The Gift That Just Keeps on Giving

Story by Antarian_Knight on SoFurry

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Alrighty, just because it has been a while since I have done one of these, and because this was an idea too good to pass up, I am happy to present this little bit of fun that has nothing to do with anything I have written so far.

As always, comments are appreciated and requested. I hope you enjoy it.

Teri looked up from his computer when the door bell rang, surprised that someone was bothering him today. Today was a Saturday, and the first day off he had had for two weeks, the first of three straight, and, since it was a torrential downpour outside, it was the perfect day to spend loafing around the house. Shaking his head, the sandy haired man went back to looking at the computer monitor, hoping that whoever it was would take the hint and go away. It was too early for the mail, and UPS didn't run on the weekends, and since he wasn't expecting anybody to visit, whoever was at the door was not welcome. For a few moments, it was silent and Teri decided that it must have been some Jehova's witness or someone selling magazines or something. Whatever the case, he didn't particularly care if he was being rude. Double clicking on the folder of yiffy artwork he had been looking for, he waited impatiently for the pictures to load, one hand already resting on his naked thigh in anticipation, the person at the door already forgotten.

It wasn't that Teri was antisocial or anything, far from it in fact, it was just that he really, really wanted to be alone today. The thing was, just before this long stint at work, he had tossed his boyfriend of almost five years out of his life. They had been having problems for months before that, so it wasn't as if it wasn't justified. What happened was, about a year ago, his boyfriend had started to change. Oh, it had been little things at first, things that hadn't meant much at the time. But, as the months passed, they had started to grow until it was like he was determined to change all the things that had made Teri fall in love with him in the first place. And then, two months ago, Teri had found out that Robert, the man he had loved for years, had been cheating on him for almost a year with not one, but two other guys at the same time. And when Teri had confronted him about it, he had tried to pass it off as if it was nothing. That had been the final straw, so Teri had kicked him out. Out of his house, and out of his life.

And in the two months since then, he had thrown himself into his job, working longer and longer hours to try and take his mind off of it. But, try as he might to distract himself, all he had really gained from the experience was almost total mental and physical exhaustion. Teri sighed as his computer finally loaded the huge file, resisting the steadily growing urge in his mind to go and get his toys. Even after all these months, Robert still lingered, or rather the problems they had had did. One that was particularly on Teri's mind today of all days, was that, while he didn't mind being the top in the bedroom, he liked to bottom once in a while too, he always had. Well, Robert had consistently been reluctant to switch places except on very rare occasions and even then, he hadn't been enthusiastic about it. And when they had started having problems, he had flat out refused altogether. And so, the desire to be topped had been getting more and more powerful as the days had gone on, until he had started considering going out and finding some random guy to do it, something he always refused to do. He just wasn't that way. So he had been trying to satisfy the urge with his collection of toys. And while that was fun, it just wasn't the same thing, so he was trying to just ignore the urge instead, trying to conquer it through sheer will power, which, to be perfectly honest, wasn't working all that well. And then, just when he was selecting the pictures he wanted to view, a loud pounding sounded at the door and he sighed, hanging his head in frustration.

Getting to his feet and stretching a bit, Teri briefly considered coming to the door naked to make whoever it was regret disturbing him, but then he sighed and slipped on the pajama pants he had left in a heap by his chair. With his luck, it would be the police and he would be charged with public nudity or something which would certainly ruin his day. Scratching at an itch on his scalp, he walked towards the entryway into his home, not bothering to hurry. Just as he reached the front door, the knock came again, even louder this time and he shouted through the door for the person to hold their horses. Angrily unlatching the door, he yanked it open quickly, bringing in a cool draft that gave him goose bumps accompanied by the scent of rain. Teri found Jackson, one of his neighbors, standing on his porch, looking surprised at Teri's anger.

"Sorry." Jackson said after a moment, looking embarrassed. "Did I catch you at a bad time?"

"Oh, no." Teri said, shaking his head and suddenly wishing that he had bothered with a shirt too. Jackson was the only neighbor that he actually respected, despite the fact that he couldn't quite figure him out. "Just my day off. Didn't feel like getting dressed this morning."

"Oh. Alrighty then." Jackson said, shaking himself out of his surprise. "Look, I just dropped by to say I was sorry to hear about Robert."

"Uh huh." Teri said, wondering what he really wanted. Of all the people who lived in the cul-de-sac, Jackson was the one that Teri knew the least about. Aside from a few block parties when they had chatted awkwardly a bit, they had never really interacted. Really, the only thing, positive or negative, that Teri knew about him was that he had never made an issue of the fact that Teri was gay or that he was a furry for that matter. A few of the other neighbors had had issues with him at first, to say the least. Some of them still did, watching him like hawks any time he was outside, as if convinced he was going to do something disgusting. "Thanks."

"I know you probably didn't want to be reminded of it, but I wanted to say it before I left." As he said this, Teri noticed the moving van that was just pulling away from the front of Jackson's house, as well as the 'for sale' sign in his front yard.

"You are moving away?" Teri asked, surprised. Jackson didn't seem the type to just up and move.

"Yeah, I decided it was time for a change in scenery." He said, then took something from under his coat where it had been hidden from the rain. Holding the oddly shaped package out to Teri, he smiled slightly and continued. "At any rate, I wanted you to have this. It helped me through something similar to what you are going through, and I thought, since you mentioned you liked dragons, it would be something you would enjoy."

"Thanks Jackson." Teri replied in surprise, taking the offered package. It was heavy for its size and hard through the wrappings, but Teri was more surprised by the fact that Jackson had remembered the conversation they had had almost a year ago, where he had explained about being a furry and what his favorite animals were.

"Anyway, maybe we will see each other again sometime." Jackson said, giving a wave and turning to go. "I hope you enjoy my gift."

"Thanks. And good luck where ever you are going." Teri called after him, receiving a wave of acknowledgement in return.

Shaking his head at the odd visitor Teri closed the door and walked back down the hall, untying the string that held the paper wrapping on the package. As he left the entryway, he let the wrappings fall and found that they had hidden what appeared to be a statue. It had been shaped with exquisite skill into that of a western dragon, curled up like a cat, its jewel-like eyes shining as if made from polished glass. It had been crafted all of red and black stone, which explained its weight and feel, though what kind of rock it was Teri couldn't begin to guess. All he knew was that it hadn't been painted or laquered or anything, since every scale and ridge felt like polished stone, and yet, the colors were more vivid than any stone he had ever seen. More than that, it felt strangely warm, though that must have been because Jackson had been holding it so close to his body. Around the dragon's neck hung an amulet carved with letters that looked Asian in origin, though he had never seen anything like them before. Smiling at the gift, Teri carried it into his bedroom, setting it on the top of his dresser. He had never suspected that any of his neighbors could be so thoughtful, or so odd. And what could Jackson have meant when he said that the statue had helped him through a rough patch? Shaking his head and giving the figurine one last look, he headed back to his office to pick up where he had left off.

Stripping off his pants at the entrance to the room, Teri grinned to himself, flopping down in his seat and reaching for the mouse to select the pictures he wanted to see once more. But just as he touched the mouse, there was loud clash of thunder outside and all the electronics in the house, including his computer, went out, plunging the house into darkness.

"Dammit!!" Teri shouted, angrily pounding a fist onto the desk. Heaving a deep sigh and shaking his head when the power stayed off, he muttered. "Figures."

Getting to his feet and walking back into his bedroom, Teri flopped face down in the bed and closing his eyes. After a few moments of listening to the storm, he sighed once again and rolled over, staring at the ceiling. It didn't matter much anyway. It wasn't like looking at porn did much for him these days. Ever since he and Rob had broken up, he had found it hard to find anything arousing anymore. It always followed the same cycle. He would start getting aroused by the pictures and stories and then something about each one, sometimes something that made absolutely no sense, would remind him of his old boyfriend, and then he would inevitably think of how betrayed he felt, and that would kill his arousal and make him depressed, which made him want some sort of comfort, some sort of release, which made everything start all over again. What he really needed was to have a date, and to move on with his life, but he didn't think he was ready for that yet. The wound Robert had left with his betrayal had yet to close. Giving another sigh, he shifted over, sliding under the covers of his bed and closing his eyes once more. He might as well try and catch up on some sleep, since the power was out...


Teri's eyes snapped open and he looked around the dim room, his heart pounding out a quick, excited beat. He could have sworn that he had heard a strange sound, a sound that he had never heard in the house before. A sudden crack of thunder told him that the storm was still going on outside and he sucked in a deep breath, deciding that he must have imagined what he heard. Either that, or it was just the sound of thunder, echoing strangely off the walls of his room. Teri's eyes started to close once more and his sleepy mind was already halfway back into dreamland when he heard the sound again. This time, it was unmistakable. It was a soft sound, a sort of cracking not unlike what you got when stones were ground together. Looking around the room once more, he couldn't see anything out of the ordinary, anything that might explain the weird sound. The only thing that was out of place was the statue on top of the dresser, but that was only because he wasn't used to it being there.

Or was it? Teri looked at the statue again, suddenly not so sure. Its jewel-like eyes seemed to reflect every flash of thunder like mirrors, and, was it his imagination, or was the statue in a different position than it had been? Slipping his legs over the side of the bed, Teri got up and walked over to the dresser, looking intently at the statue, his heart hammering once again. Its head was no longer resting on its forepaws as it had been, instead, it seemed to be frozen a little ways off its paws, as if caught rising into a sitting position. Shaking his head, his heart starting to calm down, Teri reached out and touched the statue, finding that it was just stone after all. Chuckling at his own foolishness once more, he turned to go back to bed. He was being silly. Statues didn't move. The flashing lightning must have been playing tricks on him. He was almost all the way back to bed when the sound came again and he froze, for it had been accompanied by another sound, a far softer sounder. A sound that he was sure it was impossible for him to be hearing.

Turning around, Teri looked at the statue once more and his heart starting thumping out a rapid beat in his chest once more, as if it were ready to run a mile at top speed, heat starting to rise all over his body. There was no denying it now. The statue had definitely moved, was moving even as he looked at it. Now it was sitting up, its jewel eyes staring right at him, beginning to glow a pale gold in the dark. What was more, a faint ruby light seemed to surround the statue, a light that was growing brighter every second. And more, it seemed to be growing, slowly, but perceptively. And as Teri's breathing started to pick up for a reason he couldn't imagine, he heard the second, softer sound once more. It was the sound of breath being drawn in long, slow drafts. And then, he saw that the statue's sides were expanding and contracting with each breath. The statue, as incomprehensible as it was, was coming to life.

And then, as another flash of lightning lit the room, the statue rose up onto its feet, stretching languidly, the sound of stone cracking beginning suddenly to change, becoming more like a rustling as the dragon's scales clattered. Then, the former statue rolled over off the top of the dresser, landing with incredible grace in a crouch on the carpet. It was now the size of a large dog, but it hadn't stopped growing yet. In fact, it was growing even faster, and as it grew, its shape was changing, becoming more and more like an anthro dragon than a feral. In fact, it was starting to look like a character out of one of his favorite pictures. Teri stared, mesmerized, as it rose out of its crouch, the ruby glow disappearing, the creature standing a full foot taller than him, not counting the horns that crowned its head. And still, in the dark room, only its eyes were visible, the golden glow reflecting dully from the red scales that outlined them. For a few moments, the room was silent, only the drumming of the rain on the roof to be heard, both human and dragon holding perfectly still.

"Uh..." Teri started to say, unsure of his words even as he opened his mouth. Though the dragon's reptilian gaze didn't waver, the glow that shone from them became brighter, growing in strength, revealing a broad, mischievous grin on its face. At the sight of the grin, Teri stopped speaking, swallowing his words, not at all sure that he liked the look of it. The dragon stood still for a few moments more, then its wings, which had been curled around its torso, flicked backward, a flash of lightning revealing its body for a few moments, searing the image into Teri's mind. In spite of his apprehension, Teri had to admit that it looked impressive. Its body was covered in red scales, except for its belly, which was black. Black spikes cast odd shadows across the walls of the room from down the length of its back. But more impressive was its physique, which was akin to that of a body builder, its fine scales making it look sleek and trim. And then, as the dragon rolled its neck from side to side, stretching the kinks out of it, revealing that it still wore the amulet, a peculiar, musky scent worked its way to Teri's nose from the direction of the dragon, confirming what Teri had suspected from the moment it stood up. It was most definitely a male.

And then, before Teri could do anything, it took a step towards the human who stood frozen before it. Teri took a step back on instinct, the backs of his calves bumping into the bed. The dragon took another step towards him, and then another, drawing closer and closer and Teri couldn't go anywhere, despite his desire to keep the distance between them. Swallowing nervously, Teri stood up straight, trying not to show the fear that was starting to gnaw at him. And then, when the dragon was barely a pace away, it leaned towards him, lowering its head until its golden eyes were level with his own. Teri found himself unable to look anywhere but into the dragon's golden eyes, its pupils only slits in the dim light. And as he stood there, mesmerized by the reptilian depths that swallowed his gaze, the dragon spoke, his voice deep and melodious.

"Well?" It questioned, leaning in close, the musky scent getting stronger, filling every breath. A wave of dizzy sensation washed through the young human as the dragon's scent went to work on him, making him suddenly shiver. Teri suddenly felt warm all over, a funny tingling surging to life in his body. He swallowed nervously once more, every breath shuddering with his nervousness. He was just opening his mouth to speak once more, when the dragon's grin widened. He moved suddenly forward once more, his long tongue flicking out, trailing along the surprised human's jaw and then on up to one of his ears, making him shudder with surprised pleasure. For a moment, too shocked to do anything rational, Teri could only stare at the dragon in amazement. And then, the dragon pulled him closer, kissing him deeply on the lips. The dragon's kiss was warm and spicy as its tongue lanced out into the human's mouth, exploring his maw with gentle motions and Teri shuddered once again, desire starting to flood his body, his cock starting to erect itself. Before he knew what he was doing, he found himself returning the dragon's deep kiss, pressing himself to the dragon's body, its scales seeming suddenly soft to him, rather like to pliant leather.

When the dragon pulled back from him, breaking the kiss, it looked at him with a sort of longing expression that Teri had not seen in a very long time, licking its lips in anticipation and Teri immediately felt himself blush, though he hadn't a clue why. After a moment's hesitation, the dragon's tongue flicked out again, this time trailing downward along Teri's neck, caressing the hollow of his collarbone, making him gasp in surprise, the musky breath making all sorts of wild thoughts surge through Teri's mind, thoughts that made him forget all about how strange this was. As the dragon's tongue rasped its way across his sensitive flesh and the heat in Teri's body became more and more intense, the dragon's clawed hands beginning to caress the smaller human's body, trailing along his ribs, and down to his hips. Teri was twitching with delight, his privates standing at full attention and his heart hammering out a rapid beat. Oddly, his body was reacting as if this was the first time he had ever been touched like that before.

And then, all at once, something changed. As the dragon's tongue curled around his neck, almost encircling it with its length, Teri let out a pleasured gasp, his mind's scattered thoughts suddenly organizing. And, just as suddenly, there was no thought in his mind in that moment, expect that he wanted to be with this creature. And then, all at once, as he reached out to caress the dragon's body in return, he suddenly felt its clawed hands close around his thighs, lifting him and tipping him backward with a startled gasp. Teri's surprise at finding himself suddenly looking up at the ceiling from the bed was swiftly replaced by the sensation of the dragon's tongue trailing down his chest, curling sensuously around his pecs, and then down to his ribs, sensuously flicking back and forth across his torso. Raising his head off the bed to look at his partner, he saw that the dragon was crouching down once more, licking his way down his stomach while its hands pushed his legs apart. The dragon was taking its time, teasing him mercilessly with his tongue and claws, making Teri shudder, leaving the human quaking with desire.

A few moments later the human let out a shuddering gasp as the tip of dragon's tongue flicked along his rock hard shaft before curling around it and squeezing gently, making the smaller human arch his back with the unexpected sensation. Grinning, the dragon curled his tongue around Teri's cock, wrapping its length until it was completely engulfed by the folds of the reptilian tongue, the strange sensation making Teri gasp, biting his lip as he tried to restrain himself. It took all of about a minute before Teri's muscles were clenching up, instinctually trying to resist the climax that he teetered on the edge of. But the dragon wasn't going to let him off the hook so easily.

Just as Teri was about to release, the dragon suddenly uncurled its tongue from his flesh, its hot breath washing over his thighs as the dragon continued to trail its fleshy tongue downward, circling his balls for a few moments. Teri looked down at the dragon in frustration, but he just grinned, golden eyes filled with mischief. And then, the dragon flicked its sinuous tongue further down, parting Teri's butt with its slimy length, slurping lewdly at his entrance. Teri shuddered with the new feeling, a broad grin spreading across his lips at the dragon's treatment, eagerly lifting his legs to give it easier access, laying his head back down as his breathing began to pick up. Panting, Teri looked up to see the dragon's grin getting wider, revealing white fangs in its jaws, and then the dragon did something that he had only ever imagined could be done.

The hot tip of the dragon's tongue suddenly pressed hard at his slicked hole and Teri's body clenched up, instinctually resisting the slimy intruder. And then, Teri's eyes went wide as the dragon's hot tongue forced its way into him, wriggling back and forth as it penetrated. Gasping, Teri clenched up as the dragon worked its thick, muscley tongue deeper into the human's depths, its length wriggling pleasantly against Teri's insides, the sensation nearly forcing Teri over the edge once again. And then, as the dragon slowly began to withdraw his tongue, his hot breath washing across Teri's flesh, the human felt his eyes rolling back into his head. This was better than anything he had ever felt, better even than the best sex he had had.

The fleshy appendage that was now working its way back into him was thicker than Robert's cock had been, and it writhed inside him in a way that nothing had ever matched, teasing his insides in a way he couldn't begin to describe. But the thing that felt the best, the thing that was driving him so close to his climax, was the heat. The dragon's entire body was hot like sun-warmed stones, but no more so than his tongue. Its tongue was so hot that it felt like it should have hurt, but there was no pain, even though the heat wasn't decreasing. Instead, it felt almost like it was getting hotter by the moment. And then, all of a sudden, he felt the pressure that had built in his insides shatter like it was made of crystal and he clenched down hard, his entire body twitching as he came, his cock spraying cum all over his chest and stomach.

Teri was in heaven, his body filled with pleasure, but this climax felt different than the others he had had. The release filled him with pleasure, but the pressure that had caused it wasn't going away. Instead, it seemed like it was getting more intense, his muscles locking up as the dragon's tongue continued its assault on his insides, twitching this way and that inside his body, every flick sending a new wave of feeling through him, each new touch like an explosion of pleasure, as if a string of firecrackers were going off inside his brain, each sending a new stream of cum from his tip. And then, after what seemed like forever, the dragon stopped his flicking and began to pull his tongue out of his lover. Finally, as the dragon's hot tongue tip approached his entrance, Teri felt the explosions of pleasure subside and at last, his tensely clenched muscles relaxed, his twitching member finally stopping its wild spraying. As the dragon's tongue withdrew from him fully with a wet noise that he barely heeded, leaving his insides feeling empty and chilled, Teri felt his hands that had clenched up on the bed sheets release and he drew in a deep, shuddering breath, his eyes that had been clenched shut slowly opening. He felt wonderful, satisfied in a way he had never imagined he could feel, and so relaxed that he didn't even think of moving. For a while, he just lay there, panting, every breath filled with the scent of his scaly lover and the musty scent of seed.

But then, as he slowly caught his breath, Teri became aware that the dragon was shifting position, standing up and repositioning himself. Raising his head to see what his new lover was up to, he became aware of something hot, hard and slick nudging his balls and he raised his head a little more to look down, his eyes going wide at what he saw. Pressing against his privates, clearly visible even in the dim light, was the dragon's cock, oozing a sticky drop of pre onto his relaxing shaft. The human couldn't help but stare at it, the image of it filling his mind. It was huge, at least two inches wide at its head, and it had ridges going down half its ten inch length, each swelling its girth even wider than the last. It was bright red and pulsing with the dragon's heart beat, glistening in the flashes of lightning as if already coated in lube. And as he stared at it, Teri felt his heartbeat quickening once more, his member starting to erect itself as the dragon slowly ground his magnificent cock against him. Slowly, as if his eyes were being drawn upward by a strange power, Teri looked up to find a questioning look in the dragon's gaze. And, though he had just cum so much that he didn't think there was drop of seed left in him, Teri nodded eagerly. Oh yeah, he wanted it.

Grinning, the dragon took hold of Teri's legs, draping them onto his shoulders, lifting the smaller human's waist off the bed, making him slide backwards as the dragon climbed up onto the bed with him. Then, leaning over Teri, the dragon nudged the tip of his penis between the human's buttocks, the hot flesh nudging his stretched and lubricated hole. The moment it touched him, the desire to be filled by the dragon's cock suddenly overwhelmed him and Teri tried to thrust up into the dragon, trying to take charge. But the dragon shook its head, holding Teri's body still with its powerful arms. Then, when Teri stopped trying to thrust upward, his scaly lover at last began to sink down onto him, his tip slowly sliding into the human's passage. Then, with a sudden motion that sent a lightning bolt of sensation through the human, the dragon's head suddenly popped into Teri, making him grit his teeth at its size, but the dragon didn't stop to let him adjust. It continued its slow pressure, working its huge penis into him bit by bit, only pausing when the first ridge was against his hole. Teri set his jaw hard, a small fragment of his rational mind coming back to life, starting to question the wisdom of agreeing to this. His desire had made him forget just how large the dragon was. He didn't even have toys that were this big. And yet... wasn't this what he had always secretly wanted? Hadn't he always wanted to be fucked by such a huge cock?

And then, as the dragon slowly pulled out from him, the musky scent of its reptilian body got even stronger and the small sliver of his rational mind that considered such things was drowned out by desire. He didn't care if it hurt, he wanted the dragon all the way inside him. More than that, he wanted the dragon to rut away inside him until he couldn't move and, as if sensing that desire, the dragon started to thrust into Teri, powerful thrusts that Teri knew should have hurt, but miraculously, they didn't. Instead, after the first one or two, as his butt adapted to having something so large inside it, they started to feel good, better even than the dragon's tongue had. And then, with an especially hard thrust, the dragon plunged the first ridge into him and Teri let out a surprised cry, his body tensing up without his input. But the dragon wasn't stopping yet. With each new thrust, it crammed its cock deeper into its smaller lover, working each ridge in turn into him. And then, all at once, the dragon stopped its thrusting, holding still, hilted inside him, panting. Teri had never felt so full, his body twitching and jerking at having so much dragon flesh inside him.

But then, as the dragon lowered its head and gently licked his chin, its cock pulsing with the reptile's desire, Teri's body began to relax, adapting to his lover's girth. Shuddering as the pressure on his insides began to lessen slightly, Teri clung to the dragon, holding tight to his lover's body, his mind whirling. And then, suddenly, a realization crystallized in his mind, a realization so profound that his eyes went wide. As he clung to the dragon, feeling its powerful arms in circle his torso, pressing the human's sticky chest to him, it suddenly came to him that the dragon was close to cumming, Teri's tightly stretched passage pushing him close to the climax, and that he was holding itself in check, trying to calm down enough to give him what he wanted so badly. And when he realized that, Teri sought out his lover's gaze, and suddenly, as he stared into the golden depths of its eyes, he saw something almost hidden beneath the lust and mischief that were on their surface, something that he had almost never expected to see again. Suddenly understanding, he reached out with one hand and caressed the line of the dragon's jaw, nodding gently. The dragon grinned in reply and kissed him gently on the nose, holding him tightly to his scaly body, the heat of his draconian body spreading into Teri's, banishing the chill of the storm.

And then, as they held each other close, their bodies joined tightly, the thunder of the storm shaking the walls of the house, the discomfort at being so tightly stretched suddenly vanished and Teri nuzzled the dragon's muzzle, pleasure filling him as the dragon ground against him. And finally, as the lovers trembled against each other, Teri began to realize that the dragon's member was somehow even hotter than its tongue had been, and more, that he could feel every bump, every vein and ridge of the dragon as its tool pulsed with its heartbeat. Looking up at the dragon's eyes once more, Teri found it giving him a questioning look once again. And, after a moment or too, when he had caught his breath, he nodded once again; he was ready.

Slowly, the dragon withdrew its penis from him, the ridges making him shudder as they pulled out, and Teri marveled at how long it took for the hard shaft to slide from him. It seemed to take forever, and at last, when just the dragon's head was inside him once more, Teri took a deep breath in anticipation, trying not to tense up. When the dragon started to move again, it wasn't thrusting like it had before. Instead, it slowly slid its penis into him in one smooth movement, ridges and all and Teri let out the breath he was holding in a shuddering gasp of pleasure as the ridges stroked his insides. Then, with a grin that was all teeth, his scaly lover withdrew once more, then started thrusting once again, building up speed and strength with each thrust. In moments, he was humping so hard that Teri was clinging to him with all his strength just to stay put on the bed. The smaller human couldn't breathe, the huge member rutting away in his insides stopping him from drawing breath. He couldn't think, couldn't breathe and it felt so good that he didn't care.

In those moments, in the arms of his scaly lover, Teri ceased to be a human. He wasn't even named Teri anymore. To his mind, he was simply the lover of this nameless dragon, a being of pure and wonderful sensation that existed only to be bred by the powerful beast that was on top of him, his musk filling the air. His mouth was gaping silently with the pleasure, and he was so tense he knew he should have been cumming already, but something was stopping him, something that wasn't clear to him at first. And then, he realized that he was pressed so tightly against the dragon's hips that he couldn't, his pulsing member twitching away uselessly against the dragon's scales. And then, all of a sudden, when Teri's lungs felt like they were going to burst, and spots were starting to swim in his vision, the dragon's hard rhythm went suddenly ragged, his golden eyes squeezing shut. Then, with a sound like a muted roar coming from its throat, the dragon thrust as deep as he could into his lover, his body shifting position on top of Teri's ever so slightly, but it was enough.

Teri's whole body clenched up all at once and he started twitching, the climax that had been held in check by the dragon's close embrace arriving like a tidal wave, making his head swim, his member spurting even more seed between their bodies. And then more orgasms followed as the dragon's huge member began to spray streams of boiling hot dragon seed into his guts. It felt incredible, even better than he had imagined it would, every spurt of hot dragon cum bringing another wave of pleasure to his mind. But the dragon wasn't stopping. He kept spurting, his scaly body twitching in time, and Teri wondered if he would ever stop. He already felt like his lover had filled him with about a gallon of dragon seed, so much that it was starting to leak out of him despite the presence of huge cock inside him, but it seemed he had much more to give. And then, finally, when Teri could feel himself starting to black out, the dragon finally stopped spurting and started pulling his huge member out of his lover's body. As the pressure of the huge member started to lessen, Teri finally sucked in a desperate, greedy breath, fighting back the darkness that had almost swallowed him, luxuriating in the sensation of his lover's cock slowly sliding from him. Then, after a few seconds, the dragon's tip slipped from him, leaving him gaping and Teri realized that the dragon was just as out of breath as he was, both of them panting hard, unable to speak. Then, slowly, the dragon slid to the side, lying next to his human lover, and Teri sucked in a long, slow breath, looking over at his dragon in amazement.

"That was..." he started to say, trying to find words for it, but his brain didn't seem to be working right. The words he was going to use vanishing from his memory. And what was more, he couldn't seem to muster up the will to care either. And then, though his insides were overflowing with hot dragon seed, Teri realized just how cold it was with the storm and he shivered. But when he saw that, the dragon just smiled in a way that made Teri's heart melt. And as Teri looked him in the eyes, he found the lust and mischief gone and what he had seen before, hidden beneath it all, shone out in golden splendor, the feeling mirrored in his own gaze. Teri smiled at his lover in a way he had never done with anyone else, reaching over to take his warm scaled hand in his, squeezing it gently. It didn't need to be said, it was just...understood.

Then, as Teri shivered once again, the cold starting to get to him, his lover gently pulled him over so he was on his side, the hot liquid that filled his guts gurgling as he moved. Then, with a motion more gentle and tender than Teri had imagined such a large creature capable of, the red and black scaly moved up behind him, tucking himself close against his back, spooning up to him closely. Then, when his lover's warm, scale covered arms encircled his torso, holding him protectively close to his chest, Teri felt a wonderful, warm sensation descend on him, forever banishing the cold of the stormy night. The feeling settled in like a bank of fog, accompanied by almost complete and utter exhaustion. Teri was grinning broadly, pressing back against his lover; he felt incredible, better than he had in years. He was a gooey mess, inside and out, and it felt absolutely great. But far more satisfying than that, he was curled up against someone truly special, something that he hadn't done for a long time, longer than he had been single in fact. And then, as he started to drift off in the arms of his powerful lover, he suddenly realized something strange. He didn't even know if his dragon had a name...

At the Slayerhold's Heart

Alrighty, part two. Again I hope you enjoy it. As always, comments are appreciated and...

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A Walk With the Chosen

Alrighty, before anybody says it, yes, I realize it has been almost a year since I put the last chapters of this storyline on the site, but things have been...shall we say, hectic. Overall it was good for me to take a break from it, as I know have my...

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Persuasion by Moonlight

And part two. Once again I hope you enjoy it. As always comments are appreciated and requested. Oh, and for anyone who is curious, the song I mention in this story does exist, and my favorite version of it is performed by Mary Fahl. It can be found on...

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