Y.A. War

Story by Koori on SoFurry

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#1 of Y.A. War

Here I come, with my frist English story. Is another part of my story De nuevo Guerra. Sorry if I have mistakes, and let me know them.

One day, on the street was walking a cubby panda, happy and intelligent, called Kuma. He was going to his house after went the library and read books for hours about ninjitsu. It is a strange subject to talk about, because for a war that caused a great damage for whole cities and persons.

Well, in fact, Kuma was interested for this, after he found out that his family used to use ninjitsu, making him an original ninja. So, he wanted to raise his name again, practicing ninjutsus and genjutsus techniques.

For the next day, Kuma had already learned the twelve divine seals and the three sacred seals of his family, but he had still had a thing, practice. The most important thing and the worst for Kuma, I have said that, he is a chubby panda, so he is a lazy bear who does not want to do any exercise. With too nuts, he was seeking a place where to practice in secret, for keep in secret his abilities. He tried to practice behind the school, but he saw his professor of Biology and sports having "lot of fun" every day. And this occurred all days, and this scene make Kuma feel strange and without mood to eat. Think, maybe you will love seeing a dog suck a horse's dick and make him cum, but for Kuma, it not he style.

Few days after, he found a perfect place. A park near his house and where nobody comes to walk because the big grass and lots of bugs. "The best place" said Kuma. But before start to practice, he saw a brown bear in the top of a tree. Kuma thought that he was in problems, so he went near of him to help. He asked if he was all right, but he never answered. The time passed and Kuma started to wonder what he was doing. Moments after, he jumped to the floor, falling near to Kuma. Kuma, numb for what he saw, did not say anything.

"If you wanted to be killed, the next time tries to stay where I will fall." Said the bear.

"Sorry, but I did not kwon that you can jump so far"

"That is the problem with the young people. They never know something of the past. Only are interested by this new technology. By the way, how should I call you, fat friend?"

"Kuma, nice to meet you... ah..."

"David. I am a lancer. Looks like you have the same idea that I"


"To train a prohibit class in this place. What is that?"

"Ninjitsu, I am a ninja, like my parents. "

"I do not try to offend you, but I gotta get out of here. See you around. And don't tell it to anybody."


And David turned and goes away of there. So, Kuma was alone to practice the "Sustition jutsu".

He practiced for hours, too hard how he can. While he was training, he could see a person far from him. He became numb, thinking that that can be a guard o a cop, and he hide in the grass. He watched careful and tried to see who that was. The time past and he noticed that the person was a tiger, and that tiger was running for him. Suddenly, the tiger jumped to catch Kuma, but when he was hugging him, Kuma disappear and became a piece of tree. Then, Kuma grab him for the back making him immobile and give a lot of pain.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?"

"My name is Alex- he said while he cried-. I was looking you because you're pretty."

Kuma leave him and started to think about what he said. "I'm pretty? Why a male tiger said that, I mean, I was waiting it from a woman, but for a male..." Alex, meanwhile, put his head in the stomach of Kuma and asked his name. Kuma told him. Alex, in order to see Kuma to excited, passes his hand on Kuma's penis. That scene took much time, maybe two hours, and then Alex asked:

"It's going to be dark; would you like to go to my home?"

"Yes, why not."

In few minutes they were in Alex's house. An orange house with a dark barrier and lot of pretties flowers, that Alex has poked up in his frees time. In side, a table, for four persons, a big couch and a lot of pictures were in the living room. More deep, Alex's room was an orange room.

"This is my bedroom. I used to share it with my brother, but he raised and went to another city to study."

"Well... by the way, why did you see me in that form? Don't you think that is a perverted form?"

"Yes, I know. But you like me so much. And I only wanted to surprise you, not to get you irritate... in that case, why did you get so excited?"

"That was for your body on my" then Kuma got a boner.

Alex tried to put off Kuma's pants, but he couldn't. Kuma asked him the reason for that, and Alex said that he wanted suck his cock. Kuma put off his clothes a let Alex to sock his dick.

Alex started to lick Kuma's cock, first from the head to the top, then he opened his mouth a put it inside. Alex continued put it off and again in. This made Kuma to feel so pleased and excited. With his hand, he pulled Alex's head down and up.

Moments later, Kuma screamed and he cum, making Alex to lick the cum and clean Kuma's dick. After that, Kuma put his clothes on and slept near to Alex. Both animal, were tired; Kuma by his training and Alex by the blowjob, but both were happy and slept with a smile on them face.

When they woke up, the time had pass and now the time was 9 p.m. so, Kuma manage his return to his house. Kuma left Alex alone and got out of the house. Outside, Alex asked to Kuma when and how he can see him again, Kuma said

"I go to the college near of the park. Usually I finish at 3 o'clock. Maybe I can see you after that."

"Don't worry - says Alex-; I go to that college too. I'm on the third floor, maybe I can seek you."

"All right, I will search you in the recess, so see you. Ha! I almost forget it. Thanks for the... well... you know..."

"Ah!! That, well, I'll do that again when you want. If you want to do something else, well, only tell me. My body it's yours."

" You are so gross. I have met you today and you are treat me like you've kwon me time ago."

"Well, I have something to ask. Do you wanna be my boyfriend or something like that? I don't know how said this. Boyfriend or girlfriend?"

" Well... is so fast... but I have to be honest, you like me. So, I have to say yes."

"Finally, someone who loves me. My brother always tells me: "You're fat, and if you don't change that, nobody will love you".

"Looks like your brother is wrong. I love you... well not much... I only know your name but, it's ok. Tomorrow I'll bring food, if you want some."

"I really appreciate, I know that is soon, but... would your parents mind if I go to sleep at your house? Not today, another time."

" Let me ask'em. I gotta go."

"See you."

Well, so far maybe you are wondering about the name of mi history, but this not ends. Going to his house, Kuma saw a couple of gangs. Usually when you see something like that, you only ignore them. But those gangs were not normal. They were woman, with a kind of bracelet. In fact, their bracelets were strange; they had strangers symbols and words. Kuma saw how they kill some cops only touching them in the chest. "How can it be?" Thought Kuma, and then ran away from the alley. Kuma went to home and his parents ask him what he has done all the day. He told them that he met Alex and went to his house. With that he saves of the punishment and when to sleep again.

Meanwhile, David was in problems. He saw the gangs too, but this time they saw David. When David noticed of this, he ran, but that gangs were faster that David.

Those gangs were two lynx, perhaps they fought in the last war, and they have a lot of confidence a concentration.

David, far from the assassins, jumped to attack them, but they noticed of his jump and only grab him when he was near from her, I refer to one of them.

"Fool kid -said an assassin-; did you really think you can beat me? You're weak and slow. A great jump, doesn't it Celia?"

"Yes Lidia- Said the other lynx-; but if you kill this fat brown bear the boss will get angry, so let him escape for now. Then if we look him, we're going to kill him."

"Lucky you bear, now you can live. But remember, if you talk, considerate dead. "

They thrown David away and they disappear from there. David ran to his house and rest all the night.

De nuevo guerra Cap. IV

Capitulo IV Creo que es de importancia contar algo que falta en esta historia. Este hecho es la llegada de Max Mcqueen a la ciudad donde vive Kuma. Él, es un caballo de color blanco, de buen cuerpo, de velocidad media y con una mirada encantadora....

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De nuevo guerra Cap. III

Bueno, aqui estoy de nuevo, para los pocos leyentes, pero bueno continuemos. Capitulo III Antes de continuar con los buenos contaré lo que pasó con el único asaltante que sobró. Él regresó a la base y contó lo sucedido a su jefe, Albert. Este...

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El abusador

El enlace de esta historia se desarrolla en un lugar llamado "Hope". En esta ciudad se encontraban puros furs, y de una vez en cuando podías encontrar humanos completos o semi-humanos. El punto principal de la historia recae en una universidad de la...

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