Raven Wolf - Book 03 - Chapter 02

Story by Kurapika on SoFurry

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#32 of Raven Wolf - Novel

Raven Wolf - The Warriors - Chapter Two

Raven Wolf - The Warriors - Chapter Two

A female grey wolf who looks a lot like Teddy due of course to her relation to him as his twin, makes her way through a large dull concrete building, this facility a large prison several miles outside of the domestic city.

The guard that she had been following leads her into a room with several chairs set up in front of a long counter in front of a glass wall, this room one of the visiting areas in the prison. She takes her seat at one of the counters and waits.

Dolly Conner, like her brother Teddy, though descending from wild parents was born and raised in the domestic city. Unlike her brother though, she was always very open minded to all the traditions and history her mother and father had to tell her, she even holding a found interest in it, she the opposite of her brother and not caring for blending in as a domestic, she priding herself in the fact that she stood out as wild, and though she did not actively practice the traditions of her parents she did believe in the stories of the spirits that her father would always tell her when growing up.

Soon the door behind the glass opens and one of the prisoners, a skunk with a very bored look on his face, enters the room, he sitting across from Dolly and recognizing her without any trouble. "Miss. Conner, what can I do for you today?" He looks Dolly over, she right now dressed in her military uniform. "You're in uniform so I guess that means you're here on business."

Dolly frowns back at him, though Zack Magellan was not her most favourite person in the world she had developed a tolerance for him by working with him as his partner before he had been thrown in prison. Zack right now in this situation because he was withholding the names of the people that had given him the orders to shoot and kill Kit Milford, the son of Governor Milford, and frame the wilds of Raven Wolf for his death, this a plot by the military to receive funding from the governor in regards the tracking and capture of the white wolf that lead the tribe of Raven Wolf.

Due to a faulty shot on Zack's part Kit was not mortally wounded and didn't end up dying, and instead was helped and healed by the Raven Wolf tribe, and once they had returned Kit to his father the whole ordeal had become exposed. Zack, the one who had been given the order to pull the trigger, the one to take the fall and be sent to prison for the entire ordeal.

Dolly begins to explain the situation to him, like Zack had guessed she was indeed here on business. The military and their lawyers had constantly been working on getting rid of Zack's sentence. He after all, not just a soldier that had been imprisoned for following orders and refusing to give the names of his superiors to let the blame fall on them, but also a very important weapon to them. "You're well on your way home, the military has managed to win enough fights and pull enough strings to have you out of here. Someone is on their way to pick you up."

Zack laughs at the information. "So that's what you're doing here, you're here to pick me up. See? What did I tell you? I'm too important to the military to keep locked away in here."

Dolly frowns looking back to him and questioning him about this. "Why exactly ARE you so important to them? Any other soldier would not have gotten out of prison this fast if at all!" She stops with her questions when she sees something, a small tattoo on the inside of Zack's right ear, though she had noticed it before she had not paid much attention to it or given it a second thought, only now was it catching her attention, she reading out the numbers to him. "1342-026...? What is that supposed to mean?"

Zack frowns, his right ear folding back as he gives her an annoyed stare. "It's my birthday."

Dolly glares back at him angrily. "What kind of idiot do you take me for?"

Zack shrugs his shoulders. "Yeah I guess you're right. Well you can't blame me for trying can you?" He laughs to himself, it indeed a terrible excuse that should have been better thought through. "It's classified information. You don't have clearance."

"That's not a military mark."

"Is so."

"It is not!"

"Is so."

"Why do you always have to be so difficult?"

"I don't see why you don't believe me."

"Our military would never mark its soldiers in that way."

"Never said it was from our military, just that it was 'a' military mark."

"What military then?"

"I just told you that it's classified."


Zack begins to laugh at how frustrated Dolly was starting to get. "Let's go out to dinner."

Dolly is about to argue back with him, but stops, a confused look on her face as she takes a moment to think over what Zack had said. "I... what...? Dinner?" She frowns at Zack not amused. "If you're asking me out then you're being completely tactless about it."

Zack frowns back at her leaning back in the chair that he was sitting in. "Me? Go out with you? Don't look so worried I wouldn't put you through that situation, I meant as in celebration. I'm getting out of jail today, no reason that the first place I should go is straight back to work or the labs. Why not go out for a bite to eat with my partner." He smiles at her. "You are still my partner, aren't you?"

Dolly crosses her arms. "We were partners during a military mission that got canned on us. What makes you think that we're still partners?"

Zack looks back to her it being obvious. "Well, you're here on business aren't you? The military would have sent you for a reason right? Somebody is on their way here to pick me up, I'd say that somebody is already here, it's you isn't it?"

Dolly smiles at Zack as she shakes her head and shrugs her shoulders letting out a laugh. "I supposed I can't fool you can I. You do know that no one else in the military wanted the job, you're not exactly a pleasant person to deal with, and because I worked so well with you before the job was handed to me. You may be out of prison but don't forget you almost killed a child, the military is very set on labelling you as the one to be responsible and as so could not release you unless you were constantly under military supervision."

Zack begins to laugh loudly at the information. "Well then, I suppose we'll be more than just partners than! We'll be roommates!"

Dolly frowns at him. "Hey, believe it or not I'm not finding this situation as amusing as you are, putting up with you at work is one thing but having to put up with you off the clock is a whole other matter."

Zack is still laughing over the situation. "I'll be a good boy I promise!"

Dolly sighs, it already starting to be an aggravating experience and she still hadn't gotten him out of prison yet. "This is only temporary. Until the military can assure that what you did will not be repeated."

Zack continues his laughter, he knowing clearly that the only way he would be doing something like trying to kill a child in the first place would only be done if under military command, after all, it had been the military that had given him the order. Now they were putting Dolly through the trouble of looking after him just to keep from being traced to the implications of Kit's attempted assassination.

Dolly shakes her head as she lifts her hand and places a smooth metallic bracelet upon the table between them. Zack's laughter abruptly stopping as soon as he sees it, a serious look now on his face as Dolly explains the object to him. "I'm not entirely sure of what that is, but I can't remove you from prison until both you and I have it on. I assume it's a tracker of some sort, so that the military can keep an eye on you and make sure that you stay by me."

Zack lifts his hand to his neck as he begins rubbing it as if in pain. He knew exactly what this thing was, though it was a lot smaller and meant for a wrist instead of a neck it was the same as the collars he and the other super soldiers had to wear when still in testing, it capable of sending a very painful electric shock through its wearer's body should they act out of line, he having experienced this effect first hand more often than not.

Zack looks from the bracelet and back to Dolly, such a thing no doubt coming with orders that needed to be followed. "Did you get any instructions when they gave you this bracelet?"

Dolly shakes her head, it being nothing out of the ordinary. "Only to put it on and then make sure you put yours on, and that once it's on it will lock and be irremovable without a key that the higher ups in the military have. It's to make sure you stay within at least fifty feet of me."

Zack frowns at the information. "Fifty feat... that's not very far..."

Dolly nods her head there no more significant information to it. "Other than that, they just gave me some information about it being waterproof and durable."

Zack picks up the bracelet looking it over, he then looking back to Dolly. "I guess that you can't avoid dinner with me then."

Dolly gives him a weak grin. "I guess not."

Zack turns away from her getting to his feet, he clamping the bracelet on his right wrist before exiting the room. Despite his dislike for the idea military instructions were always to be followed no matter what the request was, and besides, he couldn't leave this place without it on.

Before long Zack is out of his prison jumpsuit and back in his military uniform, he now leaving the prison that he had only had to spend a short month in.

He looks over to Dolly while the two are making their way towards her vehicle. "So then, where are we headed first?"

Dolly looks back to him. "Your home."

Zack seems confused. "My home? Don't I have military work to do?"

Dolly frowns thinking that something like that would be obvious to him. "We're not going to be back in service until it's been decided by a committee that you are stable enough to join. The only time we step foot in a military facility is at the end of every week where I will give them my status report on you and you will endure several of the militaries tests."

Zack lets out a bored sigh. "What is with them giving me such boring jobs? First guard duty then surveillance, and now stay at home and do nothing. Honestly what am I even supposed to do at home?"

Dolly frowns as she looks back to him. "Whatever it is you do when you're off the clock."

Zack looks back to Dolly that right there the issue. "I'm never off the clock! I'm always working. I have no idea what to do with myself if I don't have orders to follow."

Dolly crosses her arms as she stares at him, such a situation impossible. "You can't 'never' be off the clock. Come on what do you do when you're at home, nap, watch T.V, read a book, indulge in some kind of hobby?"

Zack rubs the back of his neck, he really unsure of what to tell her. "Hobby? The only thing I really do off missions is battle simulations, target practice and physical tests."

Dolly lets out a tired sigh, she could already tell that this was going to be a frustrating ordeal. "Just tell me where you live."

Zack frowns that also an issue. "It's complicate..."

"How complicate could it be to live somewhere?"

"For the most part I live at the labs."

Dolly groans. "No, really. Where do you live?"

Zack gives a weak laugh while trying to figure out how to explain the situation. "Like I said I live at the labs, the only times in which I've stayed somewhere else is if Louis takes me home with him."

Dolly stares at Zack, an eyebrow raised at this information. "Louis... as in General Louis Mort?" Zack nods his head, Dolly continuing to stare at him. "Why would he be bringing you home with him... and why are you on a first name bases with him?"

Zack lets out a sigh as he leans against the hood of Dolly's car. "Now you're just making it sound odd."

"It is odd!"

Zack laughs as her reaction as he begins to explain. "General Mort is who the military assigned as my guardian when I was a kid, you know, kind of like an adoptive dad... except he got the position under military order instead of his own incentive."

Dolly crosses her arms. "You're just making all this up because you like seeing the look on my face when you announce random stuff like this!"

Zack stares at Dolly really not sure of what else to tell her, that having been the genuine truth, Dolly staring back at him for a moment before questioning him again concerning this. "You're actually not lying... are you...?"

Zack shakes his head no, Dolly shaking her head as she opens the door to her car and gets in. Zack's answers making her further believe the assumption that she had made about him before. That Zack was indeed one of the military's Super Soldiers.

She had confronted Zack on this before, but every time she asked him about it he would refuse to give her an answer. Never denying or confirming it and instead leaving Dolly to her own assumptions. "Alright then, where are we supposed to go then? I can't stay at the labs and we're certainly not going to stay at the General's house."

Zack gets into the seat next to her. "What about your place? You have a home don't you?"

Dolly frowns as she looks over at him. "Are you kidding? My apartment is small and only big enough for one."

"And you assumed that even if I did have a home that my place would be bigger? I live in a single room at the laboratory which is really only big enough to hold a bed. It's almost like living in a closet. The room I have at Loui's place isn't much bigger either."

"Don't call the General Loui... I'm still trying to take in that you call him Louis instead of General Mort."

Zack shrugs his shoulders. "Fine, I'll just stick to calling him General Mort. It's really not that big of a deal I mean that's what I call him in front of all the other soldiers anyway." He looks back to Dolly getting back on topic. "So why can't we stay at your place? Is it messy or something? I know wilds aren't as clean as domestics are."

Dolly glares at him, Zack beginning to laugh. "Ah ha! You have no idea how much I've missed seeing the lock on your face every time I throw a crack like that out. I kill myself."

Dolly lets out a frustrated growl as she starts the car preparing to head home. "I'm going to be killing you pretty soon if you don't smarten up."

Zack calms his laughing. "Right I got it. I won't do it anymore. I just couldn't help it it's been a while after all, and the opportunity was just so ripe."

Dolly shakes her head, this experience already proving to be grating. "This is just great. They told me that I would have to watch you, not babysit you! General Mort must secretly hate me to be sticking me with a hellish task like this."


A young girl hums to herself as she eats a peanut butter and jelly sandwich while at the same time working on building what looked like a small robot, though she was right now living in the city she looked strange compared to the domestics that lived there, although she had the ears and tail of a cat her skin was bare of fur, she actually being only half domestic, the other half a mysterious race that very few people seemed to know about called the True Bloods. These people looking as humans did before the animal spirits changed man into animals.

The name she went by was Lumia, and although she was still a little girl she was very smart and skilled when it came to anything regarding computers and mechanics, she having picked up a love for it from her father, who was a brilliant true blood scientist that used to work for the true blood military.

Lumia takes another bite from her sandwich, a voice from the computer near her rising to get her attention. "-Lumia, must you work while eating? It makes you look sloppy when you do both at the same time-"

Lumia talks back with her mouth full, the program she spoke to right now actually a project that her and her father had worked on together when they were still together. He was a brilliant program, and Lumia had taken to calling him 'dad' on account that her father had written a lot of his own memories into the program and even tweaked the programs voice to sound like his own before he disappeared. "I don't look sloppy now stop nagging me, it's not like anyone can see me right now anyway."

A gob of jelly from the sandwich she is eating falls onto the table, Lumia quickly scooping it up with her finger that was right now oily from the gears she was working on and quickly eating it in hope that dad would not have noticed, the computer program having to her dismay caught it. "-Lumia... did you just stick your dirty hand into your mouth...?-"

Lumia gives an annoyed frown as she looks around the desk she right now worked at, picking up a post it note and sticking it over the camera on the computer. "-Lumia!! Wait! What are you doing?? That's not funny, take that off right now!!-"

Lumia finishes eating the rest of her sandwich, she letting out a happy sigh as she returns to her work. "I tell you dad. There is nothing like being back in the city. It was impossible to find all the parts I needed to work with anywhere else! Someone like me is obviously not meant for the wilderness or even small towns."

Not that long ago Lumia had found herself far away from the comforts of the city, she having been trailing and keeping an eye on Teddy as he tried to take Yula and Iuana back home to their father and tribe. After having a very vague, and for her, very frightening confrontation with the military she managed to make it to a very small town, a town so small that there was barely a computer in sight, which was terrible news for Lumia as she was always dependent on her ability to hack into them to get her by in life, that how she got everything in the city where everything was computer run, so it was no problem for her to hack into them for a bill of sale or even a deed to an apartment to live in. If she wanted she could really do and get anything she wanted, but she used her skills with discretion and only when she needed to. There being less worry of her being found the less that she did.

She finishes making her final adjustments to the robot she was working on, closing the panel to the wires she had been working on up and taking a card from her computer, placing it in the robot she had just finished making and then turning it on, it taking a minute to boot up before it begins to start moving, the system moving the joints to make sure that everything was working correctly. "So dad how is it? A lot better than the last one I made for you right?"

"-Defiantly, it still amazes me how good you are at this-"

Lumia watches as the small robot begins to move, its feet wheeled like roller skates and allowing him to glide about the room quickly and smoothly. "This one had almost three times the battery power as the last one I made, so you'll be able to use it a lot longer than the other before having to stop for a charge, it should last around five hours now."

"-Well I'm going to need more time then that if I intend to clean up after you-"

Lumia looks from the contraption she had made and to the rest of her house, it filthy and covered in garbage, old food, tools, parts and everything else she needed to complete her inventions. "It's not so bad... I mean it could be worse right? Remember the winter when your body broke and curriers were down because of the snow storms so I couldn't get the parts in to fix you? Now THAT was a real mess."

She jumps from the chair at her work station, taking a few steps and sitting on another char by the desk, this being her computer station, she now beginning to type away as she looks up information on the internet. "I updated our security files. So it should be harder for the military to hack into us like they did the last time."

"-Are you so sure about it? Perhaps it's better if you just stay out of the militaries affairs-"

Lumia doesn't look away from her work. "I can give you a whole list of reasons as to why I won't!" She looks back to the robot that right now housed the program known as 'dad' "Trust me, everything is going to be just fine. The last time they found us out and hacked into us they got lucky, and it had been a while since I updated you anyway." She turns her chair around looking back at the computer monitor. "Looking at the logs it took their tech a long time to get into your system, and from the data I pulled on how they were able to get into your system I've come to the conclusion that it had to be one of their Super Soldiers, one of the intelligence models." She smiles to herself it actually not as bad a situation as it sounded. "But remember the intelligence models were always the ones that went outdated and obsolete the fastest, as long as I keep up to date and stay on top of your updates and security he'll never be able to catch up to us."

Her screen begins to fill with all kinds of windows, she now in the military's system. "Now let's get ourselves an idea of what's going on." She begins to read over the files, there being a lot that she had missed since she had last been in their system. "Looks like Mr. Milford withdrew the funding he had previously given to the military in concerns to dealing with Raven Wolf. In fact, almost all funding to the project has been cut." She frowns having not expected something like this. "Looks like the project is still ongoing though... but General Mort only has enough funding to cover six soldiers for the project. Now that is one heck of a drop from what it used to be, their staff on the project was well into the triple digits."

"-Which soldiers do they have on the project?-"

Lumia continues to type away at the keyboard. "Hold on, I'm brining that up now." Six windows open up, each one holding a profile on it, Lumia staring closely at the photos. "I've seen these faces before... in my dad's files."

"-If that's true Lumia then that certainly isn't good-"

Lumia opens up a window on another monitor, bringing up a long list and beginning to read through it, she every so often highlighting a line on the list and opening the file, until she had a total of five windows up. The pictures in the old files belonging to her dad strikingly similar to the ones on the military's list, there no denying that they were the same people. "No doubt about it... all but one of them are on daddy's list... that means that they're all super soldiers."

She places her finger upon the profile of a black cat. "That means that this one is the intelligence model that gave us all the trouble last time. A quick look over his scores dad recorded on him tells me we defiantly don't want to over look him, but that we'll also be able to stay ahead of him if we keep on top of the situation."

She looks the rest of the list over. "All the others are combat models, though I guess that really doesn't come as a surprise, the ratio of combat models to intelligence models in this project was always much higher." She points to Zack. "Looks like he's the one I least have to worry about. According to dad's files the reason his batch was terminated was because they couldn't kill their targets if they happened to be children. So that means he would have a lot of trouble killing me right?" She shakes her head now pointing at a coyote on the list. "This one though... I think we have to be the most cautious of... his batch was terminated due to them being excessively violent, even toward other Super Soldiers. This one in particular, Two, was the worst of his group, if anyone so much bumped into him he would become angered and attack."

She frowns looking back to the military list, there being one person on there that was not on her father's list, yet she still recognized. "Dolly Conner... that's Teddy's twin sister... how the heck did she get mixed up in all of this?" She looks back to the small robot that was now cleaning the house with a grin. "Maybe she can be our next unknowing informant."

"-Lumia... do you really have to do that?-"

Lumina nods her head yes, it completely necessary. "I have to find these 'sources' my father spoke of before he vanished! Before the True Blood or the Domestic militaries find them."

"-And just what do you expect to do if you happen to find one?-"

Lumia falls silent, she really had not thought that far ahead, she too focused on finding one to begin we. "We will... you know... you'll understand it better once we find one."

"-How typical of you to not have thought that far ahead.-"

"Be quiet you! I'll figure it out when it happens ok!" She looks back to the computer screen getting back to work. "It looks like Miss. Conner and Twenty Six, or I guess his name would be Mr. Magellan now, are currently on hold for the project. They're both taking a leave of absence from the military, no date on when that leave ends." She seems confused. "What do you think all that's about?"


Zack begins to look around the small apartment he is right now it, it belonging to Dolly. "It's surprisingly clean in here."


Zack looks back to her. "Don't look so offended, I was only expecting it to be a mess because you were so hesitant to come here at first."

Dolly begins pointing several things out. "The sofa in the living room is where you'll be sleeping, there's food in the kitchen if you're hungry, the bathroom is at the end of the hall, and the door you pass on the way there is my bedroom and it is off limits to you."

Zack chuckles at the information. "Why is it a mess?"

Dolly glares back at him. "No. It's my quiet place. I'm going to be stuck within fifty feet of you for who knows how long. I need somewhere where I can get away from you and just lock you out of my mind or else I will go crazy."

Dolly heads straight to her room, entering and slamming the door behind her, Zack frowning as he turns away from the hall she had gone down, walking to and sitting on the sofa. "Now what am I supposed to do...?"

A phone that is resting on a small table next to the sofa begins to ring, Zack picking it up and answering it. "Hello, Conner residence. May I ask who's speaking?"

The voice on the other end of the line sounds somewhat perturbed as he begins to question Zack. "Who is this!?"

Zack frowns. "I'm afraid that I can't answer that until you tell me who you are."

"Where's Dolly?"

"She's angry at me right now so she went into her room."

"Who is this!?"

"Hey, you still haven't told me who you are sir."

There is a loud growl as the person on the other line hangs up, Zack holding the phone away from his ear and staring at it. "Fine then." He hangs up the phone as he begins to look around the house taking in his surroundings.

As mentioned before Dolly's house was clean, as well as decorated with all kind of things that proudly displayed her heritage as a wild, it clear that she was pretty found of her lineage. He spots a framed photo on one of the tables, it a picture of Dolly and her twin brother Teddy.

Zack sighs as he stares at the photo, it reminding him that Dolly was still looking for her brother, he having gone missing with only a hint on what his whereabouts might have been the last time they had seen him, there having been no sign nor word from him since then, Dolly having no idea of if her brother was safe or even still alive.

The was a good chance that Teddy was still with Raven Wolf, and if he was then there might be a chance for Dolly to contact him as she and Zack had a vague idea of where the Raven Wolf tribe right now resided. Unfortunately even though they knew this information it wasn't exactly easy to go out there to contact him, neither he nor Dolly able to just go there at any time they may want as they were keeping the fact they knew the location away from the military. If the military were to have the location it meaning that they would bombard and attack the village with every soldier and weapon they could spare, this of course giving her brother if he really was there, a very slim almost none existent chance of survival.

Dolly had to wait for the right opening to present itself before she risked contacting Raven Wolf again and trying to reach the village, and so far that opening had yet to come, Dolly getting more and more upset over the situation with each day that went by.

Dolly was not the only one who was concerned over the well being of someone in that tribe, Zack too had someone whom he did not want to get hurt. A girl named Eleven he had grown up with as far back as he could remember, a girl that looked exactly like him because they had come from the exact same super soldier genetic code, the two of them looking more alike than Dolly and Teddy who happened to be twins.

Like Dolly did Zack also wished to find out what she was doing there and how she could have possibly ended up with Raven Wolf, and of course the same worry that right now filled Dolly's mind filled his as well. Was she still ok?

Raven Wolf - Book 4 - Chapter 12

**Chapter Twelve** "Hey. You're still hanging in there right?" Fitz lightly hits the side of Shiya's face to try and get a reaction from him, he not getting much of a response from him, the raccoon looking back to Dolly with concern, the two of...

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Raven Wolf - Book 4 - Chapter 11

**Chapter Eleven** Yula opens his eyes to find himself staring up to the ceiling of Achak's hut, Achak noticing that he was awake and making his way towards him. "You're awake, what happened why couldn't we wake you up?" Yula slowly shakes his...

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Raven Wolf - Book 4 - Chapter 10

**Chapter Ten** Achak looks up from the pile of text and paper he had buried himself in and over to Iuana. "Here, I found what I was looking for." Iuana looks over in Achak's direction, she still sitting by Yula's side worried about him. "You...

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