
Story by MsBritish on SoFurry

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"Goodness, you've had quite the career, Mr. Londry. One hundred and five counts burglary, thirty counts fraud, and eight counts kidnapping." The elderly wolf listed the charges with disbelief, making Ed blush a bit. Not that you could tell.

Ed was a common lizard with a rare scale condition which cause the pigments in his scales to take a rather dramatic shade: Rather than the green and tan that his family and cousins sported, he was bright, unmistakably, orange.

For those not of reptilian stock, this is what the common classes refer to as " The Uniform". Not only is it the exact shade of the garb favored by prisons for the inmates, it's a old bit of folk wisdom that anyone with this condition is a bad egg from the moment their laid until the moment the hangman pulls the switch. Its not uncommon for a family born with one of there aberrations to snuff the little tyke the moment the shell breaks. Fortunately for Ed, unfortunately for residents of Greater Pingly's silverware, Lillian and Robert Londry were not one of these types.

After doctors had told them that Robert was sterile, they had been downfallen. They began to drift apart, until one morning when Lillian threw up as she was cooking bacon. They rushed to the hospital and discovered that she was pregnant, and after tests (Lillian and Robert had decided to take a short break from each other and see other people, which as anyone knows means they both went for a string of hard, meaningless rodgerings) that Robert was the father. The surprise pregnancy brought them back together. They could not have been more overjoyed when Lillian laid not one or two, but three large eggs (a sign of health for those who just pop out fully ready).

When the eggs hatched, they didn't care that one came in The Uniform. Folktales were just tales, right? Over the next few years it seemed so. Ed was the smallest, his sisters both towering over him from a early age. But he was a good boy. He did what he was told, worked hard in school, and excelled at track and field. Until he was 14 he was always the small boy in the class, but between his 14th and 16th birthday sprouted a whole half meter. He was good looking, tall, well muscled, and charming to a fault.

It was a bit of a scandal when both his sisters got pregnant off of the same lion. Dutifully they dropped out, the lion taking a job in the Londry's supermarket. To help support his sisters and family, he dropped school as well and took up a job in the local ball-bearing factory (Greater Pingly's main industry) and gave all his earnings to his sisters. Once the eggs had hatched, he quit, and headed off to the city to find a better job.

Days after he left the town began to be racked by a skilled burglar. The crimes went unsolved, and were never connected to him. Later he began wiring money home to his family, gifts for the little ones and whatnot. He claimed he had gotten a good job with a large newspaper doing graphic design, but was in reality had progressed into serious crime. He scammed the elderly and kidnapped the children of several wealthy families holding them for ransom. He was finally caught when his sisters came by his house to visit and found him tying a small wolf to a chair.

Oh, that was a bit excessive for back story! Well, I'll finish it anyways.

His sisters subdued him (being women of the modern century, they had tasers in their purses) and called the police. He was arrested and brought to trial where he made a full confession and requested leniency. ( He was not aware the wolf was actually the judges favorite nephew.)

" There's some old story about scales with your particular hue, isn't there? How unfortunate you chose to perpetuate it. Its almost too bad you never attempted murder, because I'd much like to put you away forever. However, it seems to me that a sentence of seventy years seems appropriate. You seem a fit young lad, so you might get out someday. " The judge slammed the gavel down and people began to filter out.

" Seventy years? You bas-" was all he was able to cry out as he leapt out of his seat, before the guard knocked him about the head.

Ed arrived at the prison and was escorted in. Seventy years. He knew he'd be away for a while, but he was thinking twenty, thirty tops! It wasn't fair!

In the outfitting room he handed his clothes over and was showered. He came out and walked up to the counter where he would be given a uniform. A rather ugly old doe was behind the counter, and took no shame in eyeing him as he walked up, muscles shining with moisture. He stood there a few moments waiting for her to hand him his trousers and vest.

" What's the hold?" Ed asked, a bit uneasy from the way the lady was eying him.

" Oh. Nothing." She kept staring at him.

" Then can I have my uniform?"

" Oh, yes! I forgot." She walked over to the large bin's and pulled out his clothes. " I suppose you wont need them with those scales, will you luv?" She laughed at her own joke (Ed rolled his eyes) and handed him the clothes. He dressed and began walking away.

" Look forward to seeing you on the telly later. Give Philip my regards." Ed looked to her, confused. She pointed to a wall of t.v. screens behind her. " I can see most all the prison from here. Philip is one of my favorites, but with your sweet little arse he has some competition." She looked a bit...too happy when she saw he was still confused.

" Your going to be raped, dear. The fellows in the place, like you, have little chance of getting out, and a good deal of their time is spent enjoying what they can of each other. Philip is a little hare that took to the life here well." She giggled insidiously at Ed's wide eyed shock. " Do be a dear and run along? " Ed turned and walked out of the wash room and followed the signs to the cafeteria, tail hole clenched as tight as he could.

He walked in slowly, scanning the large hall. He walked to the serving line and grabbed a tray, and felt the sudden coldness that indicated every eye was on him. The tray was knocked from his hands and he looked down at a muscle bound, tough looking

" What the hell do you think your doing? It ain't time for you to eat yet." Ed had seen enough shows on the telly to know that he was being jostled for rank, and that the little creep was trying to make himself look tougher.

" Here's a deal for ya. You suck me off, right here. And I don't dimple your head in.". The fox pulled his pants down,, revealing his hardening member. Ed could hear the whole crowd laughing. They though the little bastard had won.

He got down on his knees and crept over as if he was going to suck the fox off, to the cheers and jeers of the crowd. He grabbed the foxes legs as if to steady himself and lowered his head next to the cock. The fox smiled and closed his eyes in anticipation, and Ed made his move. He grabbed one of the foxes legs, one hand on the ankle, the other on the knee, and pulled forward hard. The fox fell over and Ed twisted his leg, snapping it with several large pops. The fox let out a piteous scream as other prisoners backed away. Suddenly Ed was swarmed by guards and beaten into unconsciousness.

He came two and nearly screamed. It wasn't from the bruises. He could deal with them. It was freezing. He gasped, barely able to breath. He tried to crawl across the cement floor of the small cell to the door but was so weak he couldn't hold himself up. He lay their, horribly cold, for a long time, until the door was flung open and he was pulled out. He found himself in a much warmer hallway covered with a blanket. He shuddered as the feeling crept back into his body. The was laying at the feet of two other scales, one a common and normal covered lizard, the other a huge, muscle bound and tattooed dragon. The lizard handed him a cup of water and some bread, which he scared down.

" Gotta watch out for the guards here. They don't give a shit if the solitary room's will kill a scale. They just toss you in and close the door." The dragon extended a claw to Ed. " Names Roy. Serving sentences for assault and attempted murder." Ed got up with Roy's help.

" Ed. Burglary, fraud, and kidnapping." The lizard chuckled.

" Burglary here. Names Pat. So, you got a bit of a choice to make now." He grinned as he spoke, a nasty grin like that of a sniper with his sights on a choice target.

" What choice is that?" The dragon walked around behind Ed and put his claws on Ed's shoulders. He was a few heads taller and about three times as massive as Ed.

" You got to decide whose bitch you are." Roy flicked his tongue alongside Ed's cheek. " I ain't going to force my way into you...yet...but I will. And I think you might like it a bit more if you go peacefully. My protection, you'll be a good bit safer round here. " Ed brushed him off.

" I can hold my own." The lizard and dragon both smiled.

" You sure?" said Pat. " Its not like you'll be only taking it. I'm Roy's number one bitch, and while he's drilling them I'm riding them. We make a pretty good team." Ed walked past him. As he walked away the two looked their fill of the athletic lizard, knowing full well that they'd be seeing him soon enough.

It was night, so Ed found his cell. There was a small black hare in the other cot, spackled with semen. Ed guessed this had to be Phillip. His seemed to be sleeping peacefully. Ed lay down in the cot and fell asleep quickly, tired and sore.

He woke when he was suddenly grabbed by the arms and legs and lifted into the air. The cot was pulled out and he was plopped down on it and stripped. He tried to resist, but there were more than a dozen furs and scales holding him. They all had hungry looks on their faces. They tied him to the frame with the bed sheets, his rump and tail in the air. Suddenly a large tiger leaned over and looked him in the face.

" Welcome to your initiation. This ain't going to be pleasant at first, but I promise by the end of it, you'll be loving it."

Ed started to say something, but the tiger shoved his dick into Ed's mouth, gagging him. He felt his tail being lifted, and was able to turn just enough to see a wolf taking his position by Ed's tail hole, knot forming quickly and tip leaking with pre.

The wolf pressed in slowly, and Ed screamed and gagged onto the tigers cock, making the tiger purr with delight and begin slowly moving his member in and out of Ed's mouth. The pain in his tail hole was excruciating and when the wolf began to push his knot it, Ed screamed so loudly his body vibrated. The tiger came immediately, roaring as he filled Ed's mouth. Ed had no choice but to swallow the thick seed.

" Damn...your one good fuck." said the tiger, pulling himself out slowly. " I hav't gone off that quick in years. Don't you worry, though. There's plenty more for ya." Ed was weeping as a pair of foxes took position by his mouth and thrust in. They barely fit in his mouth together and began a alternating pattern as the wolf began to push in even deeper.

The salty tears mixed with the seed that leaked from his lips as he was pounded away at both ends. The pain was terrible and he could see there were dozens more waiting for their turns. With every thrust the wolf went a little deeper into parts Ed would have never liked to have felt. The foxes cocks dribbled pre into his mouth, making it feel slick.

After several minutes, though, the pain in his tail numbed out. He had just blocked the feeling out when one of the foxes thrust forward and surged, filling his mouth with more seed. He gulped it down just in time for the other fox to fill his mouth again, and he swallowed again, this time with more ease. Suddenly he felt his anal ring spread a bit wider as the fox came as well, spurting his warm liquids deep into Ed. The warmth was a not unwelcome feeling, but he tried to banish that thought.

The foxes and wolf moved away and Pat schufled forward, poking his cock into Ed's muzzle. Ed saw Roy positioning himself behind him, his massive cock fully erect and oozing pre. Pat grabbed Ed's head and forced Ed onto his cock. He began humping almost immediately, obviously less used to the giving end of the act. Ed felt the tip of Roy's cock push into his loosened ring. He was thicker than the wolf and smoother, but pressed in far deeper with a mighty thrust.

Roy began a slow pattern, forcing himself as far as he could into Ed, the pulling back slowly until he was almost to the rim. Ed had to admit it did feel kind of good. He felt his own cock began to push its way out of his sheath.

" Hey, look at this! Didn't take long to break him in!" He heard someone say, then suddenly felt something soft brush against his loins. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Phillip the hare placing his mouth by Ed's cock. The hare began to slowly lick around the sheath, and Ed immediately murred in pleasure, gaining shudders of pleasure from Roy and Pat. Roy began to pick the pace up, and the friction the dragons cock was making began to become quite pleasurable. Ed found himself enjoying a squirt of pre from Pat into his mouth, and began suckling and sliding his long tongue along the lizards length and bucking backwards as the dragon reamed him. The hare licked up and down Ed's length, making him shiver again. This pushed Pat over the edge, and as he sprayed Ed's mouth full of his thick, creamy load, Ed gulped it down voraciously. He found himself enjoying the taste quite a bit, not caring that it was men he was pleasuring and being pleasured by.

Quickly another fur took his place at Ed's mouth. Ed suckled on the cock as best be could, forcing it deep into his mouth and trying his hardest to coax out the juicy semen. The hare had slipped Ed's member fully into his mouth and his skilled tongue quickly sent Ed into pleasurable sensations. The hare had picked up some definite talents and was able to suck just so that Ed was kept on the edge of orgasm. Body aching for release but enjoying the tension. The feeling in his tail hole had grown to immense pleasure, and he squeaked with each powerful thrust by the dragon.

Finally, it proved too much for him. The combined pleasure from his cock and tail hole, and eagerness of his mouth for more seed, sent him over the edge. He came, erupting forcefully into the hare's waiting mouth. The hare lapped it up skillfully, not losing a drop. The feeling caused him to gasp and tighten his tail hole, which caused the fur and Roy to release. The fur released a mouthful of seed into Ed's mouth, a blissful treat for Ed's efforts, and the dragon roared as he squirted thick sheets into Ed's ass, forcing the copious amount of seed deep within Ed. The hare pulled his head away, smacking his lips.

" Real tasty." Ed wanted to reply, but was too overcome with pleasure. The fur and dragon moved away, and the next two took up their place.

The next morning, at breakfast, Ed walked in without his uniform. He didn't need it. He was the right color for this place without it. It also helped advertise that it wasn't breakfast he was hungry for, a fact that many were happy to oblige him on. Sure, he had become one of the prison sluts, but he didn't really care anymore. Seventy years was going to be a long time, so he had to make the best use of it he could.

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