the head against Rio's tailhole. Sam then felt the pressure and made one enormous thrust into him, before pulling out and fucking the hell out of Rio with an animalistic frenzy. Sam's tail flagged up and down rapidly, his hind paws doing an unsteady waltz on the floor. And as Sam made a bitch out of him, Rio felt the knot get shoved forcefully into his virgin shithole, and he was unable to even moan, kept silent from Arden's collar. Oh, Arden! For this I get more than just a treat! But as this went on, and Sam slowed down, orgasming, claiming his bitch, filling his new mate with his cum, Rio felt waves of pleasure wash over his vulnerable nude body and wished this would never end! And it wouldn't. For half an hour. Tied ass to ass like a pair of horny mutts. After a while passed, Sam popped his dick out of Rio with a dull squish, as the grey wulfie felt the dog cum drip from his ravaged hole. There was a saying for good rides, 'I wanna go again!' Rio thought in dismay. He never thought being fucked by an animal would be that intense. That-Rio grinned sheepishly-'fun'.

Suddenly, Arden crouched behind and drove his own flesh into Rio's now greedy tailhole, thrusting deeply, moaning, placing his hands on Rio's back where Sam had kept his minutes before.

"Uh! Good doggie!" Arden cried out.

Rio felt ardens' sack slap his thighs with each delicious thrust of his 'dog bone'. He's certainly giving me a bone-er now. Rio mused as he took the rocking motion of his lover with delight.

"Ohhh...what a good bitch. I like to fuck male whores; they're always in heat!" Arden wryly mused with a chuckle.

Soon, Arden gave one last really hard thrust, groaning out in orgasmic relief as his balls shot Rio full of his leopard seed like a cum jar. Arden collapsed tiredly backwards to land on his shoulders on the carpet, out of breath and a big goofy grin on his lips.

"Okay doggie. You were a good boy. Come get your treat" Arden declared amusedly.

Rio twisted around, seeing Sam tied up and still with an erection bursting from his sheath. Rio crawled towards the retriever, untying him, and leading him back toward Arden. Arden lifted his head slightly.

"Huh? What are you doing?" Arden asked, curious.

Rio, of course, was unable to divulge his plan-if he wanted to share it in the first place. But Rio now knew what he wanted. He wanted Arden's cock as a tasty morsel to suck on, but his desire burned for one that now earned his affection through a fiery passionate fling he had never before experienced in all his glorious yiff-seeking years. Rio presented his tailhole to Sam, who sniffed it and licked the cum out like he hadn't eaten for days! Rio sighed blissfully as Sam cleaned his ass up with his tongue. Then, without warning, Sam took his position on Rio's back once more, jabbing Rio painfully with his wayward prick until he could find the hole. Then Sam thrust in eagerly with a single sliding motion of his canid organ, driving Rio's doubts out along with it. Now there was no mistaking his passionate desire for dog cock. With his yiffhole all stretched out and Sam much more sedate this time around, Rio felt like he had died and went to yiff heaven!

At the same time, Rio took Arden's rod in his muzzle and slid his tongue along the whole length, eagerly tasting the two mingled flavors of the cum which had both been sprayed so hotly into his desiring rump. Arden purred happily as Rio's tongue explored every wrinkle, every bulge, every detail of his elegant rapier of carnal obsession. Arden sighed loudly, weakly thrusting his hips toward Rio's mouth, wishing for more, desiring to be taken completely into Rio's protective slimy warmth. As punishment, Rio halted, wagging a paw. Arden ignored this and hastily took Rio's head in his hands, forcing him, nearly gagging him over the whole length of his cock, as behind them, Sam finished his fun and now stood tail to tail, stuck to Rio for another half hour. Rio grinned, savoring Sam's knot like a warm and soft butt-plug.

Rio nearly removed Arden from his mouth, instead nibbling gently on the tip, licking into the peehole, which drove Arden wild with fervor. Then Rio seized the member in both paws and lightly squeezed and rubbed along the shaft as he ran his tongue slowly around the head randomly in all sorts of ways. Soon, Arden exploded like a jism erupting volcano, sending his hot lava down Rio's waiting and hungry throat. Arden moaned for some time as orgasm after orgasm rocked his delicate masculine frame, and Rio ravenously cleaned him up, squeezing the excess seed from Ardens' urethra like a tooth paste tube. Then Rio collapsed tiredly next to his mate as Sam took turns working over both their needy dicks.

"Who needs 200 channels when we got each other, hmmm?" arden prompted, taking rio's cock in one hand.

Rio reached over and proceeded to reply in kind. As they began each others' rough hand jobs', Rio simply replied,

"And who needs playfur when WE can play together?" Rio added thoughtfully, then blinking in wonder as he realized he could speak again!

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