Gingerbread Man: 2109; Chapter 10, The Third Night

Story by Drakeil Braega on SoFurry

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This story is only for the eyes of those 18 years and older (especially this part)

10: The Third Night

Feih and Matt arrived at another of the many clearings that were scattered throughout the forest just as the sun had begun to set. She walked to its center, placed her human companion and their prisoner on the ground then lay down.

Matt noticed that she had grimaced from the effort and asked, "Are you all right?"

She looked at him and smiled. "I just need to lie down for awhile. The events of the last few days have been extremely tiring, even for someone of my endurance."

He looked her body over and wondered if it would actually feel same as it did in her "virtual reality" and his limited experience with her thigh. He looked up and saw that Feih had watched him eye her the entire time and blushed. She grinned then started to say something, but instead grimaced again, hissed loudly and brought her right hand up to where the Soriss weapon had burned her.

Too concerned about her wound to become embarrassed at being caught, he asked, "Does it hurt that bad?"

Her voice was very pleasant when she answered, "It still stings a little, but like I said before, it'll go away with time."

Matt thought for a few seconds then said, "I might be able to help you with that."

Feih watched with curiosity as he searched his backpack. After a few seconds he walked over to her carrying a long white tube. "This is an all purpose first aid ointment that should relieve the pain." When he saw the doubtful look on her face he opened the tube, put a small sample of it on his hand and held it up to her. "Please, it'll make you'll feel a lot better."

She took the sample from him and rubbed it between her thumb and index finger, held it up to her nose and inhaled. After a few seconds she smiled. "I like the feel of this 'ointment' and it smells," she took another deep breath, "almost intoxicating. I'll try it."

Happy with her acceptance of his offer of aid, he attempted to hand the tube to her. Instead of taking it from him, she lay down on her back and turned her head toward him. "You apply it. I trust that you'll know exactly how to use it." She smiled and rested her head on the ground.

Surprised by her request, he walked over to her left shoulder and emptied most of the contents of the tube into his hands and asked, "Let me know if this hurts." She nodded that she would.

Matt brought the slight tremble of his hands under control and applied the ointment in a gentle circular rubbing motion. He froze when she gave off another loud hiss.

"No, don't stop," she pleaded with him, to his relief. "It's already starting to feel better."

Matt cautiously resumed his application of the cream over the affected area. As he did he noticed that her dense body hair was thinner than he had expected and how it was blackened where she had been hit, but that her skin had already begun to heal.

He stopped and backed away when he felt that he had done enough. In response Feih lifted her head and looked at him with what could only be described as her species equivalent of a gentle smile and complimented him; "You have very good hands, Matt. Please continue."

He stared at her in disbelief and thought, "Had she just implied that..." but when she gave him a questioning look he spread the last of the cream over her wound and the surrounding area. She sighed and returned her head to its previous position.

He stopped again when he realized he was beginning to massage the upper part of her left breast.

"Please, keep going, lower." After a short pause she added, "I want this just as badly as you do."

He smiled and restarted his massage, going lower and lower, until he was kneading her entire left breast with both his hands. Its soft texture and surface amazed him, considering her otherwise muscular build.

A low growl of pleasure came from deep in Feih's throat; "I know you can squeeze harder than that."

Emboldened by her "order" he decided that he had nothing else to lose. He jumped up onto her upper abdomen which was still partially distended from her most recent meal.

Startled by the sudden pressure upon her body Feih started to raise her head to see what he was up to, but stopped when she felt him start on her right breast. She closed her eyes and an expression of bliss came over her face.

"Yesss!" she hissed, "It's been so long that I'd almost forgotten what this really feels like."

"How about this?" he asked. He leaned over and took the large erect teat on her right breast into his mouth and suckled with all his strength while he continued to massage the left as best he could. She moaned and thumped one of her twin tails against the ground in approval.

He wondered why he had heard only one of them when her body suddenly arched upward and shuddered. A loud raspy sigh escaped her mouth as she eased back onto the ground.

Matt was surprised that he could have been the cause of her orgasm so early. The next shock came when she sat up, grabbed him by his sides, leaving his arms free, brought him up to her face and opened her mouth.

Matt gave up any thought of struggling, removed his helmet, tossed it aside and closed his eyes. When he felt the smooth wet surface of her tongue slide along his left cheek he reopened them just in time to hear her speak two words in her native tongue for which there was no need for a translation.

"You're welcome," was his cheerful and relaxed reply.

Her smile grew when she glanced down at his body. He tried to say something, but was interrupted by a single claw she placed on his lips.

She stood up and moved to sit with her back against a nearby tree then hooked the inside of his waistband with the same claw and applied downward pressure. He got her strong hint and undid his belt.

"Matt?" He looked up at her and saw doubt on her face. "We don't have to do this if you don't want to, but I promise to be as gentle as possible."

He pushed his pants down and joked that, "If you wanted to do me any harm you've had several opportunities before now and if you still do there is nothing I can, or will do to stop you, so I might as well enjoy my last moments."

He regretted his carelessly chosen words when he saw that tears had formed in Feih's eyes, something he had not seen since she had told him of her parent's and sister's murder by the Soriss.

"I'm sorry, Feih," apologized a now regretful Corporal Matthew Thorn, "I didn't mean to hurt you."

"No, you have every right to believe what you said." Her tears stopped as she continued, "Before I met you I would have probably done what you were thinking, I've done it so many times to Soriss prisoners that,,,," her head shot up and looked at him with fear. "But I could never bring myself to do you any harm now and I don't think any other Dorzeli could either."

He paused for a moment. "You mean your brother is..."

"I told you that he wouldn't harm you and I'm sure he would've gone only as far as you allowed him to."

She did not give him a chance for the full impact of what that could've meant for when she saw that his pants were now down to his thighs she stuck out her tongue and licked at his now exposed erection while looking at his face to judge his reaction.

"Oh, man," was all he managed to get out.

Encouraged, she continued to lick at him and drew her mouth closer to him with each stroke of her broad tongue until, in a swift move, she took in his entire length until her nose touched his abdomen. The feeling of her breath on his body only served to add to his pleasure.

Matt became so lost in the sensations he received from her tongue on his manhood that he forgot about how sharp her teeth were and massaged her snout in rhythm to the thrust of her tongue. In response she moved her large fingers down to his hips and squeezed his buttocks until she had pulled them apart to expose his anus.

He paid very little heed to these actions until he felt something warm, long, slender and wet rub against the back of his scrotum. He had no idea what it was since her tongue was still in her mouth working its magic on his penis until he remembered that she had hinted that Freerah could impregnate females as well as become impregnated by males. With some apprehension he turned his head to see what it was that was probing his rear and received a double shock when it finally found what it was looking for and pushed its way in.

"Her tails!" he almost yelled aloud when he observed that she had been using one of them to masturbate herself while he had been busy with her upper body.

The one inside him gyrated and pumped in time to her actions on his organ so well and that within minutes the intense sensations from both ends sent him over the edge had him going over the edge. With a guttural scream he shot his load into Feih's now wide open mouth.

After his last load left him he had come down from his orgasmic high he opened his eyes, misjudged what he saw before him and grabbed at her upper jaw in a vain attempt to push her away. Feih closed her mouth, swallowed all that he had given her and showed him a look of annoyance.

He quickly realized his mistake and started to massage her snout, as if in thanks for what she had done for him. Her expression slowly changed to a more pleasant one and she licked the last of his cum from his still erect penis.

He moaned and believed he had gotten away with it and started to relax. A sudden sharp jab of pain in his rear was Feih's way of letting him know that he had not.

"That's for not trusting me." a toothy grin accompanied the withdrawal of her tail.

"I'm sorry," apologized Matt. He thought for a moment then smiled. "If you let me down I think I know of a way I can make it up to you."

She loosened her grip on him, "I don't mean any insult to you but I think you're a little too small for that."

He smiled. "To paraphrase you on Freerah's abilities, you'd be surprised at what I can do."

She gave him a curious look then, without any additional words, bent over, placed him on the ground between her thighs and leaned back with her legs opened wide to him. She next slowly removed an impressive one meter length of her other tail from her sex and passed it by his nose so that he could get a good whiff of her love juices. She was surprised and pleased when he took hold of it and eagerly licked it clean.

"Okay, little one, show me what you can do." she affectionately declared.

Matt removed the rest of his borrowed clothes and, being thankful for the warm weather, carefully stepped over the union of her twin tails, placed his hand on over her genital opening and felt the heat that rose form her. He took his time massaging her folds while he coated his right hand with her secretions.

She moaned with delight from his actions and seemed to be satisfied with what he was doing until he caught her completely off guard when he formed a fist and rammed his arm almost up to his elbow into her warm and well lubricated depths.

She gasped "Matt, I don't think that this is a good idea. You don't know..." she was cut off when he slowly twisted his arm as he pulled it back then pushed his arm deeper, this time past his elbow.

He looked up and saw that any resistance she had to what he had done was gone; she nodded her head for him to continue with an opened mouth expression that would have looked comical if it were not for the very sharp and deadly looking teeth within it. Now sure that she was going to allow him to pleasure her in this manner he pumped his arm in and out of her with a slow deliberate rhythm.

Each new thrust of his arm was greeted by a steady rise in her temperature and flow, especially when he rotated his limb to heighten her pleasure. Her wonderful intoxicating smell also caused his erection to return to full strength and it felt to him as if it was the first time for that day. It soon throbbed so hard that it pained him, which increased his pleasure and his hardness, which increased his desire to pleasure Feih even more. His strength also seemed to increase with each thrust of his arm which did not seem to suffer any ill effects from such rapid and forceful movement.

Feih's lustful growls of pleasure was replaced by a loud cry and her tails thrashed about wildly when he located her clitoris, bent down and sucked on and licked the thick ten centimeter long organ which he could just fit into his mouth.

"Unnnhhh!" was all he heard at first. Then she cried out, "Matt please pull...your arm out. I-I can't control myself any longer."

A deafening roar followed and her vaginal walls clamped down on Matt's arm with so much pressure that he thought it was going to be crushed.

Seconds seemed like hours to him as he tried to pull arm free, but his struggles only heightened the intensity of her orgasm and the pressure.

After one final roar she loosened somewhat and he freed his arm, but this resulted in such a forceful spray of her fem cum onto him that he was knocked backward onto the ground between the fork of her tails. It spewed from her and onto his body and the surrounding area in gout after gout for over thirty seconds before it stopped covering his entire body with its wonderful smelly and slimy goodness.

When he finally managed to right himself within the sticky mess he saw that Feih panting heavily; her drooling tongue hanging out of the side of her open-mouthed smile.

For one timeless moment all they could do was stare and smile at each other as they recovered. Then, without warning, Feih lunged forward and seized Matt in her hands.

Despite the evil grin she on her face he showed no fear; "I warned you not to do that Matt" she growled. "Now I'm going to have to punish you."

Matt kept his eyes open this time as she cradled him in her hands and so vigorously licked at his entire body that at times her actions teetered on the edge of violence, while at others she tickled him to the point of hysterical laughter. Once she was satisfied that he was clean of her fluids she concentrated on his groin and his erect member once more; she curled the tip of her tongue so that it enveloped his entire length and thrust it up and down.

Matt actually felt his strength and endurance increase during this session as she expertly drew it out; he did not know where it was came from and did not care. So intense were the combined sensations of her just touching him and the raw sexual stimulation from her ministrations that teetered on the edge and held him there until he cried out for a merciful release.

Memories of the recent past came to him in a sudden rush into his mind, of how, despite her growing hunger she had regurgitated him and managed to dress him before he woke up. Of how she had and still fantasized him mounting her as he had in their shared "dream".

A sudden increase in suction brought him back to the present ands he again cried out for her to let him cum. She ignored his pleas and continued with her "punishment" for several more minutes before he finally let out with an inhuman roar of his own and gave up his body's life-creating fluids to her hungry mouth for the second time that night. She did not remove her mouth from him until he was fully drained.

Weak from exhaustion he looked into her brown eyes and said, "That was wonderful and beyond anything I've ever experienced. Where did you learn to do that?"

Her answer and following smile confirmed one of his secret suspicions, "My late mate, Hafnias, and I experimented with many ways of pleasing each other before we were formally mated. What I did just to you was one of them." She looked at him with some concern and next clarified her earlier warning; "You took a big risk in doing what you did to me. We Dorzeli can sometimes lose control of ourselves when we orgasm."

He shrugged his shoulders. "Using my arm was the only method I could think of that could possibly satisfy you seeing that I am not physically big enough to do it the conventional way." He used that same arm to caress the left side of her Python-like face. She smiled and leaned into it. "I guess I chose the right one."

"That was very thoughtful of you and I thank you for pleasing me like that and trusting me." She became thoughtful then her smile broadened. "I'll have to see what else you can come up with tomorrow night if things work out with your people in the morning." She wrapped her tails about their prisoner, lay down on her back and placed him just beneath her breasts. "Good night Matt."

Unable to move he said, "Good night Feih" and thought about her last statement. He had fully expected to be back with the Alliance forces tomorrow after which he would probably never see her again so he thought of asking her what she had meant by it, but, as with the night when she had bitten him he could not tell if she was faking when her breathing slowed and she did not respond. He finally decided that he did not care, closed his eyes and spoke a few last words before he slipped into unconsciousness, "I love you Feih."

Several minutes after he had fallen asleep she whispered, "I love you too Matt."