#TFTuesday: Boa Constrictor

Story by faradin2772 on SoFurry

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Round 2 of #TFTuesdays.

A man runs afoul of the local militia in an unsavory South American shanty town and devises a unique method of escape with the help of a new friend. How sssslippery.

#TFTuesday Boa Constrictor

The muggy air surrounding Neil was as damp and constricting as the fibrous bindings keeping his hands tied down between his legs, his clenched fists dripping sweat that oozed down his mostly nude body in rivulets. The unremarkable pair of black briefs he wore--the only garment that had been left to him by his captors--was soaked through, leaving his undercarriage uncomfortably sweaty and chafed as the hair on his inner thighs scraped against the fabric. Laying on his side against the moist wooden floorboards of the unremarkable, one-room shack, he was forced to endure the monotonous drone of the rainforest ambience outside occasionally punctuated by the incomprehensible echo of conversing militia as they patrolled the wide clearing that his prison sat nestled in. If he listened closely, he could sometimes make out the sound of the wooden floor squeaking--it was entirely possible that a silent guard was standing silent just outside the door. There was no lock keeping the portal sealed, and about a foot to the right of the door was a window that could be large enough for a man to squeeze through with a great deal of effort, so it was a good bet that the silent guard was armed. Neil had long since forgotten to scream for help--he'd given up trying once the fringes of society had disappeared from his peripherals, the last glimpse of a favela rewarding him with silence once he realized that no one was within earshot of his cries for help besides the armed men riding along with him in the militia truck. He had yet to understand or be informed of why he was taken, but his worst fears when stepping out into the foreign shanty town with no knowledge of where he was meant to be walking had come to fruition, and he was paying for it. Now left alone with his thoughts in the quiet of the empty shack, he counted his fortunes, the list topped by the fact that he had yet to be accosted by any angry swarms of bloodsucking insects...though he feared his luck would run dry soon, should he continue to perspire at this rate. Besides this, his attention was currently divided between staring into space and staring down the hole in the wooden floor a few feet from his head. It was much too small for any kind of escape attempt to be considered, and using it as leverage to try and pull up the floorboards would be impossible, as the gap gave some insight as to just how thick the planks of wood really were. Even as he stared at the hole, though, Neil could almost imagine that a shadow, someone's arm possibly, was trying to reach up into the elevated shack from the thick underbrush below. He blinked away the sweat dripping into his eyes and shook his head, breaking the illusion--there WAS someone, or something, reaching up through the hole. He heard the gentle rustling of the foliage below, and what could be the scraping of flesh against the edges of the wooden boards. He stared on, his nerves already dulled by the harrowing events of the day, yet apprehensive of what would surface from that gap nonetheless. It didn't take long for the mystery to solve itself, however, and Neil gave a sharp gasp as a reptilian snout materialized before him. Slitted nostrils twitched, a forked tongue lashing out to sample the air around it, the scales of the animal mottled and striped in a familiar colored pattern. The amber eyes of the boa came into view, black banded scales slicked over its skull, leading down into the rest of the striped and spotted scales lining its body. Neil watched the serpent rise from the hole with a mix of fear and great curiosity, knowing both the benign attitudes of the creatures as well as their dangerous habits. Doing his best to move slowly without startling the reptile, if that were even possible, Neil raised his head and upper body from the puddle of sweat beneath him and sat up against the wall behind him. He breathed lightly, legs drawn up partially, making himself as small in the room as he could without projection fear. The snake didn't seem to pay him much mind, foot after foot of rippling scales and muscle sliding up into the shack until what must have been 8 feet of snake was draped across the ground a few feet away from where Neil sat. The soundless creature simply rested there, unmoving save for the flicking tongue and a tailtip that waggled only slightly as it hung over the edge of the hole it had emerged from. After what seemed like an eternity, the snake tilted its head slightly to the right, towards Neil, and began to move again. Muscles bunched and flexed against the wood, pushing that smooth, glistening body over the floor at a rate that made Neil cringe. The snake had surely caught the warm scent and taste of a mammal in the room, and it was instinct-bound to investigate what could prove to be a potential meal. Neil drew his legs up further to his chest, the spade-shaped head of the reptile nearing his toes before finally stopping again, having barely adjusted half of it's body from it's original position to cover the distance between them. It's tongue continued to dart out consistently--not quite tasting his toes, but rather the air around them, the snake as expressionless and unrevealing as the rest of its species. Neil had no choice to wait out the silent inspection, having no avenue of escape and unwilling even for a second to make any attempts to contact members of the militia patrolling outside for help. Finally, after what could have been hours, the snake made a move--and proved Neil yet again to be the victim of circumstance. The snake's entire body lunged forward in the most terrifying spectacle of serpentine intent--though the majority of its length stayed attached to the ground, the upper portion of the snake's body saw fit to dip underneath the arch of Neil's legs and begin encircling his ankles in a horribly stereotypical fashion, the cold grip of those scales trapping the man's length in the snake's coils, which circled and rose up to his bent knees faster than he could react. And react he did, doing what he thought was the best thing he could do to save his own life in that moment of sheer panic--snatching the snake's neck just below its head with both hands and gripping tightly, keeping his knees locked so as to keep the reptile from encompassing any more of his body. His brief moment of elevated survival instinct brought with it consequences, though: the instant the snake's head was trapped under his thumb, the fat coils of snake trapping his lower legs tightened with enough force to snap a treebranch, his ankles ground together painfully as the limbs turned purple almost instantly. Neil caught the scream in his throat before it could escape, instead only emitting a strangled yelp, which drew itself out into a groan hissing between his clenched teeth. Knowing it would prove fatal, Neil refused to let the snake's head budge an inch, even as his knees completely disappeared in it's vicelike grip on his legs which had similarly vanished from sight. The only thing he saw between the shrinking gaps in those serpentine coils were more of the same patterned scales, the rest of the snake's body slinking up to join them as they folded over Neil's toes. The instant this happened, however, something odd happened--Neil suddenly went numb from the knees down. Figuring his legs to be lost entirely from the lack of circulation, he went cold from the shock of it all, the sweat chilling against his bare flesh. Keeping his hands locked around the snake--and not paying heed in his distressed state to just how curiously calm and still the creature was despite its vulnerable position--Neil leaned his upper body forward, elbows oustretched to push at the snake's body. His efforts proved futile, obviously, but the movement did allow a small amount of the actual belly of the snake to be sunk inwards against the solid muscle about a half-inch. He couldn't be sure, it must have been the intensity of the pain and the situation putting him out of his right mind, but he could almost swear that those same scales were sinking into his flesh... Unfortunately for him, his lack of foresight had drawn his face closer to the snake's head than he had intended, and a rogue flick of the boa's tongue caught Neil directly between the eyes. As if hit by a bullet instead, his eyes rolled back into his head, and he was all but paralyzed for a reason he couldn't begin to comprehend, fingers slackening just enough to allow the snake to begin sliding forward yet again. The boa's head glided down towards his bare stomach, and when the cold scales touched his sweat-coated skin, an inexplicable feeling of excitement rose in his belly and chest, as if the unexpected touch of a lover had just descended on him. It caught him off guard, the strangest sensations echoing throughout his body just beneath the skin, sending muscle contractions all throughout him. He'd completely lost control of himself, his back arching up away from the ground, legs straightening despite his bests efforts to keep the snake's body at bay. The movement allowed the snake to resume its travel up his body, its coils spiraling around his thighs and waist. With every ounce of strength he'd been allowed to retain in his limp form, Neil pulled his head up from the ground, straining to look down at the boa and at himself. What he saw, he could never have prepared himself for. His legs hadn't gone numb from the lack of blood flow at all. If anything, the appendages were even more lively than before--except they were no longer separate entities, nor were they human. From the knees down--his feet, ankles, shins, flesh, bone, hair, everything--had merged into a sleek, writhing tail, a mirror image of the constrictor's tail that currently wrapped itself around it. To both his horror and delight, the tip of both tails were looped together affectionately, the part of his body that no longer belonged to him giving itself over to the whims of this serpent without a fight. The rest of him, however, had obviously yet to receive this punishment--but surely would, Neil knew, after his failed attempt to reject the advances of the boa currently tightening itself into a comfortable helix around his entire lower half, up past the hips. The snake's head curved around his side as it made another pass, this time finally scraping against his arms, which had apparently lost the will to struggle anymore. There was no stopping it now--the giant serpent had complete control and access to every inch of him now, and as he watched his thighs shrink and melt together, the sight making him feel a bit ill, he knew he would be forced to enjoy it just as much as his former feet were. Neil let his head rest back against the wood again as the last of his strength was sapped from him, not caring to watch the rest of the changes creep up his body, choosing instead to accept it all and just feel through the experience. And feel he did--in yet another unprecedented turn of events, the tightening around his groin suddenly shifted in such a way that it pinned his otherwise concealed package against himself in a manner that was neither unpleasant nor subtle. The waves of muscles squeezed and rolled over his bulge, stroking him lovingly through the damp fabric of his briefs, the completely neutral face of the boa reappearing before his own as it finished another pass around his body. His arms were completely pinned to his body now, knuckles brushing against the swelling of his manhood, which filled with blood and bloated faster and faster with each passing second. The change was quickening now, the snake sensing his arousal, his rising desire to see it all finish. Neil saw nothing but the snake's head and the ceiling above it, but felt everything--the definition of his thighs being completely erased, his hips becoming more slender, losing their shape, and the incredibly bizarre feeling of his engorged member sinking lower and lower down his underside. The bulging briefs deflated, now liberally soaked in what was likely more than just sweat at this point, and for a brief moment Neil felt his still-human testicles exposed to the warm air before they too disappeared, sinking down within him and being swallowed up by his own cold scales. The presence of seperate layers of cloth intended for two human legs rather than a single snaketail didn't seem to deter the changes in the slightest--Neil grunted as he felt the wetness of his shifting erection smack against the scales where his knees used to be, and as he curled that long tail up against his boa lover's coils, the briefs slid down through them until they fell away from his tailtip, leaving him completely nude. The joint piece of cloth connecting the holes meant to fit two legs had simply corroded, leaving nothing behind to keep the briefs from just falling off of his new body, which continued to change at an accelerated pace. All throughout him, his blood cooled, and as the cooled blood pumped through his veins, changes took root wherever felt the coolest throughout him. Giving an experimental tug of his arms, Neil felt nothing of his hands or fingers, merely the brief presence of his wrists conjoined with his groin before they too sank down into the flesh like putty, the scales racing up his arms and stomach. The more bodymass that sank down into himself, the longer his tail grew, stretching outwards until it rivaled the length of the boa that had brought these changes on him in the first place. The texture of the wooden floor felt oddly soothing beneath the scales of his back now, the smooth flesh pressed against the puddle of his own sweat which he was now incapable of producing, the moisture feeling so much more welcome to him now that he didn't have to worry about stifling levels of humidity in this rainforest. Neil's attention was brought back abruptly to the pressing matter at hand, though--his still aching erection, so far down his tail that it seemed almost inconvenient--suddenly grew more vicious in its need as an uncharacteristic warmth spread and kneaded at the sensitive flesh. It took a moment for the temporary naga to realize that the vent of the boa was pressing against his shaft insistently, trying to coax it inside, and it was that action in that one suspended moment of bliss that he finally realized the reason behind the aggressive theft of his humanity as his slippery rod shoved itself into the welcoming vent of the female boa. What he felt next only enlightened him further in a perverse sort of way, as his heartbeat suddenly pushed his trapped member out into two divided pulses, his spurting urethra splitting between the twin heads of his reptilian hemipenis. What remained of Neil's hips was a pair of bony nubs protruding from either side of his own vent, which spread itself open further as he felt the emerging of his relocated anus just below the base of the hemipenes, and before he could even flex the vestigial remains of his vocal chords to moan out his pleasure the nubs ground into the female's underscales and shoved the entirety of his lengths into her, ensuring an uninterrupted mating session. The scales had surpassed his chest now, pectorals flattening and shrinking beneath his scaled clavicle, every bone in his body simply melting down into a complex structure of what amounted to a nearly impossible number of ribs lining his lengthy body. His eyes squeezed themselves shut tightly as he thrust into that feminine serpentsex, his body dictating what it wanted and needed now, regardless of what his remaining humanity had to say about it all. Pumping in and out, the tails of both serpents sticky with awm fluid that seeped from around and inside both vents, Neil made no attempts to resist the final change of them all: his throat sank down beneath the layer of scales washing over them, shoulders crunching down into that same uniform shape, his unseeing eyes snapping open briefly to reveal their slitted irises before his entire head became trapped in his own scaled prison. His skull shrank similarly, squeezing what was left of his human thoughts, ambitions and desires out of his dwindling brain cavity through the tiny holes where his ears used to be, leaving nothing behind but the recognition of just how much he loved mating with this lovely female boa and how little he cared for his former predicament. His nose sank down into the spade-shape of his squashed and hairless skull, eyelids thinning down into mere sheets of transparent flesh that split and adjusted themselves to better suit their new function. After a brief moment of rest, the male boa looked back to his partner, the blue flesh of his forking tongue flicking against her scales, and the ever-tenacious female took control yet again. Maneuvering her coils around him in such a way that he could remain locked in place against her spread slit, the simple-minded male continuing to thrust into her and breed her vigorously, the female boa began flexing enough of her belly to turn back towards the hole from which she'd originally risen. Scales scraped against scales and wood, the two snakes still locked together in a passionate joining of their sexes even as they worked in unison to slither back towards the hole. Eventually their heads dipped down together into the gap, the rest of their intertwined bodies slipping down into the foliage, and with an elevated flick of their swollen, fastened tails above the rough edge of the wooden planks, they were gone. No evidence remained indicative of there ever being a human prisoner within the shack, save for the slightly torn pair of damp briefs crumpled on the floor, and the thin trail of slightly musky liquid leading away from them to the gap in the floorboards.

#TFTuesday: Caribou

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