Dog City: Kenneled

Story by Tempo on SoFurry

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#2 of Dog City

Cooped up at a safehouse, Ace and Rosie get to know each other better.

Rosie makes Ace realize he's one lucky dog.

Dog City: Kenneled By Tempe O'Kun

Cooped up at a safehouse, Ace and Rosie get to know each other better.

"Ace, just let me lead."

I grumbled. Moving the table and chairs had given us just enough room to dance in the dining room. With the lights low and the radio lower, we swayed to the musical stylings of Doug Pug's Big Brass Band. She floated like a feather; I floated like a brick.

"I've learned a lot about you, the last few days."

"Never stop sniffin' for clues, do ya?"

That didn't shake her from my trail. "You're a shameless flirt, Shamus, yet you always hesitated to close the case with me."

"Not like I could've asked you to the department's annual ball." I managed to keep from tripping over my four left paws. "As we've demonstrated, I don't know how to dance."

Lamplight glinted green and warm in her eyes. "Maybe I like watching you learn new tricks."

"Yeesh. I never knew my lack of close dancing would be such a big deal."

"You dance pretty well." A subtle smile. "From what I've seen."

That put a swish in my tail. "You too."

Her arms rose to rest on my shoulders. Her smile brushed my own. "Why'd it take us this long to get here?"

I shrugged. "I didn't want to impose."

"You impose for a living." Her voice gained mirth, but no edge, remaining as soft as her fur. "Every bone you've ever made has been from sticking your nose where it didn't belong."

My paw pads sailed the copper locks of her hair. "I was scared."

A wisp of satisfaction in her smile. "And you're not now?"

"Maybe a little."

Her cheek pressed mine, not with insistence, but with a natural grace. I relaxed against her. She must have felt it, since she responded with a deep breath. "I've been falling for you a long time, Ace Hart."

"Back at ya, Miss O'Gravy." Held in the gentle sway of the music, we drifted across the carpet. I pressed my nose to the curve of her neck. My eyes closed and her scent enveloped me, my voice muffled through her fur. "You sure you want a dog like me? I'm nothin' but trouble."

"I know." She shifted, her forehead resting against mine. "But I'd rather you be my trouble than somebody else's."

"Very civic-minded of you."

A chuckle. "I am the chief of police." Her green eyes glowed in the fragile moment's lamplight.

"You're a lot more than that." My paw curled under her chin, lifting it to a kiss. I opened my lips to feel hers, though once again she took the lead. She's always had quite a tongue on her.

Her paws held me close. The soft warmth of her breasts pressed against me. The announcer yipped about what band came on next, but all I could think about was Rosie's breath on my fur, her scent in my nose, her taste on my tongue.

Kisses fell like poured kibble. She walked me backward to the sofa, easing us down onto it. The collie straddled my hips as the kisses faded into nibbles and nuzzles under my chin. I wagged, in doggy heaven.

Her snow-tipped auburn hair brushed my shoulders. My paws rubbed her back while I delivered kisses to those smooth, floppy ears of hers. Soft as silk against my lips. She moaned into my fur as I licked the tip of either ear.

Two strong paws gripped the sides of my shirt, tugging it free of my pants, and traveled up my naked back, then scritched their way back down. I shuddered under her. My paws rubbed down her back to her lean, muscled rump, giving it a gentle squeeze. She responded with a wag of her tail and a giggle in my ear as we arranged ourselves for a rather extensive cuddle session.

~ ~ ~

My paws soaked in dishwater.

In the other room, I could hear Rosie tidying up. I'd given up on stopping her. Collie instincts served a girl well on the force, but, locked down like this, she just ended up herding our belongings. I took it in stride. After all, she'd stopped tapping pencils against the table.

Then, for the second time that week, she tackled me.

The air woofed out of me as a food bowl squirted from my paws and across the room. The rawhide strip I'd been chewing sailed off on a behind-the-stove safari. The chief inspector and I bumped up against the counter, sliding down, her arms around me. I glanced around for mafia hitmutts. "Rosie! What's with the multi-dog pileup?"

She kissed my lips.

I wagged against the linoleum. "Not that I'm complainin'." So much for taking this slow.

Her sleek paw waved two beige paper rectangles under my nose. "These fell out of your pants pocket."

Theatre tickets. I'd left them in my trousers the first day. "If you wanted to get into my pants all you had to do was ask."

Green eyes shone brighter than her badge. "They're to Hamlet--I played the lead dog in college."

"Is that what those are for?" I wiped my dripping paws on my shirt. "I thought they were just giving away hams. You know, small ones."

"Don't play coy with me, Shamus. I've got you nailed." Her fingers played with my collar.

"Nailed, huh?" I bumped her nose with mine. "What do I get if I confess?"

"I might go easy on you." She tugged me by the tie, getting me to my feet and leading me through the living room.

"Oh?" I followed, nose soaking up her scent.

"Maybe just revoke your pants privileges." She led me into the bedroom we'd been sharing.

"How am I supposed to investigate without those?"

"They're not pertinent to this case. Besides..." Her paw cupped my groin. "You were always too big for your breeches."

I whimpered, panting to keep my cool as things heated up. "Actually, that's a recent problem."

"Oh?" She nudged me toward the bed. Her paws traced my belt.

"Happens when you're around." I sat down.

"Sounds like something we'd better investigate." One claw hooked in my zipper, pulling it down. Those tan paws of hers, so quick in a fight, undid my belt with steady slowness, like she was trying to get things just right. On her knees, between mine, she unbuttoned the waist of my pants, allowing my heart-print tent to pitch itself right in the open.

Against my better judgement, I placed a paw on her cheek, causing her to look up at me. I cleared my throat, which felt like it had a whole pond's worth of frogs in it. "You sure about this, Rosie? I mean, you didn't seem too eager to rush into anything..." I tried not to think about the feel of her breath through the opening of my boxers. "It took more than a couple theatre tickets to raise the curtain on this. What changed your mind?"

"Time to think." Her paws brushed my thighs. "Time with you." She prowled up my chest, nuzzling my nose. "You want more than just a tie and goodbye."

I blushed, my ears reddening at hearing such carnal language from such a classy gal. I kissed her, soft and on the lips. "You're what I want, Rose. You're one heck of a dog."

"Mmmmm." She licked her lips after the kiss, looking down. Her paws traced toward my tented boxers. "Then maybe it's time I learned some new tricks."

My hips felt the pull of elastic as she tugged my boxers down. One paw held the material aside as the other curled around my cock. There I was: stiffening fast from half-mast, halfway out of my sheath, and watching as Rosie's velvety paw stroked me up and down. A feather touch, unlike my usual firm, business-like pawings alone after a long day. The collie's eyes lit up as she explored my every contour: the little indent at the tip, point below it, the sleek length of my shaft leading to the deep brown of my sheath. Once at the base, she toyed with my cock through the protective layer of fur and skin. Her fingers slid right over where my knot would form, unaware of how sensitive I was there. With care, she began to work the sheath up and down, a smile on her muzzle as I whined aloud.

All this attention had gotten my juices flowing, resulting in a droplet of shiny fluid collecting at my tip. I blushed deeper as I felt it roll down the underside, soaking into the fur of her paw. I wasn't the drippiest dog around, but I didn't know how she'd take my messing up her pelt.

Instead, she just whispered: "You like that, Ace?"

"Uhhhhhhh... I--ummm..." I breathed, head clearing for an instant. "Yes."

"I'm glad." She sniffed her way to my shaft, then kissed the underside. "I like it too."

I shuddered at the cold of her nose bumping my hot tip. Another pulse of fluid dribbled out, trickling onto her nose.

Her eyes crossed on it an instant, then she smiled and wiped it away, squishing the fluid between her paw pads. "Didn't know you were such a drooler, Shamus."

"I may not be Pavlov's dog..." Between her paw around me, her breath washing over me, and those green eyes shining that they wanted me, I clutched at this moment, and the bedsheets, for dear life. "...but you're one belle who has that effect on me."

Her soft paw pads traced up my shaft, slow at first, but gaining speed with my every eager pant.

My hind claws scraped against the soles of my shoes. I drew a shuddering breath.

She eyed my penis, watching every throb and swell. "And who knew you were so sensitive?" That sultry voice teased me just as much as her fingers.

"Yeah..." I whined, eyes closing for a moment. "I'm full of surprises."

Her slim tongue danced over her lips, followed by a swallow as she studied my bone and doggy bag. "Let's see what else you're full of." She licked my tip.

I yipped, squirting another trickle of precum on her coppery fur.

She jerked back, then chuckled and licked me again.

Same result, though this time it squirted on her shirt. Her eyes darted down to where it darkened her blouse, squirming, but gave me a nervous look that said she didn't mind the mess.

Her tongue drew across me in a lazy curl, stimulating all around my veiny shaft. My knot pulsed in her paw.

In spite of all the pleasantries we were exchanging, I had some work to do. First, I tucked my boxers under my balls, freeing her from having to hold the elastic down. Then, taking her unsteady paws in mine, I led her in easing back my sheath, groaning as it slipped over the bulge and bunched up behind it. Cool air and warm fur against my knot made me squirm.

Rosie, for her part, watched in wide-eyed fascination. No doubt she'd gotten straight A's in biology. I'd certainly put her at the top of the class--granted, I'd put her at the top of a lot of things. Always a quick learner, she snapped out of her trance to lavish more tentative attention onto my pride and joy. Quick little licks, coming from the underside, each one making my cock bounce as she cradled it on her tongue. The soft wetness cooled as my shaft bobbed back down, only to be lapped up once more. Her paw, meanwhile, fetched my balls.

Unfortunately, she fetched them too hard.

"Nnngh... Rosie... I know you've always got to have me by the balls, but ya gotta go easy..."

Silky ears drooped. "Sorry, Ace." Her paw eased off. Careful fingers caressed the fur of my sack, as if to apologize further. Her other paw stroked my bone. The soft skin of her paw pads stroked me to new heights of doggy delight.

Wonderful stuff, but I wasn't sure I could take it much longer. "Ooohhhh... Rosie?"

She glanced up, eyes pure collie focus, muzzle pure canine lust, the likes of which I'd never seen from her. My mind whirled like a dizzy Dalmatian's tail.

"Use your paws... umm, on my knot." My hips tensed forward. "I'm really close."

A moment's pause, then she nodded, my cock falling from her muzzle in the process. It bounced against her chin, causing her to blush. Those graceful paws fumbled down and circled my bulge, paw pads dancing cool along my swollen flesh. A vision of where a knot's supposed to go flashed to my mind. I shuddered, my tip drooling more thin drops of liquid onto her shaky paws. Just her touching me like this blew my mind. I leaned back on my hands...

Her fingers squeezed me.

I squeaked.

She barked a laugh. Then squeezed again.

Another squeak from deep in my throat, this time accompanied by a little squirt of precum.

"Oooh." Her grip tightened, now undeterred by my dribbling fluids. "Looks like I've found a new favorite squeaky toy."

"Please, Rosie, keep..."

"Rubbing?" One paw moved up, stroking my shaft.

I panted through gritted teeth, nodding. My paws settled on her head, petting satin fur.

"Squeezing?" Her other paw tightened on my canine bulge.

I yipped as her fingers traced the back of my knot, sending shivers of delight through my body. My balls contracted against my body.

"Licking?" Her tongue swirled around the dripping tip of my cock.

The familiar pulse of pleasure raced up my shaft. "Rosie, I--"

She looked up, that sculpted muzzle smiling wide as she tongued atop her strokes.

I yowled, gripping her ears.

The first blast sprayed inside her muzzle, causing those jade eyes to blink in surprise. She yelped and backed up, causing the second shot to fire along her neck, darkening the collar of her shirt. A third started coating her face, but quick thinking on her part got her muzzle out of the way. Fresh pleasure wracked my body as her paw pads groped and maneuvered my shaft.

"My dog, Ace! Does it ever--" A spurt across her wrists. "--stop--" Another, this time dribbling down her paws. "--coming?" A final dribble as she squinted at my cock, angling it away as if it might go off again.

I collapsed. Panting, doubled over, I stroked her ears. My mind swam in a sea of ecstasy as my tender shaft lay again at the mercy of her lapping tongue. Her nose lay pressed against my knot, twitching as she breathed my scent.

Long after I had passed into afterglow, she slipped from my lap, looking up at me. Paws on my knees, shirt and fur splattered with semen, she grinned. "How was that, Ace?"

I fell back on the bed.

She crawled up beside me, wiping my sperm from her fur with damp paws. "I'll take that as 'quite well.'"

I lay, half off the bed, pants open, and in her arms. As my erection wilted, retreating to its home, I stroked a paw along her arm, happier than any dog in the world.

She sat, wiping at the evidence with an idle paw.

Sidling my legs onto the bed, I guided her down beside me and took her in my arms. "Sorry about the mess."

"I've had worse." Her muzzle draped across mine. "I'm not used to them spurting like that."

"What are you used to them doing?" I nibbled at the base of her ear. The still-exposed tip of my shaft poked her in the hip.

She laughed, pressing against it. "Waggling around, mostly."

"A common sight on the job?" My boxers snapped back in place. I winced.

"More than you'd think. And the Mayor holds meetings in...interesting locations."

I stifled a growl. "His pants better not be one of them."

"Nothing like that!" Her finger trailed through the fur of my chest. "I've had to break into his staff meetings down at Kibbles n' Bits, though."

"I know he courts the swing vote, but I didn't know he swung that way."

Rosie shrugged. "At least the food's better there than at the Scratching Post."

"Stuck around for a sausage?"

She turned, her forehead touching mine. "I've already got all the hotdog I can handle here." A paw on my crotch. "Or was it here?"

"Augh! The cold paw of the law!"

Jumping a little, she relaxed and gave me a light petting. "Would you prefer the cold nose?" Said nose nuzzled into the fur of my neck.

"So long as it's followed by the warm tongue." I licked her cheek.

"Ace Hart, you're a real piece of work."

"I really feel safer knowing the long arm of the law is attached to such a pretty paw." I kissed it.

Her paws drew back and rubbed together. The collie gave me a sheepish grin. "I should really go clean up." She rose, making for the door.

"Aren't you forgettin' something, Rosie?" I zipped up my pants.

Straightening, she glanced over herself and me. "I don't think so."

I got up, got behind her, and ran my paws down her sides. I licked her neck as they trailed into unfamiliar territory, working along the insides of her thighs.

The collie leaned against me. "Mmmmm, I think I need to forget this more often." Her scent teased my nose.

Taking a gamble, I slipped a paw between her legs, rubbing the front of her pinstripe trousers. Heat soaked my paw pads.

She squirmed at first, then flexed her hips forward. A soft whine of desire.

Emboldened by this reaction, I kept up the pressure with one paw, while the other gave her a belly rub.

A thin whimper escaped her lips as those sleek paws settled on mine. I thought she might object to my taking liberties, but she only pressed harder.

Not to keep a lady waiting, I unzipped her pants with what I hoped was seductive slowness. I explored the smooth fabric of her panties, a tan matching her pelt. I hooked a finger in the waistband, feeling her silkiest fur. The rest of my paw followed. Moisture and heat awaited me as I felt her coat thin out. My paw pads touched bare flesh.

She gasped. Her tail beat between my legs like a fluffy auburn pillow.

With only my fondness for gentledog's magazines leading the way, I decided to press on. Not to mention in. Soft and yielding against my digits, her lips parted, bathing two of my fingers in delicious warmth. I knew enough to be careful, simply rolling my fingertips back and forth as she got used to me there.

"Oohhhhhhhh..." Rosie's head lolled back, her body relaxing against mine.

My left paw found its way under her shirt and into the fur of her stomach. I always knew she had a pelt under all that poise and policedog professionalism, but I never expected this much fur. My claws scritched through it to her taut stomach, tracing along the skin. I even traveled north a bit, but refrained from copping a feel of my favorite cop. Instead, I extended my scritch radius to include her ribs.

She whined and lifted her paws, begging for more. "Oh Ace... Oh..."

"Want me to keep goin', babe?" My muzzle brushed hers.


"Spread your legs a little. There we go." I pushed deeper, meeting resistance. More wetness too, which began to soak the fur of my digits. Back out, then in again, getting a little further this time.

"Keep... Yes, please Ace... Oh..."

An experimental scritch to her belly, which I found made her whole body relax, including where I was working. I slid in to the second knuckle, then felt her muscles putting the squeeze on me again. "Easy, Rosie. Ya just gotta relax and let me do the work. Capeesh?"

"C-capisco." She panted, easing up on me.

I chuckled over her shoulder. As a PI in a mafia town, plenty of the dogs I fingered spoke Italian, but this was ridiculous. I delved deeper into the issue at paw. Working toward my third knuckle, I bumped the top of Rosie's slit, causing her to squeak. Those vaginal muscles clamped down on me like a pair of cuffs. A breath later, she unclenched, letting me work in and out of her. I watched the fabric of her panties stretch around my knuckles as my fingers worked in and out of her with soft, wet noises.

Rosie wanted it bad. Her hips made little jerking movements forward, trying to get further onto my fingers. Those velvet ears lay down, paws clenched into fists as she whimpered for more. She swayed, grinding against me. Her rump pressed against my still-tender cock, rolling it back and forth in its sheath.

I pushed down her pants with my free paw, giving me more room, then redoubled my belly-rub efforts. In the process, my right palm grazed her clit, drawing another shiver across her tense frame. I started including that perky little nub in my routine. The results didn't disappoint.

"Uhhhhh! Ooohhhh Ace! Hah!" The pretty collie in my arms panted, paws up, belly presented and hips pressing down against my hand.

I rubbed faster, stroked deeper, scritched harder. Thank goodness I learned to rub my head and pat my belly at the same time as a pup. It wasn't easy to stay standing like that. With dogged determination, I continued until...

"Aaaaaace! Oooohhhhhhhh!"

Rosie stiffened in my arms. A howl of pleasure as her passage tightened on my fingers. Trusting my gut, I wiggled my fingers. Her yowling sharpened as she gripped my forearms. She pressed against my paw so hard I thought my shoulder was having a moving sale. At last, she collapsed, panting, every shred of energy spent on pleasure.

I wagged with pride as I kept her from toppling over. My paw left her pants and settled over her heart. Her pulse thundered against my palm. The scent of her hung thick in the air. I wanted to investigate, rub my nose in the mess I'd made, but, for Rosie's sake, I held off. Instead, I helped her back to the bed.

She ended up laid across the whole pillow, but my head found its way to her chest. As her heartbeat slowed against my ear, her breath a soft rise and fall, I knew I was one lucky dog. Light from the hallway draped over her body. The tarnished brass of the bed frame couldn't compete with the rich auburns and delicate whites of her pelt. Dim light erased what little pattern hadn't faded from the wallpaper, leaving this beautiful collie to stand out even more. My mind worked the situation over like a new bone.

The chief didn't seem as winded by my efforts as I'd been by hers. So a question I'd bottled up the last few days came pouring out: "So you ready to tell me how a knockout like you ends up waiting this long to find a guy? You must have studs lined up down the block."

A flick of her ears. "I could ask you the same question."

"Why pound studs when I could go for Rosie the Riveter?"

"If you want to trade quips, we can." She flashed her pointy little teeth, her tone grilling me like a steak. "Or you could give me the facts."

"I'm a lone dog private eye, born and bred. It's the only thing I'm good at, and a certain adoptive father of mine taught me dames who hire PI's come with more baggage than a Pullman car."

"Not to mention boyfriends the size of a locomotive."

"To continue my train of thought, I just never made the connection, at least until you punched my ticket."

"I've punched more than that." Her paw traced my jawline, a quiver of apology in her voice.

"Eh, I probably deserved it."

"Probably." She kissed the cheek she'd caught with a left-hook a few years back. "But you did get that kiss at last."

"With interest." My paw took a dog walk across the fabric covering her shoulder. "But I'm more interested in knowing your reason for waitin' so long."

"I was a bookworm as a pup. The first guy who showed any interest in me framed me for larceny. Daddy lost his shot at being chief because of it. After that, I devoted almost every waking hour to getting appointed chief of police myself."

"Tough kibble for a gal just cuttin' her teeth in the world."

"You'd be surprised how far good civil service exams and dogged persistence will get you."

"Pity I didn't get to see you in your blues, Rosie. You were an inspector or somethin' when I saw ya digging through the stacks at headquarters."

"I'm surprised you picked up my scent."

"I've got a weakness for a gal with a badge. Plus, I nabbed some papers from ya."


"Kidding! Sheesh, even I know not to confess before the statute of limitations runs out." I stroked her tail. Her fur sang like Afghan silk against my drying paw pads. "...Is this going to last?"

Her contentment faded into thought. "Things will have to change when we get out of here." Her muzzle lowered, settling to the pillow as her eyes closed. "This can't interfere with work."

My heart sank someplace colder than a malamute's nose. "So we'll keep things professional when we're sniffin' out the same crook."

She chucked, paws against my chest. "Since when are you professional about your cases?"

I drew her close, taking shelter in the doghouse of our familiar repartee. "Since dogs started paying me."

"You really need to raise your rates." The collie edged closer to me, and I found myself thinking more of raised tails than rates.

I lifted a leg over hers. "What, and risk ya running off to a cheaper private eye?"

A sigh of contentment from that sculpted muzzle. "I think you'll find I'm a loyal customer."

We lay on the sheets, savoring each other's scent and touch, as I tried my best to scrawl this memory into the notebook of my heart.

~ ~ ~

Edits: Slate, Darkdragon452, SillyNeko345, Vendetta, TheFunkyOne, Shiv-kun, Don46, Huskyteer

Art: :iconSlatedragon:

Sit. Read. Speak. :D


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