Heart of a God Chapter 3

Story by AduroTri on SoFurry

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Chapter 3 Their hearts were racing, as the midnight blue dragoness moved a claw down the bare scales on his chest. The royal blue dragon ran his paw down the back of her neck, letting them move over the spines, although firm, they were soft to his touch,before they both moved in, tenderly kissing each other. During this kiss, their tongues slid into each other's maws, while they found themselves locked in the sweet tender passion, their tongues tying around each other, the dragoness began to move her body around, to the point where she was sitting on top of the male, their crotches now rubbing against each other respectively. Thankfully for the both of them, they were both wearing underwear, she wore a pair of pure black panties, while he wore a pair of boxers that had hearts on them. After the dragoness pulled away from the kiss, her paws slowly moved along the scales of his chest, moving up to his shoulders. "I love you, my dragon love god." she cooed softly, leaning down to give him another passion-filled kiss. Slowly his arms moved up, wrapping around her waist, sliding along the curves of her body. "And I love you...my love goddess..." he replied, before their lips met, this time as they kissed, they found their tails tightly wrapping around each other, following that, a soft growl came from the dragoness' throat, before she once again pulled away from him, slowly moving her head under his chin as her paws clasped around his.

It was at this exact moment, that the royal blue dragon's eyes snapped open. The room was dark, very dark. The darkness in the room indicated to him that night had fallen, and it was probably rather early in the morning by this time. In confusion, he lifted his head, finding himself on the couch. At first, he was in a daze, confused as to where he was. It took Alakai a few moments to gather himself, after taking a deep breath, he finally stood up. The second he did however, he found himself feeling a bit uncomfortable in his own clothes, this made him look downward, blushing at his own body's reaction, but, it was understandable, he hadn't had a dream like that in his life, which was unusual. However, he didn't see it with very much significance, even being a Dragon God. Given it was early, the dragon had decided to get himself cleaned up, before he began his research. Starting off, he grabbed the bag that he set down on the table, rummaging through it, pulling out clothes similar to the ones he already had on, essentially a replica. It wasn't like he cared though, they were comfortable, and functional for his mission. Although he did figure he would have to buy new clothes, preferably a variety of different outfits. After entering the bathroom, Alakai stripped off his clothes, tossing them aside, before he slipped into the shower, letting the warm water slide down his scales, soothing him. So far, there was one thing he enjoyed about the mortal world, and this was one of them, indoor plumbing, even if he preferred the natural setting. Not having grabbed any other supplies to clean his body though, he frowned, another thing on his list of things to get at the market. He only remained in the shower for a few minutes, before climbing out, but because he also didn't have a towel, he instead used his powers, magically pulling the water off his body forming it into a sphere before setting it into the shower, where the water drained. Once fully dressed with fresh clothes, he walked out of the bathroom, setting the dirty clothes on a small table where he decided he would deal with them later. By the time he had done this, the sun was just starting to peak over the horizon, which was a rather good thing from him, it allowed for more accurate predictions of time, and it wasn't as early as he had originally thought. "The sun's up?" he asked himself, scratching the back of his head. "Perhaps I should grab a bite to eat before I run out and buy everything I need...although I would prefer to eat some dragonberries...maybe I should take a look at some nearby restaurants and see what mortals have at their availability. Before leaving his new home, he collected his notepad and his quill. Once outside, he gazed around, a grin spread across his face as the scent of food brushed against his nostrils. Following the scent, it lead him to a very nice restaurant which seemed to be open. Upon entering, he checked for his bag of gold, finding it tied around his belt, which made him sigh in relief. He quietly took his seat on the already made up tables, thankfully for him, there was a menu set as well. Upon taking his seat, he instantly picked up his menu, first taking a look over the front, seeing the main dish breakfast options. At first, he was drawn to the curiosity of what a ham and cheese omelet was, but as he continued down it, he saw even more interesting selections, one in particular caught his eye, given the name of it. "Dragonberry Waffles, with the type of syrup of your choosing." he muttered to himself, before looking up. "What are waffles?" he couldn't help but ask. As he asked this, he was greeted by a voice moments later. "You would have to see for yourself, good sir, they're kind of hard to describe for me personally." Standing beside him was the brown dragon from the kitchen. "Hello, I am Feringal and I will not only be your server for this morning, but also, your chef...so...what would you like this fine morning?" It didn't take Alakai very long to decide on what he wanted, now exceedingly curious about what waffles were. "I think I'll go with the waffles." he replied. "What kind of syrup would you like with it...Maple, strawberry, raspberry or blueberry?" Feringal asked. "I'll go with raspberry." came his reply. "They usually go pretty well with the taste of dragonberries." "I'll get on it right away, would you like anything to drink with that though?" the brown dragon asked. "Yes, a glass of water if you will, on ice." Alakai said, receiving a nod from the brown dragon, who, at very high speed, dashed into the kitchen, returning with a glass of iced water. Upon receiving it, he took a small sip, before setting it down, after which, Feringal had vanished, back into the kitchen. It was thankful the dragon could move so fast, seeing a dragon like that, made Alakai very interested, he seemed more like a warrior class, than a cook or a waiter. This caused him to pull out the notepad he had, taking a few careful notes on everything he had observed so far. As he set down the notepad and the quill, the dragon had returned with the meal. The moment the aroma of the freshly cooked waffles hit his nostrils, his stomach growled rather loudly, he even groaned out softly in hunger looking at the plate. It was his first time ever seeing something like this. With the fork, which he was rather familiar with, he lifted up the soft, yet crisp waffle, looking under it. After a short pause, he used the fork to cut off a small yet syrup drenched piece up to his maw, slowly popping it in, letting it slide around, savoring the strong, yet sweet flavor of the dragonberry waffle and the additional sweetness of the syrup. His reaction was almost instantaneous after this, acting almost on what seemed like instinct, cutting the waffle up into smaller pieces, before beginning to woof it down. Even though he was eating almost like a beast, bringing piece after piece into his mouth; he was still able to sustain his table manners, which was quite impressive. It seemed he had a method to his madness on top of that, which followed a routine. He would chew and enjoy three bites at a time, before taking a small drink of the water, following this in an endless cycle till the waffle was gone completely from the plate. Once the plate had been virtually picked clean, Alakai pulled out from his pouch about ten gold pieces, enough for a tip, a rather large one, but that was due in part to how good the food was, as well as enough to pay for the meal. After which, he quietly left the restaurant without saying another word.

While Alakai was preparing for his day, Nuxta had been sitting on the edge of her own bed in her home, staring at her paws. She continued to think about how the dream felt, this one was different, more vivid compared to the others. In her heart, she could feel as though the dragon in her continuing dreams, was indeed a real dragon. His voice still rang out in her ears, it was so calm, so peaceful, the feeling of his lips on hers was still fresh in her mind, even more, she recalled the warm feeling his paws left on her body, it was simply intoxicating for her. Finally she sighed with a bit of sadness, before standing up, stretching her limbs. She then gathered up some clothing, wrapped a robe around her, and took a towel she had, before walking out of her house. Thankfully, it was darker, and earlier in the morning, so she could get through town without much trouble. After walking out of the gate, she made her way down the path, quickly reaching a small fork, the small fork had an old beaten path that looked as though it wasn't used often, since the plants had overgrown. This was the path she had taken, quietly minding her own business, almost secretly walking down said path like it was nothing. She was careful as she moved through the brush, being sure her robe didn't get caught on any branches. The path still was difficult to navigate however, given the fact it wasn't used very much, and the fact that it had overgrown with brush, but after a few small scrapes on her legs, and a few minutes of fighting the brush, she eventually reached a medium sized pond, in moments, she virtually ripped off her robe, tossing it over a nearby branch, before diving into the water, it would've been an eight point dive, at the very least. Nuxta remained under the water for nearly a full minute, diving deep into the water, knowing full well that there were some great herbs for flavor enhancement at the bottom of the pond. These herbs would bring out more of the flavor of food, if added with the right ingredients, and with the right foods, usually these herbs worked best on different types of meats and fish. It wasn't used as commonly nowadays, however, while she worked in the restaurant, her friend and supervisor, Feringal had advised her to actually get this herb. You see, both her and Feringal watched out for each other, and since he was a workaholic, and the head chef of the restaurant, she was charged with the task of getting the herbs, especially being the sous-chef, and the head waitress. For both their jobs though, they weren't paid very well compared to most places, namely because the owner of the place was, as previously stated, greedy, or by their words, a money grubbing ass. It was worse for Nuxta though being one of the few females working at the place, especially with the owner's lecherous nature and because of it, she was on her last leg with that job, nearly about to quit. After plucking several stems of the underwater herb, she quickly swam back to the surface, letting the air fill her lungs quickly as she tossed the bundle of herbs up onto a rock, before once again diving into the water. This time though, instead of gathering herbs, she dived down further, searching for something else. 'AHHA!' she thought, spotting a white flower, one she had been spending weeks searching for. After picking it, she quickly resurfaced, inhaling sharply, before holding it out in the sunlight, seeing it sparkle with water. "Finally found it!" she said aloud with a smile on her face. For you see, the flower she had found was said to be much like a lucky clover, even though they were indigenous to the area she lived in, tending to live in warmer climates, and only grow closer to winter. She was lucky that she had found it now, for, winter was only a month and a half away, and within a week, it would start cooling down to the point where the lake would freeze over. On top of that, she had also gathered enough herbs to last her through a fair portion of winter, that is if she remained working at the restaurant. Less than an hour after her swim, she had returned home and had dressed up for work again. Once again making her way to the restaurant. Not long after she had arrived there though, she found herself facing down her boss, who sat behind his desk quietly, looking over some paperwork. "So...Nuxta...what is it you came in for?" he asked, lowering his glasses, his eyes carefully looking over her body. "Well...you see...my landlord raised the rent not that long ago..." she mentioned. "And...its too much for what I'm being paid presently...so if its not too much...could I get a bit of a raise?" As she finished her question, the dragon carefully stood up, taking off his glasses. "Well...Nuxta...I can give you a raise..." he began, his voice becoming softer. "That is...if you're willing to do something for me...." Nuxta didn't like the sound of that almost instantly, growing a bit nervous about the way he was standing behind her, and touching her. "W-what did you have in mind?" she asked, trying to keep calm, after asking this, he leaned in closer to her, whispering something. The moment she heard it, her cheeks began to glow bright red, before she growled. "NOT IN A MILLION YEARS!" she roared, spiraling around, and smacking him across the face. This sent him reeling back a bit, but he quickly regained his composure. "I'm willing to forgive you...and let you keep your job...if you do a good job at what I ask." were his words, and these words just angered Nuxta further, pulling water from a nearby glass, she quickly froze it, and sent several small needles at him. Now, he was able to avoid these needles, but, by the time he looked up, the dragoness had ripped off her apron. "Forget your job, you know what? I QUIT!" she roared, before heading for the door. However, she found herself unable to leave because he had moved himself in front of the door. This wasn't a problem though for her, delivering a swift knee to his crotch, before kicking him out of the way as he was buckling over writhing in pain. "What happened in there?" Asked Feringal after she walked out of the room, slamming the door behind her. "I quit, I've had it with that lecherous ass." Nuxta replied. "But, don't let that stop you from working here." "Well...I was going to leave in a couple weeks anyhow, I need at least one more paycheck to get out of this town." Feringal said, reaching around, pulling a small slip of paper from his pocket. "And, since I'm rather busy...here, you can have this invitation to a party in a couple days." the dragoness smiled as she took it, taking a hold of it without reading what the party was about, before she walked out of the restaurant. Once outside though, she looked over the invitation, simply the title of the party alone was enough to leave her walking home with her head a little lower than normal, thinking about the dream she'd been having for the past couple of days. Was it a sign perhaps?

By this time, Alakai had finally returned home, having bought food, and clothing to last him for a few weeks. Pinned on his door though, was a similar invitation to the one Nuxta had in her possession. After entering his temporary home, he returned to grab the invitation, which read: 'Singles' Mingle, You're invited, formal dress, at the bar on the day of the winter solstice.' "A formal party, eh?" he asked himself. "I don't think I packed my formal wear though..." Upon that thought, he set down the invite, dashing to his room, where his bag had remained untouched since his arrival to this house. He tossed it onto his bed, before digging through it, the first thing he noticed was, an amulet was sitting atop everything else, the amulet was solid gold, on a silver chain with a single large sapphire placed at the center. "Where did you come from?" he asked, gazing at the amulet, which he picked up by the chain. "I swear I didn't pack you." Carefully, he set it aside, seeing his formal wear right under the amulet, which made him smile, this party would be a perfect opportunity for him, the perfect opportunity to observe.

Heart of a God Chapter 2

Chapter 2 Several dragons stood in the dimly lit room, orbs of different colored flames, the only source of light. Each of them wearing different vestments, a bright, ruby red dragon with four horns made of pure ruby, wore very royal looking robes,...

Heart of a God Chapter 1

Chapter 1 Two dragons, one male the other female, were lying in bed together and being loving with each other. His lips were pressed tenderly against her neck, which made her back arched a bit. Feeling his warm paws sliding down her body made the...

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