Evolutionary desires pt 2

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#2 of Evolutionary desires

Pre intro explanation:

Hello, basically the way I'm going to do these next stories is that im going to upload these smaller stories about Eevee's presents from his sisters every day until there all out (which will be before christmas) I'll return to my regular lack of schedual after christmas.

Hello once again! I'm back with part two, the second part to Evolutionary desires. This story is based off of one of the characters from my "A Vulpix's desires" series () But you don't have to read those stories to understand this one. This was originally supposed to be the second, and last part to this christmas special, but instead I decided to break it down into 9 individual stories which will all be put out before christmas. (a big task!) This way I can put much more detail into every scene and keep everyone in anticipation as they wait for the next part to arrive! I'm warning you this story has adult scenes, along with incest and cub. So if you don't like those topics, DO NOT READ ANY FARTHER!!!

It had finally arrived. Christmas was here and it couldn't be more perfect. The ground was covered in a fresh layer of crisp snow from the days before. The sky was perfectly clear, allowing the sun to shine down, and reflect it's rays off of the snow and lighting every nook and cranny. Inside Eevee was sleeping peacefully, knowing he would need his rest for today. With the sun now reflecting through Eevee's makeshift window, it was only a matter of time until he awoke and began possibly the best christmas ever...

...Eevee groaned groggily, he was more than a bit exhausted from what he had done over the past few days. Yet some strange feeling kept him from laying back down to rest. He heard one of his sisters giggle, although he couldn't be sure who it was. He groaned again, he just wanted to sleep a little longer, but a second giggle caused his curiosity to overpower him. Eevee slowly opened his eyes, and then tilted his furry head down slightly to see who had entered his room. Unfortunately his view was hindered by his fully erect shaft, obviously someone had been busy while he was sleeping. Vaporeon popped her head into his view. "Come on Eevee! you're going to miss the...Festivity's" And with that she gave her brother's shaft one final lick before slipping out of his room, leaving him to deal with his situation.

As much as Eevee wanted to, he refused to tire himself even more out and had to will himself to wait for his arousal to die down. He relaxed his head as he tried to think about less adult topics; the toys he would get today, how pretty it was outside, things like that. Eevee's erection retreated just in time, as his mother burst into his room, humming christmas tunes and waving her fluffy Eevee tail. "Time to get up hun!" His mother said, nuzzling him off his makeshift bedding. "You're gonna miss the gift giving!" Eevee fell to the floor, being nuzzled a tad bit too hard by his overexcited mother. Who was already halfway to the christmas tree, she was almost more excited than Eevee was!

After recovering from his tumble, Eevee followed his mother to the living area, a bounce appearing in his step the more he thought about his presents. His mother gathered everyone by the tree to commence the present giving ceremony. She began by giving everyone her gifts, articles of clothing, rolls of stickers. Not the most amazing gifts, but everyone thanked her regardless, knowing she put a lot of work into this year. The gift giving went on for at least an hour. Each one of his sisters making him promise not to open his present then and there.

Eevee finally returned to his room, his haul of seven unopened presents in tow. He took care to place them all in a perfect line, ordered from largest to smallest. Being young he instinctively began with the largest gift, which was about as big as him. "To Eevee. From Espeon, Merry Christmas!" He read out. Eevee began attacking the wrapping paper, tearing it to shreds with his teeth. After spitting out the last bit of the paper he examined the box. It would have been a simple cardboard box, except it was bedazzled from top to bottom in a plethora of neon gems. He found the top of the box and opened it, sending a puff of glitter to shoot out. Eevee chuckled, she filled it to the brim with glitter, and taped a note to the side claiming he had to find his gift in the box.

Eevee sighed before sticking his entire paw inside, swishing it around in search of his gift. After a few moments of searching, Eevee realised that Espeon wanted him to dive into the box, as he couldn't reach the bottom with just his paw. The glitter would be hell to get out of his fur, but in the end his greed got the better of him, and he dove headfirst into the box of glitter. Eevee was essentially blind as he felt around the box, trying to find his gift to no avail. Finally he opted to do things the cheater's way. Eevee jumped out of the box and tipped it over, sending glitter everywhere and leaving a lone lump for Eevee to pick up and examine.

"Now wasn't that fun?" Eevee read "just imagine how much fun I had putting all the stuff in! Anyway here's a picture if you can't imagine it, and be sure to meet me in my room once you're done!" He tore the note off and opened the small box it was taped to. It was a beautiful picture of Espeon, bent over in a submissive position, looking at the camera with a seductive gaze. There was glitter on either side of her bottom, and she was using her tail to insert a decent sized bead into her sex. Eevee's member unsheathed itself quickly. He hid the picture in one of his dresser drawers before rushing to Espeon's room, anticipating a good time.

"There we go!" Espeon said to herself before placing the largest bead she could find into her sex, letting it poke out just slightly for Eevee to pull out when he arrived. The door opened, sending a beam of light into Espeon's room, which was lit with only a few dim glow sticks she had draped the walls with. Giving her room a beautiful glow. It only took a second for Espeon to smell her brother's scent. Which caused her to smile. "So you opened my present did you... Didjya like it?" Espeon looked at her brother who was covered from head to toe in glitter. Eevee grinned at his sister. "I loved it sis, I'll treasure it forever." This caused Espeon to smile, before she beckoned him to come closer.

"Well it looks like you want to have the rest of your gift now!" Espeon giggled as she eyed Eevee's shaft "But I'm afraid I'm all full up right now." With that she turned over, revealing the rather large bright red bead she had carefully inserted into her sex. "if you want me you're gonna have to get it out. No hands though!" Eevee jumped back at the sight of his sister's lips, now quivering with anticipation as Espeon watched her brother's look of shock quickly turn into a smile, then begin to slowly approach her.

Eevee tried to nuzzle it out, but her ended up pushing the bead in deeper, earning a moan from his sister. Eevee accepted the challenge, now diving his nose into his sister's moist folds, trying to pull it out with his tongue. Unfortunately it was lodged in too well for him to get a hold of with it. Eevee shaved his face in even farther, desperate to get the damn bead now, more for pride then anything else. Espeon screamed out. She didn't expect her little brother to get so into it! Eevee struggled as he was to close to getting his teeth around it, but fell just a little too short. Eevee withdrew his mouth, defeated. He sat there for a moment, thinking as his sister caught her breath. Finally, an almost diabolical idea came to mind.

He nuzzled his sister's sex a little before he found her clit, and in an attempt of flush the bead out, began using every trick her knew. He nibbled on her tender flesh, causing her to cry out, her cry quickly turning into a loss of breath as he began blowing cool air on it. She sighed, he was determined to get that bead! Her thoughts were cut off as Eevee now began rubbing his rough tongue up and down her clit, causing her to moan, she was getting close to her peak already. Espeon let herself go, sending wave after wave of her juices all over Eevee's face, crying out in pleasure the entire time. Finally she came down from her climax, sighing as the bead plopped out, falling off the bed and rolling across the floor.

"You win!" Espeon said, keeping her previous enthusiasm, perhaps a bit weaker "to the victor goes the spoils." Espeon smiled as she said her last line, flipping onto her back, and spreading her legs to reveal her now soaked sex. "Whenever your ready" Espeon said, smiling again. Eevee wasted no time getting on top of his sister and positioning himself. He admitted, he was a little nervous, it being his first time actually doing it with a girl, but Espeon made him feel safe, reassured him as he prepared for the ride of his life. Espeon wrapped her tail around Eevee's back, preparing herself for what she craved as well.

Eevee inserted the tip of his member, earning a moan from Espeon as she felt her lower lips being parted once again. He was planning on taking it slow, but as it turns out Espeon is enthusiastic in everything she does. She used her tail to force Eevee inside of her in one pull. Screaming out in pure bliss as she was filled completely. Eevee stayed there in shock, adjusting to the unbelievable feeling of being inside his sister, her tight walls squeezing his member in all the perfect ways!

Eevee was breathing heavily now, the scent of his and his sister's mixed arousal filling the air and heightening his mood. He finally began withdrawing himself, his member highly sensitive and sending shivers down his spine as he did so. When only his tip was left inside Espeon, he rammed himself back inside, enjoying the new feeling more than he could possibly imagine. Eevee slowly began quickening his pace, Espeon now gasping in pleasure every time his knot hit her sex, preventing him from fully entering her. His current length was still plenty though, sending Espeon to new worlds of pleasure.

The gem on Espeon's forehead started to glow, getting increasingly brighter. Eventually reaching the point where it was almost blinding. Eevee kept his eyes shut tightly, not being able to keep them open lest he lose his sight altogether. Suddenly Espeon screamed out, reaching the most powerful orgasm she had ever had, and using her tail she forced her brother to knot her. The new fullness only drove her even crazier with pleasure as her juices, with nowhere to go, filled her. It was this feeling of Espeon's juices splashing around inside of her, plus the new tightness around his knot that sent Eevee to his climax.

Eevee bucked his hips and continued trying to pump himself in and out to no avail, now knotted to Espeon. That didn't stop him though, as he sent wave after wave of his hot, thick seed into Espeon's womb, while shaking up there combined juices with his frantic thrusts. Eevee finally came down from his climax, still pumping his hips weakly while Espeon was still crying out, not sure how much more full she could get. Finally, Espeon's gem returned to it's dim illuminance and Espeon was breathing heavily, exhausted from her amazing ride.

Eevee began trying to pull himself out, unaware of how his knot worked. Espeon, afraid Eevee might hurt himself, lightly turned his cheek staring deeply into his eyes before engaging him in a deep kiss. There tongues intertwined as Espeon expressed her love for her little brother. Espeon sucked on Eevee's tongue gently, causing him to give out a moan as he felt himself closer to his sister then he had ever been. Finally, Espeon finally broke the kiss when she was sure Eevee was small enough to exit her now, a strand of saliva connecting there lower lips.

Eevee pulled himself off of his sister, a mixture of there combined seed and glitter flowing out of Espeon's now oversensitive sex, causing her to moan as emptiness overtook her and made her a little sad when she realised it was over. Eevee looked at the pool that was now on Espeon's bed, and bent over, lapping up the mess, being careful not to catch any glitter in the process. After finishing he brought his head up to her sex, which was still far too sensitive at the moment, but that didn't stop Eevee. He dove his tongue straight in, causing Espeon to moan loudly as she felt her brother's skilled tongue inside her once again. Eevee made sure not to leave a single bit of fluid left inside of Espeon before finally removing his tongue, dragging it across her walls on the way out, sending Espeon into a mini orgasm.

Espeon was panting heavily now. She thanked Eevee before he left, and then went on a search for the bead she had earlier, as she could use it for later games she would most likely play with her brother. Eevee returned to his room, his member retreating to his sheath as he wondered what he's find in his next present. Already knowing he was going to love it!

There you go, part 2! I hope you enjoyed it, and I hope you look forward to tomorrow's christmas story. If you did enjoy it feel free to like, comment and rate, and have a wonderful holiday season!

Evolutionary desires pt 3

And behind today's advent calender is... Hello, just me. I'm here to warn you that this yeul tide story had instances of cub, incest, anal and of coarse, adult scenes. So if you are under the legal age or don't enjoy any of these topics, then do not...

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Evolutionary desires pt 1

Hello once again! I'm hitting two birds birds with one stone this time. This is an origin story and a christmas special! This story will cover the background for Eevee from my "A vulpix's desires" series...

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A Vulpix's Desires 7

Hello once again! Sorry this took a while, but the holiday seasons are extremely busy for me. I've said this before, but I sort of write these in single, random bursts, so forgive me if some of these aren't amazing. This story, (like every other story)...

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