Early Birds: Halloween Special

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Hm, still looking back (which is great) learnt, NEVER TO MAKE SOUND EFFECTS IN STORIES UNLESS IT'S PLAYS!

And some other things which I have fixed in the future. ^^

Secret Journal Entry 2: "Well I'm going to school this Monday since Curious and I was suspended for bullying Arcc. That's what they think ^_^. I also had a good time staying home because now when I see Curious, I can get even hornier thanks to Kenny the other day which I figured he probably tattled on. Tomorrow is Halloween and I figured I should go trick or treating with Curious and see what it would be like to be with a friend. Hopefully I'll have a good time (: but still got to find a costume."

Sincerely Yours,

Austin Fox

The Conversation

Since Tae got suspended, he began to be impatient with himself, as him and Curious being separated. But he couldn't wait till Monday when he goes back to school and do everything with his best friend. While Tae gets prepared for bed for school tomorrow he gets a phone call from Curious telling about tomorrow.

Tae: "Hello"

Curious: "Hey Tae, I got my costume, what did you get?"

Tae: *giggles* you going to have to wait and see tomorrow."

Curious: Aww man, But don't forget, we can wear costumes tomorrow."

Tae: "Ok ok, I won't forget, but I got to go get ready for bed."

Curious: "Ok Tae, See you later."

Tae: "Hold up, I got to ask you something."

Curious: "What is it?"

Tae: "Well since us, you know, umm am I your boyfriend now."

Curious: *giggles* Well I have to speak about that with you later, Goodnight."

Tae: "Goodnight... Cutie?" Hangs up the phone

Tae turned off his light and hopped on the bed, just thinking about if Curious said yes. How would this affect him if they were caught? Tae just sleep thinking about tomorrow especially Halloween.

Home Daze

Since Tae well, destroyed his alarm clock, his little sister has to come in his room and wakes him up. *Throws water on Tae's face*." "What the.." Tae got up quickly off his bed and face planted on the floor.

"Ha-ha, you been tricked." Giggled his annoying sister Destiny who runs out the room, while Tae get up from the floor.

"MOM, Destiny throw water on my face." Yelled Tae to his mom. "Tae calm down, it was just a prank." Said his mom who handed him his Halloween costume. "Hurry up and go wash you face, and brush your teeth so you can eat." Said Tae's mom who walked down the stairs. Of course Tae's mom wouldn't yell at her, the only thing she'll do is tell her to stop. Tae shook his head and went to the bathroom door to get ready for school.

*Knock on the door* "Who in here" The kit said as he hears a fapping sound starts to fade away. Air spray was sprayed and the toilet was flush before the door got opened. Out came, No one. "What the." Tae said as he looked all around the bathroom. "I guess it was the vents." The kit said as he began brushing his teeth. Tae began to wash his face and was holding his toothbrush. He opened the mirror to find the toothpaste. He closed it and saw an otter get ready to jump on him from the mirror.

"*screams*No" He turned around quickly to find no one there. "What was that about?" Tae said feeling a little wetness coming from his undies. "Oh no, I did not." He looked down at his undies and found no wetness but did find that when he turned around his butt was in the sink with water. "Aw man, now I got to change undies too." Tae said as he took off his briefs and rung it up and hung it on the shower pole.

Tae quickly ran towards his room and shut the door before anyone sees him. "That was close, now time to get dress." The fox said while holding his costume. "I bet Curious going to love this." Said Tae who put on the costume and shoes and grab his backpack and phone and go downstairs. Tae went ate breakfast quickly and there you know it the bus.

"Have a nice day at school and remember, come home cause you taking Kenny with you." Tae's Mom said kissing him on the forehead. "Ok mom." Tae said sarcastically but happy cause now Curious can see Kenny for himself. Tae got on the bus to see furdents in costumes. Some dress as wrestlers, superheroes, policeman and other animals.

The Otter

"Tae, other here" Said Curious waving his hand in the 3 seat chair in the middle of the bus. "Hey Tae" Both of Curious and Arcc said while smiling at Tae. "Hey guys, I like your costumes." "Thanks, yours too" The trio said at the same time. Tae was wearing a (Ash Ketchum) costume while Arcc was wearing an elf costume and Curious was wearing a Girl Scout dress.

"Um, Curious, you do realize you wearing a girl dress right." Said Tae blushing at Curious look of appearance. He couldn't stop staring at the skirt and his undies were showing while he had his legs open. "I know, that's why my name Curious." Curious and Tae began giggling. Then Tae look at Arcc, who was smiling gently and began blushing when Tae rubbed his legs.

"I got a surprise for you later." Tae said as he winked at Curious. "He's coming with us?" Curious ask. "We can ask his parents if he can. Besides, we can say we sorry and make it up towards him." The fox said mischievous. "And your cousin coming too right?" Curious asked. Tae nodded and the three began chatting until they arrived at school.

"Remember Arcc, meet us at the office when the bell rang and we can wait for your parents." Tae said towards Arcc. "Ok guys, what's the surprise anyway? Arcc ask in a cute childish voice. "You'll see." As the three walked in the building and walk Arcc to class. "See you later guys." Arcc said hugging the two cubs and entered the classroom.

"That kid is too adorable" Said Curious as both Tae and Curious began to talk while walking to class. "Hey did you ever thi." Tae sentence was cut short after he bumped into the school janitor. "Watch where you going you dumbass." Said the janitor mopping the hallway. The janitor was an otter, he was mean and all the kids say he's a monster or a rapist. "Sorry sir" Tae said sarcastically as he and Curious walked around him." "Yea, you better be." The otter janitor said continues mopping.

As they walked around Tae couldn't stop staring at the janitor as if he was the one that was in the mirror. Tae continue to stare and then the janitor looks directly at Tae and showed off his fangs while his eyes rolled back of his head. Tae turned around quickly, grabbed Curious arm and ran away to their class door.

"What was that for Tae?" Asked the neatly dressed ferret. "The janitors a monster, I think he's a vampire." Tae said scared. "*giggles* More like ass if you ask me." Curious said as they entered the classroom. They class got quiet after they entered. Either they were staring at Curious dress or they were staring because of the fight last week.

As Tae and Curious sits down, the hyena that Tae beat up blurted out "Fags" which made half of the room laugh. Then the other side blurted out "That fag beat you up" which made the entire room laugh and oh'd.

The hyena just turned around and didn't say anything else. Mr. King came in and began his boring lesson.

Everyone took out there binders and homework while Tae whispered to Curious. "*whisper* Psst, Curious, I was serious about the janitor, he seem out of the ordinary." Tae whispered. "*whisper* Look, if you think that, why don't we just make him our last house to get candy from." Curious whispered. Tae agreed and began writing notes. He stared to look at the clock on the wall and began being bored.

Candy Time

After 6 hours of torturing of lessons, the final bell rang and all of the kids went on to go get there trick or treating on. Tae & Curious was waiting for Arcc to get out the classroom and meet them at the office. Finally Arcc came running down the hall saying that his parents are out front. "Ok let's go talk to them." As Arcc, Tae, and Curious walked out the building door, Arcc's mom beeps her car horn telling where she was. Arcc told his mommy that he wanted to trick or treat with them and Tae and Curious were very sorry for what they did and wanted to make it up to Arcc.

"Ok, I trust you with my son, but I'll pick him up at 8 p.m. on the dot, give me your address and phone number just in case." Arcc's mommy said. So Tae gave her the info and she asked did they want to ride towards Tae home and they said yes. Inside the car the mom asked what the rule to trick or treating by themselves is. They answered, No wandering off, remember hold hands, never talk to strangers and always stay close.

They arrive at the home and Arcc's mom got out introducing herself towards Tae's mom and telling her what they doing. They both agreed and let them go trick or treating by themselves. As they waits for Kenny to arrive the decided to go on this neighborhood and get some candy. They arrive back at the house 5 minutes later and Kenny's there.

"Hi Twae." Kenny said as he licking a sucker. He was wearing a cowboy costume which actually looked cute on him. Tae introduce Kenny to Curious and Arcc which made both blush but Arcc even more. "*whisper in Arcc's ear* Kenny is you gift, you can do him like we did you" Tae said and Arcc giggled. They headed out for the door and what do you know, trick or treaters are everywhere.

They headed out the door and began getting the candy on. They went all around the blocks, corners, and other neighborhoods to get candy. It was 6:30 p.m. and they already got enough candy to last a month.

The Janitor's Home

It was the last house they are going too. Curious wanted to prove Tae that the otter janitor is not a vampire. Well, Curious is losing his bet already. They saw his house and it looked like a slaughterhouse. The grass was all bushy, the windows were crooked and the doors look rusty. It looks like an old abandon building. "See, this house is creepy, let's leave now." Tae said frightened. "Come on you big baby, Arcc and Kenny are not even scared." Curious said as he grabbed Tae's arm and Arcc's while Arcc holding on onto Kenny.

They slowly walk pass the atomic bomb testing yard. As they made it to the door, Tae began to shiver already. Curious knocked on the door and yelled trick or treat which made Kenny and Arcc say it also. No answer. Curious knocked even harder. Still no answer. Tae look at the window and saw someone stick they head out. He yelped.

"I just seen someone head thru the window, let's go." Tae said trying to pull Curious away. "That just makes me want to do it some more." Curious said pounding the door like it's the police. As he banged it the last time, the door came open and creaked while it did. "*pouts* Come on lets go in." Curious said bold.

"WHA, you must be out of your.." Tae sentence was cut short when Curious kiss him. "Now, let's get our candy and get home for the excitement." Curious said pulling everyone in the house.

The house was dark and mysterious. Once they all got in the door shut by itself and automatically locked them in. They ran towards the door but it wouldn't open. They went towards the windows but it was seal shut. So now they in a dark home with no light. "We are going to die." Tae began to cry as so did Kenny and Arcc. Curious was looking well curious towards a light switch at.

"Tae hand me your cell phone." Tae stop crying and hand handed Curious the phone. He flipped the switch up and looks around the wall for a light switch. He continues searching for one until he flashed the light at the object and made him drop the phone. When he pick back up the phone he notice that he was naked and the other were behind him also naked.

(Evil laughs echoes). The group even Curious began to tremble and yell as they were being watched. (Laugh comes closer). Curious flash the phone to where the sound coming from. (Laugh is even closer). The noise is right in there face.

As Curious keeps the phone light he notices no one made any more noise. So he flashes the phone behind and side to side but no one was there. As soon as Curious turn back to the front he is attacked and becomes unconscious.

Vampire Sex Slaves

Curious woke up and found that he is tied up in rope on his arm and legs and is hung on the wall while he sees Arcc, Tae, Kenny waking up. What the hell is going on? Tae screamed as he starts to fully awake. All of them is tied to rope and is hung on the wall naked. As they regain consciousness they yell to get anyone to free them out of this predicament. Footsteps are coming, as they keep yelling thinking it's someone that will save them. As the person entered, everyone gasped.

It was the otter janitor; he was the one who doing all of this. "Lets us go and what are you" Yelled Curious. "Ah ah ah, kids, you guys are not getting out and I'm a vampire." The Vampire janitor said with an evil laugh. "Please Mr. Otter, let us go." Said Arcc beginning to cry.

"The names Count Rokuke, and y'all asses are mine when I say so, speaking of asses." Count Ro said as he walks over to Kenny. "Your ass is cute; even if you're a baby I'm going to still enjoy it." Count said as he begins to nibble on Kenny. "Leave my cousin alone, you jerk." Yelled Tae. (Count smacks Tae)"Shut up or I'll bite your head off." Said The Count as he made Tae cry and continue tongue kissing Kenny.

Kenny began to get a hard on and the Count notice he likes it. (smacks ass)"You like it don't you; I'll get you something more to like." Count says as he cuts down Kenny and pulls his pants zipper down. The Otter vampire took out his super big dick and shoved it in Kenny's mouth. Kenny was crying and was choking from the size of the thing. The count fingers the fox while getting sucked. He notices all the cubs getting hard-ons.

"Don't worry bitches, you'll have you're turn." The Otter kept fingering the fox and humping his mouth. The otter cummed green slime which made Kenny choked off from and it was in his face. The otter dick was still hard and he wanted more. He turned Kenny over, lifted his butt in the air and Kenny shouted for help.

"Ow, that hurts, stop." Kenny pleaded but the otter kept going. He didn't stop nor went slow. He went fast and kept up the pace. At this moment, all they could do was watch and patronize but in fact Tae and Curious thought of what it would feel like with those things inside them. So they kept watch but Arcc was weeping as he knew he was going to be next.

Kenny kept crying and felt like he was going to explode so the vampire did missionary position which made Kenny who body turn red. As Count Rokuke gave it his last push, green slime splatted inside of Kenny and outside of Kenny. Kenny fainted and the count pushes him off his dick. Alright I'm still horny, which bitch is next.

So he looks at Arcc. Arcc is frightened to death. He tries to cover his mouth but the Count force his tongue inside. Arcc was useless at will, he couldn't fight it, and so the vampire cut him down from the bondage and gave him a taste of dick. Arcc muffled loudly and tries to bite it so he can stop, but the Vampire dick is to strong to be bitten.

"Want to bite huh, just for that no cum in your mouth and I'm just going to skip to ass" The Vampire said as he takes his dick out of Arcc's mouth and slapped him with it. He picks up Arcc ass first and shoved his whole dick inside raw. Arcc screamed for his mommy and daddy. He wanted to go home so bad but he can't. He begins to cry again.

"Crying just makes me hornier" The Count said as he goes really fast. Arcc felt pain on every thrust he takes. He can't keep it up. Arcc shoots loads of precum on the floor and on the counts shoes. The Count then fills his butt up with his on special cum which made Arcc pass out and he threw him on top of Kenny.

"Hmmm, see as though its two left guess I'll have to do you both." The Count walked over towards Curious and Tae. "As for you put sum underwear on next time." He told Tae. He began rubbing their dicks and kissing both each. They both moan at the same time. The Count cuts both down and stood up as what there master going to tell them what to do next. "I'll just do both of you pussies." So the otter began a chant which made him grow a second dick which is the same as the first. "Now both of you start sucking now."

The count demanded. The two cubs got on their knees and started sucking without no backing ups. There the first ones to actually make the Vampire moan. As he moans they look eye to eye as if this is there last time seeing each other again. He grabs both of their heads and shoves it back and forth. The two cubs know they can't handle it but they want some of that cummed. The dick was too much for them and they began choking.

The Otter cummed inside their mouth and faces. As they cough and tasted the cum, they like the flavor of it. They want more. So both bend over and waits for their master to fuck them. The otter slaps both of their fat asses and told them to get up on top of each other but they better not put the dick in the ass. So Tae got on top of Curious. Which both look like totem poles, the vampire began to put both of his enormous cocks inside the cubs.

The cubs howled then wolves at night. The pleasure of the feeling of being fucked by the same dicks feels enchanting. The Otter took it slow for these two, as he wants to remember this. The otter was now going medium which made Tae and Curious moan louder than ever. Than the otter now went fast as he want to get this over with. He wanted these boys to feel this in the morning. Tae and Curious was in heaven. Being with Arcc and Kenny was another thing, but being fucked by a vampire is awesome. The vampire couldn't take it no more, he had to cum inside. So he launches his biggest amount of green slime cum inside the cubs and the cubs were unconscious. Then he threw those two with the other pile.

What Happen

As Tae and the others gain consciousness, all of them where on Tae's couch and they were home, wearing their costumes, have their candies, and got Tae's cellphone. "What happen?" Curious ask soothingly. "I don't know, the only thing I remembered was we went trick or treating and we tried to go to the janitor's home but no one answered." Tae stated as he got up from the couch

"Why does my butt hurt and what's that taste in my mouth?" Tae asked as Curious and Arcc agreeded. Kenny was asleep sucking on his thumbs. Tae looked at his phone. "Its 8:00 p.m." said Tae as he sees Arcc's Mom pulled up. "Arcc your mom is here." Said Tae as he opened the door for Arcc.

"Thanks guys, Curious you need a ride home." As Arcc gets his candy. "Sure, I'll text you when I get in the house." Curious said as him and Arcc are leaving. Kenny parents and Tae mom and sister walk in and sit and chat. Kenny and his parents left.

Tae mom didn't feel like cooking so she ordered pizza. After pizza Tae went to take his bath, which he discovered green stuff was dripping from inside him. He licks it and it tasted like candy. So after his bath he put on his pajamas and went to bed. But before that he texted Curious to ask him the question.

Tae: Curious, you never answered my ? >> *Message Sent*

Curious: << About us being bf's? *Received*

Tae: Yea ^_^ >> *Message Sent

Curious: << Do u wanna be? *Received*

Tae: Sure (: >> *Message Sent*

Curious: <<Than it's settle, I got me a bf *giggles* I'm tired, see you 2morrow >> *Received*

Tae: OK, I <3 u? >> *Message Sent*

Curious: <<I <3 u 2*Received* Bye babe

Tae has a boyfriend, wow, he couldn't believe it. Now he can sleep tonight in peace. *Turns around* "Boo" The vampire says and starts yiffing Tae *SCREAMS*


Bonus Material:

Arcc & Kenny

Arcc: So how old are you Kenny:

2 Arcc: Oh, you know your cute right?

Kenny: Thanks Awcc: I like your costume

Kenny: If we gowing to do the game, then give me candy.

Arcc: Game?

Kenny: The game when you'z touch my pee pee but im not suppose to tell no one

Early Birds III

Secret Journal Entry 1: "Normally, when you get suspended from school, you don't usually get special treatments. I'm not talking about parents, or siblings. But as for me, I got a very special treatment when my baby cousin Kenny came over. Turns out;...

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Early Birds II

Just another boring day in school, teachers yelling, students playing and bullying, and lessons just want to make you kill yourself.... Well not for Tae and Curious they wasn't, for you see they both had a lesson in sex, And they both pass with no...

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Early Birds

As the sun rises up in a beautiful morning, the birds are chirping, the bees are buzzing, and the light slowly lift its golden gloom it seems like the perfect natural day. As the sun pushes it light towards a home and in the drifty room the alarm clock...

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