Sexcapades of the Neigborhood: Chapter 5

Story by Rose the Lopunny on SoFurry

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#6 of Sexcapades of the Neighborhood

Hey, all! Next chapter, done by me! Two new character intros! Also, a cameo by Lucardevoir's mate, Jeri the Snow Leapord! Happy fapping!

M Lucardevoir x H Mismagius (A) x M Jeri x S* Absol (A) x M Mew x S Zoroark

*(S) means shemale

We are a couple miles outside of Jubilife city in the Sinnoh region, where there are several houses, all housing pokémon. One such house contains a Lopunny and Mismagius, both anthro. The Lopunny goes by the name of Rose, as he is a shiny. The Mismagius, named Maggie, is his mate. Maggie is at home, working on a batch of potions. Maggie is a master potion maker, selling her products to anyone interested. Maggie is working on her newest creation, made primarily from a new type of berry brought to her by Blaze and Lucas (See chapter 4 of this story). Maggie has just put the last few ingredients in the potion, and is just waiting for it to finish boiling. Suddenly, she hears a knock at her door.

Maggie: Coming!

Maggie heads to the door, but as soon as she opens it up, a blur of black jumps in and tackles her. Maggie throws the figure off, getting a Shadow Ball ready to fire. But as she aims at her target, it speaks to her.

???: Jeez, Maggie, I thought that you'd be used to that by now.

Maggie dispersed the Shadow Ball immediately, as her attacker was a Zoroark, female by appearance. But this was no ordinary Zoroark.

Maggie: Zoey?! Zoey: Yep!

Maggie ran up and hugged her friend. Zoey was a friend back from Pokétopia.

Maggie: What are you doing here?! ???: We moved here, just like Blaze and Lucas.

Another female voice was heard coming from the door. Maggie turned to see another female, this one and Absol.

Maggie: Abby!

Maggie pulled Zoey along with her, pulling both of her friends into a big bear hug, smashing their faces into her breasts.

Zoey: Uh, Maggie, you're kinda suffocating us! Maggie: Oh, sorry!

Maggie released her friends, the two of them over-dramatically gasping for air, giggling the whole time. The three of them reconvened in the living room, catching up on what has happened.

Maggie: So you seriously moved here? Abby: Yeah! We're the house across the road! Maggie: Really? Zoey: Yep. Hey, where's Rose? Maggie: He had to work today. I got the day off. Zoey: Ah. Maggie: What about you two? How's the graphic design business going, Zoey? Zoey: It's great. I've made tons of designs already. Maggie: Awesome. And don't you have school, Abby? Abby: We had a small fire, so school was canceled today. Maggie: I hope everyone's okay. Abby: Don't worry, no one was there when it happened. Maggie: Good.

Zoey is a graphic designer at one of Pokétopia's largest clothing manufacturers. Abby, however, is still a student. She's learning how to become a chef at the Pokétopia Culinary Institute. She also has a night job at a topless bar. As the trio of pokémon are talking, another knock is heard at the door.

Maggie: I'll get it.

Maggie opens the door, and sees a familiar green, blue, and white shape.

Maggie: Lucardevoir! Nice to see you! Lucardevoir: Hey, Maggie. Abby: Who's there, Maggie? Maggie: Oh, Lucardevoir, let me introduce you to two more friends. This is Abby, and Zoey. Zoey: Nice to meet you! Abby: You look cool. Lucardevoir: Thanks! Hey, my mate's over today! Wanna meet him? Maggie: Sure! Rose isn't home, though, but I'm sure he's okay with it. Lucardevoir: Cool. Want to come too, Zoey and Abby? Abby: Sounds fun! Zoey: Would love to. Maggie: Great! Just give me about 10 more minutes. I was making a new potion with the berries, and it is almost finished. Lucardevoir: No problem. See you in a while!

Maggie went back to work on her potion, and Zoey and Abby helped as well. Once it was bottled up and ready to sell, the three fems went over to Lucardevoir's, just next door.

Maggie: Lucardevoir!

Padding could be heard inside the house, and the door opened, revealing him standing there.

Lucardevoir: Ah, ladies, come in!

The four of them went into Lucardevoir's living room, where a pink-haired, blue and white snow leopard was sitting comfortably.

Lucardevoir: Maggie, Zoey, Abby, this is my mate, Jeri. Jeri: It's nice to meet you. Abby: Oh, you're gay? Lucardevoir: Yes, I am. Is there a problem? Abby: No, not at all! Zoey: Same here.

The five furs gather around a center table. Lucardevoir brings out coffee and tea for the five of them, and they start chatting.

Maggie: So, Jeri, how did you and Lucardevoir meet? Jeri: Well, my pet, Mobi, introduced me to him last year. Zoey: Your pet? Abby: I think he means something like a master-pet thing, right? Jeri: Precisely. The two of us really hit it off, and we've been together for about a year now. Maggie: Aww, cute. Lucardevoir: How did you and Rose meet, Maggie? Maggie: Well, Rose is a robotics professor at Pokétopia U. He had an accident in class one day, and got rushed to the hospital. I was there to take care of him, and since he got banged up pretty bad, I stayed with him practically 24/7, and we really got to know each other. Once he got out, we never saw each other for a while, but he finally got the nerve to ask me out, and we've been together for about 4 years now. Jeri: Wow, long time. Maggie: Yeah. Lucardevoir: I don't know what it is, but there's something more than a friendship between Abby and Zoey. Abby: You're absolutely right! Zoey: We're mates. Jeri: Oh, you're lesbians? Zoey: You would think that. Abby: We've got a little secret.

The two of them quickly stood up and dropped their pants, revealing that they weren't female, but shemales. Both girls had the absence of a cunt, but had a cock in place.

Jeri: Oh my... Maggie: Did you really have to do that, girls? Zoey: Hey, I got a vibe that Jeri knew from the start. Jeri: ...Well, you got me. I knew something was up about you two. Abby: Well, I see that you do like the show, boys.

The two males looked down to see that their cocks were already peeking out of their sheaths.

Lucardevoir: Well, how could we not? Jeri: Wanna mess around? Abby: Sounds fun. Zoey: I'm in. Maggie: Hey, don't forget about me. ???: Hey, what's all the noise for?

The five of them turned to see Psyo floating in the air, rubbing his eyes.

Lucardevoir: Sorry to wake you from your nap, Psyo. Psyo: Well, I must still be dreaming, because I see two girls with dicks in our house! Abby: You ain't dreaming, honey. Jeri: We were just about to have some fun, want to join in? Psyo: I've got nothing better to do.

The six of them went to Lucardevoir's room, which was surprisingly large. Maggie and Zoey immediately pulled Jeri into a deep three-way kiss, which he gladly returned. At the same time, Abby rubbed Psyo's sheath, pulling Lucardevoir into a kiss, rubbing his already hard cock. As Maggie and Zoey pulled away from Jeri, their arms hit something hard, they turned to see it was Jeri's cock, all 24 inches of it.

Maggie: Holy shit! Jeri: That's the usual reaction. Zoey: How thick is it? Jeri: 7 inches. Maggie: I have an idea on how we can take care of this.

Maggie and Zoey undressed, as Jeri slipped out of his light blue dress. Maggie pulled out three vials of potion, each holding a green liquid.

Jeri: What are those? Maggie: I make potions as a side job. These ones have a very special effect. Zoey, you need to take a double dose.

Maggie downed one vial, while Zoey drank 2. Immediately, Maggie's bust grew from an E to a G cup, while Zoey's went to G from C.

Jeri: I'm not a breast guy, but that's amazing! Maggie: Thanks! Now sit back and relax...

Jeri sat down on Lucardevoir's bed, as Maggie and Zoey started rubbing and licking all over Jeri's hard rod. Once it was wet, the two girls pressed their tits together around his dick, and gave him a double titfuck. At the same time, Abby was sucking hard on Lucardevoir's cock, while rubbing Psyo's now hard rod. Abby's other paw was rubbing her own 6-inch hardon.

Lucardevoir: Wow, you're amazing, Abby. Psyo: Her paws are incredibly soft.

The group continued until Jeri screamed out, cumming hard, his cum raining down onto Maggie and Zoey, who looked up with closed eyes and open mouths to catch the delicious rain of seed. Abby also moaned out, cumming and spilling her seed onto the floor. Psyo came and sprayed his sperm all over Abby's face and back, as Lucardevoir slammed into her mouth, forcing it down her greedy throat. They all came for four minutes, after which Abby laid down on the floor and Jeri collapsed onto the bed. Maggie and Zoey's breasts deflated back to their original size.

Jeri: That was great, girls. Maggie: Mind if we continue?

Jeri nodded, and pulled his legs up and behind his head. Maggie got up and positioned her cock at Jeri's tailhole, and pushed in. Zoey suddenly grabbed Maggie's breasts from behind, plunging her cock into the ghost-type's cunt. Jeri took the tip of his enormous dick into his muzzle, suckling on the tip. In the meantime, Abby was lying on the bed, her dick buried in Lucardevoir's ass. As he bounced on her, Psyo went up to Lucardevoir's face, plugging his muzzle with his rod. Lucardevoir grabbed his hard rod, jerking it hard and fast.

Maggie: You have such a tight tailhole, Jeri! Jeri: Mmmm... Zoey: I've missed this feeling, Maggie! Abby: Bounce on me, puppy boi! Psyo: Suck it! Suck it hard! Lucardevoir: Mph!

The sex kept going for 15 minutes, until Abby's eyes shot open.

Abby: Get ready to take my knot, Lucardevoir!

Apparently, all the others were ready to burst as well.

Psyo: Drink it, slut. Maggie: Get ready for a belly full of cum! Zoey: Hope you don't get pregnant! Lucardevoir & Jeri: Mmmm!

Jeri exploded into his mouth, drinking down gallon after gallon of cum. His tailhole squeezed Maggie like a vice, making her slam in and fill his stomach with even more cum. Zoey grabbed Maggie's stomach and pushed in, tying her and filling her womb with her seed. In the other trio, Abby thrusted up into Lucardevoir, knotting him and filling his ass. Psyo grabbed Lucardevoir's ears and shoved his cock down the canine's throat, stuffing his belly with cum. Lucardevoir's own juices shot into the air, raining down on him, Abby and Psyo. They all came for a few minutes until they all collapsed in exhaustion, Zoey and Abby still tied to their partners.

Maggie: That was amazing. Abby: You were so good, Lucardevoir. Psyo: Always a pleasure to do that to you, Lucardevoir. Lucardevoir: Mmmm... Jeri: Anyone up for one last round? Everyone: I'm in!

Abby and Zoey unknotted themselves, and Maggie had a great idea.

Maggie: How about we welcome these two newcomers with a grand finale! Jeri, Lucardevoir, and Psyo: Yeah! Abby: Uh, are you as nervous as I am, Zoey? Zoey: Definitely.

Maggie went back to her clothes and grabbed more potions. She had three bottles. Two had a red-orange potion inside; the third was a blue potion with purple swirls.

Zoey: I've never seen those potions before. Maggie: You'll see what they do. Zoey, Abby, drink these.

Maggie handed the two shemales a bottle of the red-orange potion each. They gulped the contents down, and suddenly their insides felt like rubber.

Abby: What just happened to us?! Maggie: That potion makes your insides stretchy, so that you can take any size cock you want. Jeri, come over here.

Jeri strolled over to Maggie, who proceeded to rub the tip of his cock until a bit of precum dribbled out. She let it drop into the bottle of the blue potion, and it started glowing. Maggie gulped it down, and her cock shape shifted into an exact replica of Jeri's.

Jeri: What the hell?! Maggie: By taking the cum of any male, and adding a bit of it to this potion, the drinker gets a cock just like the donor's. Now the fun can begin.

While this was happening, Lucardevoir and Psyo grew their cocks to two feet, using their psychic abilities. Abby and Zoey gulped in slight fear, but mostly anticipation. Lucardevoir lied down on the ground, and Abby got her pucker onto his rod.

Abby: I'm a bit nervous, this is the biggest thing that's ever gone into me. Lucardevoir: I promise it will be amazing. Abby: Just one small thing. Do you guys have some rope laying around? Psyo: Why? Abby: I'm a bit of a bondage freak. Just tie my arms behind my back.

Psyo floated out, and came back with a bit of hemp rope, which he used to tie Abby's arms back. She then lowered herself onto Lucardevoir's massive dick, as she moaned out in pain and pleasure. Psyo then sneakily slipped himself in, making Abby cry out in immense pain.

Psyo: Oh, gosh, should I stop? Abby: Just fuck me, you idiot! Maggie: Oh, I forgot to mention, Abby's also a bit of a masochist. A little pain goes a long way for her.

Psyo then decided to step it up, using his powers to slam Abby down all the way to Lucardevoir's knot, forcing himself into her at the same time. Abby started tearing a bit, but it was of joy, not pain.

Abby: This is so fucking amazing!

Psyo used Psychic to move her and himself, making the trio groan out. At the same time, Jeri and Maggie had lifted Zoey up, and dropped her on their cocks, making her groan out.

Zoey: Fucking huge!

The two of them lifted her up and down, pleasuring all three of them. Zoey then had a great idea.

Zoey: Watch this.

Zoey used her illusionist powers to make a duplicate of herself, which went over to Abby, grabbed her head, and stuffed her cock down the Absol's throat.

Jeri: Is she okay? Abby: Trust me, I've done worse to her.

The three- and foursome kept going until they all felt an all too familiar feeling arise.

Everyone: I'm cumming!

Cum started spraying everywhere, cum even spraying out of Abby and Zoey's mouths and noses. The cum tsunami kept going for eight long minutes, until Lucardevoir's entire room was painted white. They all collapsed, cocks popping out, Maggie, Lucardevoir, and Psyo's cocks shrinking back to normal, Abby and Zoey looking pregnant with 10 kids.

Jeri: Uh, are they going to be okay? Abby & Zoey: *bubbly noises* (Translation: We're fine...) Maggie: They're good.

Once they all rested up, Maggie gave Abby and Zoey a black potion, which made their bodies immediately digest all of the cum, bringing them back to normal. They all helped Lucardevoir clean his room, and once they were done and dressed, they noticed that it was already dark out.

Abby: Thanks for inviting us. Zoey: Nice meeting you, Jeri. Jeri: It was nice to meet all of you too! Psyo: You have to come back sometime. Lucardevoir: Maybe Blitz could help you with your cooking skills, Abby. Abby: Sounds like fun! Maggie: Bye!

The three of them left, going back home, but seeing a nervous Lopunny sitting there.

Rose: Where the hell were you guys?! *sniffs air* ...never mind...

They all broke out in laughter, and stayed up all night talking (and a little bit of loving)

Sexcapades of the Neighborhood: Chapter 4

Lucardevoir is relaxing on a couch in his living room watching T.V., and Blitz is in the kitchen cooking. About 5 minutes later someone knocks at the door prompting Lucardevoir to get up. Lucardevoir walks over to the door and opens it revealing Lucas...

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Sexcapades of the Neighborhood: Chapter 3

It has been a week since Rose the shiny Lopunny and Maggie the Mismagius moved next door to Lucardevoir and his guests. Rose decided to go to the local marketplace to get some berries and ingredients for the week's meals and Maggie's potions. When he...

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Sexcapades of the Neighborhood: Chapter 2

The door to Lucardevoir's house opened revealing Riolt (Lucardevoir's pre-evolved form) riding on the back of a normal looking Charmeleon. The Charmeleon quickly made his way to a somewhat hidden path next to Lucardevoir's house, and after a few...

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