
Surprisingly, they went through the night without being attacked. Glen checked everything he knew to see if it had been stolen, but it all appeared to be present. Including Zach, of course, who had somehow again wound up sleeping curled around Syn....

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This goes to blaze a great friend who i can never replace in my life. leave comments and no stealing enjoy no one could compare to such a fiery heart as blaze..... blaze has the heart that beats while in water.....


However, rick who was just bringing another handful of roses in off the stage pushed past the black out curtain at that moment and let the lizard hear the crowd chanting "blaze! blaze! blaze!"

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His parents and akira's are in their late 40s his title is blaze the dangerous because how hard and savage his hits can be.


Crosshairs (unfinished story)

Cypher "lone wolf" blaze, ace marksman, superior espionage sniper, and one hell of a mean dog. a 'sniper for hire', cypher often aided fbi and military forces in domestic threats, for the right price.

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Blaze's choice.

blaze gently ruffled her hair then headed into rubys room with the owl.

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The weekend with Blaze.

blaze groaned softly as he gripped at her hips and enjoying the tight feeling from her. blaze began thrusting into her hard and slow.

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Blaze christmas

Said blaze. what do you mean blaze? rachel we have been dating for over a year and a half now. blaze gets out of bed and walks over to rachel's side of the bed.

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Blazing Bullet

blazing bullet had just entered hyperspace, travelling at five hundred light speeds back to the aurora station.

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Blaze the Buizel

^///w\^ blaze the buizel blaze, is unlike any other super hero i've ever seen in my entire life. and having the form of a sea weasel pokemon named "buizel," in my opinion, makes him more unique.

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Blaze Awakened

"well...yes, honestly," blaze admitted thoughtfully, shrugging.

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Shadow and Blaze

blaze was looking at shadow. his black hedgehog hair waving, blaze started to blush. shadow looked at her and winked, making her blush harder. then the bell rang, yayyy!!!! everyone cheered.