His Extreme First Time: 1000 Uses For Rope

Story by the roo on SoFurry

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#2 of His Extreme First Time

Before, I never really appreciated asphyxiation until I watched this one porno. Then I got my rocks off and thought to write this.

Warning: 18+ Severe Stuff

The noose was snug around Robert's neck once the masked figure, dressed in a leather jackal mask and leather gloves with a fishnet top and heavy bronze cargo pants, shoved the taunt of it down to the back of his neck. He could feel a chill run up his spine, making every fiber of gray fur on his rabbit body stand on end. Even the tuff of fur that was his tail stood on end. His big foot-paws on the edge of the chair he stood on, he fiddled his thumbs nervously together, his paws tied with rope behind his back and he anxiously nibbled at the strand gagging him, tied behind his head. He began to breathe more sporadically, watching as the figure in the mask with bluish-gray fur walked in front of him. The figure reached out with gloved paws, forcing Robert to squeal when his extremely thick nipple piercings were tugged without restraint. As they were tugged, the custom made handle bar piercings turned the rabbit's giftedly large nipples red. Even as tears of pain were soaked up by the fur on his cheeks, Robert's eleven inch cock poked out from its sheath, falling and swinging between his legs in front of his apple sized sac.

The gray rabbit looked down into the eyes of his torturer. There wasn't an ounce of concern in the masked figure's eyes after the pain he had caused the bound male. Robert flinched, struggling to pull away as the figure reached out again, this time grabbing hold of his cock. He whimpered, feeling the figure's finger's squeezing it hard and harder. Then he screamed into the rope binding his maw, his cock pulled as high as it could go before being dropped hard into his sac, sending an aching feeling all through the lower half of Robert's body, his balls twitching, near retreating up into his crotch. He writhed in pain, desperately wanting to grab his aching sac while his cock dripped pre on the chair beneath him. The masked male groaned, fondling the bulge restrained by the leather crotch on his pants, savoring the whimpers and tears coming from the bound rabbit.

When they stopped fondling, Robert saw something in the male's eyes. As they placed their boot upon the chair he was standing on, the rabbit's heart raced as it was kicked from beneath him. Robert grunted and show signs of struggling to breathe as he stood on the very tips of his toes while the rope tugged at his neck. Partially suffocating felt like he had a knot in his throat, though that knot was now tugging at the outside. His torture watched as his face turned red. Robert could feel the blood rushing to his hanging cock as well, the big veins running along its shaft pulsing.

Robert arched his back at the crack of a wooden paddle against his ass, the rope tightening around his neck. Each time it went for his reddening cheeks, he was forced to asphyxiate himself as he tried to get away with it. But his body betrayed him. Lowering his head against the noose, he sobbed and moaned at the same time watching his cock leak all over the floor when he felt the tingling in his ass.

Despite all the pleasure he could get from pain, Robert whimpered in protest as his torturer squeeze his big hanging nuts. He screamed through his gag at the ceiling as the male tugged at them, letting them bounce back into position before pulling at them again. Before he could recover, his torturer grabbed a piece of rope connected to a strap and a pull system. He bellowed out a moan, the hooded male grabbing his sac one last time. One loop, two loops, three loops, he was forced to watch until his balls were so tight in the loops of rope they were almost bright red and they stung whenever he tried to move.

Robert started to hang himself as he tried to lower his knees, wanting to ease the pain in his tormented sac, yet his cock still stood stiff, the tip of it turned an unnatural bright red as the blood rushed to it. Without warning, the rabbit felt the rope around his balls tugging at them. Squirming about, he screamed again before grinding his blocky teeth into the rope in his maw. The rope had been hooked to the floor, and Roberts's torturer was cranking the pulley. With each crank, the rabbit could feel his strained orbs being pulled towards his ass cheeks, his aching dick now standing like a fleshy point.

When the figure stood up behind him, Robert could hear the sounds of the paddle being squeezed within the male's gloved paw. He watched as they walked around him. He whimpered pathetically, eyes begging as that paddle was touched to his dick, Robert shooting out a thick glob of cum because of how sensitive his throbbing cock was.

Disappearing behind Robert again, they stood there, watching him. The rabbit knew they were about to do something, and it was killing him how long he had to wait. And then hit him...he heard the loud smack against his strained balls before he actually felt the pain. Eyes clenched, the rabbit thrust his cock forward, tears flying from his face as he wailed. As the pain throbbed through the lower half of his body, he tried to take in spastics breaths before...CRACK. Again his hips went forward and Robert was forced to choke himself. This time a thick glob of cum sailed towards the nearby wall. Gasping, Robert desperately tried to thrust hips, badly wanting to cum but he couldn't because of the rope tightly looped around his sac. It wasn't until the two sharp cracks and the immense pain did the rabbit's big cock shoot a heavy load like a kinked hose, most of his cock beat red as it struggled to cum.

His asphyxiated orgasm felt incredible! He didn't care anymore. Exhausted, he collapsed, the rope pulling tightly at his neck. With rasping breaths, he watched as the hooded male stood nonchalantly beside his hanging body, stroking Robert's cock very slowly for him so that his jizz leaked out drop by aggravating drop.

When Robert's body dropped to the floor, he breathed like a drowning male coming up for air. His tortured had made sure all the other ropes were removed first before Robert could move around freely, the rabbit's nipples and balls stinging just by a gentle touch of the air. On the floor, pitifully looking up, he was suddenly greeted by a great big knotted cock, already leaking globs of pre. And pitifully... Robert nursed on it...


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