CSYA Ch5: Training

Story by Dalkorrd Malvolio on SoFurry

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#6 of CSYA

"Get up you guys!" The door to Thrax's room burst open, the screws holding the hinges to the wall loosened.

Zane jumped, accidentally kneeing Thrax in the groin.

"You're both late for breakfast, you get down there right now or you wont have anything to eat until lunch. I've already gotten our schedule, so meet me in room 205 once you're both done." the mare said before storming off.

"Oh, shit," Zane said. "I've gotta get to my room and get some clean clothes on." He then got out of Thrax's bed, gathered up his clothes from the day before, and rushed out the door. "Sorry 'bout my knee."

Thrax massaged his groin for a few seconds trying to get his tender orbs to be in less pain. He then got up and closed his door. The silver-copper dragon opened his dresser and pulled out a fresh set of clothing, the same style as yesterday: black jeans and black v-cut-crew-neck t-shirt. He quickly dressed and went out, meeting Zane, also dressed now: in an open hoodie an jeans again.

The two of them raced down the hallway to the elevator. They jumped in and immediately pushed the button to head toward the basement and the cafeteria. When they got there, it was almost empty, and the food was almost gone. They quickly grabbed what they could and wolfed it down. Once they had finished eating they headed up to room 205.

Emma was waiting for them outside the room. "There you two are, he said that I couldn't go in until we were all here."

The door was opened from the inside by a hulking black bear, wearing gray sweatpants and sweatshirt. "Well, since your team's all here now, let's begin."

The three of them went inside. The room was set up like a regular classroom, but with only two students' desks in the corner of the room, a rack of melee weapons, and twelve training dummies: two in the center standing up, and nine suspended so that they were out of the way.

"So you must be Thrax then," the black bear said, "My name's Benson Brunswick, but you can just call me Benny for short. I'll be teaching you and your team how to fight in hand-to-hand combat. Zane and Emma already know most of the basics, so they're going to help me teach you this, until you get caught up."

Benny lead Thrax toward the desks in the corner. On the desks were laid some blunt well known weapons that were used in street fights: brass knuckles, a crow bar, a weighted chain, and others.

"As you can see, we will be learning how to use street weapons today, but nothing with an edge, not yet anyways." Benny explained. "Now, choose one that you may want to fight with."

Thrax grabbed the brass knuckles and slipped them on. "Always wanted to use one of these," he said.

"Really?" Benny asked. He grabbed Thrax's other hand and held his fingers between the knuckle and first joint. "Do you want this part of your hand to be broken? Then I suggest you don't use that piece of garbage." He let go of Thrax's hand.

Thrax quickly put the brass knuckles back on the desk. Then he grabbed a crowbar, hefting it in both hands.

"A good choice, if you know how to use it," Benny remarked. "Demonstrate how you hold it."

Thrax gripped it in one hand at the end, the hooked section out the furthest. Benny commented, "That is the best way to hold it, if you use both hands. If you're fighting against someone who is more experienced than you, however, they could use that hooked end to easily disarm you."

The lesson continued in this fashion, with Thrax grabbing a weapon and Benny pointing out how best to use them, as well as what flaws that the weapon has. There were many weapons, too many to remember all the specifics in just one day of class. The class ran all the way until lunchtime, when Benny lead them out and they went down to the cafeteria.

Once in the cafeteria, Benny went over to the faculty table, where his food was already set. While Thrax, Zane, and Emma went to the line to get their food.

"So why does the staff get their lunch set out for them, while we have to stand in line?" Thrax asked.

"'Cause they've been here long enough that the lunch anthros know what they want." Emma replied.

"And they also order their lunches during breakfast." Zane remarked.

"That's the only reason?" Thrax asked.

"Don't look to much into it," Zane said, "It is what it is."

They found a table after they got their food and sat down to eat. It was a good meal; with pizza, chips, and other kinds of food that teenagers and preteens loved. Once they were all done eating, they threw their trash away and put their trays in the designated areas.

"So Emma, what does the schedule say that we have next?" Zane asked.

"Let's see," she pulled out a piece of paper from a pocket in the hem of her skirt, "Looks like we get to go to the firing range today also."

"Well, let's go then, see if Thrax can beat you, the District champ" Zane said.

"Wanna bet?" Emma glared at Zane.

"What could we bet on?" Zane asked.

"How about this, if Thrax wins, you get to sleep with him again tonight, but if I win, I get to sleep with him. Deal?"


"Don't I get a say in this?" Thrax asked.

"Not if you're the person who's being bet on winning or losing," Zane said.

"But Emma has a say, and she's part of the bet too."

"What? Don't like people betting for a night to sleep with you?" Emma asked.

"Well, I admit, it does sound kinky," Thrax mused, "What the hey, not like it really matters, we're all on the same team."

"Allrighty then, may the best anthro win." Emma smirked.

They had reached the firing range, and were quickly admitted by the instructor: a diminutive albino ferret named, who wore a black leather jacket and pants, and a red pair of shades.

"Hello Emma, Zane, and you must be Thrax," the ferret said as they entered. "I'm Yackoza, your marksmanship mentor. Since we have a new student today, we'll use the 22 long rifles."

Yackoza went to one of the gun lockers along the wall and pulled out three rifles. Emma quickly grabbed one from his paws, mumbling something about "old faithful." Zane grabbed one, then Thrax.

"We'll start with the prone position," Yackoza announced, "everyone get on your stomachs on the firing line and I'll tell you how you need to adjust."

The three of them lay face down along a yellow line, holding their rifles in comfortable positions. Emma had her left leg straight with her right leg bent, and her rifle propped up on her elbow. Zane and Thrax tried to follow her example.

Yackoza glanced at Emma and nodded, giving a pleased hum at her perfect firing posture. He then moved to Zane and Thrax, adjusting them as needed.

At the end of the range - at 500 yards - were some targets, similar to the ones found at a police station's firing range. The three of them began to shoot when Yackoza told them to. They each had their own target, and each of them chose different points to fire at. The cutouts had targets at the head and at the chest, since they were generic cutouts there were no other simulated weak points.

They shot at the cutouts for a while, replacing them every so often when they became unreadable. Emma was still on her first one while Thrax was on his fifth, and Zane on his third by the end of the session.

"Alright. Here's your guys' scores for the day." Yackoza gave them three papers, each one with one of their their names. The points possible for how many shots were listed below the points that they had earned.

Emma had 498/600 an 83% accuracy, Zane had 538/895 a 60% accuracy, and Thrax had 832/1672 a 49% accuracy.

As the three of them went to dinner, Thrax was pissed. He had no idea how he could have only gotten a 49% accuracy.

"Hey, cheer up, you'll get better in no time," Zane consoled. "I'm sure of it."

"Whatever," Thrax shrugged it off. "So Emma, you won the bet. What're your plans for the night?"

Emma gave a slight chuckle. "You'll see soon enough."

Once dinner was done, the three of them went up to their District's floor. After saying good night, Zane went to his room, and Emma lead Thrax by the claw into hers.

Emma's room was strange. She had mirrored walls, mirrored floor, and a mirrored ceiling. Her bed was a ghostly white, as was her dresser, and lamp.

"Like it?" Emma asked. "I do it to freak people out. Keeps them out of my room as much as possible."

"It's... neat." Thrax said. "Not how I'd do it, but it must work."

"I try to keep to myself, most people here are thuggish brutes that act all stupid and super-horny. You don't"

"That why you like me?" Thrax asked.

"I don't know if I like you yet, but it feels like I might." Emma walked over to he dresser and motioned for Thrax to sit on her bed.

Thrax sat down on the edge of her bed, wondering what she had in store for him. "So is this to find out if you like me or not?"

"Not really, just want to see if we can have some fun, most guys here are too open for my tastes," Emma replied, "By the way, what did you two do last night?"

"What, oh, with Zane? We um, did it," Thrax was uncomfortable about talking about it since she had barged into his room as the two of them had slept.

"I mean 'what exactly?' Because you looked like a virgin, or at least inexperienced. So did you top, or bottom. Did you do oral or anal?"

"I topped, it was anal." Thrax said. "Why're you asking?"

"Just curious, you may top again tonight, but you'll have to sub," Emma stated.

"Um, OK then," Thrax watched as she rummaged through her dresser.

"Sadly, we don't have condoms here. If you want 'em all you have to do is ask the staff, but no one has the guts to do it. So if you do penetrate me, you'll have to pull out." Emma must have found what she had been looking for, she gave a pleased "ah-ha."

Emma pulled from her dresser a pair of handcuffs, a bit, a pair of white panties, a bra that was too small for her b-cup breasts, and a paddle. Thrax's eyes widened when he saw her pull out all of those items.

"Not into this sort of thing?" Emma asked concerned.

"No, I am. It's just that I've never gone that far before. I'm willing to try it though."

Emma smiled, "Get out of those and into these." She held out the panties and bra.

Thrax quickly got undressed, nervously eying Emma as he did so. Once he was nude, he quickly put on the panties, which barely hid his slit-sheath, then put on the bra. He couldn't figure out how to fasten it behind him, so Emma helped for that.

Once Thrax was in the girly underwear Emma stepped back to admire her handy work. Thrax looked surprisingly good in female undergarments. His lean yet powerful muscles made it look like he was a warrior goddess while wearing the feminine clothing, instead of a man cross-dressing.

"Oh my god, you look good in anything. Your silver and gold scales make it seem like you wont, but you do." Emma exclaimed.

"Thanks," Thrax looked at himself in the mirrored walls, and began to pose. Emma was right, he looked good.

"Get on the bed, claws behind your back." Emma ordered.

Thrax did as he was told. He grinned as he felt his hands being cuffed. Then he opened his mouth to accept the bit. The bit tasted odd, but in a good way, like some of those sweet&sour candies, but different.

"Now, since this is the first time you've done this, I'll only spank you. If you're willing, we can get to whipping." Emma said. Thrax nodded in understanding, and to signal that he was ready.

Emma brought the paddle to bear, aiming at Thrax's ass cheeks. She swung, making a loud smack as the paddle hit against the softer scales of his rump. Thrax moaned, the blissful sting of the paddle making him hornier, losing all of his nervousness.

Emma spanked him with the paddle again, gaining satisfaction as his dragonhood began to bulge against the white panties. He loved the pain that the paddle caused on his ass, his moans filled the room. Again he was struck, and again, each strike causing him to moan.

"You like that?" Emma asked, to which Thrax nodded. "Not too much I hope? I guess I'll have to hit harder."

Thrax squealed that time, the force of the blow was harder than she had done before. This last strike had left his ass red as a rose. She kept striking him with the new amount of force, causing him to squeal even more. the panties he wore grew dark with the moisture of his pre, his cock pushed to one side by the tightness of them.

Emma spanked him three more time, as hard as she could. Thrax's eyes were moist, but he was not crying. His already shinny scales glistened with sweat as it rolled from his body. He drooled out of his mouth where the bit extended.

"There there," Emma said drawing her finger across Thrax's spine, causing his back to arch in pleasure. "Did you like that?"

Thrax nodded. He was blissful, except for his cock being compressed by the white panties. Emma noticed, so she pulled the panties so that they hung just below his ball-sack, which let his cock breath, the pre drooling out of it ever so slowly.

"You've been behaving so well, I think that you deserve a treat," Emma grinned, "turn around, on your back."

Thrax complied, his rump stinging when he moved, and the cuffs making his movement awkward. When he was sitting facing Emma, she gently pushed him to lie down on the bed. Once he was on his back, Emma straddled his waist facing him, his cock just touching the folds of her sex.

"Well, since you're all tied up at the moment, I guess that means that I'll have to do all the work." She impaled herself on all six inches of his purple member. Thrax was in bliss, the warm wet heat that surrounded his cock made him instinctively thrust, even though it was mostly futile. She rode his cock, alternating between powerful thrusts onto it, and long, slow thrusts that made his eyes beg her for more, but she never let him get too close to the edge.

Though she never let him get near his climax, the ridges of his cock made her sex go mad. Her juices slicking his cock making it glisten when the light hit it. She was getting close, her heat intensified as she got nearer to the edge. She whinnied as her fluids burst forth, drenching the scales of Thrax's groin with the warmth from her womb.

Emma pried herself off of Thrax and slumped onto the floor in front of him. "Since you were so well behaved this entire time, I think I'll let you cum too."

She grasped his cock in in her right hand and began to stroke it hard and fast, but slow enough to make sure that he could not get a friction burn. Then she stuck her left index finger into his tail-hole, massaging his insides as she slightly curled and uncurled it. Thrax could not hold it in much longer, his member began to twitch in Emma's hand and his jizz spurted out, hitting him in the chin and the chest. As he orgasmed, his teeth clenched onto the metal bit, cutting it with the strength of his jaw.

Thrax spat out the pieces of the bit. Emma looked at him, aghast that he could have bitten through the metal.

"You can bite through metal?" Emma was amazed.

"Well... yes, I've bit through... soda cans at least... not solid metal though," Thrax replied as he tried to regain his breath.

"Well, let's not worry about it right now, let's just get to sleep," Emma crawled up onto the bed, pulling Thrax so he was laying lengthwise as well.

"Couldn't you undo these cuffs before we go to sleep?" Thrax asked.

"Naw, I'll do that in the morning. I want to have you like this while I rest." Emma traced the center line of his chest, some of the trails of his spunk getting onto her finger. She then licked what she had acquired onto her tongue and swallowed it.