
Story by DylanDragon on SoFurry

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Ryan felt a sudden pain in his left arm. It was the kind that started out as a sharp hit, and then the pain would start diffusing through the muscles, causing a soreness that would last days. "What the hell was that for?!" the fox yelled. Several furs in the barista turned around to see what the commotion was before casually turning back to their laptops, newspapers, and phones.

"'s your turn to order. Stop making everyone else wait..." said Hunter.

"Oh hot chocolate," he said in a soft tone to the cashier, who nodded and processed the order.

"Hot chocolate, huh?" the wolf chuckled, playfully elbowing Ryan in the side. "You gay, bro?"

"I'm not going to answer that for two reasons," the fox said sternly, putting a paw on his hip. "Firstly, you already know I'm bi. Secondly, ordering hot chocolate does not define gayness"

"Relax, buddy. I'm just messing with you..."

Ryan pouted a bit, before hearing his order to be picked up. He grabbed the cup, feeling the warmth through his paws, before taking a small tentative sip to prevent burning his tongue. He acted like nothing was wrong, but what Hunter said was still bothering him on the inside. Lately, he'd been feeling very lonely. He hadn't had a girlfriend in years, and it seemed as though everyone that he knew was pairing up with someone else.

Hunter punched Ryan's other arm, making him cry out. "You paying attention there? Or are my sexy looks too much for you?" the wolf said with a smirk.

Upon hearing those words, Ryan could feel a funny feeling in his stomach. Was it butterflies? Was he actually falling in love with his best friend? Nope. It was nausea. Just thinking about Hunter as sexy or attractive made him want to throw up. He gagged a little, opening his mouth wide and pointing at his throat to make the point.

Hunter was a pretty average wolf, standing at an average height. Even his fur was quite boring. Gray fur, all the way around, covered his body.

On the other hand, Ryan looked vibrant and variegated. His natural fur color was red, with black paws. Part of his muzzle was white, with two distinct marks on them on each side, characteristic of most foxes. Perhaps the most colorful part of his body was his tail. He always tied a small charm to the end of it, so it swung around wildly as he walked. Today, it was a small star shaped glass bead, streaked with pinks and oranges. He also died the end of his tail randomly. Whenever it wore off, he would get a new color. He was already up to violet number forty-seven.

"Well, I have to go, so I'll see you," said Hunter, taking his own cup and walking out.

Ryan nodded, and continued to sit at the table, deep in thought. Suddenly, a rumble in his stomach broke him from his mental conversation with himself. He looked around for any food, but only found that the coffee store sold various pastries. "This will do," he thought to himself, standing up to buy something to eat. A small feline got in line right after him. Ryan smiled at him, but he only looked at the floor. "Oh he's cute!" he thought to himself. As he quickly ordered a slice of lemon cake for himself, he couldn't stop sneaking sideways glances at the cat. There was something about him that was especially riveting. After placing his order, he quickly slid over to the pick-up station. He looked around. No, nobody else seemed distracted by the small feline, but he certainly was.

The cat was only about one inch shorter than Ryan. He was dark gray mostly, but had streaks of white going horizontally around his back and midsection. He was humming to himself, and a paw was tapping the floor evenly with every beat. "Was it his clothes?" Ryan thought to himself. The feline was sporting regular black shirt with a well-known brand name on it. He wore cargo pants that were slightly too large for him, so it slightly dragged along the floor when he walked. Ryan looked down at his own red T-shirt and camouflage design shorts. He took another look. There. He found it. On his ear, which was flicking around occasionally, were a row of six small rings. Each one was a different color, and they were arranged so they followed the sequence of a rainbow from top to bottom. Ryan tilted his head, transfixed by this rare fashion statement.

Suddenly, the server called his name, and slid a coffee over to him. He looked at it suspiciously. He had ordered a lemon cake, not a coffee. He looked at the name written on the side of the cup: "Rayn."

"Great," he thought, "They get my name wrong, and my order wrong" He tried to get the attention of the server again.

Meanwhile, the feline was sitting at his table, still humming. He was about to open the small box he received from the server, when a thought struck him. "Who the hell puts coffee in a box?!" He carefully opened it up, holding it away from his body in case it spilled. Inside, was a lemon cake. He looked at the name on the box: "Ryan." He sighed, stood up, and went to the pick-up counter again.

The fox stood by the counter, when the feline approached him. Ryan saw the name on the box. "Hey wait...I think that might be mine," he said slowly.

The cat looked at his box, then at the cup the fox was holding. He saw his name on the side. "Is that yours?" he asked.

"Nope. Either they gave me the wrong order, or I grabbed the wrong thing, because that looks like what I ordered"

"Oh. I think that the coffee you're holding is mine, then," he said with a smile.

Ryan looked at the side again. "You're Rayn?" he asked, pronouncing it like "rain."

The cat giggled. "It's pronounced "Ray-en," he said.

They both laughed a bit, and exchanged items. Ryan went back to his table, where his hot chocolate was sitting, saving his seat. Rayn looked around for a seat, but couldn't find one. Ryan noticed this, and beckoned the cat over.

"Thank you," he said, as he sat down next to the fox.

"That's an interesting name," Ryan said, trying to start a conversation.

"Well, my real name is Raynta," but everybody calls my Rayn.

"Well, do you mind if I call you Raynta?" Ryan asked, "Because my name is really similar to yours"

"Sure," the cat said, smiling again, taking a sip from his cup.

"What school do you go to?" inquired Ryan, desperate to learn more about him.

"Greenville High," he replied.

"Really? Me too! How come I've never seen you there?"

"I don't know, I see you sometimes, but I've never really said 'hi' or anything. Plus, you're a junior, and I'm a sophomore" Another sip...

"Really? But you seem the same age as me!"

"I probably am, but I entered school a little later, because my parents had trouble getting the money for school supplies and everything"

"Oh," said Ryan.

The two furs talked, and got to know each other better. They discovered they had a lot on common. Their likes and dislikes seemed to match up completely.

"You like techno too?" asked Raynta, almost in disbelief.

"Yeah, I do" said Ryan.

Raynta sighed happily. "Thanks for this, Ryan. I really needed it"

"Oh, well, you're welcome, but I really didn't do anything"

"No, you really did," insisted the cat, "I've been feeling kind of alone lately, because well, I don't have a lot of friends. I usually just sulk in the corner, you know?"

"Oh, well, I would have guessed that you were pretty social, because of your earrings"

"Oh these? Yeah, I like them. They seem kind of flashy, but I kind of wear them to feel better about myself. Gay pride and all, you know?"

"You're gay?" asked Ryan, his ears perking up, slightly sitting forward.

"Um...yeah...Is that a problem?" asked Raynta, raising one eyebrow, and drilling into the fox with his eyes, as if he were trying to see into his soul.

"Of course not. I'm bisexual myself, so I definitely don't have a problem with that" Ryan said cheerfully, putting his paws together.

Raynta smiled, leaning back into his seat.

Over the next few weeks, the two became more and more familiar with each other. Ryan and Raynta became more and more accustomed to each other, and began meeting up at school, and on the weekends. As it turns out, they had lived only within five minutes of each other, so they frequently visited each other's houses. Raynta seemed very happy with how everything was turning out. Ryan was not so lucky.

Ryan had been very conflicted with himself. He knew Raynta was gay, and he knew that he had a crush on him. But he also did not want to ruin the friendship they already had built together. Telling the feline about his feelings could be detrimental to their relationship. Usually, he pushed these urges to make his feelings clear deep inside of him, but they always bubbled up very soon, seemingly have increased exponentially.

"Get it together, Ryan," the fox told himself, "Raynta is coming over for a sleepover," so you need to relax!"

The two had planned a sleepover for the entire weekend. Raynta's parents would be busy the entire weekend, and could hardly take care of their son. Ryan's parents had offered to take him in for three days, in lieu of the growing friendship between their children. As Ryan rubbed his paws around his head, trying to clear it, the doorbell rang. Ryan dropped his thoughts, and ran to the door, opening it to reveal a very excited feline holding a backpack. Ryan's jaw dropped. Raynta was wearing a tight pink T-shirt and short volleyball shorts. "Aren't you cold?!" yelled Ryan.

"Very. So why aren't you inviting me inside?" the cat asked, mock pouting.

They raced to Ryan's room, and turned out his video game system. Ryan selected the multiplayer mode.

"No fair! Why do you get to be player one?" Raynta whined.

"Because it's my house. My house, my rules," Ryan replied with an evil grin.

Raynta purred, leaning his head against Ryan's shoulder for comfort. Ryan could feel the soft vibrations from the purring, but was more distracted by the hotness he could feel rising in his face. Raynta pulled away. "You're really warm," he said smiling.

Ryan awkwardly laughed.

In the middle of their game, Ryan's mother yelled from downstairs. "Ryan! Your father and I will be going to your aunt's house. We'll be back in a few hours!"

Ryan paused the game. "In the snow?" he shouted back, observing the snowflakes gently floating down toward Earth through his window.

"It's barely snowing! We'll be fine! You boys going to be alright alone?"

"Yes," they both shouted.

In a few moments, the door slammed shut, and the car pulled out of the driveway.

"Now that they're gone..." began Ryan in a sultry tone.

"We can play all the video games we want!" finished Raynta, jumping up and pumping both fists in the air.

Ryan was still sitting down, and received an excellent view of the feline's hind end.

Ryan lost another life. And another. Game over.

"How do you do that?!" he demanded.

"Like I said, I used to have like, no friends...I played video games to pass the time," Raynta said nonchalantly.

The phone rang. Raynta started a new game as Ryan answered it. When the fox returned, he was trying to hide his glee. "What happened, did you win the lottery?" the feline asked sarcastically.

"Nope. My parents are stuck at my aunt's house. Apparently, it snowed a ton while they were there, and now they can't get home!"

"And this is good because..."

"Because now we get the house to ourselves for awhile!"

"...Yay!" shouted Raynta after some thought.

Soon, the pair grew weary of video games, and decided to get to sleep. Ryan went to the closet to take down the extra mattress. To his dismay, it was completely and utterly stuck. He tugged and yanked, but it would not budge.

"I guess you'll be sleeping in my bed," he said, "I'll take the floor"

"No way, Ryan! You can't sleep on the floor! It's your room anyway! You sleep with me right this second!" Raynta yelled, as he hopped onto the bed. He stared at the fox with large, hopeful eyes.

Ryan blushed, nodded, and climbed into bed right after the feline. After getting situated and comfortable, he sighed, relaxing. "Um...Good night, Raynta"

"Good night, Ryan," he said, yawning.

Ryan awoke with a warm feeling on his fur. Sometime during the night, he had managed to hold Raynta next to him, with the feline pressed up against his chest. Said feline was still snoring softly, and had his paws deeply ruffled inside Ryan's chest fur. He grimaced. His mind raced a million miles a second. "Oh no! What if he hates me for doing this?! What if he never wants to see me again?! What if he's disgusted?!" he thought wildly.

Ryan started pushing the small cat off of him, when he softly heard Raynta moan "Ryan..." in his sleep. Hearing his name in such a soft and slow tone snapped him out of his worrying trance. Ryan blushed a little, and then slowly got out of bed so he could use the bathroom. A couple of minutes later, he was back. Raynta had also gotten up, and was stretching.

"He really has super cute bed hair," Ryan thought. The feline's hair was messed up in all directions, sticking out randomly. Raynta's ears flicked a bit, trying to get rid of the last ounce of sleepiness.

"How'd you sleep, foxie?" Raynta asked.

"Just great," said Ryan happily.

"You know, I really didn't expect such closeness to you during the night," whispered the feline slyly, enouncing his words close to Ryan's ear.

Ryan gasped. "I-I'm sorry...I didn't mean to..."

"It's okay!" Raynta said loudly with a smile, attitude completely changed, "I rather liked, it, to be honest..."

"Well me too..." said Ryan, "It's not every night that you get to hold such a cute thing like yours--" Ryan cut himself off when he realized he had rambled too far. But it was too late. Raynta had heard the entire thing.

"...Did you just call me cute...?" asked Raynta softly. He didn't display any emotion except for curiousity. He wasn't angry, but there weren't any smiles either. He just held his arm shyly and looked at the ground, hoping he had heard clearly. He looked embarrassed at first, but his perking ears told a tale of his desire to learn more.

"...Y-yeah..." Ryan stammered out.

"What do you mean by cute?" Raynta inquired, still refusing to look at Ryan in the eyes.

The fox panicked. He didn't know what to do. He knew he had a crush on the feline, but he couldn't bring himself to say it. Ryan knew how much he wanted to say: "I meant that you're cute because I've been having a secret crush on you for the past month, dammit!" He was thinking it over and over in his head. Why couldn't he have the confidence to say it? Raynta was gay, and wouldn't mind. But would he be able to reciprocate his feelings?

Ryan was interrupted by the kitty jumping toward him, wrapping his arms around his body, and pressing his lips against his muzzle. Ryan backed away at first, and then realized what was happening. His eyelids slowly fell, and a small murr escaped his muzzle.

"I love you too, Ryan," Raynta purred softly with tears of joy. "I've always loved you...I just wasn't sure if you felt the same way!"

Ryan over overjoyed to hear this from the feline, but one thing caught him off guard. "...too...?" he asked.

"Yeah...after you told me that you loved me, I knew we could be together!"

"...I told you that I loved you...?"

"You did! Did you forget, silly?"

Ryan thought back, but his train of thought was derailed by another kiss from Raynta, this time wetter and sloppier. "Don't ruin this, Ryan," he told himself, "Just take it as it is..."

Ryan hugged the small kitten close to him. They were both lying on the bed; Ryan on his back, Raynta on top of Ryan. They started kissing again. Ryan initiated the connection, pulling down the feline's head with a paw around his neck. At first, their muzzles were closed, but then Raynta opened his mouth. Ryan followed suit. Ryan gingerly protruded his tongue into the cat's oral cavity, exploring the sides, cracks, and chambers. Raynta did the same with Ryan. As their tongues twirled around each other, Raynta started gyrating his hips in tiny motions. It wasn't much, but it was enough to get them both aroused. Ryan felt the small movements, and mimicked with his own.

As time went on, and their kisses became more passionate and heated, both Ryan and Raynta felt their own shafts emerging from their sheaths. Their tongues moved faster and faster, making a wet mess all over their muzzles. They licked each other's cheeks, teeth, and tongue. They often moaned into the kiss, whenever a particularly strong hump caused a very pleasurable feeling to spread.

No words were necessary. They knew what the other wanted. Raynta's paws were at the sides of Ryan, slowly stroking the fox's fur. They started moving downward toward the vulpine's boxers. Raynta hooked his claws gently on the elastic band, and pulled downward. The waistband got caught on Ryan's already hard shaft. Raynta pulled harder, until the elastic finally snapped clear of the hard rod, and Ryan was able to kick his clothing away, releasing his manhood from its cloth prison.

Ryan reached down to pull down Raynta's lower garments, but only found a rock-hard kitty shaft in his paws. The feline had already taken his own off quickly, right before undressing Ryan.

Raynta moaned a bit into their kisses, as he felt Ryan's paw slowly stroking the whole length. Even though Raynta was a cat, he stood at an impressive seven inches, large for any domestic feline. Raynta reached forward, grabbing Ryan's shaft in his own paws. He felt the nine inch rod of hard fox cock before breaking the kiss. Raynta moved downward across Ryan's body. He traced his tongue around the fox's base, but not touching the knot directly, which had started to barely form.

Raynta prodded the shaft with his nose, and then licked it from base to tip. Ryan shuddered a bit, before exhaling and moaning at the same time. Raynta licked around and around the tip, making Ryan moan again. He fully enveloped the head in his mouth, and started licking the hole at the top in rough motions. Ryan started groaning from the pleasure. Raynta sped up, pushing every single inch of the hard shaft down his throat. Ryan almost screamed, but withheld himself.

Ryan suddenly pulled away, leaving a small strand of saliva connecting his shaft and Raynta's mouth. It quickly broke, and Ryan sighed in happiness.

Raynta sat up onto Ryan's stomach, straddling his body. "Ryan..." he moaned, "I want you..."

Ryan nodded, and moved backwards and sat up, so his back was against the wall while his legs and hips were still on the bed. Raynta moved off, and then back on him again, right at his groin.

Raynta slowly moved into position, while pressing his chest against Ryan's muzzle. Taking advantage of this temporary positioning, Ryan started licking away at the feline's chest, trying to find the small nipple. Raynta moaned when he found it, gently working his teeth around the nub.

Raynta tried to put the tip into his tailhole, but it wouldn't fit. So Ryan reached over and put one digit into the hole instead. Raynta moaned loudly, as the fox swiveled his digit around, fully rimming the cat's tailhole. Once it was sufficiently loose, Ryan inserted another digit. Then another, and another. Finally, pulled his paw away, and Raynta tried sitting on Ryan's shaft again.

This time, the tip penetrated the hole, causing a very loud moan from the feline. He sat down further, pushing more of the shaft up into him. With every second, more and more of the hard cock was disappearing into the Raynta's tailhole, until it was completely gone.

Raynta grabbed onto Ryan's neck, breathing heavily and moaning occasionally. "Go..." he whispered.

Ryan used both his paws to grab onto Raynta's body, and then lifted him up slightly while moving his hips down. Then, he pushed down hard with his paws and bucked up firmly. Raynta screamed, and yelled "Harder!"

Ryan decided that he couldn't keep penetrating Raynta as well in this position, so he pushed Raynta backward. The cat lied on his back with his hind paws in the air, while Ryan kneeled right behind his tailhole, still deeply immersed inside.

Ryan pulled out his shaft, making Raynta feel strangely empty. Then, with all his force, he almost brutally shoved the tip and shaft back into Raynta. They hilted.

Raynta started screaming "Yes! Harder!"

Ryan happily obliged. He pulled out his cock again, and slammed it back in. Eventually, it became tiresome, and he would always leave the tip inside. But he never failed to smash his hips against the small feline's, hilting him with every thrust.

Soon, a symphony of moans and screams penetrated the air, as well as the heavy musk that Ryan was emitting. Every thrust brought a moan from Ryan and a yell and a groan from Raynta.

Ryan hadn't noticed until now, but it had been awhile since he had hilted Raynta. He looked down, and realized that his knot was now fully formed, and was blocking entry. He pulled out almost all the way, then slammed his hips into Raynta's, forcing the bulb into the cat's tailhole with a loud pop. Raynta screamed. The feline's tip started twitching wildly.

Ryan yelled out when they knotted. He started thrusting in and out in short, fast spurts like a jackhammer. Raynta started screaming and moaning louder than ever.

Ryan heard the sounds, and it made him even lustier. Raynta could feel his fox pounding him faster and faster, and knew that Ryan was close. Through the haze of all the pleasure, he found strength to squeeze his anal rings periodically, clamping down on Ryan's shaft and then releasing. Ryan was brought over the edge. He yelled out, as creamy fox cum came shooting out of his tip, flooding Raynta's anal passage with his thick, sticky seed.

Ryan could feel the pulsing and throbbing inside of him, as well as being filled with warm liquids. This sent him diving over the edge, as he orgasmed, hard. He screamed, almost reaching a shriek. Ropes of his cum squirted out, landing all over his chest and stomach. He panted hard, recovering from his ejaculation.

Ryan scooted back, still tied with Raynta. He pulled his feline up, so Raynta was also sitting on top of his hips, housing his still hard member. They were facing each other. Ryan started at the bottom, slowly licking Raynta's cock, cleaning the cum that still stuck to it. He didn't swallow, but kept it in his mouth instead. He moved upward, licking patches of fur on the feline's chest that was partly stained with his seed. With a muzzle full of cum, he faced his partner, and pressed their lips together.

Raynta opened his mouth, letting in a flood of his own cum, mixed with the fox's saliva. They swished it around each other's mouths, adding their own fluids to the mix, enjoying the taste.

Eventually, Ryan swallowed half of it, pushing the other half with his tongue into the back of Raynta's throat. Raynta understood and drank his share.

Raynta sighed happily, nuzzling Ryan's neck. "I love you," he murred.

"I love you too," said Ryan, yawning.

They fell asleep together, and didn't separate until the morning.

Can’t Keep My Eyes Off of Him (Part 8/8)

**Can't Keep My Eyes Off of Him (Part 8/8)** Xavier parked his car in the corner of the lot. They had already arrived a little late, since they hit so many traffic lights. The last space available was the furthest one. Dylan and Xavier prepared to...

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Can’t Keep My Eyes Off of Him (Part 7/8)

**Can't Keep My Eyes Off of Him (Part 7/8)** Dylan awoke to loud noise. "Hrm...Wh-What...?" he groaned sleepily. It was still dark outside, and the only light in the room came from the bathroom, shining through a closed door. He looked down....

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Can’t Keep My Eyes Off of Him (Part 6/8)

**Can't Keep My Eyes Off of Him (Part 6/8)** Note: This part of the story involves a dragon and an otter making love. If you do not wish to subject yourself to such mental images as these, then please skip this... Xavier bit his lower lip,...

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