A Timelord's Beginnings: Terry's Adventure Part 7

Story by Arsen on SoFurry

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Arsen and Terry visit a Cloud City of female winged creatures before Terry is finally brought back home to his own time.

Arsen walked into his room and placed a copy of the data crystal he took from Trellis and placed it on a small shelf for safe keeping. He stripped out of his clothing and smoothed out his fur before he walked out of his room, passed Terry's room. Terry had set the candy bar down along side of the laser projector device before smiling softly to himself as he remembered Rexus and Fred. The fox took a moment to calm down and walked out of his room to the wardrobe room. "The Tardis said that there is only one article of clothing for Seterris... and that's a robe and nothing else." Terry puffed his cheeks out as the clothing whirred by and a white cloak was presented to him while Arsen's cloak was black. The both of them slipped on their cloaks and drew the hoods up before walking out together to hear the Tardis starting to spin down and the soft chime was heard. Arsen and Terry made it to the main doors before they swung open to show off a beautiful skyline of white fluffy clouds, pinks and blues streaking across the sky. When Terry took his first step out of the Tardis, he felt something soft and airy against his hindpaw before he panicked. "There's no ground!" He immediately lost balance and fell over. In the split second it took him to fall, his heart stopped, thinking that this was where his life was going to end, falling out of the sky. It wasn't until he felt the same soft airy sensation against his chest and face that he realized that it was stable.

Arsen rubbed the back of his neck before he said. "Should have warned you about that... Seterris is a cloud city." Terry stood up and walked right over to the Tiger before he slapped him across the chest. "I almost had a fucking heart attach you doof!" Arsen laughed softly as he ushered the little fox onto the cloud walkways that lead towards the cloud city of Seterris. Terry was still a little uneasy on the clouds, just looking over to see how high they were in the clouds had the fox's stomach in knots before they made it to the city's entrance. The city itself seemed to be made of a beautiful selection of white marble with different colour veins running through them. The main stone seemed to be a pure white marble with golden veins while doors had black veins in them and the flooring had blue. Terry had an easier time walking across the marble streets and once on "solid" ground, his stomach settled and he started to look around.

There were intricate statues of nude females of various species that decorated broad columns as the main accent of the city. Each building seemed to have a particular species as its accents and their details were almost lifelike. Terry was amazed at the level of craftsmanship that the greek-like buildings had and it wasn't before long that a small group of cloaked individuals made their way out of various buildings to head to large central building with a large multicoloured glass dome on top of it. "Let's see what they're up to." Arsen said with a grin as he quickly sprinted towards the moving group and followed closely behind. Terry had an odd feeling in the pit of his stomach but he ran to keep pace with Arsen. The front of the marble building had pictures of women of different sizes and shapes done out in a mosaic mural that wrapped around the exterior walls. Once inside, Arsen saw large pillars that held up the enormous roof before his eyes darted around to see pits that were carved down into the marble. There have been at least 8 different pits that were wedge shaped and made up a large circle around the round center of this beautiful room. Some pits were filled with silk pillows and silk sheets, while some had large cooper pipes that had hot water cascading into a wedge shaped pool. One in particular, had various fruits and desserts laid out for the city's visitors to enjoy but what caught the eye of the Timelord was... as each of the figures removed their cloaks and hung them up on brass hooks along the outer wall... Everyone was female.

"Uh... R..Reaper..." Terry stammered a bit as he tugged on Arsen's cloak. "They have wings." He said before Arsen looked again... He thought to himself... 'How could I have missed that...' before he nodded a bit. "Yeah... and they are all females too, did you notice that?" Terry turned around to face Arsen before a pair of paws wrapped around his neck and unlatched his cloak before pulling it off of him. "Here, let me help you." The female voice said before a gasp of surprise followed as the cloak fell to the ground. "Sisters! Look! No wings!" Terry darted towards Arsen before he wrapped himself in Arsen's cloak to hide from view. "Awww how cute!" Another female said before Arsen pulled back his hood. "We're just visitors... If we're disrupting anything..." He said before he was interrupted by a voice behind him... "Nonsense... We haven't had visitors drop by since I was a cub." Arsen turned his head to see a winged female snow leopard. She was adorned with a small, thin crown with gold and silver flowers around it and a few ribbons along her arms and legs. She stood there nude as she looked at the Tiger with a soft smile on her face. "Please, join us." She said as she held a closed paw to her chest and bowed as her wings fluttered open to accentuate her movements. Arsen rolled his shoulders back after undoing the clasp at his neck and let his cloak hit the floor before it was spirited away and put on a hook on the wall by a young female wolf.

Terry stood there unsure of what to do before the female grey wolf smiled, fluttering her wings a bit before folding them tight against her back as she offered her paw to the little fox. Terry blushed a bit and tried not to look at the wolf's body as she guided him down the main walkway. "So! Are you tired? Hungry? Need to relax?" The female asked with a broad smile before Terry tried to look at her face and no where else. "Um... I guess I could try to relax." The female wolf nodded before she ushered the fox down into one of the large pools of hot water where a small crowd of females of different species started to form around the pair. "I'm Erica, the Priestess Marolin's Hand. And you is your name my dear friend?" Terry blushed heavily as he was being watched... he quickly slipped into the water and slipped his tail into his lap before he answered. "Terry... Just a traveler." Erica smiled as she waved her paw to the small crowd gathering before they collected a few floating tables filled with little instruments that Terry had never seen before. "Relax Terry the Traveler... and let us take care of you." Terry opened his mouth to respond but as he felt his hindpaws being lifted up and out of the water, he froze until he felt the warm and penetrating massage from two female felines working deep into his sore paw pads. "Ohhhh that feels so good." He managed to get out as he rolled his head back and let it rest on the edge of the pool.

Arsen stood there with a small group of females who were looking him over, as well as the Priestess herself. "I'm Marolin... Priestess of this wonderful city. And may I have the honor of your name?" She said with a warm voice while she stepped a little closer to Arsen. "I'm known as Reaper and it's a pleasure to be in such fine company." The Tiger said as he gave a little bow of his head. "Come then Reaper... It's been a long time since we've had males up here... I was beginning to think you all were extincted." Marolin made her way to one of the silk pits before she stepped down into it. Arsen's eyes gazed upon the plush fur of the snow leopard, admiring her curves and how her hips swayed with her regal gait. The way her ample breasts bounced made Arsen appreciate the female form. "Come... sit with me please." Marolin said as Arsen laid down next to the sitting leopard. "Ladies... let's extend our courtesies to our male guest here." She said with a wave of her arm and a gentle flex of her wing before the small following disappeared into the room and brought back small tables filled with different objects and food.

One female fox sat down next to Arsen before slipping a pillow behind his head and gently centered his body. Arsen followed the fox's guidance before a comb was brought out from one of the tables and she started to work through his headfur. "Wasn't expecting this at all." He laughed before he looked over to the Priestess who was enjoying the mere presence of the Tiger before her. "Good, that means you'll enjoy it all the better." She said as she reached out and touched above the Tiger's left pec, pressing her palm into it as she felt the strong beats of his hearts. "Strong willed too..." Arsen watched the Priestess as she slid her paws along his chest before pressing into his right pec. Her brows furrowed as she spoke up. "You're... different." Arsen laid his paw on top of the Priestess's paw... "I am... but it's best if you keep that a secret." The Priestess looked puzzled before she nodded... "I expect you to tell me about it later then." She said as Arsen agreed to that. It wasn't long before his hindpaws were picked up by a pair of women who immediately pressed into one toe pad at a time and shaped his claws with files. His shoulders were massaged by the fox who sat near his head before his arms were guided out to his side. One female at each appendage, grooming him and massaging into his muscles while the Priestess pulled a small table nearby and used her claws to pick up fruit from it. She ate a few pieces as she took the Tiger's form in before offering a few select sweet slices of various fruit.

Arsen gladly accepted as he purred away while he was being serviced by the small group around him. "So tell me..." Marolin spoke up as she slid her paw down the center line of the Tiger's body. "How does a person, take something this big." Her fingertips grazed across the Timelord's loins before circling closer and closer to the base of the semi-erect shaft. Arsen kept his eyes closed, feeling the warm touch spreading across his loins. "Very slowly Priestess." He grinned as her paw left his body... obviously teasing him before she ran her paw along in the inside of his thigh, stopping inches away from his large testicles... wanting to touch them then and there but restraining herself as much as she can. "And how many times can you..." She tried to find the right word before Arsen spoke up... "As many times as I need." Marolin fluttered her wings at the sound of that before the girls started to massage a little more deeply into the Tiger's form. He felt them move his hindpaws to their breasts, resting them onto their warm mounds of flesh before the Tiger rumbled... loving the feeling of nipples against his body. "Do you find me attractive?" Marolin asked as she reached up and stroked the side of Arsen's muzzle with her paw before the girls that worked on his handpaws rested them too on their warm breasts. He felt their nipples pressing into his palms before he gave them a firm squeeze. They gasped while Arsen arched his back to get a little more comfortable... "Yes." He rumbled out before the Priestess licked her lips from hearing the girls gasping.

Terry was blissed out as he felt the warm paws working along his tired hindpaws and found the quick pedicure to be very relaxing. Erica had moved to sit into Terry's lap which had Terry a little self conscious but when she massaged into his shoulders and neck, he didn't complain in the slightest. The warm wet paws did their magic on his body groaned and grunted with each knot and muscle group being worked out. When Erica moved her paws up to the back of Terry's neck and head... she pulled his head to rest on top of her breasts which had Terry blushing heavily. "Shhhh, just relax." Erica said as her loins brushed against Terry's. She felt his sheath become hard against her bare loins and took that as a big compliment. Terry closed his eyes and nuzzled in softly as she ran her claws through his head fur and scritched down the back of his ears before letting his head fall back lightly on the edge of the tub where she worked her fingertips along his temples and into his cheekruffs which felt amazing to Terry. The paws as they moved into the water to massage his chest, made the fox murr. He felt Erica's motions against his lower half and the soft rocking of her hips as they tilted up and down to grind against his exposed shaft. "Um... Erica..." Terry tried to speak up before a finger was placed on his lips. "Shhhhh... just let me do all the work." She said before Terry started to get a little worked up. He never thought he would get this close to a female, let alone naked with one. She reached down for a moment and positioned Terry's shaft to point between his legs before she let it glide underneath her. Terry could make out her folds as they brushed along his shaft and her furry rump cheeks as they brushed back and forth along his aching length... "I... I haven't... been with a female before." Terry managed to say before Erica smiled softly... "I told you to let me do all the work... We train each other on how to deal with males.... even though none of us have seen one until now."

The Priestess smiled down to Arsen as she waited until her entourage was finished with the massages before she looked around for a moment and signaled a group of personal servants. They brought in poles that had silks draped around them and as they drew closer, they formed a semi-private room for the Tiger and the Leopard. The maidens stayed close to assist as two of them placed their paws on Arsen's hips before laying their heads on the top of the Timelord's thighs. One was a beautiful female cat with orange stripes and shoulder length hair... the other was a pretty lioness who licked her way along the inside of Arsen's thigh. Arsen spread his legs a bit to allow the ladies access before the orange tabby was the first to move from his thigh to his orbs. One paw held up his heavy cum laden orb before she lapped tenderly around it. The lioness moved to lick along the base of his fleshy staff as the Priestess watched. Arsen moved his paw for a moment and slid it across the top of Marolin's thigh before she shivered from the warm touch. Her eyes watched as her maidens attended to Arsen's pride... working him harder and harder until the thick cock rested on his loins and stomach, throbbing with the beat of his twin hearts.

Arsen's paw ran up between Marolin's legs as her eyes locked onto the Tiger's tip, watching the soft jets of precum as they made the flesh glisten and matted the fur below. "The tools we use... weren't this big... nor were they this... deliciously wet." She said before she let out a deep moan with the Timelord's fingers graced the outer folds of Marolin's sex. "Goddess help me... cause I want it now." She said as she watched the girls lick up and down the sides of Arsen's cock to get it ready for the Priestess. Their paws moved from the wet tip down to the shaft's broad base, making sure that the Tiger's pre was spread across every inch before they stopped for a moment and watched as Arsen's fingers probed the inner folds of the Priestess's pussy. Marolin reached up and clutched one of her breasts before she bit one of her fingers on her other paw and shuddered when Arsen's thumb glanced across her hood and teased her clit. Once his fingers were wet enough, he pushed them inside her, gently probing the wet, heat within. Marolin squeezed her walls tightly around Arsen's fingers before she nearly doubled over when he arched his finger towards the front of her sex and rubbed that little nexus of nerves that Tonya taught him about long ago. The girls moved from Arsen to assist their Priestess. They moved their arms to help support her before guiding her on top of the large Tiger. Once Arsen's fingers slipped from Marolin's sex... she looked down at the beast that she wanted within her. "I think I'm ready." She said before she leaned forward enough for her maidens to take a hold of the Tiger's cock and position it in place.

Arsen arched his back a bit... placing his paws softly on Marolin's hips before he felt the burning heat of Marolin's cunny against his tip. "You sure you want this?" Arsen asked before she gave a nod. "I can't pass this up... even if you tear me in two. We may never see another male in our lifetime again." And with that the girls lined everything up for their Priestess and let nature do the rest as they watched intently. Marolin straightened her back as she looked down at her folds being held open by a large bell shaped tip while her honey dripped down the ebony spire below and with a soft moan, pushed herself down as her paw rested on her loins. Arsen felt the immense resistance of the Snow Leopard's sex as the ring of muscle along the entrance started to slowly stretched along his broad tip. Marolin gasped as she felt the Tiger's tip starting to stretch her in ways no toy had. The heat from his flesh, the feeling of the want and need to have this living cock inside of her took over as she bit her lip and tried to push herself further down. Arsen's paws gripped her hips tighter as he started to pull her down as he drew his legs in and pushed up harder with his hindpaws to drill himself slowly into her slowly stretching cunny. "Mmmmmffff fuck... bigger... than I expected." She cried out as her maidens moved to get a better view before she felt a big paw grip one of her tits and squeeze. The sudden sensation caused her to gasp and then a pop was felt when Arsen's thick ridge worked within her. Her fingers ran down to her stretched lips and felt the hot black flesh which made her want to go further. "Please Tiger... fill me." Arsen shifted a bit as he leaned forward and brushed his muzzle along the front of the snow leopard's breast. His broad tongue roamed freely around her furry globe of fur and flesh before he found her nipple brushing against his nose, then his lips before he latched onto it and suckled firmly. Marolin gasped deeply before she wrapped a paw along the back of Arsen's thick and muscular neck while Arsen nursed on her nipple which sent hot, wet sensations throughout her chest.

Seconds later... Arsen pulled her down harder as he splayed his thighs wider and filled her empty cunt with his thobbing flesh. His big tip rested heavily against the tighter ring of muscle inside, protecting her womb but the Tiger still had more dick to give her. Marolin clutched tightly at her bulging loins as she leaned further against the Tiger's muzzle that molested her tit. She felt the heat of his mouth as he sucked on her nipple hard, the roughness of his tongue as he flicked it around and around the pert nub but what made her weak was the feeling of being filled with that big Tiger cock. Marolin's wings wilted a bit as if she couldn't maintain her strength but with a gasp, she was pinned on her back with her legs spread wide lewdly as the Tiger climbed on top of her. Her arms laid there weakly on the silk covered pillows as her maidens were watching her and either fingering themselves or others... Two were positioned behind the Tiger, either stroking over his orbs or his cock's flesh as it appeared between thrusts before plowing their Priestess's body.

Terry looked up to Erica as she started to shift her weight a little bit and sat up in his lap before he felt his pride starting to slip towards his chest. "I... I don't know if I could do this..." Terry said before his eyes grew wider once Erica slipped Terry's erection between her folds and then plunged him inside. The fox arched his back and moaned softly as he felt her inner walls hugging his length before the both of them looked at each other as they were connected. "Shhhhhh... Silly fox." Erica managed to say after moment of panting. "You'll do just fine." The young wolf started to slowly ride the unsure fox... stroking over his face to calm him while he laid there, groaning and panting. "That's it..." She said encouragingly as she leaned her muzzle down to kiss the top of his muzzle. It was Terry's first time with a female and he wasn't sure if he liked it at all... the sensations were different and he enjoyed being on the receiving end of things but he didn't want to let Erica down now that her and her other friends worked to make him relax.

Arsen rolled his shoulders back as he gripped the cushioned floor with his strong paws as the Priestess tried to regain her senses about her. With every powerful thrust, her body bounced back and forth along the top of the pillows, her breasts bounced hard along her chest, up and down, up and down as she felt her sex being jack hammered by the massive male beast above her. Her moans and cries of passion out to Arsen just fueled him on as he felt the paws of the maidens around him, touching him in someway or another but the ones at his heavy balls as they jerked with the ferocity of his thrusts made him pre like mad within the snow leopard's cunny. It helped to considerably lube her up as his veiny, and fleshy barbed length plumbed her tight walls. With each inward thrust, his broad tip battered her cervix relentlessly until it finally gave way. Marolin arched her back and clawwed into the cushions below as Arsen's cock pounded against the back of her womb. It was painful for the first few minutes but she started to get use to it as her body grew numb and all she could think about was her release. The girls around her tried to help the Tiger along to get him to impart his gift onto their Priestess.

The fox closed his eyes... trying to imagine himself in a different situation as he felt the soft paws of Erica moving around his head before she started to speed up her motions. He felt the rhythmic squeezing of her sex around his spire which he was thankful for as it sped him along what he thought Erica wanted after all. The water rushed between the with was a new sensation for Terry. He tried to rush himself on to climax but the more he forced it, the longer it took him to cum which, made him feel more and more awkward as time passed. Once he resigned himself to Erica's wants... he came rather quickly. His paws clutched the side of Erica's thighs as she bounced faster and more purposefully, guessing that this was the moment she was waiting for. "That's it foxy... do this for me..." She whispered softly to him between her pants and then she felt the hot release hit her sensitive walls.... "Yesssss!!!" The girls in waiting moved in to help support Erica till the last spurt that Terry had to offer before they spirited their sister away, leaving Terry sitting there wondering about what just took place. A few maidens remained behind before they escorted the weak fox out of the water to dry him off and walk him over to the tables of food and drink.

Arsen panted heavily over the Priestess before he nodded to the female snow leopard. She looked into Arsen's eyes before she moved her paws to his wrists and held on tightly, biting her lip as she whimpered below him. She felt his shaft harden full within her and the bulge of his urethra just made her cringe at the added girth but nothing prepared her for the sensation she was about to feel next. A hot, powerful jet of Tiger cum hit the back of her womb and filled the empty space that the Tiger's cock made when he pulled back. The moment he pushed back it, the cum was pushed between her walls and his length before it made its way out of her and onto the cushions below. Arsen changed his tactics a little bit and prevented himself from pushing all the way in to leave more inside her. The maidens were thrilled to see the release and once the big Tiger was finished... they moved in to pick up their Priestess, who was obviously too weak to move on her own and took her away before the remaining group cleaned up the Timelord and helped him over towards where Terry was at.

Terry looked up at Arsen while he drank a cup of what tasted like strawberry and cherry alcohol before he gruffed. "This place creeps me out." Arsen laughed a bit as he gave Terry a bit of a fuzzle while Terry huffed and found more of the alcoholic drink. "I can't believe... I made it with a girl." Arsen's eyes grew larger as he looked down at Terry... "Whoa... wait... You didn't..." Terry looked a little terrified at that before Arsen spoke up again... "Timelords have been cursed with infertility... that's why we are made with Genetic Looms... You however..." Terry dropped his cup... "Oh gods... Oh gods... Oh gods... What have I done?!" He dropped to his knees and covered his head with his arms. "I can't believe this... I may have made some wolf pregnant!!! What will I do?!" Arsen waited for the joke to play out before he offered a paw to Terry... "Nothing." He laughed before Terry looked up at him, terrified. "But... but..." The Timelord smirked before he shook his head. "These Ladies are too genetically different from you anyways. It's a few genes off but enough to make a difference. They will have to continue to turn to each other to provide genetic samples to produce their next round of offspring."

The fox looked hopeful for a moment before he narrowed his eyes at the Timelord. "That was cruel..." Arsen shrugged as he found something to munch on while he looked around to see that most of the place was clearing out to tend to the two that were carried out. "Well, at least I'm fairly certain you're too genetically different." He said with a smirk before he walked towards the entrance with Terry silently thinking behind him... "Great... now I can't get it out of my head that I might have fathered some winged wolf and fox mix." He said with a huff before he grabbed his cloak and slipped it on... sinking his head far back into the hood while Arsen put his on as well. "Even if you did, I'm sure it will be fine." He said with a bit of a laugh which only elicited a sigh from the fox. "You're not funny, you know that?" Arsen shrugged as they started to walk out of the city and onto the cloud walkway back into the Tardis. "I am to me, and that's what's important." Arsen said as he stuck his tongue out at Terry. The fox slumped forward and walked into the opening doors of the Tardis as Arsen looked back onto the cloud city and wondered, where did everyone run off to. With a shrug, he walked back into the Tardis and started the Take Off procedures as Terry walked back into his room to sulk.

Arsen couldn't help but to let his curiosities get the better of them before he turned on the main screen and tried to find some way of seeing what was going on before he had to launch a small probe to provide him with the auditory and visuals. "The Tiger isn't a Match... I'm sorry Priestess... We have seen nothing like it before." The probe silently homed in on the room filled with different kinds of laboratory equipment... "Well, they were wingless after all..." Another voice chimed in... "How did they get here then?" The probe centered on Erica, who was laying on a bed, being examined. "Looks like the fox... was a closer match... but I can't guarantee pregnancy." Erica sighed softly as she sat up and nodded. "Either way, it was fun to be able to see a male in my lifetime." She said as she puffed her chest up proudly. "Will be a tale for the young ones." Arsen grinned a bit before he recalled the probe which took off into space to rejoin with the Tardis moments before Arsen engaged the Time Rotor.

Terry sat in his room for a moment, looking down at his toes for a moment before he humored the thought of there being something out there that carried on his DNA. He couldn't help but to feel a little guilty that he might have enjoyed the idea of his offspring carrying on his lineage even though he wasn't there to see it. After being with a female once, he decided that he preferred being on the receiving end too much to try that again. He smirked to himself as he took his cloak off and slipped into the black pair of shorts he on before. Terry walked up to see Arsen still at the console and took a moment to watch the Timelord in action. It wasn't until then that he realized, he was going home and with that, his heart sank. He had a good adventure with the Timelord but he wasn't sure he was ready to lead a normal life.

Arsen punched the coordinates in and walked towards his room before he noticed Terry standing there. "Cheer up..." The Timelord said as he gave the fox a fuzzle. "You'll be with your family soon enough." He said before Terry looked up at the Tiger... "Are they still alive?" He asked before Arsen nodded. "Of course they are still alive... Just let me change and I'll prove it." Terry smiled softly as he walked towards the console and watched the Rotor at work before Arsen emerged with a pair of black pocketed pants on and a gray tanktop. Once Arsen reached the console, he programmed a landing along the sea board of one of the larger continents. Once the Tardis's screen zoomed in, he programmed the flight path to a small suburban town near the shore. The Tardis exited the Time Vortex and immediately started to rematerialize next to a street. Terry had a big lump in his throat as Arsen pulled out a small leather wallet from the console and walked towards the big main doors.

Terry perked up for a moment and dashed back into his room before picking up the candy bar and the recording from the pleasure moon before he made his way back out to Arsen who stepped out of the Tardis. Terry followed before he saw lots of trees all around, grass, and a black street. He looked around a little more to see stapled on the a tree... "Please help us find our Son." followed by a picture of a fox that looked much younger than himself. The picture was weather worn and faded by the sun. Arsen reached out to Terry who took his paw and together they walked up to a modest two story brick and wood house with two wheeled vehicles up in the driveway. Terry was nervous beyond measure and as he got closer to the door, he realized that he's seen this in a dream before at least, he thought it was a dream.

Arsen pressed a small button next to the door before the pair heard a chime go off in the house and vulpine male, not much older than Terry, answered the door. "Oh hello there, can I help you?" Arsen pulled out the thin wallet it picked up from the Tardis and opened it up, showing it to the fox who answered the door. "I work with Missing Persons at Central HQ... I have here..." The fox behind the door's eyes grew larger... "Terry?! Oh my gods is that you?!" Terry didn't know what to say but when the older fox shouted out. "Mom! Dad! Central has found Terry!!!" There was a storm of hindpaws rushing down the stairs as well as thuds of hindpaws across the living room floor before the door swung open wider. There was Terry's father who was much older, wearing a pair of eyeglasses and his mother who was the first to step out of the house and wrap her arms tightly around Terry.

Arsen took a step back and smiled at the reunion before he started to walk back towards his Tardis while the family hugged it out. "Terry... it's been years since we last saw you and Central told us that it would be best if we considered you... dead." The fox's mother said as she squeezed her little boy tightly. "I'm just glad you made it home in one piece... We always kept that flyer up on our tree in hopes that someone would have known what happened to you." Terry's father said as he wrapped his arms around the two. Terry started to tear up as he took in one deep breath and took in the scents of his parents... something that has been haunting him in his dreams as he couldn't place it before now. "I'm just glad to be home." He said as the tears streamed down his face while his brother joined in on the hug. "Come on inside... We kept your room the exact same as the day you left... well, you mom did clean it up a bit." Terry stepped into the house before he looked back to see the Timelord standing at the doors of his Tardis which was in the shape of a small telephone box with the windows blacked out. He saw the Tiger raise his paw up to wave before Terry smiled and waved back to the Timelord for one last time. Once the door closed behind Terry, Arsen walked into his Tardis and closed the doors behind him.

Arsen leaned back against the closed doors before he chuckled to himself, somewhat proud that he was able to get Terry home and show him a universe of fun... but also somewhat sad that he was alone again. With a bit of a huff, he walked over to the console and ran his fingers across the controls. "When and where to go next..." He said before he looked towards the randomizer next to the keyboard device. He slid open one of the protective covers over the buttons before he initialized it. "Prepare for Time Vortex entry in 3, 2, 1..." The rotor quickly spun up and a hard jolt rocked the Tardis to the side which had Arsen's paws holding on to whatever he could find before the Tardis righted itself. "Time to destination is 15 minutes." Arsen grinned as he was heading into a unknown destination. He took the time to watch the walls of the Time Vortex through his main monitor, anticipating the bumps before he got a feel of what caused jolts and what didn't. "Let's see what you got for me this time old friend!"

A Timelord's Beginnings: Terry's Adventure Part 6

Terry spent hours in the observation dome as he watched different creatures swim by the dome. He enjoyed the singing of the songfish which were amplified by the dome's speakers. At times, the little fox would pad up to the duraglass dome to try and...

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A Timelord's Beginnings: Terry's Adventure Part 5

Arsen arched his back and let out a long groan before he turned to his side towards Terry who was sitting up and looking over the Tiger's form. "Oh hello there." Terry said as his eyes locked onto the Timelord's opened eyes. Arsen smirked a bit as he...

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A Timelord's Beginnings: Terry's Adventure Part 4

Arsen stumbled out of bed with a big yawn before he smoothed his fur down and headed to the bathroom where he took his time cleaning himself from ear to toe. The line of jets down the full length of the wall made sure that every last inch of the Tiger...

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