Confession Of Confused Teen, Chapter 1.2: Why do you smile all the time?

Story by Keygon_Streamwalker on SoFurry

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#2 of COCT

Confession Of Confused Teens Chapter 1.2: Why do you smile all the time?

Shouts and cheers were heard at the James East High School football field. The audience was getting pumped for their respected teams. The home section, packed to the brim, with people standing behind the chain linked fence, while the school brought out chairs from inside the school. The opposing school, Trenton High School's, had also filled up the away section bleachers to the point of having to bring their own chairs. The longest rivalry was between the two school's in front of Keygon's eyes. He sat down in the front row of the bleachers, staring out at the football field. It was the same for every game, come and sit in the front seat, stare at the football field until the game was over, go home, 'Of course I'm also between the two loudest fathers in the stands.'

He looked out of the corner of his left eye and stared at a meerkat, then looked back to his right, glaring at a horse. Keygon always sat down well before anyone, and for some reason he always attracted these two fathers to come sit next to him. His fingers twirled while they talked over him.

"Yeah, so you hear that my son's not playing tonight?" The horse said looking over Keygon and staring at the meerkat. The meerkat looked over and gave the man a surprised look, "What do you mean? He's the best corner back we've got!"

"It seems that Andrew doesn't get along with others very well, so their coach told him and two of his friends... I think Corey and Shawn Giglsbe, were told they weren't playing today." Keygon's eyes froze at the realization that they were talking about the three guys who were messing with him during gym. The otter's knee started to sting now from the remembrance of what happened, "So their coach just kicks them out for a game?"

The horse nodded and spoke softly, almost as if he was talking to himself, "Said that he didn't want to even bother him."

Keygon clinched his fists into balls as he gripped his pants. Remembering the event and how the older horse just explained how his son didn't even want to do what he had done. The blatant lie that was told to his own father, it sickened the otter. He stood up and walked away from the older men. Slowly, Keygon moved his way over to the gate where he watched the cheerleaders start practicing around and stretching for their routines they were doing. It was only then the otter heard a loud squealing noise come from that direction, "Hey! Keygon!"

A few cheerleaders bounded up towards the male and smiled looking up at him. The otter grimaced softly and saw one of his other friends Cheryl on the other side of the gate. Cheryl Stone was a slim 5'9 panther, and could talk a dead person back to life. The otter had met her a little after freshman had started for them, and the two of them became fast friends, because the panther didn't mock him for being gay, and Keygon was good at listening. Cheryl smiled broadly at the otter and motioned for him, "Come over the fence! We need to ask you a question."

The fence in question was only about waist height so, Keygon easily bounded over the fence and landed on the other side, only to be grabbed by the other cheerleaders and dragged away, "Hey! W...what's going on!?"

Lamboia sat in the locker room feeling knots in his stomach. The rest of the team was all pumped and excited that they were going against their rivals, the Raytown Bears. The tiger on the other hand was more worried then excited, because their coach was actually willing to let him play. His teammates sauntered around each other, boasting about how well they were going to tonight. Bets were made, jokes were told, and laughs spread around the room. A shout arose from the group and Lamboia head jerked over to see one of the players, Jax standing up on a bench, "If we win this... We'll party at my place tonight! Make sure to snag one of those hot bitch's on the sidelines."

A cheer arose from the group of teens, and soon after the discussions started coming up again. Lamboia didn't really care much for the after party that they had, usually it was just full of testosterone filled football players that had a very slim chance to get laid that night. The tiger looked up to see Spark standing in front of him, "So, you planning on taking Lily to the party, or is it gonna be Keygon?"

"Y...You know that she broke up with me... And I think that Keygon is mad at me... for taking him home tonight..." Lamboia said softly. The German Shepherd sat down next to his friend and gave him a serious look, "Well... if you're not going to take him, then... would it make you mad if I took him?"

Lamboia looked up startled at Spark, then got close to the German Shepherd, "I... know that we just talked about your feelings towards him... but are you sure that you want to really go and take him to this party... You know as much as I do that he hates almost everyone in this room, and doesn't really like the sport we play..."

Spark sighed and looked towards the other players then nodded, "I didn't get the chance to speak with him during gym because of Corey, Shawn and Jace. I want him to know how I feel..."

"But that doesn't mean that you should risk everything you have here. You're the star quarter back, and this school is notorious for hazing the gay students... I should know... I watch Keygon get picked on all the time. Are you really sure that you want to push all you have away just for a shot at a relationship with him?" The tiger vented softly. Ever since Keygon and him started weights, the tiger became good friends with the canine. Lamboia even let it slip one day that his best friend hard a really hard crush on Spark, but made the shepherd promise that he wouldn't blab or pick on him. Spark smiled at Lamboia, "My father always taught me, go big or go home. I don't care if everyone shuns me at this damn school. It's our last year, and we've only got one more semester here. I'm hoping that I can make his last semester here worth it."

Lamboia looked at the canine with a sullen look, but soon after he smile sympathetically, "Spark, it would make me really happy if you took my friend to the party."

Sparks tail wagged happily and he placed his hand on the tigers shoulder, noticing that some teammates were walking over, he shifted the conversation's gears, "So I heard that Coach was going to let you play."

"No!" Keygon shouted, giving his friend and the other cheerleaders a very hostile look. Cheryl gave the best look of cuteness she could, "B...but please Keygon... Lily said she couldn't make it, and you know the whole routine... and coach said that if we don't find a replacement then we were going to get twice the workload! Please?"

The panther begged towards the otter. Keygon's look turned from angry to upset, and Cheryl knew that she was going to wear him down. The feline snapped her fingers and another cheerleader held out a cheerleader outfit made for males, "Look we even have an outfit made for you! So would please do this for me just once? I promise that you can make me do anything in return!"

Keygon gave a hesitant look at the suit, but shook his head, "N...No! I already get teased enough about being gay at the school. I might as well be putting a sign on my neck that says, "Look at me! I'm gay, and act like a girl!... No offense."

The panther's eyes went narrow and she grinned, "Alright, then we'll push you into the locker room with the clothes until you do change, and you know how much that the football team would just love to see you in that uniform." Her strategy was to give him hope for a different room to use. It seemed to work as Keygon backed up to hold the door closed, " wait a moment! I can't just go in there! They'll rip me to shreds in a matter of seconds!"

"Well then I guess you better figure out what to do then." Cheryl smirked and Keygon bit his lower lip. Slowly, he held his hand up taking the clothes from the other cheerleader and accepting defeat, "O... Ok now where is a different place to change?"

Cheryl squealed with joy and hugged him, pulling him back a little as the other cheerleader pulled open the door, "I'm sorry to do this to you, but we don't have another place... So...."

The panther let go of Keygon and pushed him into the male locker room before having the door slam shut. The otter panicked and started slamming against the door, "H...Hey! This wasn't part of the deal!"

"Keygon, just go change really quickly and then we'll let you out. I promise that nothing will happen to you!" The panther called out. Keygon slammed against the door one last time and sighed again angrily. He turned around and then jogged quickly to the restroom, making sure that no one was near him or noticed him. Jumping in a stall and locking the door, he quickly changed to the uniform and held his clothes. He opened the door and looked around. Everyone was still in the back part of the locker room, having their team fun. He jogged over to the door and knocked softly on it, "O...Ok Cheryl, I'm changed now let me out!"

A few clicks and sounds of pictures were heard. Keygon turned around and looked to see half of the football team standing behind him with phones and cameras out. One of the football players jumped from the crowd and pointed at the otter, "See look guys! I told you that the fag was a girl! Now look at him, dressing up like the bitch he is!"

Keygon's face burned with embarrassment, and he turned around to see the door open for him. He rushed out and the door closed behind him. Cheryl, stood in front of him as he clenched his fists and felt a few tears fall from his eyes. The panther came up and hugged the otter as he cried in embarrassment, "Oh Keygon... I'm so sorry... I promise that if anyone else messes with you tonight, but we really did need your help tonight."

"It's not that... I'm upset that... I started crying... I've dealt with this for years, and never once cried about it... but now look at me! I'm such a bitch..." Keygon spoke between gasps of air. The other cheerleaders came up and hugged the otter from behind. Keygon didn't even know the cheerleaders but heard his friend start speaking again, "Keygon, as cheerleaders, we stick together. Now that your doing this for us, we'll do everything we can to protect you from those assholes."

Both of the cheerleaders spoke up, speaking their minds about it and agreeing with what she said. Before long, the four of them met up with the rest of the cheerleaders. Cheryl made the announcement that Keygon was going to be joining in today's routines, and the girls became ecstatic. Of course their coach came over to gave the otter an odd look, then shrugged, barking orders towards the girls, "Alright! Get your stretches in, we've got a lot to do today! This game will show whether we deserve to go to finals or not and the football players are going to need every ounce of support that we can give."

The girls got into position and Keygon followed behind his friend, getting into the position that Lily would have been in. His heart pounded as he looked up at the audience. Quite a few people started pointing and speaking with others, probably bad things. The otter looked away from it all and started up with the girls on the routine.

He saw it at least 4 times, picture of him on other guy's phones. His heart melt at the sight of him and if it not for him being around all the guys on his team, he probably would have popped a boner right then and there. Spark felt the heat rise to his face and turned away from the person who was showing him the photo. All the padding was up on everyone, the game was about to start. Now was the time for his speech, and the shepherd was far from ready to give it. He turned back around only to see everyone in front of him staring at him, his best friend Jax in the front, "Well Mr. star quarter back. Where's your usual speech?"

Spark sighed then pulled whatever courage he had left before standing straight, "A speech!? What do any of us need a speech for! Look at us, thirteen and zero. So far not a single school has beaten us! Why are you come up to me expecting a speech. Sure I'm the quarter back, but if I didn't have such a great team like you guys, well... Then I would be nothing. So don't call me a star, don't look to me as the only part of this team that can do anything. I'm just one part, we all make the team, and as team we should get out there and kick Trenton High school ass, winning our way to our 3rd state title!"

The group of men erupted into cheers of victory. Teammates started to swarm Spark and slap him on the back. They started running out, hollering and whooping towards the other team who were standing on the other side of the field. After a while Coach Williams came out to riled them down. Some of the players left, started slapping each other for some attention and pointed towards the cheerleaders. Lamboia sat on a bench watching his friend holding a different cheerleader up on his shoulders. He felt his heart skip a beat, 'God... look at you Keygon, the weight class is making you stronger.'

Even Spark was staring over towards Keygon, in lust and admiration. Surprised to even see the otter at the football game, and that the pictures that some of the football players weren't just them playing around with photo-shop or something. His felt his sheath swell a little before turning away and clenching his fists. It was always like this, seeing Keygon and spouting a hard on. The canine couldn't stop seeing the otter though, making sure that the otter wasn't picked on as much by the football team. It was demanding work, and even if the football team didn't mess with him, there were other students that would so they could get some recognition from the jocks, 'heh.. Jocks... more like jokes.'

Keygon let his friend off his shoulders and followed as they were brought in. The game was about to start and announcements were being spat out quickly by the booth. Cheryl bounced in place, waiting impatiently and Keygon looked over at her, "What are you doing, why are you bouncing in place?"

"I get to sing the national anthem today, I feel so lucky to do so, and it will get Blane to watch me more often." Cheryl spoke and smiled, bending over a little to look at her boyfriend. The little panther's boyfriend was anything but little, he was one of the biggest football players on the team, he was all pure muscle, absolutely no fat. Blane Putonski was a senior The only problem with the kid was that even if he was big and tough, he was dumber then a sack a bricks. It didn't stop him from being just as hateful towards the otter as his teammates. Cheryl said that she would keep him in line if she was ever spending time with Keygon, but even then, during a moments look away, he'd always make a vulgar look towards the otter.

"And now, everyone please stand for national anthem, sung by our own Cheryl Stone!" Cheryl excitedly bounded out towards a microphone stand while the student ROTC marched out holding the country's flag and the state flag. The otter placed his hand over his heart as he followed the rest of the small stadium. The panther let out a small breath before singing in a soft soprano voice. The whole field listened as the anthem ended. Everyone was ready for the game to began and Cheryl ran back to the cheerleaders. Congratulations were sent to her for a job well done and soon they were all in formation the kick off cheer. Keygon stood next in Lily's position, right next to the panther and smile towards her direction, "Cheryl, you really did a great job out there. If anything I'm proud of what you did."

The panther blushed heavily and smiled towards her friend, "Keygon, I'm so glad that you decided to do this with us. You gave me the motivation to keep going with this."

It was the otters turn to blush, not saying anything, knowing that they both sent a strong message to each other. They had supported each other through the trials of early high school, and now, they would support each other through whatever. Both stared at the field, waiting for the kick off to begin.

His heart pounded as they stood in formation, everyone was staring at him to make the move. The crowd sat at the edge of their seats anticipation killing them. Sweat fell down from his brow as his nerve had finally caught up with him. There was a reason that Trenton High School was their rivaling school. Sparks voice bellow out and the football field went into a frenzy, "Hike!"

The scores close with Trenton up by 3 point, and only a few seconds on the clock. Both crowds could really flip a coin with how things were turning out. Trenton had fought fiercely with their tight offensive plays, and even tighter defensive holds. Spark had the plan all wrapped up in his head, he'd do a fake and run left until he saw someone open, then hope to god almighty that the receiving end would catch it and sprint like crazy. One of the guards to the right had failed so the plan fell apart, however a glimmer of hope shined in the German Shepherds eyes. He saw a wide receiver get past his corner back and soon chucked the ball towards him. The canine was brought down, but the ball flew straight to the wide receiver like he had wanted. Trenton's corner back struggled to get back into place to try and stop the catch, but it was to late. The receiver had caught it and started sprinting towards the goal post. Trenton's team tried to swarm the poor kid with malicious intent. The kid just had to far of a gap and pull through.

The James East bleachers erupted in giant cheers and frantic shouts of euphoria as the game ended. Teammates ran over to the receiver, congratulating him on job well done. Player's hoisted the receiver up on their shoulders and carried him towards the sidelines, to be stopped by their coach. Coach Williams looked down at the player before patting his shoulder roughly, "God be damned, who knew you had it in you Steele! Alright boy's, hit the showers!"

The team shouted and cheered as they all ran towards the locker room. Lamboia pulled his helmet off and waited behind, Spark walking up behind him and wrapping his arm around the felines shoulders, "Great catch dude! I knew you could do it."

The tiger smiled bashfully and looked down, "You're the one that threw the ball to me. You had to get away from the whole team, it was just one person for me."

"Yeah but if you didn't catch it, then we would have lost. Let's not think about that, come on we've got a party to get to." Spark smiled and got off of Lamboia, walking ahead, only to slow down and turn towards the cheer squad. He looked over at the feline, then to the rest of the team that was walking into the locker room. Lamboia watched the canine start walking towards the cheerleaders. He turned and started walking towards the lockers also, knowing full well what Spark was planning on doing.

Keygon's hands had gripped Cheryl's hands as they bounced up and down, "Did you see that! Lamboia did it, oh my god, I can't believe he caught the ball like that! Oh my god, we're going to finals!"

The otter was only bouncing with his over-excited friend. He was too happy and proud of his friend to speak any words at the time. A whistle blew and all the girls stopped celebrating, their coach coming over. She shook her head at all the girls and smiled at them, "Alright girls, since we're going to state we're going to be practicing a lot more, to show our spirit for the team, and you Mr. Walker, I'm considering you part of the team now so I expect to see your face in the rest of our practices."

The otter flushed with embarrassment as the girls around him laughed and walked up to surround him, their coach speaking one more time, "Enjoy the rest of the night ladies, because tomorrow your mine at 2! Goodnight!"

Keygon watched as his new coach left and soon felt claustrophobic. The cheer squad had surrounded him, and were looking down expectantly at him, Cheryl speaking for them, "well since you're part of the cheer squad now, we've got a lot of hazing and teaching to give you. All of which we can do tonight at the party you're going to."

The otters eye's widened with shock and fear, "Party? You mean an after party filled with a bunch of gay-bashing football players? I'll pass."

The panther smiled and shook her head, "Didn't you hear me earlier? We're cheerleaders, and we stick together, no matter what. Right girls!?"

The circle got tighter, and Keygon felt the cheerleaders start hugging him all shouting words of encouragement towards him. The otter felt his face burn and his eyes fill up. For the first time in a long time, he was accepted. The group separated soon after, Cheryl and Keygon walking away towards gate to leave for the parking lot. Cheryl stopped and stood in front of Keygon, with her back turned, putting her hands out, "Can I help you?"

Keygon looked around her and saw Spark standing in front of her with a confused look, "Uh... I just wanted to talk to Keygon."

"Well we're kinda busy, he's gotta-" Keygon wrapped his hands around the panthers waist and whispered in her ear, "I've got this one Cheryl. Give me a minute?"

The panther looked down, putting her hands down and turned away taking a few steps away, "I'm still watching you both, if I see anything happen to your ass I'm gonna save it."

Keygon chuckled, 'Of course it has to be something with my ass.'

The otter looked up at the taller canine, whom was still very confused on what was going on and tilted his head towards him, "Can I help you?"

Spark felt his face get hot, 'this must be what it feel like to like someone. I've never been this nervous asking a girl out.'

The canine swallowed slowly and looked down at Keygon, " Lamboia says not to worry about a ride... He's go one."

The otter gave a curious look towards him and tilted his head back a little, "Ok, is that it??"

'Damn... He doesn't seem amused. Come on Spark, you're a Williams! This should be easy for you.' The canine, could feel his heart beat heavily as he kept trying to swallow the imaginary lump in his throat, "Well you see, Jax is throwing a party for winning... and I was wondering if you wanted to come with me to... the party... with me?"

Keygon blinked a few times towards him and looked up into Spark's eyes, trying to see if it was trick. All the otter could see was anticipation and fear in the shepherd's eyes, 'What could he be afraid of? Rejection?'

They both heard a thud and looked over to see Cheryl on the ground holding her sides, gasping for air and chuckling like a mad women. Keygon blushed and looked down, "I kinda promised the cheer squad that I would go with them..."

A gasp came from the panther and she jumped up running to her friend, "What he means to say is that he'd love to go with you, and that he'll meet you there. Now if you'll excuse us, we've have to go get clothes, and you have to change."

Before either of the men could object, Cheryl dragged Keygon away, leaving a very flustered and confused shepherd and dragging a very shocked and also confused otter. Spark turned around to notice Keygon still staring at him, shouting towards them, "It's a date then!"

Cheryl stopped in front of Keygon's car and smile broadly at the poor boy, "Oh... My... God... You have a date with the star quarter back! You're so going to crush the hearts of almost all the girls at the party. I didn't even know he was gay... or he may be just trying to be nice and invite you to go do something fun. I mean-"

"No... I watched him ask Cheryl... He was afraid of something. I think he was afraid of me saying no to him. Cheryl... What am I going to do? If he really is going to take me to this party then I'm going to be hated by everyone for "turning" the star quarter back gay. Not to mention that I wouldn't want him to deal with the shit that I have to deal with daily." Keygon ranted towards himself and his friend, feeling his body shake with nervous energy. The panther smiled and placed her hand on her friend's shoulder, "You obviously seem to really like the guy bud. I mean you've told me that he's your crush since freshman year. I think you really should do this sweetie."

Keygon still felt conflicted about what to do. It was a once in a lifetime chance to get, and his crush was handing it to him on a silver platter. The otter clenched his fists and took a deep breath, looking up at his friend, "Ok... I'll go. I think I can get myself out of a bad situation if I go to one."

Cheryl beamed with happiness and she hugged the otter, before walking around to the other side, "Great! Now, we've got places to go, cus you'll get mocked the whole time if you walk into the party wearing your cheerleading outfit, and I wanna look really good. So you're picking my outfit for me and I'll fix yours up."

Keygon only chuckled as he sat down in the driver's side seat and started the engine, "You and your looks. Alright then, lets get going."

The car backed up and slowly but surely started to make their way towards both of their houses, getting ready for tonight's festivities.

Spark walked into the locker room, the sounds of people celebrating, showers, and laughter was heard. The shepherd was in to much of a euphoric state to care about anyone else. The occasional high five was sent to others, but he really wasn't into it. His mind went back to what happened earlier. A bit confusing at first, but it was a date nonetheless. His excitement was visible to everyone, all of them assuming that he had found a girl to take to the party, 'oh are so many of them in for a rude awakening.'

The canine walked over to his locker and started undressing, slowly making his way towards the shower stalls. There was no fear of people looking around, or else you would get your face smashed in by the rest of the team. Spark stood in on of the stalls and cleaned himself off, making sure to get the smell of his teammates and the other team off of him. Football being such a close contact sport, and you never know which of the members of the other team didn't wash their uniform.

The shepherd finished, and shook himself off, making his fur dry quickly before grabbing a towel to get the excess off. Lamboia finished his shower just like Spark and was walking out with the shepherd. Spark looked over and beamed happily at his friend, making the tiger look shocked and whisper close to him, "h... He said yes?!"

All the canine did was nod and his eyes widened, "Oh yeah, and I'm the one taking you to the party tonight."

Lamboia shook his head and smiled Spark, "that fine. I don't plan on going home to my father anyways."

Jax walked up and slapped Sparks back, "Dude, everyone's gotta know why you're so happy, what girl did you hook up with to make you as excited as one of them?"

"Well, that's going to be something that you're all going to have to wait to see. Besides, you know I don't tell any of you who I take anywhere, because you'll try to fuck it up for me." The canine said, making the bull laugh, "Yeah dude, just so long as the little bitch of an otter doesn't come. It ain't right to see a man hold a girl like that in front of crowd of people."

Spark's ears fell dangerously to his head, but he suppressed his growl and shot them up again, giving his friend a quick jab, "Maybe you're a little jealous that he's been closer to pussy then you."

Jax sneered at the canine and started walking away flipping him the bird, "Yeah whatever dude, see you there."

The shepherd and tiger finished up in relative silence and walked out towards the canines truck. Placing their stuff in the back the both hopped inside and drove out towards the party. Lamboia the first to speak, "You'll protect him right... I'll hold you responsible for everything that happens tonight and everyday after."

The canine took a deep breath and stared at the road in front of him, "Lamboia... I promise you my life that I'll protect him, I'll make sure that he stays out of trouble and make sure that everyone leaves him alone."

The tiger listened and sighed a breath of relief, he knew that his friend would be safe as long as Spark was always there.

Confessions Of Confused Teens: Chapter 1.1 Just Feeling Right

**Confession Of Confused Teens** Chapter 1.1: Just feeling right \*Ding! Ding!\* The bare empty hallways of James East High school came to life as the third period bell rang. Students stormed out of their class rooms to...

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