Spirit Bound: Chapter Nineteen

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#21 of Spirit Bound

This chapter contains consentual underage sex (oral), and some family drama.

Chapter 19: Tea Take Two

Geoff was standing in front of his father's desk, his ears still ringing from when Avery slammed the door. His grin faded a bit, "Da, should I get Nathanial and talk to her? Or wait until she wants to talk to him? I think waiting, for an hour or so, may be a good idea."

"At least a half hour. She needs a bit of time to assimilate what we've told her, but if we wait too long she'll recover enough that new information may set her off again. Just don't be very affectionate with Nathanial when you see her. It's... hard to watch until you get used to the idea." He stood up and turned to look out the window behind him. His back and muscles looked a bit stiff. Geoff walked over and hugged him. "Yeah, yeah. Us old folks take time to get used to knew things."

"I love you, Da. Thank you for your support, this probably wasn't easy for you, either. I've been only thinking about how hard it was for me, but it hurts you guys, too. I know I should have talked to you earlier, before this all blew up, but..."

Conor turned around and hugged his son, "It's hard. Scary. You're never are sure how your parents will take it, and are afraid of losing us. Most parents love their kids enough that they'll get over it, in time. But that time can really hurt. I hope you realize, now, that I love you and always will. So does Avery. She... took it better than I thought, but I knew she'd turn around in a day or two at most. I just don't know how to break it to the rest of our families. Da will bluster and storm, like Avery, and come around. I don't know about anyone else. I'd normally want everyone to know, but you're dealing with politics due to Da's position, and mine. It'll be your call, and I'll support it whatever you choose."

"Thanks. I'll leave things alone, for now. I really want things to settle before opening another can of worms." Conor let him go and sat down. "I'm going to see if Faelen's making anything. I'm still really hungry. Is Nathanial allowed out, yet?" Geoff walked toward the door, pausing with his paw on the handle.

"No. Not until he talks to Avery. If I could send her to her room and ground her, I would. Both of them really crossed the line. I'd like to talk to Sensei, though. Is he still poking around that thing?"

"Yes, but he wanted to examine it properly, so he called that Agent Ella. One of her co-workers brought them to a proper lab. They're probably still there." Conor's face became stony, "They know who we are, and promised to keep it under wraps. Ella is probably as concerned about my identity leaking out as we are. Though for different reasons. She thinks it'd start a civil war in the Society if the Hunters and Spirits went to war."

Conor looked thoughtful, "I doubt it, but she'd know more about the Society than I. I've always thought the vast majority of them hated Spirits, but from the Marks' experience, many Mages may hate Hunters more than they hate us. Good to know." He stood and walked to the door, "I'm going to sit with Dirk for a bit, bring Nathanial up in a half hour." He clapped Geoff on his shoulder and drew him into a one arm hug, "I love you, Son. I'm glad you said those words, even if we already knew. I think you needed to say them. I'm proud of you." He licked Geoff's ear.

"Thanks, Da." He opened the door and let his father walk out first, and closed the door behind him. He walked downstairs. Faelen was in the kitchen, making a quick stir fry, rice, and dumplings. Conor wasn't very fond of Asian food, but Geoff loved it. Faelen liked stir frying, too, they were very quick and easy to make.

Faelen kept chopping up the vegetables as he said, "So? How'd it go?"

"I think she took it rather well. She knows I'm gay, I'm dating Nathanial, we've had sex, and that Da, um, filled out a prescription for, quote, one ass fucking."

The knife stopped moving, "He what?"

"Oh. I guess you hadn't heard. Well, how much detail do you want?" Geoff felt himself getting a little hard.

"Ah, how hot is it?" Geoff just growled playfully, "Every. Little. Detail."

Geoff leaned against the counter and filled him in. After he was done, several minutes later, he grinned at Faelen, "I have to fetch the naughty puppy to talk to Da in twenty-ish minutes. I better deal with this, first." He grabbed his very visible erection through his pants.

Faelen sighed, "Liam isn't around, is he?"

"No, but Nicholas is. He's been perving you for a while. I think Nathanial would hurt you if you tried anything with Micah, though. Even though Micah would be more than willing."

"Yeah. Not going to happen. He's way too small, I'd hurt him. Nicholas, however." His expression was thoughtful. "Nah. I'll just go take care of this, myself. I want to eat. I'm hungry. I wish Liam was here."

Geoff chuckled and they went downstairs. Geoff looked at the two younger pups on the couch, "No spying." They looked over shocked, and their eyes fixed on the obvious bulges in the Wolves' pants. Geoff and Faelen went to their separate rooms.

Nathanial gave Geoff a dirty look as he closed the door behind him. Nathanial put his book on the nightstand and they quickly stripped. "Yeah, telling them no spying is probably going to backfire. Though Faelen left his door partly open, so they'll likely leave us alone. How long do we have?"

"Da wants to talk to you in twenty. Just blowjobs."

Nathanial grabbed the Velcro strap on Geoff's underwear and unfastened it, releasing his lover's tail. He pulled the loosened fabric out as he moved the leaking penis out of the way, so he could pull the underwear down. "What got you two so worked up?" Geoff stepped out of the cotton pool around his hindpaws, pushing his Akita onto the bed.

Geoff didn't answer immediately, but gently lowered himself onto Nathanial, keeping some of his weight on his elbows and legs. He licked the black nose, and the tip of Nathanial's muzzle until it opened for him. Geoff turned his head slightly and began kissing him, slowly, but with feeling. Nathanial sighed into his mouth, and wrapped his arms around him. His pup gently began running his claws down Geoff's back, making him shudder and arch up into the claws. He continued kissing for another minute, before sitting up, "Faelen didn't know what happened in the bathroom this morning. I gave him some detail."

Nathanial blushed, "Oh, gods. Did you have to?"

Geoff nibbled on Nathanial's neck, "Hmm? Oh, no, but I wanted to. It was extremely hot and intense. I prefer when it's just us, but it was really exciting to watch you and Da. You are really exciting, no matter what you do." He began working his way down, nuzzling and licking.

Nathanial gave a soft, pleased, sigh, "Ah... I love the way you do that. Nick and Micah are on Faelen's bed, they're jerking off together. Faelen seems to have caught them spying, so he let them in. Probably if they promised to keep their paws to themselves." He laughed softly, "Smart. We owe him one."

Geoff didn't answer but started to give Nathanial's scrotum a tongue bath, occasionally sucking one of Nathanial's balls into his mouth. Nathanial tapped him on his head and motioned for him to turn around. Geoff flipped around, putting his dripping member over Nathanial's face, and resumed playing with Nathanial's bag. He moaned as Nathanial licked up the precum off his shaft, then gave a startled yelp around a mouthful of testicles as a warm tongue began working his tail-hole. He growled in pleasure as he got used to it. He let the balls drop out of his mouth, "We may have to clean up a bit, we shouldn't dally too much." He took Nathanial's penis into his mouth, running his tongue around the soft flesh as he slowly pushed down. He felt Nathanial shudder, and Geoff shuddered in turn when Nathanial copied him. He ran his tongue over Nathanial's tip, spreading a large drop of precum over his tongue. He loved the way his pup tasted. 'Enough playing, I'll tease him longer tonight.' He began to bob, and tried to see if he could take all of Nathanial into his mouth and throat. He felt the tip hit the back of his mouth and pulled off, coughing. Nathanial chuckled and proceeded to bury his nose into Geoff's fur, a good bit of Geoff's shaft sliding into his throat. Geoff's knot was just starting to swell, so Nathanial could still fit it in his mouth. Nathanial began swallowing, working the pink skin with his muscles, and making Geoff thrust slightly as he growled. Geoff tried again, getting a bit farther, but he still had to pull back quickly. 'Later.' He gave up, for now. He moistened on one of his fingers, before he resumed sucking. He rubbed it around Nathanial's tail-hole, making the dog try to push back into his finger. He gently worked it in, and soon found the spot he was looking for. He gently rubbed his finger across the spongy tissue, sending Nathanial into throes of pleasure. Geoff was finding it difficult to focus, as Nathanial continued to alternate between deep throating and massaging him with his tongue. Nathanial moved his paw up and began rubbing Geoff's swelling knot, making him growl louder. Suddenly Nathanial squeezed his knot firmly and swallowed him again. Geoff howled around Nathanial's dick, and involuntarily pressed harder on Nathanial's prostate as he began shooting his seed down his love's throat. Nathanial began flooding Geoff's muzzle with his own semen, his moans increasing Geoff's pleasure. After a few minutes, they calmed down enough for Geoff to turn around and cuddle. He checked the time, "Five minutes. Do we need to clean up, much?" His knot was still too big to retract into his sheath, so he was poking Nathanial with it.

"No, my groin is covered in slobber, though. I should wash it off. I don't need a shower for that. Faelen and my brothers are done, too." He tried to sit up, but couldn't move Geoff's arm off of him, "Hey. Up."

"Don't wanna." Geoff frowned, "You sent those other two mastiffs back, didn't you?"

"Yes, about five minutes before you came down. Why?"

"Wondering. They seem to scare everyone. I don't know if it's because of their size, because they only show up when you're angry, or because we know so little about them. I think I like them. They don't seem to dislike me the way they don't like Ella or Faelen. They didn't seem fussed when Liam-sensei walked by them, either."

"That's nice, hon. Now let me up. I don't want to try to talk to your mom with a slobbery crotch." Geoff laughed and let him up, but grabbed the base of his tail when Nathanial tried to stand. He slid his legs off the edge of the bed and sat up, pulling the compliant dog onto his lap. He nibbled Nathanial's neck, as he wrapped his arms around the white belly.

He chuckled, "I love holding you. I love the way you feel, smell," he nibbled some more, "Taste. And the way you look. You are incredibly cute. Hot. Mine." He clamped on Nathanial's neck in a mating bite, making Nathanial moan. He thrust gently against Nathanial's rump. He released his bite, "I love you, pup." He rubbed his muzzle against Nathanial's.

Nathanial returned the rub, his tail trying to wag, "I love you, too. But we should get your mother's blessing, and being late won't help." Geoff let him go. Nathanial stood and turned around, kissing Geoff. He grabbed his clothes, and went to the washroom. Geoff had deflated enough that his knot was starting to slide back into his sheath, so he began to get dressed again.

Nathanial opened the door to Geoff's bedroom and slipped out. 'Geoff was really happy and affectionate. His talk with Mrs. McDougal must've went well, I better keep control and not screw this up.' He poked his head into Faelen's room, "Thanks, Faelen."

Faelen was lying naked on his bed, waiting for his knot to deflate. Nicholas was curled up in the crook of his arm, rubbing Micah's head. Micah was laying face down on Faelen, his head on Faelen's shoulder, near Nick, his legs spread to lay on either side of Faelen's wide torso. Both had already sheathed their cocks. Faelen looked up, "What for?" He looked a little guilty having Nathanial's brothers curled up naked with him.

Nathanial smiled, "For the distraction."

Faelen grinned, "The job of a bodyguard." Nathanial turned, walked to the bathroom, and sponged his groin clean.

Geoff walked in just as Nathanial was using the blow dryer to get rid of the worst of the dampness. Geoff eyed the soft fur, his desire obvious in his expression. "Down, boy. I want to make a better second impression than my first one." Geoff looked sheepish, but stepped over to kiss him, again. Nathanial put his free paw on Geoff's cheek. "I've never been so happy, thank you." He looked away, eyes misty.

"I'm glad. You deserve it. I wish I'd met you earlier. I wish your life had been better. I wish..." Geoff sighed, "we have a long life together, where we fall deeper in love as time goes by. I wish I would stop being so sappy."

"I wish you'd kiss me." Geoff was good at granting wishes.

They made it to Conor's study just on time. Conor was just opening the door, "Ah, there you are pups. There aren't enough seats, so lets go to the music room." He winked at them as he went past. Geoff and Nathanial exchanged looks and blushed. Avery tried to smother a groan as she was walking toward them from inside the study. Geoff smiled, his mom was still in fairly good humour.

Nathanial scuffed his hindpaws on the floor, and stared at them, "Um, Mrs. McDougal, I, um, I-I'm sorry. I overreacted. I s-said some things I shouldn't have. Sorry." Avery stopped at the door, posture stiff, and gave him a searching look. Nathanial cringed, curling up on himself. Geoff noticed Nathanial's eyes seemed unfocused. Avery sighed and reached for his pup. No one was expecting Nathanial's reaction. Nathanial gave a muffled yelp and began shivering violently, "I-I'm sorry, Mom. I'll make s-sure they behave. I won't l-let them embarrass y-you, again. Just don't hurt them, p-please. Hurt me, b-but, p-please." Nathanial dropped to the floor at Avery's hindpaws.

Avery was frozen, absolute horror on her face. Geoff looked at her, as he debated whether he was allowed to cuddle his boyfriend. Avery carefully and slowly knelt. She put her paws on Nathanial's shoulders and lifted his head onto her lap, stroking his fur. "Shh. Shh. Calm down, pup. I won't hurt you." She looked up at Geoff, eyes pleading.

Geoff knelt and rubbed Nathanial's back, his voice was quiet, "Last night, around midnight, Nathanial started having a nightmare and was talking in his sleep. It seems his mom had been beating him for years. I don't know when they started. No one knew. He was afraid to say anything because they might get sent to foster care and split up, and he didn't want his brothers to worry." Avery began softly crying, her tears dripping onto Nathanial's face. Conor stood behind Geoff, looking at Nathanial in concern. He seemed to reach a decision and walked into his room and closed the door.

It was almost twenty minutes before Nathanial was composed. Conor had left his room about ten minutes ago, and Faelen had come up to tell them tea was ready, but turned around without saying anything when he saw Nathanial and Avery crying. Nathanial lifted his head off Avery's lap, blushing in embarrassment, "I-I'm sorry. I don't know what happened. I just saw your paw and..." He stopped, and began shivering again.

Avery gave a sad smile, "There's nothing to apologize for. I'm going to put my paw on your shoulder," she did so, slowly, to not startle him, "I'm the one who should apologize. I'm sorry. I spoke without thinking at tea. I should never blame pups for what members of their species do. I shouldn't blame individuals of any age for things they may not be responsible for. I didn't realize your mother had been abusing you. The way I acted makes it natural that you'd move the fear you felt of her to me, another mother. One you probably wanted to placate and please, like you did your own. I'm sorry, please forgive me." She gently pulled him into a hug. Nathanial's shivers slowly began to subside. Geoff felt relieved, Nathanial had scared him badly. Avery gracefully rose to her hindpaws and helped Nathanial up. "Now, lets get you a mug of hot milk, and see if Faelen has made something to eat. We'll try to let everyone eat this time, okay?" She smiled at him. Nathanial smiled back, a little timidly, but still a smile. Avery looked at her son, "Oh, do stop hovering. He's fine."

Geoff tried to smile, but he thought he failed miserably. He grabbed Nathanial and pulled him into a big hug, "Gods, pup. You scared me." He let Nathanial go and licked his muzzle, "If you need to talk, please do. Don't bottle things up, it," he hiccupped, "it always finds a way out." He hiccupped again, "Y-you scared me." He pulled Nathanial back into a hug, hiccupping occasionally.

Conor snorted, "I think you should give the milk to Geoff, dear, not Nathanial." He placed his paw on his wife's shoulder, she put her paw on his and smiled at the two boys. "Nathanial. I called Mr. Ryhorski. He will speak with you tomorrow, at the beginning of third period, your teacher has been informed you will miss that class. I can't force you to talk about anything, but I think you should talk to him about your mother. She's obviously hurt you physically and emotionally. He can help. If you can't talk to him, for whatever reason, I will listen to whatever you have to say, but I can't help the way he can."

Nathanial looked ashamed. Geoff held him back a bit so he could look into his eyes, still hiccupping, "Please, just once. See if-if he can help. If you don't th-think he can, you won't have to go back. J-just try. Please. I hate seeing you hurt, it f-feels like a knife in my own heart. Gods, I-I hate the hiccups." Geoff sniffed, his nose was running now, too. Conor grabbed some tissues for the three of them.

Avery sniffed and smiled, "Let's freshen up and go eat, okay?"

Everyone sat back at the table. Geoff's hiccups were fading as he calmed down. Faelen found some candles and had lit them to provide light for the dining room. The food was good, it was thrown together quickly, but well made. After a few bites, Conor turned to Nathanial, "I never got a chance to ask. What did you see in the portal?"

Nathanial looked confused, "Eh? Oh! Right. It's a lot different than the ones I've been making. I forgot about that. It really is more of a teleporter, like in Star Trek, than a portal. I've been making holes in space, it's sending an object through space. The third spell did activate when the teleporter was in use. It compared Mrs. McDougal's energy with the one it's keyed to. It was very different, how, I don't know. But whatever it's looking for, it's very different from her. I did notice that it drew more energy from Mrs. McDougal than is needed to power the spells, the extra magic was sent or stored somewhere else. The spell for that isn't on this side."

"Is it dangerous?"

"Dunno. If you had very little energy, yes, it could be. I'd refuse to let Liam-sensei use it right now. I wouldn't use it, or let my brothers use it, either. It didn't seem to draw enough to noticeably affect Mrs. McDougal, which means all of you would be fine."

Avery looked a question at Conor, who answered, "We don't understand either, nor does Nathanial. He can see or feel magic, somehow. He was able to detect the teleporter through the wards the Mage set up to hide it, it was strong enough that it seemed to physically hurt him. He was able to draw up some sort of magic notes on it, well enough that Liam-sensei, the Healer, could read and understand them. He was impressed by the clarity and detail of the notes. I've never heard of a Mage that could do that, nor had Liam-sensei."

Avery frowned, "Sensei?"

Everyone at the table smiled and looked at Nathanial, he had smiled too, but stared at his plate when everyone turned to him. He blushed, "Master of a craft or teacher. It's Japanese."

Geoff grinned, "Liam-sensei insists that people call him by his last name until he gets to know them better, and he calls them by their last name, too. It's apparently similar to traditional Japanese etiquette, which is in a lot of Nathanial's books. So he started calling Liam-sensei, Smith-san, and it stuck. Well, until we learned he's a Healer and a master Kung Fu practitioner."

Micah jumped in, "He's a super duper Si Tai Gung! I went to his practice once and everyone was following him and being all bow-y and stuff. Including the master owner guy of the place. The Si Tai Gung, um, Bao. Can't remember his last name, or first, whatever. They say names backwards. Si Tai Gung means great grandmaster. Sensei is cool."

Avery looked surprised. Nathanial looked concerned, "I expected to hear back from him by now. By the way, why does everyone refer to him as a Healer? He's a practitioner of traditional Eastern Medicine. I guess you can't call him a doctor, since he doesn't have a PhD, but why does Healer seem to be used so much? I've heard the term before, so I was using it, but I don't understand why."

Avery answered, "It's generic for anyone who can heal. Doctors, traditional practitioners, and those who can use magic to heal. It's used primarily for people from the Hidden World who can use supernatural means to treat injuries, disease, or curses. This Sensei would use some sort of energy along with his medicine to produce supernatural healing. Fey are the best at it, while Mages have the most but the weakest Healers. A really good Healer is rare and treasured, like Artificers. I really know next to nothing about Eastern societies."

Conor continued, "I know a bit more about that, Monks are better Healers, and have more on average than Mages, but there are fewer Monks. They are also much more secretive than Mages. Their healing is tied to their traditional practices, so it's almost impossible to tell if it's supernatural or not. If Sensei's potions and salves weren't so miraculous, you'd never have been able to tell they were from a true Healer. We're lucky to have him as a friend."

Avery shot him a dirty look, "Even if he prescribes sex as a medicine."

Conor smiled, "It worked." She rolled her eyes. Nathanial poked at his food, obviously uncomfortable.

Avery was instantly contrite, "I'm sorry, Nathanial. I know it was to help you, I just hope this brute wasn't too rough." She looked surprised at what she said, "Don't answer! I don't want to know! Just, don't let... never mind. I hear nothing, I see nothing, and I'll say nothing more. Lovely food, Faelen. Your father is teaching you well. I miss his cooking back home. I just wish we didn't ruin the meal he had prepared."

"Thank you, ma'am. It isn't my best. I was still really hungry so I rushed it."

"Avery, dear. Not ma'am."


Nathanial kept poking at his food, "I'm sorry, Dirk. I hope you're all right."

Avery gave him a funny look, "I believe I was the one that shot him, not you. You needn't apologize."

"I should have blocked, not dodged. I'd never have let that by if it was one of my brothers beside me. I let him get hurt. I also got you angry, so it's my fault, too."

Avery smiled, "I'll give you that, but how could you block lightening?"

"I don't know anymore. I did, but if it means I have to get angry at you to remember, I'll pick not knowing." Avery laughed. "May I be excused for a minute? I want to call Liam-sensei."

Conor nodded, and Nathanial pulled his phone out as he went into the hall. Geoff watched him go, "I'm worried. He seems genuinely happy most of the time, even with everything that's going on. He's been attacked, what, four or five times? His mom just died, which he holds himself at least partly responsible for. Nicholas had to go through that cleansing stuff, and he found out Micah is half Fey. Then having those foul rumours going around at school? How can he think this is better than what he had before?"

Nicholas had paled at the mention of the cleansing potion that was forced into him, but looked at Geoff, "You. It's because of you, all of you." He included Conor and the O'Conalls, "He's never had a friend before, no one besides us would pay him attention." He motioned at Micah and himself, "He's always been picked on and bullied at school. He loves you, Geoff, as hard as it is to believe. You treat him well, you listen, you love him. I-I'm happy for him. You should accept what he says, he is happier than he ever has been." He picked at his food.

Faelen ruffled Nicholas's fur, "I agree, it is hard to believe. But we've seen and heard the proof, so we just have to accept Nathanial's bad taste."

Geoff playfully punched Faelen's arm, "Hey! Come on. You seem to like me, and not just because you're paid to."

Faelen rolled his eyes, "I seem to have missed my calling, then, I should be on a stage. My acting skills could win me an Oscar or something." He turned back to Nicholas, "You going to school tomorrow? What about you, Sprite?"

Nicholas just nodded, still barely eating. Micah had finished eating already, and was sitting almost quietly. He looked up, surprised, "Eh? Pardon?" Faelen repeated his question, "I guess. If Nats is going, I gotta go, too. Are you putting out milk tonight?"

Faelen and Dirk both looked at him, puzzled, "Why?"

"You have a Brownie living here. Your supposed to put out a saucer of milk and some bread for Brownies."

Conor frowned, "That's true, but this is a Spirit home, not Fey. He's supposed to ask before moving in, though he is certainly welcome."

"He's been living here for a long time. He lived in a tree right where the big closet is now, so he moved in once the house was finished. You moved in without asking."

Conor smiled, "I guess that's true, then. We'll start leaving out some milk every night."

Micah frowned, "No thanks or sorries?"

"No, of course not! It's extremely rude to thank a Fey. In their custom you need to repay debts, and they view saying 'thank you' as an attempt to get out of your debt. It's similar with 'sorry', depending on how serious the offence is. Fey value action over words."

Micah looked hurt, "I've been insulting Granddad? What about gifts? Am I supposed to thank him for that?"

Conor shook his head, "No. Give him a gift in return, of equal value. Equal value to you. Put as much work into making a gift for him as you value the gift he gave to you. The monetary value is irrelevant, it's the cost in terms of effort and what the gift means, emotionally, to you." Micah fingered the pin on his shirt, the shape his grandfathers cloak was in at the moment. "You can ask for help, but most of it has to come from you. Whether you buy it and earn the money. Whether you make it with love and care and get help in learning how to make it. Or whether you take something you love and think he'd like and give it to him, while telling him why it means so much to you, and how much his gift means to you."

Nathanial walked back in to the room, "I'm sorry, everyone." He sat down, "Liam-sensei is just finishing up his business. He has what he wants, and Jay is keeping most of my, I mean, the dog." He looked morose at the death of the creature, "They were both very excited about the whole thing. It's funny seeing Sensei like that, but he also looked like he was in a lot of pain."

Avery cocked her head, "Seeing? Looked? I thought he was still out."

"Yeah, somewhere in Halifax. I was looking through the phone to see how he was and what he was doing. ESP stuff, I don't really know how it works. It isn't really seeing, but I still get enough data to visualize it. I often have to remember that I'm not seeing, it's confusing."

Avery smiled, "About as confusing as that explanation?"


She made a fake horrified expression, "Oh, dear!"

Nathanial smiled shyly back, before tilting his head, "He just got home. He's going to eat and then bring over our school work."

Conor stood, "Then if we're done, Nathanial and Avery, you're on kitchen duty. Nathanial, if you could also replace the light bulbs in here. Faelen will bring you the replacements. I'll be in my study, I have a lot of work to catch up on. Thank you for the second tea, Faelen." Nathanial and Avery meekly lowered their heads, and smiled at each other. Geoff felt a warm glow inside, he was very happy that they seemed to be getting along.