Swim Meet : Issue 004

Story by hunterwolf on SoFurry

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#5 of Swim Meet

Swim Meet : Issue 4Characters copyright 2007 by their author, Hunter...

Swim Meet : Issue 4

_Characters copyright 2007 by their author, Hunterwolf.

So, somewhere in here you'll need to figure out where alien invaders comes in, or rather, where it could come into play. Send me an email, ONE guesstimate per furson, and I'll take it from there! Happy hunting!_

Roan sauntered down the corridor at school, his muzzle split by a wide grin as he replayed the events of the afternoon and evening and even the night before through his mind. Gan had left long before Roan's father returned home, and after the make out session in the shower the two gay furs had spent the time getting to know one another, learning each other's likes and dislikes and hobbies, finding much in common. The hours had passed swiftly, and aside from breaking for supper, Gan and Roan had simply talked. Only when Gan's cellphone rang and he answered it to find his folks wanting to know when he'd be back home did they realise the time. Roan smiled at the memory that surfaced.

_"Guess I need to head on home," Gan said, sliding his cell into his pocket.

"Yeah." Roan smiled, but honestly did not cherish the thought of watching the stallion leave.

"I can't believe I lost track of time like that!" Gan chuckled, then grimaced. "Ah geez!"


"We've been sitting here talking and talking and we could have been doing other things!" the horse grinned.

Roan laughed. "Then next time there will be NO talking, just grunting!"

"Yes," Gan grinned, leaning forward to plant a tender kiss on the wolf's lips, "you WILL be doing a lot of grunting, bitch!"

Roan returned the kiss, and the two held it for long minutes, stirrings of passion coursing through their veins, to be met with other stirrings between their legs.

"Damn! Why now?" the horse whinnied.

Roan's paw slid onto the stallion's crotch. "I can take care of this for you," he grinned.

Gan returned the lecherous grin but sighed. "My folks are kinda finicky about time. Gods, how badly I want you right now!"

"That's ok. I don't want you getting into trouble." Roan nodded at his tog bag. "I still have my flash disk and those pics of you. They'll serve when memory fails."

Gan laughed and stood and pulled the wolf into a warm, tight embrace. "Thanks, Roan. I honestly loved today. Both the sex and the talking."

"Me too, Gan," Roan replied, closing his eyes and resting his head on the horse's shoulder.

Walking his friend to the door, Roan asked:"Hey, Gan, do and the other...er...gays...talk much?"

The horse stopped and turned. "No, not really. We just have sex. Why do you ask?"

Roan shrugged. "Just curious." But beneath the casual nonchalance the wolf was doing back flips, and happily so! Despite having multiple lovers, HE was the only one the horse did more with than just have sex!

"This is the first time I've just sat and chatted to someone. I'm glad I could share myself with you like this as well as enjoy your body, Roan."

"So am I!"

Gan kissed the wolf hard, then opened the door and stepped out into the night. "See you tomorrow, sexy."

"Can't wait!" Roan barked happily, though inside his heart sank a little as he watched the stallion walking away, togbag slung over his shoulder.

Roan was about to close the door as the stallion reached the sidewalk when the horse turned and waved back, calling out:"And I WILL be collecting on my dues, wuff!"

Roan laughed and waved goodbye and shut the door, heading back to his room, which smelled heavily of two young males' sweat, and more. Snatching up a can of deodorent he sprayed the room and opened his windows wide, hoping to banish the smell of cum before his dad got home and caught a whiff of something he shouldn't.

His cellphone beeped, a message from an unknown number. It was from Gan! And included his home address, ending with the warming words, "Goodnight, my friend. Under the pillow!"

Roan blinked. Pillow? He glanced at his bed, crossed over to it and lifted the pillow. White briefs lay there. Gan's white briefs! Roan grinned and lifted them up almost reverently. He played with them in his paws, feeling the material, remembering what the horse had looked like in them, realising that the horse had WORN these! He lifted them to his muzzle, breathing deeply of their scent, and his cock twitched, and grew, and his paw slid down into his pants and..._

"Looks like hot sex makes you forgetful," came the playful words in his ear.

Roan jumped and spun around, grinning at the stallion. "Geez! Don't sneak up on me like that! And what do you mean "forgetful"?"

"I went to pay Coach a visit. He said we had to be in his office this morning!"

Roan groaned loudly. "Gah! I forgot!"

"Coach told me you told him some guys were being jerks and they roughed you up and I charged in and saved the day!"


"Well, kind of. Charging in and saving the day I just expanded on," Gan chuckled.

As they walked together many furs waved at them, both of them, and slapped their backs, though more paws fell on Roan's shoulders.

"Ah, your adoring fans," Gan quiped.

"I give it one day, then I become Mr Unamazing again," Roan grinned.

Gan muttered darkly, and Roan looked at him. The horse was staring straight ahead, and Roan followed his gaze, a snarl forming on his lips as the three jerks from the day before came into sight, walking towards them, laughing and joking with each other. The fox saw them first and yipped at the others, who quit their banter and met Gan and Roan's glares with their own.

Why can't they just leave well enough alone, Roan thought to himself. Why must jerks like this exist in the first place?

The tiger sneered at Roan and muttered, just loud enough for the five of them to hear:"Hope you gave your hero his just reward, bitch."

Roan snarled and spun, his fist meeting the tiger's jaw with stunning force. The feline fell backwards, stunned, and hit the lockers with a heavy bang. Roan's teeth were bared, and his eyes glowed with an inner flame. He leapt forward and grabbed the tiger by his shirt collar, pulling him forward and spinning around, thrusting with all his might, part of him amazed at how much strength he could muster! For the tiger simply flew out of his paws and crashed against a classroom door, which burst inwards, the tiger finding himself on his back on the floor, the door hanging off one hinge. Roan spun back to face the other two furs, his fur bristling, and he waited, fists clenched, mentally begging them to make any further comment, or better yet, make a move of their own.

Silence had descended upon the corridor. Furs gaped at the scene, waited with pent up anticipation.

"Showing off for your hero?" the other wolf snapped.

Roan stepped forward, as did Kole, until both wolves were nose to nose. "Just taking things into my own paws this time around. Just tired of your bullshit. Just tired of you."

Kole yelped loudly and crumpled to the floor, clutching at his groin. Furs throughout the corridor groaned and exclaimed and a few even broke into laughter.

Tyris had retreated backwards, trying to become one with the lockers. Roan snapped his gaze the fox's way and stepped forward slowly, deliberately, growling through bared teeth. Roan raised his fist and the fox began whimpering loudly. The on looking furs had fallen silent again. "Give me one fucking good reason why I shouldn't bury my fist down your pathetic throat, asswipe?" Roan snapped, spittle speckling the fox's muzzle.

As he watched the fox Roan became more and more disgusted. How pathetic, how utterly pitiful. His derision was clear to all. It manifested itself in his sneer, in the wrinkling of his muzzle, as though he'd just smelled something foul, and in his eyes. The fox looked up into those eyes and saw that disgust plainly. He saw himself reflected in the wolf's eyes. He glanced this way and that, seeking aid, but none was forthcoming. Kole still moaned in a fetal position, and Kirk was watching Gan warily. The stallion was glaring at the tiger, his very stance telling the feline to stay put, or else.

"These maggots," Roan declared loudly, "seem to think they're above all other furs. Seem to think they're God's gift to furkind. Like to make fun of others, put others down, run their loud mouths off! Look at them now. They think they can climb the heavens and become gods unto themselves? Looks like they're more at home down there," he pointed, "underfoot! Shoot your mouths off at me again, fuckers," Roan snarled, turning his gaze to the tiger and then the other wolf, who was now glaring up at him, "and the next thing you'll be doing with your mouths is sucking soup through a straw!" He lashed out, grabbing the fox and shoving him aside. The fox tripped over Kole, and hit the ground hard.

Then Roan was striding down the corridor, his expression grim, and Gan hurried after him, furs making way, many staring at the wolf as though he were a stranger while others did so with respect. As he walked his muzzle transformed slowly into a smirk, then a grin. His heart pounded, his blood racing, his skin feeling simultaneously hot and cold. He turned sharply and shoved open the boy's toilet door, stepping over to a basin, where he slumped to his knees, shaking uncontrollably. Behind him the door opened again, but he didn't look up. He just knelt there, shivering, the adrenaline rush seeping out of his body.

"Fucking hell, Roan!" Gan exclaimed as he burst into the bathroom. "What was tha... ROAN! Are you ok?" The horse sank to his knees and placed his paws on the wolf's shoulders. "Roan, talk to me, please!"

But the rage that had welled up within the young wolf had, for now, taken its toll. Gan kneaded the wolf's shoulders, not talking, just kneeling there behind Roan, keeping the wolf company. Over and over again Roan played out the scene, felt the satisfaction of putting the trio in their place, wondering at his ability to lose control like that. Why? Why had he lost it? Was it because he wanted to prove to Gan he wasn't weak, that he could take care of himself? Was it simply that they had pushed him too far and he had snapped?

Possibly, to some degree, those were true. But no, the real reason was empowerment. His coming out to the Coach, his shared intimacy with Gan, the unshackling of his secret, being able to be less guarded about it, knowing now that there were furs he could rely on, go to for comfort, support, had changed him. He was stronger, far stronger, for the last two days, than he had ever been before. Strength drawn from Gan, from Coach Madson, from the knowledge that he was not alone in this!

"I'm ok, Gan. Just...shaken up, is all."

"Let me help you up," Gan replied, standing and taking the wolf's arms, hefting him to his footpaws.

Roan turned to face his friend, looking abashed, wondering at what he'd find lurking in the horse's eyes. He had scared himself. Which meant he probably scared Gan too. His eyes met those of the stallions, and he saw concern, and relief, and a spark of something else.

"What are you looking for?" Gan asked. "And don't tell me you're losing yourself in the depths of my beautiful eyes," he quipped.



"I was looking for fear. In your eyes."

"Why on earth would I be afraid of you, Roan?"

The wolf looked away. "I...I scared myself. I...thought maybe I scared you too."

"Roan, what I saw was...was frightening, yes. I didn't think you had it in you to, well, kick ass like that. I am concerned though, not afraid. What demons lurk within, wuff? From the loner, smart alecky wolf to the ravening beast! What caused that? Or has it always been a part of you?"

Roan shrugged. "I guess it's always been a part of me. I've never lost my temper like that. I've always kinda shrugged my anger aside."

"And its been building up inside you."

"I guess so."

"That's not good, wolf. Maybe I should teach you some martial arts."

Roan blinked. "Um...wouldn't that make me more of a danger?

Gan laughed. "Yes, it could. But I'm not going to make you the next Jackie Chan! I'll show you some techniques to channel energy, to focus your mind. It's as much a mental discipline as a physical one, Roan."

The bell rang out loudly, and both furs glanced at the door.

"Meet me by the oak tree at lunch. We'll talk more then."

Roan and Gan hurried their separate ways, Roan casting a longing glance at the horse's back. Then he ran towards his first lesson, ignoring the stares of several furs. Word traveled fast, Roan realized. If his secret was revealed, the whole school would now by lunch. He and Gan would need to be really careful at school, and in public. One mistake was all it would take to bring their worlds crashing down.

Not five minutes had gone by since Roan sat down at his desk than none other than Principal Hargrave walked into the class. Silence descended upon the classroom, and most of the furs threw glances Roan's way. The nape of his neck prickled, and he knew with dreadful certainty that the huge bull was here for him. Powerfully built, it was also the bovine's presence, aura, that exuded power. And the bull did not take trouble lightly.

"Sorry to interupt, Max," the principal addressed the english teacher.

"Not a problem," the husky replied.

The bull turned his attention to the class, who seemed to shrink back in their seats, though every fur present knew it was Roan, in all likelihood that the principal was there for. "Mr Matthews, may I have a few minutes of your time?"

Roan swallowed a whimper. Principal Hargrave almost never lost his cool, almost never shouted. He was always polite and smiling, but in his eyes, in the way he held himself, his anger and displeasure was apparent.

Roan stood, a little too swiftly, and knocked his knee against the underside of the desk. He bit back a grimace and his pen fell to the floor. In his hurry to pick it up he knocked his notebook off as well. Normally, such mistakes would have the class in hysterics, but the bull's presence was a vacuum, sucking up all joviality, all humor. Furs simply watched Roan, and in more than a few eyes shone sympathy. The bull's reputation was well known.

Following the bovine from the room, he felt the rest of the fur's eyes on his back. In the passage, the bull waved the wolf by. "You know the way to my office." And Roan started walking, the bovine following, and Roan cringed, feeling the bull behind him, feeling the displeasure like a physical paw upon his back, forcing him onwards.

The wolf searched within for strength, courage, and floundering through the shadowy confines of his mind, despite the bovine's sheer presence, he found them.

Gan's face. Coach Madson's face. He was no longer the same wolf as the day before. He had changed. He had kicked two footballer's asses. He had won, in that fight, one sided as it was, the respect of not a few furs. And as he walked he straightened, his shoulders squared, his muzzle lifted, gazing straight ahead, and the bovine saw this, and pondered it, noting that Roan's purposeful strides were not of smug arrogance, but of confident determination.

Tyris, Kirk and Kole were sitting outside the principal's office, talking softly to each other. At Roan's approach they shut their muzzles and stared at the floor. Roan bit back a grin. He was sure the trio would have sneered and glared at him were it not for Principal Hargrave. He was about to walk past them, and into the Principal's office when the bull said:"Hold up, Mr Matthews."

The wolf halted, surprised, and turned around. The bull was facing the seated trio, who were looking from Roan to the bull and back again.

"Is this the fur who assaulted you three?" the principal asked.

All three nodded, Kirk managing to shoot the other wolf a dirty look.

"Are you sure? This one fur against you three?" There was a hint of amusement in the bovine's voice.

Again all three nodded, though this time each looked cowed.

"Mr Matthews, please step into my office. You three wait here." And then the bull followed the young wolf into his office, shutting the door behind him.

Roan sat down and waited, feeling like a fly in a spider's web. It was never a pleasant thing to sit in this office, and despite his inner well of courage the wolf trembled inside. The bull sat down in his chair and leaned back, fixing the wolf with a steady gaze. "I do not condone fighting of any kind, Mr Matthews. Not on school property, and not off it. Then there is the matter of the broken door." The bull leaned forward. "Usually you'd be bent over the chair, Mr Matthews, and getting detention on top of it, but because it's you, I'm going to hear you out first."

At the words "bent over the chair", Roan couldn't help but conjure an image in his mind of him, naked, bending over and the bull, also naked and aroused, preparing to pound his ass, and not with a cane! His cock stirred at the thought and he shifted automatically in an attempt to adjust himself. He hoped the bovine would take his shifting as a sign of discomfort. Well, of discomfort at being in the office, not of having a hard-on at such an inopportune time!

Roan looked at his principal. "Well, sir, it... What?" Roan started, the words only just registering. "Um...what do you mean by because it's me, sir?"

"I make a point of knowing each of my students, Mr Matthews. Staff report back to me, and I have good eyes and ears and a keen mind. So when a quiet, unassuming fur like yourself, who watches his pawsteps and gets above decent grades and never needs to be reprimanded for anything suddenly goes throwing footballers through doors, I become very curious. Very curious indeed. Now, knowing those three, who have big mouths and bigger attitudes, I like to think that there is a rational reason for your behavior. Unless you're becoming one of those psychotic individuals the neighbors say was very quiet and likable."

Roan grinned at the thought, but it vanished swiftly when the bovine narrowed his eyes. "It's kind of a long story, sir."

"You're an intelligent fur. Give me the cliff notes."

"They've always been jerks, sir. Yesterday they...um...roughed me up before the race and today I...I just decided to stand up for myself."

"You're probably telling the truth, Mr Matthews. At least, it seems very truthful. But claiming that another student assaulted you is a big accusation. Do you have any proof?"

Roan hesitated. He could tell him that Coach Madson knew, but then the coach might get into trouble. Any physical violence between students was to reported to the principal, and coach hadn't done that, by all accounts. "Gan...um...Gan Auran, a stallion, saw it."

"Yes, I know Mr Auran." Principal Hargrave said, standing up and facing the window, gazing out of it. "I will need to contact your father about this, Mr Matthews. It is my responsibility to act fairly to all students. And the door will need to be repaired. As for your behavior, I will give you a choice. Detention this Saturday morning, or caning."

Roan groaned. Neither choice was preferable. Saturdays were sacred to students, and wasting it at school was almost vulgar. Caning, on the other hand, hurt like hell. Not to mention the embarrassment of having it done. He saw the principal walk over to a glass case, in which a strip of wood, bound in black leather, hung.

"Your choice, Mr Matthews?"

Get it over with, his mind yelled. Three hits with the cane and its over. Yeah, it hurt. But it's over quickly. A whole Saturday morning at school would feel like forever.

"The...cane, sir."

Principal Hargrave nodded. "Bend over the table, Mr Matthews."

Roan did, watching the bull take the cane out almost reverently. "Sparing the rod and spoiling the child never appealed to me, Mr Matthews. Treating young furs with kids gloves just encourages more anti-social behavior." The bull came to stand behind the wolf, and again the image of a naked bull preparing to take him filled Roan's mind. His cock twitched, then grew, and he closed his eyes. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all. He might get off on it!

The cane came down, hard. Once. Twice. The cane flashed through the air, striking the leather back of the chair Roan had just stood up from. The cane flashed a third time, striking the seat, at the same time the bovine's paw thumped him gently on his back. Roan let out a loud, startled yelp, from shock rather than any pain. Then the bovine's face was inches from his, the voice a whisper in his ear. "This is not permission to beat up furs, Mr Matthews, but I think this once I can make an exception. As much as you were justified, and I respect that, I do not want you starting fights. Not here, not anywhere."

Then, loudly, and Roan realised it was for the trio outside, the bull said:"Return to class, Mr Matthews."

Roan looked stunned, but he saw the bull smile and he returned it softly, quickly dismissing it, making his facial features devoid of emotion as he pulled open the door and stepped out. The trio watched him with wide eyes. A caning! This had not happened in all their years at Mosshall High. Principal Hargrave stepped out as well, the cane in his paws. He raised it, pointing it at the three furs. "For your actions yesterday before the race, you can choose the cane or detention."

"Detention!" Three furs yelped at once, staring at the cane in fear.

Roan walked away, his face split by a broad grin. Cowards, all of them. He had dared the cane, and come away very lucky. But he had dared it anyway. A couple of students sat nearby, called to the office for some reason. Soon the news would spread. That he had braved the cane, while the trio had cowered away and taken the easy way out. Roan waited till he was far enough away from the office before bursting into laughter. This promised be a good day!

By lunch the school was buzzing with the events of the morning. Many furs, younger and older than Roan, stared openly at him with admiration and respect. He leaned with his back against the oak tree, watching the exits from the school building, and his pulse quickened when he spotted the familiar equine form heading straight for him. He watched the stallion intently, the fluid grace of his movements, and noticed that the stallion was deliberately holding himself back from a flat out run. He grinned as Gan finally reached him and the stallion reached out and ruffled his headfur.

"Is it true? Did you get caned by Principal Hargrave? Did those morons actually take detention over a beating? How's your ass? Did it hurt a lot? Are you ok?"

Roan laughed as the stallion began stumbling over his words. "I'm fine. Yeah, Tyris, Kirk and Kole took detention. Cowards," he spat. "My ass is just fine, thank you for asking." He winked at the horse. "I'm sure you'll want to inspect it yourself, but that will have to wait till after school! And I didn't get caned."

"What? But...then...EXPLAIN!" Gan was staring wide eyed at the wolf.

Roan went through the course of events, and once he'd finished the horse whistled loudly. "He spared you? Hargraves spared you?"

The wolf nodded.

The horse scowled. "Hey, how come the staff here are treating you so...well...so unlike how they should be treating you? You sucking their dicks to get out of things? Offering your ass for more than just caning?" He smirked at that.

Roan chuckled. "No, though I got a hardon when the principal told me to bend over the table."

"You lie! Really?"

"Yeah. I just got this image of him naked and hard in my mind."

"I'd pay a lot to see you fucked by that stud!"

Roan raised an eyebrow and grinned. "You think the principal is a stud?"

"Well, yeah. Quite a few of the male staff are worth fantasizing about. Don't tell me you havn't thought about other male staff members like that before?"

Roan blushed. "Ok, so I have."

"And? Who would you choose to pound that hot ass of yours? If you could choose only one?"

One name flashed into Roan's mind. He opened his muzzle, and paused. If he told Gan, wouldn't that give something away? No, Gan wouldn't know, he decided. "Coach Madson."

Gan blinked, and for one agonizing moment Roan feared he had given the game away for the bear. "Yeah? Wow! Me too, actually."


"Yup. I'd take that ursine cock anyday!" The horse grinned, and Roan rolled his eyes.

"I'm changing my mind. You are a slut," the wolf laughed.

Gan joined in."Let's go grab food. I'm starving!"


As they walked towards the cafeteria, the horse gestured around. "Looks like your fame is just starting, rather than ending. Mr Unamazing my ass!"

"Been there, done it!" Roan chuckled.

Gan cuffed the wolf playfully and they continued walking in silence for a couple of minutes. "Roan?"


"Did you...uh...get hard when the coach hugged you?"

Roan gulped. He had to tread carefully. One wrong word and the coach's secret was gone. At least he could try and avoid lying to the horse by phrasing things creatively.

"To be honest, I was kinda a mess. I just...cried," the wolf admitted.

Both furs were silent as they entered the cafeteria. As they strode past other furs, several leaned over to whisper to others, until most furs had stared at least for a few seconds at Roan. Acutely aware of their eyes following him, Roan grew increasingly uncomfortable. He enjoyed his loner status, he enjoyed being unimportant and overlooked. This attention was alien, and not to his liking. He hoped it wouldn't last long. He hoped nothing else would crop up that would cast him into the spotlight again.

Gan seemed to pick up on his friend's discomfort and after grabbing some burgers and fruit juices, he lead them out again and towards the oak tree, which surprisingly was vacant again, it being a popular meeting place for furs during lunch breaks. They sat in the shade and munched and drank.

"What are you doing after school?" Roan asked, hoping to join Gan in another sex session.

Gan looked uncomfortable. "Um. I'm kinda going to movies this afternoon. With one of the guys I told you about."

Roan's heart slumped. The burger tasted like cardboard, but he forced himself to chew. "Oh, ok then. Was just wondering, is all."

"I'm really sorry, Roan. The plans had been made like three days ago."

"No, its ok, really."

In the wolf's mind, the thought was stirring, spreading doubt, fear, jealousy. They may have talked the night before, but now the horse was going to the movies. And you didn't just go to the movies with anyone. You went with friends. With more-than-friends friends! Was he going to lose the horse to a stranger?

Gan watched his friend eating in silence. He chewed on his lip, aware of the disappointment the wolf was holding inside. He liked Roan. A lot. But he liked the other guys too. He didn't want to settle down with one mate. He wanted to experiment. He wanted to be with Roan again, and he wanted to be with the others, too. He'd not considered that when he'd made the offer to Roan, the offer of the Prize, that the wolf had been yearning for someone to call his mate.

"You wanna come with?"

Roan looked up, startled. He warred with himself, held himself back from blurting out "YES!" He swallowed the last of his burger, choking and draining the juice to help it down. Gan pounded his back and Roan muttered:"No, its ok. I'll be a third wheel."

"You can come with. Really." The horse was sincere, though he wondered what the other guy would say.

Roan shook his head. "Thank you, Gan. But, no. It wouldn't be fair to the other guy. He might not want me there. And I might be...a wet blanket," he forced a chuckle.

Gan sighed softly. An uncomfortable silence had fallen upon them. They sat in silence until the bell rang, neither wanting to speak for fear of saying the wrong thing, neither wanting to leave, since they enjoyed each other's company too much. They stood and shuffled towards the school, joining the throng of other furs heading back to the drudgery of lessons.

"See ya later, wuff!" Gan smiled after entering the school building, heading towards his next class.

Roan grinned. "Sure thing!" He turned and walked away, the grin slipping instantly from his muzzle. Maybe the day wasn't going to be so great after all.

The final bell rang, and furs burst forth from the school, hollering and laughing and glad to shed the building and the classes for the freedom of the afternoon! Roan held back, trying to be one of the last to leave. He paused at the main entrance and peered out through a window. Gan was standing there, chatting to another guy, a border collie. Was that the guy he was going to movies with? Gan looked back at the school, obviously searching the furry faces for someone. Roan pulled back from the window. He felt sure Gan was looking for him. He wanted to walk out, to grin and greet Gan, but he didn't trust himself. He was jealous, envious. He didn't trust himself to be able to hide those emotions. He didn't want to appear petty in front of Gan. He valued the horse's opinion too much.

Minutes passed, and he padded to the window and looked out again. He caught a glimpse of Gan's back as he and the border collie vanished into a school bus. He sighed and turned away and walked back through the almost deserted corridors, lost in thought. The more he walked, the more he thought, the harder it became.

And suddenly the thought was there, twisting and turning in his mind. Would Gan suddenly begin talking to the other gay furs, like they had talked the night before? And if they did, what if something came of it? What if Gan found something in one of the others that he wanted to be part of, and because of that he decided to be their mate? It was unfair! He wanted to be with a special somefur, and Gan had appeared and now Gan was with others. It wasn't fair! Roan stopped short. He snarled, loudly, and berated himself. "Listen to yourself," he muttered aloud. "You sound like a whining little pup!"


The wolf jumped and spun around, heart striving to burst free from his chest. Coach Madson was standing in the doorway to his office, staring at him. Roan glanced around and found that he'd made his way towards the locker room side of the school.

"Roan?" the bear repeated. "Are you ok?"

"Um, yeah, yeah, fine thanks," he forced a grin. "Just thinking aloud."

"You want to do twenty?" the bear asked, his voice grim, but his eyes twinkling.

Roan chuckled. "Forgot you were a walking lie detector."

The bear smiled. "My door is always open to you, Roan. Would you like to talk?"

The wolf paused, then nodded, and padded into the Coach's office. The bear closed the door and gestured at a chair. "Sit. Relax. Chat."

"Strip?" the wolf threw back with a smirk, tossing his backpack into a corner and taking the preferred seat.

The bear blinked, then smiled. "I think we've already covered that chapter, Mr Matthews." He sat down and smiled warmly at the wolf. "I hear you've been having a busy day!"

"Oh, yeah, that."

"The whole faculty is buzzing about you."

"The student body too."

"I can imagine. Nofur ever thought of you being as, well, violent as you were. The staff were shocked."

"So was I. But it just came over me. The anger."

"Since the furs involved were the same ones who beat on you yesterday, I think the story can pretty much be figured out," the bear smiled, leaning back. "They said something you didn't like, maybe threatened you, and you went on the rampage."

"Yeah, basically."

"The principal knows about yesterday?"


"None of the other staff do. So they're still wondering what happened. But they think you had good reason to act as you did."

Roan's ears perked up and he stared at the bear. "Really?"

"Oh yes, wolf. Does it surprise you that the staff think highly of you?"

Roan pondered that. "Well," he finally said, "yeah, I do. I mean, I cross my T's and dot my I's and try and keep each footpaw in front of the other, not rocking the boat and all that. But I didn't think it was, well, noticed.

"Everything is noticed, Roan," the bear chuckled. The bear coughed suddenly, looking a bit uncomfortable. "Some of us don't like caning, Roan. Are you ok?"

Roan nodded. "I wasn't caned." He grinned at the bear's look of surprise. "I was offered the choice between detention and caning, and I took caning. But I don't think Principal Hargrave would actually cane anyone. I think if those other furs had chosen it he would have given them detention instead. I...I don't know why, but I think Principal Hargrave was testing me. Testing me and offering me a...a...I don't know. A way out?"

The bear leaned back. "It sounds that way. Gus is a great fur. It surprised us to hear that he'd caned you. He told us you wanted it instead of detention." The bear sat back and scratched his chin. "Hmmm...interesting!"

"What is, sir?"

"Well, its a little known fact that Kirk's father and Gus were very competitive at school. Both were on the football team, and both were gunning for Quarterback position. Both were also after the same girl! Kirk's father got the position. Gus got the girl."

"Bad blood, eh?" Roan asked.

"You could say that."

"So he did it partly to get back at Kirk's father?"

"In a roundabout way, yes, I think he did," the bear grinned. "I'm sure Kirk's father isn't going to be too happy with his son for taking the easy way out."

Roan laughed. "Or that some scrawny mutt kicked his ass!"

"I wouldn't call you scrawny, or a mutt," Coach Madson smiled. "And, um, talking about ass, um...did you and Gan, well, what happened?"

The wolf regarded his coach intently, until the bear grunted with embarrassment.

"Um, well, I was just curious if you too, well..."

Roan suddenly beamed, looking for all the world like a puppy just given his first toy, and said:"We made out. And more. Lots more." He blushed, and found himself growing hard as the memories of yesterday afternoon sprang to mind.


"Yeah. He was waiting for me at home. Naked. On my bed!"

"No way!" the bear exclaimed, leaning forward, as though in anticipation of learning more.

The wolf grinned broadly. "We kissed and I stripped and then he was on all fours and I was burying my...er...oh..." Roan fell suddenly silent, blushing profusely. He'd forgotten who he was talking to. On top of that he was fully erect and no matter how he shifted his cock still strained at an odd angle, making it uncomfortable.

The bear was also a little red in the face. He shuffled through papers on his desk, and seemed to be using that as an excuse to shift himself as well.

"So...are you two, well, together now?"

Roan sighed, looking unhappy. "No," he murmured. "Gan likes freedom at the moment. He's enjoying himself with a couple other guys too. He wants to be with me again, and we're friends, good friends, but we're not, mated, or anything."

"Oh. I see."

Talking about Gan, or more importantly, talking about him in the sense of the horse and the wolf not being mated after sharing each other, was starting to tug at Roan's heartstrings. He didn't want to think about it, never mind talk about it. It was a wound, a self inflicted wound, but one that was there nonetheless.

"Um, look, I, um...thanks, sir. For the talk. I gotta go home."

The bear stood. "I understand." He walked around the desk and put a paw on the wolf's head, ruffling the fur. "Anyfur would be lucky to have you as a mate, Roan."

The wolf looked up at his coach and smiled softly. "Thank you, sir."

Bear and wolf gazed at each other, and Roan timidly put his arms around the ursine's waist and hugged him. The coach enfolded the wolf in turn in his arms and they held each other close. And as they held each other, each fur became aware that the other was aroused!

Roan swallowed hard, and his cock twitched. He heart thumped and thumped and thumpedthumpedthumped and he looked up to find the bear regarding him with the same hungry eyes he'd seen in the locker room the day before. Slowly Roan lowered his paws, still watching the bear's face, until they were at the small of the bear's back. Then, slowly, oh so slowly, he slid one paw beneath the waistband of the bear's trousers, beneath the waistband of the bear's underpants.

Coach Madson's eyes closed and his breathing came heavier and faster. "R...Roan, I...we..."

Roan lifted his muzzle, brushing it against the coach's chin, and pulled the bear tighter against him. His questing paw reached a firm, rounded buttock and he squeezed, and rubbed his crotch slowly against the bear's.

The atmosphere was electric. Two hearts pounded with unbridled passion. Twin cocks, engorged and quivering, strained against their prisons. Two tongues licked lips, tasted the air, and saliva flowed and was swallowed. Two furs stood, holding each other, blood coursing with fire, precariously balanced on a cliff. It was Roan who gave the final shove, causing both furs to tumble from that cliff and into forbidden territory!

The wolf removed one paw, the paw that had rested on the bear's back, and slid it around to the front, to slowly fumble with the button and zip. The bear grunted and lowered his muzzle to lick gently at the wolf's neck. The pants undone, Roan lowered himself slowly, pulling the coach's pants and shorts down, freeing the ursine's meaty cock from its enclosure! It sprang up, as though with a life of its own, thick and hard and wet, and Roan licked tentatively at the tip, gaining a gasp from the adult before him, and slowly he took more and more of the bear's dick into his mouth, his tongue running seductively along the shaft, his paws playing and squeezing the huge, furry sacs that swung, laden with seed, behind the meat that the wolf was so hungrily swallowing.

As Roan began bobbing his head, Coach Madson began humping slowly, taking the wolf's head in his hands and pulling it onto his cock as he thrust forward. The bear was moaning softly, the only other sounds that of slurping and heavy breathing.

Roan was amazed by how much precum the bear was producing, but he swallowed it all eagerly, forcing himself to savor the taste. Minutes passed, and suddenly the bear pulled back, watching, fascinated, as his cock, leaving the wolf's muzzle, left a string of precum from lips to cock head.

"Roan, we..." he gasped, voice husky.

"Take me, sir." The canine's voice was eager, pleading. The wolf stood and raised his paws, taking the bear's jaws in them. The adult before him was turning him on as much as Gan did the day before. More so, since this shared intimacy was way more forbidden, and thus, way more exciting, way more exhilarating. And the young wolf wanted to wade deeper and deeper into those newfound emotions and desires. He wanted to push the limits of what he should and should not do. "I want you. In me."

Coach Madson swallowed hard. "Roan," he gasped, fighting against his lust. "Why...why are you doing this?"

"Because...because you're hot!"

"Not because Gan isn't here?"

Roan pondered that for a moment. Was he throwing himself on the bear because he wanted to be with someone, anyone, if Gan wasn't around. Did he want to be able to be like Gan, able to share himself with anyone who wanted him? After all, why should Gan have all the fun? He shook his head. No, he wanted Gan, but he wanted Coach Madson too. Did he love them? Either of them? He didn't know. His cock was hard and he wanted release and the bear was so very attractive and the idea of an older male taking him appealed to him, was one of his favourite fantasies and...

"I havn't sorted through my feelings for Gan yet. Maybe I love him, maybe I don't," the wolf blurted. "But I do know that I'm gay and that I want to have sex and you are so very attractive and I have this thing for older guys and...and... This is not some kind of rebound sex, sir. This just happened. Like yesterday. We didn't plan it. We just went along with the flow. Like now. And I want to go further. With you. I...want you. I want you to want me." He paused, gazing earnestly at his coach, his teacher, his...friend. "I...know this is forbidden. And that's part of why I want to do this. Its something I...I'm not supposed to do. I want to explore who and what I am. I want to explore my sexuality, and make my fantasies real, regardless of where it takes me!"

Coach Madson regarded the young fur with a serious expression, though his cock was still as hard as before. "So much is telling me that this is wrong, Roan. So much! I have fought my desires for so long, I'm afraid that by giving in now I might not be able to fight anymore. I don't want to take somefur by force. Young furs in my care have appealed to me so much! Don't you see the danger in this?"

Roan shook his head. "I don't, sir. You don't seem like the fur to do something like that. I think it's an excuse. You're looking for a reason not to have me. You've gone through life pushing your desires away, finding reasons to do so. And you're doing it now. A defense mechanism. If you were the kind of fur to take another by force, you would have, long ago. You would have taken me yesterday. Don't fight it, sir," Roan said, pulling off his t-shirt."

"We...we might regret this," the bear maintained, his paws clenched at his sides, his eyes staring at the wolf's bare chest.

"Let's let the future take care of itself," Roan said, stepping closer, unzipping his jeans, pulling them down, letting them pool around his ankles, his hardon pressing against the front of his white briefs, wet where the pre had soaked through the material. "Today, here, now, I'm yours, sir."

"Yes, you are!" The bear stepped forward, his paw reaching out to brush against Roan's cock, causing the wolf to murr and throw himself against the teacher, pressing his lips against the bear's, kissing him hard, deep, his tongue tasting the bear's, muffled moans of pleasure and need escaping their locked lips.

And again the bear pulled back, doubt in his eyes, and Roan was awed by the sheer restraint he saw in the ursine's tensed muscles. The wolf didn't make any advance this time round, but simply stood there, waiting. Coach Madson licked his lips, running his eyes over the attractive young male before him. Attractive and eager and hard and wet. The bear could smell the young wolf's sex. The boy exuded it in ever possible way, and it was driving the adult wild. Yet still, the part of the bear's mind and will that had maintained his distance from young furs in his care kept him from pressing forward. For all the years he had fought it, denied it, he simply couldn't just step up and take this fur, no matter how much the wolf wanted it. No matter how much he wanted it!

And the wolf seemed to realize that, and bent and pulled up his jeans, picked up his tee-shirt. The bear stooped and pulled his pants and shorts up as well, their nakedness once more hidden from sight.

"I guess I really am a slut," the wolf said softly.

The bear stepped forward, pulling Roan into a warm hug. "No, just eager. And completely taken back by the events of the last two days."

Roan's eyes met the bear's. "I guess I am. Till now, till yesterday, rather, everything was in my mind. My fantasies, my secret, my fears, they all seamed...imagined. Kind of. Then they were made flesh and I...I..."

"You lost yourself in the sheer overload of emotions."

Roan nodded, maintaining eye contact.

"Don't beat yourself up, Roan. I don't think you're a slut. You're young and your hormones are running rampant."

"And I don't have your resolve."

"That comes with age, wuff," the Coach smiled softly. "And talking about age, why would you want to be with an old bear like me?"

"You're not old, sir. Older, yeah, by quite a few years, sure. But...you're hot."

Coach Madson blinked. "Well, thank you, Roan."

"Do...do you think you and I will ever...well...have sex?"

The bear smiled. "Yes, I think we will, if only because you're very persistent."

Roan chuckled.

"Besides," the adult continued. "I would have been the first to enter you, yes?"

Roan nodded.

"Bare backing for your first time wouldn't be much fun, and I don't carry around lubricant and condoms to assist in first time penetrations."

Roan grinned. "I think I could bear> it."

"That's what they all say," the bear laughed, more from the pun than from the reply. "But it is uncomfortable, and it does hurt. At first. I would rather see you have an easy first time than a raw tailhole!"

"I guess you're right," Roan said, shouldering his backpack.

"It's not you, Roan," the bear said, ruffling the wolf's headfur tenderly. "It really is me. I just want to think things through, be sure of myself."

Roan nodded. "I understand, sir." Inside, his heart beat fast, fanning the spark of hope, and ushering into existence once more the flames of desire. "Thanks for the chat, sir."

The bear smiled and stepped behind his desk again, and Roan wondered if the coach might be using the desk as a barrier, something physical to stop himself from making a move on him. "And thank you for the...um...blowjob."

Roan blushed, his ears red. "Well, next time I'll make sure I finish you off."

The Coach laughed. "And now, if you will excuse me, I need to finish some paperwork."

Roan nodded and opened the door, stepping outside and closing it. Yeah right, paperwork. The only paperwork the bear would be doing was toilet paper. Roan grinned, still hard, and wished he could crouch by the keyhole and watch. But it would be too dangerous, and besides, why spoil the anticipation. Let it build, so that when he and the Coach got down to it, the encounter would be so much more exhilarating!

As Roan walked away, adjusting himself as he did so, emerald eyes watched and pondered, following the wolf, then darting across to the closed door of Coach Madson's office. As Roan vanished around a corner, the watcher stepped swiftly, silently, out of the shadows of some lockers he had darted into when Roan had made for the door to leave, across the passage and paused at the office door, an ear pressed against the keyhole. A faint slapping sound carried to that ear, and then soft moans of excitement, of pleasure. The watcher stood, his eyes narrowing, and he slid his paws into his pockets and walked away, his destination the Principal's office!

_To Be Continued

Just when things were going so well!!! Does this watcher harbor good or bad intentions? Will Coach Madson be sacked...or worse, arrested? Only one way to find out...

As before, I welome your comments, suggestions, paws in marriage and Best Buy gift cards!_