Carnal Christmas Eve.

Story by Zeeb on SoFurry

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I wrote this for my mate Nyx Tiga as a surpise Christmas gift! I hope you like it as much as she did. (Oh, and keep an eye on this story everyone. There may be an additional suprise for her and all of you as well.)




Carnal Christmas Eve.


I heard him before he even pushed the key into the lock at the back door. He's noisy enough getting out that I can recognize his arrival of the car from anywhere in the house. I find the sound of his hoofs clicking on the concrete of the rear drive funny, because they remind me of a zombie; shuffle-click-moan-grumble-shuffle-click. I waited for him to stumble up our two short steps and fumble with the lock. I couldn't help but smile because -for the sheer enjoyment of toying with my prey- I had turned off the light.

Sure enough, when he tried to open the lock he couldn't find it! My ears twitched as the sounds drifting in from the other side of the door reached me. First he placed the key in upside down and nearly got it stuck! Next he yanked it out and cursed under his breath for being loud. He assumed I was sleeping because of the late hour and quietly tried again. He finally got it after what seemed hours of hit and miss. Ooh, I could practically feel his frustration oozing through the gaps of the door! I closed my eyes and pictured his tail switshing with irritation from side to side and had to bite my tongue to keep from giggling. He'd be in for a surprise very, very soon. 'Poor fella'.

The inside of the house was dark, save for the glow of the living room; hues of soft white, festive green and deep crimson red. We'd placed a fair number of lights along the corners of the ceiling, as well as decorating the Christmas tree. Yet, even with those fully lit the room was full of shadowsEven with my perfectly acute vision I had difficulty seeing through the darkness. It was amazing what you could do with a set of dimmer switches and some creative wiring when you're left home alone.

-And there I lay in wait.

I listened carefully as his hoofs crossed the threshold of our house. The jacket came off, then the work bag. My ears twitched as he slipped off the shirt from his chest and tossed it down the laundry chute. 'Just like clockwork. And people think I don't know my mate!' He was trying to be especially quiet now, hoofs barely mading a sound as he walked toward the stairs. I smiled in the darkness as my clever little plan moved into its next phase. My poor mate reached for the light switch and clicked it on...but nothing happened. Now he REALLY wanted to punch something! Those light switches alllllways gave him trouble. Shame he didn't have any way of knowing I'd switched off certain breakers in the basement, save for the room I was in, waiting for him. I heard him huff and swish his tail, livid at his luck for several seconds before finally turning away from the stairs and head in the direction of the basement door.

I licked my chops in excitedly. I knew exactly what was going to happen next: his path would take him away from the stairs, down the hall way, past the kitchen, into the living room...and right to me. He would be mine and I would show him just what a huntress could do in her favorite terrain. I mentally counted as he moved down the hall and turned the corner into my hunting ground.


His body slipped around the bend and fell into the dim light of my lair -and then I sprang my trap.

"Merry Christmas Eve, baby."

I could tell the sound of my voice surprised him. He froze, staring with eyes so wide that I thought he'd jumped back to the Serengeti; ready to bolt at the first sign of danger! He stayed still and I had time to let my eyes roam over his delicious body, feeding the ravenous hunger within my body and brain. The dim Christmas light barely illuminated him, but I could see his elegantly striped muzzle and tussled black and white mane highlighted in the crimson. His gorgeous blue eyes, wide in surprise, made me smile; a maw hanging in shock nearly made me giggle. I let my predatory gaze wander lower, feeling my heart thump louder the lower I went. His stocky chest and shoulders, along with his arms, were adorned with the graceful muscles of a runner or swimmer. Even lower were his abs; a toned set of muscles with just enough cut to hint at real power hidden beneath. Every inch of him was painted with those elegantly dancing stripes that had garnered my attention the very day we'd met, the ones that made my mouth water when I looked at him in only the slightest nudity. I finally lowered my eyes to his pants: a set of military cargo's with faded camoflauge. They tapered off around his cute black hoofs, but they held little interest for me. The real treat belonging to my patiently stalked prize, lay directly underneath the material. Just thinking about it made the yearning in my body for him rise dramatically.

'Your mine, prey.'  I thought impishly.

My zebra waited for his eyes to adjust impatiently. He knew I was there but couldn't see me. He fidgeted impatiently as his eyes adjusted striped fingers toyed along the hem of his pants in the darkness while he tried to get his brain out of surprise mode and back into speech. I waited for him, more than sure he'd find the words in due time. My prey always did.

"N-Nyx? You in here?" He managed after a minute. His voice held a quiver and I could tell his heart was still racing from the surprise of my voice. I liked hearing that. I wanted my prey to be off balance tonight!

I relied on the darkness to keep me shrouded a little longer and purred. The noise drifted lazily across the room and his perked ears trembled. Oh yes, he knew I was here alright. But He also knew to hold still until his vision had fully adjusted, or else he might find me lying in wait to ambush him! It felt exciting to know I held this kind of power of him tonight.

I waited and watched as he listened to my purring, feeling my excitement grow. He looked adorable trying to figure out what was happening...what was about to happen to him. I locked my eyes onto him and waited for him to realize what he'd walked into after working sixteen full hours on Christmas Eve.

Finally his vision shifted into lowlight and I saw the expression move from surprise to downright shock! Every nervous jitter of his body ceased and he stood still, letting the image before him come into focus. My trap was baited well and I knew he would be powerless to keep from springing it.

Before our Christmas tree sat a number of presents, both large and small. The largest of them was what captured the eye: his office chair filled with the dark form of a predatory lover, his tigress. I saw his wide eyes travel over my body and purred louder, lavishing in his suddenly captivation. Every portion of me, from head to claw, was bereft of clothing. I sat in my natural state, adorned with bows of the deepest crimson and purest silk. They barely covered my nipples and intertwined to cover my delicate black tummy, and my dark eager flower further below. My arms lay on the arm rests, delicately tied bows on the wrists and elbow. My legs were likewise tied at the thigh and calves -even my ankles, with delicate little red bows. The only real item adorning my mouth watering black frame was the gift he'd gotten me long ago around my neck: a black onyx choker embedded in blood red leather. Above it lay my alluring and lust filled eyes, half-lidded and very fervent for his attention.

My zebra knew he had a sexy mate, but when he looked upon my form with all its "holiday" decoration, he fully came to appreciate me -and GOD I loved it!

"I've been waiting for you." I said with a sumptuous growl.

He blinked once. Then let his eyes roam over me again until they fell to my delicately wrapped claws. I turned my palms up and slowly motioned him to come closer, curling my index claws. Without a word, he bridged the gap between us.

My breath began to hasten as he came to me. My heart raced with desire as my eyes traced the outline of the shaft hidden in his uniform. I nearly groaned when I saw it begin to swell, but I knew my control over him would be broken and lost if I did. I bit my lip and quelled my heart with a deep breath, filling my muzzle with his delicious scent.

My zebra stopped before me and I looked up and up, tracing the gorgeous lines running along his torso and neck until I met his eyes. In them I saw exactly what I craved: unbridled lust and a prey like subservience! He looked down at me and I slipped my tongue over my lips, wetting them slowly as the traced over my lips in hungery delight.

"You are mine, sweet zebra." I whispered into the darkness between us. "My purrrrrrfect Christmas gift."

He shuddered and closed his eyes, nickering in that sweet nervous way equines do. His eyes broke from mine and I took the opportunity to draw out my tail. It too was adorned with a small, sensual red bow. I let it move behind his leg and snake its way around his thigh. I heard him gasp above me and smiled wickedly when he looked down as I tensed my tail and drew him between my parted legs. My warm purr filled the empty space between us as I exposed my wickedly sharp fangs to for him and earned another knicker that brought butterflies to my tummy.

"Well?" I purred silkily to him. "Aren't you going to unwrap your present?"

My zebra looked like he wanted to answer me, but his words slipped away as I tightened my tail around his leg and hugged his rapidly growing erection between my dark coils. He only managed a shaky breath and  nod. I let my claws stretch out and play over the faded pattern of his military pants, teasing his striped legs through the thin fabric. I watched as his cock stirred ever more beneath them, straining against the material, silently begging to be freed.

" had better start with these." I suggested, wriggling my claws to draw his eyes spellbound eyes.

My mate slowly reached for the bows keeping my wrists pinned to the arm of the chair. I tensed them, keeping the energy ready as he delicately handled the thin silk. He grasped the end of each bow and pulled...and fell directly into my trap.

The second those bows held me in check no longer, my claws shot up to his pants. The military pattern fell top pieces as I frantically shredded the material. I didn't dare press hard so my prize couldn't be damaged, but I held no such respect for his clothing. I would have nothing between me and my prey tonight. The hem fell apart and the belt fell to the floor in tatters. As easily as he'd put them on in the morning, I had them ripped to pathetic little pieces and littering the floor around my binding chair.

Finally, my prize sprang free and bobbed in the air before me. I gasped, nearly having forgotten what my mate held under those useless rags abandoned on the floor. His cock was big and held a scent that made my mouth water in delight! The rigid shaft hung in the air, larger than any other I'd been with in the distant past. Dark veins pulsed along its length, forcing more and more blood into the rigid member only an inch from my mouth!

I couldn't control myself any longer. I needed to have him, to taste him and revel in the ecstasy of his flavor! My paws shot to either side of his black cock and I let loose my first moan. The heat from his erection seeped into my paws and playfully dug into his delicate fleshI started pumping the sensitive skin between them. He moaned loudly above me and I purred louder in as he instinctively humped into my hands. 'Ohh, he wants me sooooo bad!'

I opened my muzzle wide and licked the swollen head of his cock. My tongue slipped from the base of his head along the slit before flicking along the top. His taste was...overwhelming! I felt my mouth watering as I let myself enjoy my Christmas Eve gift. I bent my neck forward and took him into my mouth: my lips eased over his shaft, while my tongue eagerly licked along the ticklish horseflesh as it pressed into my mouth. I pulled him in, taking as much of his hot, hard cock as I could. He hit the back of my throat immediately. There was so much of him I almost couldn't believe it, but this zebra was MY mate, and I was intimately familiar with every portion of his body.

Above me, he was moaning: enlightening me about his pleasure with grunts and moans that brought a hidden blush to me cheeks. I knew his equine sounds so well by now they were memorized. I began working him back and forth, easing his shaft in and out of my mouth, slurping up every bit of zebra flavor I could. My hands worked feverishly along his shaft, massaging it to heighten his pleasure and squeezing it to hold him tightly in place as I bobbed back and forth along his length.

'Oh my zebra, you taste soooooo good.' I thought as I pulled him back into my maw over and over, desperately trying to shove everything I could between my teeth.

Smells began to surround us as I sucked on his horse cock. The heat within me began to grow rapidly in me and I felt the ribbon daintily covering my tigress pussy soak through with femme juices. My scent drove me onward, ushering me faster and faster along his length. Likewise, the scent of his organ played with my senses. The scent and taste of his pre as it oozed onto my palate did little to keep my drooling maw in check. I wanted to suck it right down my throat and feel the pulse of his shaft while I swallowed around him!

Now I was racing over his shaft. I felt crazy, almost frantic while I blew him. Instincts that stayed buried within my psyche began to emerge. They usually stayed dormant unless it was my heat; my striped equine lover being safe from them then. But now I felt a primal hunger rise within me and could do little -DID little- to stop it. God I wanted him now, so badly my muscles ached to free themselves from this accursed chair and-



It happened so fast I didn't realize that my mate that had cried out. My zebra had undone more ribbons and foolishly freed me. In that instant I sprung on him, knocked his striped ass to the ground and pinned him to the floor with my body! I sat atop him, claws planted squarely on his chest. My breath was ragged and my teeth were bared in lust. He squeaked when his eyes met mine, overflowing with the thrill of pouncing my prey! I became the perfect predator and I was going to claim my prize with all the ferocity my lust contained! He would be mine!!!

I shifted my dark body higher. The horse flesh slipped between my legs, its length teasing deliciously against my eager folds. My back arched, stiff with the sensation racing up my spine as I began grinding along his shaft. I wasted little time and covered him with my sweet nectar. In seconds he was saturated from and I was eager to take advantage of that fact. Looking down at him I bared my teeth and growled ferociously, whiskers flaring as I shifted up and reached between our bodies and eagerly grasped his cock with my claws.I aimed his rock hard cock for my waiting entrance and my slick lips drooled femme juice across his head as I rubbed him against my opening. Then I pressed on the swollen head against and savagely impaled myself upon my mates throbbing horse cock!

My back curled and I let out a howl of lusty victory! I fell hard, taking inch after glorious inch inside me! My hot insides gripped around his hard length and squeezed despite my violent drive downward. He spread me apart, forcing my lips and suckling vagina wide while I brought myself onto his virile organ. I slammed my pelvis into his within half a second and cried out again as my body heaved with ecstatic pleasure.

"Ohh your sooo big! Ilove my stripey toy!"

There was so much! Could I actually fuck him and survive this time? My mind raced for the answer, but my body provided the answer for me instead as it seemed to rise with its own will. I moved till I was half way up on his rod before standing on the balls of my feet, claws splayed in eager, lust driven glee. I thrust down on him again. And again...and again!

My mate groaned and yelled beneath me, carnal lust fueling his calls to my name, begging me not to stop. I barely heard him. My mind fogged over, thown into the heights of a storm as the pressure inside my body began to build. I rode my zebra, took him for everything he had as his cock speared my insides over and over again. I claimed my mate with a ferocity only a tiger could manage.

Then something happened that I had not expected, but the results of which tossed me over the edge into an ocean of orgasmic bliss. My zebra reached between us and pulled the thin silk ribbon hiding my bouncing breasts from his view. He reached for them and squeezed as tightly as he could, pinching my hard nipples between his thumb and index fingers. The suddenness of the action was too much for me to handle and my body went into overload!


My body threw itself into a vice grip around him and stars appeared in front of my eyes. The world blinked in and out as I threw myself onto him and bottomed out on his cock. My climax took my mind to the brink of consciousness before I realized he was cumming as well! I felt the swell of his cock within me, felt the rush of his cum as it rocketed up his shaft as his head swell to seal it all in place. He erupted inside me like a volcano and my zebra grabbed onto my body with every bit of ferocity I claimed him with! My vision narrowed, I watched his face fade to nothing as his cum sprayed inside me again! I held Ion for as long as I could, trying to prolong the apex of my clomax for as long as possible.

Then I collapsed upon my mate, my prey, and slept deeply and beautifully.



When I reawakened, the sun had begun to shine through our window. Beyond the snugly drawn curtains and glowing Christmas lights, a snowy dawn covered the land. I looked down, and there was my mate, sleeping soundly. Our bodies separated at some point in the night, but that hadn't prevented our cum from escaping everywhere. We were covered in it! The smell of warm sex coated us both, but it was comforting given the knowledge of why it was there.

As I lay on top of my striped lover, the sunlight reached his eyelids and he awoke as well. His eyes fluttered open and the first thing he saw was me, smiling sweetly and purring contentedly.

He spoke brightly to me: "Merry Christmas, Love."

I laughed and leaned in to kiss him, replying softly back in the warm mirning glow.

"Merry Christmas indeed! I think I got everthing I wanted this year."