Coyotoy Procreaction

Story by Apollo Wolf on SoFurry

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Coyotoy Procreation

By: Apollo Wolf

[email protected]

The following story is a work of complete and utter fiction. It's not real, it's not even possible (sorry to burst your bubble). It contains intimate acts that are homosexual in nature. If you object to this (why are you here) or are not of legal age to view such filth you are commanded to stop now and go scrub your eyes with a wire brush to remove all after images of the word homosexual. Special thanks to Coyotoy, his character is used by permission and is copyrighted to him. I suggest you read Enter the Coyotoy first and then this story might make a little more sense but probably not much. Comments and suggestions are welcome.

Justin sat at the college library computer reading various yiffy stories. Not even his boyfriend knew this was a serious fetish of his. He secretly searched the story archives away from his home computer and printed off his favorites to add to his collection. He had just finished reading a particularly strange transformation story about a plushie coyotoy that he had come across.

"Oh man, that's hot," he thought to himself. "Its just so strange it's sexy."

He had always wanted a giant plushie toy but was too shy or embarrassed to tell his lover about his desires. Justin even dreamt of being able to transform into a furry morph like in all his stories.

He read through the coyotoy a second time reaching down every so often to squeeze at his swollen crotch, being careful not to let anybody else see.

"Boy this story is incredible, but it's so unrealistic, no way it could ever happen. Even if plushies were real."

Just as he finished that thought he shivered and barely kept a moan from escaping his lips. His cock had suddenly gone to full erection and was pulsing out waves of pleasure. Justin could barely control himself enough to clear out and close down the computer. He had to use his backpack to cover the bulging protrusion in his khakis as he made his way to the restroom. Once inside he entered the stall and fumbled with his belt to get it loose. He pulled down his pants and this time the moan of pleasure couldn't be held back when he pulled down his briefs and his cock sprang out. However, his dick wasn't his own, it was covered with short dark brown fur and shaped like a canine muzzle.

"Oh my god, this can't be real," he thought.

He brushed it with his fingers and had to steady himself against the wall to stay upright as the waves of arousal crashed higher. He grabbed a hold of it and gave it a squeeze. Justin was shocked to find that, just like in the story he had read it felt like his cock was just squishy foam rubber.

"Holy shit, this is intense," he mumbled as the feelings from his furry extremity continued.

He stood there squeezing and stroking it for nearly fifteen minutes but nothing else happened. Though still horribly turned on he begins to grow accustomed to he sensation.

"Shit, why isn't it changing some more? Is it gonna stay just like this?"

He waits a while longer but then hears somebody else come in the restroom to wait for the only stall. Justin curses under his breath and gets his pants up over his furry member. He flushes the toilet just for show then makes his way out, again using his backpack for camouflage. Though the fabric of his briefs rubbing across the fur only stimulates him more, not knowing what else to do Justin decides to go on to his next class.

Justin sat down in the lecture hall near the back and while the professor droned on about some important point in history, all Justin could think about is the Coyotoy and his changed prick. He kept rubbing and squeezing it through his pants. A guy in his row happened to glance over and caught him in the act but he only smiled at Justin and winked. But that little innuendo was enough to spark an increase in Justin's pole. He quickly got up and left the room, heading toward the bathroom down the hall. He barely took note of the other boy getting up to follow him. Justin made it into the restroom and was trying to get his pants undone when the other boy walked in.

"Hey," he said smiling.

He walked right up to Justin and without warning kissed him full on the lips. Justin's cock surged with arousal.

Justin had to push the other boy back, "I can't, uhh, I'm gonna be sick," he lied.

The other boy just reached down and gave his own crotch a squeeze, "No, your just nervous, come on let's do this."

"I can't, " Justin said backing into the stall and locking it, "Sorry."

"Awright, some other time man," the boy said disappointedly and walked out.

By this time Justin's cock felt like it was going to explode. He collapsed down onto the seat and yanked down his pants and straining briefs. There in his crotch, his balls and cock were completely gone and only the head of a plush coyote remained. He held it in both hands, tugging and pulling on it, but it just stayed in place smiling up at him. Its leathery nose and shining eyes stood out against the furry face and felt cool to the touch. Justin continued to pet and play with it, but as before, the transformation had stopped leaving in desperate need of release but quite unable to cum.

When he finally calmed down, Justin again stuffed the fuzzy head of the coyote back into his briefs and in spite of the bizarre changes to his crotch he decided to continue with his day. His next class was his P.E. elective, swimming. However, just one look in the locker reminded him there was no way he could put his speedo on over his coyote head cock, so instead he elected to just sit up in the stands and watch the rest of the class.

A few of the other boys in the class chose to where speedo's as well. Ordinarily Justin was too busy swimming to really take note of them, but now just sitting back and watching he became increasingly aware of how inviting their tight little packages were. His own cock jumped and spasmed as he watched them climb in and out of the pool and show off on the diving board.

When class was over, Justin made his way out through the locker room. As he passed the showers he glanced over and saw that two of the cuter speedo-wearing boys from class were showering. They had peeled of the skintight swimsuits and were roughhousing a bit as they soaped up their beautiful bodies and each had a steadily stiffening hard on. Yet again the sensations from Justin's crotch intensified, this time hitting him so hard that he actually tripped and fell to the floor, moaning out loud. One of the boys in the shower heard him and ran over to see if he could help.

"Hey, you okay there?"

Justin looked up and there right at eye level was the boy's magnificent, glistening, hard cock, bobbing in time with his pulse. Justin reeled as the waves of pleasure coursed through his body. In spite of the overwhelming desire to grab hold of that gorgeous piece of meat and suck it into his mouth, Justin merely squeaked out

"I'm fine, I'll be all right."

The boy extended a hand to help him up and Justin tingled with the contact but then thanked him and sent him away. Justin made his way to one of the private changing rooms as he felt his pants become tighter as the coyote head continued to grow. This time he actually ripped his pants and underwear off as he jerked and spasmed. The stuffed animal head seemed to look up at him the appeared to start to stick its tongue out as a deep pink piece of rubber slowly started to emerge. Within moments a long red rubber canine shaft had formed. Justin tentatively touched the pointed tip of his new cock and a tingle of electricity radiated down his hard rubber pole and up his arm.

He began to stroke the smooth length all the way down to the coyote's mouth. As he rubbed faster and faster he could feel the rubber base of his cock extend deeper and deeper into his groin. Then suddenly, a new sensation began to build at the base of his spine and down toward his ass. Justin reached around and felt a protrusion begin to force its way out of his body right above his hole. Shocked, he turned his butt toward the mirror and watched over his shoulder as a long furry tail formed and pushed its way out from his backside. When it finished, he grasped it both hands and tugged and pulled on it and like his rubber dong he could feel it was deeply rooted inside his body.

When the pleasurable waves of the change had subsided back to his continuously aroused state, Justin took a look at himself in the mirror. The plush coyote head and large canine dick pointed upward at an angle and seemed to be almost a foot long in total. The long furry tail reached almost to the floor, but despite his best efforts he found that he could not move it on its own. Staring down he noticed the shredded remains of his pants.

Justin nearly panicked, " how the hell am I gonna get home like this."

Shortly he remembered that he kept a set of sweats in his locker, so he wrapped the tail around his waist and using a towel somebody had left behind he made it to his locker and pulled on his sweats without anybody noticing. The rubber cock head, however poked up higher than the waistband and there was no chance of concealing the obscene bulge in both the front and rear. He ended up pulling his shirt down to cover the red pointed dick then tied his sweater around his waist, he still looked as though he had a few extra items stuffed in his pants but it would have to do.

Thought the walk was somewhat long and embarrassing he made it back to his apartment without incident. Justin found a note from his boyfriend on the table saying that he was called out of town to one of his employers other offices for the weekend, but this was just as well because Justin had no Idea ho he was going to explain things to him. It also left him free to walk around the apartment naked. As he paced, the coyote head bobbed gently in front and the tail swung back and forth behind him.

He was still tremendously horny and kept stroking his rubber head and playing with the tail. He had reached behind himself and was fondling the base of the tail when he started to finger his asshole. It was then that he noticed that it felt different too, It didn't feel quite like flesh, it was more like a stretchy ring of elastic with the skin around it like a smooth spandex type of material. Puzzled he continued to poke and prod at it and soon found that it stretched enough that he could fit his entire hand inside. He felt around more and discovered the inside too had changed and was just a spandex lined cavity covering what felt like stuffing or padding, as if his insides where turning into plushie material.

His hand bumped against something harder just outside the front of his ass pouch, he grabbed a hold of it through the spandex and his rubber cock twitched and jumped, it was the base of his canine dick! He played with it more moving the coyote's head around with it. He then grabbed the cock with his free hand, it was electric, the feeling of stroking his cock from both the outside and inside of his stuffed interior was amazing.

His stroking got faster then suddenly his free outside hand began to cramp up. His fingers began to meld together. The entire hand began sprouting fur and soon two ears were emerging from the top while his palm held closed to form the muzzle of another plush coyote head. When it had stopped his hand was an exact copy of the furry head in his crotch, minus the cock. He pulled his other hand free of his tail hole to find that it too had changed to a smiling glassy eyed coyote.

Justin's cock screamed for release as he pawed at it as fast as he could with his changed hands. Ten a though struck him, Surely I'm long enough now. He sat down on the bed and leaned forward and took his red rubber meat into his mouth, not realizing that more of his torso had turned to stuffing to allow him to do this. He intently suckled on his own cock finding the smooth rubber tasted much like the mouth guard he used to wear for football. He moaned and hummed as the vibrations rocketed out from his shaft.

Through half closed eyes, he watched as his legs began to puff out covering over in brown fur and filling up with stuffing. His feet also started to enlarge changing over to slipper-sized paws; the nails becoming soft pointed felt for claws.

He managed to stop sucking on his own cock for a moment to look himself over. Everything from his torso down was a plush toy. He squeezed at his over-sized thighs and legs with his head shaped hands he couldn't feel any muscles or bones, just soft padding.

Somehow he could still stand up and walk but moving was becoming difficult with his added bulk. He made it to the mirror in the hall, and what he saw made him laugh out loud. From about mid-torso down he was covered in overstuffed fur, but his pecs, shoulders, head, and arms (at least down to his wrists were still his normal human skin flush with sweat.

He looked closer at the hands and noticed the mouths had small holes in them, they seemed be lined with red velvety spandex with elastic rings holding them shut. Out of curiosity he started to place one of the hands on his cock. The mouth stretched open as it slowly went down on the rubber shaft; the feel of the soft fabric rubbing down his hard rubber pole was absolutely fabulous. He soon had the shaft all the way in his paw and when the two heads met it appeared as if the coyotes were kissing around his dick.

He slid his paw up and down on his pole and then saw that each thrust into his hand caused fur covered padding to spread farther up his arm. He pumped faster and faster as he watched in ecstasy as both arms bulked up with stuffing.

Just then he noticed in the mirror that something was standing in the hall behind him. Justin whirled around and gasped, It was the Coyotoy. It stood there smiling at him its huge plastic eyes gleaming, the coyote head in its crotch standing proud with it's massive canine cock erupting from its muzzle.

"So do you believe our story now." It didn't actually speak but Justin heard two voices speak as one as clear as a bell inside his mind.

"Yes, oh god yes!" Justin exclaimed. " This is incredible, I can't believe how great it feels."

"Trust us, it gets better, " the Coyotoy said nodding slightly.

"But I don't understand, why is my transformation taking so long? In the story it happened so fast."

"Well we're doing this transformation ourselves and our powers aren't as great as the fox fairy that changed us."

"Us?" Justin asked confused.

"Yes, as Andrew and Matt we both exist as one inside this body, we've never been more in love and we can pleasure each other in ways you can't imagine. Plus by pleasing various guests at the palace where we live we have been granted some powers and we use them to change those who both desire and deserve it." You are actually the fist half of this change and will meet your partner shortly, together you will help us transform two other loving couples, That is if you want to continue?"

Justin didn't even think twice before agreeing. All he could think of was becoming a plushie coyotoy and being used as a sex toy to please others.

" Yes, I'm ready."

The Coyotoy walked over to Justin and gently brushed his cock with his paw/head. Justin's body tingled and shook with arousal. The Coyotoy turned him around facing the mirror and gently rubbed and massaged his back fur. It lifted his tail up and out of the way and placed the tip of its cock at his stretchy tail hole. Justin whimpered with desire as the Coyotoy slowly started to enter him. It had plunged its staff deep with in him and he could feel its tip rubbing against the rooted base of his own cock. It pumped into him again and again, faster and faster all the while rubbing its head shaped paws over his chest and padded nipples.

Justin starred at himself in the mirror as he leaned against it. His nose and mouth started to extend and push out from his face. His eyes went wide then glazed over into shiny plastic. Hi ears gradually became more pointed then covered in fur and moved more towards the top of his head. His hair turned into fur then spread across the rest of his face. His mane was not as shaggy as the coyotoy instead he had more of a sleek appearance.

And like that his transformation was complete. He knew he couldn't talk anymore but he moaned inside his mind and he could hear Andrew and Matt grunting with pleasure as well.

Justin's body began to stiffen as the stuffing and padding took control, He could no longer move but he didn't care, the Coyotoy kept pounding into his ass and he felt himself building to climax. Justin's mind screamed out as he felt himself cum. He imagined jet after jet of red rubbery cum shooting from his cock, but in actuality nothing emerged. Instead the red rubber spread throughout his insides, coating him, as a zipper formed along his back.

The coyotoy came a moment later and pumped Justin's interior compartment with thick clear goo. Justin Felt the coyotoy pull out of him and lay him gently to the floor. Justin's mind still buzzed from the orgasm and he still felt turned on and incredibly horny, He looked up at the coyotoy through his plastic eyes and saw its permanently stiff cock dripping slightly with its jism.

It looked down at him and he heard them say, Now to get you to the party on time."

To Be Continued....