Welcome Home Surge

Story by midnightwolf777 on SoFurry

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I hope you enjoyed the story. Comments are always welcome be they praise, or (Keep it contructive please) criticism.

Surge Originally Designed by : http://www.furafffintity.net/user/arcanasigal/

Maneki and Luck Originally Designed by: http://furaffinity.net/user/mingchee/

All Adopted by me. Sly is mine.

Welcome Home Surge

Everything was quiet in the house when Sly walked in. "Looks like we're going to get one hell of a storm tonight." he said looking back at the dark clouds in the sky. He sighed tiredly as he reached the hallway where the bedrooms were. "Hello Kitty." he said as he saw Maneki coming out of her room. "Oh hi Master! I didn't know you were home!" said Maneki coming out of her room only to slam the door quickly behind her after seeing Sly. "Are you okay?" asked Sly confused at her sudden behavior. "Yes I'm fine. I-I just wasn't expecting you home so soon." she explained hurriedly, pressing her back against the door. "Okay what are you hiding?" asked the Wolfox suspiciously. "Nothing Master." she replied. "Lying will only get you punished Kitty. Now what are you hiding?" he asked serious now. Maneki sighed and opened the door. A yellow and blue furred quadrupedal creature stepped out of the room. Its eyes were a deep purple and it ran around Maneki's feet playfully. Maneki bent to pick the animal up and held it up for Sly to see. "Can we keep him, Please Master?" she begged, her pupils growing cutely. Sly looked from Maneki to the animal, only to see that it was giving him the puppy-dog eyes as well. "You catch on quick don't you?" asked Sly to the animal, that looked like a small canine. Its fur was yellow on top and blue underneath with lightning shaped streaks where the two colors met on its arms and legs. "Alright he can stay here, at least for the time being. There's a strong storm brewing and I wouldn't feel right sending him away out into it." said Sly to the excitement of Maneki. "Thank you Thank you Master!" she said happily as she hugged it close to her. As she did so the animal smiled to itself, a knowingly satisfied smirk that went unnoticed by both Sly and Maneki.

Sly sat in his room, writing at his desk as a shadow fell over him from behind. As the shadow overtook him and was cast over his paper he turned, only to see nothing. A sudden noise drew his attention to the figure just outside of his room. The yellow and blue dog from before sat in his doorway, a serious look in its eyes as it stared at the wolfox. Sly stared back at the animal before it suddenly turned and walked away quietly. This was not the only time Sly felt the eyes of the small dog on him. Throughout the day he felt another presence in the room with him whenever he was alone. It got to the point that he felt as if the canine was following him.

"Sly, Neki, I'm home!" came Luck's voice as she walked into the house. "Hey there Luck. I'm glad you're here." said Sly from the recliner in the corner as he stood. "What's going on?" asked Luck curiously. "Shh, Maneki's in the kitchen. I need you to keep an eye on her for a while." said Sly seriously. "Keep an eye on her? She's a grown woman Sly, and although she's comfortable being your pet, I don't think she warrants guarding." replied Luck. "I'm aware of that. It's not her I'm worried about. She brought home a small creature today. One I'm not too sure is from this world." explained Sly. "What do you mean not from this world?" asked Luck confused. "Remember when I told you that my parents weren't from this world either? I think this animal might be from the spirit world. It's just a hunch for now. But I won't know for sure until I can do some research. That and I feel like it's been following me. I need to get out of the house for a little while." explained Sly. "Okay okay, you seem a bit less collected than you usually are. I'll keep an eye on the animal." said Luck. "Thanks. I'll be back soon." said Sly grabbing his raincoat. The yellow and blue creature watched this from beneath a nearby table, a small smirk crossing its face as it saw Sly leave.

"Sly. Welcome to my library my man." said a large bear in a bookstore seeing the wolfox walk in. "Hey Dave, how've you been?" asked Sly greeting the male. "Been alright. What about you? The only reason you visit me at work is when you've got something on your mind. What's up?" asked Dave curiously. "One of my housemates brought home a new creature today, and I have a sneaking suspicion that it may be from the spirit world." replied Sly seriously. "Well now that's a mighty big place full of creatures big and small, but what makes you think that it's from there? What if it's just an animal you haven't seen before from this world?" asked Dave. "No. I thought about that. Nothing I've ever encountered in this world has ever made me feel like this. The fur on the back of my neck stood up every time it came near me." said Sly. "Well alright why don't you tell me what it looks like and I'll see what info I can give you." said Dave assuringly.

Luck spent the rest of the day with Maneki, occasionally stopping to play with the nameless animal. She couldn't see what was so bad about the little guy. He was friendly enough. "It was probably his imagination." she thought to herself. She and Maneki's ears twitched as thunder rumbled overhead, they both instinctively looking toward the sound. The storm had arrived. The dog looked up at the ceiling with the felines, a large smirk on its face now.

"Well it sounds like you're describing a spirit animal alright. A Surger to be exact." said Dave after hearing Sly's description of the animal. "A Surger? Never heard of it." replied Sly. "Not surprising. They're extremely rare. Born in the spirit world, they are very cunning and beautiful creatures, but they are also very dangerous." said Dave seriously. "Dangerous?" asked Sly intrigued. "Yeah. They can emit lightning from their bodies." said Dave to Sly's surprise. "Because of their unique abilities they are hunted from birth. So they quickly seek out new homes with clans and tribes and become the alphas of the pack, where they have followers and protectors. Those that reject these vies for power are killed in displays of power that make all under them fear their abilities. Your best bet is to get the Surger out of your house while it's still in its weakest form." explained Dave. "Weakest form?" asked Sly confused.

"Lucky? Have you seen the little dog? I can't find him anywhere." said Maneki walking through the house worriedly. "No I haven't seen him in a little while. Not since the lights went out." replied Luck. "The door to the garage is open. Do you think he went in there?" asked Maneki. "Only one way to find out." replied Luck. When they reached the garage they found a window was open. A flash of lightning lit up the dark room, showcasing a small tuft of blue/yellow fur on the windowsill. "Oh no. He went outside. Master said that we could keep him because he didn't want to send him out in the cold." said Maneki quickly moving towards the front door. "Maneki wait!" called Luck catching up with her friend in the living room just as the front door was kicked inward. Both felines stopped in their tracks as they beheld the tall muscular anthropomorphic frame standing in the doorway. Another lightning flash lit up the house, lighting up the canine figure for a second. Its blue and yellow tail swished behind it as a purple aura began to spill from its eyes. "Lucky..." said Maneki afraid. "Neki, get behind me." said Luck seriously, pulling Maneki back as they retreated backwards slowly.

"If the Surger is exposed to its natural element its powers grow along with its body as it assumes its true form. It's usually in this form that it tries to take over. It'll start by choosing a mate, usually the strongest of the opposite gender in the tribe." continued Dave. Thunder rumbled overhead, grabbing both males attention. "The storm...That was his plan..." thought Sly quickly realizing. "What if the mate he's chosen doesn't accept him?" asked Sly quickly. "Then he'll take her by force, and force her to be obedient to him." replied Dave cryptically. "Luck..." said Sly to himself, a sense of urgency in his eyes. "I gotta go Dave!" said Sly standing, taking the notebook from his hat. "Be careful Sly. His main goal will be to try to get rid of, or force the strongest male to submit to him. That'll be you my friend." said Dave as Sly pushed a pencil through the spiral coils of the notebook and began to write quickly. "He used his cuteness to get Maneki to bring him into the house. He's been waiting for his chance to change and take over. But there's one major flaw in his plan. He chose MY house as his target. Thanks Dave." said Sly as a portal opened before him. He stepped through the portal as soon as it formed. "See you around my friend." said the bear as the portal closed.

Sly emerged through another portal right in front of his house, just as it began to rain. He looked at his house and saw the door had been smashed in. "Maneki! Luck!" he shouted as he ran inside. He looked around the destroyed living room frantically. "He heard soft sniffling and whimpering in a corner of the room and turned to see Maneki sitting in the corner, her knees pulled up to her face, and her tail wrapped around her on the floor. "Maneki? Are you okay?" he asked, rushing to her. "M...Master...It's all my fault." she said sadly. "What's all your fault? What happened? Where's Luck?" he asked seriously. "The animal I brought inside. It changed into something big. She was trying to protect me. It pointed at her and said something I couldn't understand. Then it attacked her. She tried to fight it, but that only seemed to make it more excited. It started shooting electricity everywhere. There was nothing we could do. It grabbed her. It's all my fault." explained Maneki in tears holding out Luck's necklace. "Luck...Maneki...That does it." said Sly seriously, a deep growl coming from him as his eyes turned blood red. "M-Master?" asked Maneki, suddenly a bit frightened as she looked into his eyes. "No! Calm yourself Sly. Maneki has already been through enough today. She doesn't need to see you lose control too." thought the wolfox to himself as he closed his eyes, the glow around them fading before he opened them again, back to normal. "Don't worry Kitty. I'm going to get Luck back before anything bad happens to her. How long ago did this happen?" he asked seriously wiping a tear from her eyes. "About five minutes ago." she responded quickly, suddenly perking up at his confident attitude.

"Let go of me!" shouted Luck struggling against the creature. It had her pinned to the wall in the relatively empty garage. It muttered unintelligible growls as it moved its face close to hers. "What do you want from me?" she asked, frightened when she couldn't break free. The creature smiled a twisted smile as it rubbed the back of its right hand against her face before reaching down and ripping her jeans open with its claws, exposing her panties. Luck's pupils shrank as she looked down and saw the erection that was growing on the creature. "You can't be serious." she said as her struggles increased. The creature laughed at her efforts before feeling a tap on its shoulder. It turned, confused only to see Sly delivering a right roundhouse kick to its head. The kick sent it reeling backwards, forcing it to release Luck. The feline quickly moved behind Sly as the creature recovered from the hit. After, it stood and growled at Sly. "Of course I came back. You didn't think I'd let you take over my house without a fight did you?" replied Sly. "You can understand that thing?" asked Luck confused. "Only because I wrote that I can. Now I want you to stand back. This could get ugly." replied Sly. "Wrote? So you're a reality writer then?" asked the creature. "That's right. Anything written can become reality if I desire it." said Sly pointing to the notebook on his hat. "Writing won't do you any good if you're a pile of ashes." said the creature pointing at Sly now. Sly stood his ground, unflinching. A confused look crossed the Surger's face suddenly. "Wait. Why can't I shoot lightning?" it asked quickly. "Because I've already written that you can't. I took a few precautions before coming in here." explained Sly. "Crafty aren't you?" asked the Surger annoyed. "I have my moments. Now why don't we sit and talk about this? We don't have to fight, and you can't do much without your powers." offered Sly calmly. "Tsk. Powers or not I can still beat you. All I need are my claws!" said the creature rushing Sly quickly. Sly leapt back, avoiding the first slash aimed for his throat. He reached behind his ear and produced his pencil quickly. When the second slash came he was ready. The pages in Sly's closed notebook began to glow slightly as his pencil became a Bo Staff instantly. He parried the slash quickly, delivering a sharp strike to the creature's lower abdomen. The Surger bent forward holding its stomach from the hit only to take two more, one to either side of his head. "Damn you!" it shouted, swinging upwards. Sly stepped back as the Surger's claws swept upward just before his face, knocking his hat off as his staff broke in two. "Sly!" said Luck quickly, seeing the creature going on the attack again. The wolfox gripped both pieces of his broken staff and flipped them around so that they faced behind him. He held the right piece up and blocked a left side swipe quickly, stopping the creature in its tracks. Seeing this, the creature immediately went for a right swipe. A smile crossed Sly's face as he bent and parried the attack upwards, striking the creature's wrist and sending the swipe harmlessly above himself. Immediately after he swung his right leg around and caught his enemy behind its right ankle with a leg sweep, sending it tumbling to the ground. Seconds later, Sly was kneeling over it, knees on either side of its chest pinning its arms to its sides. Sly's left hand was on the left side of its head, holding it's broken staff half across its neck, pinning its head to the ground. His right hand hovered above it, holding its piece of staff thrust-ready threateningly. The fight was over.

"I admit defeat." said the Surger seriously. "What happens now that I've won?" asked Sly curiously. "I tried to take over your pack, and I lost. My fate is yours to decide. Kill me if that is what you desire." said the Surger. "So you'll resign yourself to whatever I decide then?" asked Sly. "Yes." it replied. "Good. I want you to stay here with us." said Sly to the shock of both the Surger and Luck. "What?" asked the creature quickly. Don't get me wrong. You're still on my bad side. You tried to take over my house, tried to rape luck, and you made Maneki cry. But you were following your instincts. And I know instincts are hard to fight, especially if you've been hunted all your life. You can stay here as long as you adhere to a couple of simple rules." said Sly. "Which are?" asked the Surger. "First and foremost, females in this world, especially Maneki and Luck are off limits unless they consent. If they say no, that's it." said Sly seriously. "Fair enough. Can I assume I'm to remain here at all times then?" it replied. "You will have freedom. You can come and go as you please. I will write that whoever sees you in this house will see you as a normal dog. That'll take care of you needing to hide. This will be your sanctuary. Just don't bring trouble here." explained Sly. "That's it? Just that simple you look away from all the trouble I caused?" asked the creature amazed that its plan had failed yet it still gained what it wanted. "Well yes and no. I still have to ask the others. Luck, what do you think?" asked Sly seriously to the feline. "Well. You said he's endangered right?" she asked, trying to make sure she gripped the entire situation. "Yes, He's a very rare spirit. Hunted from birth." explained Sly. "As long as you're sure he won't try this again, I'm okay with it." replied Luck. "Kitty. You can come in now. It's safe." called Sly picking up his hat. The pages in his notebook began to glow slightly as Maneki and Luck's ears twitched, they suddenly able to understand the creature's growls. What they heard surprised them a little, a series of uncertain whimpers. He was saddened by the frightened look on Maneki's face. "I'm...Sorry Maneki." he said solemnly as he reverted to his feral state. It crept a little closer as she shied toward it. She petted it and rubbed across its head as it leaned into the caress. "I'm sorry. You're the first person who's ever been nice to me. I won't scare you like that again." he said softly as she picked him up.

"You had it all planned like this didn't you?" asked Luck standing with Sly as they watched Maneki cuddle with the creature. "Luck, you make it seem like I've got the whole situation written out like a story." said Sly jokingly. "Hmmm....I don't know." said Luck accusingly, the wolfox sticking his tongue out at her next. "It was very brave of you...to fight him like that I mean." she said next, thinking back over the whole situation. "I'm just glad I was able to suppress his powers for the time being." replied Sly. "So his power loss is temporary?" asked Luck. "Yes. I only acted like his powers are gone for good. In reality he'll get them back when he wakes up tomorrow morning." explained Sly. "So he might try that again?" she asked. "No I don't think he will. Now that he knows he has potential friends here. He won't be alone anymore. He won't have to try to manipulate to get what he wants. I don't think he'll cause trouble anymore. But if he does, the time ban on his powers is still written in my notebook, all I have to do is focus on it to reinstate it." explained Sly. "Oh." said Luck relieved. "Even if he did have his powers I still would've fought him." said Sly, suddenly serious. "You would've? Why?" asked Luck confused. "Do you remember what I told you when you first came here? I told you that you wouldn't be forced into the life of servitude and could stay here safe with me. If I'd let him have his way I wouldn't be keeping true to that would I?" he asked. Luck looked at him surprised quickly. "I'll fight to keep you and Maneki safe. You two are very important to me." he said seriously. Luck felt a fluttering feeling welling up inside of her, a light blush on her face as she stared at the wolfox. "Sly...I..." "Master!" came Maneki's voice, cutting off Luck and drawing both of their attentions. "What did you decide Kitty?" asked Sly smiling, he could already see her decision on her face. "I want to let him stay. Can he stay Master?" she asked, her eyes growing big again. "Of course. And you. Do you think you can stay out of trouble?" asked Sly to the creature. "You have my word that I will not cause any trouble for your household." replied the creature. "Good. One last thing. Do you have a name?" asked Sly curiously. "A name...? I've never been given a name." it replied. "Well we can't have a nameless housemate can we? Welcome home Surge." said Sly petting the creature on the head. "Hey watch the cute stuff. I'm still a Surger and have some pride." it protested. "Oh you're just so cute." said Maneki hugging him tighter. "What about that?" asked Sly teasingly. "She's okay." Surge replied smirking as Maneki carried him off, leaving Sly and Luck alone. "Oh by the way I forgot to give you this." said Sly pulling Luck's necklace out of his pocket. "My necklace?" asked Luck, now realizing that she'd lost it. "Maneki had it when I came into the house. I told her I'd return it to you safe. I put it in my pocket before I came in here. I was hoping that it'd bring me...Luck." said Sly jokingly as he walked off next. Luck stood there almost unbelieving of everything that's happened today, staring at Sly as he walked away. "Thank you Sly...Thank you...Master..." she said softly as she slipped the necklace around her neck once more. "Did you say something Luck?" he asked. "Nope. Let's go." she replied and began to follow him.

The End

Valentines Day

Valentine's Day The mass of purple tentacles writhed and wriggled on the floor. They darted here and there, wrapping and capturing the cream colored figure in their midst. Luck groaned in frustration as she felt her wrists captured by the tendrils...

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Welcome Home Luck

Welcome Home Luck "Come on!" came a harsh voice on the quiet neighborhood street. A skunk male was tugging on a rope of some sort, trying to coax something out of a car, but he was having difficulty with the task. A minute later he succeeded in...

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Welcome Home Maneki

Welcome Home Maneki "Gotta hurry, gotta hurry." Sly ran around the house, putting this away and that. The wolfox had mostly gray fur, white fur on his belly. The tip of his tail looked like a fountain pen. And there were black strips of fur shaped...

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