The Eternal Shards Chapter 1

Story by Ryuu-Kou on SoFurry

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Well here I present my first story to be shown to the not-so-general public. I wrote this a while back and just recently got my friend to edit it (goes by the name undeadrogue). He pretty much re-worded the entire piece, only enhancing the content it held. Most of the things I write is poetry which would explain the poor grammar I have. Though don't count on the next ones coming out any time soon, school and work does not leave much time for creation. Forsaken by scheduals. ^^

Ofcourse how could I forget the required portion of any erotic story. This is meant for adults and is not to be viewed by children, if you are under 18 at least consider doing something else.

With that over and done with, enjoy...

The Eternal Shards

Chapter 1

"Another boring day," I sighed, looking towards the ominous peak of the towering mountain. I had been resting for some time, and felt that I should resume my cautious trek to the top.

The mountain was nothing special, though. It may have been the tallest one in the area, but it was certainly not steep enough to prove a formidable challenge. What attracted me to it was the air of mystery it held. Just halfway to the summit, I could sense that something was odd. These days, no one even dared to begin up its winding dirt trail. The village folk at the base of the mountain would abruptly end any conversation concerning it. However, it was the only one in the region unconquered by yours truly. It had to be done.

I was approximately 5'10" and in excellent shape -- thin, yet muscular, and as agile as an elf. My long, brown hair was tied behind my head with some string. Other than that, it was unkempt, to say the least. My eyes were brown, nicely complimenting my hair. I was clad in thick brown leather and burdened the weight of a similarly fashioned pack; all expertly tailored by myself. I traveled across the lands, seeking new hikes, hoping for each one to be more dangerous and thrilling than the last. The collect few who knew my name suggested that I settle down and start a nice family. "No way," I'd tell them, "I've still got a few years ahead of me." I was 19 at the time.

As I continued my journey up the jutting rock behemoth, I found that the clear dirt trail suddenly cut short. From then on, I was forced to scramble over rocks and duck under tree branches. But the higher I found myself, the more uneasy I became. I was now sure that something odd was happening on this mountain. Perhaps I should not have left the villager warning me about my inevitable doom in the dust. Now, I had never tangled with the likes of a magical being, but I knew enough about them to know when they were around -- and when to stay out of their way. Yet, I was stubborn, and no earth-born mountain would get the best of me -- whether it promised my demise or not.

What felt like a couple of hours had passed. The slope had become steeper, and the only visible earthen path, more difficult to maneuver about. It would have been more amusing if I wasn't on edge, but at least it provided some challenge.

I quickly lost track of time. I grew exhausted, and less careful of my footing. I hopped on a small boulder precariously wedged between two trees. Instantly realizing my flaw, I foolishly attempted to balance myself, causing the boulder to jerk and violently hurtle me forwards. I thought I was done for. My arms shot forward to support my fall -- but to my surprise, my entire body passed straight through the ground, leaving me little time to consider what was happening as I plummeted even further than I initially expected.

I screamed in terror as my fall continued for several more feet. I landed on my back with a thud. Winded and dazed, I laid on my back for a few moments, panting heavily. My vision was blurred. I began to panic, and waved my hand in front of my eyes, sighing in relief as it cleared, dropping my hand back down beside me. After coming to terms with the fact that I was still alive, I began to inspect my body. No broken bones. Amazing. I rose to my feet with a bit of struggling and dusted myself off.

I observed my surroundings. I appeared to be in a meadow that stretched infinitely long and wide. It was sprinkled with blooming flowers, long grass, and large willow trees swaying in the wind. "Wind? Inside a mountain?" I pondered outloud, quickly dismissing the thought. I began to walk aimlessly about in one direction. As I walked further from my initial landing point, the portion of land in front of me simply phased out from existence. I stepped back, and the meadow appeared before my eyes once more. I took another step forward and found myself looking into the same dark emptiness. "Huh," I muttered with a shrug, thinking nothing more of it. I turned around and walked back in the direction of my landing place.

After reaching the imprint I had left in the ground, something not too far off that I had not seen before caught my eye. A child, no more than 10 years old by the looks of it.

She had her back turned to me, giving me a chance to examine her. This girl had light blond hair -- almost silver. It reached down to the back of her knees. She wore a simple white gown, and looked like an angel, fallen from the sky into this magical plane of existence within the mountain.

I could not tear my eyes away from her beauty. It was a near-fatal mistake. Without warning, her head whipped around to meet my stare, her hair flowing as magically as the willows and grass around her. Her gaze trapped me in the innocent sparkle of her icy blue eyes. I reeled back in surprise -- only to find that I could not, in fact, move. My surprise quickly melted into a feeling of utter dread as her frozen gaze bore into my very soul. A chill as icy as her eyes began to creep up my legs, slowly numbing my body. I could feel my skin icing over, my very bones being fixed in place.

"Stop!" I pleaded desperately, ripping my eyes away from her stare. But it was too late. "Please stop this!" I screamed in fear. It was hopeless. I was able to do nothing but stand still as a wicked smile painted the young girl's face, ice creeping past my neck, beginning the end of its' murderous deed.

I closed my eyes, feeling my heart beat slow. I expected death, but I could not accept it. "I cannot die here," I breathed, clamping my teeth down in anger, "I cannot die like this!" I began to yell. The ice stopped dead in its' tracks. The child's sinister grin quickly changed to confusion. She narrowed her eyes again and I began to feel the ice continue its' steady climb up my face.

At this time, I was completely encased in the child's frozen prison. I could see and hear nothing, but I did not feel death's ragged breath. Instead, I felt a power begin to surge within me, giving me strength -- giving me power in my time of dire need. I focused on this idea; this aspect of myself, and felt it course through my veins.

As I felt the power in every fiber of my being my eyes shot open under the frozen material, unleashing the mental energy in a single blast, shattering the ice as if it were glass, shaking the ground and sending ice flying 10 feet in all directions around me. But in my moment of triumph, I felt a sudden drain. I was completely exhausted, feeling as if I had run twenty miles in an instant.

As I gasped for air, my knees buckled and I fell forward, slamming my fist down onto the grass. I raised my head just in time to see the intrigued look on the child's face before she bolted off across the field, leaving me to ponder the recent events.

"Wait," I yelled weakly, unsure of my own intentions. I feared this strange girl who, moments ago, nearly sealed my fate, but I desired to know more about her. After all, as far as I knew, she was my only option if I ever wanted to leave this realm.

Rising to my feet gradually, I felt reinvigorated. My strength had returned to me. I decided to pursue the girl, and headed off in the direction that she fled. As I walked, I had a better chance to view this meadow encased in the mountain. The entire field was peppered with the same species of flower, but each one seemed to sport a different colour on its' petals. Surveying the enchanted land, I also realized that it covered more space than the base of the mountain. "Magic is a mysterious force," I pondered quietly.

As I continued across the unscarred field, another issue arose in the back of my mind. This 'world' resided in a mountain, yet the sun shone through as if there was no mountain cap at all.

However, the matter that had me worried the most was not what she did -- it was what I did. "I'm a human," I reasoned with myself, sitting down to take a breather and think out loud. "Yet, I was able to summon that.. energy," I continued. I had heard of sorcerers, but such a profession required a life's worth of training to accomplish the feat I had just achieved. Not to mention that the last of the Sorcerers' Guild had perished years ago. I shrugged off the troubling thought for now and concentrated on the task at hand, I had to find that child. Rising to my feet, I continued my search.

After many conflicting thoughts, I had made it to the other edge of the meadow. Viewing the border of the field at this end it looked much like the other end, a thick forest, shielding the other side from unwanted eyes. Though, of course, when I stepped near it, it phased away. "Figures," I muttered. To my right, there was a large, rough stone wall. Dug into it were footholds scaling all the way to the top, as if it was meant to be climbed.

I examined the wall up and down carefully. Eventually, I spotted a portion of the wall that seemed blurry; different from the rest of the wall -- much like the edges of this place that phased out of existence when I neared them. I figured something was up there, at the very least.

I grinned at the challenge before me and grabbed onto the first two footholds, searching for the easiest route up the vertical surface. I nodded, grunting as I pulled myself up the first set, slowly beginning my upwards climb. But every pull closer to the peak, I began to feel that same uneasiness I felt when trekking up the mountain -- but it was different this time. A chilled wind blew past me, sending shivers down my spine.

To my relief, I had arrived at the top without incident. Just as I had expected, the blurred portion of the wall phased away when I touched it, and I fell through. I found myself in a dark, dank cave. I rose to my feet, wishing I had a torch of some kind. I tip-toed further into the cave, keeping as quiet as possible. However, I soon came upon the conclusion that catching a magical creature by surprise is not as easy as one would hope. I felt an all-to-familiar chill about the air. I whirled around to see the angry child standing at the entrance of the cave. Her rage-filled eyes locking me into place once more.

"You infiltrate my sanctuary," she began, "you evade my magic.." She spoke softly, but the venom in her voice was apparent. "..And now you climb into my lair with not so much as a second thought," she finished, never breaking her dangerous scowl. She began to pace back and forth in front of me, never taking her eyes away from mine. "Before I do away with you, just what is your name?" She asked.

Feeling obliged to tell this girl who threatened me so, I spoke. "I am Keiro. I hail from the town of Breyok, and all that I ask of you is to tell me how I might go about leaving this place," I requested, feeling braver.

The girl's face seemed to lighten, and a smile crept onto her face as she gradually walked towards me. She repeated my name under her breath. I panicked once more, trying to decipher her sudden change in attitude. I stammered, "I-I was also w-wondering what a ch-child would be d-doing here."

Suddenly her face became stern as she replied "I am much older than you believe." A wave of cold washed over my soul, as if she meant to press the point. "Now leave me, Keiro! You will find the exit you seek located on the wall behind you. Leave now before I change my mind!" She exclaimed, ending her speech with a threatening glare as she began to walk back towards the cave entrance, finally breaking that dreadful gaze.

I nodded silently and rose to my feet, turning to leave this place behind me forever. But in a rush, it came to me. She knows who I am! I didn't care if she killed me for it, I needed to know why she knew my name, and why it made her decide to spare my life!

"W-Wait!" I asked frantically, turning and grabbing her shoulder, hoping for her to stop and hear me out. But before I could open my mouth to speak again, an immense pain shot through my arm, causing me to groan in pain. I clutched my arm in agony as I dropped to the ground. The girl let out an ear-piercing scream. Looking up from my hand and at the girl, I could see nothing but a blinding white light.

Just as quickly as the flash had begun, it began to fade -- and to my horror, where the little girl had stood not a moment ago, there now stood a pure white dragon, plumes of smoke radiating from its' newly-transformed body. I stammered, "Y-You're..."

Standing on all fours, the dragon crawled over me, looming just over my chest. Her entire form was covered in lustrous white scales. Her talons were a brighter white; the same shade as her long, curving horns that flowed from her head. Her tail was as long as she was, and her wings were folded delicately on her side. She was a beautiful sight to behold.

"Control your magic!" She screeched at me. Her voice began to quiver and weaken, "T-This is not the time for me to be in my natural form!"

Still stunned by this sudden change, I could do nothing to stop her as she pounced on top of me and pinned my arms to the ground. But she did not eat me or tear me to pieces for my unwitting mistake -- instead, she looked me in the eyes and bent her head down to my neck, licking me affectionately. I could see the fires of lust in her eyes, and feel the heat radiating from beneath her tail. She was in heat.

Within seconds, she ripped off my tough leather clothing as if they were composed of light fabric, using all four talons, and leaving behind painful scratches -- some dangerously close to my groin. To her disappointment, though, I was far too fearful to be aroused.

Realizing this, she growled in frustration, turning her body atop me, now using her back legs to pin my helpless arms, leaving her dripping nether lips in full view above me. I had no time to think, suddenly feeling her luscious tongue slither out and wrap several times around my member, granting me a sensation no human tongue could ever provide. My fears melted away as her skilled tongue quickly brought my maleness to its' full length. As it grew, she slowly brought her mouth down upon it, trapping my engorged length inside. The heat was almost scalding, but it only added to the sensation as the suction, alongside her moist tongue quickly brought me to my first climax, sending me into a world of amazement as my hot essence jetted into her awaiting maw.

The crazed dragoness gulped it down eagerly, not leaving a single drop. After suckling on my rapidly lessening thickness, she released me from her mouth, and gave a few gentle licks to harden my limp penis once more. Within moments, she had spun around, and was preparing to mount me. I wasn't afraid anymore, but still I felt nervous. You would be, too. A giant lizard is bound to be rough.

There was no warning when she suddenly came down upon me with a massive amount of force, instantly impaling herself on me to the hilt. The pleasure I felt at that moment was immeasurable. The white beast released groans and sighs of pleasure in unison with my own. The silky folds of her drooling sex caressed every inch of my excited member, the excessive heat only adding to the pleasure.

After the first hard slap of scales against skin the beautiful creature began to slow her pace. She rose and lowered her behind before my eyes; all I could do was go along with the blissful ride. Gradually, she began to bounce faster and harder, her juices smoothing the ride and splattering her rear as she began to pant heavily from both her efforts and the pleasure she received. I soon joined her panting and moaning, as her hot, slick insides encased my pulsing member again and again, slowly bringing me to the most pleasurable feeling I would ever feel.

I felt that I would soon be reaching the end of this pleasure ride, and from her pants and moans, I could tell she was close, too. She was bringing her body up and down as fast and hard as she could. I panted, unable to resist any longer, "I'm almost there..." I groaned, feeling myself pulsing inside of her. The most blissful feeling overcame my body as a moan of pure ecstasy left my lips. She continued her labor, which only increased the pleasure we shared, and soon enough, she joined me in the amazing climax, letting loose an icy roar. My cum filled her, and her sex juices soaked my skin and the ground below. Our fluids combined into a thick mixture and squirted out of her squeezing femaleness, around my member.

After a few moments of perfection, we were finished. To my surprise, I was more exhausted than she. The pleased dragoness rose from my length with a sticky, squishing sound. She left a lick on my cheek and simply began to walk deeper into the cave. But before reaching the exit, she turned her head and spoke, "Thank you, and goodbye. We will surely meet again. Keiro Végor'Talorath."

I sighed, hearing her leave. The sound of her talons clicker-clackering slowly faded, but on the cave floor, I heard something hit the ground, making a clear crystal note as it hit the stone. "Sooner than you think," was the last thing I heard before I drifted into a blissful sleep.