Down the Glory Hole

Story by Kaijou on SoFurry

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A story I decided to put out there, over an idea a friend put to me, regarding vorish night-clubs.

Here we see a youthful Teio finding out about this curious and potentially dangerous sub-culture in a very round-about way.

In later installments, we may see just how deep the glory hole goes. :9

Name used ironically. Shut up. >:C

Down the Glory Hole. © Tsumi Moogle '11 Characters © Their owners.

He wasn't much of a morning person. His eye-lids struggling to stay lifted, as his eyes held his cup in a slipping and regaining focus. The soft vibrations of the subway smoothly snaking its way through the bowels of the city were his enemy, mercifully beaten back by the slightly jarring, audible clack of changing tracks every few hundred yards and subsequent flickering of the lights. With a shift of his shoulders beneath his jacket, the Lapine turned his ruby gaze from the steaming cup, to the window as the endless darkness of the tunnels abated into the faint light of early dawn. The sun hadn't quite cracked the horizon, but the blooming, pale green and blue was starting to inch into the darkness, whilst one by one, the stars extinguished. The view certainly made the ride worth-while, bringing a smile to his lips as he watched the numerous apartment buildings and complexes rushing past, each an inky blot dancing past the morning sky.

Turning his eyes back to his watch, the Lapine sighed for the digital face reading clearly '6:10 AM'. He couldn't wait until he was finished with his schooling. With the need to travel half-way across the city. At least his morning trips were mostly empty. Indeed, most every stop let in one, maybe two people at best, all bleary eyed and nursing their own choice of fuel for the morning. Speaking of, the warmth of his and his idling thoughts had drawn him into a slight nodding doze, only to give another start as the carriage rattled once more over another intersection. 'Damnit!' Teio cursed, for his jerk had spilled a measure of scalding coffee over the knee of one of his legs. Spill-resistant lids be damned. Still, it had certainly worked well in startling him awake. The rush leaving him a little dazed by his own clarity, before the train came to its next halt.

Jennings station. It was always busy, for the rather crowded, cheaper accommodations there. Not to say it was a bad suburb, just that 'it housed a lot of bad people.' As Teio's father would have said with a grim look. The Rabbit watched, still wincing as he hunted in his bag for a cloth to clean off his coffee-doused knee with as figures stepped onto the train; sitting down on the cool plastic with the tell-tale creak of well-worn fittings, and the thumping of bags being callously tossed into storage bays. Before the doors shut with a hydraulic hiss, a last set of heavy footsteps caught the Lapine's lop-eared attention, and for a moment, he lifted his ruby eyes over the thick boots of someone large. Thick, well-loved looking dark pants bloused into the tops of the boots, with a tan-coloured tail flicking behind them. A Cougar, by best guess. Hesitating in lifting his gaze all the way, as the boots were pointed at him, Teio finished mopping what he could of his marred jeans-leg and turned his gaze to regard the passing scenery again. It was several moments, with the train starting to pick up speed again, before the large boots tromped the figure down a small ways before sitting.

Swallowing faintly and adjusting his glasses, the Rabbit put the wad of sodden tissues aside, and gingerly fished his phone from his pocket. Trying his best to keep subtle, he mimed motions of checking several things on it, whilst slowly turning the reflective screen. It took him a couple of moments to get his barings with the reflection, but soon enough found the figure in it. It was a cougar, alright. He was probably well into the 6' region, from the Lapine's best guess. Broad, slightly padded, for the roundness to his cheeks and hands. The rest of him was covered under a rather more pricey jacket, that Teio certainly wouldn't have expected from an area like Jennings. His face was, Teio could admit, handsome. The softness in the cheeks made for a curious contrast from the sharper accents of the cougar's face, in particular; the solid jaw, and dark muzzle lines connecting muzzle-bridge and lips. Any notion of softer contrast that the Cougar had though, was lost, as Teio found the large male's eyes. They'd caught him for the briefest of glimpses, before the Lapine turned his phone, hoping he was convincing in his act of ignorance. Not even considering looking back, he locked his phone and pocketed it again, tapping his foot. Icy blue, those eyes were. Icy blue, and lightly hidden under the hint of a grin.

It was ten minutes, at best, from Jennings to the underground Central station. Though, for the Lapine, who was rather sure he'd been busted spying and was subsequently fighting down a blush, it had never felt longer. Every building that rushed by, he was sure he'd seen already go by that morning at least several times, as though he was stuck in some kind of groundhog day. At long last, the train pulled into the final station, with a crackly droning over the ancient PA system of the train's termination. Without missing a beat, the rabbit stood, and made for the door, rigid backed and heart pounding. The cool morning air had an unpleasant bite to it, even in the high-roofed underground. The smell of coffee, fresh news-papers and the smell of porcelain breaks thick through the aged station. Not keen to savour a moment of it, lest the figure approach him, Teio made a bee-line for a bathroom to collect himself.

The heavy, dark-green door swung open to his insistence, and he hurried into a stall mid-way down, closing the door behind him and locking it. The tiles along the stall were plain, white, chipped and cracked. Decades of washed graffiti, abuse and attempts at restoration evident beneath the freshest layers of sharpie illustrating intricate names, phone-numbers, or the odd rhyme with attention to detail of bodily functions. Taking a wincing breath of the stale air of the bathroom, the Rabbit sighed, shivering faintly and unzipping his pants, the leg was certainly stained for good... Gods that had been a dumb idea. What on earth had he been thinking, trying to catch a look at the figure like that? Well, certainly they seemed to have been watching him, first. Maybe they had been stretching, and just thought him some kind of pervert, or nosing busybody. But they had smirked... Shaking his head to clear it of the raging voices trying to puzzle out what had happened, he tried his best to relax, and finish his business. He would just go back outside, head to his next station, and never see the cougar again. It was just an accident. At least he'd thought to bring his book to read- ...Oh shit.

With a press of the flush-button, and a quick zip of his pants, the Lapine opened his door to hurry for the train he'd vacated. In his anxiety to leave, he'd left the book-bag on the floor. All his text-books, note books, his wallet..! His heart pounded in his chest and he gave a yelp as he found the train pulling away speedily from the station, on its next journey for the day. Panting again, the Rabbit swallowed, feeling his stomach drop. Certainly they would return it to him.. It had his information in it. But how long would it take?

'Scuse me.' Rumbled a deep voice from behind the Rabbit. Blinking, Teio turned, gasping in shock as the rather hulking form of the Cougar stood, regarding him with those piercing blue eyes. '...You fergot somethin' on the train, kid.' He lifted Teio's bag. The Rabbit, for several moments, was unable to respond, as several emotions clashed inside him. Relief, shock, terror, caution, embarrassment. 'O-Oh. Th-Thanks.' He mumbled with a hesitant swallow, reaching some for the bag. It was lowered easily, and pressed into the Rabbit's arms, and then pressed back. Teio squeaked his confusion, starting to walk backwards, as the Cougar began directing him with a rather casual smirk. The feel of icy bricks pressed against the Rabbit's back, as he found himself directed into a small nook, rather out-of sight for the Cougar's large form overshadowing him. '...Next time, you'll want to be a little more subtle, catching an eyeful, kid.' He growled lowly, smirking as the little Lapine's cheeks burnt red. Teio began anxiously shaking his head, spluttering and choking on his words, trying to say that he hadn't been anything of the sort. The words died in his throat though, as the large tan male ruffled his hair, and walked off, his sharp eyes trailing back over his shoulder, until he vanished into a group of people. Shaking faintly and swallowing, the Rabbit hugged his bag to him, legs trembling...

The week progressed steadily, with school seeming all but a blur for the rabbit, before fighting against the afternoon tide of commuters to get him, always pinned into his seat by half a dozen bodies standing over him, making things exceedingly difficult, come his stop. The mornings though, always silent as could be, had found a new pattern emerging. With Teio's eyes lifting to regard the people from Jennings, every morning. And every time, there he was. The Cougar. The grin broad on his face, and those eyes holding him easily, until the large feline gave a simple nod before he moved to sit down. Try as he might, Teio found he couldn't help but looking at the Cougar, swallowing faintly and flicking his ruby eyes aside, time and again, as though afraid the large male would catch him staring, proper. He certainly couldn't help, for his flickering gaze, the way the Cougar had seemed to relax around him. His straight-backed nature had seemed to ease into a relaxed slump as the week passed, seeming to grow more comfortable, more aware that someone was eying him, than he let on. Neither, could Teio help noticing, was the trailing of the Cougar's tongue along his soft lips, that made him shiver all the more. He could just imagine what was going on through the Male's mind at those times..

Almost a fortnight since their first encounter, the Albino bunny realized that the Cougar was, with each day, seeming to sit a little closer. With each trip, he sat several inches nearer the Rabbit, would hold his gaze just a moment longer in passing, or not bother to restrain those languid lip-licks of his. One broad arm would rest along the top of the seat, until his fingertips were bare inches from the Rabbit's head. The sound of the train rattling over the rails made the rabbit instinctively jump. The lights flickered in their familiar manner, before all at once, they suddenly went out and the train began to coaster to a stop. Blinking in the pitch black gloom, the rabbit looked around, shivering slowly, before the crackly voice sprang of the PA sprang to life over the rustling sounds of people moving confusedly in their chairs. 'Sorry about that, folks. Just a little hitch in the wires. We'll have to sit for a little, before I can start the train back up. Shouldn't be more than a few minutes. Please, for your own safety, stay in your seats, and try not to move about.' Through a few exasperated groans and mutters of 'I'm going to be late!' from the other end of the carriage, Teio paused, hearing the creak of the well-supported plastic seats beside him. He became rather aware of a bodily warmth, and a tangy, musky-sweet cologne that he recognized from the Cougar's passes in the morning.

'How're you holding up, kid?' Growled the male's voice right in his ear, making Teio jump with a squeak of fright. The Rabbit looked to his side, but couldn't see his own nose infront of his face, let-alone the face of the Male he knew was there. 'F-fine. I'm fine!' Squeaked the Bunny, shivering like a leaf in a hurricane, before he felt the broad hand of the Feline easing along behind his back, to grasp his shoulder, and draw him against the large frame. 'You sure..? Feels like you're cold or somethin'.' Rumbled the Cougar. Even for the gloom, Teio could imagine the grin plastered from ear to ear on the immense male's face. 'Y-yes..! It's.. you! Y-you're-' Started the Rabbit hesitantly, shocked by his own gall in calling the cougar out. 'Toying with you. That's right.' Growled the cougar, his lips less than an inch from the Lapine's ear. His hot breath tickled the fine fur there, making Teio's fur raise. '...I've been keeping an eye on you, these past couple weeks, you know. And I know you've been watching me. Smart move, smart move...' The Lapine gulped gently, put off by the almost smarmy tone in the Feline's voice, trying to imagine where he was going with it.. 'These trains aren't safe, after all.' Continued the Cougar. 'Loonies all over the place, Thieves, Muggers... Predators.' His voice dropped lower, so he was almost whispering.

He had reached his point; his topic; his target. Teio trembled, able to easily feel the broad hand on his shoulder flexing, the pricks of claw-tips making faint creaking noises on the fabric of his shirt. 'Predators..?' He managed to whimper out, voice hoarse with fear. 'Oh yes. Someone large, and determined.. and Hungry.' Growled the cougar. As if on cue, there was a faint and ominous gurgling from somewhere below the source of the feline's voice. 'Just waiting for some cute, innocent little thing to travel the train, alone, and unawares... And lost in the dark.' The Rabbit's breathing was almost hyperventilation. His eyes were wide, staring straight ahead of him, heart racing so fast, he was sure it was thrumming, rather than beating. His body tingled, he felt hot, and icy cold at the same time, his spine shivering, muscles tensing, toying, urging him to spring to his feet, to run. But the cougar's grasp held him at bay.

'You'd probably enjoy it, you know.' Whispered the cougar, leaning in until the broad pad of his nose brushed the Lapine's cheek. He purred, trailing his own broad, boxy muzzle along and under the boy's. 'being dragged down, in slick, slimey heat... curling, compacting inside someone larger, stronger than you...' His voice never raised above that tender, whispered growl, but for what he was saying, he didn't have to. His every word struck into the Rabbit's mind. It was all Teio could do, to shake his head, panting. The Cougar though, apparently noticed, smirking. 'No..? What do you mean no..? The rest of you says yes.. ..The rest of you is so deliciously ...honest.' Murmured the cougar. 'You can try to say no. You can shake your head, and say the words, or act indifferent, like I'm not here whilst your body undermines all those attempts. You'll blush,' He purred slowly, tracing a finger along the Rabbit's burning cheeks. 'Your heart will still race,' The Cougar's touch trailed down the Rabbit's rapidly rising and falling chest. 'You'll tremble with abashed hesitancy and swallow, teetering on that precarious edge of want, and admission.'

Teio winced, as his body worked almost exactly to the Cougar's words. He swallowed. The cougar gave a faint snort of amusement and assured superiority. 'You see how right I am..? Your body can't lie to me.. You can't hide how much you'd like to just give into your inhibitions, and control... and let me.. take you.' Whispered the Cougar, his broad handpaw tracing down, and softly groping the Lapine's groin, whilst his tongue slowly slid up over the boy's neck and cheek. Eyes wide, frozen in place, the Bunny could only tremble, strangling out the faintest of whimpers... Before the lights flickered, and beneath them, the whir of engines starting up snapped him from his haze. He looked aside to the Cougar swiftly, shaking worse than he could ever remember, eyes wet from tears, and his pants achingly tight. The feline though, at the first flicker of light, had leant back, trailing his hand away, just smirking with a maddening, knowing look. His icy blue eyes held the Rabbit's face. 'Mmmhh.. Maybe next time, then.' He purred, easing back down the seat, grinning toothily as the train began to creep along its path again, picking up speed once more.

The rest of the trip was a struggle for the Lapine. His body in the wake of the sheer, unbridled terror, and whatever other unbidden feelings the Cougar had claimed were within, felt weak. Getting to his feet was a struggle, well after the Feline had brushed past, trailing his thick tail along his face to draw his eyes after the retreating form. He wasn't quite sure how he got to school, beyond that, and certainly, he took no information in. Instead, he sat, rather glassy-eyed, almost limp in his desk, remembering the details carved vividly in his memory. It was only in sitting to recall them, beyond his fear, that he could remember things he'd missed; The feel of the Cougar's powerful muscles beneath the soft padding; the thick musk, more than cologne, something primal, lust; the heat of the body against him, the Cougar's own heartbeat. More than once, the Rabbit broke into renewed trembles, recalling the toying brush of the broad lips along his ears. The trace of that thick tongue matting his cheek fur...

The sound of the automated doors, the next morning, were strange, different. He couldn't quite be sure why, perhaps it was an ominous dreading, his own mind trapping him into this area. What if the lights flickered out..? Would he pick up where he left off..? would he tease him..? What would it be like..? Taking his seat, the Lapine shook his head and swallowed, rubbing his arms for the goosebumps that had risen, puffing his fur out. The early-morning weariness was not there. For once, he was wide-awake, without the assistance of coffee. His eyes focused on the flashing names of the stations they passed. Counting down in his mind, until the train stopped once more, at Jennings station.

He was almost rocking in his seat, uncertain on what he should do. Just imagining the previous days' encounter, had him frozen to his seat. The usual muffled mass of bodies made its way onto the train with the shuffling and thumping of feet and shoes spreading the crowd out through different carriages, until the doors closed. And there he was. The sharp stare in those eyes pierced him. It was the same gaze he'd regarded the rabbit since the first time they'd caught one another's attention. Teio shivered as he realized the look. It was a simple, predatory gaze. The Cougar was holding him in place, sizing him up, he was daring him to run, and threatening him to stay, calling to him, mocking him, promising to the depths of his soul a fate settled beneath the hand rested over his stomach.

The heavy bootsteps saw the Cougar move to the Rabbit's side, unabashedly close, as he had been, in the dark. He was certain. He had him. The hand behind the rabbit's back wouldn't even be needed. Just the feel of it there, was like he was already bound by an invisible leash to it. 'Mornin'.' Grunted the Feline, smirking lightly, regarding the flighty lapine. 'G-.. Good morning.' The Bunny squeaked, tensing as he felt one of the Cougar's broad fingers trail along the back of his lop-ears. 'Good day, yesterday?' That grin was back in place, with a daring, dashing raise of his eyebrow. Teio just stared. His ruby eyes seemed to flicker from one icy orb to the other, trying to gauge the feline. What he was doing, what more he wanted from him. '...I couldn't.. couldn't focus on anything.' The Bunny slowly admitted, drawing his gaze away with difficulty, to stare at his lap. 'Oh..? You considered my offer then?' The Feline's cocky tone drew Teio's face again. Offer, like he had a choice in things. 'I-.. ..I'm not sure.' Swallowed the Rabbit. Chuckling lowly, the Cougar nodded understandingly, continuing to trace and tease his finger along the boy's ear. '...Well, you come with me, after we hop off.. See if we can't help you.. decide.' The deadly rumble was emphasized with a tracing slather of his tongue along his lips. Teio's blush, along with his trembles, renewed, before he found himself nodding.

There was no interruption of service, that trip, almost to Teio's dismay. He'd noticed that as opposed to the first time he'd encountered the Cougar, time seemed to be on fast-forward. Rather suddenly, or so he felt, the PA's voice called out the train's termination as the great breaks squeaked and drew the train to a stop. The hiss of the automated doors bared the station, and for several moments, the Rabbit remained stationary. His eyes focused on the doorway, whilst the Cougar stood easily, smoothly beside him. 'You coming, kid?' The Cougar smirked, looking to the Rabbit and earning a timid glance back. The signs of resignation were clear on the boy's face. Offering a hand slowly, Teio reached for it, and stood tentatively. Every step, for the Lapine felt like he were weighted with lead. Though he'd given himself over to the Cougar's smooth and expertly practiced toying, his body was now the one in denial. Every step towards the door lead him further from safety.

He was barely aware of the other morning commuters hurrying by to hop on their trains, unweighted by anything but time constraints, and soon enough, the Lapine realized where he'd been brought. The bathroom. The same one he'd collected himself in, those few weeks ago. His eyes took in the flickering, yellowed fluorescent lighting in the ceiling, the chipped tiling, and broken plumbing beneath the slightly rusted looking mirror. The sound of the door bring locked, drew the rabbit's attention, until the broad hand on his shoulder gave a gentle squeeze. He gulped and permitted the large Feline to turn him, and stood, staring up to the grin. There was no mistaking the hunger in the Cougar's face. The low guttural, needy growl, the tensing grasp, and the flexing of his nose pad to draw in the scent of the boy and his fear.

As he had, those weeks before, the Cougar slowly walked the Rabbit backwards, and pinned him gently to the far wall of the Bathroom, purring gently down against an ear. 'So, kid.. You ready..? Head or feet first?' Grinned the Cougar, looking down to the Lapine as Teio whimpered faintly, and slowly shook his head. 'N-.. no.' He managed timidly, finding his voice at last. Perhaps it was this place, the smell of it muting that of the Cougar's. Perhaps it was knowing that the rest of the world went on, unknowing of him and his predicament. He didn't know. But, he couldn't do it. '...I can't...' The Cougar's hand trailed, his head leant down and he slowly nuzzled along the Lapine's face, his neck and chest, giving firm bumps, brushes, and trailing grooms. 'Oh..? Are you certain, my dear sweet snack..?' The feline purred, tracing his tongue up Teio's neck, making the Rabbit lean his head back and stare up into the Feline's looming face as he stood to full height again.

It was all the Rabbit could do, staring into those blue eyes to nod faintly, panting. He wondered if the Predator, who had so easily paralyzed him, primed him, petrified him.. would let him go, just like that... The Cougar grinned gently as he regarded the Bunny, before tutting gently. 'Mmmhh.. Too bad.' He rumbled, kneading his broad hand over the Lapine's chest tenderly a moment, leaving the pinned boy confused. 'T-.. Too bad..?' Teio squeaked, earning a slow nod, from the large male. 'A-About what..?' 'About you being certain.' Grinned the Feline, lunging his jaws suddenly!

In the blink of an eye, the Feline's jaws yawned, in a blurred rush of hot and slimey, pale-pink flesh, The bunny found his head crammed into the slick, stifling heat of the Feline's Muzzle. His own mashed awkwardly into the back of the thick pillowy tongue, with a deep reverberating growl rattling through him! His eyes, wide with shock, stared into the inky blackness once more. As with the train, he could see nothing, only feel, and hear the Cougar about him! The jaws squeezed and yawned, worming over his shoulders, whilst the broad hands grasped at his wrists. Pinned, paralyzed, primed and petrified once more, the Bunny gave the feeblest of leg twitches, but not a sound escaped him. His mind torn clear in two for the war-waging elements of logic and curiousity once more.

All at once, though, the flesh withdrew from around him, with an audible 'Schlluuurp!' that left him spluttering and coughing a little. Bent double, with his face dripping over the grimey floor. He felt the breath of the cougar, panting lightly over him, and wondered blearily. Had security come? Was something the matter? ..What on earth had just happened? Lifting his face, he squeaked as the slightly raspy tongue began cleaning up his face. His body squirming in the firm-pawed embrace. 'W-why..?!' Squeaked the Lapine, torn between indignance and confusion. 'Because you're not certain at all. You would have just let me devour you, but you said no.' The Predator smirked gently. 'So, we're going to have to wait until you make up your mind.' Growled the Cougar, trailing his tongue between the boy's eyes. 'But.. I can't make it up..' Swallowed the rabbit, squirming his hands free gingerly, pawing at his matted face-fur. 'Well, you'll just keep on being fun to tease then, won't you, kid? See you 'round.' Chuckled the Cougar, unlocking the door and stepping out neatly without another word. Teio just stared, blushing terribly in the feline's wake.

That evening, the Lapine lay, nude, save his boxer-shorts, holding a business card between thumb and forefinger. He bit his lip as he recalled finding it in his pocket in class. Cheekily planted by the feline.

The Glory Hole See just how far it goes

There was a small map on the back, suggesting it was downtown, with an opening time of 10 PM. Teio lipped faintly at an ear-tip as he looked the card over, considering the feline's words. A sneaking suspicion in him suggested that teasing wasn't going to be in the feline's books forever. And that this place would apparently help him change his mind. He swallowed as he curled faintly on his bed, holding his pillow gently and closing his eyes. Casting his mind back, he recalled the purring voice teasing his nape.. the feel and the smell of the Cougar's soft fur.. The heat of his jaws, the possessive need in his eyes.. The Rabbit trembled.

Time at that point seemed to slow down once more, as though it were steadily being weighted down with the conflicting emotions and thoughts in his head. Each minute trickled by, haunted by those swirling memories. The cougar's voice; his face; his jaws. Time and again he recalled the stifling heat that had engulfed him. The slick sensation matting his fur. Numbly, he raised a hand to feel his face, remembering as he had done so in the bathroom. The thick tendrils of drool still clinging to his snowy face. Scrunching up his face, he rolled over, and buried himself into his blanket and pillows, willing sleep to come; to take him; help him forget the day. But he had no such luck. Behind his eyelids, he could see the cloying infinity of that gullet, beckoning him. Or at least, beckoning some sordid, destructive part of himself. Opening his eyes, he stared at the brightly illuminated face of his bed-side clock. It's digital face reading '10:17 pm' amidst a small assortment of vague weather information. Swallowing, he rolled onto his back, and fished in the gloom for the card once more. Staring at it, he bit his lip... And sat up.


He was immensely grateful for many things; the plush carpeting, that had accentuated his stealthy escape into the night; the late-running all-station trains; the empty streets surrounding the illuminated faces of the night-club district. Time and again, he checked the card beneath the fuzzy orange street-lights, until the next alleyway finally opened out to face a lonely looking club-front. It was windowless, with a simple neon sign with a name and jaw-like insignia to match the card and there was a small queue lined outside the door. The line was being overseen by a broad looking Mephit and sleeker looking braided hare, the former clad in denim and leather, snug over a broad stomach, the latter in a leather vest, pants and boots. Tentatively, the young Lapine stole a furtive glance around. To either side, the street was empty, save the odd straggler making for a food-joint, or another venue to party. He'd come this far...

Easing into the line behind a taller form, he swallowed, feeling for his button-up shirt and slacks, conspicuous. Though he had no eyes on him, his eyes kept passing furtively along the side of the line, to the bouncers. Would they let him in? Were they predators? What about the others in the line..? Did they know what was inside..? Had they maybe been brought here by someone like the Cougar? Before he could lose himself to his uncertainty, he heard a gruff voice and snapped from his haze. He was at the front of the line, nothing between himself and the door except for the almost-8-foot Mephit holding out his hand. 'I said ID, kid.' The Mephit rumbled. His face was firm, angular, suggesting something in his mix other than Skunk, but he couldn't pick what. His eyes though, were softer. There were no lines, (Save the white one on his muzzle bridge) so he wasn't angry. Yet. Fumbling for his wallet, and feeling the eyes on the line behind him, the Lapine pulled out his student ID, offering it to the Skunk, whose sharp eyes scanned it quickly, professionally. '..Hmph. Come back when you're-..' The Mephit paused, lifting his gaze to the Rabbit again. Those green eyes searched a moment and seemed to pause on his hand.

With a subtle motion, the Mu took the card in the Rabbit's other hand. '...Who gave you this?' The Skunk's tone dropped quietly. Swallowing, and thinking better of lying, the Rabbit shivered. '...A cougar. A cougar on my train... B-.. Blue eyes.' Was all the Rabbit could manage, lamely. The Mephit, however, gave a slow nod of understanding, and returned the card to the smaller male. He then lifted the velvet get and nodded towards the door. 'Must have misread the date, sir. My apologies. Have a good evening.' He smirked lightly, as Teio took an uncertain step, then another, and vanished into the club's foyer. Vaguely behind him, he heard the Skunk's gravelley tone. '...Your toy's arrived, Marty. A little more warning, next time? I almost bounced him.' The Cougar was expecting him.