Puff and Smoke

Well, hello all, this was my verry first yiff story...dont laugh XD i wrote it back in january when I first joined this site...I deleted my old account...so heres a repost....if you havent read it, it gets better as the chapters go on... I left...

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Puff and Smoke (part two)

hello again this is parts two and three of my of my series sort of meshed together seeing as they were both short.....anyway as was the first one, this is exactly as it was origionally written...the next chapter I will need to wrte so i hope it will be...

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A Fox's Life

Hello everyone this is the first chapter in my new series A Fox's life....as always, if your under 18 leave...phhhhhh like that'd stop you...anyway heres my new story, enjoy, comments, questions, feedback always...

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