A Fox's Life

Story by KailTheOtter on SoFurry

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#1 of A Fox's Life

Hello everyone this is the first chapter in my new series A Fox's life....as always, if your under 18 leave...phhhhhh like that'd stop you...anyway heres my new story, enjoy, comments, questions, feedback always welcome^^


By: KailTheOtter

A Fox life

"oh no" I said looking at my alarm clock and realizing I was late for school, again. I jumped up quickly and headed for the bathroom flinging off my boxers as I ran in and slammed the door closed behind me. I climbed into the shower and washed my fur thoroughly but quickly. When I finished cleaning, I reached for my towel and dried off in front of the mirror. I looked at myself in the mirror as I did; I noticed my spring coat of orangish-red fur was coming in nicely. I finished drying off, hastily put on some cloths without really looking at them, and finally went to the kitchen for a quick bite to eat. I finished my pop-tart, grabbed my book bag and ran out the door ready for school.

Thankfully I only lived about a block away from the school and ran into my classroom only about 20 minutes late, only to be greeted by the angry face of my teacher, Mr. Loving. As predicted, he gave me a short lecture about how, living so close to the school, I should never be tardy. I also apparently missed the introduction of a new student who joined the class this morning. As the teacher went back to his lesson, turning to the white board, I looked lazily around the room for the new student.

I noticed a very cute wolf sitting two rows back, appearing to be about 6 feet tall, only 6 inches higher than myself, with smooth black fur covering every inch of his perfectly chiseled body. I was startled by the bell, as I realized I had been turned around in my chair staring at the gorgeous wolf behind me for nearly half an hour. I looked down sheepishly as I left the classroom and headed for the next class I had, witch I also noticed the wolf was in when the teacher pulled him to the front of the room and introduce himself as Justin, from a few cities over. His parents moved here because of their jobs and they lived a few blocks away from the school, only half a block away from me actually.

As my day continued I realized that Justin was in all of my classes and sat right beside me in most of them. I couldn't help but occasionally cast a glance over at him looking at his body and blushing as I felt myself getting turned on then looking away. As the school day slowly came to a close I passed him a note asking if he would meet me outside the classroom when we were dismissed. He sent back a note that said he would love to.

After class ended I met Justin outside the classroom "hello' I stated nervously "nice to meet you Justin, I am John" I said smiling broadly.

"Oh, hello, your that fox that came in late this morning right?" he said with a grin as I looked down at my feet and felt my cheeks slowly turning red. "nice to meet you too"

"Thanks, and yea, that was me. Sorry about that, my alarm hasn't been going off lately for some reason"

"That stinks, well that's ok it happens to every body"

"Yea, hey, you maybe want to come by my house and hang out for awhile?"

"Sure that sounds great, I was just going to walk home anyway, and my parents won't be there until later anyway"

"Okay then come on" I said grinning as I turned and we started to walked towards my house my house.

"You sure your parents won't mind me showing up?" he said as we walked

"I'm sure they won't mind that I finally bring home a friend, my parents are out of town anyway, taking a couples cruise, I had school though, which is good because I get the house to myself" I said giggling.

"Well that's cool, you get the entire house to yourself to just goof off and mess around."

"Yea I love it, I get lonely, but I still like it." I said

"Awe that stinks man, maybe you could come over one night?" he asked with a smile.

"Yea, ether that or you could stay over here" I said nervously as we started to walk up to the house.

"That sounds fun, this your place huh?" he said looking up at the two story gray house. "Its pretty nice" he said looking up at it.

"Here come inside and I'll show you around" I said shyly as I glanced at his cute figure and quickly looked away as he turned towards me and I led him into the house.

"Cool he said after I showed him around the house for a bit "now can I see your room?"

"Umm" I said with the sudden realization that my room was still littered with my dirty sleep clothes from this morning "give me a minute" I said quickly running in and closing the door as I scampered around picking up the cloths sloppily laid across the room and shoving them in the hamper as I pulled the door back open "ok, sorry about that"

"It's fine" he said stepping into my room "oh very cool" he said as he looked around my room

"Well, this is my room" I said nervously as he looked around, not knowing what else to say from being nervous.

"It's nice, oh and you have an X-box" he said excitedly.

"Yea, want to play?" I said handing him a controller.

"Sure" he said taking the controller as I grabbed another from my nightstand drawer and turning it on.

"I don't have a lot of games but you can pick I said Opening the drawer containing my games.

"Thanks he said as he selected one and put it in as I sat on the floor saving the spot on the bed for him, which he ignored and sat beside me.

We played for an hour or so then we decided to take a break. "So how do you feel about Gay furs?" I said without even thinking and lowered my ears dreading how he would respond.

"Well, I don't really have a problem with them, I'm' honestly Bi myself" he said blushing "why did you ask?"

"I am gay and I just wanted to know, a lot of furs around here don't really accept furs like me. That's why I never tell anyone, you're the first." I said hoping he would still like me.

"That's cool, and that's good because now I can tell you that I think you really cute" he said with a grin.

"Wait, you think I'm cute?" I said unable to believe that the fur I had been obsessing over all day just called me cute.

"Yea, I didn't say anything because, well, like you said, a lot of furs around here aren't so friendly about it."

"I don't know what to say, thank you"

"Your welcome" he said smiling.

"And honestly I think your really cute to, I just didn't want to say anything I was afraid of how you might have reacted"

"Well thanks" he said "umm, now what" he said shyly

"Well, that depends, would you like to, maybe, go out with me?" I said sheepishly

"I would love to, I think that would be great, but what would we do about the furs at our school?"

"Those guys are just jerks, but they don't have to know, we have all our classes together, as long as we don't do anything that shows were together they might just think were friends." I suggested

"Yea! That could work" he said happily wagging his tail behind him. "So I guess were dating now huh?"

"Yea, we could, kiss if you wanted to." I said instantly wishing I hadn't and looking away in embarrassment of asking a guy I just met and started dating for a kiss.

"I would love to." He said picking my chin up and pulling me into a deep kiss. All I could do was lean into it as our muzzles locked and we shared our first kiss.

I pulled away after a few minutes of kissing my new boyfriend "wow" was all I could manage to say after my first kiss with my first mate.

"You're a good kisser" he said giving me a loose hug.

"Not as good as you" I said with a giggle returning the hug. "I thought that was amazing, it was my first real kiss though.

"Mine to" he said gently rubbing my back and wagging his tail. "I'm glad I met you John".

"And I'm glad I met you Justin" I said as I hugged him tighter and kissed his cheek.

"hehe well, want me to see if you can stay over at my place tonight?" he said excitedly.

"hmmm, we could do that or you could stay over here, my parents aren't around and we could get to know each other a little better, we probably wouldn't have too much privacy at your place" I said excitedly hoping to get to know my new boyfriend a bit better.

"hey, yea, ill tell them I'm at my friends place, they should be thrilled im making friends already, knowing them, they won't say no as long as we don't tell them about us being mated" he said lowering his ears slightly as his tail slowly tucked.

"hey what is that for?" I said happily lifting his ears up and giving his butt a quick little squeeze, Giggling as he blushed and yipped.

"I don't know, I thought it might bother you that we can really only be a couple when were alone" he said sadly.

"well, as long as we get enough time together I really don't mind hun" I said with a soft smile. "you called me hun" he said giggling

"yea, sorry" I said blushing. "no, I think it's cute" he said happily I tried not to blush as hard as I wanted to and said "I'm not the cute one here" giving him a small wink.

"your right" he said giggling "you're the cute and sexy one" I felt my cheeks turn crimson as I tried to hide my face behind my paws "I am not" "yea, you are" he said with a grin, pulling my paws away and giving me another small kiss. "now, you wait right here and I'll go ask my parents if I can spend the night" "ok, here is my phone number, call me when you find out" I said smiling as he walked away. I noticed my cock getting harder as I watched his cute but walk out the door. "he is so cute" I said to myself as I set to cleaning the house for when he returned.

I was almost done with my cleaning when I got a call from Justin. He said his parents would let him come over after dinner, and he would be at my house in about two hours. I was really excited and realized I still had my hard-on from earlier "better take care of that before he gets here, don't want to rush things" I said to myself as I walked into the bathroom and locked the door behind me. Slowly pulling my shirt off and unbuttoning my pants, I reached for a small box I had hidden behind the sink . I opened the box and pulled out a small six inch dildo I had hidden there. I slid off my pants and my boxers, revealing my throbbing seven inch cock, grinning as I placed the dildo on the bathroom floor and applied some lube to it. "I needed this" I said to myself as I positioned myself over the dildo and slowly slid it into my tight tail hole, moaning slightly as I did. I began to imagine it was Justin's cock inside me and started sliding it in and out of my hole moaning and grunting as I felt it rubbing against the inner walls of my ass. I continued doing this for a while until I couldn't resist my urge to paw anymore. I kept taking the dildo deeper and deeper until I felt it rubbing against my prostate and I let out a moan of pleasure as I wrapped my paw around my cock, wich had now produced a large amount of pre, and started stroking it. I continued to fuck myself and paw harder until I felt my climax draw near. I went down as far down on the dildo as I could and gave my knot a squeeze "oh gosh" I said as my cock started to shoot thick ropes of cum all over the bathroom floor in a surprising amount. I pulled the dildo out and sat it on the floor as I pulled the box back out to put everything away, the doorbell rang. "oh crap!" I exclaimed as I threw my cloths back on and ran downstairs and opened the door to see Justin smiling at me holding his luggage for the night.

"Hey hun" I said smiling, thankful he hadn't shown up any earlier than he did. "hey babe" he said as he walked in and gave me a small kiss on the cheek "sorry that took so long, my parents wanted me to eat before I left and I had to pack" "It's ok sweetie, I just had a few things to take care of anyway" I said, giggling slightly and giving him a hug. "You're here now am I'm excited I got a new cute boyfriend to spend time with" "I am too" he said as he gave me a tight hug and kissed my forehead "what you want to do?" "I don't know, you got any ideas?"

"Want to get our homework out of the way first?"

"Oh wow, I almost forgot about that" I said, embarrassed that all I had been able to focus on was Justin. "I didn't even think about it"

"well let's get it out of the way and that way we can have the rest of the night not to worry about it" "yea, good idea" I said as I led him to the kitchen table and pulled out my note book. We finished about half an hour later and he asked if he could use the bathroom, without even thinking I told him he could use the one in my room. I panicked a bit when I realized I hadn't had a chance to clean up my mess from earlier or put my things away. "Justin wait!" I said running up the stairs and getting to him right as he was about to open the door. "it's a mess in there, you care if I clean up a bit first?"

"oh hun, don't worry about it, I'm sure it's not that bad" he said opening the door. "oh" he said giggling as he looked down at the cum covered floor and sex supplies.

"oh my gosh I'm so sorry you had to see that, I should've cleaned up first, but you were at the door and I just sort of forgot. "Don't apologize" he said giving another small giggle "if you were that horny you could've just said so" he said with a wink. "I didn't want to rush things, I didn't know how you would react" I said blushing. "And I'm still a virgin, so I was too nervous to say anything"

"I am too" he said with a grin "but you're cute and I would really like to try sometime."

"I would love that" I said blushing "well if you wanted too we could in a bit"

"hehe your horny aren't you" I said giggling

"yea, I have been all day. Hard not to be when there's an adorable fox showing off his cute butt all day" "well how bout I help you with that?" I said slowly rubbing at the bulge in his pants with my paw

"only if you're ok with it babe"

"oh I'm more than ok with it" I said slowly getting on my knees and unbuttoning his pants.

"ok sweetie, if you're sure" "I am" I said giggling slightly as I gently pulled off his pants and underwear, letting out a small gasp when I laid eyes on his cock for the first time "oh wow your huge"

"I'm not that big" he said blushing

"Bigger than mine" I said blushing "but it looks delicious" I said licking my lips. "can't wait to have you inside me" I slowly gave the tip of his cock a long lick.

"you are so sexy" he said letting out a small gasp when I licked.

"so are you" I said with a smile as I put the tip of his throbbing cock into my muzzle and slowly slid it in deeper.

"oh gosh babe" he said with a bit of a louder moan as his cock reached the back of my throat. I couldn't stop there, I relaxed my throat and let his huge cock slide down the back of my throat as I made a slight gagging noise.

"Wow, your good at this" he said as I started sliding his ten inch cock in my throat. I started to gently bob my head on his cock not letting the tip leave the back of my throat as he dripped a small amount of pre into my muzzle. I swallowed it greedily and started bobbing my head faster and tilting it slightly to the side.

"Oh wow babe I don't know how much longer I can last, you're so good at this" He said as I closed my eyes and continued to deep throat his cock. "babe I'm gunna cum" he said as I shoved my head down as far as I could on his cock before feeling his thick load pour down my throat. I tried to keep bobbing as he came, but my mouth quickly filled up so I pulled off and started to paw him off, swallowing his load and moaning as more hit my face. "oh your delicious hun"

"oh gosh john" he said panting and petting my head "you sure you've never done that before.

"hehe nope, that was the first" I said smiling, still able to taste his sweet juices in my mouth. "you cum a lot"

"well I can always cum more if u want me to"

"oh I'll get a lot more out of you later" I said with a giggle. "but for now how bout we take a break"

"ok babe" he said with a grin "we've got all night"

"we certainly do" I said with a wide smile as I gave his cock another lick to clean it off.

"hehe, now come over here" he said pulling up his pants and laying on my bed.

"ok" I said lying beside him and cuddling. "You're the best boyfriend ever" I said wagging my tail slowly.

"hehe nope that's you, even though you are my first boyfriend"

"well your mine too" I said closing my eyes and laying my head on his chest.

"Awesome" he said holding me close as we both slowly fell asleep. In each other's warm embrace.