The Tales of Sorath (part five)

Story by sorath on SoFurry

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As Sorath woke up he realized that he was in an interrogation room with a door to his right and an observation window to his left. When the door to his right opened he also realized that they must not have finished emptying the weapons out of his clothes since he was naked. As he did his best to cover himself with his paws the person who had just walked in sat down and asked him, as if Sorath was a three year old child, "Do you need to go potty?" Sorath simply looked at him for a few seconds and then said "No. I just want some clothes to wear, preferably the ones I came here in. I hate having my tail stuffed between my legs,it is very uncomfortable. I also can't believe that you would ask me in that manner. Do I look like an idiot or a little child to you?"

The professor was taken aback by how calm Sorath was acting considering his arms were shackled and his legs were bound to a chair. "Sorry about that. We didn't leave any clothes for you because we thought that you would be content with just your fur. After all you are just an animal." Once the professor said 'animal' Sorath raised his shackled paws and slammed them onto the metal table in front of him, leaving a very big dent. "Next time I hear you or anybody else call me an animal their head will turn out just like this table, got it?" "Yeah," said the professor with a little stutter

"I will be right back with your clothes that they have finished emptying and what they haven't confiscated." "I do not want anybody to open or damage the silver pocketwatch. Is that understood?" asked Sorath very calmly."You really aren't in a position to make demands." said the professor as he started heading out the door. "Is that understood!?" yelled Sorath as if he were a drill sergeant. "Yes sir." said the professor as he scrambled out the door. Once Sorath thought that nobody was watching he pounded the table back to its regular place. As the professor came back with Sorath's pants and shirt on his left arm he gave them to Sorath, unshackled him, and put the pocketwatch in the middle of the table. "Why did you not want us to open this watch?" "It has something personal in it." Sorath said as he put his tail through the hole in the back of his pants. "Well then how do you open it?" persisted the professor.

"I won't tell you." said Sorath as he pulled on his shirt. "I will show you what is inside though if you want." he said as he picked up the watch. "Ok sure." Sorath pushed down the crown and the iris simultaneously while putting a claw in a small hole in the back and pulling back slightly. Once he let go of all of them it popped open to reveal a gold pendant and chain. "Wow." said the professor "Do you have to do that when you just want to see the time?" "If you only want to see the time then just push down the crown." Sorath said as he opened it up. "What time is it here?" asked Sorath as he started winding it up. "What do you mean by here?" "I mean what time is it in this timezone" "It is ten twenty three."

"Now that everything is in order." said Sorath as he put the watch in his pocket. "What do you want from me?" "I am only here to check on your physical health. Since we gave you about twice as much sedative as a normal human your size needs you were supposed to be knocked out for another two or three hours. Now hold still while I get a blood sample." he said while grabbing a needle "I never did like needles." said Sorath as the professor drew blood from his arm. As the professor started taking out the needle he realized he went through another blood vessel that wasn't supposed to be there so he started looking for something to stop any bleeding once he pulled the needle out. As the professor was looking Sorath grabbed the needle and took it out himself. When he turned around and realized the needle was out of Soraths arm and there wasn't even a drop of blood he was surprised.

"How are you not bleeding?" "I don't know. I do know that if you left that needle in me any longer my skin would have healed around it and got it stuck in my arm." "How? There is no way that a normal person could do that. You should be bleeding." "Don't forget that I am not a normal person anymore. I can recover from almost any injury within twenty four hours as long as nothing is stuck in the wound." The doctor turned around to find his clipboard. "Also." said Sorath as he slipped two switchblades from his sleeves. "What is it?" he said as he started reaching for his clipboard.

As Sorath slid them to the end of the table he said "You might want to teach your men how to properly search somebodies belongings. My name is Sorath, what's yours?" As the professor stood in shock looking at the knives he said " I'm Zachary.- You could have killed me." he said with fright in his voice "Yes I could have." "Why didn't you though?" "Because you have been kind to me. That and the fact that I do not enjoy killing like you humans. I am not a murderous beast so I do not kill without a reason,whether it be self defense or revenge for others. You have done nothing to me for me to kill you. Keep one and do with the other as you wish. The handles are both decorated with the same materials. They are stainless steel laced with gold, silver, and mother of pearl with diamonds set into the handle at regular intervals. The blade on the left is galvanized steel sharpened to a ten degree angle and the one on the right is stainless steel with industrial grade diamonds on the edge that are aligned perfectly and sharp enough to split a hair along the edge. They are both perfectly balanced with inscriptions on the back of each handle and carvings along the blades edges. I got them as nothing but a bunch of scrap metal pieces and springs and not only made them but also did all the sharpening, detailing, balancing, and ornamentation myself. It's sort of like a hobby."

"You're actually letting me have one of these?" Zachary said while examining them in shock. "As I said before I want you to keep one and do whatever you want with the other one. Sell it, throw it in a fire, throw it in the trash, give it to your wife I don't care." "How did you know I had a wife?" he asked while examining the carvings on the blades. "You left your wedding ring on." After he put the knifes in each of his pockets and finished checking Sorath's health the door flew open. "Is he healthy enough for questioning?" "Yes sergeant he is. I must say that he is also very civilized." "There's no way it's civilized. It's nothing but a stupid animal." As the sergeant continued to talk to Zachary Sorath stood up and walked towards them. "You!" Sorath yelled pointing at the sergeant from a few feet away "Get over here. If you have something to say about me then say it to my face." "Humans are talking here, so shut up and sit down you freak." "You just had to call me that didn't you." he said as he lowered his head.

"That was a big mistake." said Sorath as he ran at the two guards He jumped up and landed an axe kick on one of their shoulders, shattering it, broke the other mans leg with a swift kick to his femur, grabbed the sergeants knife from its sheath and held it to his throat before he even realized what had happened. "Why don't you kill me while you can?" "Because I am not a murderous animal. That and the fact that your life is already a living hell." he said as he put the sergeants knife back in its sheath, turned around, and started to walk to his seat. Johnson took out his knife and started to charge Sorath, aiming for his spine. Sorath turned around, grabbed the blade, and snapped it off at the handle.

"Come back once you have calmed down. I will not answer your questions until then." He said throwing the blade through the wall to the right and changing his direction to the unconscious soldiers. As he knelt down he said."I will take these to the medical room if somebody shows me where it is." Once he started to pick them up he heard the sergeants .38 click behind his head. "Get your hands off them right now you monster." Sorath turned around, grabbed the sergeants wrists, and broke them. "Zachary," said Sorath while picking up the unconscious soldiers "I need you to show me the way to the infirmary." "Okay, but what about the sergeant?" "I broke his wrists not his legs. He can still walk just fine." "Okay then just follow me."said Zachary as he walked out the door with Sorath right behind him, while ignoring all the looks and stares from passerby.

"Veronica, you try to find out where Sorath is being kept while me, Jack, and Bill get back to work." "Okay Delilah. What do you guys do anyway?" "Bill accepts the calls, writes down the name of the target, the price willing to be payed, the name of the client, and any special requests, then posts it on the board right here. Then me, Jack, and Sorath choose our targets and go to take them out. The more the person pays the sooner the target gets killed and the less obvious of a suspect the client will be." "So you four are assassins."

"Bill doesn't normally take any of the jobs unless they're really big. Other than that, yes we are all assassins." "I can't believe that Michael is an assassin. He used to seem so kind and gentle." "He is a nice person but he knows that we need the money. It's not like we can work at a fast food restaurant or anything. He needed a job that he could use his skills for. He only takes the jobs that involve people who have ruined the lives of others. In other words he kills rapists, gang members, gang leaders, drug dealers and anybody else like that."

" I am sorry that you had to see me like that Zachary. I still can't stand being called a freak, monster, or an animal." " It's okay. Why did you do that to the guards though? They didn't do anything." "Had I not done that then they would have shot me. I did not kill them I merely incapacitated them." "Do you mind if I ask the questions that Sergeant Johnson were supposed to ask?" "No problem." "However there is one thing that we need to find out first." said Zachary as he walked out the door. "What do you mean by we?" asked Sorath as he followed Zachary down the hallway. "The higher ups decided that we needed to get a measure on your skills. Here we are. We are supposed to go through the right door." As they opened the door Sorath realized he was in a shooting range that was one mile long. It also had one set of metal targets, one set of ballistic gel targets, and a wall full of pistols, assault rifles, sniper rifles, one bow, and even a 20mm rifle. "We want to see your proficiency with these weapon systems. We also want to see how good you are with a ballistic knife." he said while holding one out. Sorath grabbed it, held it up at an angle and shot it without even looking. As he saw it land Zachary raised the targets up and saw that he hit a gel target at fifty yards right in between the eyes.

"Great shot. The targets can move, stay still, or pop up at certain intervals. We also had people try and shoot that handgun of yours like they saw you do it and it broke their wrists so, we want to see you shoot it. What weapon first?" "Bow with six moving targets, six arrows with regular broadheads, at ninety yards." "You sure?" he asked as he handed the weapon to Sorath "Yep." he said as he knocked the arrow. "Go." Zachary said as he hit the button to start the targets. "Left shoulder." thud "Right lung." thud "Right eye." thud " Right shoulder." thud "Middle of throat" thud.

"Wow I can't believe that you did all that in less than a minute." "Now hand me a Mosin-Nagant without a scope, five bullets, and five popup targets." "Here you go. The sandbags are right here." "I'm going to shoot standing up." "Okay. Go." "Head." clang "Right shoulder." clang "Heart." clang "Left shoulder." clang "Right eyeball." clang. "You made every shot again. You're as good as they said you were." "Thank you. Now that I am done warming up put on the mile long moving targets, hand me the M107, and give me a full ten round clip."

"Let me get the bipod." "I am going to shoot everything standing up." "How? This thing weighs around-" "Sixty pounds I know. I've taken them apart, put them back together, and loaded them while blindfolded before. I have also adjusted one to take away some of the weight. Trust me, I know what I can handle." he said as he picked up the rifle with one hand."Begin." "Head." boom,clang "Neck." boom,clang "Shoulders." boom,boom,clang,clang "Lungs." boom,boom,clang,clang "Left of neck." boom,clang "Right of neck." boom,clang "Eyes." boom,boom,clang,clang.

"Hey guys I found out where Sorath is." said Veronica while bursting into the room. After looking around a bit she realized that only Bill was in there. As he closed the book he was reading he stood up and started walking towards her. "They are both on multiple missions right now and will not be back for a couple of hours."

"Quoth the raven-" "Nevermore. We should discuss what you have found in the kitchen while I fix us something to eat. You must be starving I mean look at you, you're only fur and bones." "I never knew you liked Poe." "You never asked." Bill said as he held open the door. "I thought chivalry was dead." she said as she stepped through the doorway. "What can I say, sometimes I'm old fashioned." He said as the door thudded shut behind them.

"You really know how to shoot. I hope we can get new heads for the metal targets." Zachary said as he walked through the door into the interrogation room. "The only weapon you didn't shoot standing up was that damn 20mm rifle and even then you only crouched. Where did you learn to shoot like that?" "I learned how to shoot those kinds of assault rifles and things when I joined the Marines but I started shooting when I was only five." "I hope you had fun because now I will get the answers I came here for." said the sergeant as he quickly handcuffed Sorath to the table. "Lets make this simple. Are you Command Sergeant Major Martin?"

"No, I'm your fairy godmother, what do you think dumbass? Who else would I be?" "Where are the rest of the freaks." "Probably on missions." "What do you mean by missions?" "Hmm lets see, you've been chasing me for three years and you still can't guess what I mean when I say missions. I've seen smarter birds than you in the zoo." Sergeant punched him in his muzzle. "Where is your base of operations?" "Up your ass and around the corner." Sorath said with a smirk. After punching Sorath in the gut he asked "Where is Veronica Hunt?" "I don't know but if she was in my front pocket I'd pull her out for you." This time the sergeant gave Sorath an uppercut and broke out a couple of teeth.

"Damn it. Now Delilah's going to have a fit when she tries to find replacements. Do you know how hard it is to find replacement teeth for me?" "You're not going to survive to see her again if I can help it." he said while pulling out a Glock 40. "Where is your base?" "I'm not going to tell a piece of shit like you." "Fine." the sergeant said while lowering the gun and shooting Sorath in the thigh. "Tell me where they are!" the only response he got was blood spit in his face. "This is going to be a long night." said the sergeant as he shot Sorath in the right ear.

"Okay, thank you for the information Veronica." Bill said as he stood up from the table. "Where are you going?" Veronica asked after she swallowed her food. "I am going to get my guns ready to save Sorath. Is there a problem with that." "He is trapped in a highly guarded base. How do you plan on breaking into the entrance?" "I'm not going to worry about using the entrance because I am going to make a new one." said Bill as he opened the door to his personal weapons cache.

"How are you planning on making a new entrance?" she asked as she turned on the lights. "With this and these." Bill said as he held up a Javelin rocket launcher in one hand and a set of keys in the other. "What are those keys for?" "They are for the Raptor F-22 out back." he said as he grabbed eight pairs of pistols and put them on his belt. "What about getting back here after you get him?" "We altered the Raptor so that it could fit three people so two will be no problem. I don't plan on blowing it up if that's what you're thinking." he said as he strapped two M16's across his back.

"There is no way you can do this alone." "I will have to since the others are out and you don't have the mentality to fight without your family being in danger." he said as he left the room. "But-" "Okay look," he said while closing the door. "You stay here and do my job. I am going to get Sorath and, hopefully, be back before the others are. I will not accept any argument." He then walked out to the Raptor.

"Tell me where your fucking base is." "You really need to learn some manners." said Sorath. "You still have the guts to smirk after one hour? You are really lucky that you get a break since we need you alive and conscious. Clean him up Zachary." "Yes sir." said Zachary as he headed to Sorath. "You need to leave Zachary. One of my group is probably heading here right now, and it's probably Bill. If it is him then you won't be given a chance to live." "I can't leave you like this." he said as he started to clean up the wounds. "I want you to swear that you will leave right now." "No. I will not leave you alone with him." "Fine, but when all hell breaks loose stay with me at all times. Is that understood?" "Yeah, but what will you do if I get caught though. I will be labeled a traitor." "I want you to come with me and join our group. If you don't want to then go to your family and forget this. I will make sure that, either way, your records will be destroyed and replaced with other files stating that you were honorably discharged and still being payed or KIA and your wife will get your insurance money." "I will join your group." he said as he wiped the blood away from the cuts Sorath's arms. "Well then go and grab me a few pistols and a knife for when we need to go." "I can get the knife and maybe one pistol but that's it." "That'll do." "Is he ready yet?" "Yes but you need to be a little easier because he almost passed out on me."

"Okay freak," Johnson said as Zachary left for the weapons "you need to tell me where your friends are before I kill you." then they all heard the sound of a jet followed by a sonicboom. "What are you smiling about?" "I hope Zachary gets back soon." "Oh yeah? Why is that?" "Because that was Bill and he has the F-22." "There are always jets around here." "Do they fire at your base?" asked Sorath with a grin on his muzzle. "What are you-" then an explosion rocked the whole building.

"You bastard." Johnson said when he fired his pistol at Sorath's chest. Sorath pulled the chain from his cuffs in front of the bullet and broke the chain. He then knocked Johnson out with a punch to the jaw. Zach then ran into the room with a knife in one hand and a pistol in the other. "Wow." he said when he saw Johnson knocked out on the floor. "No time we gotta go." said Sorath as he pulled out the sergeants knife and grabbed his gun. "Use those yourself and follow me." Sorath said while dragging Zachary behind him.

"First shot was a hit and the second shot," he said while firing a missile into the car lot "was also a hit. Now I just have to land this thing and go in." he said while slowing down and landing perfectly around two hundred feet from the door. He then pulled out two of his pistols, opened the cockpit, and jumped out onto the ground. He saw two soldiers and fired at each of them, hitting them both in their hearts. He then started shooting everyone as he ran towards the door and quickly ran out of bullets. He then threw those guns at two men and hit both of them in the head, smashing their skulls. He then pulled out the Javelin and shot the door down, pulled his M16's off his back, and started clearing the hallway. One man came up behind him and tried to break his neck. He then grabbed his assailants head and yanked it off.

Once he was let go of he grabbed his guns off the floor and mowed down the last three men in the hall before running out of bullets. He then threw down his guns and pulled out two more pistols. "Sorath are you here?" "I'm this way. I have someone with me so don't shoot him." he heard faintly coming from the right. "Okay, I'll try to make sure our path is clear." he said as he started clearing out rooms along their exit route. "You look like hell man, what happened?" Bill asked as they met up. "Simple," said Sorath as he shot the man about to stab Bill in the back "my captor went a little crazy with the torture thing. Delilah is really going to be pissed when she sees what happened to me and my teeth." "I think I'd rather stay here than face her." Bill said as they started running down the hallway towards the exit. As a large group of men showed up at the end of the hall Sorath fired shot after shot into the crowd.

"I hate it when we're outnumbered like this." said Bill as he followed Sorath and Zachary down the left hall before Zachary opened a door to their left. "Get in." he said as Bill resumed shooting. Zachary pushed Sorath in and followed him. "Come on Bill, get in here." "I'm comin'." he said. As he turned to go in a shot hit him in his upper thigh and he fell. Zachary then jumped out into the hallway, grabbed Bill, and drug him into the room with them. "I know that it doesn't phase you much anymore when you get shot Sorath but that shit hurts." Bill said as he sat upright. "It was a clean shot and didn't hit any major veins or arteries so you shouldn't bleed to death, but you need to get to a medic soon so that it doesn't get infected."

"We already know who to go to we just need a way to get outside to the Raptor." "Why not use me like a hostage?" "What?" asked Sorath and Bill in unison. "Simple. I act like a hostage and you guys take me to your jet." "Okay, but we need more ammo because I'm out." said Sorath as he threw his gun away. "I only have two guns left." "Well then it's a good thing that we're in the armory." Zachary said as he grabbed two Glocks and a Dragunov. "What's the Dragunov for?" Sorath asked as he opened the door just enough to peek out. "Just in case my plan doesn't work." He said as he loaded it and the Glocks. "We're in trouble guys. They're surrounding the room." "Sorath catch." said Zachary as he threw the guns. "Thanks." he said as he put one gun in his pocket. They then heard a crash as the door was being rammed. As the door fell after the fifth hit the soldiers saw Sorath and Bill with two guns pointed at Zachary's head.

"He is our prisoner now move." "Fire!" yelled the commander. As Bill and Sorath drew their pistols Zachary rolled over to the Dragunov, aimed at the commanders head, and fired one shot. Before his body even hit the ground, Zachary was already to the next enemy. After less than two minutes the fight was over. "Zachary I never knew that anybody other than my team could fire that rapidly with such effectiveness." "I thought that I was a member of your team now?" he said as he ejected the last spent shell and started looking for more ammo. "What are you talking about? You can't be in our group." "Why not? He made me the offer and I took it. It's as simple as that." he told Bill while loading the Dragunov and putting extra clips in his pockets. "Because you are not one of us. We can't have a human in our group." Bill said while getting in Zachary's face.

"If you want to try something then go ahead. Just remember that without me you're going to have one hell of a time getting out of here and to your Raptor." "How is that?" "The halls are full of men who know who I am. If they see me then they will hesitate to shoot. If they see you then they would make you look like swiss cheese." "I would rather look like swiss cheese than work with you." he said right before he grabbed him and picked him up by his shirt. Zachary grabbed his personal, fixed blade knife out of his pocket and held it to Bills throat.

"That is enough you two!" yelled Sorath as he fired his custom into the roof. "You two need to stop fighting because we don't have time to argue. We can discuss this back at the base." "You can't be serious about taking him back there." "I am." "I can't believe that you're going to let him join our family when you know he will eventually kill us all." Bill said as he turned his back to the door. Out of nowhere Zach aimed his rifle near Bill's head and fired. Bill closed his eyes and prepared for the bullet to hit his head, but it never came. He opened his eyes and saw Sorath looking surprised. "What is it?" "If you look on the ground behind you then you will see." said Zachary as he picked up the rifle. As Bill turned around he saw a mans body with one clean shot through his Adam's apple and a knife in his hand. "Come on. We have to go." said Zachary as he put the spent shell in Bills paw and headed out the door to clear the way.

"He's been gone a while." said Veronica to herself. She saw the hangar doors start to open and she tried to find a place to hide. "Bang. You're dead." a voice said from the hangar door. "Yeah, I know." Veronica told Jack as he walked in with Delilah at his side. "Would you mind putting these in the armory?" Delilah asked as she held out two WA 2000 Walthers. "Sure, but what door is it?" she asked as she grabbed the two rifles. "It's the double doors on the back right. You'll see the two empty slots where they go." "Okay." she stated as she walked down to the doors. When she pushed them open she was surprised by all the varieties of guns that they had. As she put the Walther's back she noticed that there were no blades in the room at all. She then went straight to Delilahs room. As she opened the door she saw Delilah laying back on her bed.

"Why didn't you knock?" "Sorry. Do you want me to leave?" "No, it's okay but why'd you come in here?" "I have questions." "I may or may not have answers." "Why do you guys have so many different guns?" "They say that variety is the spice of life. That, the fact that we have different styles, and the fact that we have different moods all come into play." "What does your mood have to do with what weapon you use?" "When you are angry you can blow somebodies head of with a shotgun up close. When you are sad you can pick them off with a round to the chest from a sniper rifle so you don't see their face. When you are happy you can put a lot of holes in someone by using an assault rifle. When you're feeling nostalgic then you can shoot them with a bow. When you want vengeance you can use a pistol and either watch them die slowly by shooting them in the chest or torture them by shooting them in the limbs first. You can even blow them up with a grenade when you are jittery and feeling hyper so that you don't have to worry about aiming directly at them."

"Wow." said Veronica while staring at Delilah. "Shut your mouth before you start catching flies." Delilah said with a little laugh afterwards. "Why aren't their any blades in there." "Blades are personal so we keep them that way. All of the weapons in there are available for everyone to use." she said as she brought her sheathed twin swords out from under her bed. "Thank you for reminding me anyway. I need to clean these." she said as she started to unsheath them. "Not in front of me!" Veronica yelled heading for the door. "Are you okay?" Delilah asked as she put the swords down and ran after her. "Every since I was in that one battle I have gotten sick at the sight of blood." "Okay then I will wait to clean them. But I will be sharpening my other blade." "That I can handle." she said as she walked over to the bed with Delilah behind her.

"So," said Delilah as she pulled out her whetstone and wakizashi "You knew you couldn't stand the sight of blood and still decided to join us?" "I thought that there might be a job I could do without killing. I just can't believe you people like that stuff." at that last comment Delilah took her wakizashi and threw it at the wall. After the hilt stopped it from going all the way through Delilah stood up a yanked it out of the wall. "We don't exactly like this shit. We do it because we need a way to make money and we don't know anything else to do. If you think that we actually enjoy killing dozens of people then get the fuck out of this place and never come back! If you actually want to stay then meet me outside in two minutes! Until then get the fuck out of my room!"

Delilah said as she stabbed her wakizashi deep into the ground. Veronica slowly walked backward to the door, in fear of Delilah. With her tail swaying back and forth Delilah simply pulled her wakizashi out of the ground, wiped off the dirt, and put it back in its place. She then headed to the weapon room to grab something for Veronica to learn how to shoot.

As Zachary rounded the corner with the rifle in his hands the men thought he had killed the enemy so they lowered their weapons. He then started firing. Without missing a single shot he reloaded as he walked over the nine bodies. "It's clear now." he yelled back. As Bill rounded the corner with the pistols in his hands Sorath walked around with his bow drawn. " Your jet is surrounded so we need you to shoot Sorath. Just make sure you don't hit the jet." "Gotcha." said Sorath as he aimed into the middle of the largest group nearest them. He then released the bowstring and watched the arrow sail into the middle before exploding. He then knocked, aimed, and fired another four arrows before he charged with his pistols drawn. Zachary stayed in the doorway while covering Sorath and Bills route to the plane. Bill made it to the jet first and hopped in to turn the engine on. Once the engine was on and warmed up he called to Sorath.

"Zachary get moving." Sorath yelled after taking his last shot. Zachary stood up and ran. A man jumped in his way to stop him but Zachary crushed his skull with one well placed hit from the rifle butt and continued on. After they hopped in and took off they saw a missile coming straight for them. "Open the cockpit." Sorath yelled as he grabbed the rifle from Zachary. "Hold on." Bill yelled to Zach as he opened the cockpit. Sorath leaned out the side and took aim. He then shot the missile on the nose and detonated it. As he went back into the cockpit Bill turned around and said "You are one crazy bastard, you know that." "Yep and I'm proud of it. Now lets get home so I can get this blood out of my fur because I can't stand this feeling." "I just can't wait to here what Delilah has to say about your looks and wounds."

"I can wait forever." said Sorath with a slight grimace on his face. "You shouldn't have to much trouble because you weren't shot in any major organs, no major blood vessels were hit, no tendons or ligaments were torn, and you didn't get hit in any bones. Basically you were shot where it would only hurt and not cause any permanent damage." said Zachary in a matter of fact tone. "Nobody asked you. Besides you don't know Delilah. Shut up you stupid human before I throw you out of this plane right now." "Bill, you need to stop this shit. You used to be a human too. Besides he won't be human for long after we get home." "What do you mean by that?" asked Zachary in a very panicked voice "You'll see." Sorath said as he leaned back and tried to relax for the last five minutes of peace he was going to have for a while.