A Timelord's Adventure: Jericho and the Solar Furnace

Story by Arsen on SoFurry

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Arsen makes his way to Karresh 4. A mining station with a fault Solar Furnace. Arsen also meets up with a Panther named Jericho that helps him explore himself as well as... other things.

The Tardis's Time Rotor started to spin down moments before the rematerialization process began. The soft chime rang once more as the Tiger placed his sonic screwdriver in a cargo pocket, with his psychic paper wallet in his right hip pocket before the main doors opened. The smell metal, dust and electronics filled the Timelord's nose before Arsen coughed as he stepped out of the Tardis into the haze filled room. "Where the bloody hell did you send me this time?" He laughed as he doors closed behind him to reveal the Tardis was in the shape of a cargo container with "Do not move" in bold letters written on it. Arsen made his way through the maze of different shaped cargo containers before a figure dressed with a containment suit walked in front of him. "Where is your suit?! We're at condition Red!!!" The figure was covered from head to toe but the face mask itself was clear and the interior light helped to illuminate the face within. From what Arsen could see, it was black furred feline but introductions had to wait.

The black feline pushed Arsen down the hall before finding the room marked "Safety Room". Arsen was quickly pushed inside before he stood into an archway that blasted him with air at first, then a red laser scanner moved from head to toe, followed by a yellow light, before a green one lit up with a tone that sounded like everything was ok. "Good good... Now get the suit on at the end of the scanner." Arsen removed his sonic screwdriver out of his pocket and pulled out the psychic paper wallet before fitting it into the chest pockets of the suit. He slipped inside and put the helmet on before he walked towards the door. The black feline stopped Arsen before he double checked the seals on the suit and made sure the air flow was turned on to full before he tapped the top of Arsen's head. "Good to go... Now who the hell are you?" Arsen reached for his psychic paper before he flipped it open with a quick and rehearsed gesture. "Oh! We were hoping they would send you! Senior Tech Reaper. Odd name though but, hell you're here to help! I'm Jericho, Lead Mechanic here for Karresh 4. Come... come... let me show you to the problem."

The Timelord walked down the halls of flashing red warning lights as Jericho explained, "We've been having a problem with the solar furnace. She was running fine for so many years now and seen generations of ore miners come and go but as of last week, the furnace started to lose its containment field and we have no idea why. We've evacuated most of the station's crew and we're down to just me and a handful of engineers to see if we can salvage her. We were about to call it a loss and here you are! A glimmer of hope." Arsen listened intently as he ducked under a pipe jetting steam into the corridor before Jericho reached into his pocket and pulled out a small plasma torch to repair the leak. "Coolant pipes all over are rupturing to keep up with the heat being expelled from the solar furnace containment room which is just ahead." Jericho took a quick jog ahead to undo the safety lock on the door before the pad displayed 'Error' on it.

"Shit... the code was working yesterday." He said as he tried a few more times before the screen displayed 'Warning: Security Lockout'. Jericho slapped the face mask before he growled to himself. "That's what I need... to bring someone else on the station and risk their lives." Arsen reached in his chest pocket and pulled out his sonic screwdriver before he flicked his wrist, sending the probe forward with a brilliant blue light. Numbers ran across the pad before they zeroed it out and within seconds 'Access Granted' appeared on the screen. The sounds of heavy machinery was heard as the door opened with a heavy KACHUNK! "Amazing! I heard you guys had some awesome tools but that has to take the cake." He laughed as he looked at the strange cylindrical device with the blue light before Arsen flicked his wrist and closed it up.

"Right!" Jericho said as he walked into the room before he reached up and tinted his visor. Arsen did the same as they stood in a room that had sparks flying out of various panels and wiring hanging from the ceiling. There was a small haze of smoke hanging around the room before they moved towards a heavy metal shutter that closed off the furnace from view. "You ready?" Jericho asked before he made sure that Arsen's visor was tinted before he got a nod from the Timelord. The black feline spun a metal wheel off to the side of the shutters and manually opened them. Inside the room was what looked like a small sun with revolving blue rings around of it. Every once in a while a small solar flare would arch from the gaseous ball of fire which sent an unmanageable surge of electrical power through the rings and into the stations main systems. "We've tried to disconnect as many of the main systems as we could to prevent further damage from the surges. But we're already passed critical load." Arsen narrowed his eyes as he took it all in before he started to access the Tardis's databases on Solar Furnaces of the time period he was in and all of them had a fatal flaw to them. Arsen walked back to the controls before he started to access the coolant systems and the voltage regulators before he saw most of the components were either offline due to damage or overtaxed.

"I'm amazed you were able to keep her going this long Jericho." Arsen said as he started to run a few diagnostics of his own with Jericho coming over to take a look at the Tiger's work. "I've ran those hundreds of times and the simulations all show that this place will go up in flames in a matter of days." Arsen shook his head. "Hours." Jericho's eyes grew larger. "What?! You can't be serious!? I ran..." Arsen pointed to the readout on the screen. "You didn't take in account that the solar furance had this flaw here." Arsen brought a schematic of the containment field and power collector. "There is an issue with the actual fluid used to buffer the flow of energy in the..." Jericho slumped down into a seat next to Arsen as he finished the sentence "In the energy transformers." Arsen nodded. "On deck 12, section 1." Jericho shook his head. "But... there's nothing we can do about it... I mean... there's no way of stopping the flow of energy once the Solar Furnace is online. That's why everything is checked and rechecked before we installed the sun within it."

Arsen sat in the seat in front of the readouts before he slowly spun around thinking of many ways he could get around it. "Quick... give me a list of materials you have here on the station!" Jericho shrugged a bit before shaking his head. "What's the use? The whole station is going to go up in flames and if there is a flaw in the fluid buffer... that means the rest of our stations will burn out too." Arsen gave Jericho a glare before he restated his request. "I need a list of materials NOW!" Jericho blinked before he stood up and walked over to Arsen before he brought up the cargo manifest. "Well... We have some extra fluid buffer packs, a list of various chemicals and the mining material." Arsen's eyes started to glow as he reaccessed his Tardis's main frame, forwarding ahead a few years in the time line they were in before a brought grin spread across his muzzle. "I think it's time we get our paws dirty! Jericho, I need you to get me those fluid buffer packs, several spools of heavy gauge wire you use for the transformers, torches and meet me down on deck 12, section 1."

Jericho passed the list to his wrist comm before he looked it over. "You... you don't think this will work? I mean... we need a little more material than this if you're going to do what I think you're going to do." Arsen stood up and grinned wider. "Don't worry, you'll be a hero." He said before he rushed out the door and down the hallway towards his Tardis. The black feline chuckled as he shook his head. "A hero my ass." He huffed as he ran down to collect the Tiger's list. He had a few of his skeleton crew grab various bits to help cut down on the time before they gathered in the Transformer room. Jericho paced outside of the Transformer room as he waited for the Timelord who brought a gravlift stacked with crates of various things he had never seen before. "Ok Senior Tech... Lets see if we can make this work."

The gravlift glided across the floor as they moved into the cramped room with five other technicians. "Ok! What we have to do is get the load off of these fluid buffer packs. And we're doing to do this the hard way." Arsen said as he grabbed one of the spare fluid buffer packs which was a large metal box filled with an electrolytic gel. Jericho helped Arsen move the pack from the gravlift to the floor next to the series of four that were in center of the room. The heat had already built up in the room from the overtaxed and failing packs. "Ok... Now I know we all heard about how to wire one of these up in an emergency to replace only one of these..." Jericho said as he looked to Arsen. "But these will fail the moment we replace them and we're stuck with the same problem." Arsen shook his head as he looked down the list of materials he had Jericho get him. "Not if we make these BETTER!" The crew looked at each other before one scratched his head and chimed in "Better? These are filled with the best compound we could come up with... How-" Arsen broke open a few crates on the gravlit and pulled out jars of various materials and chemicals. "With these!" Arsen said with a broad grin before he pointed at the new packs. "Ok. I need you to open them up and I'll tell you what to add into them."

Jericho's eye opened wider as he looked at the chemicals that Arsen pulled out. "We can do this!" He exclaimed before he rushed over to the gravlift while his crew opend the tops of the metal casings of the fluid buffers. Arsen watched Jericho sort through the chemcials and materials before he looked back to Arsen with a gleem in his eyes. "So all we need to do is create a better electrolytic gel... Where did you get these materials... they weren't on the list I gave you." He said before Arsen waved his paw... "I brought some with me." He lied as he let Jericho sort through the containers. The black feline started to pour a few chemicals together before he looked at the refined electrium that Arsen had brought in. "This is amazing... We've been trying to mine electrium for years but couldn't get it this refined before... This is unbelievably pure." Jericho made four batches of the additive before they dumped one into each of the new fluid buffers. Carefully, the crew mixed the electrolytic gel with the new additives before they capped them off and sealed them.

Arsen moved the gravlift out of the way before the crew grabbed their torches under Jericho's lead and cut various lengths of heavy gauge wire. Once they were cut, they welded clamps to either end of the eight cables and Jericho spoke up. "Now this is the dangerous bit. The fluid buffers will be hot enough to burn through your suits if you stay near them too long. Do not cross the wires, do not make contact with both of the fluid buffer terminals as it will arc and that will be the end of you and possibly the station." The Timelord watched carefully as everyone worked to connect the leads from located on the bottom front of each of the fluid buffers together, bridging the power to share between the old buffers and the new ones. After minutes of waiting for a change... the room got cooler. Jericho took in a deep breath before he looked to the Timelord. "I think... all we need to do is remove these old fluid buffers and replace them." Arsen nodded as Jericho spoke before the Tiger placed his paw on the black feline's shoulder. "And be careful with the old fluid buffers, they'll still retain a charge enough to vaporize someone." Jericho perked up before he looked at the old buffers and nodded in response. "Yeah, for the love of the stars, remember that fact."

Arsen and Jericho stepped out of the room while the crew was at work. Sounds of welding torches filled the air as well as the grunts of labor. "How did you come by electrium that was that pure?" The black feline asked before Arsen cleared his throat. "It's something that will be in development soon enough... If you want to make your own..." Arsen pulled out his sonic screwdriver and pointed it over at Jericho's wristcomm before the process on how to refine was outlined in great detail. "Amazing... If... it's going to be in development soon... then..." Arsen laughed softly. "You are going to share that and I'm sure it'll come with a promotion." The Timelord flip his sonic in his paw before the pair walked down the hallway to lift. Jericho read through the information to understand it better before he noticed a pattern with how it was written. "I wrote this... At least... someone like me wrote it, see the formulas?" The feline said as he pointed the wristcomm towards Arsen. "I write exactly like this! How..." Arsen smirked as he pressed the button to send the lift up to deck 1. "Let's just say, that there are things in the universe better left to the imagination." Jericho looked at Arsen curiously before he tilted his head. "Well, regardless... I was prepared to die trying to fix the station, now she'll be operational again."

The lift slowed to a halt at Deck 1 before the pair waited for the door to open. "Let's get the station properly vented and the scrubbers online before bringing up life support." Jericho said as the pair walked out together and headed down the hallway to command. "Sounds like a plan." Arsen said with a grin before they walked into the vacant room that was command. Jericho took the command chair before Arsen sat at one of the terminals. "Ok. Computer, are you still online." Jericho said before an electronic female voice spoke. "Recognized, Jericho. Yes, I am online. How can I be of assistance?" Jericho relaxed for a moment, happy to hear that the computer hadn't fried itself in the ordeal. "Computer, start rerouting power through the ventilation system." Arsen tapped away at the computer in front of him, running more diagnostics as well as turning on the cameras within the transformer room to monitor the work of the crew. "Power restored to ventilation systems." A rush of air swept through the room before positive pressure was restored. "Ventilation 75% complete. 80% complete. 90% complete. Station is now at 100% ventilation." The computer voice said before Jericho unlatched his mask and undid the seals around his neck as he pulled it off and took a deep breath... "Ah there we go..." Arsen followed suit before he saw that the men down in the transformer room were already hauling off the old fluid buffers out. "Looks like they're done in the transformer room." Arsen said as he looked back to Jericho who double checked. "Good. Computer, bring life support back online."

The lights turned on in the room before the temperature started to lower to a more habitable level. The flashing red lights stopped while a yellow flashing light took its place. "Life Support is online." Jericho chuckled to himself. "Well that's good it didn't suffer any damage." And just as the words left his mouth, sparks shot off from one of the side terminals, dimming the lights in the room for a second before Arsen and Jericho just sat there watching it to see if anything else would blow up. After a moment, the lights came back online much to Jericho's relief. "I guess I should be more careful what I say." He laughed before Arsen found a few abnormalities and sent them to Jericho's command chair. The black feline leaned forward as he read over the list. "Computer, send repair droids out to sector 4, 10, 15 and 20 to fix the power fluctuations." Arsen continued to monitor the crew as they moved the fluid buffers out to a containment area before the computer spoke once again. "Repair droids dispatched. Repair time: 15 minutes."

Jericho smiled as he unzipped the front of his suit a bit to relax a little more now that the repairs were underway. "I really thought I would have to send in another report that we were stumped and couldn't fix them. With the information you gave me, we'll be able to continue our mining operations!" Arsen smiled in return as he turned around to face Jericho. "Well, as you said before, you wrote the solution to the problem, all I did was give you a copy of it." Jericho tapped the side of his nose. "About that... if I didn't know any better, I would think you were a guardian angel... especially with the name Reaper." He said as he stood up and motioned for the Tiger to follow him. Arsen looked back to make sure the crew were safe as they locked down the fluid buffers in a containment container and sealed away. The Timelord stood up and followed Jericho out of command before the reached one of the safety rooms. Jericho went first as the scrubber went through its motions with Arsen falling in behind Jericho who started to strip out of the suit. He had coveralls on under his suit which he thought was more comfortable than wearing the heavy protective suit. "Ahhhh that's much better." He said as he watched Arsen take off his suit before the Tiger moved his sonic screwdriver and his psychic paper wallet to his pants pockets.

Arsen turned to face Jericho to get a better look at him before he saw that his features and build was that of a panther. Jericho's coveralls were a dark blue and partially unzipped to show off his chest to the top of his abs. "I guess we can report our findings to command and get things rolling on the other stations." Jericho said as he scratched the back of his neck... "I can't thank you enough for saving the day." He said before Arsen shook his head. "I didn't do anything but give you a glimpse of what you were already on your way of discovering, albeit, a little early." Jericho thought about that as he looked back over the formulas and instructions before he chuckled softly. "So what... you're from the future or something?" He said as he punctuated 'future' with air quotes. "That's impossible." He chuffed before Arsen just laughed. "Stranger things have happened." Jericho stopped for a moment as he looked at Arsen with a more discerning look... "Prove it!" He said before Arsen laughed as he walked down the hall towards the lift before Jericho followed behind.

They made it to the cargo floor before Arsen walked up to his Tardis and said "See this? It's m'vehicle that I can travel through space and time with." Jericho crossed his arms across his chest before he smirked. "It's a large storage container that says "Do not move" on it. Smartass." Arsen stepped in front of the main doors before they opened. He walked inside before Jericho stood outside scoffing. "Is this a joke? You've got a box that lets you inside?" Arsen spoke up. "Unless you're a scaredy cat... why don't you shut up and step inside." Jericho straightened up before he looked around the cargo bay to make sure this wasn't so practical joke and walked inside. He looked around to see the massive console room and network of halls leading off of it before he walked straight out and walked around the box. He ran his paw along the outside of it before he walked back inside. "Ok... this is a neat trick but how are you doing this?" He said as he doors closed behind him.

Arsen walked out of one of the halls and motioned for Jericho to follow before the panther blinked and walked back to see where the Tiger was heading. Arsen just walked into a room as Jericho made it around the corner and followed in before he looked around to see the stars, the station on the asteroid it was a part of and the rest of space around him. He fell over as he was rather disorientated with nothing visible under his feet. "Whoa!" The panther said as he hit the invisible floor. "H...how are you doing this?! It's impossible!" Arsen laughed as he helped the panther to his feet before he shook his head. "Think about it, the universe is so vast and always changing. There is so much you don't know about it. There are even infinite dimensions in time and space in which anything is possible." Jericho looked into Arsen's eyes as he tilted his head when he saw a glowing energy that pulsed over the iris. "You're... an alien?"

The Timelord laughed a bit at that before waved his paw and brought up Gallifrey as it was before the Time Lock. "I was created here on the planet of Gallifrey before I was sealed away here..." He brought up a holographic representation of the Time Vortex with a flick of his paw. Jericho watched in wide eye wonder... "There's a Time Vortex?" Arsen smirked as he waved his paw to dismiss the image before the room came into view and they stood on a visible floor. "Yes. Some of the time streams were severed in the Last Great Time War and luckily... I made it out alive." Jericho shook his head as he tried to wrap his mind around everything the Tiger said. "Did you fight in the Time War?" He asked before Arsen lowered his head a bit and gave a nod. "I did... I spent a lot of time learning various methods of fighting before I was released to fight against the hordes of Daleks, mechanically assisted beings who were hellbent on trying to steal the source of our power. In the heat of the war, a few of us were locked away to help continue on the the Timelord's legacy."

"Timelord... I thought they were just a legend that people whispered about behind closed doors." Arsen perked his ears for a bit before he walked over to the panther. He gently grabbed the Jericho's paws before placing them on his chest. Jericho wasn't sure what he was suppose to do but when he felt the beat of two hearts... He pulled his paws back. "You're really a Timelord!" The panther looked at his wristcomm before he reread the formulas. "I wrote these... In the future. So I really did fix the flaw you mentioned. But aren't there laws against things like this... I..." Arsen shook his head. "Don't worry about it. I was brought here randomly by m'Tardis. I can't go back and forth in m'own timeline because that's forbidden. I'm not suppose to interfere with someone else's timeline but... I'm discovering that sometimes, that's what the timelines need... a little help. I saw there was a little gap from when you came onto the station to fix it today and the day where you sending that information out to have the rest of the stations fixed. I can't see into m'own timeline, so I figured that gap... was probably me."

Jericho laughed as he tried to follow along but he felt better about things. "So you really are my guardian angel... You just need wings." He said before Arsen thought about that for a bit and came up with a few ideas before the panther looked around. "So... Now what? I mean, I'm standing in front of a Timelord inside a "Tardis" what do I do now?" Arsen thought for a moment before he tapped Jericho's wrist. "Well you have a report to send out to save the rest of the stations..." Jericho thought about that before he typed out a quick message. "Don't worry, I'll leave you out of this." He said with a smile as he finished his message and sent along the formulas and the procedure to remove the old fluid buffers. "And done! But yeah... you really should do a little more research and work that angle... I think wings and a cloak... OH! Definitely a scythe would be killer on you." A smile spread across Arsen's lips before the thoughts poured into his head. "That sounds perfect..." The Timelord drifted off as he walked towards the door.

"Where you going?" Jericho asked as Arsen pointed towards the door. "The workshop... Got to do this now while it's still fresh on m'mind." Jericho followed closely behind as he pulled his arms out of the sleeves of his coveralls and let the top fold down before tying the sleeves around his waist leaving his torso bare. "This, I got to see." He said excitedly before they walked across the black hallway with blue roundels, into a room with metallic silver walls and floors that were cold to the touch. Arsen walked to one of the synthesizers before thinking of several components that he could use for wings. He placed his paw along the side of the synthesizer before it produced a box filled with the devices he would need to at least create the illusion of wings. "What do you have there?" Jericho asked as he sat up on the table in the middle of the room to watch the Tiger at work. Arsen looked over to see that Jericho was without his top and he glanced with a soft smirk from shoulders to hips. The panther's flesh was dark, almost a dark purple and his fur was sleek which made it easier to make out the feline's musculature. With a quick shake of his head, not wanting to be distracted, he dumped the contents of the box onto the table. The heaviest and largest of them was a large ring with various sections of it missing along its outer surface. "It's going to be a collar that will be able to manifest wings. Like a hologram but with actual substance to it."

Jericho watched as Arsen started organizing the parts for it. "That sounds amazing... But will it allow you to fly?" Arsen stopped for a moment before he pulled a large black cylinder out of the group of parts and held it up. "This is a gravatron emitter. It will basically cancel out gravity or even reverse it. Not unlike the gravlift's driver." Jericho was impressed with the idea and licked his lips... The panther really enjoyed technology... to the point that he was a technophile. It's one of the reasons why he became a technician. The panther shifted on the table a bit to get comfortable, trying hard not to let things get... too hard for him, so to speak. "And these blue panels here are the holomatter relays." Arsen said as he started to put the circuitry together inside of each open panel in the collar. Jericho licked his lips as he watched Arsen's paws work. "What's going to power it?" Arsen grinned a rather toothy grin. "Ahhhhh the same thing that powers all Timelord technology... The Eye of Harmony." The panther looked confused for a moment before he nudged Arsen's shoulder. "Go on..." Arsen slipped in the rest of the components into the collar before sealing each panel shut with a flick of his sonic screwdriver and a buzz for each panel. "The Eye of Harmony basically is an artifical black hole sealed with a special covering that allows the energy of the hole to escape and we use that as our power source. Since the original Eye of Harmony was destroyed, we made a fleet of special Tardises that can house their own copy of the Eye of Harmony."

Jericho slipped off the table and faced it as he tried his best to hide his excitement. "Beyond impressive..." He manged to get out before Arsen opened the collar and snapped it around his neck. With another flash of his sonic screwdriver, the hinge and the opening sealed shut as if the collar was welded in place around the Timelord's neck. "Ready Jericho?" Arsen said as he pulled off his top and set it on the table. Jericho's eyes fell on the Timelord's back, admiring the patterns of the blue tribal wings before suddenly materializing in view were two black feathery wings. "Oh my stars... You did it!" Arsen took his time to adjust to the neural feedback from them, after a small period of calibration, the Timelord flexed his wings out fully. The panther was stunned... he reached up and ran his paws along the feathers to feel how soft they were against his fingertips before he saw Arsen shivering a bit from the touch. "You... you can feel that?!" Jericho asked before he moved his paws to the parts that looked like they were fused to the Tiger's back. "Yep... I programmed it to provide me with feedback so I don't do something stupid like get them caught in a door or whatnot." He said with a chuckle before the panther smiled. "Ok... I'm impressed... but let's see you float."

Arsen turned around after folding the wings in before looking up at the ceiling. With a flash from his eyes, the ceiling move up higher and higher. The now winged Tiger stepped up on the table and jumped into the air before the collar's panels started to glow with power and there he was, floating in midair without having to flap his wings. "That's insane!!!" Jericho said as he was hard as rock underneath the tied half of his coveralls around his waist. "Now all you need is a scythe and you're in business" Arsen slowly lowered himself onto the table before he tapped his muzzle in thought. "I think I might have just the thing." The Timelord's mind searched the Tardis's main database for a selection of materials and different technology before he came across a combination of ideas that would work. He walked over to the synthesizer again and got the parts he needed before he sat back down but this time Jericho was directly behind him watching the Tiger work. The Panther mindlessly was grinding on the back of Arsen's chair as he started to explain the new device. "Let's see, we've got a mass driver here and another gravity driver there... I'll just take apart the sonic screwdriver for its main functionality and place it into this metal body that was forged in heart of a dwarf star, making it unbreakable. We have the main body with a few indicator lights and a holographic projector just for kicks and the sensor crystal at the tip of it. Blue cause I love blue."

Jericho nearly whined in pleasure as he pressed himself harder against the back of the chair. "And those... what do those do?" Jericho reached over Arsen to point to a collection of parts. "Ahhhhh yes... This will be the emitter for the blade which will be a laser sycthe." Jericho furrowed his brows a bit. "But a scythe is suppose to be long and that's a handheld device that's just a little taller than your paw is wide." Arsen waved his paw and grinned. "I forgot to mention, the main body is telescoping." Jericho reached down into the front of his stomach and spread his fingers down behind the tied arms of his coveralls and teased the top of his shaft as the Tiger worked to construct his new masterpiece. After about an hour had passed, the Timelord attached the last panel and fused it shut with a spare sonic before he took it into his paw and turned it on. There was a high pitched sound that emanate from the main body before the tone shifted into the familiar sound of a sonic screwdriver. Arsen linked with the psychic drivers within the device before it extended to a full length staff as tall as the Timelord. "Good... that's what I expected." With another thought, the large curved laser blade shot out from the emitter in the tip. Jericho shuddered with the need to relieve himself now. "D..do yo have a bathroom?" He managed to ask before Arsen looked at him curiously. "Yeah. Go down the hall, first door you see..." And out went Jericho.

He didn't wait to find the door before he reached in and grabbed his pointed pride with one paw, while the other held up his coveralls. The door to the bathroom opened up for him as he bit his lip and leaned against the wall with his pride pointing down at the toilet. He was careful to let everything drip into the toilet itself as he pawwed himself. All the wonderful bits of technology he saw got him so worked up that within a few dozen strokes... he unloaded into the toilet, almost buckling at the knee. What made matters worse was he was so busy these last few weeks that he hadn't had a chance to rub one out. The panther managed to sit down facing the toilet as the last strands of cum jetted from his tip into the water below as he panted to catch his breath. "I've heard of your kind before... but never thought I'd see one get that worked up." The voice boomed from the bathroom door. Jericho's face heated up with a massive blush, embarrassed to be seen post masturbatory release. "I... I... fuck... Sorry... was like porn to me." He said as he rubbed the side of his muzzle before cleaning his tip before he stood up and covered himself by drawing up his coveralls.

"At least it was a good show." Arsen said as he looked the panther over. "The look on your face when you came was priceless." Jericho cleared his throat as he tried to regain some semblance dignity as he tried to walk by the large Tiger blocking the door. "Well. Glad you enjoyed the show as enjoyed yours." The panther puffed his cheeks a bit before he tried to slip passed Arsen who wasn't moving. "Do you mind?" He said with a bit of annoyed tone before Arsen laughed. "I bet you... that I could blow your mind." Jericho looked at Arsen before he looked away for a moment in thought. "Oh?" Was all the panther managed to say before Arsen slipped into the hallway and walked back into a black room. The only thing that Jericho could see was what the blue collar was able to light up which was only Arsen's upper chest, shoulders and head. The panther could see the shit eating grin on the Tiger's face before he looked down the hall towards the console room. "Your choice kitty. Come here and let me blow your mind or walk out and continue your life guessing what I could have done to make you squirm.

Jericho huffed a bit walking towards the door but stopping for a moment to look at the console room before getting mad with himself for wondering too much about what the Timelord had in store. "FUCK!" He shouted... echoing down the hall before he walked into the black room. "Take off your coveralls Jericho." Arsen said as the collar cycled off, turning the room a soul devouring black. Jericho heard only the pounding of his own heart in his ears, the sounds of him breathing before the sound of him unzipping his coveralls. The rustle of clothing also added to the sound of the room before he dropped his coveralls to the floor. And then... silence. Jericho stood in the room a little scared now that he couldn't even make out where Arsen was in the room, if he was even in the room anymore.

Jericho gasped as he thought he felt something brush against his back. He quickly turned around to peer into the darkness before flashes of light from his mind played tricks on him. He began to see that moire pattern that some people see when they close their eyes which unsettled him even further. Then suddenly he heard a whirr buzz passed his hear. A soft clank in front of him. "Ok... this is getting silly." He managed to say before a louder clank was heard. The spinning of gears filled the room before he felt something metallic graze his lower back. He quickly tried to arch away from it but the sensation trailed across his back and then split into two, or was it four... he couldn't tell until the sensations spread across his shoulders and down his back, lashing around his wrist and ankles before quickly lifting him off his hindpaws and slammed him against a padded rest with a breath catching thud. The cold and unyielding sensation of metal wrapped around his waist to keep him in place before another one wrapped around his throat, keeping his head back but giving him enough room to breathe. "Reaper... What the fuck is going on!?"

Arsen remained quiet as he controlled the device psychically. Once Jericho was in place the machine started to pull the panther's legs apart before lifting him up and placing him on his back. Shortly after that, two metal tendrils moved across the panther's loins, one circling around his orbs and the other lashing around the base of his throbbing cock before both of them sent electrical shocks through the black feline's bits, making him squirm against the device. "Unnnggg gods..." He managed to get out before two more tendrils coiled around his nipples, sending more shocks through his chest, making his chest heave in pleasure. "Mmmmfff..." A warm pulsing light started to fill the room as the panther managed to look up to see a mirror of himself laying on a large metal, bed made up of several gears to operate the various components. The metal tendrils looked like segmented metal worms as they coiled in place a little tighter to tease the panther further. The look of all the machinery around him, the table teasing him had him so hard that it hurt.

"Enjoying yourself?" Arsen asked as he stepped up, devoid of all clothing before positioned himself between Jericho's thighs. The panther watched in the mirror as he saw just how thick the Timelord's cock was as it nudged softly underneath his orbs which were held up by the tendril around it. "Wow... I erm... never had anyone... well... fuck me before." Jericho said as he wasn't quite sure what to expect from a living cock. "I've always was the top but... once in a while, I'd use one of my techdildos... They were covered in silicone and vibrated." He couldn't believe he was telling anyone about his lack of anal play. Arsen slowly increased the voltage of the tendrils which made the panther's back arch as he hissed in pleasure. "Then let me be the first, to fill you." Arsen's tip kissed the tight pucker before a shot of pre jetted across the hole, wetting it. Jericho's heart raced in his chest... not that he could say no now that he was at the Timelord's mercy. "Just... let me see it. If... you can." Arsen grinned as he sent a pair of tendrils down around the inside of Jericho's thighs. One above and one below, both tipped with cameras. Two displays came up into the panther's view before his face flushed seeing his ass being prepped for a big broad tipped cock to penetrate it. Arsen tip dimpled the panther's ring inward as he pushed his hard cock forward, eliciting as hiss from the bound black feline. "Gods..." Jericho managed to get out as he clawed into the cushion of the metal cross.

Arsen kept one paw around the base of his broad backed beast while his other paw hooked along Jericho's hip. He pulled on the panther as he pushed forward, slowly stretching the tight ass of the feline across his blunt tip, luckily the amount that the Timelord can pre helped ease entry a little. "AhhhhhhhHHhhhhhh gods..." The panther moaned loudly as he felt himself stretching wider and wider before the hard fleshy pop of the thick ridge was felt once it passed the tight ring of muscle. "Don't stop now..." Jericho managed to say between pants before Arsen slowly inched his way deeper and deeper into Jericho's body. Each of his fleshy barbs folded down as they passed the tight ring of the panther before bristling out to tickle the walls of the tied down feline before him. Jericho did his best to watch the monitors as he watched himself getting stuffed by a Timelord. He was doing fine until he felt the bulbous tip pressing hard against his prostate which caused Jericho to clench down on Arsen's pride, making them both groan heatedly. "Want me to stop?" Arsen gruffed softly before Jericho clenched his fist and tilted his hips towards the Tiger. "No... I want this." He huffed out before Arsen pushed passed the prostate with a thump as his ridge popped over it. Jericho nearly came form that sensation alone.

Inch after inch was feed into Jericho's body till Arsen got to the last few inches of his thickness and without warning, he slammed his hips forward with had the panther writhing on the metal geared cross. "You... BASTARD!" He huffed out which drew a panting chuckle from the white striped beast above him. "You're doing fine Jericho." Arsen assured the panther who could feel the very heat of Arsen's cock throbbing in his gut before the Tiger leaned forward and flicked his tongue across one of Jericho's nipples... lapping over the flesh and the metal tendril around it. The Tiger's hips rolled forward, grinding hard against the feline's ass as Jericho squirmed underneath the large feline. "Tease." He whimpered as wanted for the first time to be fucked by someone. Arsen's broad languid member rolled across the panther's chest, from nipple to nipple, which he took his time to suckle upon and tug on them with the pure suction of his lips and tongue against them. He moved up to Jericho's neck before he teased it with a broad maw which opened up wide enough to take the panther's throat into his muzzle. Jericho freezed as he felt the big teeth of the Tiger's jaws around his neck and the hot slathering of his tongue roaming around the front of his throat.

Once Arsen locked his jaws in place around the panther's throat, the Tiger's hips shifted back and forth slowly at first. Jericho felt the pistoning shaft gliding along his walls and was thankful that the large amount of pre that Arsen produced. The barbs teased his walls to no end as the broad glans stretched his walls out further when it fully flared within him, making him feel as if a knot was being forced deep within him. The soft slap of Arsen's loins against his ass felt better to him than a lifeless dildo. He watched the screens as the thick wet dick disappeared fully into his ass, only leaving the two heavy cum-laden balls to beat softly underneath his tail base before reappearing all veiny and glistening in its glory. He couldn't believe that he was being plowed by a Timelord at all and the worst part about it was, he was enjoying it.

Arsen changed gears a little bit. Another tendril snuck out from behind the metal geared cross and probed the panther's tip. Jericho felt the cold metal teasing along his pre covered tip before something happened that changed the game for him. The pointed tip edged around his cumslit a few times before wiggling against the opening. "No...nonononono..." Jericho felt he wasn't ready for what was going to happen. "Just relax..." The gruffing Timelord said as he gripped the outside of the panther's thighs and started to slam harder. Jericho's body bounced back and forth along the metal geared cross only to be tugged harder into another thrust before he tried to move his cock away from the tip of the tendril... Once it wiggled into place in his slit, it pushed deeper and deeper into the panther's shaft before stopping midway down the feline's length. "UHHH!!!!" He screamed out as it started to vibrate and pulse a small electrical current into it. He couldn't decipher the sensations at all which made him tighten up around Arsen's thrusting cock. "Relax kittten..." Arsen whispered out before Jericho tried to relax and accept his fate.

The pulses of the sounding tendril started to make the panther's loins tingle all over. Each of the tendrils started to send more pulses of pleasure through his nipples, his balls, the base of his cock and finally the one in the shaft. It was all overwhelming the feline's pleasure centers as well as the massive cock plugging away at his ass. The metal cross relaxed the grip on Jericho's wrists before he quickly wrapped his arms around the Tiger's back, nearly clawing into his stripes. The cross also moved his legs further apart before bending his knees up to give Arsen full access to the panther's ass. With a barrage of heavy thrusts, Jericho's ass became sore from the hard slaps of Arsen's loins against his ass while the Tiger's heavy orbs spanked his tailbase over and over again. Jericho moved his paws down to Arsen's powerful hips before he started to pull the Tiger in with every thrust, wanting it harder and faster which the Tiger obliged.

The sounds of heavy rutting filled the room as both Arsen and Jericho endured the hard and rough fucking. Jericho clutched the back of Arsen's neck with one paw as the other reached down and splayed across his aching opening, letting his fingers feel the union they both shared. The cock flesh brushed across his fingers before his paw was smashed between his rear and Arsen's loins with very penetrating thrust. The panther moved his paw from Arsen's neck to the Tiger's chest, groping over his broad pecs, teasing a nipple with a soft twist of his paw and a gentle pinch before the tendrils started to pusle harder all over his form. "I... I can't... Hold out..." The panther huffed, giving into the sensations that the Timelord gave him before Arsen gave him a nod as if to tell him, it's ok. Jericho tensed up from head to toe as one hindpaw clenched tightly and the other one was splayed wide. His inner walls rippled along Arsen's jack hammering cock as if it was milking it when the panther started to cum heavily. Jets of pearly white cum decorated the black fur of Jericho's chest, neck, face and even hit the wall behind the cross a few times.

As Jericho unloaded what seemed like a load that was long overdue across his body and the wall, he clutched at Arsen even more... "Your...mmmfffff fuck... turn... big guy!" Arsen started to arch his hips with every thrust to jab his cock deeply into Jericho's body before the panther reached up and placed his paw along the front of the Timelord's neck. His fingers felt the growls and grunts as well as the heavy pounding of the Tiger's hearts. "Fuck me... mmmmm... with your big thick dick Tiger!" Jericho started getting a little more vocal which drew the beast out in Arsen. "Plow this cock slut with your big powerful pride." The panther snarled out before his ass started to go numb from the increase of tiger's powerful hips slamming his black and blue pubic furred loins against that black ass. "Cum in me!! I need to feel you explode in my ass! Cum for me you be sex beast!" Arsen roared loudly and proudly as his urethral bulge flared out, which had Jericho whimpering in pleasure with the added girth before the intense heat of the Tiger's cum rushed along his walls like a powerful hose with each claiming shot. "Take it all you hot little cum kitten." Arsen growled out before Jericho writhed hard against the cross, grinding his ass into Arsen's loins as he worked to milk the Tiger of his release.

Jericho's paws gripped Arsen's hips tightly as he thrusted back into Arsen's feral fucking. He did his best to clench tightly around the powerful cock to give the Tiger something to remember even if it was going to make him sore as hell afterwards. The flood of cum reached it climax as Arsen threw his head back and snarled heavily with one last slam into Jericho's well fucked hole. Both of them grinding hard against each other as a few jets continued to fire into the flooded depths of Jericho's body. The panther looked up, panting, at the Tiger who looked down at him over his muzzle with a satisfied grin. "Did you enjoy that panther?" Arsen managed to say as the tendrils slowly slipped from Jericho's body. He shuddered once the one in his cock slithered away. "Best... fuck... ever." He managed to get out before Arsen slowly pulled back his hips only to have Jericho pulled the Tiger back in. "No... not yet. I want to remember this feeling for the rest of my life." The panther said in a blush before Arsen rolled on top of Jericho and gently thrust just an inch or two back and forth. "Like this?" Arsen teased as Jericho reached down to fondle the Tiger's orbs. "Yes... just like that." He said with a purr as every bit of his body throbbed in pleasure.

The two laid there, catching their breath as Jericho stroked his paws along Arsen's back. "That was amazing... So, do you normally go around fucking everything you see?" Jericho said with a smirk before Arsen blinked a bit and thought for a moment. "Um... lately? Yeah. Still getting use to this body of mine." He laughed and thought it was a good enough excuse before Jericho smiled and nosed. "Well I'm glad I got to help you explore a few things... even if it was my ass in the end." He laughed before the cross let go of his hindpaws which he immediately wrapped around the back of Arsen's thighs. "Anytime you need to bury that dick of yours into someone... come look me up and maybe you can bend me over in an engine room and plow me." He said with a smirk across his face before he laid back and let Arsen slowly back out of him. Jericho clenched tightly around Arsen's retreating cock before he felt the tug of the thick ridge against his stretched ring. He moaned the entire time it was pulling at his ring before both of them let out and quick moan it was freed with a pop. Seed started to rush out of Jericho's hole before Arsen found a sizable plug and gently popped it in place.

Jericho laughed as his body tensed around the plug before he slipped off the cross and immediately fell to his knees. "Whoa! Didn't expect my legs to be jelly!" He laughed deeply before Arsen reached down to pick up the poor panther. He grabbed a towel and mopped up the cum off of Jericho's face, neck and chest before he helped the feline back into his clothing. Jericho whole body was a little oversensitive at this point so even the feeling of the coveralls brushing up against his bits and his nipples had him flinching. "Damn... that was good." He shuddered as he hooked a paw around Arsen's shoulders for stability while he wobbly waked out towards the main doors. "I guess this is where we say goodbye then... I have to make sure these other stations change their electrolytic gels before it becomes a problem." Arsen made sure Jericho was somewhat stable as they walked out of the main doors into the cargo room. "I'd take you with me if you'd like to explore..." Arsen offered before Jericho shook his head. "I have things I have to take care of to make sure people survive... I know you'll understand that but... maybe one day." Jericho said with a soft smile, hoping that Arsen understood.

Arsen let out a sigh as he stood there naked inside the Tardis just at the main doors. Jericho slipped in close and held the Tiger's shaft at the base with one paw as he kissed the white feline on the lips. "Thank you for a wonderful time... and being my guardian angel." With a firm grope, the panther's paw slipped down the Tiger's cum covered length before he tugged on the prince albert ring with a wink. "I'm sure there are other people who need a big beast like you to save them..." Arsen let out a soft grunt as he was felt up and tugged on. "I understand Jericho... Keep the plug... as a souvenir." He winked before Jericho blushed heavily and waved. "Goodbye Reaper." Arsen shook his head. "Until next we meet m'friend." Arsen stepped back deeper into the Tardis before the doors closed. With a rush of wind and the sounds of the dematerializing Tardis filling the air... Arsen left to his next destination.

A Timelord's Beginnings: Terry's Adventure Part 7

Arsen walked into his room and placed a copy of the data crystal he took from Trellis and placed it on a small shelf for safe keeping. He stripped out of his clothing and smoothed out his fur before he walked out of his room, passed Terry's room....

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A Timelord's Beginnings: Terry's Adventure Part 6

Terry spent hours in the observation dome as he watched different creatures swim by the dome. He enjoyed the singing of the songfish which were amplified by the dome's speakers. At times, the little fox would pad up to the duraglass dome to try and...

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A Timelord's Beginnings: Terry's Adventure Part 5

Arsen arched his back and let out a long groan before he turned to his side towards Terry who was sitting up and looking over the Tiger's form. "Oh hello there." Terry said as his eyes locked onto the Timelord's opened eyes. Arsen smirked a bit as he...

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