Spirit Bound: Chapter Twenty

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#22 of Spirit Bound

This chapter involoves underage gay sex. Well, I really should be writing more 'blurb' style descriptions here, the content is discussed through tags. Something to think on, I guess, but I hate the blurbs/opening credits on anime and how they spoil the entire show, movie trailers are getting just as bad.

Chapter 20: Heartfelt Conversations

After everyone had eaten, Nathanial and Avery began removing the dishes from the table. Faelen went and grabbed some replacement bulbs and put them on the sideboard in the dining room, before heading downstairs. Nathanial stopped for a moment, then said, "Mrs. McDougal, if you could stand aside for a moment." She gave him a quizzical look, but stepped out of the way. Nathanial focused for a moment and all the dishes rose off the table and gently floated into the kitchen, setting themselves into neat piles. "Quicker that way." He smiled shyly, before removing the broken bulbs from the chandelier the same way, and replacing them. Avery began cleaning the scraps off the plates into the compost pail. Nathanial filled the sink with water and tossed a few sponges in, washing the plates with them as he tidied up elsewhere in the kitchen.

Avery shook her head, "How do you do so many things at once? It must make things incredibly quick and easy."

Nathanial blushed, and answered in a quiet voice, "I-I guess so. I've only been able to do so much recently. This is the first time I've been able to do chores since all this started. I kind of miss it. It was usually peaceful at home when I did the chores, I got to spend time with Nick and Mike without worrying about stuff." He paused looking down, "Do... do you hate me? Or blame me, rather, for, um, dating Geoff? Blame me for turning him gay?"

Avery froze, her thoughts running an obvious mile a minute, "I don't hate you. When you aren't angry, you're very sweet and kind. Something I'm not, even when I'm not angry." She smiled ruefully at that.


Avery sighed, "I... do and don't blame you. I can see why Geoff would fall in love with you, since he always tries to protect the underdog and befriends the friendless." Nathanial's tail curled up between his legs, ashamed at the accurate assessment, "Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't mean it like that! Drat it." Avery laughed, "See! My mouth always runs off and gets me into trouble. I meant more that since he likes guys, you'd be someone he'd be attracted to. I would, in his position." Nathanial blushed, but remained silent, "I do blame you, in my heart. I found out, no, I had it confirmed that Geoff was gay because of what happened. You were the catalyst, it is in no way your fault, but you were at the centre of it. I know nothing, really, of homosexuality, I always thought it was a choice. That's what I've always heard, and that's what my experience taught me. I've never really had to think of it. It's taboo amongst Spirits. We have low birthrates compared to regular Furs, so we're always concerned about having enough children. Especially when it's someone in Geoff's position. The thought of him not siring any pups is... upsetting."

Nathanial frowned, "Why can't he? If there are women who want to have his pups, for whatever reason, do what Dirk did. They'd have to be Spirits, or someone in the Hidden World who can get proper treatment, but he could have lots of pups. Faelen, too. There has to be a lot of lesbian Spirits who'd want children, they'd be ideal fathers for them. Handsome, smart, kind, and powerful." His tail started wagging as he thought of Geoff, and all of his wonderful characteristics.

Avery looked thoughtful, "I could think of a few suspects, older ladies, still relatively young by our standards, who haven't married. It'd be a delicate topic to bring up, something I'd leave to Conor, but possible. Nothing pressing right now, but something to think about. If you're worried I'm angry or resentful..." Nathanial flinched slightly, "which you are. Don't be. I'm disappointed, I wanted grandchildren sooner rather than later. Gwen is only eight, she probably won't have children for another twenty years. I don't blame you in my head, my heart will smarten up before long." She slowly reached out, in plain view, and hugged him. She heard a noise from the sink, and noticed the dishes were just about done. "How? You kept working on those while we talked? Don't you need to focus a lot to do that?" She let him go and peered into the sink. Four sponges were working, the clean dishes would go over to the second sink that was full of clean water to rinse and then rack themselves. All of the rest of the kitchen was cleaned, even a broom was making the rounds. "Wow. You should consider becoming a surrogate father, too. I don't know how Mage society works, but there'd be a lot of disappointed women if they could see this." Nathanial blushed, pleased this time. Avery laughed, "Conor probably wanted us to do this so we could talk, as well as punish us. We got a little talking in, but it went quicker than he'd have thought."

"Can I, um, may I ask something? I need some advice."

Avery looked leery, "As long as it isn't... male-male stuff."

Nathanial shook his head, "No. It's... Monday. Lily, my mother, it's her funeral on Monday. I... don't know if I can, or should, go. She tried to kill my brothers. She tried to sell me to the Hunters, twice. She... hurt me, almost daily, for over a decade. I... hate her, but I still loved her. I don't know if I can handle a funeral. People will be saying nice things, but I never saw that, like they never saw who she was at home. They'll want me to say stuff, too, I bet. I... have nothing good to say, and they'd be mad if I said what I feel. But I feel like I'm expected to go, that I'll disappoint people if I don't."

Avery hugged him again, Nathanial still found it disconcerting to be hugged by women. "You are expected to go. That doesn't mean you have to go. News of what's been happening to you is on the international news. The story of the carjacking in a developed country, where one of the children kills two of the assailants with his bare paws and a third is shot by police was picked up across Europe. Then your father spoke to the press, the police withheld his name to protect your identity, and revealed that your mother initiated the attacks, and had tried to kill your brothers and have you kidnapped in your own home. That was probably picked up across all of the continents. People will put two and two together, and won't be surprised if you aren't there. They really won't be surprised if you show up for the service, what ever type it is, and skip the reception. You're also supposed to be at the viewing. Micah is young enough that he could get away with a short appearance, but, again, people wouldn't be surprised if none of you are there. This is really something Conor would be better to talk to about. I just know I wouldn't go if I were in your position. This Mr. Ryhorski Conor wants you to talk to, he's the school psychiatrist or something?" Nathanial nodded, "Then talk to him tomorrow about this, too. Many viewpoints and opinions are invaluable. In my line of work, journalism, and in life in general."

She licked his ear and looked down slightly, into his eyes. Nathanial looked down and to the side, ears back nervously, "Thanks. I hope I can get your approval, at some point, to date your son. It doesn't need to be now, but when you get used to the idea." He felt her stiffen, and looked up into her eyes, his own were wide and concerned.

She looked at him, and he saw her features soften and muscles relax. She laughed softly, "Don't look at me like that!" She hugged him more firmly, "Oh! You're just too cute! It'll take me a while to get used to it, but, yes. You're the only boy I know, other than Faelen, that I'd approve of. Even if you aren't a Spirit." Nathanial wasn't quite sure how to take that, he decided it was a good thing, overall. "I'm going to talk to Conor. I'd like him to come back to Ireland with me, tonight, for the weekend. There are some things he should deal with." She let him go and turned to the kitchen door.

"Mrs. McDougal, Geoff's birthday... he is going back to Ireland next weekend. Conor said he, um, he was going to have something here for Geoff on Saturday or Sunday. If he goes back, can we still do something? It'd just be those of us already here, and Sensei." Avery smiled and nodded. Nathanial perked up, his tail wagging slowly.

Nathanial trotted out of the kitchen and walked down the hall and past the living room. He looked at the shattered railing again, wondering what happened to it, as he went downstairs. He was just passing the front door when the doorbell rang. He opened the door, knowing it was Liam. "Hi, Sensei. We're all downstairs, the adults are upstairs." Liam stepped in, wiping his hindpaws, and closing the door behind him. "We just finished our second attempt at tea."

Liam put his paw on Nathanial's chest, over his heart. "Your Chi is doing well. It is still far more Yang than I am comfortable with, but you do not seem to be harmed. Compared to the imbalance this morning, this is negligible. I am impressed by Conor-san's power and his semen output." Nathanial was a little shocked by Liam's comment, "You are distraught. I am glad you are not angry, but something is bothering you. How did your talk with Mrs. McDougal go?"

Nathanial sighed, "It went well, all things considered. I... broke down, emotionally." He hesitated, ashamed of what happened, "I apologized, and lost myself in my mind. I linked her and Lily, so when she reached for me, I..." He stopped, unable to continue. He felt himself begin to shake again.

Liam led him downstairs. Nicholas was flipping through the channels, Micah was on the computer. Both looked up as they entered the room, expressions becoming concerned when they looked at Nathanial. Liam led Nathanial into Geoff's room, and lay him on the bed. Liam swiftly removed his clothing, Nicholas opening his mouth to protest, but Liam cut him off. "You may fetch Geoff-san, if you are concerned I will do something untoward to your brother. I am going to give him a massage to soothe his nerves. He is overwrought." Nathanial felt his underwear be removed, and he was flipped onto his stomach. "This is much easier on a proper table, a weight bench would do slightly better, but they are less comfortable and the wrong height." He straddled Nathanial and began gently working the muscles of the Akita's back. "Do not talk until I am done, please. Try to put everything out of your mind, and focus only on my paws, if you must focus on something. Think of nothing at all, if possible."

Nathanial had never tried to think of nothing. He had occasionally zoned out, where he thought of nothing, but it wasn't a conscious choice. He felt Liam's small paws begin to work on the muscles of his shoulder blades, they were gentle but surprisingly strong. He felt Geoff walk into the room, and could tell Liam's look was enough to silence his boyfriend. Liam's voice betrayed his exasperation, "Nathanial-san needs to relax. His stress levels are at the breaking point. Nathanial-san, if you do not relax, I will be forced to send Geoff-san away. Otherwise, he may remain."

"Um, Liam-sensei, are you able to work in the dark? I find it really relaxing when Geoff wraps me in his darkness."

"I can, yes. I prefer not to, but this is for you, not me." Nathanial tried to empty his mind. Liam must have given Geoff some sort of signal to Geoff because he felt darkness cloak him. "What a peculiar sensation. Shush, Nathanial-san. Relax." Nathanial had been about to say he really liked the feeling when Liam shushed him. He did relax though. His mind wandered, dancing across many topics, but never resting on a single one. Liam's paws worked their magic on his muscles, and he felt the tension being worked out, to be replaced by the soothing calm of Geoff's darkness.

Liam sat in the unnatural dark, on Nathanial's upper thighs, and gently worked out some of the stress and tension in the Akita's back. He really didn't need to see to massage someone's back, but he was sitting right below Nathanial's naked butt and it was almost a crime to be unable to see it. It took almost fifteen minutes to work some of the tension out. Nathanial had fallen asleep in that time, allowing the muscles to relax even more. He carefully got up, trying his hardest to leave Nathanial undisturbed. He motioned at Geoff, wherever he was, to follow him out of the room. Wherever the door was. He looked around, but the dark made it impossible to judge. The sound of the TV seemed a little louder over in this direction, so he tried to move, but he almost stumbled over a pile of books. He sensed the vibrations in his Chi just before stepping into them. He felt a paw and then an arm wrap around him and lead him out of the room. The basement was just bright enough that he could see Geoff as they left his room. "Your room is quite messy, Geoff-san." It was odd looking at the normally white furred wolf with a pelt of utter darkness. His eyes were also a light-absorbing deep purple. It was rather fascinating phenomena, and it looked very similar to the Shadow Mastiff he had just dissected.

"Yeah, sorry. Nathanial and I aren't all that tidy, it seems, and with the both of us it's worse than normal. He's asleep?"

Liam nodded, "Yes. He was very stressed and the sleep, barring nightmares, will be helpful. I should give him some more massages over the next while. I should probably work on Nicholas and Micah, too. First, I am in dire need of Chi. Would you be able to give me some, and then I will ask Faelen to balance it out."

Geoff blushed, "I, ah, um, I'm dating Nathanial, and..."

Liam cut him off, "I am not asking to have sex with you, however enjoyable this morning was. I was hoping you could give me some the way you had given Nathanial some when he was 'lost'. Then I will ask Faelen to give me some via sex."

Faelen almost dashed from the gym, shorts tenting slightly, "Liam? Ah, I thought I heard you." Nicholas seemed to be attempting to hide a scowl. Liam noted it with interest. "How long are you over?"

"An hour or so. I wish to return home before long. I have a request. I am suffering from very low Chi, and wish to have sex with you to replenish some. For that and because I love being mated by you." Micah giggled by the computer, Nicholas blushed and scowled a bit more. Faelen's shorts had a pronounced bulge in them, now. Liam felt an odd smile cross his muzzle, and a warm feeling grow in his chest. 'I have not felt like this is some time. I do hope I am not falling in love.' He looked into Faelen's eyes, 'Though I have not met a more deserving person in ages. I just do not know him well enough to risk it yet.' He squashed his emotions ruthlessly.

Faelen looked at him in concern, "Are you all right? You seemed happy to see me, then got all angry."

"I am not angry at you, Faelen." He felt warmth colour his voice and killed it, "I merely have much work today. I was going to have Geoff-san give me some of his Spirit energy, via that kiss, or whatever you wish to call it, but if it will please you, I will alter my schedule. I can then show you I am glad to see you." He noticed Geoff smiling a little smugly behind him, Micah's tail was wagging in excitement. "Marks-kun, while I do not care if there is an audience, I believe Faelen does. As does Nathanial-san. He would not approve of what you intend. I will carry out a punishment you would not enjoy should you attempt to spy."

Micah thought for a moment, "What if it isn't spying?"

Liam smiled and shook his head, "Faelen does not desire an audience. Nathanial-san likely does not wish for you to be watching others have sex, spying or not." Faelen walked over, picked up Liam, and walked into his room, pushing the door closed behind him.

"Faelen does not desire an audience. Faelen desires you." The Wolf gently lowered Liam to the floor and began slowly undoing the buttons of Liam's shirt. He licked each bit of new fur as it was exposed, making his way down to Liam's navel. Once there, he stopped moving down, and just licked in and around the indent. He slid the black shirt off of Liam's shoulders, and moved up to nibble on one of the small nipples buried beneath the black fur. Faelen rubbed his paws across the tan patch of fur on Liam's collar bone and shoulders as he teased the dog's sensitive nubs. Liam saw him silently chuckle at the pleased growls his actions elicited. He continued teasing, as his paws slid down Liam's sides and opened his pants. Liam knew his grey briefs were being pushed out by his arousal. His pants dropped to the floor, and he felt Faelen slide his thumbs under the waistband of his underwear. Those paws slid back to his tail, and unfastened the button on the tail-hole of his underwear before one paw wrapped around he base of his wagging tail. Liam's growls became deeper, having his tail grabbed in such a way was a very big turn on for him. He looked down at Faelen, eyes partially closed. Faelen looked up as he switched nipples, a mischievous grin on his face. "Faelen has gotten his puppy riled, doesn't he?"

Faelen lifted the grey fabric away from his prize, letting it drop to the floor. Liam saw him move his muzzle away from his nipple to look at his twitching puppyhood. "I am rather aroused, yes, but at risk of putting a damper on things, I am not anyone's puppy, as such. I am at risk of caring for you, deeply, but we have yet to go on a single date. A situation I would like rectified once things calm down." He winced inside at the hurt on Faelen's face, but he didn't let his sympathetic pain show on his face. He gently cupped Faelen's muzzle in his paw and drew him up for a kiss. "I am sorry if that hurt. I do not wish to cause you any pain, thus I do not want to commit to something premature. Please understand."

"I do, I guess. Please don't tell me who hurt you so deeply to make you this cautious. I may hurt them in return, if they're still around to be hurt."

Liam kissed Faelen again, squashing his thoughts and feelings, merely saying, "I will not." He unfastened and then slid off Faelen's shorts, pausing to admire the sight of the large smoky grey Wolf in his jockstrap, before sliding those off, as well. He chuckled as he hugged Faelen, his head barely reaching Faelen's chin. "I do not wish to rush, but I am on a very tight schedule. I greatly desire to be tied with you, so please excuse my skipping much of the foreplay I would otherwise delight in." He felt a jet of precum squirt onto his stomach. "And I will require a shower after this, it appears." He pushed Faelen onto his bed, again forced to admire the sight. Faelen was sprawled across his bed, his large muscles standing out beneath his fur. His shoulders and chest were very broad, tapering down to his narrower waist and hips. It was very obvious he put a lot of effort into his physique, from diet to exercise and weight lifting. Faelen's tail was swishing back and forth, as his erection twitched with every heartbeat. Liam bent down and took one of Faelen's legs in his paws, gently kneading the calf muscles, and began licking the black leathery pads on the bottom of hindpaws and in between his toes. Faelen's tail paused and muscles tensed, unsure of what to make of this. Liam chuckled and crawled on top of the Wolf. "Not much of a hindpaw person?"

"No, I'm not sure. I've never thought of hindpaws being sexy at all, they're just something to walk on. It felt... different. We can explore more, later, if you're in a rush."

Faelen leaned up and pulled Liam down into a kiss. Liam felt his eyes narrow in pleasure, 'Gods, he is a great kisser.' He reached back, careful not to stop the kisses, and lined Faelen up to his hole. He felt another jet of precum, this one splashing over his ass. He rubbed Faelen's tip across its target, spreading some of the lube around before pushing down onto it. He'd been taken by Faelen several times, and every single time he was surprised again at how thick the Wolf felt as he slid in. He moved up so just the very tip was inside and rubbed along Faelen's shaft, working out some more precum to coat his insides. Lubed to his satisfaction, Liam slid down to rest on Faelen's knot. He felt a sharp twinge of pain, but kept it from showing on his face. Faelen, as always, had stopped kissing him to watch for any hint of pain. Liam found his concern very endearing. He wrapped his paws around Faelen's neck and drew him up into a sitting position, "You feel as wonderful as the first time." He rubbed the back of his paw along Faelen's muzzle and cheek, "I could stay like this for ages." He scritched around Faelen's neck and up to his ears, the Wolf leaning into Liam's claws and growling. Liam flexed around Faelen's shaft, letting him know he was ready. Faelen put a paw on his back and another under his rump before lifting him up and flipping around so Liam was laying on his back. Faelen kept his pace slow to start, pulling almost all the way out before sliding back in. He resumed kissing the black and tan muzzle beneath him. Liam moaned softly, enjoying the feelings Faelen caused in him, brown eyes narrowed as he gazed into the icy blue ones. He could almost swear he felt the warmth and kindness behind those eyes, a feeling he pushed away as soon as he noticed it. Faelen's brows pulled together, but he said nothing. Faelen rolled him farther back, so his rump was well up into the air and all of his weight was on his shoulder blades and neck. Faelen was balanced on his hindpaws and paws, bent at his waist, as he thrust forcefully into Liam. He kept kissing, but with a lot more passion, and Liam could feel Faelen's swollen knot pushing partway into him on each thrust. He rhythmically contracted his abdominal muscles, while he waited to feel Faelen get close to cumming. Once there, he relaxed his muscles and pushed his body upwards as Faelen thrust down, the large knot popping inside him. Faelen howled as he came, Liam curled up to take his own dick into his mouth, including his knot, and clamped his teeth onto his tongue behind the knot. His orgasm caused almost violent shudders to wrack his body, his muscles nearly crushing Faelen's knot against his prostate.

They stayed like that for a few minutes before Faelen relaxed and flipped over, gently pulling Liam on top of him. Liam let his softening penis fall out of his mouth, but his knot was still too large to retract into his sheath. Faelen grinned at him as he panted, "I have no idea how you can do that. I don't know if I'd do anything else if I could suck myself off the way you can." He kissed Liam again, his eyes betraying himself as he gently ran his paws along Liam's face.

Liam returned the kiss, but closed his eyes so he wouldn't start to fall into Faelen's. It was almost unfair how revealing they were. How loving they were. He opened his eyes when Faelen stopped kissing him, "I have been stretching and improving my flexibility since I was three. It would be surprising if I were not this flexible. As far as your other near question, I am to busy to spend too much time on self-pleasure. It is also not nearly as pleasurable as when someone else is involved. Like this." He nuzzled Faelen's neck, before resting his head beneath Faelen's chin for a few minutes. He sat up and turned around, then pulled them onto their sides, "Just hold me for a while, please."

"Of course. I like nothing better."

Liam winced inside, 'This is really unfair.'

"When you're ready to talk, I'll listen. I'm quite sure I know who you are. I will wait for you, for as long as you need."

Liam froze. A tear ran down his cheek.

They remained silent for twenty minutes, just laying together. Liam had forced himself to relax after Faelen's last words, and concentrated on just enjoying the tie and being held. No emotion, no thoughts. They carefully separated, keeping as much of Faelen's energy rich semen in Liam as possible. Liam leaned over and kissed the Wolf. "Thank you. I love spending time with you like this." He walked to the door and opened it slightly, listening.

"I meant what I said. I'm here whenever you want to tell me."

"I know. Thank you. Would you like to go have supper with me, tomorrow? Geoff-san may be grounded, but you are not. I would like to take you on a date." He heard Faelen's tail thwap on the bed, "I will take that as a yes. Talk to your father, and I will give you the details at school. It appears Mrs. McDougal is not downstairs. Good." He stepped into the rec-room, and slipped over to the bathroom. He was cleaner than he thought he would be. He took a washcloth and sponged off the tacky bit of precum on his belly. He dried it and went back to Faelen's room to dress. Faelen was pulling on his jockstrap, Liam snuck up behind him and grabbed the firm cheeks. He quickly knelt and gave a firm swipe of his tongue across the pink pucker before the Wolf could react. Faelen jumped and gave a loud yelp.

Geoff and Micah ran over and poked their heads in the door. Geoff laughed, guessing what happened, "The Rottie surprised the big bad Wolf? What did he do to you, Faelen?"

Liam cocked an eyebrow, "I merely knelt and gave him a kiss as he got dressed. I am unsure why he would react in such a way."

"You- you!" Faelen was sputtering in embarrassment and a little shock, "You went to get cleaned up, then snuck back here and licked my ass! I thought you were still in the bathroom!"

Liam kept his face impassive, "You normally quite enjoy it when I lick you like that." He noticed the glee on Micah's face.

"Yeah! When I know you're there!"

Liam stood and kissed Faelen, before giving him a soft smile. He pulled on his underwear and pants before turning to Geoff, "Faelen was kind enough to give me some of his energy. Now, if you would kiss me, Geoff-san, or whatever it is you do."

Geoff sighed, "Right. I did this in desperation the last two times, so I'm not sure if it'll work."

"I am aware. Just try not to give me as much as you gave Nathanial-san. I am in great need of Chi, or I would not ask."

"We owe you, all of us do, I don't mind helping you in return." Geoff manifested and seemed to steel himself as he leaned in. Liam felt energy flow into him: dark, cold, and angry. It clawed its way into his body, and attacked everything it came across. His sent his Chi after it quickly, working desperately to assimilate this invader before it began shutting down his organs. He collapsed to the floor gasping and shaking, unable to control his body while he waged his internal war. He dimly sensed Faelen and Geoff holding him down, so he wouldn't hurt himself or others. It was almost a minute before he stopped. Geoff was crying, as he leaned over Liam's now still form, "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. What happened? That was less than a quarter of what I gave Nathanial!"

Liam gasped in pain, "Gods! He should be dead! And not from Chi imbalance." He stopped and tried to collect himself. He heard Micah leading the adults downstairs. He noticed Nathanial standing behind Geoff, just outside the door to Faelen's bedroom, "I apologize for waking you Nathanial-san. Geoff-san's energy, you find it soothing? It is gentle and cool? I do not believe he has control of it in such a way, otherwise I would have to believe he wishes me dead. It was cold, very cold, and angry. It attacked all of my organs it came across, attempting to destroy me from the inside out. It sought my life. I will be unable to receive energy from you in such a way, again, Geoff-san, unless it is slow, with small amounts at a time. Your semen did not react the same way. However, I do believe I know the source of Nathanial-san's peculiar anger. Nathanial-san, you may wish to dress, Mrs. McDougal is about to walk into the rec-room." Geoff wrapped Nathanial's body in darkness, making it look like black clothing. The three adults ran over, Micah hanging back slightly. "I am almost well, thank you for your concern. You may release me, Geoff-san and Faelen, I am no longer in danger of thrashing about."

Conor calmed down, slightly, "What happened?" Liam filled him in, Conor tapped his muzzle in thought, "So Geoff's energy, his raw Dark Spirit energy seemed 'angry' to you? Might it be behind Nathanial's sudden anger issues?"

"That is my thought. Geoff-san first infused Nathanial-san on Wednesday, the same day he fought those Hunters in his home. That is also the first time I have heard of this anger fully rearing up. I do not think that is a coincidence."

Geoff looked dumbstruck, "I'm the one doing this to him?" He looked at Nathanial, "I-I'm sorry. I can't do this to you. I can't be with you any more." He turned and ran for the stairs before anyone could react.