A clue to his past: Hitchhiker!

Story by Bluedude on SoFurry


Writers note: (unfinished/discontinued) This story was written 3 years ago please keep that in mine before reading. It has a lot of errors and i admit to not wanting to edit it at the moment. I hope that wont discourage you form reading it, and i hope you enjoy it as well.

Also any suggestion for keywords will help as i dont remember too much about it

A clue to his past: Hitchhiker!

By: ~Blu

A small sound could be herd but only at a close range as the recording of the lullaby play softly in his ears. Whispering into his thoughts to help him fall into a deep satisfying sleep, bringing him closer to where he needed to be in his dreams to see who he needed to see to get through life.

The world around him is blank, all he could see was the emptiness around him. Walking endlessly he sees something in the distance. The first body he find in what felt like hours, he ran towards it eager to be with another even if it was a strange. He finally reached his destination to see a small skunk sitting on the ground curled up with his tail wrapped around plucking at his fur, a white mask on his face. The young skunk looks up and the teen notices the mask had a straight face on it. he looks back at his tail and continues to pluck away at his fur as if his presence wasn't wanted or needed.

"You seek release don't you?" he asked unmoved. "You came here to get away from it all... is it really too much for you to handle?"

The teen looked at the young skunk unable to answer him mouth would move but, nothing would come out not even the sound of his breathing. The young skunk looked back up at the teen, the teen blinking in silent annoyance at his inability to speak.

"Ok, I'll help you, I'll guide you when your confused and help you get to where you want to go." He said handing the teen a tape. "You know what to do with it!" he said walking away into the blank wasteland, his outline vanishing in a circle of light. But a small black hole was left where the small skunk had disappeared and it started to expand.

Suddenly the teen felt his body getting heavy, falling downward as the world around him started to collapse to the darkness. He soon fell gently to the floor his back hitting an invisible wall as he slid down it, slowly falling unconscious and into the dark void in the process.

Minutes later he was awaken by the sound of a passing truck honking at a passing motorist. The mourning sun hit his eyes and he stood yawning to get out of his mourning stupor. The spring weather was gentle to him as it was warm outside and the weather seemed clear and calm. He took off his earphones and placed it in his book bag and placing the tape he had into his vest pocket.

"Another strange dream." he thought as he picked up his backpack lugging it over his shoulders and started walking down the empty deserted road. The mourning bugs screams and screeching keeping him company as he walked the lonely path, reading the signs as they go by in his mindless daze. All the days started to look the same to him he would just keep walking forward towards his unknown destination., His adventures spanning him from one county to the other continuously going forward driven by his unknown dream.

Suddenly a truck started to slow down beside him on the road. The passenger window started to roll down slowly as a horned figure appeared out of the window.

"Hey there fella need a ride." The bull asked after popping his head out the window.

He started to feel like he had been through this before as he climbed up and opened the door seeing the bull smiling at him as he took the seat. The truck started along its path once he was seated and doors were locked.

"So where ya headed boy?" he asked still keeping his eyes on the road.

"No where..."

"Hmm," the bull grunted at the straight faced answer. "You got family son?" he continued. "'I'm sure yer parents must be missen ya!"

"None, I don't belong anywhere." Said the teen still looking out his window unmoved by his own coldness and uncared.

"If that's the case you can come with me fer a while... But at a price." He said with a mischievous tone and a smirk.

The teen looked over to see the pull groping himself through his pants. He undid his zipper showing his emerging bovine growing stiffer from the attention. Before the bull could tell him what happen if he didn't the young teen was on it. Massaging the bovine's balls as he looked on at the growing member, softly rubbing his paws against the shaft encouraging its growth, when it reached its peak it stood at 8 inch. The kid went to work at it gently sucking on the bull's testies getting an excited moan from the steer. Then, slowly licking his way up the underside of the shaft feeling the bull's cock throb as it pumped out more pre, collecting it up as it was slowly sliding down. Soon reaching the top he put his whole mouth around the bull's raging hard on as the bull put his hand on the teens head urging him to start bobbing. He wasn't able to fit it all but enough of the bull's cock went in to satisfy, as he deep throated the bull, hearing murs and coos of pleasure. Soon the bull started to buck into the teen muzzle, "Erf... I'm gonnna..." was all he got out as he released his seed into the teens throat that chugged it down effortlessly without gulping.

The bull sat there panting as the boy returned to the passenger's seat looking out the window as if nothing had happened.

"Wooh!! Where the hell did you learn to do that kid!?" he said after regaining his composure. "I've had professional hookers that couldn't even handle me like you just did!" he continued in astonishment.

"I... I don't remember..." the boy said with a puzzled look on his face, his fingers at his head trying to think.

"Hell it doesn't matter at any rate, I'm Rob and you are?" he glanced at his passenger.

The teen had to think, for some reason nothing came to mind. He sat there staring off into his lap his eyes glazing over as he was trying to focus in his mind and remember.

Suddenly a voice whispered to him "Giovanni..." he heard, "My name is Giovanni." he mumbled it out in unison with the inner voice.

"Ha Ha that's a nice name, well I'm assuming your older then 18 or else I'd have taken ya to the police already and not have even bother to demand that blow job." He continued laughing. "Even truckers have morals!" he continued to laugh getting a small smile from Giovanni.

They pulled up at a trucker stop. Rob stopped in front of one of the gas pumps. "I'm ma go pay for this you can go out and do whatever just hurry and finish fast ok." He said stepping out

Giovanni hopped out and went inside behind Rob heading straight to the bathroom. Like most it was a bit unappealing but served its job, but who was he to be picky. When he was done taking his short piss he could overhear Rob talking to the store manager.

"So who's that young one you got there with ya today Rob?"

"This kid I found, not much of a talker though just taking him around showing him truckers life."

The store manager smirked, "Better be careful these murders and psychopaths get younger and younger these days."

"Yeah yeah, laugh it up foxie, but I gotta tell ya this kid sucks like a vacuum, blew my mind."

The fox seemed interested at this point. "Oh, is that so, mind letting me show him the life of a truck stop manager!?" he mockingly said still laughing.

"No." he said not amused. "At any rate I gotta get and deliver this crap I got." He said heading towards the door, a shopping bag in hand.

"I'll be seeing you around rob." Said the fox waiving goodbye, as he looked at the bathroom door. "Hope the kid didn't fall in." he said laughing to himself.

Giovanni left after seeing the manager head to one of the store isle way to the truck where Rob just finished pumping gas. They climbed back in and returned to their trip.

"Hey kid I don't mind if ya stay with me for a while hell I'll even pay ya in slave wages and free living and food, if you don't eat much, to help me with these deliveries as long as you don't mind helping me... unwind from time to time."

"Ok I guess, thank you." He said smiling getting a grin in return from the bull.

Rob went on talking after that but the world around Giovanni went silent the as the child's voice came echoing in his head, "Is this what you truly want." He was still unable to talk as the world went into a blur of white shifting to the one in his dream. The small child was on a swing his mask now smiling.

"Are you sure you want this?" he asked again still swinging. Giovanni nodding his head smiling back. The skunk jumped off the swing landing on his foot paws. He walked towards Giovanni with his head down.

"That isn't what your heart truly wants." He looked back up at Giovanni his mask now with a stern angry face.

"Your mind says yes but you heart says no and it's not sure. You need to come to an understanding of yourself!"

He walked away, "But that's why I'm here, try to enjoy yourself, I'll come back when you come to an agreement with your heart." The world begin regaining its color as the skunk disappeared and rob still yakking on as Giovanni's hearing came back. He stared out the window knowing that it wasn't going to be too bad of an idea.


The rest of the week went by smoothly as they made deliveries around the state. Giovanni was starting to open up a bit more to Rob as vise versa, delivering shipments, getting paid, giving head now and then when Rob asked, and enjoying life. He was becoming content with the way things were going, till one night." "Hey Gio lets stay here for the night." he said stopping at a small inn. "I'm kinda sick of sleeping in this truck all the time." He said stretching with the sound of joints cracking.

They went in a checked into a room. It was a nice hotel all though it seemed as if it was in the middle off nowhere. The room looked very decorative and spotless but spacious and nice, there was only one bed but he was ok with sharing. He went to the bed and flopped into it.

"You stay here for a bit since you seem tired I'ma go into town for a bit and get some stuff." He said leaving. Giovanni changed into his boxers and t-shirt and laid there in the cozy bed starting to drift to sleep with little effortlessly with a smile on his face.

He was rudely woken later that night as the bull came back in the room, with a silly grin on his face. He came in stumbling over his hooves, burping, and slowly making his way towards the bed. Giovanni watching him as he laid on his back in bed, the bull soon dropped his pants and boxers and shirt, leaving the teen with a questioned look on his face. The bull stood over him, his member springing with life as he tossed the over off and pinned the boy down.

"What... what are you doing?!!?" he asked trying to get up from the bulls grip. The bull just popped opens the complementary lotion bottle and spread it on his member.

"Shut up and keep still!" he said pushing harder on his chest.

"Please... stop... you're hurting me!" he said tears starting to form.

"I said shut up!" he said slapping him across the face pulling off Giovanni's boxers. "Remember you said you'd help me unwind from time to time! Well nough of this oral crap I'm taking you now." He said trying to put the teen's leg over his shoulder.

"No!! Please!" he begged kicking to push the pull off. But to no avail as the bull was stronger and bigger.

"I said shut up before you kill my buzz!" this time he used his fist as it went across Giovanni's face causing him to cry softly, not to make enough noise to anger the bull. Rob hoisted the other leg over his shoulder and wasted no time going at it as he shoved as much of his 8 inches into Giovanni as he could. Grunting and groaning as he pounded away at Giovanni's prostate. Giovanni silently begging with each feverish pound, "No... Please... Stop..." each plea followed by whimpers and more tears. Rob then used one hand to start pumping him ignoring his cries to stop, his speed soon decreased as he felt his balls tighten blasting the poor teens inside with hot seed causing gio to orgasm immediate after. The bull still caught in his sex crazed trance continued to hump away at him pushing his way into the bed, as he finally collapsed on top of Giovanni snoring loudly.

Giovanni pushed off the dead sleeping corps of his once highly regarded friend hitting the floor as he was crawling backwards to the corner like a scared mouse. Still sobbing from the abuse he had endured whispering for it to end as his raping was still playing on in his head. He reached for his book bag pulling out his headset and attaching it too his tape player, then placing it in his ears still crying. He curled up into a ball in the corner sitting on his tail with it between his legs to make it hurt less. The music started playing up again as the soft lullaby echoed in the room, it started to calm him down and he soon found himself drifting to sleep fast again tears trailing down his face still.

The world soon went white again with him still sitting there in a ball crying. The small skunk walking towards him with a sad mask on, he patted Giovanni on the back and hugged him from behind.

"I see you summoned me." He said still comforting him. "It's ok I know this isn't what you truly wanted. You mind now speaks with your heart, they agree now, so I will help you get through this."

He placed his hand on Giovanni's head the lullaby started to replay loudly in the blank world, "Let the music relax you, with each passing note let your body fall into a deeper slumber, allow your memories of the past week to fade away." Giovanni's body went numb slowly his limbs started to fall slowly.

"When the music stops playing, all the memories of tonight will be gone and when you awake tomorrow you will have no memories of Rob or your experiences with him." His body was now laid out on the floor the skunks hand still on his head. The skunk stood up after rubbing him on his head. "I'll take over from here, you just rest don't worry you will be in your own skin again to marrow I promise." Giovanni was at peace once again.

TO BE CONTINUED!(unfinished/discontinued)

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