Chapter 2 - Establishing a sense of Self

Story by Yaldabaoth on SoFurry

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#2 of The Hives

==---== ==---==

Two weeks. For most people, two weeks pass by as unnoticed as a breeze in the wind. It is just another part in the larger whole

that makes up a humans life-span. You work, you eat, you sleep and you spend time with your loved ones; continuing the cycle

of your life that will remain unaltered for years at a time. For others, things can happen at any time, and then two weeks will

certainly be important enough to remember forever, but once more just another part of the whole. Wars can be waged as quickly

as two weeks, but for those who fight it... two weeks could seem a life-time in itself.

Time passes, and two weeks went by without any of Adams relatives or friends hearing from him. As chance would have it, this

wasn't unusual behaviour and his parents, who'd long since learnt to accept that their son could take care of himself very well,

didn't put much notice to it. After all, they'd seen him just as he'd received his diploma. His friends, well, they were quite

busy with things in their own lives. Only his neighbours, ironically enough, took notice to his absence. I say ironically

because Adam had never been on good terms with them to begin with. Therefore, it was not out well-meaning concern that they

noticed his passings and goings, but rather with relief since his tendency for loud music had suddenly ceased. It had for a long

time been a source of frustration and agitation in the apartment-building, and it was with some satisfaction a few of them began

to theorize what might have happened to their loud neighbour. Perhaps he had gotten evicted? Well, one could only hope.

The truth was, of course, quite different to these ill-willing hopes.

The thing that had once been Adam now resembled more something you would see when extracting a particularily nasty tumour. A

thick, bulbous clump of no identifiable shape, blotchily colored like steadily decaying meat (some red here, purplish red there,

a piece gray and another green-tinted) and pulsating in the rhythm of a very slow heart-beat. One could perhaps compare it to

the pupae of a butterfly or a moth, but that would be in only the crudest sense. Certainly, it did fill a function in many ways

similar to that of the earthly equals, but where the pupae barely contained the insect as it metamorphed according to its own

genetic structure, the function of this coccoon was something far more sinister.

Adam, as he had once been, had indeed ceased to occupy this apartment, only because he could no longer be considered anything

like his old self. Inside his chrysalis, Adam was being used as raw material for something that had never before set foot on

the planet Earth.


But two weeks had passed, and two weeks was the time needed for the metamorphosis. Slowly throughout the fourteenth day, the

color of the chrysalis seemed to fade inwards, the red and purple and all other colors disappearing and leaving a transparent

husk, much like how a frog egg looks like to the naked eye. In the core, the place where the colors had joined and melded,

turning into a deep brown lump, something stirred. Eyes that had never seen blinked, a mouth that had never been gasped like

a fish on dry land and hands that had until now not existed flexed and relaxed as the creature who had once been Adam awoke

inside his coccoon.

For a fleeting few seconds the pain was unbearable and his voice screeched in uncontrollable syllables, his voice box unable

to produce anything coherent. Then he began to move more determinedly, clawing at the sac of thin but resilient matter that

encased him. His finger-tips raked through the membrane like scissors through paper and soon the husk broke, flooding the room

with clear, sticky fluids, a mixture of blood-colored, pulp-like matter following soon afterwards, the egg-like structure

sinking like a punctured balloon over the now motionless creature.

Then he stirred once more and frantically tore at the material once more, finally sinking both hands into the last film

covering him and tearing it apart, revealing a face that both was and wasn't what he had been.

There stood the pinnacle of human perfection, the very figure that artists throughout the ages had been struggling to render.

The ultimate human male; tall and strong, chiseled yet natural, features of such immense beauty that simply trying to describe

it in words would ultimately fail. It was Adam, but it was also what Adam could have been. It was Adam with all traces of flaws

purged from his genetic structures, every defect of both extrovert and introvert nature had been corrected. He stood there, and

he surveyed the room around him.

His eyes were dull grey and, like as if in opposition to the remaining perfection, horribly blood-shot, the whites almost

completely red. He wore an expression of stern interest, like a predator surveying his territory, proud yet wary. His tangled

hair, wet and sticky, hung down almost to his shoulder-blades and looked more like the mane of a mighty lion than the mess it

had been before.

He sniffed, once, twice, and then suddenly coughed violently, a spray of the same thick gunk he had been lying in coming forth

from his mouth, his teeth sharp-looking and straight. He could sense them, the others that had arrived when he did, that had

each picked their own hosts to build their hives. He sneered, looking down at his muscular arms, then to his hands. His flexed

his fingers, rolling them, turning them into a fist and then stretching and splaying them. It was a pity, he thought as he took

another deep breath (he almost didn't seem to need it, but kept doing it out of habit), that it would not last. He wondered if

every member of this species carried this obscene attraction to themselves. He noticed a flush and a shiver running through his

body. The room he was in was humid and warm, the result of the warmth his chrysalis had been spewing out, but still he felt

almost cold... then he noticed and a smile spread on his lips. He saw how the tubular outgrowth was jerking slightly, each beat

of his heart making it swell and rise, the skin in the front peeling back to reveal a bulbously shaped head, a droplet of

something clear appearing at the slit end of it as it stood, pulsating rhythmically. He saw how underneath the thin layer of

protective skin something moved, small lumps swelling and fading along the length of the organ. Yes, this is what he would be

using... Did all the creatures here get so excited by simply being? He chittered, pausing at how strange it sounded with this

creature's throat, but then resumed it. Surely the creation of a brood would be an easy task here...

He began to think back, a strange feeling of deja vú coming over him. He scoured his memories as he began to fondle his swollen

member absently. It was a strange feeling, going through memories while knowing that they were only partly yours. He felt his

human side, if you could use such crude terms, exhilerated by this sudden physical change, something that he both understood

and did not. Was this species not capable of attaining this physical peak themselves? It was alien to him, his hive had long

since evolved away from genetic difference and mutated flaws... even the lowliest of those absorbed into the Hive had usually

managed to escape this dreadful existance of physical individuality... He suddenly found himself absorbed in the memories of

his own species... was this curious nature part of this species as well? Very well, he would learn to adapt.

Suddenly he gave a loud gasp as an intense explosion of pleasure erupted inside him, making his legs buckle as a thick wad of

something shot out of his organ, splashing down in front of him. For a moment he found himself unable to control himself, skin

and musculation bulging and twisting. He fought it down, but found that already he had grown considerably, yet his racial

memory telling him that this was not outside the human norm. His cock, because he knew of course what it was (and what had

happened), seemed to be slightly thicker, and he marvelled to see several nubs slowly wiggling about on his shaft, barely

noticably, yet as he touched them a jolt of pleasure ran through him... He knew his body had altered itself after what the

human part of him wanted. These things... was for pleasuring a female? And himself? He found the prospect of pleasure in

intercourse somewhat strange, but what he had just experienced... And he distinctively remembered having done the same things

many times before, and he had had intercourse as well. Yet not for the sake of procreation? He had even actively prevented it!

A strange species indeed, but he was not here to analyze it, We wanted it for a reason, and he knew that reason was too big and

complex for him to fathom.

He rose from the floor, looking at the small splashes of his semen that had shot out. It slowly began to expand, then twist and

turn as it seemed to almost come alive. Small, tentacle-like strings formed out of it, stretching out over the floor. He

ignored the discharge as he walked up to his wardrobe, opening it to take out his best clothes. Not surprisingly, they were

far too tight and constrictive for him, but they would serve his purpose for now. He was disappointed to realize he had little

knowledge about the area around him... Apparantly Adam (was that his name? Or did he call his species that...? Maybe it was a

tribal name... No, he was definitely Adam) didn't spend much time in the surroundings of his nest. He would simply have

to do some scouting.

As he took on his clothes, he realized that he had some problem in stuffing down his cock in his underwear. Despite it going

flaccid, it seemed much too big for the size he had been owning previously. He grunted as he pushed it into them anyway,

resisting the sudden jolt of pleasure and then putting on his pants. Looking in his mirror he realized his crotch looked

insanely large, as if he'd put a pair or two of socks (Socks? Oh, for the hind-legs...) in there. Well, there was nothing he

could do about it, but he found to his surprise some sense of satisfaction with it. Apparantly size was one of the determening

factors when finding a mate. Another quirky tradition.

He put on a pair of sunglasses he found in one of the drawers and then put on a leather jacket he found hanging on a hook in

the hallway. Some part of him remembered having stopped wearing it some time ago, perhaps because of its large size and poor

quality, but he felt that with his body few would remark upon it, even if they noticed. Grabbing his keys he looked back one

last time into his apartment, noticing how the tentacle-like stuff had already grown to the size of a basketball. He felt

puzzled for a short second, but then understood what to do. He simply thought that it should start absorbing the remains of

his coccoon and it fell upon it in an instance, the fluids and pulp hissing as it was digested by the strange semi-living

spunk. He didn't really understand it, when his species invaded others sometimes the effect would be a random mutation of

the host body that neither side could have predicted, Adam certainly didn't recognize the "living" goop.


He had been walking for almost thirty minutes before he decided he had found the place he was looking for. He was no longer

close to where Adam had lived, but rather in the peripherals of the bigger city, a large, expensive-looking hotel in front of

him. He knew of it, of course, and he realized that he was going to have one of his childhood dreams come through. This place

had a penthouse-suite complete with floor-to-roof windows that could be matted so only those inside could see through it. He

had been there once while visiting his father, who at the time had been an electrician. He'd so intensily wished to have spent

a night in the luxurious suite that he had pestered his parents about it for years. It had never happened. Hands in pockets,

he stepped through the revolving door into the lobby, taking in the view. This was the kind of place where you usually couldn't

get a reservation unless you either was so famous you didn't have to present identifications or you had enough cash on you to

buy a cheap car. He had neither, but something inside him told him it wouldn't matter.

The woman at the counter looked up when he approached and gave him a sceptical look. She didn't seem at all interested at first,

something that threw him off instantly, but then he realized that she was obviously professional enough to shut away any

personal interest she would have in a customer. "Well, we'll just see about that..." he thought as he gave the young

woman an appreciative smile, not taking off his sunglasses. He could smell her already, perfume, the smell of her detergent,

the deoderant and finally the small nuances of her bodily odour; the smell of her approaching estrus, the salty whiff of light

sweat and the linger of musk that she unconsciously emitted, that all humans emitted. It turned him on, so much that his cock

began to twist in his pants, but he kept his smiled unfazed, noticing with some contentment how she was shifting slightly,

the pheromones he was giving out in a different league entirely from hers. To her, there was a divine smell in the air,

as if she was breathing in milk and raspberry chocolate, freshly turned grass and the rubbery smell of washing gloves...

Her favorite scents, and he knew it. He could sense her reaction to it, and he could smell the growing arousal. No one else

would notice of course, he was tailoring himself for her.

"I'd like a room," he said with a surprisingly deep and enchanting voice, "please." He saw her shift again, keeping her

professional smile yet he saw how it twisted slightly towards a smile of lust and need. "The top suite, if it's possible."

"Wah..." she started, blushing suddenly and clearing her throat, shifting again as he could smell the sweet whiff of her sex

filled with blood and longing for him, "W-we're very sorry, sir," she seemed sincerely so, "b-but our penthouse suite is

currently being rented by..."

"Oh, but I'm sure that could be..." he leaned slightly forward and lowered his sunglasses a bit, revealing the now deep blue

eyes, the trace of red gone, "...rearranged." She squirmed visibly now and he moved even more closer, standing right in front

of the counter now. He saw her hands gripping the edge of her desk so that her knuckles were whitening.

"Wih... w-we do have some other suh-suites available, and I'm s-sure..."

"But I must have the top floor." He exclaimed in false shock, "I need it! Don't you understand how it feels when you

really want something, but it's being kept from you?" he saw her swallow hard and he pressed on, "How you just want to

drop everything else and jump at it, take it into your..." he shrugged, "Well, if it's not possible, I guess it's not pos..."

"Ehrm..." she interrupted him as he was turning and he stopped, face half-turned from her, a smile on his lips, "I... I think

that perhaps... yes, yes we could have Mr. Coulhart moved to the B-Suite on floor 23, yes, that's manageable..." She typed

something into the computer and he knew he had her. She hadn't even asked for his name, the room was rented under VIP, he'd

pay when he left, or the hotel would chalk it up to affordable expenses. Then again, he wasn't a president or royalty, so he

supposed this woman was in some danger of losing her job and facing a lawsuit. He found that he didn't much care.

"Could you show me to the room?" He asked, not even thanking the woman for the obvious risk she was putting herself in. She

didn't even notice that.

"W-well, usually we have other staff who do that, and with suites at this expense... But I'm getting off on my lunchbreak

about now," she added hastily, "so I can do that." she didn't even care what that was saying, she'd basically invited him to

fuck her brains out for lunch. He wasn't one to say no to that.

"Great." He said as he tilted his sunglasses up once more, following the woman into the elevator.


While one part of him really didn't mind what human he picked, as long as they were healthy and capable of breeding, the part

that had once been Adam lamented the fact that he'd gotten in bed with this flat-chested idiot. She'd basically thrown herself

onto him once they'd come out of the elevator, casting her never-ending love on him and telling him stuff like "I'm usually not

like this," and "As soon as I saw you, I knew I wanted you."

knew? Of course she knew, he'd told her by marking her as his first.

The first thing he'd noticed when she'd began to, almost violently, tear off her own clothes was that she had a large, wet spot

on her panties. He'd never once seen that in a woman before, and he found it amusing to no end. A woman getting this wet because

of him? That's something you'd find in cheap porn, not in real life. When he'd taken his clothes of her eyes had gotten extremely

wide, his physical built was obviously doing its part, but once she'd seen his dick. He had been sure that the growth on his

member, small nubs almost like zits (they looked close to exploding, he thought as he looked at them himself) would have

freaked her out, especially since they seemed to be moving with a will of their own, but she barely noticed, apparantly his

girth and length was enough to overlook those small objects of interest... or maybe she was just so horny she couldn't think

straight enough.

He felt a mixture of relief and surprise, this female had obviously been willing to enter intercourse despite not being in

estrus, nor knowing him particularly well, which seemed to go against everything he knew of species' in general and the human

race in particular. He knew it was probably because of the pheromones, but even then she had submitted without question. Either

this particular female was unique, or this would be much simpler than he had thought.

His cock had already begun to spurt pre before he'd even begun to masturbate, which he found strange but not unsettling. The

clear fluid dribbled out of him and his balls (he noticed they'd grown as well, now almost to the size of tennis-balls) seemed

to contract and expand in the same rhythm as his penis jerked. He watched in uninterest as the woman touched herself and him,

stroking his cock and balls and teasing her nipples and swollen pussy, which was leaking fluids. The room they were in, the

bedroom of a beautifully decorated six-room pent-house suite, was lavishly decorated and he felt once more the melancholy of

things that wouldn't last. We could perhaps be persuaded to absorb some elements of this species' architectual design into Us,

but he knew that We would only do so if We found any personal interest in it Ourselves. He barely registered how the woman

began to suckle and lick his erect shaft, lapping up his pre greedily and fondling his scrotum, instead finding his eyes

travelling over the carpets, small statues, the fish-tank and the multitude of colored sealife inhabiting it. He felt pleasure

from the woman's teasing, of course, but he had already developed a control of his body enough that he would not emit his

seed unless he consciously decided to do so, this 'foreplay', especially with one that didn't suit his personal tastes, was

dull and unsatisfying.

The receptionist (she hadn't even told him her name) was still so high on his customized pheromones that she saw his lack of

interest as him playing hard to get, and she redoubled her efforts, nibbling his cockhead lightly and gripping his ass as she

deepthroated him several times, tongue playing over his length.

He would require some time to make this into a good hive, but he knew that he would remain undisturbed while doing it. The

disappearance of this woman would stir some commotion, but he knew they would not think of looking here, she had disappeared

for lunch and had not come back... Well, inevitably someone would question who was currently inhabiting the top-floor suite,

but by then he would have come far enough to handle even that. He felt his siblings, if he would call them that, still alive,

yet their telepathic link was not yet strong enough to give him any more information of what they were doing. He understood why

this had come to be considered the closest thing to an internal struggle in Us, the satisfaction of presenting the strongest

and most influential hive by the time of harvesting would certainly be great indeed. Perhaps he would even find himself granted

the domain of this new part of Us...

"Stop that!" He barked suddenly, pushing the woman away as she had been climbing onto him, his cock in one hand and guiding it

to her slit. She looked hurt for a few seconds, then smiled apologetically and crawled forward to him, almost like a dog. He

was amazed by this obedience, was this species truly so susceptible to simple pheromones? He was practically doing them a

favour by processing them for Us. "Lie down on your back." He growled and she obeyed, splaying her legs for him and breathing

in deep gasps, obviously so aroused by his smell that she could do nothing but obey.

He got onto all four and came up to her, his shaft dribbling a trace of his pre all the way to her pussy where it hung low

right above it. He lowered himself slowly, spreading his soaked lips and thrusting deep into her, the tightness of it almost

making him lose control again. She gasped in pain, yet she seemed able to contain him as he began to withdraw, then push into

her again, grunting slowly as he pistoned faster and faster, the groans of the woman below passing him by. He enjoyed it

immensily, and a part of him wanted to continue, but he had already wasted precious time. He knew in an instance what the nubs

were and he focused on them, feeling how in his thick cock something stirred and pressed against his skin, breaking through it

and then digging into the flesh of the walls of the womans cunt. She screamed in a mixture of pleasure and pain as the hook-

like parts of his cock rooted him in her body. Then his scrotum seemed to swell for an instance to an incredible size, then

jerking as a shockwave of pleasure shot through him, his cockhead exploding in a rapture of satisfaction and determination.

His seed shot deep into her, digging in with a life of its own as it crawled forward further and further, past the womb,

through the fallopian tubes to her ovaries. His potent seed reached them, still spewing out of his cock, and nothing leaked

out as his fleshy hooks kept him tightly interlocked with the female. He understood little of how it worked, he was not built

to understand the complex functions of his larval form and its influences of the host, but he was preparing this female for

the future. His semen, if you could call it that, would alter her hormonal output, putting her in a permanent state of estrus,

her ovaries altered slightly to continuously produce egg-cells. He could not completely alter her, the process would be too

demanding of him now and he knew that it would also with certain guarantee send him further down the path of evolution, making

it harder to work in secret. He needed to keep the guise of this body for a while longer, build up his chamber, gather enough

females to begin the construction of more larva.

He felt the hooks in his cock retract and he pulled out of her, his semen solid enough to remain inside her, giving her stomach

a slightly swelled look as if she was already fast pregnant. She was not, however, but his spunk would grow slightly, make

her manageable, make her a part of his hive, make her docile. He looked at her, lying on the bed, eyes and mouth wide open yet

not making a sound except for the short rasps of her breath. She had reached her peak and remained there, at the very peak of

bliss. It was, he considered as he began to get dressed, not a bad deal.

==---== ==---==

Well, here's part two. I was going to red it through, but I couldn't stop writing until this was finished (I was dead set on not repeating

what I did last time and just write and submit it in one go) and I'm kind of glad I did.

I hope this solves some potential question marks from my previous story, I read through it just now and to be honest I kind of regret

not giving it some more thoughts. Well, here's to the "Guiding" hand of Eris.

This is the first story of this kind that I've ever submitted to an archive and I'm hoping that more people will find these depraved and

horrible fetishes as interesting as I do. I'm sorry for posting the previous story as Bi, as it obviously isn't, but I assure you there will

be some elements of it later on, but right now this is a pretty straight-forward male-female story.

Thank you
