Eudaemon II: Dragon and Colossus, Part 17

Story by Zerrex Narrius on SoFurry

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#17 of Eudaemon II: Dragon and Colossus

Lone stared up at the reptile, wondering if he had just heard right as Cherry muttered something about ruining all the surprises. The wolf also realized that he couldn't back out now... it would be a shameful retreat, and make him look like he was an impotent idiot. So instead he forced out a smile, then nodded as he stood and quickly stripped off his jacket, tossing it aside and trying to psych himself up as he said in a faint voice: "Of course! I... I'm looking forwards to... proving that my... I'm better in bed than even the legendary... Boss..."

Zerrex looked at the wolf and wondered for not the first time if he had brain damage, before shrugging slowly and rolling his shoulders. Then Cherry straightened and quickly threw an arm around both of them, grinning as she said cheerfully: "Well, you guys can take me one at a time at first... your choice of sex. And then I'll give you oral and see who can last the longest and give the biggest load, huh?"

"Twice in a row?" Lone stammered, then he couldn't help but look at the bulging crotch of the Drakkaren and feel a sinking horror in his chest. Oh shit oh shit oh shit. I don't even have any of those pills on me! "Um... I mean... yeah, sure, no problem! So long as you can keep up, that is, Boss..."

The much-taller male looked down at the wolf with vague amusement: the fact that Lone was trying to be falsely-confident instead of actually believing he was all that made him actually more of an endearing asshole than a completely-stupid asshole. He merely nodded, then Cherry slapped them both firmly on the back - enough to make Zerrex wince and Lone fall forwards with a grunt, before he quickly scrambled to his feet as the female Drakkaren said cheerfully: "I'll undress you both first... get you both up and aroused... and then we'll decide who goes first. And whoever loses our little contest here..." a pause, then her eyes gleamed and she said with a wide grin: "Whoever loses... has to suck the winner's cock."

Lone stared at Cherry with horror... but then he glanced up and blinked as he Zerrex shifted uncomfortably and rubbed the back of his head. Then the wolf took a quick look around the room and realized what had been going on in here - it was OPOS, after all. Maybe the Drakkaren had just finished a few sessions or something like that... and he was tired, and thus he wouldn't be able to get up at all! This thought made the wolf swell with confidence inside... and he could feel something else swelling as well, as Cherry looked at him and rubbed her body close against his, making color rise in his cheeks as she asked in a sensuous voice: "Well... are you okay with that, Mayor Wulfe?"

"Oh... sure! Sounds... sounds like fun!" Lone grinned stupidly, then he blushed deep and quickly added: "Getting sucked off my the Boss, I mean, that'll be great when I win, not the other way around..." Although now... the wolf couldn't help but feel his eyes returning to that bulge in Zerrex's shorts, and a voice whispering curious questions about what it would be like to have the Drakkaren's thick meat in his muzzle... what it would taste like, and how big it was...

He tried to shake the thoughts off, focusing instead on Cherry, and her breasts, and the way her legs curved and the slit of her vagina and... the muscles of her arms... but before the wolf could catch himself for his last thought, the female cleared her throat and rose her hands in the air, saying loudly and clearly: "Okay everyone, gather around! We've got our challenger here, Lone Wulfe, the mayor... and our lord and master here, Zerrex Narrius, the legendary Boss!" A pause, and then she grinned around at the greatly cut-down group composed of the twin Dragokkaren, Tanya, Maria, and Mark... all reptiles, in other words. She didn't have a problem with it, really... but the last two still looked edgy, like they wanted to run away if they were given the chance. She figured they'd calm down once Lone threw away the gun he was still waving around without realizing it, though.

"First, I'll undress Lone..." Cherry said cheerfully, then she walked over to the wolf and gently pried the gun out of his hands, smiling encouragingly to him as she leaned down and kissed his neck gently, whispering for him to put his arms out. The wolf shuddered in bliss and closed his eyes, then he nodded and held them out as he felt Cherry's hands move slowly over his chest, his penis pushing up against the fabric of his loose boxers, making his pants tent out as he felt her undoing the buttons of his shirt before easily pulling it off his body.

She rubbed gently over his belly, then moved her hands down to the fly of his pants and easily flicked the button open before zipping it slowly down, leaning forwards to kiss his throat gently. The wolf shuddered again, closing his eyes and melting against her hands as he felt her slowly pulling his pants down, then dropping down to her knees, teasingly nuzzling the pink flesh as it pushed fully out from his sheath, knot bulging as his firm cock throbbed dully. He shifted, feeling proud and amazingly aroused as the female Drakkaren slowly pulled the shoes off the lupine, then lightly pulled his pants and boxers free and tossed them aside, leaving the wolf standing entirely naked.

He opened his eyes, then grinned as Cherry stood, wrapping his arms around her as she grasped his hips, pushing forwards and kissing him slowly: the wolf kissed her hungrily back, their tongues working together for a few moments of bliss for the lupine before she stepped back and winked, trailing a finger under his muzzle before turning to Zerrex and saying teasingly: "Think you can beat that, Boss?"

"I'm sure we'll see." Zerrex responded, looking at the lupine with faint amusement, eyes sizing the wolf up. A penis that was larger than the usual, perhaps, but nothing impressive like even the smallest in the room... but then he was looking down at Cherry dominatingly, reaching up to squeeze her shoulders as he watched as her hands moved lightly along his sides before reaching up for the buckles, and the reptile said softly: "Slow. Do it slow."

The female nodded and kissed his throat in response to this, then she slowly undid the first buckle, loosening it as far as it would go before moving to the next top buckle, undoing that as well before gently removing it. She grinned slightly, rubbing their muzzles together slowly as she stood on the tips of her toeclaws, and Zerrex gave a sound of pleasure and affirmation before pushing gently down on her shoulders, forcing her to drop to her knees.

Lone stared, suddenly feeling amazingly anxious and uncertain as he reached down to grasped his own fleshy member, stroking it idly... but he already felt stiff and hard, aroused to the point where even this gentle stroking was enough to almost enough to make him want to pump himself madly until he came. He could feel the anxiety growing as Cherry slowly undid the clasp of the belt and pushed down the crotchless chaps Zerrex was wearing, and his mouth went dry, the lupine scared of the feelings rolling through his body... but amazingly aroused all the same.

The reptile stepped out of his pants, then Cherry reached up, grinning, as she slowly drew down the reptile's tight leather shorts, giving a soft sound of pleasure as Zerrex twitched and licked his muzzle slowly, looking down at her and moving one hand to rest in the center of his back, the other reaching down to rest on her skull as he looked down at her softly.

Slowly, she continued to draw down the reptile's shorts... and the black flesh of the reptile's shaft began to show, inch by inch by inch of still-flaccid shaft steadily unveiling. Lone found himself gaping in amazement as Zerrex finally stepped out of his shorts and Cherry threw them away, then the female slowly stood up and pressed gently against the powerful reptile's side, murring softly as she kissed at his throat and reached down to grasp the gigantic but still-soft member.

Slowly, she began to stroke it as she pressed firmly into his side, the large male idly wrapping an arm around her, and then Zerrex glanced over at Lone with a slight smile, tilting his head upwards and saying mildly: "It looks like mine's bigger even when I'm not hard... so about how big are you, Lone? Nine, ten inches? I'm thirty-two, overall, when hard... but don't worry. I cause a lot of pain to most people until they get used to me... Cherry, of course, is pretty used to having me take her though, so I can even get rough with her and she likes it just fine."

The muscular female gave a quite murr at this, as Zerrex spread his legs slightly and let his eyes slip closed, arching his back and grinning slowly as his gargantuan length slowly grew towards full erection. Lone could only stare and watch, wondering with something like amazement how anyone could possess a penis so huge and how it would even work, as it slowly grew until it was its near-three-foot length, a throbbing tower of obsidian flesh. Lone felt himself leaking pre at the sight of it, and he almost wanted to turn away as he watched Zerrex and Cherry kiss slowly again... not because of jealousy, but because of how aroused it was making him. He couldn't take his eyes off the Drakkaren's powerful body...

Zerrex nuzzled Cherry slowly, then he looked across at Lone, who was drooling, a long string of saliva hanging from his gaping muzzle... amusingly enough, his penis too had released a long string of pre dangling from the hip, which didn't make it hard to guess which brain the wolf was thinking with right now. But it was also curious, and Zerrex winked at the lupine and flexed one arm, making his thick muscles bulge and the lupine blush furiously, answering the question in the Drakkaren's mind. Well then. Maybe Cherry was right after all... this could definitely prove interesting, at least. "How about you go first, Lone? You look all riled up and ready, anyway."

"Yeah... sure..." Lone said faintly, then he dragged his eyes away from Zerrex as the reptile stepped backwards, putting his hands behind his head and letting his immense girth stand free. The wolf forced himself to look down at Cherry, however, who was now laying on her back with her legs spread, her arms out as she smiled slightly up at him, and Lone fell to his knees before crawling unsteadily forwards and leaning in towards her, barely able to breathe.

The muscular female grinned, whispering softly: "It's quite amazing, huh? Why don't you just give up now and give in to what I and everyone else in this room knows by now... just give in to what you really want to do, I mean." Cherry half-lidded her eyes, adding in a soft breath: "It's really great to try, and you'll probably find you like it..."

"I don't know what you're talking about." Lone said in a strangled voice, but he was afraid he did, as he positioned himself over her and then swallowed thickly, managing to grin and mumbling: "It's not the size, it's how you use it... I'll... I'll take you on the ride of your life, baby..."

Cherry merely smiled knowingly at the wolf, then she arched her back and let out a groan as the wolf pushed into her, exaggerating her movements and bucking up against him as the wolf thrusted hard forwards, his hands shifting to grip her hips tightly. He let out a whimper of pleasure through grit teeth, clenching his eyes shut at how hot and tight she was: he refused to believe that Zerrex could actually fit in here, or that his penis was really so huge... it had to be some illusion, some joke!

He couldn't resist looking up again as he began to thrust, feeling Cherry bucking easily back against him and groaning softly as she reached up to grasp his shoulders, the wolf leaning forwards and squeezing into her hips as he grunted quietly and worked his already steely-stiff shaft in and out of her tight, clenching vagina. He found his eyes once more locking on the reptile's massive shaft, as Zerrex stood with his arms crossed behind his chest, and the wolf felt drool coming to his mouth again as he began to ram harder in and out of Cherry, his knot striking firmly against the lips of her sex again and again and testicles swinging as he began to pant, his heart thudding in his chest before he suddenly slammed his weight forwards.

The wolf's thick knot sunk into her, and Cherry let out a loud moan and arched her back, cradling his waist with her strong legs as she bucked with greater firmness up against Lone, grinning as her arms wrapped around him and squeezed him down against her body. He was panting hard and already thrusting crazily, his stiff member thudding rapidly back and forth as the knot remained buried in her, the wolf moaning hungrily as he rocked his weight against her body again and again. She arched her back and let out another groan, bucking her waist firmly up towards him once more and making the wolf twitch and push hard down against her for a moment, his eyes wide open and staring past her at Zerrex.

She grinned, then leaned up and whispered: "He's taken me in every way possible, you know... and some that don't seem like it can happen... imagine cramming that whole length up your ass or down your throat, right to the hilt..."

"St... stop it!" Lone moaned, but his eyes remained locked on the male as he began to shove harder back and forth, dislodging his own knot a bit before hammering it back into her, thrusts wild and rapid as he rocked his weight and body against her, sweat rolling through his fur as he felt his ecstasy go up a notch and his orgasm rising faster as images spun through his head. Suddenly, he found himself unable to hold back, and he closed his eyes tightly as he bore his body down against Cherry's with all his strength, letting out a loud, strained cry of pleasure against her as his fingers dug into her hips as he began to move furiously fast, his stiff shaft twitching and then releasing several weak spurts of his seed into her body, the wolf flushing as his testicles jounced against the female's tail but never swung hard enough to reach her body, the wolf bucking rapidly before he finally came to a halt, panting quietly and resting atop the strong female's body as she made a gentle cooing noise and rubbed slowly down his back, looking at him with the same smile and something like sympathy, as the wolf trembled and kept his eyes clenched shut.

Finally, he looked up to see her expression, then he grunted as he tried to pull back, paws scraping against the ground and hands shoving against the floor beside her hips before he finally managed to pull free, stiff penis letting out another small squirt of seed before it began to retreat quickly back into his sheath. The wolf flushed as he looked down at Cherry, who rubbed over her stomach and closed her eyes, then she half-opened one and said idly: "You tried, wolf. That's what's important."

"Don't be cruel, Cherry." Zerrex said mildly, as he walked forwards, then he reached down and grabbed her leg, easily dragging her around in a circle as he dropped down over her, grinning as he pushed his thick member down so the head of the huge, stiff shaft rapped gently against her stomach. "Or I'll be cruel."

"But you know I love that..." Cherry replied with a soft murr, grinning in return, then she glanced up at Lone, who looked both humiliated and enraptured. "Now, watch and learn, wolf... you might not have the length, but Zerrex doesn't just use that to ram me..."

"Shut up." Zerrex said idly, as he reached a hand down and gently squeezed the female's crotch with it, trailing two fingers against the lips of her sex. Cherry twitched and grunted at the pressure of his palm on her clit, then the reptile slowly revolved his hand against the sensitive nub before drawing two fingers down and gently pushing them into her, saying softly: "He got you wet, at least... which is better than a lot of the other guys you'd go out and screw before me."

"They were foreplay!" Cherry argued playfully, but then she twitched and panted a bit as Zerrex thrusted his fingers lightly into her again. She opened her muzzle to say something else, but then the reptile lightly settled one hand on her breast as he added another finger and shoved in hard, stretching her slightly and making her grunt and arch her back, trying to hide her pleasure with a fake wince. "Hey, watch your-"

"Shut up." Zerrex repeated gently, slowly pulling his fingers back and glancing down at them, before bringing them up to the female's muzzle and twiddling them a bit. For a few moments, Cherry only looked at them... but then she met Zerrex's eyes and smiled slightly before leaning forwards and gently suckling on them, rolling her tongue around the thick digits and tasting both herself, her husband's flesh and the wolf's seed. She arched her back at the same time, pushing her chest up as the large male moved his hand to her other breast, rotating it slowly against her chest before drawing his fingers up to lightly flick over her nipple.

Then he allowed his hand to continue down, rubbing slowly over her stomach before pinning her gently, pushing firmly down against her chiseled abdominals. Zerrex slowly pulled his other hand back as Cherry let out a soft sound of desire, looking up at him with submission instead of the usual fight for domination. The tall Drakkaren grinned a bit at this, everyone else around them forgotten as he drew his hips back and lightly pushed his massive shaft down, rubbing the head of his enormous length against her lips, grinding it lightly up and down and making her breathe a bit harder as she looked up at him with desire. He could feel the heat of her sexual need, could feel her wetness with the head of his obsidian length of flesh... and then he guided himself gently down against her entrance, tilting his head as he asked in a voice that was almost teasing: "Do you want it, Cherry? Do you need it? Will you go to any lengths for it?"

"I do... I do..." the muscular female nodded in return, panting quietly and gazing hungrily back up at the reptile: it only made Zerrex grin all the wider as he nodded back, then he slowly rolled his hips, gyrating the head of his shaft against her sex and making her grunt quietly as the very tip forced its way between her welcoming lips, stretching them ever so slightly as the blunt, firm head of his shaft worked forwards a bit more.

"Then play with yourself for me... you have a pair of hands and a very nice pair of breasts... the math's simple." Zerrex responded in that same teasing voice, except now there was a hint of undeniable command as well. Cherry gazed hungrily up at Zerrex, twitching and excited by the voice the reptile was using, feeling him continuing to stimulate her with a gentle grinding against her entrance. He rewarded her with a nod and a smile as she brought her hands up from her sides to gently grasp her breasts, manipulating them lightly and pushing them together as the reptile set his eyes on them, then he said softly: "Good, bitch... that's right."

Cherry murred gently, then she let out a soft gasp, arching her back and squeezing her fingers into her own firm swells as she felt Zerrex suddenly buck forwards, her legs twitching as the enormous head of his shaft burrowed into her, making her pant quietly, moaning softly. A bit of blood dripped down from one of her stretched lips as her passage tore a bit, the female trembling as she let out another slow sigh of pleasure and amazement: it really felt like it had been too long since she had last been taken by the Drakkaren, had gotten laid by anyone who wasn't the fattened lupine who didn't know how to properly use his dick.

She groaned quietly, arching her back and slowly continuing to toy with and massage her own bust, as Zerrex reached down to lightly grasp her hips, then he thrusted forwards again with a grunt, his body flexing powerfully. Cherry let out another moan as she felt his thick length slide forwards, stretching her and forcing into her, making her spasm and rock her head from side-to-side, panting hard already as she felt her hot passage gripping the male's huge member: less than a third of it had been shoved into her so far, but already she was burning with pleasure and ecstasy. Her hands slowly played and squeezed with her bust as she gazed up at him with an expression of intense, stupefied pleasure, bucking her hips slowly to try and sink more of the gargantuan obsidian tower into her as she looked over his body hungrily, then finally let out a grunt and whispered: "You're bigger... not your cock, but all your other muscles..."

"Well, I have been working out." Zerrex replied in a soft voice... but there was no tremble, despite the fact he was in absolute pleasure: the reptile was in complete control, as his eyes flicked over her, watching her continuing to slowly massage and play with her swells as he began to slide forwards into her again, thrusting inch-by-inch into her body as she moaned and arched her back. She was already tightening, her passage sealing against his throbbing Drakkaren meat, but the reptile was only getting started as he murred deeply and leaned forwards a bit over her, letting his muscles flex again before he gave a sudden hard thrust that made Cherry nearly shriek, back arching and a bit more blood leaking from her stretched passage as she clenched her eyes shut: not in pain, but in pleasure.

Zerrex gave another loud, almost growl of pleasure, then he dropped his weight forwards as he reached one hand up to grip her shoulder firmly, pounding forwards again into her and this time causing the lips of her sex to kiss his crotch, her passage swallowing his entire cock as the powerful male let out a hungry groan of pleasure, arching his back down against the muscular female as Cherry squeezed her own breasts firmly in her hands, then she reached up to wrap her arms tightly around the powerful male's neck, her own muscles flexing firmly as her legs wrapped tightly around his waist. She ground her body up against her husband, eyes clenching shut as she let out a shriek of pleasure, bucking her hips firmly against the powerful reptile as Zerrex grunted again in ecstasy. Her tight walls gripped him, squeezing the hard flesh of his shaft tightly and covering him with a wonderful, burning pleasure; adding to this ecstasy was the feeling of her juices leaking down the gargantuan shaft, along with the extra lubrication of her blood from the tearing of her vagina.

Zerrex gave another murr of pleasure as he rocked forwards, slowly revolving his hips again to cause Cherry to twitch and buck against him, the female panting roughly and moaning as she stroked slowly up his spine and up his neck into the male's hair, squeezing her fingers against his scalp. She bucked slowly against him, feeling the huge shaft buried to the hilt in her body, filling her up and stretching her like she'd wanted for what seemed like an eternity but hadn't had... it hurt, too, but even the hurt was beautiful and just added to the bliss rolling through her body.

The huge cock of the male drew slowly back now, making her moan before Zerrex rocked firmly forwards with a grunt, slamming to the hilt into her again and making Cherry arch her back and release a long moan of pleasure, bucking her hips firmly in reply to the male's powerful movement. Her powerful muscles flexed as she rolled her body up against the male's, breasts pushing firmly up against his bulky chest, her eyes clenched shut as she pushed her head under his neck with a moan. Her passage squeezed the reptile's girthy tower of obsidian flesh firmly, his large testicles smacking firmly against her anus, then resting against the base of her tail as the large male murred hungrily.

He flexed slowly as he held her tightly up against him, one hand squeezing into her shoulder and his fingers digging into her hip, growling hungrily as his body covered the female's, pinning her easily beneath him as he began to thrust slowly in and out of the female, making her moan with every deep push of his obsidian shaft into her. His heavy navy orbs bounced against her with every shove of his huge member to the hilt, the sound of flesh striking solid flesh only adding to the harmony of sounds that were rising from the vociferously-moving pair.

Zerrex grunted as he picked up his thrusts slightly in speed and power after a minute or so of easy thrusting, his gigantic black penis thrusting into her over and over as Cherry rocked back with greater force, her moans and soft cries music to the reptile's ears. She bucked and shifted beneath him, clutching his waist with her legs, her passage clenching against the reptile's steel-hard member as he shoved it to the hilt again and again into her body, trying her best to resist the oncoming orgasm as some of her juices leaked out along the gigantic penis with her blood. Her breasts ground against his body as she panted hard, top of her muzzle pressing against her husband's throat, claws digging lightly into his back as he pushed his weight against her, causing her to groan and push her body back against the powerful male's.

One of the reptile's hands moved up to rub the female's firm abdominals, feeling her body flexing against his, and then he drew his hand down, flicking her clit lightly with his thumb as he continued to rock his thick shaft forwards into her over and over, causing her to twitch and give a sharper cry of pleasure, her eyes clenching shut as she bucked up hard at the same time. The simple gesture caused the already amazing pleasure to become unbearable, and Cherry released another cry, then another as she began to rock her hips ferociously against the gigantic meat of the male, her passage beginning to rhythmically clench against his huge shaft, squeezing it almost painfully as Zerrex grunted hungrily and then grinned, moving both hands up her body to grab her shoulders and forcefully pin her against the floor as she cried out again and rocked powerfully against him. Their eyes locked for a moment as the reptile raised himself a bit above the muscular female, feeling her hands moving to clench into his sides, her bulky muscles flexing as she arched her back, pushing her bust up towards him and then throwing her head back with a rising series of ecstatic cries, her juices releasing in a long torrent down the huge cock of the powerful male Drakkaren.

Zerrex continued to thrust quickly, powerfully, but easily into the female, growling hungrily as he watched her body squirm and buck under him, saw the sweat sheening off her scales and felt her moving against him with surprising strength, her passage enveloping his cock in a tight, amazingly pleasurable heat. His body flexed and worked above her as he slammed his thick shaft to the hilt into her vagina again and again, his testicles smacking loudly - and now wetly - against her anus, the sound and feeling only adding to the ecstasy in both reptiles. The strong male was nowhere through yet, his eyes sparkling with a deep lust and his grin wide and dominating; he was in control of both himself and the female beneath his powerful body, and every movement of his body spoke of that, as he continued to rock in and out.

Cherry was still in the grips of her orgasm, rocking harder against the male as she let out another almost-harsh shriek of pleasure: his continued, controlled movements and the feeling of him bearing down on her, the aura of power he held and the way he controlled her serving to draw it out into an agonizing ecstasy that was minutes long. Her passage clenched against the giant black-fleshed buried inside of her again and again, her juices continued to spurt and pour down the throbbing shaft, and she continued to buck and rock hard, her back arched, eyes clenched shut, and teeth grit as if in pain. The pleasure was intense and unmatched, and it left Cherry gasping for breath even as her orgasm finally began to subside, her hips bucking automatically with the continued thrusting of her lover as she moaned and trembled beneath him.

After a few more moments, Zerrex began to pick up speed again, grunting quietly as he moved one hand to squeeze a breast roughly, causing the female to moan loudly as she forced her head up to gaze at him submissively... and then, suddenly, the Drakkaren slammed his member forwards, rocking the female's body with the sheer power of his thrust and causing her to cry out before he drew slowly back, making her shudder with bliss, panting hard as she looked up at him, the reptile grinning and his eyes half-lidding as he looked down at her. His thrusts halted entirely, only the rounded head of his thirty-two inch cock remaining buried inside of her, his eyes glowing with power as he asked in a soft, teasing voice: "Do you want me to keep thrusting?"

"Yes... oh Gods yes... please..." Cherry moaned and squirmed, pushing her chest upwards as the Drakkaren's hand slowly squeezed and rolled one of her large breasts back against her body, panting softly as she gazed up at him with deep desire, the female sounding almost completely different from her usual character as she whispered up to him: "Oh please... give it to me hard... take me hard, I need you... I need you to take me, to keep thrusting in me, oh please... please..."

She bucked up against him, panting quietly, and Zerrex murred as he drew his hips back at the same time before thrusting forwards, burying half of his long member into her. The female groaned and rocked her head from side-to-side, body trembling beneath him, her hands rubbing up and down his sides, trying to urge him on as their eyes met, Cherry's gaze pleading with him. But under his power, she still felt the pleasure building, even without the Drakkaren pounding her with his member... and Zerrex's grin widened as he saw this in her eyes before he suddenly growled and thrusted forwards, hilting himself before starting to rapidly piston himself in and out, not bothering to hold back as he yelled down at her in a hungry, lust-filled voice: "Is this what you want, bitch? Is this it?"

The female's cries of ecstasy were response enough, mostly incoherent but a few random words that sounded like "Yes!" thrown in as well. She bucked hard against him, trying to keep up with the powerful, almost-violent rhythm the reptile had so-suddenly started, the steely shaft tearing down her passage again and again as his testicles slammed into her like wrecking balls. With the lubrication of her juices, the powerful male had no problem slamming his enormous length in and out of her again and again, every thrust digging to the hilt and striking with enough power to rock her backwards. Zerrex's grunts mixed with the shrieks of Cherry, their muscles bulging, bodies moving together as he continued to grin and looked down at her with deep desire burning in his emerald eyes.

Cherry could feel another orgasm rapidly rising in her passage, the pleasure rising rapidly and tinged with pain, which only caused her erotic bliss to treble in force. The huge male was slamming into her again and again with amazing force, causing her stretched passage to tear a bit more, a trickle of blood steadily spilling down from the lips of her sex and over the gigantic shaft, some of it dripping down to her tail and the rest smearing on the huge male's testicles. She moaned and rocked back against him harder and harder, her eyes staying tightly shut as she reveled in the feelings rolling through her body.

Zerrex pistoned his massive length in and out of the female below him, panting a bit now himself as he felt his steel-stiff shaft ramming deep in her over and over, ramming somewhere deep inside the female as his thick length was clenched by the gripping walls of Cherry's vagina. His toeclaws dug a bit into the cushiony mattress below them as he slid forwards slightly, arching his back a bit as Cherry's legs tightened around his waist, then he leaned down to firmly sink his jaws into her neck as his hands clutched her hips, the female spasming beneath him and letting out a cry of surprise that turned to a shriek of pleasure.

His teeth sank through scale and into flesh, drawing blood from her as his fingers dug into her hips, claws leaving shallow grooves along her scales as he began to move with even greater speed, growling in his throat as he felt his own orgasm beginning to rise now. Beneath him, Cherry bucked her hips frantically, trying to keep up to his manic pace as she shrieked and moaned, her hands moving up to twist her fingers in the ivory locks of the powerful male, squeezing into his scalp as the pleasure increased in leaps and bounds, the throbbing, thick and veiny black member drawing more than halfway free of her before slamming back to the hilt.

Then she began to rock harder against the huge male, eyes opening and mouth falling agape, her breaths shortening as she bucked her hips firmly up against the male's immense rod of flesh. Her hands clenched, yanking a bit on her lover's hair as she felt her passage clutching against the huge cock buried inside of her before it began to once more clench, contracting over and over again against the throbbing, steely cock tearing into her vagina, squeezing into the huge shaft hard enough to cause Zerrex to arch his back down against her with a grunt of surprise, teeth digging deeper into her for a few moments as his huge, muscular form ground down against her body. Her breasts bounced firmly as she bucked up against him, eyes clenching tightly shut again as she let out a howl of bliss, throwing her body into her movements as her juices once more spilled down the ebony penis of the Drakkaren.

Zerrex grunted hungrily as he pistoned himself in and out of the muscular female pinned easily beneath him, tearing his jaws back before releasing her from the love bite and looking down at her, grinning again as blood dripped from his muzzle and flowed down the female's shoulder, Cherry releasing another shriek and rocking her head from side to side as her hands stayed buried in his hair. Her fluids lubricated her passage and the massive length even further, soaking it with her juices and spilling out down her thighs and tail as she cradled his powerful body with her legs, moaning sharply as the male continued to pound into her, feeling his pleasure rising rapidly as he lowered his head to drag his tongue along the wound he'd inflicted, tasting her flesh, sweat and blood.

They continued to work together as the female's second orgasm finally slowed to a halt, Cherry moaning hungrily as Zerrex slammed his massive length into her over and over, his testicles slapping wetly against her anus again and again. The male grunted hungrily as he kissed and lapped at her exposed throat, feeling her arching her back, pushing her breasts up against him as she moaned and bucked beneath him. The enormous cock of the reptile buried to the hilt in her over and over, both of their bodies flexing, muscles bulging as sweat rolled down their scales, and then the large male finally felt himself starting to stiffen fully, growling hungrily as he moved his hands from her hips out to the sides, hands pressing firmly into the mattress on either side of the female's head as he shoved his shaft into her again and again, body rocking forwards slightly with every deep thrust.

The reptile's hard cock pounded into her over and over before Zerrex finally released a hungry groan of pleasure, eyes clenching shut as he reached one hand up to grab her shoulder, squeezing it into hard enough to grind bones together and making Cherry shriek beneath him as he slammed to the hilt with enough force to send a shudder through the female's body, then he began to piston violently fast in and out, drawing back almost a foot of his great length before slamming it back into her with lightning speed, the male arching his back and growling as his muzzle tilted up towards the ceiling, the muscular female beneath him only able to buck her hips hard back against him and cry out in deepest ecstasy, his huge navy orbs hitting her with enough force to be painful for them both as she felt his cock throbbing and stiffening up inside of her, a bit more blood spilling out as he tore and stretched her vagina even further. Then the powerful male tilted his head back and released a roar of pleasure, slamming his cock in and out of the female with his full strength, causing her body to rock and spasm as her shrieks of ecstasy mixed with the male's guttural, primal sound of bliss.

His massive shaft shot a burst of seed that made Cherry feel like someone had shoved a shotgun up her vagina and unloaded both barrels: her back arched and she let out a scream of pleasure as her head rocked back, hands spasming in the reptile's hair as she almost threw herself up off the ground into the powerful male's chest. Immediately, Zerrex's arms snaked around her as he released thick blast after blast of his hot seed into her body, squeezing around her waist in a tight embrace that squeezed her against his masculine chest. Cherry's own arms slipped down to wrap tight around his neck as she shoved herself up against his body, giving another shriek of pleasure as her vagina clutched his huge cock with incredible force as he continued to fire a torrent of his viscous load into her, much of it already squelching out with every hard thrust into her body and spilling down her thighs, coating the reptile's own crotch and his huge cock becoming splattered with his own juices.

Finally, he began to slow, both of them panting hard as Zerrex gently settled his body down atop the female's, Cherry moaning quietly and letting her head fall back as his thrusts came to a halt. He rested for a few moments in her, letting out a soft murr, then he slowly released her as she let her arms fall out to the sides, her legs falling from his waist as he drew slowly back before his huge member emerged from her with a thick plop, his seed spilling from her torn and stretched vagina to puddle on and soak into the mattress. Slowly, Zerrex stood, grinning down at her as she merely lay back, looking content for a few moments, before she too slowly got up to a crouch, both of them still breathing a bit hard but the male already back in firm control, and Cherry quickly getting her bearings as well as she shook her head, then grinned up at him. "That's what I'm talking about... I think the first round goes to you, Zerrex."

"Yeah. I was so nervous, really." The reptile's tone dripped sarcasm, then he shook his head slightly, idly stroking his still-hard member as he glanced around at the others, his grin turning to a slight, amused smile as he glanced around at the others: the twins were staring, Dray licking his hips hungrily, and they were both unashamedly erect. Zerrex paused as he looked at them both, not bothering to hide his gaze, then he winked to Terrance - his shaft glistened a bit from pre that had spilled down it or been smeared there from a stroking hand, whereas only Dray's head was shining. Both twins blushed, then Zerrex turned his gaze to Mark.

The ex-military male was also hard and throbbing, his hand moving slowly up and down the sixteen inch shaft he possessed as sweat rolled down his own scales, licking his muzzle slowly and then blushing deeply when he saw the male's emerald eyes settle on him for a few moments. Zerrex grinned a bit at this, then he finally moved his eyes to the last in line, but he didn't need to look to know Tanya was excited and amazed. He could feel her eyes burning into him, and when he did turn his gaze on her, a flush rose in her cheeks... but she was also leaning forwards excitedly, and he could see the glistening on her thighs from where he stood.

That left only his opposition... and the reptile turned to look at Lone, who was staring and drooling, his glistening, fleshy penis standing out full and erect as he looked at Zerrex with something like awe and... could that be desire? Whatever else, the barriers in the wolf's small mind seemed to have snapped, and the lupine looked like he was starting to embrace whatever weird urges he had... and Zerrex tilted his head curiously at the wolf, who immediately blinked, blushed deeply and then hugged himself in a nervous, self-conscious gesture as he began to stutter: "I... I just... that's... was... wow... huh? Ooh, hey!"

While the wolf had been babbling, Cherry had crawled sinuously over to the lupine, and now her hands had reached up, one settling on his testicles and the other gently stroking up and down his shaft. The wolf stared down at her, trembling, reaching down to settle his hands on her head automatically as she teasingly stroked up and down his shaft, the bottom of her hand hitting his sensitive knot with every downstroke and causing him to twitch. The lupine groaned a bit, his knees shaking as his ears flattened against his skull, his cheeks reddening further as she looked up at him and said in a teasing voice: "Now we're on to the second part of the contest, Lone... comparing how much you can shoot and how far." A pause, then a glance over at Zerrex before she grinned and tilted her head towards the twins, saying cheerfully: "Go help him out there, you two. It'll take at least twenty minutes otherwise, even if he's already hot, horny and sensitive."

"Of course!" Both of the large males immediately leapt up and walked over to Zerrex, and Lone found himself horrified by the fact he couldn't look away, as he whined between his teeth at the continued stroking of Cherry. He was already so aroused from what he had just seen, and his penis ached from forcing out a second orgasm... but he didn't want to shoot so quickly, make himself seem even stupider than he likely already did...

The wolf moaned again, his eyes almost bulging as he leaned forwards, his eyes locked not on Cherry but on Zerrex as he watched the male stroking up and down his shaft rapidly... then one of the twins kneeled before him, leaning in to lap slowly along the bottom of his thick cock as one hand stroked his own large member and the other rubbed up and down the length of the Drakkaren's huge shaft. The taller brother stood next to Zerrex, leaning his muscular body against the reptile's own and closing his eyes as he bowed his head down, wrapping one arm around his neck and the other reaching down to stroke the base of the scarred reptile's huge shaft. The Drakkaren gladly met the other male, closing his own eyes and smiling slightly before their mouths met, jaws working together as he released his own cock to instead grasp and stroke the twenty-two inches of the Dragokkaren, his own arm wrapping tight around the male's waist and squeezing him close.

They pulled back a bit but didn't end the kiss, tongues flicking outside of their muzzles and meeting, licking at lips and maw before their mouths moved back together, and Lone let out another whine before he blushed furiously as he felt himself stiffening up, letting out short, weak pants before closing his eyes tightly as his orgasm struck already, Cherry stroking his pinkish shaft rapidly before he fired a pitiful stream of seed that went perhaps an inch or two into the air before splattering over the female's fingers. The muscular female looked up at him with a strange kind of pathetic sympathy, then she smiled up into his eyes as she slowly wiped her hand against his fur, the wolf flushing in shame and gazing down at her, feeling pathetic before blushing deeper as she whispered up to him: "Zerrex obviously wins. Why don't you just go and put his cock in your mouth now... you obviously want to. Just tell him you forfeit... go out with a bit of dignity... and get rid of whatever stupid shit you got in your head about how liking other guys ain't manly." A pause, then she grinned and tilted her head towards the twins. "Unless you want to say to those three over there that they're all pussies."

Lone's face grew even redder beneath his fur before he glanced over towards Zerrex and the twins, watching the three powerful males teasing each other and reveling in their bodies, their powerful forms... before he finally nodded and closed his eyes for a moment, steeling himself as he felt his penis retreating back into his sheath and approaching timidly. Both of the twins had gotten down to their knees now, and one of them was lapping slowly at the reptile's crotch and testicles as the other drew his tongue and muzzle along the end and other side of the Drakkaren's huge shaft, one of Zerrex's hands resting on both their heads before he glanced up as Lone approached. He smiled slightly, then tilted his head curiously as the wolf shuffled, the brothers also glancing to the side but not taking their attention from the reptile's cock, as they used their tongues to lap up spilled seed, juices from Cherry that had soaked into his shaft, and the bit of blood that still remained on it before the lupine finally murmured: "I... I give up. I can't win... and... I... I want to..."

Lone trembled violently, looking up into Zerrex's eyes... then the Drakkaren simply smiled a bit wider before nodding and jerking his head down towards the end of his girthy shaft. "Put it in your mouth... all three of you have enough room to play down there. It's not like you'd be able to get it all in, anyway." A pause, then a slight grin, the reptile's eyes gleaming with power and domination as he added mildly: "Although you'll probably still end up choking a bit, even if I do plan to be nice."

The wolf shivered but forced himself to nod as he dropped heavily to his knees, then he gazed at the huge, thick member in front of him. He could smell the Drakkaren's cock - a thick, powerful smell - over everything else, and it was strange... but he thought it was a good smell, as he leaned forwards, trembling, lips inches away from the huge member and eyes focused on the huge cock, both of the twins pausing to look at him... then Lone slowly opened his muzzle and extended his tongue, closing his eyes and both hating and loving what was happening, feeling like he was in a nightmare of his most secret desires that made him want to scream but never awaken from... and then his tongue touched the tip of the huge cock, and the wolf swallowed before pushing his head forwards.

His ears flattened against his skull, tail curling up a bit between his legs as he leaned forwards on his knees, keeping his eyes closed as he felt the huge head slowly pushing into his muzzle, stretching his jaws as he forced forwards... then Zerrex suddenly thrusted slightly forwards, and the wolf coughed and spluttered, eyes widening as the enormous member forced its way into his muzzle and then back towards his throat, making him want to gag... but then he settled his mouth around the massive penis, tasting it - hating that it was in his mouth, loving the taste of the cock and bittersweet fluids that covered it - before he suckled back slowly. The reptile above him murred slightly at the action, and Lone felt strangely proud of himself before he rocked forwards carefully, testing how far he could get the cock into his muzzle before his gag reflex kicked in; it wasn't very far, but the wolf thought it would at least be enough with the twins working along the male's cock as well.

He slowly began to rock his head back and forth: the lupine was inexperienced, but he thought he had a pretty good idea of what to do from the times he'd forced a female to fellate him in the past. He moved his muzzle up and down the length as far as he could go, taking in a little over ten inches of the black shaft before he drew his head back as far as he could go, jaws already aching. His hands hesitantly rose up, then he suddenly felt one of them taken by the twins, his eyes opening to stare at the brother as he winked and then guided it back down instead. The wolf trembled as he felt his hand settle on the twenty-inch length of Dray... but then he stroked it slowly, saw the Dragokkaren's eyes close in pleasure, and felt a strange pride growing in him as he reached his other hand down as Terrance caught his eye, grasping that male's length as well.

Zerrex grinned as he the brothers returned to licking and nibbling along the sides of his length, one of their hands drawing up and down over his chiseled, muscular chest and the other brother massaging along his hip and reaching back to squeeze a buttock, the other hand playing gently with the Drakkaren's navy orbs. The reptile could feel his orgasm building rapidly as he watched Lone slowly stroking up and down the lengths of the twins, both brothers rocking their members into his grip, both leaking pre along their glimmering shafts: it wouldn't be long for any of the three reptiles.

Slowly, the twins slid their bodies a bit closer, then raised their heads to lock muzzles in a gentle kiss over the black-fleshed, girthy thirty-two inch member between them. Zerrex massaged lightly over their skulls, watching this with a grin as he felt Lone continuing to rock hesitantly back and forth, the wolf's smaller muzzle sealing tight around his shaft and giving him a surprising amount of pleasure as he was so easily dominated, his eyes opening every now and then to look up at the reptile meekly. All the reptile had to do was give the lupine a look... and the wolf would try to move faster, or take in more of his cock, often choking himself and ending up coughing around his shaft: the feeling of his throat contracting against his obsidian member only added to the reptile's pleasure, however.

He glanced up and around the room, then grinned slightly as he saw Mark with his eyes closed, ramming his fourteen inch length into Tanya again and again, his expression one of utter bliss as she lay on her stomach, eyes closed in pleasure that looked almost too serene for sex, her legs spread in a V and arms supporting her. Cherry was watching this and apparently coaching and teasing the male with a grin, then looking amused as he gave a series of short cries and pistoned with even greater speed in and out of the Dragokkaren beneath him, his hands clutching her hips as he had a powerful orgasm. Zerrex licked his muzzle slowly, watching hungrily for a few moments before the ex-soldier collapsed onto the back of Tanya, who opened her eyes and let out a long sigh of pleasure, ecstasy written over her as she rested down on her arms. The short but entertaining show was enough to make the powerful male feel his own pleasure rise, then he grunted quietly in surprise as he felt one of the brother suddenly push his muzzle into his testicles and begin to lap almost furiously at them, as the other started to pant harder.

He looked down, watching Dray bucking his hips into the wolf's hand, a bit more pre spurting from his long member and dribbling over the wolf's hand before the male clenched his teeth and leaned forwards, reaching a hand up to stroke up and down the base and middle of the Drakkaren's huge cock and reaching his other hand quickly up to nudge his brother, snagging his attention from where he was currently lapping and teasing the huge male's testicles. Terrance looked up, then he grinned slightly and nodded before they both suddenly reached down, settling Lone's hands instead on Zerrex's huge length, the wolf automatically switching to stroking that but looking at the two Dragokkaren with surprise as they stood and began to stroke themselves rapidly.

The wolf moaned around the shaft in his mouth as he realized what was coming, both of the huge males looking down at him with wide grins, their muscular bodies gleaming in the light as they stroked up and down shafts that were nearly two feet of thick cock. All Lone could do was continue to work himself up and down the huge length of the male before him though, rubbing and stroking at it as he saw Zerrex watching hungrily... but at the same time, the wolf was begging for what he knew was coming, wanting it to happen as he'd never wanted anything before. Then, suddenly, Dray began to buck his hips, gritting his teeth as he stroked himself faster and faster, almost snarling before he arched his back and released a loud groan as he released a thick blast of semen over the wolf's face.

The first shot splattered all over the wolf's muzzle and forehead, then the second coated his cheeks and maw as he moaned and felt a strange, erotic ecstasy fill his being at the feeling of spray after spray of Dragokkaren semen coating his muzzle and face, the shots hitting into his features with surprising force again and again... and then, the moment the wolf thought it was over, Terrance let out his own growling grunt and began to buck his hips furiously into his hand as he moved his twenty-two inch shaft closer to the lupine's face before unleashing his own thick torrent, sending white seed spilling over the wolf's fur, coating the other side of his face and shooting a long streamer between his ears that the lupine felt splatter down his skull and even land on his back, hearing the rest of it landing a good distance away as the Dragokkaren grinned down at the wolf, his huge, powerful body flexing as he emptied his full load over Lone's features.

The wolf did the only thing he could: continued to suck the cock of the Drakkaren before him, continued to rub up and down his shaft as he moaned in his throat, trying to convince himself what had just happened was horrible... but in reality it had afforded him some of the best pleasure he'd ever felt. And now he felt Zerrex stiffening up as well, the powerful Drakkaren stroking the bottom foot or so of his own length as his eyes locked with the wolf's for a moment and pierced straight into his soul, and Lone stopped pretending that he wasn't enjoying this and instead forced more of the reptile's cock into his muzzle and down his throat, bobbing his head almost frantically up and down the girthy penis, only wanting to please and feel his orgasm as well.

Zerrex looked up, watching as the twins stepped behind the wolf and kissed hungrily, wrapping their arms around each other, smearing their seed on each other's muscular bodies as they ground their crotches together and rubbed semen-saturated hands over each other's broad chests, the strong male licking his muzzle slowly as he watched them lower to the mattress to curl up together and share affections... then he turned his gaze back down to the wolf in front of him and began to thrust towards his muzzle, grunting hungrily as Lone clenched his eyes shut and forced more of the massive length of the reptile forwards. The Drakkaren had to admit he was impressed that the lupine was trying so hard... and the feeling of his cock digging into his narrow throat, choking him occasionally, was blissful as well. He looked down at the wolf with a grin, eyes roving over the lupine's sticky, seed-covered features before he grunted again and felt his shaft stiffening up, orgasm rising suddenly and unexpectedly as he spread his legs a bit and arched his back, making short but powerful thrusts as the wolf eagerly worked back against him.

Then the Drakkaren let out a groan as he felt his huge girth stiffen fully, massive cock throbbing in the wolf's mouth before finally sending out a thick burst of seed that filled Lone's jaws and caused his eyes to bulge in surprise at the sheer amount, as several more blasts jetted from the reptile's cock, choking and filling the wolf's jaws even as he pulled back. Lone fell forwards as Zerrex pulled his huge penis from his muzzle, panting as he shot streamers of thick load over the wolf's bowed body. The first shot, however, splattered all over the wolf's face before the lupine fell, bowing and choking, almost groveling before the reptile even without realizing it as long blasts of white Drakkaren seed splattered over his head and back. The taste filled his muzzle and he loved the bitterness, the strength that was even in the reptile's seed, but at the same time he felt like gallons had been poured into him and filled his stomach, throat, mouth and likely lungs as he gagged and gasped for air.

Finally, the lupine belched and a thick stream of seed ejected from his mouth, splattering over the mattress below as he trembled violently, moaning quietly and keeping his eyes closed tightly as the Drakkaren above him shot off a few final blasts of seed before the flow finally came to a stop. Then Lone finally opened his steel-grey irises and looked meekly up towards the reptile, and the first question that he blurted was: "Did I do okay?"

He blushed deeply as Zerrex looked down at him, then the reptile reached down and grabbed the underside of his neck, jerking him up to his knees again before holding out his thick, throbbing shaft with his other hand and saying softly: "You can ask me that after you lick my cock and hands clean, bitch. Now hurry up and do it."

The wolf acted automatically, not even hesitating from the order as he leaned forwards and began to hungrily lap up the excess seed along the Drakkaren's thick shaft, dragging his tongue over the hot flesh and loving the feel of the heat emanating off it, the taste of his flesh and sweat, and the musk of his member. It was bliss, and Lone could no longer deny that he loved every second of it, as he finally finished lapping up every speck of white matter he could find on the reptile's cock and looking up at him submissively, seed dripping from his muzzle and black eartips... before Zerrex smiled down to him and extended the hand he'd used to stroke himself with, which was saturated with load as well. The wolf greedily nuzzled it and began to lap hungrily along it, not caring what he looked like to the others or the fact that he had become the bitch of his once-hated rival... what he was doing gave him pleasure, what he was doing felt right, and he loved every moment of it as he cleaned off the hand of the male he now thought of as master. It had happened as easily and naturally as breathing... and now, to the wolf, it felt perfect and fine.

Then he sat back, and Zerrex nodded with a quiet laugh. "Very good, for your first time... but I expect to shove all my cock down your throat one day, just like one day I'll put all of it up your ass. Do you like the sound of that, bitch?" The reptile asked in a voice that was almost teasing and strangely soft... but which was undeniably the voice of a master speaking to his slave. It only made Lone feel hot and... strangely warm inside, as he nodded rapidly.

"Yes! Anything you want, Zerrex, anything at all... sir... Master." The wolf finished, blushing quietly but feeling the need to say it anyway... but Zerrex smiled, and to the wolf, that was suddenly worth everything in the world. He rocked quietly from side-to-side as he sat on the ground, then looked around the room: the twins sharing their light affections and resting together, Dray against Terrance's broader, more muscular body... Mark blushing and looking almost embarrassed as Tanya - who was far taller and more muscular than him - cuddled him against her like a teddy bear and cooed gentle nothings in his ear, looking more than satisfied. And Cherry was looking at both Lone and Zerrex with a grin and something in her eyes that was almost jealousy... and Lone blushed deeper at this - but felt a strange, undeniable pride and pleasure as well - before Zerrex stretched slowly and headed towards his throne, glancing idly over his shoulder as he said mildly: "I'm still hungry. Someone go find out when the goddamn brunch table is getting here. And don't let anyone else in." A pause, then he added mildly: "Cherry, Lone, come up here and sit beside me. Everyone else, go get me some food and some towels to clean up that mess. Oh, and Cherry? I want you to put those clothes back on me."

Lone felt a deep, strange happiness in him as he almost bounced up to sit on the floor next to the reptile, who was standing in his throne, and Cherry looked entertained and playfully irritated as she got up and picked up the chaps, shorts and bandolier, walking towards the reptile as the others all headed out of the room to go about their tasks. Then the muscular female paused in front of him as Zerrex gazed down at her dominatingly, before saying amusedly: "Don't you dare get like this back at home." A pause, then she winked and leaned forwards seductively, pushing her breasts out towards him as she asked teasingly: "Actually... why can't you be like this at home more often? I love putting useless, stupid males in their place and hurting them, sure... but I need a strong hand to keep me in line, too..."

"Because you like it when I'm nasty to you too much and it's creepy." Zerrex replied flatly, then he snatched the bandolier out of her hands and began to put it on himself, Cherry snorting and then bending to put his shorts back on him: Zerrex easily moved with her, with the absence of practice that said they'd dressed each other many times before. Lone watched this process with a smile on his face... and the strange voice that had awakened in him and come to the surface, forcing away all his hesitations and fears and breaking the barriers of repression inside him, asked thoughtfully if maybe one day he would have the pleasure of dressing the Drakkaren...

Cindy sat outside in a field about a hundred meters away from the windmill, no chain around her neck, rubbing at her head quietly as she rested on a chair she'd carried all the way over here. The cooler was beside her as well, and a pair of sandwiches and cans of Frost cola rested on it... but she didn't want to eat until Requiem was finished, and he'd promised to take a break soon from his preparation for tomorrow.

Earlier today, the giant had gotten up meditating, then he'd walked over and opened the door of the sawmill, looking out at the sky above for a few moments before the Dragokkaren had turned, approached her as she blinked and reared back a bit, dropping the book she'd been reading in her lap... and then he reached out deftly and snapped the chain around her neck with one hand. She didn't even feel it as he withdrew it from around her throat in the same moment, then he'd tossed it idly aside and said softly: "If you want, you're free at any time today, Cindy. I've enjoyed your company and I'm sorry that we met like this, under these circumstances, and I think you're... a truly pure person. I'm also sorry for what has to happen between me and my nephew tomorrow, and I want to give you the chance to go to him today if you want to, instead of waiting until after the battle, since I'm sure you're aware he may die."

"No, Daddy will live... I'm sorry, Requiem, but... well, I've really come to like you too..." she had said, looking up into his eyes evenly and reaching up a hand to gently touch his stony face, making him twitch back in surprise and look uncertain: an amazingly odd expression on his face, and she'd smiled sadly. "But Daddy can't be defeated... I know you two will probably hurt each other pretty badly... beat the fuck out of each other, as Cherry would say... but Daddy will live and... I just hope you pass away painlessly.

"And... I don't want to leave. It would be rude of me to leave, in fact, since... this is the last day I'll get to spend with you." She had looked up at him and nodded quietly, then gently stroked down his muzzle with a smile. "I know I can't get to hear all the stuff I wanna hear from you, like stories about your past, but I can at least spend time with you and all that. And I want to do that, too... so... I'm not going to abandon you, Requiem."

She had laughed a bit, rubbing the back of her head and letting her hand fall from the reptile's face, smiling up at him with a bit more warmth now. "Anyway. If I go back to Daddy now, who knows what might happen, right? It's not that I don't trust you, but you're also smart as hell. I don't think you'd ever try and dishonorable tactics, of course, but Daddy taught me to be wary of everything and everyone when they're your enemy. And even though you're my friend and great-uncle... you are my enemy, too." A pause, and Cindy's eyes had locked with Requiem's as she added in a soft voice: "And I haven't forgotten that."

There had been silence for a few moments, then the Dragokkaren smiled honestly and quietly, looking at her with soft affection and something that was almost like pride... as if he was truly proud of her. He had reached up and patted her cheek gently, then he'd said in a soft voice: "Good girl. You're smart, and you have my deepest apologies for seeming to test you there. I trust you... and I like you and am proud to recognize you as a member of the Narrius family. You..." he had stopped, then looked down before looking back up and smiling again. "Maybe you're the one who'll wash the blood and sins from our glorious name."

And now she sat here, watching Requiem perform movements that seemed to deny gravity and physics, bulky body moving with startling speed and precision. She thought that his grace was unmatched even by her father, and she smiled as she watched him move from a high back-roundhouse kick into a graceful side kick with the other leg, then finish with a double hook kick that left him seeming to float for a moment in the air before he landed and flexed his body, one leg shifting outwards, bending slightly as he moved his other arm above his head and kept the other in front of him in a bent L. The ready position was something like her father used... and she saw a lot of the same technique of Zerrex in the movements of the Dragokkaren, except he was more fluid and faster. But Requiem did have one weakness that she had grasped almost the moment she'd started watching his body training... he wasn't very good at improvisation, and she didn't think he'd react very well to the unexpected, and that was where her father shined.

The giant's movements also suffered from the rare downside of many, many years of practice... when she watched the attack pattern he was using to stretch out his muscles, she saw that the same attack always moved in the exact same pattern, landing in the exact same area. It was almost like... one of the video games her father had bought and then given up on in disgust with how difficult it had proven to be. When you moved the character, he always ran in the exact same way no matter the terrain or area... and when you attacked, the movement always struck in the same pattern, same area, same way. The female smiled slightly as this thought struck her; somehow, she didn't think Requiem would take very well to being compared to a video game character.

"What are you smiling about? Did I make a mistake?" The Dragokkaren asked mildly, as he approached her from the field: Cindy's eyes widened in surprise, then she laughed and quickly rose her hands, flapping her arms almost comically as the giant looked at her blankly.

"No, no! Just... thinking, that's all! What a gorgeous, day, huh?" Cindy peered quickly around, laughing and now rubbing the back of her head as she waved her other arm at the huge reptile, who was now giving her a flat stare. She coughed, then settled her hands instead in her lap, smiling foolishly up at him and feeling a blush heating her cheeks as she cursed herself for being an idiot.

"Sure." Requiem said mildly, then he reached down and picked up one of the sandwiches, looking at it for a few moments before starting to eat as he walked away. The female let out a sigh of relief, then she adjusted her spiked bracelets and collar, picking up her own sandwich as she looked at his scarred back. Then the Dragokkaren paused, turned around, and plunked himself down in the grass, sitting cross-legged as he looked at her for a few moments and then glanced down at his sandwich. "When... when I was young, I taught myself to fight. Street fighting, rough, vicious and dirty... and my brother encouraged this."

Cindy listened intently, leaning forwards a bit and forgetting about her sandwich, instead putting it down to rest on her knee as the giant paused for a moment to take a bite of his own sandwich and chew thoughtfully, gazing off into the distance. Then he looked back towards her and continued in the same gentle tone: "I was... well, in a street battle, just like in a dogfight, there are no rules. I picked things up from the older kids around me, and also figured out a few ways that I could use my strength to my advantage... but then, one day, I came across an exhibition in the square I usually... where I usually set up to beg for money." Requiem stated the last baldly, glancing down shamefully, and the female felt a wave of sympathy for him; there was no reason that he should feel any disgrace for what he'd had to do to survive. "It was on martial arts... one of the ruling families of Hez'Ranna had set it up as a display of their power.

"In Hez'Ranna, there are... were... three ruling families. I don't know how the system works anymore, but... well, the jungle was always a place of tradition, and it was always treated as sacred. The ruling families were composed of the strongest, largest, and most powerful Dragokkaren... and they were always very large families, and usually military-based." He laughed dryly. "Dragokkaren average height is... oh... between eight and ten feet, but the ruling families were all generally twelve feet and higher, with anyone too small being kicked out as a 'runt,' to uphold the sacred tradition. They prided themselves on their size and power, you see...

"The ruling families were composed of the oldest male, the king and his younger siblings - all of them generally named dukes and duchesses and barons and baronesses - a queen and her siblings, who were also all the same... and then the princes and princesses. The oldest child was the high prince, or high princess in the case of a female... this being the person who would inherit the power of the royal family. They often ended up marrying the strongest, biggest person of the opposite gender they could find... just to make sure all the children turned out well." A pause and a slight smile as Requiem looked faintly entertained. "And many a time that means their own brother or sister. Incest is also a tradition of Hez'Ranna... mainly because it never seems to have any effect on the Drakkai species."

The female blinked at this, tilting her head curiously. "What? But I thought that reproducing with like... your own family generally ended up causing problems for the kid... not just because, you know, your sister's also your mother and most people don't like that..."

But Requiem merely shook his head at this, laughing quietly. "That actually happens much rarer than people believe... and furthermore, Drakkai were once a rare species and our genetic codes developed so that we could propagate with our own close family without any negative effects. It's the evolution that's possibly one reason for our now much-more widespread existence..." A pause, and then a mild look as the female stared. "I used to read a lot of science magazines, especially on anatomy and Dragokkaren development."

"Oh. Uh. Yeah." Cindy said slowly, then she coughed and rubbed the back of her head, blushing a bit before smiling faintly. "But hey. That actually makes me feel a lot better, just in case me and Daddy..." A pause and another cough as Requiem was now the one staring. "Uh, nevermind. Continue, please."

"Right." The Dragokkaren said mildly, then he shook his head a bit as if clearing it, wincing slightly before continuing to speak: "For Drakkai, it also seems that inbreeding has a positive effect instead of negative... it tends to 'stack' attributes and bring out certain recessive genes and abilities, allowing for the development of greater strength, fortitude, and the unnatural height of the ruling families. It seems strange, but the society is indeed a lot different than this one... the ruling familes controlling all of Hez'Ranna, and the jungle a sacred place still ruled by the wild tribes.

"So back to the point... needless to say, I was amazed by the fact that two of the goliath princes of one of the ruling families came forwards... treating a young, masculine but lithe armadillo as their equal. It was very strange, to say the least... after all, in Hez'Ranna, the ruling families were above everyone, but then almost all non-reptilian creatures were used as slaves or treated as lower-class citizens. It's one of the reasons you don't hear very often about Hez'Ranna... Drakkai are almost the sole species living there now, and otherwise it's a nation that isn't even recognized as a proper 'civilized' country by the International World Union Organization because of its refusal to sign all their fancy treaties and attend their meetings.

"In any case, the two princes introduced this small male... he was almost the same height as me at that time, in fact... as a master of the Sacred Chain martial arts system. And then they called forwards challengers to fight him, saying that the prize would be whatever the winner wished within the ruling family's power. So of course, many of the Dragokkaren in the audience came forwards, and the largest and most powerful of that number was selected... someone who was even larger than the princes."

He paused for a moment, then laughed quietly and looked down, finishing the rest of his sandwich in the silence and then looking back up to Cindy, who was once more listening closely. "The fight was short... the Sacred Chain technique is a type of defensive art that specializes in taking down enemies who have greater power and size than one's self, after all. Little more than a straight punch from the giant, and he was humiliated by being flipped over the armadillo and slammed down onto his back in the center of the square.

"From then on, I decided to find out as much as I could about the martial arts... after all, I'd met enemies that I'd had trouble besting, since I was so young, and there were plenty of nasty people around who were all too happy to try and get what they could from a begging child. Every day I attend the exhibitions, and every night I would practice by mimicking the movements I'd seen in the day and memorizing them... eventually by saving up a spare pile of change to buy the martial arts magazines that they had just started to sell in the corner store. Back then, we only had black and white, plain style font with no fancy pictures..." He laughed a bit at this, shaking his head with a bit of a smile before glancing up at her and saying mildly: "And there's a bug on your sandwich."

"Huh?" Cindy blinked, then looked down and shrieked, jumping up and throwing her sandwich away as she noticed the large centipede that had been wandering slowly towards her hand. Bread, meat, and bug flew away down the field as Requiem watched it with a bemused expression, then he glanced back towards her with his head tilted, watching as the female danced on the spot, wiping frantically at her hands and body.

"You okay there, Cindy?" he asked in the same casual voice, looking at her flatly as she continued to shiver and brush herself off. He paused as she finally looked up at him with a disgusted expression of her muzzle, face contorted in a grimace as she rubbed at her arms in a nervous gesture.

Then she shook her head quickly before saying in an uneven voice: "Just... ugh. Creepy-ass bugs like... just eww." She stomped her feet a few times against the grass, looking back and forth as she shivered again and wiped at her arms spasmodically, apparently not caring that Requiem was looking at her like she was crazy. Then she shook her head quickly before sighing and mumbling: "Just ick. Just totally icky. That's like... so disgusting, seriously..."

The giant looked at her for a few moments, then he shook his head slowly before straightening and rubbing his hands idly over his broad chest, flexing a bit and then turning to return to his workout, trying to hide the faintest of smiles. She really could be so cute and childish sometimes without being annoying... but then his eyes turned cold as he glanced up and noticed a strange flicker in the distance atop some unnaturally-regular object, before calling casually over his shoulder: "Cindy. Get down in the grass and hide."

Cindy immediately lost her childish demeanor, taking the Dragokkaren's advice a step further: instead of simply dropping, she easily hopped over the cooler and then went into a roll once she hit the ground, sliding easily into the longer grasses past the tilled field Requiem was practicing in. It wasn't too much improvement, but still far better than laying in the open... and the giant had to compliment her on her quick thinking as he stretched slowly, then went back into a light workout, keeping his gaze forwards but using his peripheral vision to try and determine exactly what the sparkle was: if it was from a scope, a mirror, or something else. In any case, it likely meant bad news... and then the Dragokkaren's question was answered as he heard a shot ring out, and he felt the bullet pass by within a foot. A sniper, but likely someone unfamiliar with the weapon and mode of combat, as the giant heard the sound of a car engine revving. The sparkle in the distance drew closer as he now made out the truck that the wannabe assassin was apparently perched upon, and he could hear raucous yelling as another shot rang out... but the reptile snorted, unafraid as he cracked his knuckles and approached the road. Using a long-range rifle was hard enough as it was... firing and accurately blowing apart an enemy while leaning over the top of a rusting blue truck was next to impossible.

The giant reached up and cracked his neck as another loud shot rang out, but Requiem saw the rifle kick skyward at the last moment before the shooter almost fell over with a curse almost as loud as the sound of the gun firing, and he snorted quietly. He flexed slowly as he set himself, letting his arms hang loose and keeping both hands down and outwards, his cold blue eyes quickly sizing up the enemy as he saw someone lean out the window with what looked like a submachine gun and open fire towards him.

Bullets ripped into the ground near his feet, but the giant didn't bother to move as the truck suddenly dipped, jouncing violently as it went off the road and onto the field, the driver apparently intent on flattening him as the other passengers - someone in shotgun, and someone else standing on the bed in the back with the rifle - both nearly fell out of the truck. The submachine gun fire ceased, at least, as the rat that had been using it screamed something at the driver and shoved himself back inside from the window.

The truck tore towards him, and Requiem reached up to crack his neck, straightening a bit before refocusing his attention on the vehicle as he heard the engine whining, dirt and grass flying up from the heavy studded tires, leaving a tail of dust, debris and engine smoke behind it. Then, suddenly, the Dragokkaren lashed one arm down at the last moment and reached the other forwards to slam into the grill of the truck, the other seizing the bumper as Requiem bent low at the waist and let both his legs slip out from under him, falling backwards and pushed slightly back by the power of the truck... but then using his own enormous strength to heft it into the air and turning the momentum of the rusting vehicle against it, the three inside screaming as the hand placed against the grill became an axle and the one gripping the undercarriage the impetus.

The giant landed on his back, using his enormous strength and the sheer weight of the vehicle to easily toss it over his head as the truck flipped, and it sailed through the air upside down, the one lucking passenger in the back falling to the ground below and landing in a crumpled heap. Then the vehicle crashed on its top and slide several meters through the dirt, the carriage crunching in as the motor gave out, wheels lazily spinning and a strange silence filling the air.

Requiem easily kicked up to his feet, idly wiping grease from his hands as he approached the survivor: he was slowly climbing up, his clothes torn and panting hard, a bloody gash on his head. The giant frowned a bit at the clothes he wore and the fact his face dyed white... the canine was dressed up like some kind of Goth kid wannabe, in all black, leather clothes and wearing a pair of ugly combat boots that were in serious need of a cleaning and repair. He tried to grin as he reached into his jacket, likely fumbling for a gun... but the giant easily reached out and seized his shoulder, then firmly twisted and jerked, popping his arm out of its socket and making the canine's eyes bulge as he screamed, staggering backwards with a look of utter horror on his face.

Before he could do anything else, the reptile lashed his hand out and seized the throat of the canine. He paused, glancing over him as the dog whimpered and shook his head rapidly, eyes wide with terror... then the Dragokkaren simply squeezed and made a sudden twisting motion, snapping the dog's neck before he tossed him to the ground. Then he frowned, looking up as he heard another car start and the engine fading quickly into the distance as it rumbled over the damaged bridge.

The occupant of this car was not pleased with what had just happened; mostly because it made him feel uncertain that they could win, even with the numbers they had. Tank snarled to himself, gripping the wheel tighter and shaking his head slowly, muttering quietly: "Fuck. That's three of the original Godkillers, too... and he just... lifted the fucking truck... that can't be possible. That just can't be possible, what he did... fuck! We'll have to swarm him, I guess..."

He closed his eyes, then shook his head slowly, sighing as he drove back towards the headquarters: tonight he had to give another goddamn speech, after he'd spent hours out here, staking out this place in order to give himself time to plot and think things through, occasionally joined by some of the other members of the gang. After all, he didn't plan to rule the city just... in chaos, like the Boss seemed to love. He wanted a city that was controlled, ordered and where everyone was treated equally, where the rich didn't have an advantage over the poor. Of course, he'd be the ruler, since everyone in the gang already looked up to him as a leader... and so, as their leader, he would have to honor the memory of the fallen, too, and make sure that he told everyone they fought valiantly against Requiem... but at the last moment, Requiem put on a show of amazing strength and flipped their truck, after getting up from a severe beating the three Godkillers had put in on him in a noble ambush. Cindy, of course, hadn't been recovered... and they'd sacrificed themselves so that he, Tank, could get safely away, since he too had been fighting, but they had all been firm that if things went bad, he - as leader - should run. He hadn't wanted to, of course, and Jacob had been forced to drag him away from combat... which was why Requiem had killed him outside of the car!

Tank grinned to himself; it was a suitable cover story. He could embellish this and that later on, too, work out the little details... but he'd discovered the angry mob he now ruled didn't exactly need details, or care if there were a few mess-ups in timelines and shit like that. They just needed things to fuel their fury... so he could probably tell them Requiem had spent the entire day walking around killing puppies, babies, and kittens, and they'd believe him just because it made the bastard seem all the worse.

The badger mused to himself as he patted a light rhythm on the wheel of his beaten-up car, then he shook his head slowly again. The show of strength disturbed him though... after all, he'd heard that the Boss was able to stop a car with his bare hands, but never a truck or anything like that. The Dragokkaren's strength was definitely incredible... so it would be important to get the daughter first and not spare on the forces, just in case they had to lay an ambush to attack the giant if he came back from the fight alive. On the bright side, he'd been planning for a while and he thought that the windmill would be pretty easy to bring down, if worst came to worst... he'd just have to make sure gave Felicity an extra-big shot of tranq that day to keep her the hell out while he sat out here and waited to give the signal to call out the troops.

He frowned a bit as he stopped at a red light, nervously glancing into his rearview mirror but not seeing either the goliath or the huge blue car he drove... and so he shook his head quickly before continuing onwards, figuring the best course of action was to head straight home. He paused, however, as he glanced out the window, frowning a bit as he passed the OPOS facility and then made a face of disgust at the fact he spotted a red sports car in the distance down the parking lot. "Fucking disgusting pervert pri-"

Then the badger gritted his teeth and was launched forwards, bashing his head off the steering wheel with a yelp of pain and then sprawling half-onto the dashboard as his head smacked into the safety glass and cracked it. While he wasn't looking, a garbage truck had backed out into the street, and Tank had driven straight into it with a satisfying crunch from his car, which was now smoking and spluttering. The crappy, already-shitty vehicle now sported a broken bumper and much of the front end had been crunched like the cardboard metal it was, and the badger shoved himself back into his seat with an angry snarl, shaken slightly but mostly infuriated as he fumbled at his doorhandle, yelling angrily at the large bear that climbed out of the door of the truck: "You fucking motherfucking idiot! I'm gonna-"

Then a loud whine rose up from the front of the car, and the two beefy, pissed-off males blinked stupidly before the hood blew off and something shot into the air in a blast of smoke and fire. The bear dived for cover as Tank let out a girlish shriek and kicked his car door open before leaping outside and falling over, crawling away into the halted traffic as fast as he could as his car caught aflame: a few moments later, the flaming meteor that his engine had become fell from the sky and smashed into the roof of the car, crunching it in. Tank blinked slowly at this, then he let out a low groan and smashed a fist against the pavement, snarling angrily before he looked up at the sky and yelled: "FUCK!"

Eudaemon II: Dragon and Colossus, Part 18

From inside the facility, Zerrex glanced idly up as he heard a loud curse, still contently sitting in his throne. A few of the others who had originally been there had shown up, but he'd quickly and curtly had them shown out by the Dragokkaren brothers...

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Eudaemon II: Dragon and Colossus, Part 16

Cherry, on the other hand, had already thrown Lone out of her mind in favor of thinking about all the fun she had planned for Zerrex; she grinned a bit as she rested back in the seat of the sports car, idly checking the time as she sped towards her...

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Eudaemon II: Dragon and Colossus, Part 15

Zerrex awoke feeling anxious the next morning, emerald eyes staring at the ceiling of his room... and strangely lonely, as well. But then, as he sat up in bed and tossed his covers aside, he couldn't help but give a bit of a faint smile. He'd gotten...

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