Don't Forget The Stuffing! (Gruffy's Thanksgiving Special)

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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Gruffy's Thanksgiving Day Extravaganza is proudly presented!

Hello y'all!

I only realized this afternoon that Thanksgiving day is celebrated in the US today, and that prompted me to try my hand at writing something appropriate to the theme. Thus, this is dedicated to all the yanks on the other side of the pond, with the hope that I managed to contribute a little to the holiday madness! : )

If you have any comments, don't hesitate! My own festive mood is quite dependant on then. *chuckle* Also remember that all votes, faves and watches will help others to find these stories to enjoy as well!

Have a fun read, and a happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate it!



Max's ears flicked as he heard the din of the microwave alert, and with a quick flick of his paw, he put the game on pause and hauled his ass off the computer chair and headed over to the kitchen. The wolf's legs felt stiff after sitting down playing Skyrim for hours on end, and he tried to stretch them a little as he went along, dragging himself the few steps required to get to the other end of his small flat. He could hear music beaming from beyond the ceiling and snuffled. That must have been the neighbors, genuinely having a real Thanksgiving party and some real fun, instead of...Jesus Christ almighty...Max's nosepad wrinkled as he pulled open the microwave door, and the telltale scent of industrial food escaped.


Max's pads felt singed, the plastic package was surprisingly hot, and some steam was rising from the holes he had pricked onto the film covering the all too warm package. He dropped it down to the kitchen counter and blew over his fingers, and cursed quietly, and snorted. He opened a drawer and took out a fork and a knife and then made another attack on the package, to peel off the plastic and see whether it was ready.

Max's tail flopped between his legs as he looked at the mess on the plastic plate, consisting of pale slices of turkey, something that might have been meant to be cranberry sauce, a yellowish glob probably representing potatoes and a small pile of beans. The cardboard packaging of the microwave meal still laid on the table next to a couple of empty soda cans and a half-empty bag of chips, and displayed a delicious plateful of steaming hot festive food, "JUST THE WAY YOUR MOTHER USED TO MAKE IT!". Compared to the barely warm arrangement on his plastic plate, Max decided that the picture on the package must have represented the idea of the meal, not a WYSIWYG experience included within the dollar bin meal he'd gotten earlier today after forgetting everything about Thanksgiving.

The wolf gave the unappealing plate a mournful look and then put it down to his small dinner table, before he moved over to the fridge to fetch a Coke, which would have to make do as something sparkly to drink with his meal. Max yawned and scratched his belly and snuffled at the smell of bad milk that filled his fridge. He should have gotten some earlier, he reminded himself, but nothing he could do about that now. Max picked up the comfortingly cool can and then returned to face his newest challenge, the microwave meal that would have to do for a Thanksgiving meal this year. His parents had decided to take a cruise, and it would have been quite the trip on the train, anyway. It was always a bit of a challenge to go home nowadays, with all the questioning about his studies, and his job, and his potential was easier this way...though, when Max's belly grumbled once he was settled with his fork and knife, he wasn't sure whether it was for hunger or horror in the face of the meal. It looked even worse on the second glance, but at least it smelled of warm food, and he hadn't really had anything warm yet today, except coffee.

"Happy thanksgiving, Maximilian," Max rumbled to himself, his ears flattening a little as he brought up the first forkful up to muzzle level.

It might have been meant to be supple flesh, but Max's experience with the turkey was leathery at best, as he chewed onto the paper-thin slice that probably made up about one tenth of the contents of the package. The wolf snuffled and tried the cranberries next, but got a sugary tang over his tongue that was almost sweeter than the Coke he used to wash it down. Max licked his lips and gave the plate a suspicious glance, but knew that there was really little choice here. He was hungry and needed food, and it wasn't like Max was a stranger to readymade meals, he was really a lazyass and since he worked on so many evenings, he had little energy left for proper cooking. Today had been a night off, thankfully, meaning that there had been time for some serious level-building, to make his High Elf into one badass motherfucking thief. He might do some photoshopping, too, so that he'd have a nice screen capture to upload to his favorite fan forum, so that everyone could gawk in awe at just well he handled the character creation system. And there was always the bragging about how much fun being a werewolf was, of course...though being a REAL wolf made that a bit lame, but guess it had its cool factor to it...


Max's eyes jumped from the eye-watering food on the table and looked at the apartment door, wondering who could be ding-donging him at nine pm. The wolf put his fork down and shuffled over to the door, which he then proceeded to open a crack.


Max's eyes widened curiously at the voice and the sight of the muzzle that was trying to push itself into the crack between the door and the frame.

"Pratt!" the wolf snuffled.

"Hey!" the intruder greeted, and now a striped arm appeared as well, prying the door open so that the tall tiger could enter the small flat uninterrupted, pushing past Max and then into the room.

Max frowned when the rest of the tiger penetrated his inner sanctum, and closed the door with a mild bang, before he turned to face the newly arrived individual, his scowl still remaining over his brow. Max's tail flicked from side to side behind him, brushing against his jeans-clad thighs.

"Hey, Pratt," Max spoke, watching the lively tiger give the apartment an once-over, taking in all the detail.

"Hey, man!" Pratt replied, his long, whip-like tail making many abstract patterns in the air while he continued a visual tour of the wolf's place.

"Yeah, hi," Max rubbed the side of his muzzle as he kept watching the tiger, who now had spotted the kitchen and was heading over there.

"Aww, man!" Pratt rumbled once he had gotten close enough to see the plastic monstrosity on the small table.

Max took the steps needed to maintain full eye contact with the tiger, and stood there, folding his arms over his chest.

"What the fuck?" Max snuffled, amused by the tiger's "tsk" expression, plastered all over his face. "Did you seriously come here thinking I'd have some food?"

The tiger rapped the surface of the dining table with his claws and made a quick circle around it, tail flailing behind him.

"Not really," Pratt mused.

Max watched the tiger's behavior with mild amusement, and wondered what had triggered this new...phase of excitement in him. Pratt could be a lively guy, all told, not jumpy, exactly, or hyperactive, but...he could get very excited very fast, when he was in the mood.

"What's up??" the wolf demanded.

Pratt hopped and sat down on the kitchen counter and then studied the wolf from his perched position, tail flicking between his outstretched footpaws, as the tiger grinned.

"Well, thought I'd come and say hello", the tiger winked.

Max snuffled as he approached further.

"You never just come and say hello," the wolf mused. "What's up?"

Pratt tipped his head to the side and gave the wolf a quick glance.

"Well...." he drew it out.

"Weeeeeelll?" Max returned in kind.

"Well, I was planning to get drunk, actually, but..."

"I'm not going to get drunk with you tonight, we have lecturers tomorrow," Max rejected, all too familiar with binge drinking to want to partake on that particular evening. "Don't you have any studying to do?"

Max knew too well that he was lagging behind in his studies as well, but...sneaking...making your own glass armor...all too much fun.

Pratt jumped down from the counter and stood up to his full height, considerably taller than the wolf, which became apparent as soon as he stepped closer to Max and they stood only a couple of feet apart, the lanky tiger smiling down to him.

"I already did all my schoolwork," Pratt grinned.

Matt snuffled.

"I still won't get drunk with you, Pratt, sorry, you have to go and pester someone else," the wolf flicked his ears at the tiger, to put emphasis on his statement.

Pratt's smile did not falter when his paw suddenly landed on Max's ass and gave it a quick pat that was lingering on a slap, but nonetheless, strong enough that it made the wolf jump, and his eyes went wide.

"Hey ,what the fuck?!"

The tiger grinned and flapped the wolf's calves with his long tail.

"Come on, Max, relax!" the tiger coaxed him, still grinning, and looking all too cocky for good.

Max bared his teeth briefly.

"What's going on with you?" the wolf snorted.

"Well, I'm broke," the tiger shrugged, his warm eyes watching the wolf with an amused glint to them, "and before I get my next pay check, I won't be doing any partying, so...I thought, what could be as fun as getting drunk, but..."

The tiger crossed the distance between them and cupped his paw over Max's once-slapped butt now, and pulling him closer, all suddenly, so that Max even yelped a little when he was suddenly chest to chest and crotch to crotch with the tall tiger, who was smiling down to him.

"" Pratt licked his lips.

Max snuffled and elbowed the tiger's chest, mildly, and showed him his tongue.

"Fuck off, Pratt."

The tiger huffed at the sudden impact over his lungs, but recovered momentarily and continued to tease the wolf, by squeezing on his rump and using his free paw to rub over Max's side.

"But I wanna fuuuuuck..." Pratt pouted, pushing his lips out properly to make it look as silly as possible, while his ears flopped down to perfect the effect.

Max snorted again and pushed his paws flat over the tiger's belly.

"You can go back home and paw off," the wolf grunted.

"Buuuuuut you're my fuck buddy and I'm in the need of a buttfuck and you've got a butt..." the tiger spoke in a ridiculous voice while groping the wolf's compact little rump with his dedicated paw, causing Max to bare his teeth again, and jab Pratt's belly with his thumbs.

"Closed for business for Thanksgiving day, sorry, Pratt," Max grunted.

The tiger flicked his ears and gave the wolf's backside an additional squeeze while still looking hurt.

"But I told you, I can't get drunk, so all I've left is sex...come on...give pity to a pent-up young cat..." the handsome tiger pouted some more.

Pratt ground his crotch to Max's, and the wolf felt the telltale presence of a big bulge on the tiger's jeans, pressing against his own dormant sheath. Max huffed. It was typical of the feline to be on a hair trigger like that ,and he was still being all too gropey, and staring down to him, and breathing hotly over Max's face, and he still had that absolutely silly look on his eyes.

"You're an asshole," Max snorted.

"I'll worship yours if you let me into it," Pratt winked.

Max made a face.


"You're so cute when you play hard to get," Pratt rumbled, before he simply leaned forward and kissed the wolf, pressing their lips together, and after only a moment, and using the initial shock to his advantage, he slipped his tongue into the wolf's muzzle.

Max groaned, and his paws clenched over the tiger's belly, claw tips digging into his shirt, but he made no move to stop the tiger, once they were kissing, and he was held close to the taller male, who lapped against the wolf's own tongue and made it tingle. Pratt was purring and the vibrations travelled through Max's own muzzle as well, feeling a bit strange, but good, and the sound told him, as much as the lump pressing to his belly, that the tiger was really enjoying what he was doing. The hot kiss and the tiger's brazen confidence about getting to the wolf's pants was starting to affect Max, too, as he felt his own boner grow out of his sheath and then into his boxers, throbbing along his length when it swell and filled out. The wolf moved his paws over to the tiger's back and then kneaded his muscles there, feeling him up on his own way while Pratt still paid special attention to Max's ass, by fondling and squeezing it intently, still making out with his lupine friend enthusiastically. Max's tail wagged behind him now, and the stale scent of unwashed dishes and the awful Thanksgiving meal was now replaced by the smell and taste of the tall male, who had intentions on him.

Pratt kept kissing him even while the eager tiger walked him backwards over to Max's bed, which was actually a sleeper couch, a space-saving measure that allowed him to have some extra room in the otherwise minuscule apartment. The floor disappeared under Max's paws, momentarily, before he landed upon the springy surface offered by the couch, and was instantly pinned down on it by the presence of the tiger, straddling him so that his knees hugged Max's thighs, and their crotches were pressed together. Their making out intensified to the pace of the throbbing of two cocks, trapped for now, but making subtle contact between their bodies that slowly rocked to one another. Max decided to drop any pretenses of not wanting to have sex with the tiger - truth be told, he was feeling quite randy himself, and the quick jerk off in the shower was hardly enough to keep all of his impulses in check. Max might have been engrossed in a virtual world recently, but the tiger's nibbling teeth over his collarbone were quite the advertisement in a pro-reality experience, and he was eager to respond by running his paws over the tiger's broad, curved back.

The tiger purred loudly and kept on kissing along the wolf's chest, all the while his paws rubbed his sides and his belly, teasing him further while they made out, tuning each other into the main event. Not too much later, Pratt slipped his paws over the wolf's waistband and unbuttoned his jeans, which Max was wearing without a belt, and soon tugged his pants down, complete with his boxers, so that the canine's knotted cock flopped out to view, over his T-shirt he had worn for three days in a row. Pratt smirked and grabbed onto the length of wolf meat on display ,and gave it a squeeze that made Max grunt and groan and his tail flail.

"Seems like someone's needing this a lot," Pratt smirked, teasing Max's tip and piss slit with his thumb, spreading a little drop of pre over it to make it slick.

Max made a face and snorted.

"Well don't you just sit there, get yours out!" the wolf grunted.

Pratt grinned and posed a little, in his straddling position, and proudly showed off his torso once he had took off his shirt, baring a lot of striped arms and creamy belly for the wolf to ogle at. Pratt went to the gym religiously and it showed as well, and the Max wouldn't help the temptation to reach and run his paws over his toned washboard abs, even while the smirking tiger was trying to loosen his belt with the intention of getting his not too modest cock out of his jeans. The dripping, barbed member was thick and an angry shade of red, and looked good enough to eat up, at least for the wolf, who himself was sporting a huge boner that pulsed and spat against his belly and made a mess on his own shirt. Max spared a moment to remove his own shirt so that when the cheeky tiger finally leaned back so that they could make out again, it was bare fur on fur, and nothing more, as their bodies met in a lustful embrace.

Their slick cocks rubbed together, Max threw his head back, and the purring cat nipped on it, eliciting a moan from the wolf whose paws as a result of the earlier action landed more heavily over Pratt's ass, squeezing hard on his deliciously firm rump cheeks. The tiger's tail flicked against the wolf arms while they kissed, and Pratt added a special rocking twist to the movement of his hips, to make sure that the wolf felt all of his barbs rubbing against his own smoother flesh. Their pace quickened, all the way until Pratt removed his muzzle from Max's, and then grinned down to him, licking his lips.

"Hmm...nice one...and you taste of cranberries, too," the tiger leered.

Max grunted, and jabbed the tiger's butt with his paws. Pratt simply purred, annoyingly loudly, and bared his teeth, dominantly.

"Let's see how the rest of you tastes like, then," Pratt smirked, and with a surprisingly smooth movement, Max suddenly had a faceful of tiger cock In front of his eyes, and a tail flicking between his eyes, and his forehead had a pair of softly furred balls mashed over it, while something hot was definitely tickling his own hard cock as well!

Max snuffled and tilted his head a little, and his nosepad rubbed over the ticklish, barbed shaft belonging to the tiger, who rumbled and purred on top of him, enjoying the impromptu performance from above. Max stroked a paw over the tiger's belly and then gripped onto his shaft, to push it down onto an angle so that he could actually slip the tip between his lips and suckle on it. His concentration was decisively hindered by the feeling of the tiger doing something very similar to his own hard dick, which the tiger first nuzzled before he caught the wolf's pride into his palm and began to lick up and down over its considerable length. Pratt's saliva dribbled over his cock and made it matted, and pulse rapidly, even before the tiger actually began to go down on him in return.

The wolf's head swam in a myriad of scents, ball musk, cock musk, pre-cum, and general feline goodness, while he tongued over the slippery shaft trying to slide into his muzzle, and put his lips unto good use as well, to stroke those spiny barbs as much as he could, and make the tiger moan. His maw felt sloppy from all the spit the delicious taste was putting out, and he had to swallow, and even then some dribbled over his cheeks. Max gave the thick shaft a slurping suck, almost firm enough to make his cheeks hollow, and Pratt, groaned, and allowed Max's cock to slip off his own lips for a moment so that he could throw his head back and moan, loudly, assuringly.

"Ohh yeah, Max...hmm..."

Max rumbled around the cock in his muzzle and continued to play with the fun stick, and didn't stop even when he felt Pratt's own maw close around his blunt-tipped dick and take about half of it into his muzzle in one go. The tiger sucked on it softly, and made lazy circles around the flesh now inside him, obviously savoring the musky meat as much as Max was doing for Pratt's own endowment, suckled so caringly between the wolf's lips. The twitchy cock kept spurting little pulses of pre over Max's tongue as well, adding to the swirl of taste inside his warm maw, and making the wolf even hornier than before. His free paw kept groping Pratt's enviably tight butt cheeks and the base of that flicking tail, feeling him up well while they sixty-nined with abandon and really got into the festive spirit, one could say.

The air was as full of male musk as it was filled with the sounds of two cock slurping in and out of eager muzzles, accompanied by the odd sigh and a muffled groan, as the pleasure built up between them, and kept growing. At some point, Pratt slipped his fingers below Max's musky balls and sought out his sweaty ass crack, and stroked along its trail while he still kept on going down on the wolf, milking him with his teasing lips. The wolf tensed and grunted a little when he felt the brush of fingertips against his tailhole, but it was hardly a distraction from the pleasure he was receiving from being buried inside Pratt's maw. The purring tiger kept on sucking him even while played with the wolf's little muscle bud, prodding and poking the fleshy opening, and stroked a firm fingerpad over it. Max rumbled, and his legs, resting against the armrest of the couch, twitched upon the added sensation.

Pratt let Max's cock slip past his sucking lips and then gave the wolf's butt a quick swat, and moved away from him, leaving the wolf to lie there with a baffled expression, his maw slightly open now that it had been vacated. Pratt stood by the couch, still sporting a big, bouncy boner, and grinned.

"Well, let's get you ready, Max, get on all fours!"

Max didn't forget to wag his tail as he moved onto the indicated position, with his paw spreading over the armrest while he wriggled his butt a little, and gave the tiger a lusty look. His cock throbbed, untouched but not unforgotten, between his slightly spread legs.

"Hurry, I haven't gotten any in a long time," the wolf grimaced.

Pratt grinned at the teasing sight for a few moments more before he returned to the couch, making its springs yelp again as his weight fell over them, and he scooted over to the wolf's back end, admiring the sight of Max's butt, pushed backwards by the eager wolf whose tongue lolled out of his muzzle.

"Tail up, big guy," Pratt smirked, and patted Max's rump with a paw, eyes following the moving fluffy tail with curiosity.

Max was beyond any complaints and simply lifted his tail as ordered, to reveal his butt fully, not to mention the hole the tiger had already played with a little nestled between the soft ass cheeks that soon fell under the tiger's new groping attack. Pratt felt them up and rubbed the wolf's rump eagerly, both to relax him, and to simply have some extra fun, before he dipped his head down and went to town on a very special kind of a Thanksgiving meal course.

Maxx grumbled with pleasure as he felt the tiger's muzzle lodge itself under his tailbase, snuffling around for his scent only moments before the tiger's tongue joined in on the fun. Pratt licked up and down the wolf's musky, sweaty crack, tasting him from below and enjoying the musk that filled his nose and made his maw water. The wolf was wriggling a little, seemingly unable to stay still as he became under Pratt's oral attack. He was leaking pre all over his pillow, but Max was beyond caring for something like that, especially when the tiger's tongue reached his tailhole and began to make leisurely circles over its rim, teasing the wrinkled skin. Max moaned when he felt his flesh clench down upon itself, adding to the sensations slowly growing in his loins as he was teased by the tiger. Pratt's paws rubbed all over his butt and the small of his back, caressing him in a very relaxing way, even if a very central part of Max's being was definitely not being relaxed ,as his anus withstood an attack one after another.

Pratt took his time eating out Max's tight hole, with gusto, using his lips to kiss over it, then Frenching the wolf's asshole and prodding his tongue at the centre of the pink muscled orifice, attempting to pierce through its resistance so that he could plunder the musky depths before burying his cock there later on. Max could do little but stay on all fours and keep his rump steady all the while Pratt toiled, tossing his salad with a professional flair, drilling him with all too rapid pace that should've worn a lesser male out by now. The snorting tiger just kept going and going, concentrating on Max's tailhole with a purring eagerness that kept Max soiling his bed with an ever growing flow of pre out of his throbbing cocktip.

"Shit..." Max moaned, trying to keep still while the tongue rubbed ever so swiftly over his damp flesh, "shit, ahh...ahh...fuck me, Pratt...come on..."

The tiger slobbered over Max's asshole with a deep, parting lick, before he abandoned the slightly gaping pucker for now and sat up on his haunches, his paws keeping the wolf's rump cheeks spread so that he could easily admire the sight of the debauched hole in front of him, tucked between those cute butt cheeks. Pratt was breathing heavily.

"You want it, Max?" the tiger grunted, his voice lowering to a deep tone now that the wolf was pleading with him.

Max curled his back and pushed his ass up, to make it seem even more prominent, and to stand out.

"Please, Pratt...need it..."

Pratt chuckled and gave one of Max's butt cheeks a companionable swat.

"No longer playing hard to get?" the tiger teased, stroking his thumb along the curve of the wolf's butt.

"I need it HARD!" Max groaned, wagging his tail from side to side as if to try and draw attention to the wonders his butt promised for anyone daring to approach with a hard, heroic spear of masculinity at a fighting stance.

Pratt smiled darkly, a very primal part of him being ticked by the wolf's tone and his wanton pose and actions, bringing the best and the worst out of him, as he took a dominant pose, pushing their hips together and using his paws to pull the wolf's ass flush with his groin. Max gasped upon the feeling of that thick shaft lodging between his saliva-soaked ass cheeks, and moaned when the barbs tickled over his tailhole, Pratt dry-humping him eagerly, leaning over him, clenching his knees over Max's thighs.

"!" Pratt grunted between his closely held teeth, enjoying the final teasing moments before he slipped his paw down between their bodies and lined himself up.

Max snorted as he felt the spiny tip smear pre over his slick little hole, but it was a sensation that was of a transient nature, soon it was replaced by the firm pressure and the slight burning of having his muscles torn open by tat very same barbed, pointed, rapidly thickening tip of the tiger's cock. Pratt held his breath as he felt the wolf's protective muscles give and he slipped himself in, slowly, breathing audibly out of his nose, while the wolf simply grunted.

"Ohh yeeehhhhh..." Pratt sighed now, feeling the wolf's innards close down on him while he kept pushing his admirable length into Max's quivering anus.

Max bit down on his lip and tried not to sound too slutty when the much-anticipated cock finally wormed its way into his guts and made itself home within the wolf's tight backside. He hadn't been fucked in a while and it was definitely showing for both of them, as the meagerly lubed dick pushed itself deeper and deeper into the wolf's back passage. His cock jumped when the pointed tip passed his prostate, soon to be squeezed by the bulk of that thick shaft, causing Max to moan openly at the sensation. Pratt still held onto his hips, gripping so tightly that the wolf could definitely feel the tiger's claws upon his skin, not enough to draw blood, but it was an extra feeling. His tailhole burned a little and he felt stuffed like a turkey, at least by the time Pratt's balls mashed against his own upon the tiger bottoming out inside the wolf's rectum.

"Hmm...yes..." Pratt leaned over Max, dominantly taking his body for himself, as he hooked his arms under the wolf's and held close to him, pressing his chest over the wolf's back and making sure there was no escaping from him when he began to gyrate his hips.

"UhHHh!" Max groaned, his hole was getting stretched, and the tiger's churning action caused his prostate to throb, being squeezed by the thick shaft, as much as those hot barbs were tickling his insides in exquisite ways that were making him almost breathless.

Pratt drooled over Max's neck and then began to nibble the soiled skin, just as he started to rock his hips back and forth, establishing a rhythm to his buttfucking of the wolf's tight, gripping ass. Max might have been pinned down and held roughly by the tiger, but that did not stop him from pushing his ass backwards to meet Pratt's bucking hips in their rough rutting. His suctioning innards coiled and squeezed around the tiger's plunging shaft, caressing the tiger from within the depths of his body, while Max could enjoy the sensation of Pratt's balls slapping against his taint, and the warmth of his body, all over him.

The striped male was holding nothing back as he pounded into the wolf, their hips were in fluid movement, bucking, twisting, rocking and turning, while Pratt kept his slippery shaft at a constant pistoning motion inside the wolf's tail tunnel. The constant battery on Max's prostate made his cock throb and ooze pre, and he was further stimulated by the pendulum-like motion of his shaft slapping against his belly, driven by the rough thrust the tiger kept giving to his squishy ass with such clear intent and desire. Max's ass cheeks started to feel hot from the constant pounding against them, not quite smarting yet, but he was sure they'd be very rosy underneath all that fur. Pratt kept purring and slobbering against his neck, too, nosing him, breathing in the aroused wolf's scent, and scraping his teeth against the skin underneath. His thrusts kept coming less controlled now, more instinctual, as he drove into the wolf's tight hole, lubing up the way with the constantly leaking pre. The new slickness allowed him to move faster and put those barbs into an even better use, sawing through the wolf's depths and leaving him panting.

"Aughhh...ahhh...ahhh!" Max snarled, his ass and his cock felt like they were on fire, and with a sudden burst of heat that spread all over his lower body, he began to shoot his spunk all over the couch, his bouncing cock spraying globs of the white, musky stuff everywhere, including his own chin, as the uncontrollable orgasm took him over.

"Ffffffffff..." Pratt buried his muzzle to Max's neck and kept on fucking hard into the wolf's tight hole, feeling how the muscles danced around his straining cock, coaxing his own climax out of him.


Pratt bit down on the loose skin on the back of Max's neck, taking him into a mating bite, as he slammed his hips against the wolf's and held them there, hilting the wolf's backside just as his cock gave a massive surge of pleasure, throbbed, twitched, and began to jump within the hot, sucking cavity. Pratt's body trembled and ruled over the wolf's, he kept cumming, shooting watery cum into the wolf's rectum and filling him up with his seed, he was a big cat and he had a lot to give out of what was stored in his heavy balls, messily pressed over Max's own pair that had already drained itself uselessly all over the couch. Max's claws dug to the armrest of the sofa ,the wolf's head was hung and his tongue fell out of his maw, he was panting, and the heat in his ass grew as he got bred and marked as the tiger's bitch by the time a rush of cum came out of his seeded rectum and trickled along his taint and over his balls. Their messy orbs mashed together long after their orgasms waned out and tapered away, leaving the two males into a stinking heap of a tiger and a wolf, still kneeling on the bed, trapped in time, panting and holding onto one another, locked together with ties of pleasure. The bed was messy, they were messy, Max's butt ached, his neck ached, and Pratt kept on panting against the wolf's spit-soaked neck. It was a good ache, it put warmth over their skin and allowed them to linger on, enjoying the scent, each other, and the evening coming to a close in such a pleasant manner. It simply happened to involve a rough buttfuck in a dingy student apartment that stank of an 8-hour computer gaming session and a pair of rutting randy males, still joined together by the junction of Pratt's throbbing prick pulsing within the wolf's soiled ass.

Neither of them had anything much sensible to say anymore.


They might have nothing to say, but do YOU have something you want to say? Did the story help you with the festive spirit? Were you amused? Annoyed? Pleased? All comments are most welcome!

Also remember that all votes, faves and watches will help others to find these stories as well.

Thank you for reading, and cheerio!