Passionate Escape: Chapter 2

Story by Narune Watercrest on SoFurry

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Well guys here it is, finally. Sorry for the huuuuuuuge delay. x.=.x Chapter 3 shall arrive very soon, as I'm writing and working on projects a lot more often now. And also I will start drawing again! So you guys can see the creepy stuff lurking in my mind. XD Gotta buy a decent tablet first, then the rest shall follow. Hope you all enjoy this story, you guys inspire me! ^.=.^

Keith took another long gulp of alcohol from his glass, his eyes rolling back as he tasted the mixed contents. He smacked his lips loudly and wheezed as the full effect hit him, noting the slight tangy aftertaste this batch had. He was tilted his head and groaned as he got onto his feet, walking over to the mini bar and shutting the door. His thirst had been sated for the night, but another urge was quickly taking prominence. The several mixed drinks he had just consumed were bringing out his more feral nature, slowly unlocking his desires. He knew there were a few ways this night could end, all of them with fiery passion at the least. He made sure not to drink himself to inebriation, as he did not desire to lose control of himself too early. He had a certain way he wanted to handle the coming situation, and it required a degree of finesse and care. He stretched his wings out, growling loudly as the joints cracked from prolonged inactivity. He went over to the door leading to a private balcony, spreading the drapes to let the moonlight in. He gazed at the glowing orb's brilliant aura, chilling in its solidarity and haunting appearance. He remembered many nights he had spent awake, tracing out constellations and trying to wrap his mind around the vastness of everything. No one could tell by first glance how obsessed he was with celestial bodies and the universe, and it came as quite a surprise to Amy when she first found him studying a book about neighboring nebulae. She figured that he would be more interested in more basic forms of entertainment, such as watching movies or playing video games. He smiled as he remembered how he attempted to grab her attention with his theories about existence and the possibility of multiple realities co-existing. At first she seemed incredibly disinterested in it, but with time she began purchasing books similar to the ones he read. He knew that it reminded her of him whenever he had to go back, and he hoped this time it would be different. He slid the glass door open, stepping out into the cool night air, loving its chilling embrace. He sat in a chair and propped his feet on the guard rail, watching the moonlight dance off the surface of the waves in the distance. He felt most alive at night; it was so enchanting and serene. Below he could see lights dotting the beach that belonged to fishers and crab catchers. He had tried his hand at fishing once out on the open ocean, it resulted in him hooking something unknown and being dragged off of the boat. He lost a $300 fishing rod that day, not to mention a little bit of his dignity. From that point on he stuck to swimming only, for it was a great way to exercise and keep him in shape. His apartment complex at home even had a large pool that he frequented quite often, though he also seemed to attract a lot of ladies when his shirt came off.

He relaxed for the next half hour, playing out the entirety of his vacation and the plans he had after. He wondered when he should tell Amy of his other plans; he didn't want her to spoil them for Rebecca. He closed his eyes once more, curling his tail onto his lap as he let out a long sigh. He hoped that Amy hadn't gotten into any trouble since he had been gone. He remembered what he had to deal with when he first met her and had gotten close, not wanting to go through that once more. His ears perked as he heard a knock on the door, slowly rising from the chair and stretching out. He groaned and flicked his tail as he cracked his neck, heading over to the mini-bar and grasping a random bottle of wine from a shelf stack. He placed it on the dining room table and left it, quite certain he knew who was knocking this late. He approached the door and threw on a night-robe just in case he was mistaken, tying the straps on the front so that it would not fall. He heard another knock and placed his hand on the knob, looking through a small glass peep-hole. He smiled and unlocked everything, opening the white oak door and facing his nighttime visitor. She smiled and placed her hand on his shoulder, prompting him to immediately draw her into his arms. He held his Amy quietly, nuzzling her neck and thrumming happily. He was thankful to have her company; he had been craving it for so long now. He lightly licked over her right ear teasingly, feeling her shudder in his grip. She slipped a hand into his robe and rubbed at his scaled chest, feeling those tight pectorals. He began to kiss down her neck now, nipping at her fur with the tips of his sharp teeth. She gave a low groan from the attention, urging him to continue. He pulled her into the room, closing the door behind them. He ran his tail along her leg, admiring the red robe she was clad in and wondering what she had on underneath it. His urges were taking hold of him fast, he needed her so badly. It had been so long for both of them, they had earned this night of passion a thousand times over. She was quickly giving in herself, quickly untying his robe and stripping it off. She bit her lip as she gazed upon his built frame, the moonlight gleaming from his scales. She began rubbing over his chest and stomach, pressing herself close and licking at his lips. He growled deeply and wrapped his arms around her, drawing her into a deep kiss. She moaned in passionate bliss, coiling her long canine tongue with his impressively long dragon tongue. He snuck a hand into her robe to caress her back, tracing his claws lovingly against the soft fur. She groaned and panted, her arousal building up quickly from such romantic actions. Keith ran his hand down further, feeling the curves of her hips along with the fabric of some unseen lingerie. He chuckled and released her, backing up.

"I know you've got something saucy under there baby. Please give me a show." he said as he grabbed a kitchen stool, sitting down and crossing his arms. Amy smirked and nodded to him, parting the chest area a bit to reveal the red fabric of a tight, lacey bra. Keith shuddered as she parted it further, showing off her ample cleavage smooshed together by the brazier. She licked her lips in a lewd fashion, showing off her long canine tongue, knowing how much he loved it when she put it to good use. She swayed her hidden hips as she began to part her robe more, revealing more of her chest. She giggled as she felt Keith's tail rub against her leg, eyeing him intently as he shifted. With one graceful motion she removed the robe and dropped it to the floor, standing in all her curvaceous glory. The purple drake let out a deep growl, taking in the wonderful sight of her lovely body. He gazed upon her soft, dark chocolate colored fur, remembering how it felt to caress her smooth coat. His eyes traveled down to her rather large chest, two D sized breasts teasingly hidden behind a red bra. He loved playing with them, tweaking the nipples with his claws, licking them, suckling them, whatever he could do to please her. His gaze dropped lower to her rounded hips, desiring to feel her soft little rear in his hands again. He loved slapping and squeezing hers, her body was just so utterly perfect. Her long legs were delicate and befitting of her feminine nature, her toe claws painted purple as if to signify she was his girl. He could just keep admiring her all night, but he had a few more rigorous things in mind that he knew she'd love. Keith's heart began to pound faster as he visualized everything that would unfold that night, every last luscious detail left to his creative mind and ravenous sexual appetite. His robe was slightly tented at the groin, his arousal quite at full capacity. He couldn't restrain himself any longer; he had to feel her pressed against him once more. He craved her touch more than anything in the world, her attention all that occupied his mind at that time. He nearly pounced on top of her, his agility easily taking her by surprise. She gasped as she felt him bite into her neck, just hard enough to draw a few small drops of blood. The sensation made her moan out passionately, her body shuddering against his, the scent of her arousal not escaping his powerful sense of smell. His hands rubbed along her body, one finally settling on her right rump cheek while the other caressed her lower back. He squeezed and smacked her shapely rear aggressively, groping her in a manner that would be deemed most inappropriate anywhere besides their bedroom. She gave light yelps as he pressed his still clothed body firmly against her, grinding hard with his groin. She reached for his straps, untying them and trying to tug the obstruction off of her lover. He chuckled and had the robe lying on the floor in only a few seconds. Amy licked her lips as she eyed his built frame and smooth muscles. Her fingers traced over his shoulders and down his arms, causing him to rumble within. He swayed his tail as he watched the fascination on her face; she always said he had a killer body. He had worked out nearly every day for the past three years, and the training had given him some very enjoyable benefits. His endurance had gone up quite a bit, which he used to a pleasurable degree when Amy wanted long sessions. He had also become very flexible, able to stay in different poses and positions for longer periods of time. He had done this all for her, well not entirely just for her.

Things kicked off with some heated foreplay as usual, with Keith propping some pillows up behind Amy and spreading her legs slowly. He noticed the slight dampness of her panties and pressed his muzzle in close, sniffing her incredible scent. She gasped gently as he nuzzled against her covered vent, yipping as she felt him nip at her panties and begin to lift them with his teeth. He dragged them far down to her ankles, plentiful amounts of saliva dripping from his chin and onto the fabric. Amy relaxed and perked her ears up, watching intently for what he was going to do next. Keith slowly licked his way up her smooth-furred legs, his long tongue caressing her sensitive spots. Amy cooed in delight and squirmed, curling her toes as the pleasurable sensations washed over her. She groaned as he worked his way up higher, tongue bathing the inside of her thighs and around her hips, causing her to buck in response. He rubbed her smooth tummy gently with a free hand while the other reached under to grip her rear. The curvy Doberman moaned and whimpered submissively, knowing her dragon was about to make her scream. The eager male traced his claws playfully along her belly fur as he licked just above her moist mound. Her scent was maddeningly alluring; he desired nothing more than to bury his tongue inside her that instant, but he wanted to be a little more torturous than that. He nuzzled her outer labia delicately, hearing her gasp as a result. He grinned and rubbed his muzzle a little harder against her warm cunny, some of her juices coating it. Keith gave a low growl and snaked his skilled tongue out, running it along her heated lips ever so lightly. Amy moaned quietly, wiggling in his grip as he teased her outer lips. He worked the tip of his tongue to her little nub, slowly rubbing it in a circular motion while he caressed her smooth stomach. She gripped the bed sheets and arched her hips upwards, gasping hard as he found her hard little clit. Her body bucked and moved to the motions of his draconic appendage, sheer bliss flooding her mind and blocking out all other thoughts. Keith purred and gently nibbled along the clit before suckling on it, causing his partner to yelp. He held her in place as he continued to suck, pressing his tongue past her lips and into her passage. He wiggled it around and groped her breasts playfully, feeling her body writhe from his actions. He derived great pleasure from making her squirm, loving how she gasped and whimpered submissively. Amy wrapped her legs around his neck and held onto his horns tightly, bucking her moist cunny against his muzzle eagerly. He grinned and obliged, slowly thrusting his tongue in and out of her tight tunnel whilst rubbing her clit with a claw. He coiled his tongue upwards towards her G-spot, being rewarded with an enthusiastic scream of pleasure from his girl. After a few moments her eyes were closed tightly and her jaw was slacked, nearing her climax faster than usual. Keith made lewd slurping sounds as he made out with her warm pussy, kissing her lips while licking around inside. He was driving her wild, her pheromones indicative of her overall arousal. His nostrils were flooded with her rich scent, driving everything from his mind. His main focus was getting his female to cum, which he was alarmingly close to achieving at this point.

After several moments of constant licking his girl arched her back and cried out, gripping the covers tightly as her body trembled. Her sweet juices poured out of her cunny, the eager dragon lapping up what he could, happy to please her in such a way. He withdrew his tongue and rested his muzzle against her belly, licking his lips clean of her sticky fluids. Amy laid there panting for several minutes, her eyes closed as she tried to recover from the powerful climax. Keith smiled as he watched her, swaying his tail idly as he awaited his lover to regain her senses.

"I never forgot how damn good you were at that..." she uttered slowly, her mind once more able to function normally without a tongue to her clitoris. She growled and stretched out on the bed, her legs still slightly trembling. She looked down at Keith's muzzle on her belly and giggled.

"Awwww my dragon looks adorable down there." she teased, knowing how much he hated being called anything close to cute. He frowned and then nibbled her belly, making her wiggle in place against the sheets.

"I'd say I'm more Especially when I'm pounding into you for hours at a time." he said with a smirk. Amy blushed and gasped a bit, her acute sense of smell picking up his musk. The dragon lifted himself up, his scales glistening in the moonlight. He sat on his knees, properly displaying his large, throbbing spear. The canine moaned at the sight, the male's nine inch dragon cock standing at full attention and his large balls hanging below, full of warm seed yet to be spilled. She pressed her toes against his orbs, rubbing them gently and feeling how plump they were. The dragon rumbled deeply, gripping her foot and rubbing the toes against his thick shaft. Beads of clear pre dribbled from his flared tip, rubbing the length up and down the sole of her foot paw. Amy squealed in delight, moving her other foot up to rub against the dragon's big package. Keith shuddered and began to lightly buck his hips, more of his warm pre-seed dripping onto Amy's skilled toes. She licked her lips, watching her deeply aroused partner thrusting against both her foot paws, rubbing them rhythmically down to his base and then up to the very tip. After a few moments her paws were sufficiently sticky from the copious amounts of pre that Keith was leaking, his eyes lidded back, his mind lost to the pleasure. She grinned slyly, beginning a new and faster pace. The male moaned loudly and opened his eyes, gazing longingly at his girl in a state of powerful lust and overwhelming need.

"I'm so close babe, please..." he trailed off as he felt those soft hind paws working quickly up and down his swollen shaft, digging his claws into the bed sheets in absolute bliss. The Doberman focused on giving the dragon a creamy ending, rapidly moving her feet up and down the warm meat of her lover, each throb of that lovely cock making her gasp. A large knot began to form at his base, several soft spines emerging from around it. He had never fully gotten it into her, though the spines were not harmful in any way, the base of the knot was just too big. The bed rocked hard as the dragon pumped himself up and down between the wondrously soft paws of the canine, moaning uncontrollably and thudding his tail against the bed as he arrived at his peak. He leaned over her mid-section and roared out, balls clenched tightly as warm dragon cum began spurting all over her feet and belly. Amy moaned and whimpered in utter delight, wiggling her toes as she felt that sweet cream spilling onto them, still rubbing up and down the wildly throbbing shaft. The two lovers gasped and cried out as the male spilled his gooey seed onto the form of his lover, powerful spurts jetting thick, white ropes of cum as high as her chest. The hot passion between them only strengthening as Keith emptied the last of his hot spunk after a few more long moments of mind-numbing pleasure. He collapsed atop his partner, taking quick, short breaths as his mind swam in a lake of pure bliss, all thoughts pushed aside. Amy rubbed a hand along his neck, tracing her short claws against his semi-smooth scales. Keith wrapped his arms tightly around her, holding her warm body close to his, sharing his passion in those moments. The strong scent of his climax hung heavily in the room, making the female wiggle underneath. His pheromones were affecting her in the most carnal way, her sex already dripping wet once more. He lifted his muzzle and sampled the air, her scent mingling with his own, creating a most delectable musk. Without any words, he sat up on his knees, spreading her legs with his hands gently. She let out a low moan, her eyes tracking his and never looking away. He swiftly brought his large purple tip up, rubbing it between her petals, a deep growl emanating from the willing dragon.

"There really is no sating you tonight is there?" she teased, a sly smirk forming on her muzzle.

"Baby, I'm not stopping tonight." he trilled, fully aware of how cheesy that line was. The look on her face and the roll of her eyes said she loved it. Amy laid her head back, staring up at the dark ceiling. Her fur was a shade of blue, due to the light from the moon, giving her body the most incredible look. Keith sighed happily as he gazed at his canine beauty, rubbing his hands over her smooth belly fur. He lifted the lower covers away with his tail, giving them plenty of room on the entire bed to do as they wished. She moved under him a bit more, wrapping her legs around his waist. The dragon grinned lewdly, fully intending to wear himself out tonight. He slowly began to press forward, grinding his head further against her moist lips, eliciting gasps from his beloved. He began to spread her most tender parts, the tightness a sign of how long it had last been. She gripped his shoulders and clenched her legs harder, the male panting as he kept pressing forward steadily. Their passion was nearly at its peak, suddenly shattered by the sound of techno music playing near Amy's discarded robe. The couple both grunted in protest, Keith wanting to answer it while Amy just wanted to continue. The dragon pulled out what little he already had stuffed into her, wincing slightly as his tip popped out. The canine groaned and rolled onto her stomach and sat up, getting off the bed quickly and walking over to the noise. Keith fell onto his back and stretched out, watching his companion's sexy stride as she popped her hips. He reached down and stroked his large draconity, keeping himself hard for her, pre dribbling from the purple tip. Amy bent over, much to his delight, and retrieved her phone. She flipped open the touchscreen and clicked an illuminated button, lifting it to her ear.

"Oh, hey! You kinda caught me at a bad time, is everything okay? Wait calm down, tell me what's going on." the male frowned, sitting up with a concerned look on his face now. Amy's motions became increasingly frantic, her demeanor indicating someone who was deeply worried. The muffled voice on the other end sounded rather loud and frantic, Keith picking up on the hint of fear and desperation. He immediately got off the bed and walked slowly over towards Amy, his eyes narrowed as he studied her motions. She noticed him and looked into his eyes, small tears wetting her facial fur. He stepped closer, his pulse rising as his concern was piqued.

"Hold up dear, he's hear. I'm going to give you to him now." she said, holding the phone out to him, her arm shaking. He looked at it, shock of the situation confusing him as to what he should do. Then Amy said something that made his heart skip a beat.

"It's your sister, she's in the hospital."