Eudaemon II: Dragon and Colossus, Part 16

Story by Zerrex Narrius on SoFurry

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#16 of Eudaemon II: Dragon and Colossus

Cherry, on the other hand, had already thrown Lone out of her mind in favor of thinking about all the fun she had planned for Zerrex; she grinned a bit as she rested back in the seat of the sports car, idly checking the time as she sped towards her home. She'd meant to arrive earlier... but she'd decided to make a quick stop first and reserve a certain place for tomorrow. The trick would be dragging her husband out there, but she thought she could figure out a way or two.

Then the muscular female turned into the driveway, and she was unsurprised to see that the lights were still on inside, as she climbed out of the seat and stretched, fidgeting a bit. She wanted sex extremely badly, and she was already hot just thinking about Zerrex and his naked body and all the exercise he'd been doing... but at the same time, she knew that waiting until tomorrow, when the little surprise was ready, would likely be best. The anticipation would build her desires all the stronger... and if she was acting needy enough, she was pretty sure Zerrex would give in just to stop her from humping his leg.

Cherry snorted at this, then she headed towards the door and threw it open before walking inside, grinning widely... then blinking and staring at Zerrex, who blinked in return and looked at her almost guiltily from where he was laying on the couch, his chest bare and the vast amount of wounds on him standing out remarkably well in the light. She gaped for a few moments as the Drakkaren straightened and sat up, coughing, then her shock turned to a furious glare as she reached down and jerked off one of her combat boots, whipping it hard at the reptile's head. "What the fuck did you do to yourself, you asshole?"

Zerrex batted the boot away quickly, then he winced and ducked its partner as Cherry decided to throw that too; it sailed over his head, then hit Tinny as he tried to peer around the corner, knocking the badger flat with a squeak of pain. The Drakkaren opened his muzzle to speak, but then he let out a sound that was remarkably like Tinman's as Cherry charged forwards and tackled him hard enough to shift the couch back, pounding her fists painfully into his muscular chest as she shouted down at him angrily: "You fucking jackass! Ooh, don't worry about me, Cherry, I'm just gonna do some light training, hyuck hyuck hyuck. Well, fuck you! I'm not letting you out of my sight again! Fucking hell on high, it looks like you got Tinny to wrap you up in steel wire and pull..."

Zerrex winced, covering his face, then he managed to snag one of the masculine female's arms as his chest throbbed with dull pain. "Uh. How'd you guess?"

"The fuck is wrong with you?" Cherry asked incredulously, then she reached down and slapped the reptile firmly, making him yelp in pain as her hand smacked the wound on his cheek. She snorted as she watched Zerrex rub at the wound - which was now bleeding a bit - then looked up and glared at Tinman, who was huffing for breath as he slowly struggled up to his feet. "And fuck, I thought you had more sense than to do shit like the asshole masochist here asks for."

"The asshole masochist is trying his frigging hardest to train. It was training, that's all." Zerrex responded in an irritable voice, glaring up at her. Cherry glared back, snarling... then suddenly Zerrex wrapped his arms around her waist and Cherry laced hers tight around his neck, muzzles meeting and locking together in a sloppy, hungry kiss as Zerrex rolled off the couch and on top of her, grinding his masculine, powerful form down against the muscular female's as she rubbed back up against him and let out a moan into his maw.

Tinman stared for a few moments at this, then he rolled his eyes and mumbled, turning and heading back into the kitchen to finish preparing the roast: an extremely late supper for him and Zerrex... although now Cherry would probably want to eat, too. It had always been like that with those two, though... they expressed love through violence, and anger was just a thin mask for passion.

A few moments later, the kiss broke and Zerrex drew back, almost panting a bit as Cherry looked up at him lovingly, reaching up to gently stroke his bleeding cheek and licking her muzzle slowly as she added in a soft voice: "But you know... I think that looks good on you, Boss, nonetheless. The sight of you and blood always gets me off."

"Freaky bitch." Zerrex grinned slightly in return, however, then he leaned down to kiss over her neck before nipping at the junction of shoulder and collarbone, making her grunt and twitch up against him. Her hands moved slowly over his broad, healing chest, and then she quietly rubbed her muzzle under the male's as she rested on the floor between couch and table with her beloved.

A few moments later, Zerrex stood... easily hauling Cherry up with him, and sliding a hand under her as she comfortably laced her arms around his neck and legs around his waist. She rested in the crook of his arm as they traded another light kiss, then the Drakkaren gently carried her over to the kitchen to look at Tinman with a slight smile, as the badger returned the glance with faint, sour amusement. "What?"

"You two are special. And I don't mean that in a good way." Tinny responded mildly, and Cherry laughed a bit as she shook her head slowly, before dragging her tongue lightly up Zerrex's cheek and licking the blood from his face: a gesture that made Tinman wince back and stare.

"I'm good with being bad." The muscular femme replied easily, then she slid down Zerrex's strong body and stepped over to Tinny, reaching out to tickle lightly under his muzzle as she leaned in close, grinning widely. "And hey. I'd be happy to be bad with you, too."

"Go away." Tinman blushed deeply, coughing and trying to avoid her eyes as he quickly turned and rubbed the back of his head, and Cherry laughed before looking over her shoulder with a grin. Zerrex merely rolled his eyes in return, however, and she huffed before heading over to sit on the island, idly slapping the rear of the badger as she moved away.

Tinny jumped, then glared at her and rubbed at his buttocks, before Cherry crossed her arms and looked from the Drakkaren to the badger with faint amusement. "Besides. Neither of you knows really special... that asshole Lone, he's special. Like, fuck, I mean..." she paused for a moment, then frowned a bit thoughtfully: this made both Tinny and Zerrex look at her curiously. Generally with Cherry it hadn't been hard for her to find words for Lone... most of them started with 'fuck' and ended with 'wad,' 'head,' or 'nut.'

Then she glanced back up and nodded a bit. "Yeah. He's screwed in the head... but I think that he's sorta learning now, or at least I hope. Whatever else, being in that massacre three years ago only made him change a bit and grow roots... but being the victim of people he looked at as his own kind, that seems to have given him a right hard kick in the ass. He's... different, I can say that much." A pause and a mutter. "Still clingy as all balls, though. I wouldn't be surprised if he shows up here, crying for me."

Zerrex nodded in return to this, looking down thoughtfully as he lightly brushed his hair back. "So do you think that this time he'll stay changed? Because after the Judgment of three years ago, he was good then, too... but then he went back to being his old self rather fast." A pause, and then a look of faint amusement. "I think the first thing he did was try to make a law that it was illegal for children to read books about me or something stupid like that... the first sign of his regression."

"Yeah, that was pretty fucked up." Cherry agreed, snickering herself, but then she smiled a bit at the tall male. "But hey... tell me what you've been up to... how'd you end up getting your ass kicked by Tinny, anyway?"

And, as Tinman pulled the roast out of the oven, the three talked: they would continue to over dinner, filling in each other on their days parted and the stories they had, until bed: Tinny on the couch, and Zerrex and Cherry curling up tightly together in their own small but comfortable bed. They were naked, pressing their bodies tight, arms wrapped firmly around each other... but that was all. They whispered the forbidden words that they were both still unused to saying, then descended into a comfortable, easy sleep that would give them both rest until around eight that morning... a late sleep-in for Zerrex, and comfortably early for Cherry.

But most of Baskin's Grove didn't sleep so peacefully: Lone tossed and turned between fitful nightmares of being abandoned, beaten, and worst of all simply left behind. Not to mention a strange, odd fantasy... that he had gone to Zerrex's and that the reptile had been impressed with him, and instead of Cherry, Lone had ended up going into the Drakkaren's bedroom with him and...

That kind of scared Lone... and worse, it worried him, because he was having a harder and harder time putting it down to his internal fears, or his need for friendship, or respect for the Drakkaren and convincing himself he didn't enjoy it; his pants always testified otherwise. But this morning had too much going on for him to worry about it... instead, he asked for a simple, small breakfast from a servant, then sat quietly in the den and waited, dreading what was to come and what he'd decided on doing.

Felicity, too, would have been worried and frantic... except she was still unconscious, trapped in a world of nightmares and horrible illusions in her own head. Tank kept her drugged-up constantly... and now he lay next to her in bed, whispering things in her ear every now and then and letting his hands play over her naked body and he drooled a bit, boxers tented. But he hadn't slept with her... no, not yet. He was going to keep her drugged out of her mind and wait... and then after he came back victorious, a new king, then he would take his queen... in fact, he'd go at her again and again and again all day long as his victory celebration. And was he ever looking forwards to that, whether she was all scarred-up or not.

Mika was growing more frantic and worried about Felicity, and the plans that Tank and the Godkillers had cooked up; furthermore, he'd woken up early that morning, coughing blood. He felt that his own health was in danger as well... but he didn't care about himself. All he wanted to do was make sure that Felicity was okay, and that Tank's plans never made it to fruition.

Requiem, as always, awoke early, feeling calm but with a tinge of excitement. Only one day left... and then he would be fighting what he expected would be his greatest challenge. Sure, Zerrex had failed to impress him the first round they'd gone... had, in fact, performed rather miserably compared to what he'd expected, but he felt that this second time would be far different. He idly dropped down to the first floor, letting himself think about the coming battle more than he usually did and heading outside to stretch and meditate, not even realizing that he was being watched.

Cindy felt anxious... and strangely sad. This would be the last day ever she would spend with Requiem... and she'd come to truly respect and even care about the giant, odd circumstances they had met by or not. But ever since she'd met Zerrex, she'd learned to embrace the strange and what many would see as unnatural, living by her feelings more than her mind's logic. She truly didn't want to see the Dragokkaren suffer, any more than she wanted to see Zerrex suffer... but she also understood that, no matter what, neither of them would renege on the duel tomorrow. And one of them would die... so when it came down to it, the most Cindy could hope for was that Requiem would die a quick, clean, and painless death.

Even Tinman awoke with some anxiety, rubbing the back of his head and then climbing out of bed, idly adjusting his sleeping hat and then touching the oversized pom-poms that served as buttons for the long, flowing sleep shirt he'd put on last night. He blinked stupidly at the voices of Zerrex and Cherry arguing in the kitchen, then realized he'd slept in much later than he usually did, as he heard the ting of coffee mugs on the counter and then a loud huff. A few moments later he stood and wandered idly to the kitchen archway, curious as to what the two were bickering about this time.

"No. No, no, no. I am so not going to ride around in the wolf's sports car with you." Zerrex said disgustedly, raising his hands in a gesture of exasperation. Tinman blinked at this, then tilted his head curiously when Cherry cursed under her breath before looking at Zerrex with a smile, apparently deciding to try a different approach from her usual yelling and cursing.

"But you said you'd relax... come on, a nice little car ride would be very relaxing!" she wheedled, then her eyes glinted and she looked at Zerrex with a sensuous smile, winking at the Drakkaren as he gazed back at her mildly. "I'll give you somethin' special if we find a nice little spot somewhere..."

"Cherry, if I want a blowjob from you, all I have to do is pull down my pants and you're sucking on my cock like you're drowning and it's an oxygen tank." The reptile responded flatly, making Cherry blink, look disgusted... then pause and shrug agreeably. "Besides. I've told you. I hate cars, I hate car rides, and I especially hate that disgusting piece of crap that the wolf flaunts. And I certainly don't want to be seen riding around in it... people will think I'm taking after Lone."

Cherry rolled her eyes at this, then she decided she still had one more tactic left to try. It was cheesy, but it could still work.... "Well, okay... but you know, I was planning on stopping in at this weapon expo that's going on later, but, since you're not interested..." The female shrugged again, then she snatched up the keys from the counter and turned, walking past Tinny as Zerrex blinked.

"Hey, wait!" he called, and Cherry stopped with a grin and a faintly-amused look. "What weapon expo?"

"Oh, well, you're not interested anyway. So I'll just go by myself." Cherry replied in a lackadaisical tone, but then blinked as Zerrex trotted past her, almost knocking her into the wall as he ran off towards their room.

"I'll just put on a shirt and be right back with you." He called over his shoulder, then ducked inside, leaving Cherry to stare and Tinny frowning a bit. Then the badger turned his gaze up to the muscular female, tilting his head curiously.

"There's no weapon expo in town..." he said slowly, then blinked and reared back as Cherry rose a fist threateningly, glaring down at him and making Tinman shrink back against the archway between rooms, staring.

"There is so." She growled. "And if you tell Zerrex different, I swear, I'll make you eat those pom-poms." Then she paused and smiled again, looking up and turning her fist into a friendly wave at her husband, as the Drakkaren emerged in his usual plain blue, button-up shirt. He tilted his head, and then Cherry almost skipped towards him, saying cheerfully: "Let's go, Zerrex... and oh."

The female paused, then she walked into their room as the tall reptile turned and watched her, before coming back with a long sock. Then, before the Drakkaren could react, she jumped behind him and tied it around his face, making the reptile let out a loud sound of protest. "What the hell are you doing?"

"I want it to be a surprise, that's all." Cherry replied innocently, then she added meditatively, as the reptile reached up to take the blindfold off: "Besides. The less you see m of my driving, the less you'll complain, obviously. So just enjoy the ride."

The reptile paused at this bit of wisdom, then shrugged and let Cherry take his hand and lead him out, still blindfolded with the knee-high white sock. Tinny stared after the two, then he rubbed his head slowly and mumbled to himself before turning to grab a coffee and some breakfast before he headed home.

The two Drakkaren, on the other hand, had climbed into Lone's sports car, and Zerrex was patting his hands against his knees and glancing idly back and forth... not that it did much good, with the sock covering his eyes. He rubbed slowly at his bare arms, feeling the healed wounds there that had mostly vanished, and smiled a bit at the fact that it also felt like his face had finally started to really heal up: he hadn't had much of a chance to look this morning, though, so he figured he'd take a look after the expo, as he felt the car start and Cherry tear out of the driveway, spinning the sports vehicle around at the same time instead of backing out like a normal person and making him wince.

The female was grinning too widely to care, though, the radio blaring rock and roll as she drove towards town, speeding far too much but enjoying the smooth handling she had to admit the car had. She didn't have to pass over Camelot Bridge, which meant she could avoid most of the rush-hour traffic... but she still swerved to avoid a line of people, going down a little-used side road before twisting down a narrow alley to come out into the slums district. It wasn't hard for her to navigate through Comfort Town: over the years she'd lived here, she'd learned every nook and cranny she could use, and where every fence was plain wood or chainlink and where they were backed by concrete, just in case she ever had to make a quick escape.

Then came the tricky part, as she pulled up into a crowded parking lot, bumping over the curb and heading for the front: there was a reserved spot almost right next to the doors for Zerrex. Her husband, however, had apparently already sensed that something was amiss, as he frowned slowly, and she could hear him muttering numbers under his breath before she winced and hit the brakes, then threw the car into reverse before letting out a curse and saying mildly: "Damn bastard, took the spot on me."

"There's no one behind us... furthermore, there's only one place in town that has heavy steel grating after a curb that high." The Drakkaren reached up and snatched off the blindfold, glaring at Cherry, who grinned stupidly and gave a small giggle, blushing deeply and silently cursing the reptile's powers of observation. "Cherry! This isn't a weapons exposition, this is the freaking OPOS group housing development!"

"Uh... surprise?" Cherry continued to grin, looking embarrassed as she threw her arms out and waggled her fingers... and Zerrex only continued to glare at her flatly. She huffed, trying to take on the offensive instead. "Well, don't look at me like I'm an idiot-"

"Why not?" Zerrex countered immediately, and the female found herself at a loss for a reply to that before the reptile said mildly: "I don't want a sex party. I'm gonna go home to work out or something."

"Oh, I don't think so!" Cherry responded immediately, then, figuring things couldn't get much worse anyway, she slammed her foot on the gas and the sports car shot down the laneway, knocking Zerrex - who had been about to jump out - over the passenger seat and into the back with a loud yell. She blinked and looked back at him, then let out a grunt, eyes widening as she looked forwards again and saw the wall approaching at a rate that was far too fast.

The muscular female tore the wheel hard to the right as she hit the brakes, and the car squealed to a stop, leaving a trail of rubber as the tires slid over the damaged concrete, tilting towards the wall precariously for a moment before it fell, Cherry wincing and gripping the wheel tight, then slowly opening one eye to peer at the wall only a few inches away from the car door. Zerrex, in the back, was gripping the seat with an expression that neared shock on his face, claws digging into the cushioning, and then Cherry turned around and grinned at him again, managing out weakly: "See? You need some stress relief. Let's go inside."

Instead of sending her flying - as she expected - the tall male merely nodded silently and then got up, wincing and rubbing at his shaking arms before he jumped out of the back seat. Cherry turned off the ignition, deciding the car was good where it was, then she trotted quickly over to Zerrex and coughed, wrapping an arm around his waist and guiding him towards the walkway that led away from the main building - several connected, but otherwise mostly-gutted townhouses - and instead towards a smaller squat building that OPOS had recently constructed for private 'events' and 'social gatherings' that were usually interested in... alternate ideas.

OPOS stood for the Open-Minded, Open-Sex Group... where the hell they got the P in the name from, Cherry still didn't know. They had a little over five-hundred members, which she thought was rather impressive... and the age varied widely. There was little discrimination, and both she and Zerrex had come down to have some fun here every now and then with a group or just to mill with people who mostly without prejudice. Cherry certainly loved it... clothing, after all, in the main townhouse was optional.

Last night, though, the female had stopped at the OPOS offices to make a special request: they were amazingly organized for a group that just wanted to promote friendship, open relationships and good sex. She'd talked to one of the heads of staff, and he had said cheerfully it would be no problem accommodating their needs, and then that he'd send out an email to parties that would be interested in the sorts of things Cherry had in mind, although she'd also been careful to lay out that she didn't know exactly what Zerrex might get into and that it would be a surprise. Then she'd given the OPOS equivalent of a handshake - a light, chaste kiss on the lips - and headed off with a grin.

Zerrex, of course, was regaining his senses and muttering irritably as they wandered towards the house, peering back and forth sulkily. He wasn't as fond of OPOS as Cherry was, for a variety of reasons, but he had to admit it was a rather nice surprise, and a good one for relaxation. Plus, he recognized they were going into one of the private houses that needed to be requested and registered for... so it wouldn't mean being swarmed by an army of people. Sure, having a group of people begging to suck your cock or just to touch you was fun sometimes... but a hundred or so people that ranged from sixteen year olds that had snuck inside to seventy year olds that could still manage to get it up? That was enough to drive even the most hypersexual of people over the edge.

The reptile blinked as Cherry opened the heavy door, and they stepped into the room: the front area was a sort of lobby ,with a single guard sitting at a desk and typing away at a personal computer, dressed in a security uniform and wearing an armband that identified him as an actual guard, not someone who was part of a roleplay. He smiled and nodded to the two, then he motioned at the closet at one end of the room, going into the usual, simple spiel. "You can leave your clothing out here if you want, and I'll be happy to look after it for you. You're registered in this room until this time tomorrow, if you're the Na..." he caught a meaningful look from Cherry at this, then cleared his throat. "If you're the Boss's party... which I somehow figure you are... and I'm sure you know the rules. You can wander the grounds naked, but no going into other buildings or private roleplays without making a request, and otherwise you have free reign and access to everything OPOS has to offer. A buffet table will be made available at one o'clock, and uh... other than that, have a good time."

Then the dog coughed and lost his professional air as he grinned a bit, saying plainly: "You know, this is just so cool. You're like, the Boss, and I get to sit around as your security guard! I promise sir, that I won't let anything happen to you or anyone else, and that I'm here at your disposal. If you need anything at all, just ask, by all means."

"Uh. Thanks." Zerrex said mildly, then he coughed and walked over to the open closet unit, idly undoing the buttons of his shirt as Cherry grinned and watched, happy that the Drakkaren had apparently decided to play along. She watched as he kicked off his boots, then took his shirt off and hung it up on the closet rack, rubbing idly at his bare chest before glancing down at Cherry. "Aren't you going to take your clothes off?"

"Yeah, after I go get the others. I don't want people ogling my naked body... they tend to listen closer when you're actually wearing something in this place." She paused, then glanced down and reached out to pop open the fly of the reptile's pants, saying mildly: "Oh, you so can't wear those."

"You can kiss my ass. I'll take them off when you and whoever else is in there earns that privilege." Zerrex responded pompously, tilting his muzzle upwards as he redid the button of his pants, then he headed quickly to the door leading inside, trying to keep himself unaware of how the golden retriever security guard was eyeing him appreciatively.

Cherry snorted laughter at this, then she quickly followed the reptile and grinned widely at the way the room inside had been set up, reaching up to squeeze his shoulders and whispering quietly: "I wanted to make one of your little fantasies a reality, just for today... how does it look, Zerrex?"

Zerrex, however, was wordless as he stared around at the room: the floor was hard concrete, and the only light shone in through the skylight and windows that were up near the top of the high ceiling. Pillars - obviously fake, but nonetheless beautiful - had been set up in a long row, and a red carpet had been draped out down the middle of the room, with a large, circular mattress sitting in the dead center. The carpet went under this, going from the wall that the door was in... to a massive, golden throne that had red cushions and backing, and looked like it would fit the Drakkaren perfectly. He slowly walked towards this, stepping on the soft, supple cushion of the mattress on his way and feeling a grin spreading over his muzzle at the feel of it, then he reached out and gently brushed a hand along the arm of the throne as he heard Cherry walk up behind him, and then she reached up and lightly wrapped her arms around his body, saying softly: "Sorry about the colors, but it didn't come in black."

"That's fine, Cherry... it's quite wonderful." Zerrex responded with a smile, looking down at the female. He leaned down to kiss her, but she darted quickly away with a grin, waggling a finger at him as he quickly followed and reached out to try and playfully grab her. She ducked, though, then tapped the back of the throne.

"Look at this." She said with her grin toning down, but her eyes full of sensuality as she pulled a hidden drawer out of the bottom, and the reptile licked his muzzle at the variety of obviously custom-made leather costume apparel he saw inside... except he had no doubt this stuff was meant more for people like him, actual sadists than those who liked to play dominator. He reached down, picking up what looked like a bandolier and noting that it had a tag wrapped around it, and then he carefully checked it before looking at Cherry with slight amusement.

"This is custom-made for me... but this kind of thing isn't made overnight. When did you order this?" The reptile asked softly, and Cherry rose a hand to her muzzle, trying to cover her smile and looking innocently up at the Drakkaren.

Then she finally relented and bounded up to her feet, strutting away and swaying her tail enticingly, making Zerrex lick his muzzle slowly as he watched her walk away. Then she paused, leaning against one of the heavy pillars and grinning back at him cheerfully: "A month or so ago, when I asked you if I could ever get you into a sexy leather costume, and you said no. In any case, you have fun with that stuff, huh? I'll probably be about twenty minutes or so... I want to check out if there's slaves suitable for Master available." A pause at the look the Drakkaren gave her, and she felt herself growing aroused just from watching the larger male fidgeting and looking at her with that deep desire in his eyes. "And no, it won't be all sex... I'm gonna make sure you're treated like a god all day, Boss. We'll answer your every whim... and see if we can just manage to get those pants off you." Cherry winked and pointed at the reptile's black jeans, and Zerrex grinned widely back in response.

"I'm sure you will, bitch." he replied easily, then winked. The female laughed, then she turned and sauntered easily out, leaving Zerrex to hop back around the throne and investigate the other articles of 'clothing' that were available for him to wear, feeling like he was definitely in the mood to wear something that would accent his role as the dominating Master.

Cherry, on the other hand, was easily walking across the town and towards the main townhouses, then she pushed in through the main entrance and nodded to the security guard, who smiled and nodded back before returning to his paperwork: they knew her well enough here that she could come and go as she pleased. After all, she and Zerrex were paying members... in fact, they were VIPs here, which wasn't all that surprising, considering their urges and sexual hungers.

She glanced around the open first floor of the townhouse musingly, wondering why the hell they couldn't put in some separation at least... it would make her job a whole lot easier. There were at least fifty or so people in here, and maybe even closer to a hundred... and she'd still have to check out the second floor before she went into townhouses B and C. She sighed, wondering what the best way to do this would be as she stood by the entrance, already attracting quite a few interested looks from the naked or mostly-naked congregation, then she glanced around again before shrugging and yelling: "Hey! I'm looking for six guys and six girls to come with me to serve as slaves to the Boss! Who's interested?"

Unsurprisingly, quite a few people came forwards, and Cherry made a face before looking back and forth musingly, then she cupped her muzzle with her hands again and said loudly: "Okay, I'm gonna look at girls first! Guys, wait back there and I'll call you up in a minute."

This made things much easier, as Cherry got the available females to line up, looking them over thoughtfully. There were quite a few pretty ones here, sure... but it was easy enough for her to quickly reap through the available numbers. A few of them looked like they just wanted to meet the Boss, after all, and would likely leave in a huff once they realized they weren't the center of attention... but she thought there was one or two good stock here. She also knew that Zerrex was equal opportunity on most things, but could be a bit speciesist at times... so she also wanted to go on the safe side and pick at least as many lizards as there would be other furred creatures. In the end, she went with a pretty, good-shaped, but also obviously-fit Drakkaren with mauve scales and sparkling green eyes - idly hoping she wouldn't remind Zerrex too much of his mother, and questioning her decision but figuring it would work out fine - and a sleek, shy-looking feline with white fur that was speckled with black. Mostly because Cherry thought she wouldn't argue with Zerrex no matter what he did to her... but also because she was obviously at least a year younger than the required eighteen and would undoubtedly scream real loud when Zerrex decided to take her, and the muscular female was definitely in the mood to see her husband rape or at least force himself on someone in a decidedly-painful manner.

Then she called the males forwards again, watching them flex and grin, showing off their bodies with much more vigor than most of the girls, and Cherry smiled slightly, realizing they were trying to impress her. She paused, then flexed both of her arms in a weightlifter's pose, grinning as her muscles bulged enough to make most of the male population gape or pale, and then she relaxed and looked around at them mildly. "Now that that's taken care of, let's get down to business. I want you to line up according to... penis size." She grinned at this, then pointed left, center and right, saying plainly: "Up to a foot long there, up to sixteen inches there, over sixteen inches there."

A few of the males hopped happily to their location - the ones who were apparently over sixteen inches long in terms of their little friend. A few wandered to the center, and the majority grumbled and wandered over to the foot or less section, quite a few of them blushing. That left... three candidates from the sixteen plus section, two in the up to sixteen inches, and the rest all likely average size for their species or below. Cherry mourned the fact there were quite a few good-looking and even a very muscular male or two in there, but then she cut her losses and turned to the last section, idly eyeing the three there, before frowning and pointing at a muscular tiger. "You. Bitch. Get out of line, I've slept with you before and you belong in your own little tiny section."

The tiger flushed deeply as the others laughed, backing quickly away and then walking off into the open room with a mumble, and Cherry turned her attention to the two left... a fairly scrawny ferret who was looking ridiculously hopeful and a... very nice looking, muscular and masculine but not overly-huge elk. He caught her eyes on her, and he blushed a bit as he shifted, and she noticed that he was also one of the few wearing shorts. Shy, pretty attractive, and apparently one of the big boys. Cheque, please. "You! You're with me. Everyone else can get lost."

The buck smiled warmly as the other males muttered and dispersed, then Cherry grinned before looking at the girls and the large male, saying cheerfully: "You guys head for 'Private Showroom C,' say that Cherry sent you to the guard, but wait in the lobby... I'm gonna go get the others. You guys might as well get acquainted and comfortable while you're there too, and... oh, you?" She reached up, grabbing the elk's chin and smiling slightly as she noted they were almost the same height; he only had to look up a bit, and he was definitely blushing now. "Lose the shorts when you get there."

With that, she let go of him and strutted past towards the stairs leading to the second floor, grinning to herself. It looked like collecting people for the little party could be some damn fine fun, after all...

It only took the muscular female about twenty minutes to collect the six males and six females she wanted, feeling vaguely amused as she led the last two males towards the private building she'd reserved, strutting across the grounds as she reached up and stripped off the plain black exercise top she'd put on, then idly spinning it in one hand as they moved towards the door. She pushed through into the lobby, then laughed a bit and grinned around at the cluster of people gathered, some of the sitting on the chairs and a few cuddling cheerfully together on the couch, all of them talking and looking around, clothes discarded in piles with only a few spare bits hung up in the closet. A few spare pairs of boots also sat nearby, and Cherry kicked off her own combat boots to join this pile, as she grinned widely around at the others and said cheerfully: "Okay, boys and girls. Here's the lowdown. The Boss himself is on the other side of that door, and we're going to do everything we can to please him, got it? Now, it's not gonna be all sex... although he could undoubtedly fuck us all sideways and still be able to go for more... but remember to worship him and all that." A pause, and then a glance at the males, who were loitering around nearby, one or two looking nervous. "And yes, he is bisexual, to answer that little rumor... and we're all expected to act as his slaves. But you'll be fine as you as you be respectful... but hey, who knows what he'll ask for?"

Cherry grinned slightly as she undid her bra, then she tossed it easily aside before undoing the fly of her jeans and shoving those down with her g-string, breasts bouncing a bit as she leaned forwards to step out of her pants and then pick them up, tossing them easily aside with a teasing look around to the others. "But come on, fellow bitches. Master awaits through the door." A pause, then a wink. "I'll go in first, and I want you to follow in two lines... one of guys, one of gals. Just uh... just follow my lead, right?"

With that, she turned to the door and pushed through, striding easily into the room as the others quickly filtered through afterwards, and she had to work hard to keep her seductive smile from bridging into a wide, hungry grin at the sight of Zerrex sitting on his throne, leaning idly one elbow with a fist under his muzzle, his eyes half-lidded and white locks falling over his features as he gazed over them with his emerald eyes almost burning with power and control.

He had placed on the leather bandolier, and it crossed his chest in an X, joining at the center by a heavy metal loop: there was a buckle on each of the studded leather lengths, which Zerrex had already used to tighten it as close as possible to his body, although it was almost surely uncomfortable with the scarring over his chest. On his legs, he wore a pair of crotchless leather chaps that had the classic cowboy styling, with a silver clasp connecting them together at waist level: they were almost a bit too tight on the Drakkaren from the look, but still hung loose enough around his ankles to look comfortable. Finally, he also had a pair of plain leather shorts on beneath this, which bulged more than noticeably as the reptile shifted to tent his fingers and rest his muzzle atop them, leaning forwards a bit.

Cherry strutted slowly towards the throne, showing off the curves of her body before she kneeled and bowed her head to Zerrex with a grin, her eyes sparkling with pleasure: behind her, she heard the others fan out and do the same. "Master Zerrex... I've brought twelve new servants for you, and as always, we are all at your disposal..."

"Thank you, Cherry." Zerrex responded easily, smiling slightly as he leaned back in the throne, and Cherry could tell he was truly getting into the whole thing: with the setting, the atmosphere, and the conflicting auras of submission from everyone and domination from the reptile, however, it wasn't very hard to see why. Then he jerked his head to the side, and Cherry immediately walked up and kneeled beside his throne as the reptile said in a soft, but commanding voice: "You will present yourselves to me from left to right. Return to your position after you tell me your name and I dismiss you. First, come forwards."

The first in line was on the female side, the hesitant-looking feline that had been one of the first Cherry had chosen. She came forwards, then mimicked a polite curtsy to the reptile seated in his throne, saying in a quiet voice: "My name is Elle Serenity, sir..."

Zerrex's eyes roved over her thoughtfully: she shifted back and forth shyly as he examined her bust, the curves of her body, and other feminine attributes for a few moments, then he nodded and waved a hand easily. She blushed, then quickly headed back to her spot as the next female came forwards: Zerrex paused a moment as he noted she had the same color of eyes as he did, and the regal color of her scales. She was smallish in body, and shaped in much the same way that his mother had been... and inwardly, he felt a brief mental battle between whether this was a good or bad thing before finally deciding to just go with the flow. She pronounced her name as "Selena," but Zerrex got the impression that this was a pseudonym she used more for safety reasons when attending the OPOS facilities.

The others were all as attractive, and all in good shape: the kind of girls that Zerrex liked, in other words. Most of them were also, for the most part, petite and would likely have a lot of trouble fitting his whole length in should he choose to take them... but he had the feeling that Cherry had done this on purpose. Only one of them - a Dragokkaren named Tanya - looked like she would have only a little problem with taking him... and he had to admit, she would likely be taking a place by his throne right up here beside Cherry.

She was seated between a German Sheppard named Gwenivyre - small breasts, but a very, very fit body and Zerrex thought he recognized her from the police force - and a mouse who looked like a fashion model, with a sumptuous, large bosom and a sleek, pristine form that she obviously was more than happy to flaunt. Tanya, however, outdid both those girls in Zerrex's eyes...

She was taller than Cherry... perhaps almost as tall as him, and no more than half a foot shorter at most. Her body was lithe but her arms and legs were muscular and built well, and she had an impressive bust that rivaled Cherry's often-unmatched set of breasts. She smiled at Zerrex teasingly when she approached, bowing instead of curtsying as the others had down, and he'd had her spin once and flex for him before she'd become an instant favorite that he felt he'd have to indulge - after all, it was rare that he met someone who looked like they could take him all in and scream with pleasure from the start. Hell, she even made the other Drakkaren Cherry had brought pale in comparison to her ... both Selena and the last female, named Maria. Not to say there wasn't still an allure there, though... Maria had a fit body that moved with a natural, easy grace, and she had a wonderful shade of red scales that he'd love to see contrast against his own.

That left the six males to be introduced, as the last female in line sat back down... and Zerrex had to admit he was looking forwards to this. Whereas the females had mostly been on the smaller, average side and of various sizes... she knew that Zerrex was more particular about the kind of males he enjoyed sexuality with when not on a job. And from the looks of it, she had truly outdone herself.

The first in line was a Drakkaren with a powerfully-muscled body, his hide of evergreen scales taunt against his form as he walked forwards and then bowed deep before standing straight and tall, hands behind his straight back as he tilted his head up with a smile: Zerrex noted a tattoo, and immediately labeled him as ex-military. Probably one of the reasons Cherry had picked him as well... he grinned slightly as his eyes roved down to examine his flaccid member and fair-sized testicles, then he asked casually, before the reptile could speak his name: "How large are you when erect? And yes, the others should announce this too, with their name."

"Sir. Sixteen inches, sir." He replied crisply, and Zerrex licked his muzzle slowly. He'd definitely want to have a conversation or two with this respectful young soldier outside of this little world, that was for sure. "My name is Mark Hanrahan, sir! Ex-Special Forces Corps, unit one-thirteen-twenty-five."

"Nice. Still remember down to the base number, but I suppose that was drilled into your head." Zerrex said musingly, leaning on the side of the throne before waving the Drakkaren back. He nodded respectfully, and Zerrex watched him leave with a grin and a flash of interest in his emerald eyes. But five bucks says he was dishonorably discharged or cracked under pressure. The only people who leave the Special Forces that young go with their stripes cut or in a body bag. It's the dream job of every young soldier, after all. Different rules, special training.

The next in line wasn't as interesting, but Zerrex did admit he was impressed by the grizzly's bulky body - he looked almost as muscular as he himself was, although he had a keg instead of a six-pack, to use the vernacular. The reptile didn't mind the slight belly so much, though... more than likely, it was all muscle under the single layering of fat probably caused by a few too many beers each weekend. The tan-furred grizzly said he was named Jeremy, and that he had a fourteen inch shaft; for some reason, the name struck a chord with the Drakkaren, but he couldn't think of why.

But before he bothered to think on it more, the next rose up and walked forwards... almost strutted, but Zerrex didn't blame him, as his eyes flickered with deep interest again at the grinning, black-scaled Dragokkaren. The grizzly had certainly been impressive... but this reptile was even more powerfully-built, and without the extra layering of fat. He looked like the giant, older brother of the Drakkaren that had approached first... standing at what looked like eight feet, he gave Zerrex a run for his money in tallest in the room.

He bowed deeply, one arm in front and the other behind him, then said in a deep, proud voice: "It's a great honor to be here, Boss. My name is Draylin Hezrow, but most simply call me Dray. I'm twenty inches when erect."

Zerrex paused at this, then he said softly: "Hezrow. You're from Hez'Ranna, aren't you... the Hellbreed Jungle. What the more religious of our kind call the Sacred Cradle, the birthplace of all Drakkai?" Drakkai... the species that includes the purebred Dragokkaren like Requiem, the pure Drakkaren like Cherry ,and the half-and-halfs like me... not to mention the stories of the freak 'first-blood' species, the reptile added mentally, watching the surprised reaction of Dray. Then, before the black-scaled reptile could speak, he added mildly: "And the Hezrow were one of the ruling families of Hez'Ranna."

"True." Dray smiled at this, but a faint blush rose in his cheeks as he said softly: "But as in the traditions of the Hez'Ranna families, when we were sized at birth, we were deemed runts. When we became adults, we were still not as strong as the others or as tall or thick-bodied... so we were exiled from Hez'Ranna, because the pure Hezrow name wouldn't stand the disgrace of our presence. But I don't want to bore you-"

"Does the name Markus Requiem Narrius mean anything to you?" Zerrex asked softly, as he leaned forwards a bit in the throne, the game forgotten for the moment. At these words, Dray and another huge Dragokkaren that sat in the back row shifted uncomfortably, and then the black scaled Dragokkaren glanced up at Zerrex questioningly, and the reptile nodded.

Dray turned and made a beckoning motion to the other Dragokkaren seated nearby, and the larger male nodded before standing and walking forwards. Zerrex sized him up, filing away the details and feeling faintly impressed as he took his place by his brother - he too had dark scales, but his were a deep navy blue that lightened considerably over his chest, and his body was probably a bit more bulky and beefy than his brother's... he almost reminded Zerrex of pictures he'd seen of Requiem when he was younger. He was also probably a few inches taller than the Drakkaren that was seated in his throne of power, which made him wonder why he'd never noticed the presence of these two giants before. "It's an honor, Boss... my name is Terrance Hezrow. I have a twenty-two inch penis... but I suppose you want to hear more about the legends than our sizes at this point?"

Zerrex smiled a bit, although he still felt impressed nonetheless. "Yes, I would, although you're certainly impressive... but please. What do you know about Requiem Narrius?"

The two shifted again, then Dray looked up at his brother; it was more in the way he shifted his body than he tilted his head, and Zerrex got the feeling that Terrance was the older, or at least wiser, of the pair. Terrance shifted uncomfortably, but when he spoke, his oddly-gentle voice carried the confidence of a natural storyteller. "It's been said that, eighty years ago, a challenge was issued from the Narrius family, which I assume you're from to know the names and traditions you do. There were only two challengers, but it's said they ripped through the entire private army employed by our forefathers without hesitation, although they were both young.

"One of them held the grace of a king, and fought like a warrior angel... and he possessed all the strength that Heaven had to offer as well. It's probably exaggerated, but it's been said he killed no less than fifty soldiers that night before finally crushing the two youngest brothers of the Hezrow family, the Princes Alan and Targis. The other, however, was like a savage beast, the opposite of the younger Dragokkaren. He fought with all the fury and raw power of Hell, and it is said he gloried in the carnage and annihilated without mercy at least a hundred of our cohorts and soldiers before he slaughtered the sisters and brothers that remained, and killing Lady Tianna, who was one of the Queens of Hez'Ranna.

"The King of the family, his youngest son, and his two sisters were spared, however... the genocide of the Hezrow family unsuccessful because of a traditional fishing trip, of all things." Terrance smiled faintly at this, then he shook his head slowly. "But the Narrius family apparently then continued to take other royal and ruling families down by force, until Hez'Ranna belonged to the vanguard of the Narrius family, named Ifret... but one day, they simply left, and no one knows where they'd gone to." A pause, then the two brothers smiled faintly and bowed to Zerrex again, as Terrance added quietly. "It would make sense that you're the descendant of one of those two, with no offense meant, sir."

Zerrex smiled faintly in return, then he nodded slowly and stood before bowing in return, making the two brothers blush deeply, looking humbled: the Drakkaren, however, was more than familiar with traditional custom of Hez'Ranna. Then he sat back down and said gently: "Come with me later tonight, and I'll tell you all I know. Until then, I thank you two for the services you've provided me today."

"Our pleasure, sir." Dray responded, then the two brothers sat back down in their places. For a few moments, there was an awkward silence, then finally, a young, masculine buck approached; the elk Cherry had first laid eyes on and decided to snag. "Um... hello, sir. I'm Lexington... I have a... an eighteen inch penis."

He blushed deeply, as Zerrex looked over him appreciatively and tried to get back into character... and looking at this shy, short-haired buck certainly helped him get back into the mood as he nodded, then waved him away... watching his small tail and buttocks waving back and forth as he left. Then, finally, the last male got up an came forwards; a timber wolf with gray fur and a well-muscled body, chiseled abs and the white fur over his chest cropped short to accent his musculature. He seemed to have almost no body fat, all of his muscles toned and wonderful... but most striking about him were his sharp amber eyes, which were both intelligent and thoughtful. He announced his name as Lopos - Ugh. That's almost as bad as Lone Wulfe, Zerrex thought mildly, trying to ignore Cherry's sniggering from beside him - and that he had a fourteen inch penis.

It was definitely a good collection, all-in-all... and Zerrex licked his muzzle slowly before sitting back in his throne and idly sizing them all up again. Then he finally smiled slightly and said softly: "It feels like it's been a good hour since we've all gotten to know each other... I'm feeling like I could use a nice snack. One of you should go and request something like... oh, grapes, to be clichéd, to feed me... I think I want you to do it, buck."

Zerrex's eyes settled on the elk, who jumped and flushed deeply before nodding and stammering out a "Y-Yes, Master!" before he ran quickly off on his assigned duty. The Drakkaren grinned slightly at this, then he turned his gaze to the brothers and said idly: "I think it'd be an amusing little diversion if you two wrestled together, but keep it light and more slow-grappling than anything else, give me a pleasant show... you're alright with that, aren't you?" The reptile knew that there'd be no problem, undoubtedly: in Hez'Ranna, the popular and traditional way of losing one's virginity was with one's brothers and sisters... generally sleeping with all of them over the course of a week. And they were big families there.

"Of course not, sir." Dray grinned and said immediately, then he winked at Terrance, who looked like he was already relaxing somewhat. He nodded as well, then the two stood up and approached the mattress before taking up opposite ends, then both of them squatting and putting their hands down in front of them, grinning at each other but waiting for confirmation from Zerrex to begin.

The Drakkaren nodded, but held up a hand when Dray moved to lunge forwards a bit, to start the grapple. He blushed and sat back, as Zerrex looked around idly, then he pointed to Tanya - the female Dragokkaren, who smiled up at Zerrex with her eyes half-lidded and a bit of color in her cheeks - as he said softly: "I like your looks. Come up here and sit on my lap. And one of you other girls... you, Ellie, right? Why don't you go and get a footstool, then you can rub my feet."

He smiled slightly, watching the cat nod and curtsy again as she blushed deeply before running off, then Zerrex shifted back a bit in his throne as Tanya slipped into his lap, wrapping one arm around his neck and rubbing his chest slowly as she purred softly: "Oh Master... this is truly such a wonderful honor for me... sitting in your lap, feeling your power..."

"You haven't felt it yet, my gorgeous slave... but you will soon enough." Zerrex replied with a grin back into her eyes, lightly stroking a finger down the underside of her muzzle. Then, as she leaned down, he drew teasingly back before switching his attention to the others, as one arm wrapped firmly around her waist and squeezed her against his body, enjoying the feeling of her hand playing over his mostly-bare chest. "I want you two... yes, the Drakkaren... to come up here and rub my shoulders. And you two, Lopos and Jeremy, get in line behind the two Dragokkaren... once one of them pins the other, you can switch in and wrestle a bit yourselves." He paused, watching as the females approached and the two males went to their appointed positions, idly looking over who that left. Two females, and one male... well, I know how to make that work fine, especially since Cherry's up here, too... "Mark, yes? I think Cherry wants to make friends with you... come up here and meet her. And you two girls, come up here on my other side and... make friends yourself."

The Drakkaren grinned a bit as he felt two pairs of hands gently beginning to work his shoulders, then he relaxed back in the throne a bit and let out a sigh of pleasure, closing his eyes for a moment as he heard Tanya whispering gentle nothings to him and stroking slowly over his chiseled abdominals. Then he left his eyes open to glance first at the two females who had taken up their stations to his left, tilting his head slightly to look past Tanya.

Gwenivyre, the German Sheppard, had her eyes closed and back arched a bit as the busty mouse kissed slowly down her neck, her hands moving expertly along her sides with the gentlest of brushes, one cupping her buttock and the other continuing to rove chastely along her body. In return, the canine was lightly trailing her hands against the taunt stomach of the mouse, who was whispering something softly into the canid's ear... it made Zerrex grin slightly, then he turned his gaze to the other side.

Cherry had the fellow Drakkaren locked in a kiss, and one of her hands was idly playing over his abs, the other curled around his waist - his arms were locked around her neck, and one leg was wrapped around her waist as he leaned back, the usual role of male and female obviously reversed here as Cherry broke the kiss and grinned hungrily down at Mark. The blue-scaled Drakkaren blushed deeply as he opened his eyes and looked back, then he kissed and nuzzled at her throat slowly before twitching as one of Cherry's hands slid down to squeeze his dark-fleshed shaft, urging him up towards erection as he murmured: "Oh... ma'am..."

"Miss or sir, but call me ma'am and I rip your balls off." Cherry responded in a sweet voice, and Mark's eyes widened as he stared up at her stupidly for a few moments. The muscular female merely grinned in return, then silenced any further words or uncertainties with another kiss as she trailed one finger up his growing shaft.

Zerrex felt more amused than horny right now, despite the goings-on around him, as he gazed towards the center mattress, where the two Dragokkaren were still standing ready... and then he rose his hand, and they lunged at each other, meeting in the middle and then pausing to lean against each other for a moment before rolling once, their movements powerful, graceful, and liquid without being too fast. Zerrex smiled as he watched this for a few moments, then he leaned up to kiss Tanya, who let out a soft sound of pleasure into his muzzle and bucked against him - he could feel a growing heat from her crotch, as she rested against his body, and he slowly drew one of his hands down her stomach as the other cradled her against his muscular form, enjoying the power and control he felt as the entire world in this room revolved around him.

Outside, the elk leaned on the counter with a sigh, looking at the security guard with a bit of a blush as they talked and waited for the OPOS staff to bring the requested items. He looked down a bit at the question of the golden retriever, than back up and said thoughtfully: "I dunno. I'm gay, not bi, so obviously I'm gonna be biased and say Zerrex. I gotta admit though, Cherry isn't so bad-looking. I'd love to ask her what she does to work out, but I'm kinda shy , too..."

"Yeah, but... like... I think that's just the way she was born, personally. I mean, her guns are bigger than yours, dude." The golden retriever replied amusedly, and Lexington rubbed at one of his arms with a bit of a wince. "But you know-"

"I'll show you a big gun." muttered a voice, and the two males looked up with a start to see a harried-looking white wolf standing in the entrance, a leather jacket hanging loosely from his shoulders despite his bulge of gut. He glared back and forth, then, before the security officer could react, Lone drew the massive magnum revolver from where it was holstered at his waist and took aim at Lexington, barking: "Hands up, both of you, or I blow this deer's head off! Don't make me say it twice!"

"Elk." Lexington corrected almost silently, then he winced and did as he was told; behind him, the young guard had also already complied, looking terrified. Lone glared around the room, then eyed the shy cat who had sat down on the couch. She had stared back in horror, then fainted, and Lone had snorted before turning his attention to the two males before him: they both noticed that the gun was trembling violently, but it only increased the sense of intimidation. After all, the wolf looked like a psycho... a sane person would likely think twice before shooting someone, but no one could count on the insane to do anything.

The wolf glared back and forth, then he jerked his head and said harshly: "Come around the counter, and then both of you get down on your stomachs. And don't even bother with the alarm." Lone gave a cracked laugh as he jerked the huge, rectangular revolver at the two of them, watching as they both lay flat and then grinning maniacally - his emotions were running rampant, and he had utterly no idea of what he was doing here anymore. "If I actually shoot the Boss, then I'm going to be dead anyway. And if I don't... the likelihood of me walking out alive is about... oh... zero! Ha"

Lone gave another cracked laugh, then he quickly hopped over the two before shoving through the doors and yelling loudly: "Party's over!"

Originally, the wolf's plan had been to confront Zerrex at his home... to scare him with the gun - if possible - and maybe even shoot him, if it came right down to it... although he was beginning to think that shooting Zerrex with this gun would be the equivalent of shooting a pissed-off Hell's Angel with a little plastic BB gun... not smart, in other words. So the wolf had climbed on the bus, of all things... and had quickly gotten lost in the transit system, before he'd finally stared out the window and seen his sports car. He'd yelled and danced around in the aisle, saying he needed to get off, and the bus driver had cheerfully ignored him until Lone had jerked his gun out of his coat. Then he'd been kicked quickly off the bus, and the wolf had walked quickly back to the OPOS facility with the gun shoved in his waistband.

This, of course, had had the effect of entirely destroying Lone's plan. For one thing, OPOS hated him and the way he had tried to wipe them off the map once they'd kicked him out for trying to get all the females in the room in one big orgy with him. For another thing, it was crowded. And finally, they weren't all sex-starved losers who just wanted to get laid by anyone and through any means possible... some of the people here looked damn good and obviously were tough enough to take him out if they wanted to. Finally, it meant searching the whole compound, which the wolf didn't want to do... but luck - or maybe it was the worst struck of luck, ever, in history, that he'd had - had guided him to this place first, and he'd heard the two at the front talking about Zerrex... meaning he'd hit jackpot first shot off. An amazing thing... or possibly very terrible.

And so now the wolf was here... but instead of the calm, cool strut he'd hoped he'd be able to pull off, and the fake confidence he had tried to coat himself in and armor himself with... he was laughing maniacally as he walked forwards, a twisted grin on his face that made even Dray and Terrance back off and look shocked, then both Dragokkaren looked up at Zerrex... but the Drakkaren stood and gently put Tanya down as most of the members of his little congregation scattered behind the pillars with shrieks. Zerrex walked forwards slowly, to the edge of the mattress, as Lone continued to approach jaggedly, then he motioned the two muscular reptiles to move aside, and they did so with matching frowns. A pause, and Zerrex absently realized they were twins... not identical, but close. His second meeting with a pair of twins in one day... wonders never ceased, right?

Cherry quickly approached his side, and the reptile glanced over his shoulder to see that both Tanya and the military Drakkaren were hiding fearfully behind his throne, before he glanced forwards again to see that a few others had dashed past Lone and through the doors when they'd realized the psychotic-looking wolf was only after Zerrex. The Boss frowned as he put his arms behind his back, Cherry standing nervously nearby, then she winced back as Lone turned his gaze on her and tilted his head, muzzle almost foaming as he looked at her and then forced a smile, saying in a squeaky, broken voice: "Look, Cherry! I'm standing up for you... I want to be your friend! Please, let me show you how far I'll go for you, I don't want to be alone, don't want to be alone, a lone Lone, anymore." A pause, then Lone began to give horrible, cracked laughter, grabbing his skull with one hand and shaking wildly back and forth, bringing the gun up as Zerrex's anger fell away and he felt only pity.

"Alone, a lone Lone! Get it? Get it?" he howled, then attempted to snarl and grin a the same time, distorting his features as he stomped forwards over the mattress, before shoving the gun into Zerrex's chest, through the metal ring of the bandolier and yelling: "I'm not scared of you and I don't need you! I want you to stop hogging Cherry all to yourself, and I want you to respect me and not be mean to me or use her! You be nice to her, or I'll... I'll kill you if you try and keep me a lone Lone!"

"Then pull the trigger." Zerrex said quietly, looking down at the wolf, and Lone froze. The reptile reached up to grasp the barrel of the gun, holding it firm as he guided the black metal rectangle up over his heart, saying calmly: "Pull the trigger, Lone. Here's the chance you've wanted for all these years. For the last three years, we've been dancing... and you planned to kill me, but almost died yourself in the betrayal. So here, Lone. Pull the trigger. Go ahead. But what's it going to get you?"

"I can do it... I can do it..." Lone whispered, his entire body trembling violently... but the gun suddenly felt too heavy, his arm too tired, and his eyes stared up at Zerrex with something like horror as his mind slowly worked to process what was happening, what the implications of the Drakkaren's words meant. Then, as suddenly as he'd decided to take this destructive path, he realized he couldn't... and he fell silently backwards as he released the gun, hitting the mattress and slumping as he whispered quietly: "I can't..."

Zerrex nodded and lowered the gun, looking down at the wolf with sympathy as he held the revolver out, down to the wolf... and Lone blinked quietly before looking up at him silently, reaching up to grasp the wooden handle quietly. "What... why are you..."

"You're not a bad person, Lone. You're just an idiot. Your intentions were pure, but you were being selfish... thinking of what you wanted, instead of what was right, and what Cherry would have wanted. If she's your friend, you have to think about what's best for her, too... what's right for her." Zerrex responded gently, letting the wolf take the revolver from him and watching the lupine stare down at it, holding it tight in his hands as he began to rock slowly back and forth on the spot. "You could never pull the trigger, and even if you did, you'd realize later that you'd betrayed me in the same way your Apple Villa crusader friends betrayed you... and Cherry would never have wanted to be around you again either, and I see you having a very nasty end."

He stopped, then looked down at the wolf pityingly for a few more moments before turning back to approach his throne again, feeling that he could at least get things going with the few people who remained... but then Lone swallowed thickly and spoke up in a heated, trembling voice: "But I want Cherry to be my friend..."

"I am your friend, you fucking retard!" Cherry snarled, rounding on the wolf... then blushing furiously as Zerrex gave her a surprised look. She coughed, but then forced herself to continue on anyway, saying darkly: "Just because I'm your friend doesn't mean I can sacrifice every little minute for you, when you're living the high life and happy off in your mansion, but Zerrex here is almost breaking his body with training and worry for his daughter... I have..." she stopped, then quieted and said in a softer voice that was as much to herself as the wolf: "I have responsibilities I have to live up to. And promises I need to keep."

"But..." Lone stared and trembled violently, feeling everything falling apart as he crawled forwards towards the two across the mattress, whispering up to her: "But I can make you happier... please you more..."

Zerrex sighed, closing his eyes and reaching a hand up to touch his temple... but then he frowned a bit as Cherry nudged him, and opened his eyes to see that she was grinning down at the lupine in a rather unsettling way. Then she looked at him with half-lidded eyes before saying sweetly: "I think that sounds like a challenge, Zerrex... he thinks he can please me more than you can."

"I heard." Zerrex said mildly, then he paused as he realized the implications of her words, frowning at the female as he rose his hands. "Hey. Wait. You aren't thinking-"

But Cherry had already squatted down, reaching out to tickle under the wolf's chin and making him smile hesitantly, eyes and ears only for her as she smiled at him soothingly. "So, Lone. You think you can pleasure me more than Zerrex, huh? Would you be willing to do anything to try and prove that? How about participating in a little bet, then?"

Lone immediately nodded, wiping his eyes and looking at her childishly. "Yeah, yeah, sure! I'll do anything, bet anything... because I know I'm a better friend than he is." He grinned widely, then looked up at Zerrex with a blush and added in a mumble: "No offense. But it's true."

The Drakkaren merely rolled his eyes at this, however, then he sighed and looked at Cherry, who was looking up at him with big eyes and a slight, devilish smile. "Fine, Cherry. I'll play your little game, then..." A pause as he looked at the wolf, crossing his arms and tilting his head mildly. "You realize what she wants, right? She wants us to have sex with her... one, then the other, however she wants it from us... and then whoever can stay up the longest and give her the most pleasure wins."

Eudaemon II: Dragon and Colossus, Part 17

Lone stared up at the reptile, wondering if he had just heard right as Cherry muttered something about ruining all the surprises. The wolf also realized that he couldn't back out now... it would be a shameful retreat, and make him look like he was an...

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Eudaemon II: Dragon and Colossus, Part 15

Zerrex awoke feeling anxious the next morning, emerald eyes staring at the ceiling of his room... and strangely lonely, as well. But then, as he sat up in bed and tossed his covers aside, he couldn't help but give a bit of a faint smile. He'd gotten...

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Eudaemon II: Dragon and Colossus, Part 14

Tinman panted hard in the twilight, a slight wince of strain on his muzzle as he rubbed at one of his arms slowly, staring at Zerrex. The reptile was panting hard as well, wincing a bit but still holding a firm ready pose, the two facing at odds....

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