Heart of a God CH4

Chapter 4 Her eyes locked onto him, with tears running down her cheeks. With how he had been acting all night, it was not only upsetting, but frustrating. This had finally pushed her over the edge with the emotions she had been bottling up for the...

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Heart of a God Chapter 3

Chapter 3 Their hearts were racing, as the midnight blue dragoness moved a claw down the bare scales on his chest. The royal blue dragon ran his paw down the back of her neck, letting them move over the spines, although firm, they were soft to his...

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Heart of a God Chapter 2

Chapter 2 Several dragons stood in the dimly lit room, orbs of different colored flames, the only source of light. Each of them wearing different vestments, a bright, ruby red dragon with four horns made of pure ruby, wore very royal looking robes,...

Heart of a God Chapter 1

Chapter 1 Two dragons, one male the other female, were lying in bed together and being loving with each other. His lips were pressed tenderly against her neck, which made her back arched a bit. Feeling his warm paws sliding down her body made the...

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