The Power of the Stray Beads
The wolf smirked as the world around her gradually got smaller thanks to the power hidden within the twenty stray beads she had collected up to that point.
The Blessing of an Anal Bead
The blessing of an anal bead horatio h.
What's Better Than Beads?
"after this, i...i'm gonna give you some beads no matter what you do..." a messy **_schlip_** followed as trisha came back from the tip and swallowed a fresh bead of precum. "even if i stop right now?"
Big Bad Bobby Ch 2
Warning: 18+ Naughty Stuff The air was filled with muffled whimpers as Colt felt more water gushing down the back of his legs and over his pale sac. There was a loud slurping as the pump was unstrapped from his waist and dropped to the floor, just...
Fluffy Seems Different, but She is Still... (Part 1)
She remembered that most humans tend to wear clothes, so she looked in mum's drawer to apparently find some sex toys, including a strap-on, whip, ball gag, and used beads that smelled bad.
My Dearest Toy
Now your shoulders are all nice and rounded, and you have yourself another plump little bead!"
Stocking Stuffers
At the same time she began to push the smaller sized beads into the opossum's rear, the sizable balls plunging in one by one until the last row of heavy sized beads got stuck.
A good night
It was wet hot and needy and raphy saw it flexing and pulsing as he pushed the beads into cat. the tigress had devolved into barely lucid grunting as her bunny sodomized her with those beads. that was when she felt it.
Chapter 4 Story of Feline Lovers <3
He eventually smile and pulls out the anal beads we had bought the new year just passed. he licked them slightly, getting the first 3 or 4 beads slightly wet, he rubbed his fore finger and middle finger against my pussy and rubbed my cum over the beads.
Trick or Treat
Making certain to properly lubricate his pink, gaping hole before returning the chosen treat, bead by bead, to its new owner.
A Shocking Interrogation
Mitchell couldn't help but look at brooke's face in pleasure as he insert's bead after bead into her ass. she moaned and pant as each bead enters her. "this is going in right? i'm not cramming them in too fast right?"
Beads (Your Lancer Interlude 1)
O, patroness aolia, protect the man who will wear these beads, and the sinful man who will give them."