Comfort Me

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Another old story, which would've been posted earlier had I not ran out of internet access last year. It's actually two stories, one being the sequel but neither long enough to stand on their own.

Comfort Me

By: Rakuen Growlithe

Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon and related things. I just enjoy it and write fanfiction.

Sarah slammed the front door and ran up to her room. Tears flowing freely down her face. Luckily her parents weren't home to see it. They wouldn't understand. They didn't even support her dreams!

In her room she stripped naked, removing her hated school clothes, even the bra and panties with the school emblem. She sat on her bed, her long, blonde hair hanging over her smooth skin and curved figure. Her arcanine walked into the room and nuzzled her tenderly, his wet nose tickling as it rubbed gently against her stomach. Sarah bent down over his head, burying her face in the soft fur of his neck. "Why, Blaze? What's wrong with my eyes? So they're red! Big deal! It doesn't matter, does it? You're my only friend Blaze, just you." Blaze pulled his head up and licked Sarah's cheek. Whenever she was upset she would cuddle with him and he would lick her, lie with her and wait until she fell asleep. He nudged her until she lay down on the bed and he lay on top of her. He nuzzled her face, comforting her and easing her pain away. She smiled as the thick, soft fur brushed against her body. She would change in front of Blaze but she had never had him touch her while she was naked. Now his fur stroked her all over and she enjoyed it immensely. Suddenly she felt a burning desire for her pokemon, the only one that understood her. She wrapped her arms around him and pulled him closer. "May I ask a favour?" "Ark." He barked in reply. "Will you do something for me?" He looked at her as she raised her lips to his right ear. "Have sex with me," she asked, then kissed the side of his muzzle.

He looked at her in shock and climbed off her. Sarah closed her eyes and sighed sadly, convinced she had chased away her only friend. She gasped suddenly as she felt warmth on her vagina. She looked down and saw Blaze's tongue pressed against her. He pulled it up, sliding over her body and into her mouth. Sarah happily accepted the warm organ and sucked on it as the dog saliva dribbled into her mouth. Blaze took his tongue out and once again lapped at her slit. Sarah moaned in pleasure as the arcanine's warm tongue massaged her cunt and slipped inside. He licked her stomach and breasts then stopped as Sarah put her hand on his muzzle. "Roll over," she commanded. Blaze obeyed and Sarah straddled his chest and looked down. As she expected, Blaze wanted it and she stared at his rock-hard dick. She ran her tongue down along the length before she took the whole thing in her mouth. She almost gagged but held it in and heard Blaze growl in pleasure. She sucked rhythmically, running her tongue up and down his length until she tasted his precum in her mouth. She then lay down next to him. "Okay," she said. Blaze rolled onto his stomach and licked Sarah's pussy, wetting it for better lubrication before he crawled slowly onto her. They stared in each other's eyes and Sarah nodded. Blaze pushed his large cock in causing Sarah to gasp, her eyes widening in a combination of pain and pleasure. Blaze thrust in and out repeatedly, increasing the speed until the two came. Blaze shot his seed deep, filling Sarah's womb with his hot pokemon cum as the two reached their climax. Then Sarah sighed as Blaze slid out of her and she drifted off to sleep, the smell of Blaze's breath strong in her nostrils.


Sarah had finally stopped having problems at school. It wasn't that the teasing had stopped; it was just that Blaze was doing a very good job at keeping her happy. Today, like so many other days, Sarah was coming home from school, eagerly anticipating her usual great loving. Her parents were almost always away and she had no friends. Just her and her arcanine all day long.

"Hey, Blaze!" she called as she entered the house and locked the door. Blaze bounded up to her happily. He also thoroughly enjoyed the sessions with his mistress. Sarah stripped immediately and climbed on Blaze's back. "Let's go to my room." Blaze set off at a trot with Sarah hanging on his back. She felt the fur rubbing against her naked body and preparing it for the acts that would soon follow. They entered her room and she shut the door behind them.

Sarah dropped to her knees, nose to nose with her arcanine. She tilted her head and pressed her lips to Blaze's muzzle. They opened their mouths and Blaze pushed his tongue into Sarah's open mouth. Sarah closed hr eyes, slowly caressing Blaze's tongue with her own, feeling the warm, smooth muscle and tasting the delicious dog drool she'd come to love. Sliding her small tongue over his much larger one she moved it in to his mouth, running it between his teeth and lips. On one side she had hard, sharp teeth and on the other his soft, wet lips. Slowly they pulled apart. Sarah ran one hand over Blaze's head and fiddled with one of his ears. Blaze lowered his head, his moist, cold, nose rubbing against the outer lips of Sarah's vagina. Sarah leaned forward, lying on Blaze's head, her hands combing through his fur. Moving his nose from side to side Blaze opened her pussy lips and touched her clit. Sarah shuddered in pleasure and anticipation before Blaze's large tongue lapped against her opening and the red dog tasted her juices, a wonderful and familiar taste he relished. Losing his will power he pushed his face against her genitals roughly and began licking franticly. His tongue probing deeper and deeper into her, tasting even more of her juice. All the time Sarah's movements were getting more and more vigorous and small moans were escaping her mouth. Blaze kept licking and soon Sarah grabbed clumps of his fur and trembled as she came. "Blaze!" She cried his name in pleasure and gasped as her body recovered from the intense wave of ecstasy.

Blaze now licked her pussy slowly before moving his head up her body, pushing her back into a sitting position. Sarah was still breathing heavily when she kissed Blaze's head and signalled for him to roll over, which he did. Sarah slid down Blaze's body like an ekans until her head reached the head of his erect penis. She brought her hands up, one rubbing his ass and the other fondling his balls. Blaze just closed his eyes in bliss as Sarah pleasured him, running her tongue along the length of his shaft before taking the whole thing into her mouth. From experience she had learnt to suppress her gag reflex and it no longer bothered her that the tip of Blaze's cock was rubbing against the back of her throat. As she sucked she rubbed her body from side to side, massaging the arcanine lying under her. She stopped rubbing Blaze's butt and pushed her finger into his hole, eliciting a surprised yelp from the large dog. Sarah could now taste Blaze's pre-cum on her tongue as she let her tongue play over his member. Blaze was in total bliss and was therefore extremely disappointed when Sarah stopped her blowjob before he had come. Sarah turned around on Blaze and positioned her cunt over his dick and pushed down slowly. She moaned in pleasure as the large, slick dick slid into her. Blaze was panting and whimpering like a little pup as the pleasure built up inside him. Sarah bucked her hips fast, letting Blaze's shaft penetrate her repeatedly. Suddenly Blaze howled and shot his load into Sarah's cunt. The feeling of Blaze's hot seed filling her up pushed her over the edge and she collapsed on Blaze's soft chest as her own orgasm ripped through her body. She lay motionless on his body, feeling his throbbing dick slowly shrink and slide out of her. When it was out and she had caught her breath she climbed off Blaze and rubbed his head affectionately. "That was great, Blaze," said Sarah, "Tomorrow let's try and make it even better." Blaze barked in agreement and Sarah went downstairs to get her clothes and prepare for her parents to come home.

The End