Wishful Thinking, Chapter 5.

Story by MitchKenzo on SoFurry

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#4 of Wishful Thinking

Wishful Thinking

by Mitch Kenzo

Characters are copyright Mitch Kenzo, but Emerald is copyright my friend Emerald Wolfe, used with her permission; I have yet to steal anything in literature. If your character comes up exactly somehow, yell at me in an e-mail or something. You thought I ended this? Guess again!

Extra tags:

-Hard Vore




-Godmoding types of magic

By the way, undead was the closest thing I could find (or had time to find) to reforming/resurrection.

Chapter 5: Death Wish.

"Nngh... My head... Where am I?"

There were lights all about. Some were bright, others dim. They were all shapes and sizes, ranging from round, to spiked, to flames, to oddly contorted shapes that were impossible to replicate. Some were like giant knots, as one might make with a gleaming shoelace. One thing was for certain. All around Perry were lights, and he was one of them.

He tried to make some sense of it. Where there wasn't any light, there was a blackness, devoid of any color other than... well, black! There wasn't even anything to be standing on; he was only floating in midair. He knew he'd been eaten, and digested away inside the wolf woman Emerald. But was he... dead? No, he couldn't be. It was impossible, just a weird dream. A weird dream that had been going on for a while now.

About him, Perry heard whispers, voices of all kinds of people in a silent shout about him. It was the buzz of a mob talking amongst one another, some crying, some in pleasure. Every so often, however, the crowd of lights inched forward. Perry didn't know where they were going, but he had an odd feeling that it wasn't going to be any good.

A sound confirmed his thoughts, as a scream rang out, and what could only be described as the classic Bible quote, wailing and gnashing of teeth followed. If he'd still had a spine, shivers would be running down it by now. He felt very alone at the moment, and the shock of having died was wearing off. He began to realize that he really was alone. He had no mom to turn to, no dad... And worst of all, no Lila! He gasped and lurched a little, the only motion of falling to his knees he could make as light.

He couldn't imagine how the lioness must be feeling at the moment. She was probably grieving, able to detect his death easily... He mentally wept for her plight.

"Oh come on Perry, buck up."

That voice... Could it be? A light hovered in front of him, and he swore, some of his light fell away in tears of happiness. A miniature version of Lila, bathed in a warm glow hovered in front of him.

"Lila, it's you! But wait. If you're here, then that means..."

"I'm dead? Yup, remember what I said earlier about being separated? It'll literally kill you, especially if the other person dies first. Kind of disorienting, isn't it?" The feline spoke as if this was something she did every day. Perry was only halfway surprised. He'd been able to do anything so far, so he wasn't surprised at her attitude.

"Sorry, I should have probably paid more attention... That wolfess sure caught me off guard, though. I thought she was you!" He laughed, morbid a time to do so as it was.

"Wolfess? Wait... You mean, one like me? Talked and everything?"

"Yeah, I think her name was Emerald or something."

Lila's face beamed, her light intensifying to blinding levels. Not that he had eyes to blind, but it was sure intense!

"Perry, this is wonderful!"

"Eh? But we're both dead."

"No, no, I mean others of my kind are still here on Earth! I was so wrapped up in re-orienting myself to life on your planet that I completely forgot to check about that..." Well, that was only half true. But Perry didn't need to know that right now.

"Oh, yeah. Well, I'm happy for you, but that doesn't do us much good when we're dea-"

"Next, please." A voice like breaking glass, only less of a crash, and more of a tinkle called out.

Perry looked up. A brilliant being stood before him, two gem-like eyes set into a body of light, emitting shining particles of itself as tendrils of brilliance snaked out from the swirling core. It was as if he was staring at the sun, but face to face. "Um... Yes?"

"You're next for processing, I need your name."


"For the afterlife, as it doesn't seem like you've figured that out. Name please."

"Oh, Perry Wattley." With Lila by his side, this process didn't seem like anything to worry about. The being gave him the equivalent of a raised eyebrow on a human, and pulled a book made of light from itself, scanning over it as pages flipped by, seemingly one mass of light-paper until a tentacle stopped them.

"Ah yes, here we are. My, quite the interesting past few days you've had. You seem to be about an average person from this, nothing morbidly wrong with you. Off to the upper cleansing levels with y-"


"Miss, you'll have to wait your turn-"

"No, no, I'm with him." Lila floated up to Perry's shoulder, and the being's eyes widened.

"Well now, quite the rare find you are. How on planet Earth did you two end up together? I thought most of your kind in this dimension had died out... Wait, I think I know you. You used to be a regular here a few trillion years ago, didn't you? Leela, wasn't it?"

"Lila, and yes. I was here back then. I'm sure you were quite busy during that time, what with two planets being destroyed and all that."

"You bet I was! Only a few hundred thousand souls to redirect over to that new place you all formed, I'm impressed with the evacuation going smoothly as it did. But in any case, down to business... You're free to go. Decided to join the ranks of the dead yet?"

"Hardly. But listen, I need a favor. I'm kind of in debt to Perry here. Long story short, he freed me from eternal freeze-life. So, if you don't mind..."

"Well, I would, but he's human. He doesn't really have the ability to get back from here, unlike you with your special powers."

Lila's ears drooped. "You serious? There's no way to take him back? Guess I'll be joining sooner than I thought..."

Perry interrupted before the light could speak again. "Lila, it's not your fault I'm here, so you shouldn't have to suffer the consequences. There was no way either of us could be prepared for it, so I'll just have to face death." He gave her a smile, a curved line appearing in his glow. "Don't worry, I'll wait for you."

The brilliance laughed heartily. "Oh, how touching. Perry, you're a good guy with a good heart in you. Just learn to let others talk until its really necessary to interject. I was about to say that if Lila thinks she has enough power, she can try to bring you back. No guarantees it'll work though, you could be left at a point between life and death forever. Ever heard of ghosts? They're the result of what happens when people don't want to come to the afterlife, and demand we send them back. Sometimes they come back to life on the operating tables, some get reincarnated, sometimes they end up ghostly. I pity the second two, really. The reincarnated lose all sense of their identities, it's like they've been wiped clean. As for the ghosts... Well, forever is a long time, and it's pretty easy to go insane in that time."

Lila smirked. "Well, that's more like it. Don't worry, that long sleep gave me the means to get him back, if power is all it takes. But, could you by chance stamp him so we don't have to wait in line next time? I'd really like to show him around the afterlife sometime."

The eyes glowed a color completely off the spectrum Perry knew. It was like a combination of all of them, that didn't result in black, gray, or brown. Multiple hairs of the creature's light shot out and touched Perry, etching what looked like a series of cracks along it. The design was quite intricate, as the cracks grew smaller and smaller, somehow interweaving into themselves.

"There you go, so long as your feline friend here comes for you in a reasonable time frame, you're free to roam around the afterlife as you wish. Next, please!"

Lila floated ahead of Perry, who found that he suddenly had a body again. It glowed just like hers, though not nearly as brilliantly. He was like a dull LED, powered by a battery on the verge of dying, whereas she was a fresh light bulb plugged directly into a socket. Behind them, they heard another series of screaming, wailing, and teeth gnashing. Perry looked behind him... Nothing had changed, other than the soul was trembling in front of the light being. Was this the vision of Hell he'd always been treated to in the scriptures in church?

The two souls floated through the blackness, until Lila stopped. She rose up, claw extended, and slowly lowered herself down. A slit of light opened before them, like a tear in a piece of canvas. The sides of the slice tingled oddly as Perry parted them with his hands, the very fabric of space having been opened to allow the pair passage. As they stepped forward, it closed neatly behind them, no trace of any abnormality at all.

Lila touched down on the ground, and grew to her normal size. Before her was a door, which she quickly opened. Pounding music burst forth, as well as a display of dazzling strobe lights. The scene inside was akin to a gigantic rave, multitudes of people milling about inside. However, the scene inside was one of wonder to Perry. The first thing that leapt out at him was the diversity. Not only were there humans, but furs just like Lila. In addition, there were other Earth creatures, and plenty that Perry knew had to be from other planets. A gel-snake looking organism with an eye on its end was coiled about the arm of a human woman, a fox was sitting on the ground talking to one of his nonanthro brethren, the smaller creature responding perfectly clearly. Two gaseous clouds were floating above the crowd, exchanging globes of vapor between one another and pulsating pleasantly.

The second thing that Perry saw was what they were all doing. All around him, creatures were doing the unthinkable. A wolf was sitting in front of a man, biting off his toes one by one, on each foot. When the wolf would start on one foot, the toes of the other would grow back. The canine grew satisfied after a little while, and grew content with licking the man's feet over gently, while getting its headfur ruffled by one of his hands. A horse and some contorted tube creature were busy fornicating in the corner. At least that's what he thought they were doing. Some beasts were cooking others, others were whipping and torturing other beings, and some groups were just cuddling quietly, sleeping together.

"Perry, pick up your jaw. No, literally." His jaw was actually to the floor, cartoon style. He jumped, shocked, and it snapped back into place. Lila almost died in a fit of laughter at that, before shaking her head. "Welcome to Limbo, where everything and anything is possible, where you can do anything to anyone so long as the other being desires it as well." To prove her point, Lila simultaneously reached for his belly and his crotch at the same time. Her handpaw rested on his belly just fine, an electric tingle as their soul material melded slightly, an enjoyable sensation. However, her other paw went right through his crotch, and was pulled out quickly.

"Anything, huh?" Hmm... He could have fun with this. To test it, he closed his eyes for a moment. When he opened them, he was floating in midair. He was flying! He willed himself back down to the ground. A smile spread across his face, and he concentrated hard. He thought of anything smaller than him. A mouse, a marble, a paper clip, a penny... Before long, everyone else was seeming big to him. Lila was looking down at him from up in the air, as she towered like a skyscraper. He looked about, feet and paws all over the place. He floated to the top of one of the lioness's digits, looking about. There were all kinds of tiny creatures running underfoot too here!

Literally, underfoot. All over the place, the little micro humans and furs were running about being trampled; bloody marks were all over the floor of the room. The splats would slowly pull themselves back together, popping up into their respective creatures, only to be smashed again a few seconds later. Perry thought it looked kind of fun, but decided against trying it for now. He had something else in mind, as he levitated past Lila's knees, up to her belly fur. He stuck a hand into the forest, smooth and silky grass blades of fur brushing against him. He made a smooth landing on the top of Lila's navel, perching on the bulging outie like a little statue. The lioness just rolled her eyes and laughed, walking forward through the crowd. Perry just sat back against her gut and massaged the soft cushion he was riding on. It felt even nicer at this size!

He saw many creatures look at him and laugh. A few people even stopped to ask if Perry would mind hanging out in their bellybuttons. He was only too happy to oblige, as they laid on the floor and he dive-bombed in. Everyone nearby would laugh at the comedic situation as Perry would use the innie navels as trampolines, or try to balance on the outies. One of the outies looked like a cinnamon roll with a little hole in the top, which he squirmed his way into, surrounded by the soft flesh on all sides, nestled in warmly. A few other creatures came by and gave both him and the bellybutton a lick, murrs and cheers of pleasure emitting from everyone who took a turn. Some of the micros even climbed up for their turns, the more predatory ones taking small bites of the large navel before them. He couldn't help but ask if it tasted like a cinnamon roll, and was surprised to hear that it did to some.

After he reclaimed his throne, a small pixie flying off with a giggle when he came back and waving to him with a smile and a wink, he and Lila were off again. The crowd thinned out, the music and lights losing their power, though everything was quickly growing brighter. Perry and Lila were in a field now, a summer's breeze blowing about them. The warm winds carried the scents of freedom and fun on them, the human taking them in to remind him of home. He and Lila stood there, looking at one another, until he leaned forward, putting his arms around her as best he could. "Where would I be without you, Lila?"

She grinned coyly. "Probably getting your soul ready for the real afterlife. That was just a taste of what it can be like though..."

He chuckled. Taste his foot, that was like a full course! "I think I'm ready to go back now, if you are."

Lila's response was to sit in the grass, pulling him down with her in her embrace back to him. They laid down, nose to nose and looked into each other's eyes. They both saw love for one another there, Perry unconsciously blushing. She opened her jaws, and spoke softly. "Just close your eyes..."

He did so, and felt the lioness's fuzzy face press against his, her black lips meeting his. It was his first real kiss, as he felt the suction and gave it back. Lila's paws held his head to hers as they smooched, her long muzzle to his round face, her thin lips to his big ones. Two completely different species sharing the same love, respect, and trust for each other.


Perry froze.


His vision blurred. e saw Lila, her mouth, and then the inside of her mouth. There were mixed amounts of warmth, and then nothing, the coldness of a barrier pressing against him.


A heartbeat... But it wasn't his. No, not his at all. It was like it was coming through a combination of water and radio static.

Then he saw it.

The hole, devoid of even the color black. It was pulsing, forming every shape imaginable at once, modulating like a radio frequency, jumping about like the energy of an explosion. It grew closer, and the sounds louder... The heartbeat grew closer, closer, closer!

It was here!


Perry's eyes shot open, and he felt Lila's kiss break. He was cold, extremely cold. It quickly went away as his body came to life, the newly formed organs springing into action, his heart pumping blood through his veins. He could feel, solid ground beneath his body, grass blades pressing into his skin, his left arm laying in mud, Lila's paw on top of his bellybutton, and his mouth turning up in a smile when he realized that. But he was alive again, back to the world of living he'd known since birth.

He felt his body coming back into a usable state. It was very stiff, but slowly coming out of it now. He sat up, using Lila for support, and leaned into her warm fur, absorbing some of her warmth to help him recover. Her muzzle came down and nuzzled his cheek gently, a feline tongue licking him as he blushed.

He then realized he wasn't wearing any clothing at the moment, but didn't care. He was alive, and with Lila again. It was still late at night, and they were by the pond again. The lioness had cleaned up her feeding spot nicely. Perry was even amazed to see a mixed set of lion and deer tracks side by side, until they disappeared into the forest where Perry had been.

He only clung to Lila for a while, burying his head in her lovely fur as he tried to sort things out in his mind. He'd seen things that no other human had been able to see and live to tell about. Over the past few days, he'd had experiences that most people only dreamed of. His life had taken on a new meaning from all this.

He looked at Lila at last, and sat back. "That was incredible. Is there anything you can't do?" He wasn't sure, but he thought he could see her visibly blush. Then, something popped into his head. "Hey Lila, you think there's more furs around here? I'd love to help you find and meet some that you might know, remnants of your old magical group thing."

"Oh, good thinking! I'd almost forgotten about that again. While you were asleep earlier I was doing a bit of research. I was mainly looking up any evidence that my species even exists here anymore, aside from me. I was amazed... There's humans out there who almost worship us! It's a little flattering, but kind of creepy. I saw some places that had perfect renditions of other furs, so I know there's got to be some out there. In fact, a few key phrases confirmed it. Each of us Protectors had a key phrase we'd use, as well as a kind of a badge. I've seen pictures and drawings of those badges around, as well as some of the key phrases used by my friends back then. However, we've eventually been keeping under cover well enough for us to be considered just fantasy... But not well enough for all the art and descriptions to be so accurate. I'm even thinking that our numbers might have multiplied or something... Don't look at me like that, we reproduce too!" Lila giggled, and Perry only blushed more.

"Well, heck, I know for a fact that one... Emerald, was it? She's in this area. She ate me, I should know!" He looked down, making sure his bellybutton was still in place. "Crazy wolf..."

"Hmm, maybe we can find her soon. For now though, I think we'd better go back home. I don't know about you, but even with the energy boosting wish you made, I'm still exhausted!"

He had to admit, a nap didn't sound too bad right now. He got up, and asked Lila for some clothes. Moments later, a robe appeared on his body, and the two rose into the air, disappearing in another flash of light. In the same flash, they reappeared in Perry's bedroom. He jammed the door with a chair so they wouldn't be disturbed unnecessarily during the night, and hopped into bed with the lioness. He hugged his arms about her, as she did the same to him, and the pair quickly slipped off into silent slumber, dreaming of their deathly experiences.