Water, Ice and Darkness - Chapter 2

Story by ASHOKA on SoFurry

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#2 of Water, Ice and Darkness

A vaporeon anthro living in the suburbs has lived a quiet and simple life till now. Everything changed as his life becomes disrupted for the worst. A rise of a dark power from the Northern Kingdoms forces him to bring more meaning to his life by aiding a lone feral Absol in her quest to save her mate. He believes they are doomed to what will come their way, but his will and better nature drive him to accompany her through her struggle. This is a tale of magic, and sorcery.

A gift for my beloved mate MechaChick, and one of her closest friends Proteus. A very big thanks to Mysterydude who was my beta wingman through this, he's kick-ass.

Warnings- Bad languages, Rape references.

DISCLAIMER: Hear up all those it may concern! All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. That means Proteus belongs to that Vappy fics lord Proteus, and no the vaporeon also belongs to whomever made it, but the character's all his. And Z's character the sexy humping doll belongs to MC, and I got privileges to molest her, well the real one anyway. Baring the two mentioned and used with consent, any similarities to people, or others characters living or dead are purely co-incidental. This plot may end up going up in flames, but it's all mine. And of course I'm in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of Pokemon. No copyright infringement is intended. This applies to all consequent chapters submitted on this folder.

Water, Ice and Darkness

Chapter 2

Camaraderie Of Two

Alright I'ma stop here. There's some things I wanna tell ya before we continue.

Oh, ya finished that bottle already? Here take this, it's Flareon Scotch, it'll warm ya up nicely buddy. The night gets a lil' nippy round here.

Why did I stop? Hold ya horses I'm getting there. I wanna tell you about my best buds, well they were back in the days. I still sometimes can't get over it, I woulda never guessed those guys ended up to be such bad seeds. Don't worry I get it you're straight, stop giving me that look, ya don't wanna hear about no friendship mating, I hear ya, so I ain't gonna talk about that. Relax....

I know for sure that the time we spent was some of the best of our lives. I met both Shelton, n' Eric when I was just lil', 'un, playing around the fields just west of here. Me n' my parents just moved to Westwood Grove. We migrated here from a fair distance. Having no friends, I often played with me'self. Most days when then sun whipped my hide, it was on the edge of the fields were no other rascal would see me. Guess I was kinda shy of people. The place for days had become my favorite hang I'ma say.

Whoa mama did the barley ever grow high there.

How old was I? If ya must now, then I was four n'just a wee'cub. Now if you weren't a grown up, or weren't all that tall you could easily get lost. The place was a bleedin' jungle, or at least for small tyke like me back then. Needless to say I was pretty much a short stuff.

I was running around chasing butterfrees that day, haha butterfrees of all things. They were pretty I had to hand it to 'em. So there I was running further into the barley fields after'em, oh dear.


Before I knew it, I landed me'self in a right ol'predicament. I was only a lil Eevee then n' not bright at all. Oh boy, did I ever let the waterworks out when I couldn't find my way out. I was a bit of a crybaby, n' I remember crying for an eternity that day. But, can ya blame me? I was four!

Sorry I already told ya that.

My crying did eventually catch someones attention. I thought it was the big bad boogie man. I tell ya I almost cacked me' new pants, but it ain't funny so shut it. Something came rushing towards me, n' I could hear its bipedal steps closing in fast. Suddenly a Rhyhorn broke through the high rising plants, n' gave me the fright of me'life! He ploughed straight into me n' sent us on a ride as we both tumbled across the dirt. I was a little shaken, maybe a lot. He began to giggle.

"Hey you! Why are you crying?" It weren't no boogie man, that's for sure. He had me pinned down, just starring at me. He finally did budge his fat ass off me. Sheesh, I recall he almost winded me the overgrown git.

I replied, and was calming a bit now. It was just another kid, and nothing to be afraid of. "I gotsy losties cans you helpsy me's?" Ah I think I forgot to mention, I wasn't much of a talker. My speech was pretty broken till I got more use to communicating in the local lingo. Hello newbie here?

"Lost?" He asked kinda pondering. "Where are you from?"

"Westwood Groove, my fawily libs there." I may have sounded even a lil' girly as my voice hadn't broken.

He began to hop up and down. "Groove? Oh you mean the Grove! Ooh ooh I live there too, I know the way." Well of course he's going to be childish, the kid was five, just a year older then me. A courteous fellow though, as he reached down n' gave me a hand up.

"Cans You takesy me hone please?" I asked with my politest voice. I think I've grown into quite the charmer since.

"Okay follow me, don't cry it'll be okay." He darted off, and left me, I quickly shot like a bullet from the barrel after him. I ran blistering through the tall barley, till I finally lost him. I had to stop. Oh deary me, I didn't know which way to go. At that moment I was gonna start up with the crying all over again, that's when his head poked through out of the plants. "Hey no crying! Come on keep up!"

He made me smile, n' hadn't abandoned me. I continued to bound after him. It wasn't too long, till finally, we made it out. We were home free in a jiffy. I tell ya he was a good kid.


"Thank you Rhy Rhy." I nodded like a humble lil' toe rag.

He laughed, "Its not Rhy Rhy silly. My names Shelton, what's yours?"

"Thank you Shelton. My name Proteus, nice to meetsy yous." I felt strange, but warm n' delightfully fuzzy inside at the same time. I knew I had to make buddies at some point, maybe it was that time.

"You talk funny, where are you from?" He asked scratching his head.

"I from farsy away in kanto, I floatsy here by boat." As that's how we arrived, although I already figured my ol'man came on business. The adventurer type as always, he was paid handsomely to lead an expedition. It was meant to be a temporary thing but somehow we ended up settling in Westwood Grove. You won't catch a smidgen of a complaint outta me, as Iater in life I really had some fun with the honeys. It was all about the birds n' the bees in my teenage years. Sorry buddy I keep derailing n' throwing in useless information.

"I see, got any friends?" He asked curiously.

"I hab no friends, wanna be friendses with me'sy?" I lowered my head, and felt the loneliness at that point. I didn't wanna be rejected as I liked the new kid.

"Yeah that would be great. We can have fun everyday and play if you want?" Giddiness rolled around in my lil' heart. Oh I tell ya I almost jumped for joy that very moment, but kept my cool.

"I likes play." I said and grinned like I just got the best present in the world. It probably was for me then, a friend.

"Oh come come, I want you to meet my bestest friend in the whole wide world. You'll like him. He's a Eevee like you too! Cool huh?" I nodded cheerily. Isn't it great how kids become friends so easily? I guess that's our trusting nature when we're that age. As we get older we do loose that innocence, n'that special thing called trust becomes harder earned. The only time I ever gave trust so care-free-like was years after when I met Z. There was just something special about the babe, but I'll get back to my sexy lil' lady friend later.

I scampered off with him through the lush green grass, so soft against my feet. I may have worn pants, but I tended to kick off my boots n' run around bare paw. Well, I still do. I never liked them shoes n'boots much from an early age as ya can tell. So it's kinda funny how I ended up polishing 'em for a living.

As I got close I could see the big trees n' my home was just near by. I ran behind the Shelton as he led me to where I lived almost. The trees began to shadow around us, n' the cool shade blanketed us from the sun, which I was plenty thankful for. Flowers grew in fine dashes of colors n' of all kindsa varieties where our feet fell. Just the kind of thing you'd expect in Westwood Grove. The place had a richness to it, a vitality that them there main cities didn't. I ain't sure if there's anywhere else like Westwood, but I would say it was a mighty swell place.

We paced along a cobbled path with trimmed grass on both sides. passing a few shallots, n' bungalows till we reached the end of that row of houses. The last was a small hut surrounded with a nice spacous garden n' grass which was fenced off to the outside. Shelton pushed the gate open. I watched the Rhyhorn scuttle of inside as I waited. It was a second later he popped his head out the side. "Hey Protty, don't mind if I call you that? Anyway what are you doing? Come on in."

"But but but, I hab not been in- whited, rude to come in without." I had to stop to think of the words before I finished. "My mama tolds me'sy, never enter other someones property if me'sy is not in-whited inside." He just waited recapping on what I was trying to say, as my speech was very bad.

"Oh right, I see. Eric won't mind, so come on I already told him. Now come come, hurry I want you to meet him."

I nodded, n' followed, when I saw an Eevee just like me. The kid was wearing denim dungaree's n' also a pirate hat. He was sat in a sandbox with a spade and bucket just staring at me. I moved closer feeling nervous. He quickly got up and ran for me, I almost got scared again when he stopped a inch from me. "My names Eric, Shelton told me your name is Proteus! Oh boy this is so neat, another Eevee!"

"Nice to meet'sy yous Eric."

"Oh your not from around here, hmmm hmmmm. Its okay wanna play in my sand box? My papa made it for me."

"Yes play I and you." I said, n' I felt so wonderful, real people to play with and not silly butterfrees.

I spent all day playing with them two n'even lost track of time. I worried the hell outta my mama. Whoa doozey did she almost tear apart the grove looking for me. She could be heard far n' wide. Thankfully I only lived a lil' further away n' heard her call for me.

I smiled at my new buddies, getting up. "I must goes, mama call me'sy."

They both seemed to not mind I had to go. Eric asked, "Come again tomorrow n' we can talk lots too." I felt really happy. These guys were alright.

That's the day I met 'em. We played everyday, and even when my mama left my ol'man they were there through thick n'thin. Mama visited me every few weeks, and my ol'man, well he left me with Eric's folks a lot while he was travelling on some cookie adventure. The old timer would always return with a gift for me, sometimes a claw of a dragon he wasted, sometimes a toy, n' at others some yum-alicous treat from far off to munch my maw down on. I would always share the treats n' toys with my buds. Those guys would always be impressed.

We were inseparable, n' the trouble we got into sometimes really saw to it that the grown ups would give us a good beating, n' made us crawl up a hill on our elbows for our misdemeanors. We laughed it off the following day n' would be well behaved for a week or so before we'd be up to no good, n' steeling fruits from farmer Joel's back yard. Now that guys garden was as big as a small park. All kindsa trees grew there, with many types of tasty fruit. I always offered what I got, n'so did they, as we gobbled up what we gathered.

We also played hide n'seek in farmer Joel's garden, and when he caught us, he'd drag us to our parents by the ear. Well, Eric's mom in my case, since my parents weren't around. Later on Eric's mom was one hell of a cute espeon n' also my first teen crush. She had a great assets n' really hot figure, n' that I couldn't deny. I loved the way she would bend over when serving dinner. I'd always get a eyeful of her her bra-less big furry jugs, n' I couldn't help but shyly peek down her top now n' then. Girls scared me back then n' I stuttered like something rotten. It was probably a good thing that Eric or his mom never caught me. With rampaging hormonal changes I couldn't help it, but that's puberty for ya.

We shared everything, n' even the girls as we grew older. Drank together, and really got trashed on a few solid drinks. Those were the days.

Back in the school days Shelton n' Eric really looked out for me, n' if somehow things got bad, or if anyone tried to pick on me, or even start a fight, they'd be the first to get up and take my side. They'd both had got their dukes up for me so many times, not that I was any kinda of chicken shit, it was because they cared.

Cared, huh?

I'm gonna move things back to where I was, in the middle of what looked like a battlefield.

Having finally set foot on my home turf, the place was a bloomin' wreck. Howls n' other cries of pain could be heard blistering through those aged trees n' the thick of the bracken. My backseat passenger, moaned. But things weren't sitting quite right, n' I was gonna find out what in blue yonder was going down. Fires were scattered around, n' I was just trying to make sense of the carnage that boxed me in. Stacks of rubble remained of some of the dens. Dens is what folks round here called their homes no matter what type they were. Trees were upturned, and those that remained standing had branches broken torn or broken clean off. I could see fences were flattened, even craters littered the paths n' small lanes.

The skies were darkening over with a hint of red. Usually the old ones read it as a sign that blood had been split, n'that there was a bad omen in itself. Gotta say there were a nasty feeling brewing in me' gut n' worse than eating me' ol' man's cooking.

"Proteus, what's going on?" she asked. I knelt down, setting the absol down. Hell I still was unsure about these pure breeds bringing disaster, but I had a sneaking suspicion it weren't nothing but old wives tales mhm. She weren't gonna do anyone diddlysquat, to harm 'em. Slowly I let that cutie rest on the ground. She just kinda stared up at me real concerned-like for an answer, n' I didn't have one for the babe.

"I ain't got the foggiest, but just sit tight, this vappy is gonna go check out a few things kay? If things start getting hairy, then bail ya hear?" She nodded, but I got the feeling if she were anything like her anthro counterparts, then she weren't one to listen, them absols are darn feisty. I didn't dwell on it anymore n' rushed on ahead.

My paws quickly were beating a path through a few bushes that obstructed me. Twigs snapped beneath me' feet, n' my adrenalin was kicking in. I wasn't too bright when it came to the element of surprise I tell ya, but I've wised up a lot since then. I continued on to where those screams were coming from.

"What the..."

A blast whizzed passed me as my reflexes took over, n' boy did I almost end up as a splat-ka-vappy. It only just about narrowly avoided me. I felt the ground shudder behind me where splinters flew past me, but no turning back as I looked dead ahead to keep my eye on whomever wanted to kick my ass. I wasn't ready for who it was. It came as a shock through my system.


It still kinda goes over my head that Shelton almost killed me. I knew him better than that, n' it weren't like him to be so rash. I was sorta questioning, was this even the same buddy? He seemed different. It's the eyes, always the eyes, I can tell a persons nature just by looking into 'em. It was the lust for blood n' havoc I saw, just like innocence that I saw in Z's when we met. I'm a damn good judge of character, n' one thing that a person can never change when telling porkies, or motives is their eyes.

Things were about to get a hell of a lot more complicated. The large muscular male stood a short distance off. Yeah Shelton was also much bigger than me, I guess two of me could fit in that big fat bastard, but what the hell was he doing? His get-up was different to the usual clobber he wore. Chain-mail ornamented his broad chest, and he wore some kinda green metallic gauntlets over his paws. Thick shoulder armor shined like he'd given it a right ol' spit polish, as well as some knight like plate armor down his legs. I could tell there was some kinda writing I just couldn't quite make out, engraved into the gauntlets and shoulder pieces. No I wouldn't allow myself to jump to some school boy assumptions, they couldn't be attacking our home.

"Oh hey its you Protty, I almost killed you." He was laughing it off like it was some joke. He coulda just taken off me' head with that stunt. "You shouldn't just pop up out of nowhere mate."

Maybe he was fending of some attackers.... That had to be it, maybe that'd explain the eyes. "Outta nowhere? It's a friggin bush I came outta. Listen I don't know what's happening, are we being attacked?"

"Nah its cool, we have things under control. Eric's just mopping up the last of them." He couldn't have meant the locals surely, must be some bandits. Did I cringe at his words? I don't remember, but I do know what I felt coming of 'em left a dark tar-like feeling that was choking me. It was more an instinctual feeling, somehow I could sense almost that his words weren't right.

"You lost me bud, so we were being attacked?" I pressed.

"Kind of. Things have changed, Protty, and we've got some important things we have to discuss. Ever heard of Boreas? Well it doesn't matter too much, but we got ourselves a new buddy. You'll love the guy when you meet him, he's a blast."

Boreas? I got a bad feeling now. Z mentioned the guy in our lil'chats. "What are you on about?" Something inside me at that point was telling me, 'run ya dumb fuck or fight', but in the end I didn't do either. For someone like me that always yaps on about seeing is believing, well I didn't want to. I needed to hear it from 'em first, they couldn't have turned coats.

A umbreon anthro with fur as dark as the pitch of night pushed his way out of a collapsed shallot, dragging Lisa by the hair, who was the former resident of that wreckage; it was Eric. The Pichu anthro was the local eye candy, but not so much from where I was then. She was a mess of tears, her breasts hung loose outta the ripped white shirt, and her small skirt torn down the front. She struggled against him. The poor lass was holding her head so the fucker wouldn't rip the hair right outta it by the roots. He yanked her to face him before the swine backhanded her in the face. I could hear it all the way to where I stood. The babe wobbled n' fell flat on her ass. I could even smell her fear, as she cried, begging n' pleading on the ground. Bruises lined her arms and thighs. Her dark mascara ran down from her eyes n' smeared across her facial fur. I observed her a moment, seeing white fluids that ran down her inner thighs, raped?

My stomach was starting to churn now, were these who I called friends? It weren't adding up. Something was coming from behind n' like a rocket, a quadrupedal creature by the sounds of it. As I turned Z burst outta the bushes, I luckily only just about held back. That stupid reckless jack-off, I almost did the exact same shit that Shelton had when he sent a blast for me.

She looked up at me with hardened battle intended eyes, "I'm here to back you."

"Back me? I thought I told ya to stay back there? I almost took your head off tuts."

"Well you probably could do with a paw to help you out, I did flatten your ass earlier after all."

"Smart ass. I can hold my own." That was an overstatement, even if I say so myself. Those boy's weren't about to play tic tac toe with me either, they meant business, but I weren't smart enough to see it. "These guys are my buddy's n'there would be reason behind this, I'ma say."

"Rapist and murderers from where I am. I'm staying, regardless." she quipped. I could have back handed her for saying that, but I ain't no woman beater. She couldn't have known what these guys meant to me.

Shelton broke our small chit-chat, "Yo! We're over here." He paused a sec, to scan Z's body with a look that even disgusted me while he licked his lips. "That's one hell of a sexy looking pure breed bitch you got. Holding out on us buddy? Come on, want to share like old times?"

"She ain't up for grabs.... 'buddy'. What's gotten into the both of ya?" I needed a smoke, it was getting to me now. I drew out by tobacco along with the smoking skins n' started rolling up a thin one.

"Come on share and share alike, we always use to?" While our chatter was going on, the pichu anthro managed to squirm away. The two weren't bothered, they seemed much more preoccupied with me. At least the poor girl was gonna get away, with what lil' dignity she had remaining.

"There's sharing the willing, n'then there's rape. How about ya explain ya'self as I ain't impressed at all.... 'Mate'." He broke out into laughter. I couldn't believe he was just laughing in my bloody face, the nerve of that jack-ass, friend or not. I remember taking a big sigh, anxiety was kicking in like before, I needed to calm my nerves. My fingers were getting jittery, I wasn't use to seeing violence n' carnage. I mean nothing ever happened round here barring the lil' scruff so I'd never witnessed such brutality n'chaos before. The life I'd led in Westwood had been a sheltered I must admit, n' away from the violence of the outside world. I finally finished rolling it, n' placed it to my lips. It took a sec to light up.

You can probably gather by the way I'm looking at you that breath I inhaled, that there very moment was one of the most relieving of me' life.

"Hey bro, remember Dratini Lake in the summer?" Like before he changed the topic n' beat around the bush. "Its like those chicks when we were out fishing we shared them too, good times. They'd be nearby, and making sure to catch our attention by waggling their tails, blatantly giggling at us. One set of girls in particular comes ta mind. Remember? Heres a hint. AwOo AWOOO AWOOOoo." He started laughing again, this weren't no time to be joking, n' yeah even though it may have been funny remembering back this was not the time.

The whole situation weren't.

I knew exactly what he was talking about. But I decided to indulge the bastard to see where he was heading with it. "Mhm, I'ma say those Shinx triplets. They were always asking for it, waving their asses and wriggling'em like that. We'd chase them around, but those naughty lil'totties were cock teases alright. But what's that to do with anything?"

"When we caught them though, we sure didn't disappoint did we? Now that was pure mating, just a good ol'fashion pussy and ass pounding. Well I loved those bitches so I wanted to own all three of them. I thought when I asked earlier they would just spread and call me daddy like in the summer, but no, not today. They said they weren't like that anymore, ho's will be ho's. After punching and slapping them around they saw it my way. But, one didn't still want to be owned. She only had eyes for you it seemed. That really did piss me off so I had no choice then." Shelton shrugged his shoulders, with a smirk painted on his big mug.

"Chayenne?" That was a real eye opener. She was a sweet kid n'always helping others with chores n'such. Even if she did like spreading her legs often. I did like the lass as an acquaintance. "What did you do to her?"

Z snapped at me, "They're not your friends anymore. Look at all they've done? They've been corrupted. Its Boreas' doing, I can sense the presence of his magic, its reeks all over them. He's magnified what was suppressed, forcing their true colors to surface. If they're mostly good they will become righteous, if they're tainted more than good, then the opposite applies." I mean I always felt them two had a bad vibe around them most of the time, but come on we all do sometimes when we've had a bad day. I was too pissed off n' ignored Z. There weren't no way she could even begin to understand the bond we had.

You can probably tell I was in denial.

Shelton the attention whore caught me again, the big bastard. "Yo bro I got that nice warm feeling when I ripped up some havoc here, and I got to admit, I kinda like it.

"Whatcha talking about Chayenne? What did ya do to her? Fuck sake mate stop beating around the bush n'answer me will ya?"

"I killed her a few moments ago. I loved hearing her spine snap. Then screwed her corpse while it was still warm" That was a head kicking right there. A cold feeling ripped through me that very moment, causing shivers to run over my skin, n' make it crawl. I really couldn't be hearing what I heard. He couldn't have, I mean he n' I we weren't like that, we were good folks.... How? Why? My anger was rising. Z was right, and these weren't m' ol' buddies or the ones I use to know.

I blew out the thick plumes of smoke n' carried on listening, but why kept my ears pinned back to hear 'em out I didn't know as they were as guilty as sin.

"Why did ya do it? This place is our home. These people our are neighbors, n'friends, so why? Why all of this?"

"You polish peoples boots for a living, you should know. But if I must.... You know how we use to be nothing? Worthless lay abouts, no life, little money, no futures. That was before we met him, he gave us all we needed, bitches, gold, and even this grove, its ours Protty, its all ours. When I say ours I mean you too, we wouldn't leave you out. Now you can have a piece of the pie too."

"You think I would wanna stoop this low then ya figured me dead wrong mate."

"Wouldn't it be great if you could take any bitch here you wanted, and no one will appose you or question your actions. We can do what we want now, kill who we want and beat who we want. Of course we liked that idea, and the amount of gold coins he's given means we don't need to worry for a life time. We could be a trio again, sounds good right?"

"Ya mean it seems ya sold your soul you bastard, n' I'ma guess ya mama n' ol'man too."

Eric finally spoke, "Well of course he did, they never where much good to him as a kid. We go way back, and we've seen great times together, why not leave this grove now and join us, its ours anyway. There isn't anyone that will dare to leave here. You see we own them. Listen it maybe hard at first but you'll adjust to it like we have. It's a different way of life but you'll see that you'll love it."

"Love what? You ain't God, n' taking these people n'all by the necks, won't get ya diddly squat. It ain't respect you'll earn but curses. Ya got a few loose change in ya head bud, n' another thing, if ya thinking I'ma join your merry band then your mistaken."

Eric snickered, "Remember we've friendship mated to bond. It's the strongest type of bond. We're practically brothers. We grew up together. We're more than that now, we're comrades in arms. Just give it a try and tag along and if you don't like it, you can leave?" The umbreon brushed his fur, licking the partially risen fur on his forearm. Lisa musta tried to struggle against it with her paw earlier.

"No you ain't the friends I knew! Otherwise ya wouldn't be ripping apart our home for coins. Ya lil scavengers!"

Shelton sure got pissed off with my comment. Woohey, did the fires ever start in the lad's beady eyes. "Watch your mouth or I'll...." That there must've been a soft spot on the ass-wipe, guess it got him touchy. Erics dark paw quickly gripped on to the Rhydon's shoulder, holding him back, or I swear that big bastard woulda rushed me by the way he was giving me that big dirty stare. Shelton took a few deep breaths as the Shelton took over again, n' tried to convince me once more, the prick. "Come on we'll hang out and fuck some good honey's or is our bond a lie? Lets re-seal our bond by starting of with sharing a good will gesture? I suggest that pure breed fucker next to you?"

"Well I'ma say friendship is eternal with the buddies I had, but you ain't the same buddies. Looks like ya' all have changed. As far as this pure breed, she's my guest, n' their ain't no one on this planet that's gonna lay a finger on her, capice?" I turned to Z who seemed more distressed having now placed herself in a position where she may be beaten or worse, sexually assaulted, raped, n' killed. I needed her ta' get the hell away from here. I just gave it to her straight, "Babe? what about you? Sticking around here ain't a good idea. Things might get ugly, n' if I get pummeled their ain't nothing to say ya won't be raped or killed. I'ma tell you now.... Beat it!"

The lil' twerp just shuck her head. "Undeniably not. I told you in the first place 'prince charming', I'm going to back you up. Besides you said you'll give me a meal. Call it a payment advance."

There weren't any winning against her, all those bloody absols anthro or not, were the same, she seemed as stubborn as a wild rapidash on a mating streak. "Well you've lost your friggin brain." Why the heck was she sticking her neck out for me, the kid didn't even know me to any real extent.

Shelton carried on. "He needs only the strong, and we are just that. He offered us this grove as a small gesture to start, with promises of much more to come, cities even. I couldn't say no, I mean to rule this little place and own it, then entire cities. This place is a good start, I always did want to with most the cuties here. You can too, so how about it Protty?"

"So you sold ya soul. You two really are as thick as Emboar shit. The guy doesn't even know ya n' you don't know him. He's filled your head with crap n' you two bought it? No stranger just makes promises like that to another stranger. Think about it, you down right stupid dick-wad. Trust ain't bought, its earned."

Eric listened to as much as he could, "Enough of this Shelton, he's obviously not going to join us so lets just kill him and be done with it."

Shelton smirked, n' I knew of their nature then. He happily replied as if he'd been waiting for them there words to pop out. "Yeah, he'll just be a walkover, just like when we use to get drunk, always the one to go down first."

They'd killed n' raped, looted n' plundered, laid our homes to waste. I had to let go of the fact these were once my buddys but it weren't so easy. Things never are so simple. I gave them my decision clearly enough for'em swines to hear, even if it was killing me. I had to make my stand by what was right. "Now I see what our bond really meant. Ya bunch of bastards, come on then, what ya waiting for? Bring it!"

Well now I guess we were in a right pickle, those boys were hardcore, n' I did forget to mention, I was kinda the weakest link of our small troupe. Z's claw's dug into the dirt in anticipation, the babe looked like she could go ten rounds n' then some.

Shelton started to pound his fist into his other paw n' gave a final blabber of his mouth. "Fine Protty we tried but you just kept on throwing our friendship away. You sicken me, friends are suppose to stick by each other. You betrayed the friendship bond, you betrayed us. Now die you ungrateful little swine."

With a final roar the huge Rhydon charged me, n' all he was seeing was red.

I had the speed advantage. I woulda bragged on about my speed to ya, but there ain't nothing I can do at this part. I ran for him as the big guy came in with a tackle, but I easily avoided his attack by swerving past him at the last moment. Hey, I ain't stupid. There was no way I was gonna go head to toe with the big fuck. I intended to dodge and take my shots as the openings appeared, even if I did look like some prancing daisy. As he flew past I managed to cock my fist back, n' jabbed him right in the side of his craggy head. It gave of one heck of a clonking sound. Pain ran through my bare knuckles, and that wasn't even a full force blow or anything, more of a reflex jab. The question I was asking myself was.... When the hell did his body get so hard? Maybe I was drunk the last time we brawled so I didn't feel it as much, or maybe the son ov'a bitch had been training since our drunken boy scruffs.

I didn't know it at the time, but those butt-ugly green gauntlets they were wearing were some sorta magic armour. They intensified all sorts o'natural abilities, like making that evil bastard's already tough skin harder than a diamond encrusted knuckle buster. Thinking of which, what I wouldn't have given to have one then.

Talking about Eric, he didn't wanna be left out of our lil' party, now we got it going. That umbreon, hot-dang, was he just as quick as me for one thing, so he had it all going down, 'cus the bitch boy had one more advantage. That there would be greater agility then mine, n' always had been how he beat me each time, but this time no one was pulling any punches. He made his move running in, but before I could decide on the retaliation method, the guy took to the air with a huge-ass leap. Now if I didn't know better, both them there bastards were better than before. It was like they were on some kind of performance enhancing drugs or other. Something really stunk, and it weren't no breaking wind from me eating them burritos either I tell ya.

I really was about to get the old heave ho, and doubled up on. I had to get my counter attacks going or they were gonna cut me a ticket to the Westwood cemetery. From above a descending umbreon, n' from me' side a incoming meat-head built like a brick shit-house. Oh golly was I in for it alright, I knew I was gonna get it now one way or the other. I had to make my evasive, n' take a blow from one of 'em, bastards. Was this some pre-meditated battle sequence?

Enormous dark purple flames raged with ferocity from outta nowhere suddenly n' swatted Eric from the sky, hitting him harder than a desperate virgin with a one liner. Whoa, I could tell you all night about how big n' pretty those flames were, but I ain't gonna bore ya.

Let me just say that's me' lil' buddy Z right there for ya, full of surprises.

I didn't expect that much of a blast to come from the half-pint. Z could give it as good as any of us it seemed. A grin of satisfaction crept along the babes maw. Eric spun in the nick o'time mid-air n' just about managed to land nimbly on his feet. As for me, I side stepped out of the way of charging beast that came in like hot potatoes. I was just like some pretty ballerina, real smooth-like, there weren't gonna be no fat potato that was gonna rush me of me' feet. Shelton once more only narrowly missed me, but this time I was able to adjust in time. I let rip one of my hydro pump attacks, bulls-eye! I caught him square between the shoulder blades with a nasty deep thudding sound. I made sure I got that Rhydon as hard as I could. To my dismay I may add, the big lug just shrugged it off. The species advantage with water should have had more effect, I really didn't get it.

The Absol seemed fired up, shouting out at me. "I got the umbreon, you take the Rhydon, he's weak versus water." I was a lil sarcastic n' gave her a clap.

"Well done for stating the obvious, of course he's bloody weak against water, didn't I tell you to beat it?" Eric made a dash for me, but that absol was blinding fast n' cut across to cut him off. Not as quick as your good ol'vappy here, but still quick. Ignore the blinding fast bit. Modest, ain't I?

"Hurry, I'm tired, I can't go on for long." she cried. I forgot the rascal was barely standing, let alone be able to fight. The runt was half starved n' yet the kid showed a big enough heart. I wasn't about to let her be hurt because of me bringing her along. Gotta say those boys were more than capable of packing a mean ol'punch, n'even if I dished out whatever I could, it weren't gonna be enough. I made a judgement call n' rushed towards her, quickly scooping her into my arms. She just squealed n' flailed her legs around. "Put me down, this very minute."

"Shuddap babe, this ain't no fight we can win, the attack you used was powerful enough that it should have done more than it did. Even my Hydropump only tickled, so go figure." I probably did the right thing. The squirt passed out in my arms a moment later while I was still talking to her. She really was more exhausted then she let on. She either was real dumb or just wanted to help me even at the cost of her own life, which still meant she was a dumb-ass. Why did she jump in when she knew she weren't gonna make it? They hadn't even used their special attacks yet. If they had, it may have been over much quicker. I wasn't no coward n' would have gone the whole nine yards, but the babe by no means deserved to be hurt, or violated. I read the intention in their eyes, n' when they were done with me, them boys would've raped n' killed her with the way they were eyeing her. Still though, I grew admiration for her regardless of me thinking she was a stupid dumb-ass. That's women ya, I'll never get 'em.

I began rushing through the trees n' even hurdling over the bushes. My feet kicked off the trees as I bounded n' leaped like some odd smoking cartoon in a crazy chase. Eric was as quick... Wait, he seemed faster, when n' how was he faster? I couldn't believe he was gaining fast as both those assholes gave chase. The river that led to the lake was just outside as I ploughed though the last bushes like a bulldozer. I hit the river n' began running right across it as if it were land, making good time. Sometimes I just love being a vaporeon if ya know what I mean.

Houdini eat ya heart out haha.

Ripples radiated as I ran with light splashes across the surface of the raging river. After running a good few yards out there I finally stopped. The problem was, I knew if I just kept on going it would just be a matter of time before they picked up my trail again on the other side. I held my ground, or water even, right in the middle, n' I just stared back at 'em. I was right in my element as I knew why I came that way, n' you'll know soon too. I held the runt under one arm, while I took a final draw of me' cig before I flicked it away.

If ya remember back when I started telling ya me' tale n' about me ol'man? Yeah I mentioned I learned a trick or two from the ol'git, well it was one of those times I had to use one. He told me never to let others know, unless needed, the ol'geezer made me swear to it. One thing to bear in mind buddy, we're anthro's, so we ain't magic folk, but me' ol' man taught me everything had the potential to harness a lil wee'bit of that there magic. For us as seen as we already had powers, it meant if we could fuse even just a tiny bit, its effects would be enough to give our own powers a jolly ol'boost, even five fold. We didn't need that much magic to make 'em devastating, n'water I loved like no other. It was time to make a splash. Yeah that was cheesy, but bleh....

I saw Eric standing on the edge of the lake, he was getting ready to launch his trade mark move Assurance. I'd never been on the receiving end of it before, but I had it covered, or so I thought. I had something he hasn't, despite his steroid pumped power or whatever it was. I began my chant as I watched dark flames exuding of his body. The guy looked like a matchstick of black flames.

"Panai, Balau, barish lau, jalti chisz bujou...." While I continued my chant, the dark energy was roaring heavier off his body. It hit me then it was probably ten times stronger than I'd ever seen it before. I watched him suddenly cock his head back and howl like a wounded critter, but it weren't no cry of pain. A gigantic shadow erupted from him, n' roared towards me. Its size was half the size of the rivers width, n' considering that the shitty river was a hundred meters wide, it weren't no small fries attack. I was still self assured in my own attack, deluded more like it. I managed to finish my chant, n' let that beast of an attack spell loose. "Water Oblivion!"

A wall of water with the force of a tornado ripped into the sky n' spun mighty high too, dam it woulda made my ol'man proud if he woulda seen it that day. Now that kinda attack I let rip would crush the tens even twenties.


I realised then his attack was bigger than mine, David n' Goliath-like bigger I tell ya. I never saw anything like it before, or even thought anyone was capable of something on its magnitude. I thought Z's dark attack was powerful or even my secret one, but this? There I was, naively thinking I had the upper hand when I lured 'em out there. I was wrong, I was dead wrong, he was a blasted monster. His attack tore through the air towards us, howling like a mass of death incarnate itself. Nothing on this rotten planet could have that much power, it was too surreal. That flee bitten vermin's attack completely dwarfed my own.


I clenched my fist to pull my attack closer to me. My reaction to the incoming doozy was just the kinda thing you'd expect from a desperate caged animal curling itself into a ball. I needed to try take some impact outta what was probably gonna kill us, n' there weren't no way I woulda been able to take it on. I held onto that unconscious absol babe just a tad firmer n' that lil' bit closer to me.

The words I said are still clear in me' head, as the dark horror came to rain its vengeance down on our hides.

"Arceus have mercy."

Thanks for reading, hopefully the next chapter ain't gonna be too long. You can tell how Z speaks proper speech where as the narrator/lead speaks with an accent. I really wanted to have a contrast between the two leads.