24 Hours (Part 1)

Story by C-PRIME on SoFurry

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#8 of Pre-2011 Stories

The first of a three part series about a human male who has 24 hours to live and how he spends his final day of life.

24 Hours (Part 1)

(Human M + F Collie)

Daniel was like most young human males; he had just graduated from college and was searching for a job and eventually a mate. He recently heard that his childhood sweetheart (a young mousette named Cherie) had recently divorced her first husband and was in the market for a new mate herself. Daniel was excited at the opportunity to get back together with his childhood sweetheart and had a job interview in a couple of days with a very successful company in Downtown Victoria.

For Daniel, it seemed that life was going his way. However, sometimes when everything seems to be going your way, something comes along to throw a monkey wrench into your life and ruin everything. As Daniel walked to his car after leaving from a formal dress shop to pick up a new suit for his interview, an insect known only as a "doom beetle" landed on his neck. It is called the doom beetle since if it bites you, it'll inject a powerful toxin that attacks the nervous system, causing extreme pain until it works up to the brain and causes the body to shut down completely.

Daniel felt something crawling on his neck and used his hand to brush it off. The doom beetle became agitated by this action and immediately swooped back down to his neck, biting him and injecting its venom into his body. "Ouch", he shouted as the beetle bit him, slapping his neck hard, killing the beetle and causing it to fall to the ground below. It was when he looked down and saw the red skull on it's abdomen that Daniel realized he was bitten by a doom beetle and immediately became nervous.

He got into his car and frantically drove to the nearest doctor, where he was tested to see if the beetle injected it's toxin into his body (sometimes they don't since they use their toxin to hunt prey and humans are far too big for them). The doctor and his nurse were in the labratory, examining the tissue sample collected from the bite. As the tissue was examined, the doctor could tell right away that there was venom present on it, indicating that Daniel had received the toxin.

A few minutes later, the doctor returned to the exam room with the news. "Mr. Stone...I'm sorry I have to tell you this, but I must give you the news. When the beetle bit you, it injected venom into your body that will soon affect your nervous system and eventually cause your body to shut down, you have 24 hours left to live", the doctor explained to him sternly, trying to hold back any emotions.

When he heard the news, Daniel began to feel very upset. Just as he thought his life was going good, one little beetle bite shot it all to pieces. "I'm afraid there isn't anything I can do to cure you since there is no anti-venom for doom beetles yet. But I can make your last day of life more comfortable by giving you an injection of painkilling medicine that will last long enough to get you through the remainder of your life", he added. Daniel looked at the doctor and agreed to get the injection, feeling the needle poke into his arm and deliver the medicine into his body.

At that time, the doctor explained to him that even though Daniel was going to die in 24 hours, he should go out and live his life to the fullest (within legal limits of course). At that point, Daniel decided to take his doctor's advice and spend the last 24 hours of his life, doing the stuff he always wanted to do. He still had nearly $10,000 in his savings account from what was his college fund, so he figured he could go out and have the time of his life, and not have to worry about the consequences.

As he left the doctor's office and got in his car to go to the bank to close his account, he thought about Cherie. He remembered all the fun they had together when they were younger, going to high school together, dancing at the senior prom, and even sharing their first sexual experience with one another. Daniel still loved Cherie, but now that he was doomed to die in 24 hours, he figured that he wouldn't bother her with this and decided to do something else with his remaining time.

When he arrived at the bank, Daniel closed his account and got the $10,000 in cash to spend the way he saw fit. There were two things he wanted to do most of all in his last day of life...have sex with another female as well as go to the ocean and watch the sun set over the water. To satisfy his first wish, he went back Downtown to a place known as the "Fox Hole" club. He had never been to the club before, but heard stories about it. The Fox Hole club was actually a strip club that was licensed for legalized prostitution, a very good place to go for a quick yiff with no strings attached.

Normally, Daniel would've thought of this as a cheap way to have sex with a female, but now that Daniel was going to die tomorrow, he didn't care anymore. He paid the bouncer at the entrance to get in and order a glass of pop as he watched a 20 year old vixen dance for the crowd, wagging her fluffy vixen tail and showing off to the horny males in the audience. Daniel watched Scarlet with some eagerness, watching her wag her fluffy tail to the audience and coaxing Daniel to come up to the stage. "C'mon sweetie, don't be shy, come up to the stage and gimme a tip so I can wag my tail for you", Scarlet called out to him, wanting to play for the young human male.

Daniel reluctantly went to the stage and placed a couple of bucks on the rail for Scarlet, she smiled at him and took the money, climbing over the rail and resting her nuzzle on his shoulder, purring softly for him as she grabbed his tush. "Mmm...you're a real cutie aren't you", she whispered sweetly to him, licking his ear with her warm vixen tongue, before going back onto the stage. Scarlet then turned around and showed Daniel her swollen vixen vulva up close while wagging her tail in his face. Daniel caught the sweet scent and felt turned on by Scarlet as she played for him.

"Mmm...I bet you'd like to come fuck my fox hole, wouldn't you", she giggled playfully as she tickled his nose with the tip of his tail. Daniel felt turned on by Scarlet and felt horny for her, but for some reason Scarlet didn't seem quite right for him. She was a very yiffy and attractive vixen, but he craved a sweeter female to have sex with, one that he could cuddle with afterwards. So after she was done dancing for him, Daniel went back to his seat while Scarlet worked around the stage. She whimpered softly when he left, but quickly found more suitors wanting to get a piece of her.

For the next half-hour, he watched a couple other females dance on the stage, including a young mousette that reminded him of Cherie, except this mousette had black hair and green eyes, whereas Cherie had light brown hair and blue eyes. The mousette was simply known as Raven at the club, because of her dark hair...but in reality, it was Cherie, wearing a wig over her natural hair and green contact lenses. She recognized Daniel immediately and while she was single and looking for a new mate, she was too shy to ask Daniel since she didn't want him to find out that she started working at the Fox Hole Club, even though she still loved him. "Raven" acted professionally and called Daniel to the stage so she could perform for him. Feeling enticed, Daniel came up to the stage and gave "Raven" a $5 bill. She happily took it and crawled over the rail and onto him, kissing his cheek then nipping his ear lobe sweetly. He looked at Raven's breasts as they were close to his face, feeling her soft and velvety fur tickle his nose.

After that, "Raven" climbed back off of the stage and laid on her back as she spread her legs apart and opened her pussy to Daniel. He watched excitedly as Raven moved her flexible tail towards her pussy and gave it a quick probe with the tail. Daniel was so turned on by Raven that he wanted her to be his yiff partner, however...Raven (Cherie) refused telling him that although he was a cutie, she was very picky about who she yiffed with and stuck to her regulars. However, in reality, Cherie loved him dearly and didn't want to make him pay to have sex with her. She was seriously considering him as a potential mate and possibly even as the father of her first litter, but she didn't let him know that.

Cherie decided to wait until the time was just right to tell him the truth, but in the meantime she saw Daniel sitting by himself, waiting for a female to play with and felt bad for him. Though she wanted to be the one to have sex with Daniel, she wanted to have him do it away from where she worked, so she wouldn't have to charge him for it. As she walked backstage towards a room with a male that paid her for sex, she passed a 19-year old collie fem named Kayla. She was scheduled to go on-stage next.

Kayla was one of the most popular females at the club, besides Raven (Cherie) and Scarlet, meaning it would cost a lot more normally to take one of these females backstage and have sex with them, unless they arrange a deal with their manager or another female. Cherie asked her yiff partner to wait a moment so she could talk to Kayla in private. At that point, Cherie and Kayla went into Kayla's dressing room to talk business. At first Kayla was confused about why Raven called her into the dressing room to talk. That's when "Raven" told Kayla the truth.

"There is a young human male out there named Daniel who is real sweet and loving and could use a cute female like you to yiff with and cuddle with, I'd do it myself...but he's actually my childhood sweetheart and I don't want to make him pay to have sex with me since I love him", Cherie explained to Kayla. "I'd like you to do me a favor and keep him company for a while, until after my shift is over, then I can change into my normal outfit and talk to him as his sweetheart", Cherie added. Kayla was confused about why "Raven" wanted her to do this, but she did know that "Raven" was her friend and she was willing to help her out, so Kayla agreed.

At that point, Cherie gave Kayla $500 to cover part or all of a yiff session with Daniel (depending on how long he wanted her as well as what type of contraceptive method is used). Kayla took the money and put it in her purse, then headed out onto the stage for her performance. Daniel watched as the young collie fem began to strut her stuff, dancing around the poles and wagging her fluffy collie tail for the crowd. Daniel thought that Kayla was a cutie and became somewhat interested in her. Kayla then looked at Daniel and smiled, giving him the "come hither" sign.

Feeling sexually aroused by Kayla, he came up to the stage again, slapping another $5 on the rail for Kayla. She smiled at him sweetly, "Thanks cutie", she told him as she took the money and crawled over the rail, bringing him close to her and licking his face with her warm collie tongue before pressing his head against her large and succulent breasts. After holding her breasts against him for a moment, she pulled him over to the stage and whispered in his ear. "I want you", she whispered softly, licking his ear before she turned around to show off to him some more.

Kayla bent down and presented herself to Daniel, wagging her fluffy collie tail and showing off her swollen canine vulva, opening it up to him and letting Daniel see how pink and juicy it was inside. Daniel was more than thrilled with this and felt strongly tempted to fap off to Kayla from where he was, but he couldn't since he would get kicked out. Besides, Kayla probably wanted him to keep his load inside his balls for later anyway. After performing for Daniel, Kayla went around the stage, giving other performances for other males, but her eyes and heart remained set on Daniel. She promised Raven (Cherie) that she would keep Daniel company and Kayla was determined to help her friend. After a few minutes of dancing on stage, Kayla's performance ended and it was time for her to come down and choose her yiff partner. As she walked by, she looked down at Daniel and smiled. "Be right there cutie", she told him sweetly as she ran behind the stage for a moment to get her clothes back on for the moment.

Daniel returned to his table and took a sip of his pop, while waiting for Kayla to come over. Sure enough, a couple minutes later, the attractive young collie fem came right to Daniel and sat next to him. She whimpered happily and gave him a kiss on the cheek while facing her hand on his. "Hello cutie, I've never seen you around here before", she told him sweetly. Daniel looked over at the beautiful female collie and saw a twinkle in her light brown eyes. He felt his cock instantly stiffen for Kayla, wanting to enter her lovely pussy and take her. Kayla smiled as she moved down towards his crotch and touched his boner. "Mmm...looks like someone wants to play", she giggled, licking his cheek again while doing so. "Why don't we go warm up a little bit first before we go back and yiff, doesn't that sound like fun?", she asked politely, wanting to make sure that Daniel was totally into her before she allowed him to mate with her.

Daniel looked at Kayla with great interest and had plenty of cash to have a little bit of fun with her and take her backstage to yiff. He looked at Kayla and asked her how much it would cost to take her to a bed for a bed dance. Kayla licked his cheek and explained what the prices were. "Bed dances are $100 for three songs, Lap Dances are $20 for one song, plus you can also get a power drink for another $20 that will give you more stamina and potency for when we go backstage", Kayla explained to him, wanting to make sure his was as stoked as possible before that time arrived. At that point, Daniel gave Kayla $100 for a bed dance and another $20 for a power drink. She happily took the $100 and put it in her purse while giving the other $20 to a waitress to get him his beverage for later. Then, Kayla took Daniel's hand and walked him over to one of the beds while she got ready to dance for him.

When the two of them arrived in one of the "bedrooms", Kayla had Daniel lie down on the bed while she took off her top and waited for the next song to start before beginning the dance. She simply fondled her breasts and licked her nipples in a playful manner while she waited, wagging her fluffy collie tail and eager to make her yiff partner as horny as possible before Kayla took him backstage. As the next song started, Kayla climbed onto Daniel's crotch and positioned herself directly over the bulge in his pants. "Mmm...looks like someone's feeling hot for me", Kayla giggled as she rubbed her crotch up against him. She then leaned down so her face was close to him and gave him a friendly lick on her cheek. "So sweetie, what made you come here today?", Kayla whispered to him softly while licking him and rubbing against his crotch. Daniel looked at Kayla and told her that he was going to die in less than 24 hours.

As soon as Kayla heard him say that, she didn't believe him at first, she thought he was just trying to get into her panties (which was allowed at the club, but males had to pay for sex). "C'mon sweetie, there's no need for fibbing...you don't need to impress me to come backstage with me.", Kayla explained to him softly while continuing to rub her crotch against his, sending her intense canine heat through his pants and onto his shaft. "It's OK honey, I want you to yiff with me, I just want you to tell me the truth about why you came here today, that's all", Kayla added. That's when she started to see tears in Daniel's eyes.

"I'm telling you the truth...I really am dying, I got bit by a doom beetle earlier and now I have less than 24 hours to live. I'll even show you the papers the doctor gave me once we're done here if you'd like", Daniel explained defensively. At that point, Kayla simply whimpered softly, wanting to have sex with Daniel, but worried that she was offending him. She rubbed her crotch harder against his, enjoying the bulge in his pants while licking his cheek softly and whimpering sweetly. Daniel felt Kayla's hot collie vulva stroking his crotch, making him wish that he could be inside her right then and there. "Mmm...Kayla, your pussy feels so hot to me. I want to have sex with you", Daniel moaned happily, feeling totally aroused by Kayla.

Kayla giggled and smiled when she heard that, kissing her fingers and then placing them on his lips. "Mmm...thank you sweetie, I want to feel your big stiff cock inside me as well", Kayla moaned softly, feeling a tiny amount of her juices begin to ooze from her pussy. She looked down at Daniel and kissed his lips as Kayla watched him reach around her, wanting to hold her close, but resisting the temptation. She licked him again and knew that they still had one more song left to go before the dance ended. "It's OK honey, you can cuddle with me...I love being cuddled, especially by cute human boys like you", Kayla giggled as she kissed him again.

Daniel smiled at Kayla and held her close to his body while she continued to rub up against him. Kayla's fur felt very warm and snuggly, making Daniel hold onto her tightly and snuggle into her fur. She looked down at the sweet human male and licked his forehead. "Mmm...go ahead honey, lick my nipples, just don't suck on them until we go backstage", Kayla giggled to him as she felt Daniel wanting to play with her nipples (licking was permitted as long as the female approved, sucking was not...at least not in public).

Daniel quickly obliged her and gave both of her nipples slow and tender licks with his tongue, making her murr softly and wag her tail a little faster. Kayla wanted to take off her panties so much and rub against his crotch with her bare collie vulva, but she couldn't...at least not yet. As the third and final song drew to a close, Kayla looked into Daniel's eyes and smiled at him. She put one of her hands around the back of his head and brought her horny yiff partner towards her muzzle. Then, Daniel and Kayla kissed intimately, both of them feeling excited for one another and very eager to mate.

After the kiss, Kayla sat up for a moment and then climbed off of his lap. Normally, Kayla would offer to keep going for another $100...but Kayla was feeling yiffy for him and she knew that he wanted her as well. As she got her clothes back on and while Daniel sat back up on the bed, she looked back at him and smiled. "Shall we go backstage now, cutie?", Kayla asked lovingly while wagging her tail rapidly and giving Daniel a whiff of her sweet perfume in the process. He looked at Kayla and nodded, kissing her on the side of her nuzzle as he got up from the bed and walked with her back towards the bar, picking up his drink in the process.

Daniel took a few sips of his drink while he and Kayla walked over to the bar and she picked up the keys for her room backstage. When she got the keys, she asked Daniel to come with her backstage so she could talk to him and then go into her room to yiff. Daniel and Kayla walked hand-in-hand backstage to a waiting area where Daniel and Kayla had a seat on the couch to discuss the prices. "First of all honey, a friend of mine gave me $500 to be used for this since she seems to like you and she wanted me to keep you company", Kayla explained to him.

Daniel was confused about this and wondered why a female would do something like this for him, but he didn't complain. At that point, Kayla started to go over her normal fees with Daniel. "OK, if you want to use a condom on me you could do the one hour option on me (normal price for Kayla is $500), or if you want to go longer, we could the two hour option for $500 more...or another $1,000 will get you four hours to spend with me", Kayla explains. "If you want me to use yiffberries though, it'll cost more (twice as much as the condom options)...but you'll get to cum inside me.", She adds.

At that point, Daniel thinks about what he wants to do with Kayla. He had more than enough cash on him to pay to be with her for a long time and get to cum inside her pussy if he wanted to. He was strongly tempted to do this, however...he figured that if he was going to fill a female with his seed, he'd rather do it to a fertile female, that way when he dies his genes will live on. In addition, Daniel had other things he wanted to do while he was still alive and didn't want to waste too much time at the club. At that point, Daniel handed Kayla $500 in cash to go along with the additional $500 that Raven (Cherie) left Kayla. "Let's do the two-hour option, that way we can have sex together and then cuddle afterwards", Daniel told Kayla, adding that he didn't mind using a condom on her.

Kayla smiled at Daniel and gave his cheek a lick with her tongue. "Mmm...OK honey, I love to cuddle after being yiffed...especially by cute human boys like you", Kayla moans softly as she feels ready to take Daniel to her room to let him take her. Daniel and Kayla walked hand-in-hand to an empty bedroom in the back of the hallway with Kayla taking the key out and unlocking the door. As she unlocks the door, she invites Daniel inside and asks him to sit on her bed while she gets Over on one of the tables, there is a large fishbowl filled with free condoms to use on Kayla. There was no limit to the number he could take so Daniel took a few of them, one for now and a couple more for later just in case he yiffed Kayla again during his time together or if he met another female later on.

As Kayla took off all her clothes and sets the timer in the room for 2 hours, Daniel took off his pants and boxers and threw them on the floor. Once he had no pants on, he looked down and saw his shaft standing completely erect as Kayla wags her fluffy tail. Daniel quickly opened the condom wrapper and unwrapped the condom over his cock while he stared eagerly at Kayla's tush.

Eventually, Daniel worked the condom as far down as he could get it before he felt like he was ready to make love to Kayla. After the timer is set and has been started, Kayla turns around to see that Daniel was ready to go, with his cock standing straight up and craving Kayla's pussy. She walked over to the bed and sat next to Daniel, placing a hand on his leg and looking at him with excitment in her eyes. "So, how do you want me honey?", she asked Daniel sweetly, ready to give him whatever he wanted. Daniel thought about it for a moment, thinking it would be fun to mate with Kayla doggy-style, but also wanting to hold her warm collie body close to him while he made sweet love to Kayla. So, he told Kayla that he wanted to yiff her from on top. Kayla smiled at Daniel and gave him a slow, loving lick on his cheek.

"Mmm...OK sweetheart, I'd love to feel you hold me in your arms", Kayla told him sweetly as she got onto the bed and into position for him. While lying on her back, Kayla spread her legs apart, showing off her swollen canine vulva and putting a hand down towards it. She pulled the lips apart to show her pink interior to him as it dripped with warm collie juices and quivered with anticipation. "Come yiff me sweetie, put your dick inside me and make me a happy collie fem", she called to him seductively.

Daniel climbed on top of Kayla and looked down at the collie cutie, smiling happily as he guided his cock down towards her hot canine love hole. She licked him sweetly on his nose and gave him a playful yip. "Oh yeah honey; bury your bone inside of me", Kayla said coyly as she felt him approach. Slowly, Daniel pushed his condom covered shaft downward towards Kayla's vulva, feeling it begin to pass through her lips and into her vaginal canal. When he first entered Kayla, she felt very hot and tight to him as her love walls cradled his shaft from all sides as he worked it deeper into her pussy. Kayla's fluffy tail started to wag, tickling his balls in a playful manner while he advanced on her. She figured that if this was truly his last day of life, she'd want to give him as much love and comfort as she possibly could.

Once Daniel had his entire cock inside Kayla, he slowly began to pump her pussy with it, moving back and forth slowly and passionately while he held Kayla's hips. She held him around his chest and drew him close to her warm and beautiful collie body, feeling his shaft moving in and out of her tight canine pussy. She licked him lovingly and murred softly as his cock tickled her from the inside. "Mmm...Kayla, your pussy feels so hot and tight, and your fur is so soft and snuggly", Daniel moaned softly as he enjoyed himself. This brought a smile to the young collie fem and caused her to squeeze his shaft a little bit tighter. As a result, Daniel started pumping her pussy a little bit faster, pushing his hard and eager member into Kayla's tight cunny, feeling her love walls squeeze him from all around while her heat and moisture made it easier for him to drive it inside her.

Kayla moaned softly and happily as she felt her pussy walls being massaged by his hard and swollen manhood. Despite being covered by a condom, some of her heat and moisture fed Daniel's cock, making it stronger and thicker inside of Kayla, pushing against her love walls and allowing the eager collie fem to feel some of the blood vessels rub against her more sensitive spots. "Mmm...I'm glad you like me baby...*yip*...I love feeling your cock inside me as well; keep going sweetheart, yiff me with all your might...*bark*, I want you to make me cum", Kayla exclaimed as her tail began to wag faster and her yipping became more frequent.

Daniel was more than happy to oblige her and began to plunge into her very fast with his cock, smacking his balls up against her body as her tail continued to tickle them. He felt a big load of cum building inside his body, making him feel a little bit disappointed that he wouldn't be able to shoot it into Kayla's body. However, Daniel wanted to save this for a receptive female, one that he could hopefully pass his seed onto and leave his lover (who he hoped would be Cherie) with a litter to remember him by.

Still, Daniel yiffed with Kayla as if she were receptive and his shaft wasn't covered by the condom, eagerly plunging his swollen member into her hot and tight love hole with Kayla drawing her love walls even tighter around him. She felt her entire pussy alive with the pleasure and passion of mating, making her yip constantly and feel her climax building inside of her. "Mmm...that feels good honey...*yip*...you make me feel very happy...*yip*", Kayla exclaimed as she hugged Daniel tight as she felt her orgasm rapidly approaching. In addition, Daniel's moaning was becoming louder and more frequent, indicating that he was close to climax as well. Kayla sensed this and licked Daniel's cheek, feeling his cock pulsating wildly inside her.

"Yes sweetie...go ahead...*yip*...fill that condom with your love, then afterwards when you take it off I'll lick your shaft clean and take your seed in my mouth if you'd like", Kayla told him sweetly, kissing his cheek while she continued to yip and moan in a playful manner.

Daniel continued to thrust as hard and deep as he could into Kayla, feeling the tip of his cock being massaged lovingly by her hot, tight, and juicy love walls. The sound of their union was very loud now, with Kayla yipping, Daniel moaning, and Kayla's juices creating a sloshing noise each time he passed through her opening. Daniel could feel Kayla's essence through his body as she felt his, letting them both know that they enjoyed what they were doing. Daniel couldn't take the pressure any longer, with a loud and satisfying moan he climaxed inside Kayla's hot canine pussy, shooting multiple blasts of cum into the condom he was wearing, filling it rapidly.

Almost at that exact same time, Kayla had her orgasm, sending hot and fresh collie juices coarsing from her vaginal walls and squirting through the gaps between his cock and her opening. Kayla blushed as she climaxed, a bit embarrassed about getting some of her juices on Daniel's skin. However, Daniel didn't seem to mind it, since her sauce felt warm and relaxing. He continued to send more bolts of cum into the latex prison his shaft was inside, filling it to the point where it was about 1/4 full before stopping.

Once he had finished, Kayla and Daniel kissed intimately for a moment, with Kayla's warm and frisky canine tongue touching his human tongue and leaving a trail of their mixed saliva between them as they broke the kiss. At that point, Daniel slowly pulled out of Kayla, holding onto the condom to make sure none of his seed leaked into Kayla by accident. As she felt his cock leave her pussy, she wagged her tail playfully and moaned softly. "Mmm...that felt lovely...*yip*...I enjoyed taking your cock inside me and making you cum", Kayla moaned softly as she watched Daniel pull out of her, exposing the cum-filled condom to her.

When she saw how much he came for her, she licked her chops and smiled. "Wow, you must've really liked me", Kayla announced lovingly, as she wagged her tail rapidly and looked at him with a hungry look in her eyes. "Can I have it honey?", she asked (referring to his cum-filled condom). Daniel smiled and removed the used rubber from his softening shaft, handing it to Kayla a moment later. She took the condom and poured its contents over her breasts for the time-being, allowing the warmth of his seed to soak in for a bit before she would lick it off, while she made good on her other promise.

As soon as Daniel got up to his knees, Kayla flipped over on the bed until she was on all fours, coming up to him as she wagged her tail while her pussy still dripped with her juices. She looked at his cum-soaked cock and gave Daniel a whimper of happiness before she worked her warm tongue over it, lapping up his cream in the process. She seemed to enjoy the taste of it, wagging her tail rapidly in approval and occasionally stopping to give out a happy yip.

Daniel felt her warm and frisky tongue tickle his cock, eventually making it grow hard again after a few minutes. However, since he had just yiffed with Kayla, he needed more time to recover before he'd be completely ready to take her again if he wanted to. Kayla licked his cock playfully until she was confident that every last drop of Daniel's sweet cream was licked off of his manhood, before turning to the bulk of the spooge covering her breasts. She took turns pulling her breasts towards her mouth and licking them clean, all while Daniel watched her, fueling his sex drive for later on and helping his body make more cum.

Kayla could sense that Daniel was starting to feel aroused by her again and would normally offer to play with him some more. However, she also remembered what Raven told her earlier and what Daniel told her about how he was going to die. Kayla realized at that point, that if Daniel wanted to go out like this, he'd probably want his last yiff to be with the one that he loved. Kayla wanted to take him again, but she also wanted to make sure he enjoyed his last day of life to the fullest. Reluctantly, Kayla decided not to let Daniel yiff her anymore and use the remaining time that they had together to cuddle, since she did want to comfort him and give him her affection.

For the remainder of their time together, Daniel and Kayla happily cuddled together, still completely nude and with Kayla rubbing her crotch against his shaft, keeping it hard and making him build a bigger load so he could use it on her friend Raven. While they cuddled, Kayla started to feel her reproductive urge growing stronger within her body, she wanted to make pups with someone but she couldn't do it while she was working. Furthermore, she also didn't know if Daniel would be willing to do this. "Do you have any kids sweetie?", Kayla asked Daniel sweetly. Daniel looked at Kayla with tears in his eyes and shook his head. Kayla could see that he wanted to make sure he passed on his genes to another generation while he still had the chance, but he didn't know if a female would be willing to accept this if they knew he was dying. He also didn't want to leave his children to grow up without their biological father. With those two things put aside, Daniel figured that if a female were to offer to let him make a litter with her, he would be willing to do it.

Kayla licked Daniel softly and gave him some advice (making sure that she didn't mention Raven (Cherie) directly while doing so). "You know honey, if you want to mate with a female and make some children with her before you die, I know a sweet young mousette that's looking for a male to provide her with her first litter", Kayla explained. "Ideally, she prefers a mate to give her some kids, but I think in your case she might be willing to make an exception. If you would like, I can talk to her for you and see if she would be willing to do this", she added. Daniel looked at Kayla, knowing that mousettes were highly fertile and usually willing to breed with just about any male. Though he preferred Cherie, he would like to leave this world having done something with his life and making a litter with a willing mousette would be a good way to do just that. It was at that point, Kayla kissed him softly on his cheek and asked him for his phone number (which was within the rules of the club if a male pays a female for sex).

"I'm going to talk to my friend and see if she's willing to breed with you...it may take a while to get through, but I guarantee that you'll have time to mate with her if she wants you to", Kayla told him. "If for some reason she says no, then I'll invite you over to my house later tonight after my shift ends and allow you to breed with me, I promise that I won't take any yiffberries so you'll be able to knock me up if my friend doesn't want to breed", she adds, trying to re-assure Daniel that if Kayla's friend didn't want to have his children, Kayla would be willing to have them.

Daniel agreed and gave Kayla his cell phone number just as the two-hour period was coming to an end. After receiving his phone number, Kayla and Daniel kissed one last time. "I'll call you in a little while honey...I promise you, one way or another, you will get the chance to breed with a female before you die...even if I have to let you do it to myself", Kayla explained to him sincerely as she kissed his cheek one more time before he got his clothes back on and headed out the door.

After her two hours with Daniel, Kayla came out of her room and went into the "girls-only" lounge to relax for a bit before going back out onto the floor to find another willing male. As she entered the lounge and got something to drink from the bartender, she noticed Raven sitting by herself after spending two hours with her partner. Kayla came over to Raven (Cherie) and told her that she had just finished yiffing with Raven's sweetheart and while they were together, she learned some things that Raven needed to know about Daniel. Cherie perked up her ears and told Kayla that she was willing to listen to whatever she needed to know about.

Kayla then took Cherie's hand and held it tightly. "While we were together, Daniel showed me a piece of paper he got from a doctor just before coming to the club today. He was bitten by a doom beetle earlier today and he's going to die sometime tomorrow. I'm really sorry to tell you this", Kayla explained to Cherie, whimpering softly while doing so. Cherie's eyes immediately welled up, causing her green-tinted contacts to come out, revealing her natural light blue eyes as she cried.

Kayla licked her cheeks softly and did her best to comfort Cherie for a few moments until she got over the initial shock. Then, Cherie looked up at her friend and asked if there was anything she could do to make Daniel's last day alive more enjoyable. Kayla looked into Cherie's eyes and took a deep breath, before giving Cherie the other bit of information. "Yes Cherie, there is something he'd like to do before he dies. He mentioned to me that he'd like to breed with a female before he dies, and I figured that you're his childhood sweetheart I figured I'd ask you if you'd be willing to let him breed with you. If you don't want to, I'll let him breed with me and fulfill his wish for him", Kayla added politely.

Cherie looked at Kayla and then looked down at her belly, placing her hand on it...imagining herself pregnant with the kids that she and Daniel would have together. Personally, she would've preferred to have Daniel marry her and then have their kids together, but since Daniel wouldn't be around that long, Cherie had to make do. Fortunately, she had not taken any yiffberries herself and would remain receptive for Daniel once she could find him. "Of course Kayla...if he's still in the club, please go tell him to meet me by the water fountain in Victoria Central Park at Midnight after my shift is over", Cherie explained to Kayla.

Kayla looked over to Cherie and told her that Daniel had already left the club to go do the next thing on his wishlist, but he did give her his phone number before leaving and figured she could just call him and let him know that Cherie was willing to breed with him. Cherie agreed but asked Kayla not to tell him who she was since Cherie wanted to surprise him. It was at that point where Kayla took out her cell phone and called Daniel as he was driving towards a beach to watch the sunset over the ocean water. As he had stopped to grab a quick bite to eat, Daniel heard his cell phone ring with an unfamiliar number registering on his caller ID. Normally, he wouldn't answer unfamiliar numbers fearing telemarketers, but he had just met Kayla earlier and decided to answer the phone.

After picking up the phone, he immediately heard a familiar voice over the speaker...it was Kayla. "Hi sweetie...I just talked to my friend and she told me that she wants to breed with you. But you'll have to wait until her shift is over before you can", Kayla explained to him. Daniel understood and asked Kayla who her friend was and where/when he could meet her. "Um...she asked me not to tell you who she was, since she wants to surprise you for some reason...but she did tell me that she wanted to meet you by the water fountain in Victoria Central Park at Midnight", Kayla added.

When she mentioned this, Daniel started to wonder who exactly this mystery mousette was...could it be Raven, or perhaps even Cherie? He was dying to know who would be the mother of his only litter of children, but he also didn't want to pressure Kayla into telling him, so he decided to wait and see who this unknown mousette that wanted to breed with him was. At that point, Kayla kissed the receiver of her phone and wished Daniel good luck before hanging up.

It was now 6:30 PM in the evening, the sun would be going down in about 90 minutes and Daniel had approximately 18 hours left to live. After he was done eating, he got back in his car and drove towards the beach, arriving there about an hour before sunset. Since it would be a while before the sun went down, Daniel decided to go into the water one last time and relax a bit while he waited.

End of Part 1

NOTE: Kayla knows Cherie by both her actual name as well as her "professional" name (Raven)

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