Bound by Matrimony - Chapter 5 : New Heroes and Villains in My Home

Story by BlazerRaylock on SoFurry

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#5 of Bound by Matrimony

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And that never really stops anyone these days.

Another story and in the next month, great, I'm losing my touch once again. I'm putting my continuation on this story as I have lost some of my viewers cause I don't post enough and I didn't continue this.

Now, onto the story!

Bound by Matrimony

Chapter 5: New Heroes and Villains in my Home

Bound by Matrimony - Chapter 5: New Heroes and Villains In My House?

The clapping of the audience, his lips sealed by his loving mate's lips, their bond welcomed and somewhat unique. Ace felt so alive, so happy and most of all, relieved. They stood up to the heroes, the community clapping at them and even whistles and woos are shouted at them. As they finish the kiss, he looks deeply into Anna's eyes as they just basked in the glory that is their newfound union. The audience soon started to stop clapping, the fact that the green elephant, Alien Phaser did so at the moment as the silence soon crept into the council room.

"Wolf Howl, has your wife changed for the better?" He started to speak deeply as Ace and Anna look at the elephant. "Well, since my mate is THE Wolf Howl, I have nothing else to look forward but my mate." Anna answered as she hugs her lovable wolf's chest with her head. "I should say, yes, she has changed for the better." Ace started as he looks at every single as if he was just right. "Congratulations Wolf Howl, you have made your own legacy." The elephant started as he bows and proceeded to leave, marking the end of the council meeting.


"That went great!" Anna screamed as she looks on with renewed vigor in her body. "I know, I just hope we can get back, I'm missing my meeting at work." Ace said as he started to change his cloths. "Dear, we should try and get a bigger house." Anna suggested, surprising the wolf as he was about to remove his lower half of the costume. "What brought that up?" He questioned as he just stares in bewilderment t his normally clothed tigress. "Well, it might be better, considering that next month will be my time." She pondered as Ace understood the message.

"So you and I..." Ace mumbled but couldn't complete it as Anna just nodded to her canine mate. "That and I may have pissed a few of the heroines in our lunch break." She said with an innocent school girl smile that only reversed Ace's smile. "Honey, what did you do?" Ace said quite annoyingly and embarrassingly as he finally got his pants on. "Oh, the usual, joined the hero forum, talked to some of the girls and well... made a bet concerning stuff." She avoided his gaze as she enumerated what she wanted to say and to speak which only gave the wolf a sign.

"Dear, what did you REALLY do?" Ace emphasized as he looks quite annoyed at the feline as she smiles without a worry in the world. "Oh that if I win, I win you a few stalkers or lovers and hate mail, if I lose, I have to give up my costume and be a normal but very intelligent housewife while they have the right to get at you." She said a smile on her face. Ace was just not feeling it but knew that his mate was one kind of woman, the bragger. "Dear..." He trailed as his brow raised and his muzzle growling in annoyance. "Does this mean we get a bigger house?" She smiled uncaringly at the wolf as her eyes sparkle and pleaded.

Ace stared at her and just as he was about to say something, he could not say it, his throat felt like a giant knot, he wanted to say no to her but seeing her like this just made his mind burnout. "Fine..." He growled and pouted some as he admitted defeat against his mate. "Thank you dear!" She shouted, hugging her Half-nude mate as she smile and laughed. "I have the perfect house in mind." She added as she started to pad her way out of the wolf's room, the door sliding shut. "What have I gotten myself into... again?" He said to himself as it seems his mate wasn't the only problem in his relationship but only a problem maker.

Ace didn't know how long but He did walk his way out only to find most of the heroes smiling and waving at him. Some asked him questions while others just chuckled some at Ace's little predicament. Before he knew it, the ladies were swarming over him which didn't help him know what they were trying to say. "We'll get you!" "Count on it!" "I can't wait!" "Please be mine!" They shouted and screamed but soon enough they left Ace to his devices as he signed in relief.

"Not liking the attention?" A sharp and menacing voice behind said to him that seems to need his attention at. Looking behind him, Ace saw the same Shark lady as she looked at him with a passion of lust, a gaze he knew too well. "Somehow, I feel as if you and my mate talked." The wolf answered back as he stood firm. "What made you say that?" the shark fem started as her smile widened, showing the sharp rows of teeth. "Nothing really Alien Ripper, just got a feeling that the top female wanted a prize of some sort." Ace said quite normally but his face said "I know" at her.

"Personally, I hope we ladies lose." She smiled, smirking at him as she saw the surprise on the wolf's face. Ace could not answer, this alien, Alien Ripper, the heroine from Neptune wanted him? "I got my eyes on the prize, and your legacy as the first hero with a villain mate is just as awarding as being the most handsome in the hero universe." She said as she proceeded to move, ignoring Ace's reply, if he ever said something, but Ace just stared with prejudice at her. Ace just gulped as he went to the mess hall, trying to ignore what the shark meant.

But before he could get there, Rad, in his normal work cloths, appeared before him. The black rat staring at him from a distance and soon they were in talking distance. "Hey, Ace, got a minute?" He asked some as Ace followed him to his workshop. "What is it this time, Rad?" The wolf said annoyingly at the rat as they enter his mechanics lab. "I need a favor." The rat explained as he presented his wolf friend a small box.

Though, the wolf wasn't that curios, he opened the box to find a small little sticker in it, its design similar to his. "And this is?" Ace started as he looks back at the rat. "I'm experimenting on a good enough life reading, but I seem to be unsure about a remote access port for this kind of experiment." The rat said as he scratched the back of his head a bit embarrassed with the idea. "Let me get this straight, you want me to go for a life reading recorder that looks like a sticker to be on me when just recently, I introduced my mate as a villain and the acceptance of her to our community and you somehow eavesdrop on my mate's conversation with the heroines?" Ace speculated some as he looks down at the black rat as he smiles quite guilty.

"Ok, you got me. I was planning on having this kind of experiment but knew if I do it myself there can be problems and even complications if I didn't treat it right." He explained as he looks away from the wolf. "Though it would be nice to have a life reading and status it is also risky Rad." Ace answered, getting the attention of the rat. "What do you mean?" He asked. "What if a villain gains this kind of idea? Wouldn't that make a giant compromise or even breach of safety for our fellow heroes, especially me?" Ace said with more righteous in his tone.

"I guess your right..." Rad trailed as he retrieved the sticker and the box from Ace's paws. "Rad, we are trying to protect our world and everyone else, which also means, we need to look after our own friends." Ace said friendly at the rat as he smiles some. "You're right." Rad said as he tucked the box inside a container marked in big black letters, "NOT SAFE".

"But I got an idea for you..." Ace suggested as he leans down to the rat whispering to him. "Are you sure? And here I thought you weren't that into perverse ideas." Rad moved back away from the wolf. "Hey, you might as well enjoy this rather than endanger us, besides, I need this incase my wife does lose." Ace said as he soon started to leave. "Well if you need it, I'll work on it; my mate sure will be surprised." He laughed some as he starts off with Ace's idea.


Ace just walked his way once again to the mess hall only to find Anna chatting about with the other heroines. "At least I found her." Ace said to himself as he moves and was about to shout when he saw Alien Ripper again, this time talking to Anna. Though he wanted to proceed and stop them, he saw the two smile and share a grin, even the other females sounded quite happy about the thing they were saying. Ace just took a turn away as he attempted to avoid their gaze as he looks on in the corner of his eyes.

They soon stopped as the mass of female moved on and minded their own business, leaving Anna to the table. Ace made his way to his wife, clearly having a grin on her furry lips as she saw her husband coming her way. As the wolf reached her side he asked, "And how have the ladies been with your bets?" Anna just smiled at him without a problem and replied accordingly, "I won the bet, which means, I keep my costume, you have ladies that can follow you and I'll be having a lot of hate mail..." Ace just looks on at his wife, clearly not sure but a sigh leaving his lips.

"Well, I know it wouldn't be fun without you being by my side." Ace said proudly as Anna flinched and stares at her mate. "You mean..." She tried to start. "I want Dr. Domina, to be my new fellow Hero, as my mate and as my partner." Ace said with his heart poured into it. Anna, looks on at her husband, his costume tightly hugging his form and she herself looking most curvaceous. She paused long and hard, as she looks on between him and her but the hesitation was evident on her face, making Ace to losing the smile on his face.

"I'm sorry..." Anna said quite bluntly, "I can't be your partner Ace, Wolf Howl..." She said saddening the mood around them, oblivious to the surrounding heroes in the mess hall. Ace stayed silent, a frown starting to form in replacement to his smile. "Why?" He asked to the tigress before him. "I have a villain reputation, Ace, I'm supposed to be your Arch nemesis." She answered to him; somehow she cannot look him in the eye. "I know, you want us to be closer than ever with our identities uncovered between us, but I cannot just do it. Many would question, many would wonder, and both sides would be so curious as to even go between us if-" She tried to explain but a paw finger at her feline lips ceased her to do so.

Ace, hearing her concern and even her own side of the issue was enlightening to hear. "It's good to find my wife isn't all jokes, play and lay." Ace jokingly said as a chuckle tried to escape. "It's nice to see your caring and concerning side dear." He added as he removed his paw finger to find his mate starting to smile and her eyes watering a bit. "Then...?" She tries to start. "I'll go with you not being a Heroine. Though, I expect you to return everything you steal from here on out, pay or fix the damages you caused, stay a villain and avoid suspicion from other villains, laugh all you want, admire me as I come to the rescue and finally, to be my most lovable, sexy mate when the day is over." Ace explained, a smile on his to which Anna started to smile too.

"I love you Ace, my very heroic husband." Anna said with confidence and pride in her voice. "And I love you Anna, my very naughty but sexy wife." Ace replied as they soon hugged. "I hope we never fight." Ace whispered to her. "I hope so too." She answered back.


Meanwhile, far from the couple's events,

"I know you took him away from me." Spoke a sinister but soft voice in the darkness. She did not show much from this blackness as she slithered on through. "Dr. Domina, you stole him from me..." She continues as her voice streak and raged with the mention of the villain's name. "How dare you. How dare you take Ace from me? I was his, he was mine but I needed to be away from my burden!" She screamed silently to herself as she turns a light on. In front of her stood a mirror on the wall of the small but sizable apartment.

As she stared at her form, a green colored snake, with an upper body like most of the world, a shoulder, arms, five fingers on each hand with sharp nails, though she lack legs as such a snake of her kind. "I had this!" She hissed and shouted as her tail soon lifted up, shaping indefinitely to all direction, emphasizing her rage. "Now that I can control it these past few months, now I found you taking my man. I will kill you..." She said to herself in the mirror, envisioning the tigress as she was laughing at her. "I will kill you and take what is rightfully mine." Her eyes shot red but soon it started to glow. "I'll have him as my mate; he will surely go back to me. I know that he still loves me..." She soon settled down as she soon took hold of what turn the light on.

"I know where he lives, I know, where you will hide. He will be mine." The snake lady said as she turns the light off, the black darkness filling the room but only 2 dots of red had pierced through the black, the rage and anger burn on through her eyes.


That evening, back at Silence residence,

Ace and Anna had returned back from the trip to Central and Hero Tower. They were smiling some, an understanding between them as they snuggled on the couch, back in their civilian clothing. "So my fine feline wife, what do you plan for dinner?" Ace started to ask as he started to rub her back. A purr escaping Anna's lips as her body felt the loving paws of her lover. "I'm not sure; your body seems to be interested with me than food." She answered, feeling his hands moving to her front, both hands cupping either breast hugged behind her clothing.

"That may be the case." Ace said happily as his paws continue to grope and massage his mate's breasts under her clothing. "But, I'm sure you aren't in heat." He added as his paws moved lower as to grip the ends of Anna's shirt. "Stop it you bad wolf, I can't have sex smelling all sweaty!" Anna retaliated as she moves her upper body away from him. "What?! But?" Ace started but before he could continue his wife escaped his grip and was making her way up the stairway.

"Don't worry dear; I'll make it up to you next time." Anna said happily as if something will come up in her mind. To which she left the wolf alone on the living room couch. Ace sighs to himself as he started to strip on the spot. "Leaving me alone, again." He thought as he removed every article of clothing off of his body until he was left with his boxers on. "Thankfully, my boxers give enough space for my cock." He added as his growing hard-on was denied of further purpose and was painfully shrinking back.

Anna was on her way to the bathroom, all naked in front of the full length mirror. She examined her body, her paws roaming onto her body as to measure herself. "Do you think I'm fat AIR?" She spoke worriedly as she continues to examine every part of her, including her tail. "Ma'am, you are you, nothing can change what you are or who you are." a mechanical voice spoke that seem to resonate from the bedroom. "But, Ace was just sizing up my breasts a while ago." Anna pouted some as she cupped and weigh her breasts a bit. "Ma'am, understand that he loves you... He even married you. What else is there for you to worry and wonder about him?" AIR spoke back as if reassuring her, though a slight static escaped her speakers.

The small ensemble of mistake did not escape Anna's knowledge as she did built AIR to an extent. "AIR, was that a hint of Jealousy?" The Tigress asked to the super computer that she integrated to the house. AIR was silent at the moment as it tries to avoid the question. Much to Anna's shock, she froze in place. "When did I give you a feelings upgrade?" She asked as Air her super computer did not reply. "We need to talk right now." She added as AIR's hovering holo-console appeared.

Back with Ace, it was uneventful. He was changing channel after channel, not finding a suitable or even an interesting show to watch. "Great, missed an opportunity to let some load off and now I'm boring myself." Ace said somewhat annoyed and even angrily as he turns the television off. In his frustration that the situation he had averted for himself and his wife only caused a kind of ripple between them, he did not care about what he wore when the doorbell rang. "I'll get it!" He shouted, not so loud enough to cause his super power to happen.

Without a second thought, he opens the door and to which he asked, "Yes? What do yo-..." But he froze in mid sentence as a sight he never thought see stood at the door. Before he could answer the visitor's voice soon clouded and filled his mind, emptying his thoughts as if in a trance. "I've come back Ace." The lovely voice said to which Ace recognizes too well. "Belle?" He said instinctively as the snake morph made her way inside, closing the door behind her. She smiled as her black wears soon dispersed and revealed her naked scaly body to the wolf.

Ace had lost all thought, he could not think as he continues to stare at the female's eye. "How I've missed you Ace." Said Belle as she slithered her way, the black essence that used to be her cloths soon surrounded the two, as if a cloud of black forming a ball around them. Belle made her way, her hands soon gripping Ace's shoulder as she pressed herself against his chests, her snake breasts making contact to his chest. "I'm here to be with you again." She said as they look upon each other, as lovers once more.

Anna was about finished with AIR's supposed feelings about Ace. "Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse, AIR having a large infatuation with my husband." She thought as she tried to wrap up her discussion with the LEARNING super computer. Before ending the conversation, AIR soon turned RED on the holo-console as a situation was happening. Before Anna could ask the situation, she was shown the current happenings within the home, where a serpentine female was soon inching closer to Ace, HER mate. Anna could feel rage and her blood boil in anger as she saw Belle Sway, Morph Tail, try to take HER mate. Without another thought she soon gripped a specialized gun that she hid within the drawer below the drawer Ace uses as she rushed down, still nude.

Ace wasn't sure what to say or do. His mind was emptied of every thought he tries to make as Belle soon spoke to him. "Ace, please, kiss me." Without any thoughts making him decide, he followed what he heard and his head started to lean down his canine lips parting to meet the scaled lips of his lover. He could not think, he was somewhat frozen as he cannot free his sights from her eyes. As the two, Wolf and Snake were about to kiss, when suddenly a loud ringing sound pierced the cloud of black, the bright light blinding Ace as he stumbled back and out of the cloud, his state of mind returning to him though giving him a headache in the process.

Anna was on the stairway as she shot her gun at the cloud, above their heads as to avoid killing either one by accident. "Stay AWAY from MY MATE!" She shouted at the serpent as Belle wasn't happy with the interruption. "Your MATE!? He was mine Way before you GOT here BITCH!" Belle shouted back as she sent her black goo, originating from her tail, towards the naked tigress only to be shot back from the bright beam from Anna's gun. "I know all about you and YOU LEFT HIM because of YOUR ACCIDENT!!!" Anna spoke back, he paws gripping the gun more as she fired once more, annoyed that she would claim what is rightfully, and legally, hers.

"You fucking BITCH! He was to be mine, But THIS!!!" She tried to point out, her black ooze tail launching once more towards Anna only to be blasted away again. "I know what happened Belle, I even know how much you tried to cure yourself. I know what compounds that fell on your tail that day, but LEAVE MY MATE alone!" Anna screamed as she shot back only to find her hand wrapped in black that came from the floor. "Oh fuck!" She thought as he felt her hands starting to be crushed together by the ooze.

Belle was smiling to this event, her black ooze melding onto the floor as to sneak past Anna's supposed gun fire. "I WIN!" She shouted triumphantly, feeling her heart leap for joy as she was about to wrap the tigress in the growing mass of black that crept over from the floor. Anna was in shock and was stunned, she did not have a plan to counter this as she was currently naked and the gun the only thing she took on her way to this situation. She was feeling hopeless that she would die because of this.

Ace on the other hand was feeling dizzy and felt the need to try and lie down, but as he tries to, he heard the slightest yelp that he knew too well. "ANNA!" He shouted some as he rose as quick as he could. Within his sights was the scene of seeing the blackness that was Morph Tail's powers wrapping over his Mate's body, while looking farther to his right, he saw Belle, his long time love being the source of the ooze. "Oh GOD! Belle is Morph Tail..." He cried inside as he soon rushed his way to Belle, being between her and Anna.

"Belle, Stop this now, you're hurting her!" Ace pleaded, his heart aching a bit inside as he pleads with her. "No! Without her, you and I can finally be Happy together!" She spoke determinedly as that sent a chill down Ace's spine. "But you've hurt me countless times Belle, you and I cannot be happy when I tell you the truth." Ace spoke, saddened that his long time love has become deranged to a degree. "I haven't hurt you, we went our ways for only 3 years, and I never have harmed you then." Belle started to speak normally, her body freezing as if not believing that she had harmed Ace, this also stopped the blackness from wrapping Anna that had stopped just a bit from her neck

Ace left a large sigh escape his lips as he stared straight at Belle's eyes, remembering the times that they have been together and seeing the truth, remembering the times he fought Morph Tail. "Belle..." Ace started, as he tries to reach her face, his eyes saddened by a truth he knew that would crush her. "I'm Wolf Howl... that one you have been fighting the past 3 years." He said, tears forming at the corners of his eyes, a whimper just about ready to leave his throat and seeing Belle's eyes, a wide as it can go, her eyes starting to tear up as her body soon shook and trembled, registering what Ace had to say.

"Y-y-you're..." She started to stutter to say, "Wolf... Howl..." She spoke in pause and in squeaks as she started to cry, her body slumping down on the floor, her black ooze returning back to her tail as she started to cry, a breath of relief escaping the Tigress's lips. From there, Belle cried, hissing and cursing on the floor as she realize that she had harmed him countless times. Anna on the other hand wanted to end this situation but did not know how. She looked at her mate to find him wanting to cry as well.

Ace, as the focal point of this situation, seem to take this as a concern and to an extent was not belle's fault. In a gesture, his paw helping belle up her tail, was the only thing he can come up with. Though, this only caused Belle to cry more and to even faint from this. This made the two flinch in surprise as they looked at one another. "I'll get her" Ace said in a low but sad tone. With a simple lift he had Belle in his arms but what timing it was that the Door bell rang. "Great, I'll get this now." Anna replied as Ace made his way towards the living room couch.

As Ace lay Belle down on the couch, her tail taking the remaining length of it all, he heard in his sharp and well defined hearing, "Is Ace there, I needed to speak with him today." A cheery sound came from the door and he knew too well who it was that sounded like that, even when his mate was naked at the door. Only one other have seen her naked, and that other was at the Hero tower. "Psy Mage..." Ace whispered to himself, an annoyed look on his face.

How will our Hero and Villainess couple cope with this as another pair, a heroine and villainess, arrive within the home?

Stay tuned readers for another installment of: Bound by Matrimony!

Chapter 6: Compromise, A Villain's best Friend

And comment, vote or whatever! I'm not Picky.